Home Satire Assassination Solved – The Nine-Letter Word

Assassination Solved – The Nine-Letter Word


The nine-letter word in THE AGE this morning.

by McLachlan Dee


Well, there was a clear Q-type admission in The Age this morning. You know the saying, “Follow the money.” Well, to solve the assassination it is, “Solve the nine-letter word puzzle.”

It is always in plain sight, the admission to the assassination: “CIA THE MAN” is published on the same day I read/listened to this post, “Pentagon Insiders Confirm Deep State Attempt to Kill Trump.” (Here)

We now have evidence of multiple shooters through recent videos (the one audio analysis of the gun shots seemed definitive). There seems to be more evidence of a shooter in the window above the roof (as I speculated through logical deduction a week ago).

But let’s dig deeper into the puzzle:

There is lots of heat and hate as we etch out the plot to assassinate Trump. He came within an inch of loosing his life on that fateful day. Natch, there is an ethic dilemma as the Dems chime and chant an anthem of hate for the President. However, the chain of events leading up to the shots fired teach us that it was not a niche lone gunman, but more an orchestrated match, a machine operating. Each shooter had an itch for the trigger, a hint to etch a new destiny for America. A chat before-hand to cheat the red wave of their leader. This was done by an ethnic from Anaheim who had a chit to pay off — possibly from China. The bullet was initially aimed at the chin (to silence Orange) but now leaving an etch to his ear. The hint to disclose the real shooter is in the nine letter word — clues to the machinate — the scheme to assassinate Orange.

Ahem, it’s them or they (the non-binary assassin) … CIA THE MAN

(Please note this is satire)

INFOWARS report.



  1. Well Dee, I am assured of several things about the attempted assassination of DJT….

    Regardless of whatever one has come away from that ‘event’ with, as to their thinking, it is the thinking that the transfixing of the ‘event’ has widely caused, that is one of the most important aspects to the ‘event’, and whether it was a Black Hat false flag, or a White Hat psyop – it is now a part of the ‘Great Awakening’ of Humanity.

    Iconic ‘Events’ and perceived Acts of God, do not just fade away, in most folk’s minds.

    Look at how quickly the finger has been pointed by the general public toward the Black Hats and their Deep State apparatus, including the lying media, the FBI, CIA and even local police forces.

    When something becomes rotten in Denmark, even those not quiet awake before the ‘event’, eventually get to smell the foul odor, and begin asking questions.

    3, Not widely appreciated within the public realm, is the FACT that we have been in a information war for our minds, and for a very long time. Some could argue, the war for our minds, has been ongoing for hundreds of years, and they would not be wrong, but, the war has become more overt during the past seven years, and more noticeable by the general public since early 2021, when the Cabal’s plan for world domination was forced out of the shadows, via Operation Warp Speed.

    If one can accept the premise that this world has been controlled for a very long time by some very dark forces, then it should become obvious that the only way to defeat those very dark forces is by turning their own play book against them. When you know your enemy completely, and how your enemy operates via their own ‘rules’, and objectives, then defeating your enemy at his own game, becomes far less difficult in achieving.

    We are all observers in this war. We are bystanders who have the ability to see that a plan, long in the making, is now at work against those who have controlled us for a very long time. If one can simply observe without becoming emotionally involved in the nit picking to pieces of the ‘movie’ now being played out for all to enjoy, then a feeling of ease and peace will prepare one for what we must all learn when the ‘movie’ ends.

    • I think you’re right. This could’ve been a disaster greater than JFK… but it has created an awakening moment in the war against humanity.

  2. I’ve got to ‘go off the mountain’ tomorrow for a few things, including a bit more shopping. Although the articles and commentators on Gumshoes have mentioned economic collapse, depopulation agenda, food scarcity and the like, we are quickly closing in on the SHTF moment when things like the price of food are going to really escalate.

    So, once again I will be picking up a few more long term storage items. I figure I have enough of the particular rice I enjoy, but I do need some more various dried beans and soup mix. Produce like that lasts for years and I can whip up some delicious meals when I need to. Some people don’t like Spam. OK, I know, I’ve eaten my fair bit of it over the years, but when you’re bloody hungry the stuff tastes great (I prefer the ‘Hickory smoked’ version as a few slices fried up with a couple of eggs makes a lovely breakfast.

    Here’s something to consider. If you purchase some long term storage food NOW, when prices start to escalate, you not only have food security, but also ‘money in the bank’. Even if you don’t want to eat Spam or corned beef, you can trade the stuff for other items.

