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Beauty is Power


It’s all draining out for opinionated ALP star Katy Gallagher. 54 going on 74, appears to be suffering from  malnutrition &/or other untreated health problems

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

An amusing cosmetics slogan which seems to fit the occasion.

Officially, “the Australian Minister for Finance, currently held by Senator Katy Gallagher, plays a crucial role in managing the nation’s financial resources and ensuring government accountability. One of the primary responsibilities includes overseeing budget policy advice and the review of government programs, which is essential for maintaining fiscal discipline and transparency. The Minister for Finance is responsible for ensuring that the government adheres to financial governance standards, thereby fostering public trust. By collaborating with various departments and agencies, the Minister helps to create a robust financial framework that supports the Australian economy’s growth and stability.”

In these terms, Gallagher is seen to be perhaps the most comprehensively failed Australian government minister since Keating’s “Recession We Had To Have”.

And just as RFK is working on the job of making America healthy again, compulsory mRNA injectable jabs fan Katy Gallagher is handing out pharmaceuticals to make Australians as sick as she looks.

Conveniently close to Christmas, made to look like a Christmas present and getting about as much attention as a Christmas present two months after Christmas, on Wednesday 18th December the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) included: Labor’s policy to increase the number of Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listed medicines available on a 60-day prescription; bulk-billing initiatives have also come at a cost of $2.3 billion. Patent medicines are not cheap, that’s why they patent them.

AMA logo with snake forming 666

Purely in the interest of so-called balance, rumours of Peter Dutton’s fast tracked wealth:

First – don’t ask what’s been going on with Dutton and Paladin


Or these other 74 items


And, but, why would the tag team bust open Dutton’s Family Trust … ?

Trump got Tiktok “sanitised” within days (via Zuckerberg) but the Australian duopoly seems to fail and fail. The current furore (February) is about the $800 million down-payment on the AUKUS submarines.

Minister Richard Marles’ department signed the nuclear subs deal which is subject to presidential veto without any scope for a refund. What a contract. This is purely an insurance instalment, the delivery component is meaningless.

Globalist celebrity Elon Musk has said the US will get beaten badly if there is a war. Pre-election he said the US was headed for bankruptcy super-fast. Our duty is to help bail the US out, since they have squandered their fast-expiring hegemony on senseless wars for more than twenty years.


Australia’s position is not much better yet we are shovelling tens of millions of dollars to causes like Israel and Palestine combined, we can’t even pick a side, such as our own side: so Australian countryside, towns and urban areas are allowed to go to hell. More than a billion dollars sent offshore to Ukraine when we are not NATO members and not anywhere nearby, to defend essentially Russian territory (the Donbass) from the Russians. Our politicians are having us make donations to the Ukraine meat grinder. If we vote for these people we are directly sponsoring the meat grinder, supplying equipment for the Russians to use for their very effective target practice. The Russians have proved they can destroy anything at all, even bunkers deep underground, so hundreds of billions in total are being extravagantly wasted and these sums come from increased debt, which was ratcheted up in Australia, peaking during the Covid program at $200 billion per year. The current government seems to feel no need to change this benchmark, we are going to pay the interest by borrowing yet more.

Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts, resident in their own reality, are starting their own Dept of Government Efficiency saying the government is wasting $300 billion per year, this is roughly equal to all the metal ores and coal extracted from mining in a year, however the royalties from those mostly go to the outlying states. 

The agenda seems clear, Globalists intend to eventually bankrupt the Commonwealth, and this is not too far off. According to prognostications from the World Economic Forum and allied think tanks, we are looking to 2030 for The Great Reset, some sort of communist style acquisition deception.

Capital Controls

The Unaparty Hegellian method of getting the Globalist job done is by one party going first and doing a little bit then the other party finishing the job. For example, PM Gillard defunded Ford, then PM Abbott shut down Holden and Toyota, ending the Australian car manufacturing industry. PM Keating and PM John Howard formed a tag team selling off Qantas, Telstra, Commonwealth Bank and CSL in the name of privatisation, supposedly more efficient than public ownership. In this way the pork barrelling could be funded, and post-political careers could be offered to deserving members of parliament.

