Editor’s note: Ivan Hecko, from Slovakia, has written for Gumshoe before and offers this piece from a Slovak point of view.
by Ivan Hecko
Bio-weapons labs: The US does have such labs also within their own land, although I do not remember this being ever a real topic. But the fact that they do have some popped up during the development of the COVID virus. At the time when it was “getting the finishing touches“ in Wu Han, at the cost of 600 000 USD charged to the US government, something got out of a US military lab, probably some kind of cousin to the COVID, or an early attempt result. It did not have the required properties yet, so the spread was stopped quite quickly.
One lab of the required BSL-5 category the US (Army) had in Canada, in Winnipeg, also used a lab in North Carolina – but that one is just BSL-4 – and these both were experimenting at the time. The North Carolina lab was also suspected of being connected with the development of COVID. Coronavirus is patented in the US by Pirbright Institute, Great Britain.
The general definition is “Biological warfare is the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as bacteria, virus, rickettsia, and fungi, or their toxins, to kill or incapacitate humans, animals, or plants as an act of war“. But, since I have a feeling that most people have not – of late – properly looked at the other aspects of biowarfare, I present the info from Wikipedia:
Offensive biological warfare is prohibited under customary international humanitarian law and several international treaties. In particular, the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) bans the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological weapons.[3] Therefore, the use of biological agents in armed conflict is a war crime.[4] In contrast, defensive biological research for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes is not prohibited by the BWC.
So, the matter of Ukraine is clear. The United States, as usual ignoring any generally recognized international standards, (mis-)used the country of Ukraine to develop and store the bio-weapons there (Georgia also suspected, not proved as yet).
And, considering the overall security context, let us return to the year 1990 when the powers decided that Germany can unite, and, within the same agreement – NATO cannot expand (“not a centimeter“) further east. The resulting situation was that NATO linked up the countries of Western/Southern Europe, and this group was separated from Russia by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which in the year 1991 dropped the Warsaw Pact. Thus Europe moved into a state of affairs, satisfying the security aspect, when the NATO countries on one side, and Russia on the other, were separated. From the security point of view, this layout was satisfactory.
But, as it turned out, later on, this was not satisfactory to all. Politicians suffering from aggressive complexes (paid by weapons producers), mainly from USA, Britain, and some others, for whom a great part of the economy was weapons production, including exports, were not ready to give it up “for some state of peace“.
Peace in Europe was for years compensated by wars all over the rest of the world, with 100% of them being of conquest type, aiming at access to raw materials, which were acquired from the defeated countries “cheap“. Since the end of World War II, there were 40 such US wars, with many millions of casualties. All over a large part of Asia, the countries were left contaminated by “war waste“, but also poisons. In some countries there are still occupation armies, mineral wealth being stolen from them, and International Institutions turning a blind eye. And this group has decided that reducing the tensions is damaging “the business“ everywhere, including Europe.
So, NATO was extended as far as the western border of Ukraine, and Ukraine itself was used as a kind of “breeding ground“, whose function was increasing the tension, to promote the weapons business. The whole of the West collaborated willingly, and – just an example – the Head of Ukraine Parliament in 2018, an open fascist, was invited “with esteem“ to many countries dancing to the US tune.
I wrote at the time “In this context, it is really noteworthy that there exists an extreme right political party at the Ukraine, whose leader Andrij Parubij is at the moment the Head of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), and who on September 4th 2018 announced that Adolf Hitler “is a bearer of the torch of democracy“. And of course – as could be expected – the USA gradually established at the Ukraine 12 biological weapons labs, with activities clearly in breach of the BWC.
Not a single one of our “new partner countries“ – that is NATO – has in any way commented on this, I have no info of the UN having denounced this clear breach of international regulations.
Fortunately, Russians were not caught napping, probably had good spies in Ukraine. And, at the same period of time, in the weapons sphere, following up from some new research and inventions, created entirely new generations of weapons, like e.g. hypersonic missiles, and submarines which NATO machinery cannot locate, and these represent just some already disclosed bits (NATO calls the submarines of this type „black hole“). Thus they have overtaken the “partners in the NATO“ by at least a generation. That gives them a position to react to the present warnings from NATO by ignoring them. And, this also – from the general security point of view – allows the US/British warmongers to just show a rather aging imitation of muscles (in fact something like mine, but I only show them having a swim).