    It is a matter for you, but you know the chaos is coming. – Protect yourself, nobody else will…

  3. Terry, you probably don’t have Netflix, but I just finished watching ALONE — where 10 survivalists are dumped into the Artic winter. The winner, on day 29 hit a bull musk-ox with his bow. He survived on it nose to tail (to get enough fat) and even made soup of the grass stomach contents on about day 98. He lived out there for 100 days winning the $1M

    • I’m too damn old to be able to do what I used to do. I’d shoot a roo out west and dry much of the meat (very little fat, it makes great jerky). The blow flies would lay eggs on the jerky which wasn’t a problem as I would just drop the jerky on an ant’s nest and the ants would quickly pick off all those delicious and succulent eggs. The kangaroo tail made a great base for soup.

      Bugger if I know what EB is talking about.

      • Everyone should be stocking up and growing their own food even if it’s only in pots for those without any land.
        Just in time delivery is only 3 days and when the shelves are empty-“no soup for you”.
        No toilet paper will be the least of one’s problems.

        • The “survivalist” ethos is known by the fact that there are untold souls who, through no fault of their own, aren’t in a position of being able to do any such thing

    • If this idea of starving out the people goes long enough, the psychopaths at the top end of the food chain will run out of workers AND food because these morons can’t do anything for themselves and they wouldn’t know which end of a shovel to dig with. Apart from that, ordinary people are more likely to be able to fend for themselves in the bush or on the beach. If it gets real dirty the ordinary man will defeat the criminals for food for themselves and family because they will be more determined and tougher.

    • Well Dee, you’ve seen my property. What isn’t covered in permaculture, there is other infrastructure, like water tanks, a greenhouse, raised gardens, potted plants, etc. – As I’ve stated before, “I’m out!”. I’ve had it with parasites and deceivers. I no longer want to participate in a society that is hell bent on collapse.

      Just don’t f–k with me. I overcame the fear of death way back in my youth while in ‘Nam.

    • I’ve got candles and kerosene lamps for light. A wood stove that not only heats the house, but I can cook on top of it and also in the oven beneath the firebox. It cooks perfect bread, pizza, roasts, chickens, etc.

      I have back up tools for the kitchen like a hand cranked meat grinder and hand cranked grain grinder for my homegrown maize. Lots of other type of tools that don’t require electricity, let alone a stupid computer (I was a computer engineer, I know their limits).

      Shit is about to get real folks. Protect yourself, nobody else will…

      • More shit to think about-courtesy of nature.
        Why this isn’t front page news?
        A magnetic excursion that is accelerating is happening now and TPTB don’t want you to know.
        An interesting discussion.

        • Much of your ‘posts’ are to do with, what I would call, fear porn.

          I have no idea why you would latch onto such negative ‘information’ that is generally put out to keep the gullible in fear of whatever, ‘they’ wish to keep folks in fear of.

          And it has worked a treat on the general population, until about four years ago.

          Too many are now awake, or waking up, and questioning what needs to be questioned, and would have been questioned and dealt with thoroughly decades ago, had we not had, Newspapers, Magazines, Television, Radio and Hollywood to tempt us away from our real goals in life.

          It may surprise you, Sandra, that there has been a presence outside of this planet that has been protecting us from those things you choose, for whatever reason, to put up as a post.

          Those, who are our friends, have been here for a very long time watching over us.

          And for example: During 2013, there was a rather large asteroid heading our way, that the lying media and all the other bastards who thought they had full control over this planet, failed to give adequate warning of, as to the utter devastation over the entire planet it would have caused, had not the threatening asteroid been dealt with, by some of those friends outside of this planet.

          You could see that event, as it was photographed over Russia, at Mary’s place, WTPN, beforeitsnews.com I remember seeing multiple videos of it at the time – take one’s breath away!

          Maybe, if you ventured over to Mary’s place to look, you could become a little more enlightened as to how this world is being protected?

  4. Ignore at will at least, first 21 minutes.
    Today’s situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Then AGAIN, you can try and solve Sandy Hook for Mm’.🤪🙀

    • Ned -The Green Room over at AustraliaOne has been cancelled for the second week in a row – no info as to why they have been cancelled – the lack of info being unusual, not so much the cancellations.

      Is Bosi being ‘primed’ for an upcoming authority position in a smaller and more people friendly, Australian government of sorts?

      IMHO, Bosi has already passed muster with General Flynn who is Trump’s non-published military leader, who leads the military government now in operation throughout the United States and here.

      Upcoming Governor Bosi?

        • When I watch what he has to put out, I look at his body language.

          IMO, he is not, at times, divulging everything he knows to us mere mortals.

          My guess would be, he’s on an NDA – (non disclosure agreement) for certain info.