Gerard Rennick says Keating set the ball rolling on house prices when he was treasurer: “In 1985 Keating lifted all foreign capital controls allowing banks to borrow offshore and lend recklessly against houses pushing house prices from 4 times earnings to 12 times earnings today. This in turn forced two parents back to work and children into childcare.

“… If you really want true equality here—you’re more than happy to go after the oil and gas companies; I don’t necessarily disagree with that, subject to the detail. But you’re completely avoiding scrutinising the universities and making them pay their fair share of tax. Why aren’t they paying tax on income from foreign students? I’ll tell you why they aren’t—because they’re in bed with the Labor Party in pushing their Marxist ideology onto our young children. It all started with the Button plan in ’85, when they destroyed our manufacturing industry. They then introduced the Dawkins plan that sent everyone to university so they can be brainwashed and bankrupt by the time they’re 22.

“That was the Labor Party. Old Hawke and Keating knew what they were up to in the late eighties and nineties, when they brought in this Frankenstein hybrid of Marxism and fascism, they privatised the CBA and let the foreign banks come in when they lifted capital controls in 1985. Yes, Senator Walsh, you may laugh, but you know as well as I do that neoliberalism was introduced into this country under the Hawke-Keating government. It destroyed it, and it will continue that way under the Albanese government.”


Queensland Senator Rennick from a youtube video

Today, housing is one of Australia’s major exports, a magic export which earns foreign revenue for all concerned while the purchase stays right here. Those concerned include architects and planning, developers and banks. Those paying are immigrants from Asia and India, but importantly people from the struggling parts of Europe, who actually build the houses then buy them, often using the banks and tax system. Curiously, the Prime Minister is also from one of these places. But probably not PM for much longer, especially after his $100 million Avoca Drive redevelopment to his new house and Copacabana Beach, which is not a federal road.

Politicians are blaming immigrants and the tax advantages to property investors for the housing shortage but these are both misleading. The high price of housing reflects the cost of building which is exorbitant. As well, everyone from the homeless up has a deep appreciation of prime real estate. Thanks to local government regulations it is nearly impossible to start various types of home business which cut down on traffic and duplication. Likewise vacant office space seems nearly impossible to convert to short-term rentals. Government again is the culprit. The cost of building reflects the level of government interference. Almost anyone and anything can build a home, from insects to birds to all types of animals, and including humans, if they are left to their own devices. The way to make housing cheaper is for the local council planning departments to put themselves out of business, but there is no chance of that. It’s easier to blame immigrants and investors. The problem is compounded because these days everyone seems to want to live in a new house, but most are less than willing to go on the tools and do any building themselves. 

The more building standards are added the worse things seem to get. Famous examples Opal Tower (Sydney Olympic Park) and Mascot Towers (Mascot, Sydney) were cracking up as soon as four months after completion. Rectification costs estimated to be around $50 million.

Nobody has suggested public servants be evicted and forced to live in caravans but this would probably be very effective. There was always plenty of funding available but it seems to have been spent mostly on pumped up military and medical expenses.

Expendable Ukraine

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Revelations 8:10 & 11

The Ukrainian language word for “wormwood” is чорнобиль or “chornobyl”, the Ukrainian name of the town of Chernobyl. Ancient prophecies might come true by themselves or could be given a helping hand and it seems that’s what happened in this case. The location of the power station is about 100km up the Dnipro River from Kyiv (formerly Kiev) in central Ukraine, perfect for turning the waters bitter.

Death toll estimates are completely random, up to and even more than 100,000 eventually dying from radiation induced cancer.

The Slavic races are unpopular with Globalists because they are a true-enough ethnicity and loyal to their tribal allegiances, unlike the British colonial manufactured nations, whose tribal identities are tied to commercialised football clubs as well as the nebulous idea of polyglot places like modern Australia. 

We can interpret this Chernobyl event as a first strike against ethnic Ukrainians and the current war over the Donbass as stage two of the depopulation. Stage three can only be worse. Ukraine is the New World Order’s first major bite into Slavdom.

A short story of the Chernobyl disaster: “On 26 April 1986, the head of the chemical division called Bryukhanov to report an incident at the station. He had not been informed that there was another attempt at the rundown test that night. While on a bus passing by the fourth reactor block, Bryukhanov realized the upper structure of the reactor was gone. He ordered all authorities to meet at the nuclear bunker in the basement of the administration building. Bryukhanov attempted to contact the shift supervisor but there was no answer at the fourth reactor block. 