I marvel at this resurrection of Hitler, he was a stupid puppet like most of the others, except he was right off the scale of stupid. Look for the real guiding hand in Hitler’s Germany and you find this appointee of von Hindenberg, the guy who got the money, no doubt with many very direct connections to Switzerland. This guy is German royalty and presumably funded the show from Switzerland, starting Weimar era to 1945, as if it was all done to a program !!! Think about it.
And look at his grand-daughter, less bashful about her royal pedigrees, probably because she is not pretending to be part of a “workers party”. No, she wants to run Germany, a fully royal German blueblood inheritance person.
You can’t get anything past these bloodlines.
You can trace all this back to Bismark’s Federation of German Kingdoms (about 1870), no doubt also orchestrated from Switzerland, the plan continued through to “The Great War” where Swissy tried to get into the British Empire oil fields, undermining the Anglo-French Suez canal, only came unstuck with Serbia. You have to stand back to get the big picture and you have to divorce yourself from any idea that there are any “goodies” here, there are only “baddies” and their vested interests.
The stupid public hurl themselves against each other for their criminal rulers, who end every war totally unscathed and presumably enriched.
W3… All I see is a throughly confused woman, who is also a little delusonal about inherited superiority.
She is remarkably inconsistent in her geopolitical views, which expose her as a boring dullard. Nothing to see here.
The Globalists have anointed Ursula von der Leyen so probably von Krosigk is suffering from relevance deprivation, it doesn’t matter, there are plenty of bloodlines to choose from and the “talent” will get the job, while other places with no bloodlines, such as the ALP, will be infiltrated with puppets.
But in the end all they have to do is plausibly win their seat, and then reliably vote AS THEY ARE DIRECTED. There is no leadership amongst the visible established parties’ front people, Even Dictator Kim (NK) was shown the other day using the “hidden hand”.
Would not be surprised to see Elbow and Bill Shorten doing it next.
How Hitler defied the bankers
Article from: http ://www. wakeupfromyourslumber. com/node/6720
Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There
is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help
finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe
below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the
bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany. …………………..
How the puppet defied the puppeteer, a story for kids.
ps. I can’t remember my new ID Joe Bogan so I’m bored with it now
w3, I reckon that you would be too afraid to read this –
How Hitler defied the bankers
There are two sides to every story at least, and then there are the dark undercurrents coming from the hidden hand of Globalists. I read your story until they claimed gold backing of currency was essential, it wasn’t and isn’t, all fiat currency is counterfeit money, it was since Rome. Hitler was a puppet, there were people around him interested in rebuilding Germany ( = making their fortune ), people like Krupp, Quandt, Porsche, etc. Hitler did not have a brain of his own, Germany had it’s own Hollywood before Hollywood. You have to go back to the federation of German Kingdoms. Before that even, you have to consider Charlemagne and the “Holy Roman Empire”. As for the post-Weimar money, I have already referred you to von Krosigk.
Your problem is, you want someone else to put the puzzle together for you, to make the picture you want. That’s not how you do puzzles.
So how is it possible for you to put the big picture together?
w3 February 15, 2022 at 10:12 pm
Ge ahead and believe anything you want to, my starting point is not believing anything
There is no contradiction, and the “fear” you project on me just above is also non-existent, however, in places where I call out your material as hoax or misinformation, you supply no response and don’t recant.
I allow everyone their theories about Khazar “Jews” getting the job of Vatika/Venezia/Helvetica front desk and all I do is ask you to look deeper. How will you get to any big picture if you stop looking.
Your problem is you are swept away by “faith” and “belief”, this sends you down the wrong track habitually.
Good article XX – It points out (in part) that Quote “Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany.”
“When a government issues (their own – NOT foreign privately owned Reserve Bank) currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes. ”
AND w3 – we are all learning, are all on different levels with different abilities – faith is a wonderful thing as is humility as is continuing knowledge and the exposing of the evil we face.
