by Foffa Gremlin
I was mistaken the other day when I left a Comment at GumshoeNews, saying that the photo of a “memorial wall” for vaccine fatalities represented the deaths from Ingolstadt, Germany. (That is a city in Bavaria, where Audi cars are made.) Rather, it is a traveling show which lists the deceased victims from anywhere in Germany and also photocopies of reports about the bad features of vaccination.
The maestro is Peter Ganz. He is a 65-year-old from near Augsburg, who has had his own experiences with conventional medicine and now wants to achieve nothing less than a “worldwide ban on all vaccines”. He calls his exhibit a “gallery of horror.”
Michael Schmatloch, a journo with www.ingolstadt-today.de, writes that “horror gallery” sounds like a collection of horror videos from Amazon. And indeed they exist. But this is a different style of Horror Gallery. And today (actually, it was in December 2021), the “Show” stops at the Ingolstadt Theater forecourt. It’s not about zombies and chainsaw massacres, but about corona vaccinations.
Peter Ganz’s items were hung on a clothesline. He collected, viewed, and analyzed 3,560 reports of which 720 were chosen. He laminated them to form a traveling exhibition. He waits to be invited by local activists. So far his exhibition has been shown in Landshut, Vienna, Munich and Potsdam (Berlin). Ingolstadt was his tenth station, to be followed by Hamburg.
In the end, the end, Michael Schmatloch notes, Peter Ganz wants to equip 1200 meters of cloth line with his gallery of horror.
“People should come and just read,” says Ganz, who enthusiastically talks about the dangers of vaccination, about people who were perfectly healthy and have suffered permanent damage after the vaccination. He plays Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and other gentle songs in the background he says, to provide a peaceful setting for his show.
“Vaccination has never been a cure for mankind,” he is convinced. Everyone who can, should come to my exhibitions and take in the message to be healed, healed from wanting to be vaccinated.
There was also a report, in German, that one day Peter Ganz got raided by police and all his materials and equipment were confiscated. Reason given: He had hung a picture* of a concentration camp on the cloth line. This was interpreted as a denial of the Holocaust, a crime in Germany that can land you in jail.
Peter Ganz had written in red text on the picture above of the concentration camp Auschwitz- Birkenau : “ “Ich werde den Eindruck nicht los, als ob es sich um ein gezieltes, und beabsichtigtes MASSENTÖTEN handelt”. (“I can’t get rid of the impression that the vaccinations are targeted and intended mass killings.”)
Are you fluent in German? Then this 1⁄2 hour is for you. (Weggespritzt!) Here hePeter Ganz
speaks with Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s right hand person, German attorney Viviane Fisher. Berlin, 09 JUN 2022.
I will sign a ban on all vaccines. What an insult to God who gave all mammals and humans a perfect immune system.
The laws requiring vax for cats and dogs is another racket. Lucre is the key, I believe.
By the way, Foffa, this article could have been included with the Dane Wigington piece yesterday on Strong Males. Walking around Germany with an anti-vax message has got to take some spleen.
Yes Mary, he definitely would count to “Strong Males”.
This 4 min video gives the viewer a more detailed view of the Clothesline Exhibition “Gallery of Horrors” by Peter Ganz.
(Here the Show is in Landsberg, also in Bavaria, Germany)
from google:
Which country in Europe has the most pharmaceutical companies?
Switzerland. Despite boasting a population just one tenth the size of neighbour Germany, Switzerland is by far Europe’s biggest pharma producer, with production values of upwards of EUR 54.3 billion in 2019.
Victims of unknown causes – but we can guess some of them
Big Pharma start their brainwashing campaign early.
About half ways through my education, a nice looking bus picked up us students in front of our uni clinic, took us to Sandoz in Basel, Switzerland. Here we got shown around as if we were important, got a nice lunch and at the end of the visit, we got a reflex hammer and a stethoscope each, to take home. Similar visits to other companies followed later on.
So basic but so formative
(Fair Dinkum gonna like this poem.)
Bloody oath!
.Thank you Mary.
Privileged to have seen Leonard on his last Australian tour in 2013.
Infertility:A Diabolical Agenda-Documentary-Andy Wakefield and Robert F Kennedy.
Peter Ganz, Thank you for the good spirit you are spreading in your part of the world, Germany. May all people be welcomed & economically included to join together in Mutual-Aid, caring & sharing together in the strength of our ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) ancestors before us. Its time all humanity wake-up in Mutual-aid before they eliminate all of us. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/2-mutual-aid
Exactly. We need to form a Kroptkin Society.