  5. For the sake of ones sanity during this accelerating period of information/disinformation people should set up their own RSS feeds to eliminate sources with underlying agendas of propaganda and psychological manipulation including not only MSM but also a significant number of altmedia sites.

  6. Mary’s situation up date at beforeitsnews.com from 59 mins where Ben Fulford has a brief few words.
    Huge fun re Kamala🙀🤷‍♂️
    Then some good news snippets that are not found on our propaganda FAKE ABC or SBS.

    Seriously funny, it is now just the usuals to answer 911 calls.
    Best of luck America.

  8. Dave at the x22report.com today muses more fun and a real scare event. Note Z and T appear to be talking👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🍿

  9. At
    22/7 at 11.21 timeline.link to the Congressional fraying of a Keatle.
    Best after an hour, loved it at about 1.48 for six.
    Guess who might want to control the investigation🙀🍿🤪⚖️
    Yep, a marvellous example of propaganda and psychological attempted BULL TITS MANIPULATION.
    I might get back to the rest of the bleating later, from the hoisted lamb.

    • Terry S,
      Even though we are retired I think we would crawl over glass to have a go at this Cheatal.
      But we would have to be much faster than Dee or T.O.
      No doubt we realise those who would not be bothered.
      Note 2.14 the brunette🤪⚡️

      • Thank God I’m retired, I’ve totally had it with liars. You can do a slam-dunk expose’, rip the balls off a lying witness, heap evidence over the roof of the court house, submit legal principles and precedent that goes back hundreds of years – and the dishonest judge will engage is sophistry that is so cringe worthy that you are embarrassed to be a member of the legal profession.

        I couldn’t take it anymore, there are other things I can do that actually have REAL value in my life.

        I went to the rifle range today. The fire-lapping of the barrel worked out quite well and improved the groups. I also picked up five 375 gram bags of ‘Five bean mix’ and a few extra cans of Spam (on sell, $5 a can) – It doesn’t take much effort or money to pick up a few things each time you go to the market. Unless you are someone like EB that argues for her limitations. – “The “survivalist” ethos is known by the fact that there are untold souls who, through no fault of their own, aren’t in a position of being able to do any such thing” – “through no fault of their own” they have other priorities than buy a small bag of rice or dried beans.

        • A bag of rice will keep one alive for months, just on its own.

          It all comes down to some folks, and I have two children in that mob, who simply refuse to believe the warnings given them.

          I hope E.B. has sufficient stored food to get her through at least two weeks of shutdown.

          I know I’m going to get utterly sick of eating Spam!

          • The Spam is my back-up position. Not only do I have the property set up, but I live in a highly productive farming region. I have access to fresh beef, pork, chicken, mutton and eggs.

        • “EB argues for her limitations”

          No, I’m merely drawing attention to the dead end nature of “survivalism” when eternity isn’t the ultimate focus.

          • “through no fault of their own, aren’t in a position of being able to do any such thing”

          • “The “survivalist” ethos is known by the fact that there are untold souls who, through no fault of their own, aren’t in a position of being able to stock up or grow their own”

            I’m obviously not talking about MYSELF, I’m talking as a well-heeled baby boomer who’s in the very same league as you – other than having a TOTALLY different focus

          • Who in the hell said I’m a well-heeled baby boomer? I grew up in poverty with my grandparents, parents and me gleaning the tomato and green bean fields. Canning the produce just like we did the tuna on the half-day boats. I grew up hating tomatoes and tuna. I also suffered from malnutrition most of my youth. At a summer camp, I was bleeding into my pillow at night and sent to the camp doctor. He said, “I never thought I’d see a case of scurvy in my life.” I was 147 lbs from the age of 14 to when I went into the Army at age 19. With decent food in basic I quickly developed into a muscular 168 lb. I was so hungry I ate EVERYTHING I could get my hands on, I even thought ‘C’ rations were great.

            If you are such a well-heeled baby boomer, how about buying some rice, beans and Spam for all those that “aren’t in a position of being able to do any such thing”

          • The circumstances of your youth have no bearing on the fact that being able too live on a property debt free is “well-heeled” by today’s standards

        • I worked my ass off to get to where I am and I didn’t do it by my earnings in the legal profession. I did it through proper investing and frugal living. My wife and I lived in a caravan park for 17 years while I engaged in ‘pro bono’ work trying to save Australia from idiots. I bought old cars and re-built the engines and anything else. I made my own beer, rode the train, whatever I could to save money.

          Knowing what I now know about Australian law, I would never have gone to the Bar and would have stayed a computer engineer who made decent money.


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