‘Black hole’ submarines? Now there is a concept to freeze Biden’s blood, added to the nuclear mines now, ostensibly, sprinkled along America’s East Coast.
I have to say I am enjoying this. Can sombody please fire an inopportune shot, an accidental fusilade, or precipitate the assasination of any happily exposed archdukes? Let’s get this party going while the entire southern hemisphere is either opposed to Biden, or supporting Putin, Australia excepted.
I would give it hours before all US aircraft carriers within 6000 Ks of the Med have been sunk and the US installations in Australia become functionless, which would set the climate for US expulsion.
With the first US missile launch in Australia, at the Glkula lauch site, scheduled for June, any Russian/US tardiness will cost us dear. So make your move, Biden.
The MainStream news garbage hosts this morning were clamouring for Australia to join the war and urging NATO to go on the attack. I have a good idea. MSM journalists can go and fight Putin first. We put them in a little tank in Poland and tell them drive it to Moscow.
I suggest every politician in Canberra who supports the Yanks in their forever wars, put their money where their mouths are and reserve a seat in said tanks. Let’s see how brave and tough they are, when their arse is on the line, that includes the women, especially Marise Payne.
THE TRUTH Behind Secret US BIOLABS in Ukraine | Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
It appears that Ukrainian biolabs are being transferred to Melbourne. I would be very nervous if I was living anywhere near them.
They are already in Australia.
Where precisely?
51 children hospitalized after mass poisoning in school in Ukraine
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva – May 10, 2018
Authorities in Ukraine are investigating an outbreak of sickness believed to be a poisoning that sent 51 students and two teachers to the hospital…
More info – Home https://dilyana.bg
“This is evil at the highest level”
“I think they want people to die”
❗️This could be the turning point we’ve all been waiting for. State health officials, filmed with hidden cameras, talk about the dangers of COVID vaccines and the cover-up.
It is tragic to see Ukrainans shafted from both sides, innocents always suffering. After 8 years of war, population drop 10 million, Khazar empire unopposed and hellbent on one belt global komunizm.
Hoping hunch is way off mark, and Putin has unshackled his masonic chabad leash. We pray for better days.
What I’ve noticed in place of birth, the powers entrenched are still the children of communists.
Nothing has changed, we’ve just become more tired and older. My father worked with wood and composites, their fathers were lawyers, judges and killers in control. Unless slavemasonry is abolished, living will only become worse. Only way ahead is to switch off their propaganda 📺 and ignore satanic dictates with beastly mark injections, bio weapons labs in Australia manufacturing. Their only product left, ‘made in Australia’.
Very low key presentation from Warne Jr suitably annoyed I should think, can any sports fans supply final confirmation this is he ?
Blood samples, with diplomatic protection, have been transferred from Ukrainan bio weapon labs to Doherty institute WHO enforced complete lockdown here. Without jabs, participation not negotiable.
Last night at midnight planes were still landing, every few minutes. This morning still same, sounds like their ‘reset’ is a replacement.
Anyway, refereeing to the war that’s been going since 2014, are they going to keep fighting till there’s no more Ukrainans? The solution is for captain America to leave, let Ukrainans and Russians negotiate the split. NATO and US missiles withdrawal from Russia’s border, ending the war. Simple and sensible for most, except for war pigs in control, so on it goes with all children’s lives never considered.
Recent NZ NEWS, Ardern’s stunning reversal (Quax-mandates, QR codes) is unquestionably brilliant news for the people of New Zealand.
Let’s just hope Australia’s leaders are all paying attention…
“I think they are, Oz Elections are just around the corner, but the following will not sit well with leaders on either side of the Ditch:
Official Data in the UK, Canada & NZ, suggests the majority of the Triple Vaccinated are developing a new form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, V-AIDS”.
I suggest that Aussie data be similar to those of NZ.
(Un-jabbed, take care or you will be given the blame for Triple Quaxxed getting sick!)
My link to Fuellmich/Callender of 27.3 2022 9.11 PM, had sound problems.
This BNT link of today seems a little better.
Todd Callender at 37:25 “They (the Quaxxed) all get AIDS!”