If people are really concerned about big pharma listen to the x22report.com episode 2810B on big pharma’s interests in aborting humans from about ten minutes and much more following.
Drip drip, bit by bit the normies have to be awakened, otherwise they can not cope with reality and have to be re-conditioned from the killer msm and political lies
Calling for a “ban” on any substance that’s a matter of contention just endorses the very totalitarianism that’s engendered widespread dependence thereon in the first place. No one has the right to dictate what medications anyone else can or can’t use.
In my view around 80% of the items in this promotional catalogue aren’t fit for human consumption or personal/household use:
There’s plenty of readily available information to support that position but the fact is that most people simply don’t want to know
Drastic birthrate reductions in Taiwan. A news item which would cause Peter Ganz’s clothesline to break.
Global Aviation:Fit to Fly?
Sandra, unfortunately nobody told pilots that while they may be able to fly now, what about in 12 months, 2 years or later when these same pilots fail their medical examinations and lose their careers.
The “vaccine passport” injected is a tool to restrict mobility of those who refuse submission to the cashless trade system. The psychopaths, pushing this agenda, are the children of those who financed the Bolshevik Revolution. Now without bloodshed, they market our sheepdom to its own slaughter, while they blame deaths on the next variant. Most people are still in the dark about this secret war.
This is not the same place it was two decades ago, built by working people producing useful products and selling at a fair price. In the beast system today, most have absolutely no benefit from surveillance and control 24/7, with ‘social credit score’.
Wow, Ant, a lot of insights there:
The stubborn cash-free people (Mal comes to mind) were holding progress back.
The new way is bloodless
Blame the deaths on holymicron
Working people done gone.
This is the biggie: NO ONE IS BENEFITTING .
Numec – How Israel Stole The Bomb – Ryan Dawson
The fake news is saying Russia is blowing up random strip malls, these false flag attacks are ridiculous but no matter how clumsy or inexplicable, the fake news goes with the story.
Azov nazi battalion has nothing better to do now than settle old scores, with shop owners it appears.
Iran and Argentina apply to join BRICS
“During the session on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the five-member group was working on setting up a new global reserve currency “based on a basket of currencies of our countries.”
Can we come too??? I think I’m on the wrong side of the fence I’d rather sit on! This is getting really scary.
Dr Carrie Madej …Nearly dies in Plane Crash
Blessings to them both and a speedy recovery.
I’ll bet a few of us can work out why the engine stalled & then by co-incidence the communication equipment failed. Sounds like another Bush-Bush Kennedy Jnr episode.
Shocking. Could their plane have been sabotaged? Dr Madej has caused the Elite lots of head aches.
Below is from my send out, (D3) “The Law and the Virus” Number 16 (12OCT2021)
I have listened to several of Dr Carrie Madej’s (US) talks and not feeling quite convinced of her findings. In her latest interview with Stew Peters (USA) she says she has detected a type of microscopic Hydra with “legs” in “Covid Vaxxines”.
Today, 12OCT2021, a video surfaced ( English subtitles) with the Polish Dr F. Zalewski 20 mins.
He describes a seemingly very similar discovery and calls it “The Thing”.
He also proposes that approx. 1 in 3 “vaxxine” vials contain saline solution only (I assume 0,9% Na Cl)? Months ago, I read that about 30% of delivered “Vaxxine” vials do contain saline solution only – without any clarifying info on packs or vials.
If we in fact are dealing with parasitic organisms in the “Covid vaxxines”, would one dare point to Ivermectin, Anti Parasitic and HCQ, Anti Malaria, have been proven effective treatments against “Covid”. Insider reports saying that in US, hospital treatment of so-called ‘breakthrough’ cases, where fully “vaxxed” persons become hospitalized and subsequently were given the otherwise prohibited drug Ivermectin as an efficient therapy.
You only have to look at the amount of labs and employees everywhere doing “stuff” and getting paid, to know there is a lot of stuff happening. As a refresher, here’s Bill Gates aiming to inject everyone and snip their genes (2 min)
These people are mad
How do we wean doctors (and the nation) off of drugs?
Your story is exactly what I’ve been thinking about doctors, many of these are useless parasites with nothing to say about diet and nutrition let alone risks associated with most of their products, notably injections. Each sucks 100’s of dollars per hour out of the Australian government and it ends up at places like the Maserati dealer.
How to get drug addicts off drugs while they are having every kind of junk pushed at them all day every day ?
Well, now the drug-dealers are pushing their junk on the under-5 demographic via celebrity sock puppets, as they already do with the over 5’s. It’s sickening
Annie Farmer was there to give victim impact statement.
(I don’t expect to believed or agreed with, but I feel very sad for Ghislaine. What chance did she have as a child with such a father? As for her work for Jeffrey, it is an addiction and should have been considered as such.)
When people have kids, they like to think the kids are “their” kids, but actually they are creating new citizens of whatever society they are a part of. Kids will turn out with totally different values depending on the environments they are in.
“Born in France, Maxwell was raised in Oxford. In the 1980s she attended Balliol College, Oxford”, I suggest she experienced nothing but privilege, so I think you would be better off feeling sad for the human condition.
It stands to reason that a justice system that gives paedophile fathers full custody of young children would also succour mature-aged women who were, as teenagers, simply lured by $$$$ into doing what they later regretted
But why pity someone who’s been transported from insulated decadence into an environment of optimum salvation potential ?
Addiction is a choice
And feeling sorry for anyone is the ultimate insult
As the vaccine agenda couldn’t have got a toehold bar the state of mass consciousness perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at whose driving educational rhetoric and why:
China and Russia also have a private reserve national bank. With AI, money has gone from being a tool of exchange to a control grid of enslavement.
CBDC system gives banksters the power over life itself, by switching money off for whatever reason they see fit. How then do you get food and pay bills?
We stand to lose everything with vaccine passports.
Slaves will be required to get their shots, or else…is why they are pushing the vaccine mandates.
We the 99.9% must fight against the beast by any means and the best way is not participating.
These banksters are driven by demons, creating a dystopia for their father lucifer. This technocracy is monopolist capitalism merging with state control communism, run by criminals and mass murderers.
Some slaves are rewarded more than others, but most are one or two payments away from nothingness. This agenda has nothing to do with health but everything to do with vaccine passports and the cashless social credit system of global slavery. This is genocide because we have put our trust in psychopaths, who are mocking our ignorance.
The end game, is to inject people with an operating system, so they are permanently hooked up to CBDC from birth. Covid was the cover for 5G, now the CCP are rolling out 6G.
I found this at KathyDopp.info
It shows differt uptake of the vax in east and weat Germny. and a lot more and 78 comments.
Very interesting! The German political party AfD (Alternative for Germany) has around 8 to 10 mil followers and a sizeable number of seats (70-80) in the German parliament. From memory the AfD voters are mostly situated in the areas of low Vaxx uptake. Critical thinkers?
Fake: Shopping Center “Amstor” Was a Target of the Armed Forces of Russia
The Russian Federation Ministry of Defense 28.06.2022 10:52
What fake is about:
Russian military shelled the shopping center “Amstor” in Kremenchug. It was announced by the Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky.
What is really going on:
The shopping center is located in the vicinity of the Kremenchug Road-Building Machinery Plant and the railway station of Kremenchug. At one of the videos it seems to people that the missile hit right the plant (the words “Dormash, Dormash” [road-building machinery]). Besides according to the sources being in the picture of the special operation, the shopping center “Amstor” was used as a storage site for military equipment as well as the shopping center Retroville in Kiev.
The station of Kremenchug is one of the most important railway hubs of Ukraine connecting central and western parts of the country. Besides, a locomotive depot is located (TCh-6) in Kremenchug and Kremenchug power supply division (ECh-8). The station is actively used to supply fuel from Kremenchug Refinery for the AFU purposes.
At the distance of 90 meters from the shopping center there is Kremenchug Road-Building Machinery Plant. Since 2014, the equipment for the AFU purposes has been being repaired there. A railway spur from Kremenchug station comes to the plant.
Vladimir Zelensky declared that about one thousand civilians were in the shopping center, but the parking in front of the shopping center is almost empty, there are few cars there. Moreover, among people walking on the parking, there are many soldiers in “pixel” uniform (standard T-shirts of the AFU, camouflage bags), some of them are armed with automatic weapons. At the same time, at the video published by Zelensky as well as at the videos in social networks, there are almost no women.
In general, it does not seem that the shopping center has been open. In Instagram (the social network recognized to be extremist in Russia), there are no photos of visitors since March for a geotag Shopping Center “Amstor”. Feedback at the websites and Google maps have not been left since March as well. Apparently, the equipment repaired at the Road-Building Machinery Plant was stored in the Shopping Center.
Despite of the unconfirmed nature of Zelensky’s declaration about one thousand visitors in the Shopping Center and the official information on two dead persons, the international mass media have quickly caught up the information right in the context of “Russian missile which hit the Shopping Center with 1000 visitors”.
In the coming days, the NATO Summit will take place in the course of which Vladimir Zelensky intends to demand military assistance. Now the Ukrainian authorities prepare the ground for turning “Amstor” into a new Bucha.
Satanist says Social “Reset” is Enslavement
“The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?…” — Protocol 11 of the infamous “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”
Seems to me the problem is “the authorities” not “the jews”
Australian Buro of Statistics
“In 2022, there were 44,331 deaths that occurred by 31 March and were registered by 31 May. This is 6,609 deaths (17.5%) more than the baseline average.”
“speaks with Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s right hand person, German attorney Viviane Fisher. Berlin, 09 JUN 2022.”
Does he now? (or is that “does they?”)
Impressively unpleasant how even on this website, which is far from Homoglobalism’s agenda of manipulable profti-center androgynes, Foffa Gremlin (presumably unconsciously) falls in with the PC Newspeak of neutering men and women, i.e. person instead of woman.
Fischer is a woman, after all,or should I say, a cervix-owning chest feeder?
The fembrigade was at one point recommending that male persons be renamed “peman” to balance “woman”, but anyway the disease you mention has gone much further in Denmark where you are supposed to call a heart a “blood-pumper”.
‘Germ Theory’ isn’t spreading like it used to
A page with information about the lies we are being told including the topic of so called “isolation” of SARS-CoV-2 – and its very existence – or otherwise.
“There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false” — John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, ‘Why Most Published Research Findings Are False’, 2005 ( source )
Funny how.
They say false research findings may be caused by financial interests
But in the solutions section they don’t have one, for this.
Instead they get into large amounts of dismal probability calculations.
Shitloads of medical heretic videos first ones fronted up by Dr Sam Bailey.
She says the gut has a kilo of foreign organisms.
All sorts of technical specificities but will this ever translate in practice into nutrition.
Soil nutrition goes beyond 2 fruit & 5 veg per day, many soils are de-natured, minerals depleted etc.
Panic merchandise from Ukraina “special operation” included mass starvation from lack of fertiliser. However:
“Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion. The liver forms it by combining two ammonia molecules (NH3) with a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule in the urea cycle. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a source of nitrogen (N) and is an important raw material for the chemical industry.
Friedrich Wöhler discovered that urea can be produced from inorganic starting materials, which was an important conceptual milestone in chemistry in 1828. It showed for the first time that a substance previously known only as a byproduct of life could be synthesized in the laboratory without biological starting materials, thereby contradicting the widely held doctrine of vitalism, which stated that only living things could produce the chemicals of life.”
“For use in industry, urea is produced from synthetic ammonia and carbon dioxide. As large quantities of carbon dioxide are produced during the ammonia manufacturing process as a byproduct from hydrocarbons (predominantly natural gas, less often petroleum derivatives), or occasionally from coal (water shift reaction), urea production plants are almost always located adjacent to the site where the ammonia is manufactured. Although natural gas is both the most economical and the most widely available ammonia plant feedstock, plants using it do not produce quite as much carbon dioxide from the process as is needed to convert their entire ammonia output into urea. In recent years new technologies such as the KM-CDR process[47][48] have been developed to recover supplementary carbon dioxide from the combustion exhaust gases produced in the fired reforming furnace of the ammonia synthesis gas plant, allowing operators of stand-alone nitrogen fertilizer complexes to avoid the need to handle and market ammonia as a separate product and also to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.”
The sewage is being taken out of the cycle and dumped into the sea, so the only viable answer now is to eat much more seaweed.
Joe Bogan, WOW! Right on the mark about “Getting our Shit (& Urine) together” in 3-dimensional Full Cycle production & thinking. If anyone thinks through the solutions your article offers, they will see how they solve practically for free, the major portion of most of the major food, energy & materials challenges which humans face. Its just a matter of joining together many of the isolated industrial & domestic streams from today’s oligarch-mandate Linear-thinking.
Here’s 3 films I did with Radio-Canada on bio-digestion-methanization of fecal & urine with some best practices of the time presented. Urine increases production of gardens by ~50% while fecal after harvesting methane by over 100%. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/5-bio-digestion-toilet
While our oligarch $ captured governments are unlikely to do something so effective those of us at the bottom of the pyramid can easily achieve self-sufficiency in energy & food goals by working together. The isolated detached nuclear sprawl suburban highway home, which is the basis of population ‘divide-&-conquer’, is pretty much useless for bringing together minds & resources.
The ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex where 70% of people live has the intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale needed to build & maintain these Circular Economies. We regenerate by 1) Cataloguing our human & physical resources, 2) Mapping for connectedness, 3) Accounting for interactions & 4) Communications for joining all the pieces. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are