Bryukhanov was summoned to Moscow and attended a turbulent meeting with the Politburo, on 3 July in which the causes of the accident were discussed. In attendance was the RBMK designer Anatoly Alexandrov, Efim Slavsky of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building (Sredmash) and Valery Legasov of the Kurchatov Institute. Bryukhanov was accused of mismanagement and that operator error was the primary cause of the accident, while reactor design flaws were also a factor. Mikhail Gorbachev was furious and accused the nuclear designers of covering up dangerous problems with the Soviet nuclear industry for decades. Following that meeting, Bryukhanov was expelled from the CPSU.

On his return, he faced further questioning by investigators. On 19 July, an official explanation was published in Vremya, blaming the disaster entirely on the operators and local management. The true cause of the accident was classified by the KGB. On hearing the news on TV, Bryukhanov’s mother collapsed from a heart attack and died. Bryukhanov was charged on 12 August and imprisoned by the KGB. At first he refused legal representation since he regarded the verdict as pre-determined but his wife, during her permitted monthly visit, changed his mind. As part of discovery procedures dictated by the law, investigators brought him the materials they uncovered during the course of their inquiries, which were used in a case against him. Bryukhanov also found a letter written by one of the Kurchatov Institute experts, which revealed the perilous design faults that were kept hidden from him and his staff for 16 years.”

Function of Populism

President Trump is throwing it all out there, Ukraine is taking a little longer than promised but it is a secondary issue. Absorbing Canada is bigger and better.

Human headline Elon Musk holds Canadian citizenship, which he acquired through his mother. Maye Musk was reportedly born in Saskatchewan, April 18 or 19 (feast of Moloch) some time in the 1940’s, leaving for Pretoria in 1950. Elon  moved to the United States in the 1990s, where he eventually obtained his American citizenship after a decade-long process. If Canada became a state of the USA, Musk must have been born in the USA, and might qualify to be the next President.

Interplanetary genius Musk’s past is catching up with him and getting some attention.

The legend goes: starting out with capital from the bank of mom and pop, he always took credit for companies he had simply bought out, in the style of Bill Gates. Much of the profit coming through Tesla cars related to government carbon credits, loans were fraudulently claimed and we understand from corporate behaviour that loans are typically made offshore where possible to allow interest to be paid offshore, for example to the Cayman Islands. If you borrowed from your own company, so much the better. The system is completely rigged.

But nobody cares about anyone’s past anymore so long as they are doing a good job now, noticeably following Javier Milei in Argentina who wielded his chainsaw throughout his campaign (refer to “Silence is Health”, a previous essay). Conservatives are furiously in support of Musk’s Dept. of Government Expenditure initiatives. Elon has also turned a good profit on his Dogecoin investments since popularising the word Doge, which was previously only known to students of Venetian history. The initial marketing was mysterious and rudimentary, just take a cute dog and fuse it with an e-coin. Our present reality has been schemed in detail and workshopped well in advance, then executed oh-so-coincidentally.

As with many things, knowing who really owns exactly how much of what and the true value, is like aiming for a moving target and probably designed from the outset to be unknowable. Who knows what Musk or anything is worth.

Division always works

On Murdoch video, an anchorman has casually inserted words into the public debate, to the effect that multiple childhood injections have caused Autism. So it appears Murdoch media may be positioning to throw Rockefellers, the main players behind the Medical Industrial Complex, under the bus. Trump has potentially contrived a secret deal with Koch Bros or similar parties for his “Drill Baby Drill” program. DuPont and Rockefellers (House of Roquefeuil) are French bloodlines, and the French presence in the USA has always been strong. The populist upstart President Trump is German-Scot-Norse so maybe there is not very much bloodline between him and these ancient Americanised oligarchs. Murdoch of course is a Scottish name, but to thicken the plot Mr. Murdoch’s fifth wife is a Jewish/Russian microbiologist. Surely this one will cash in, where Jerry Hall failed.

As mentioned above and elsewhere, the Musk bloodline is essentially Swiss and probably north from there. This could potentially be a coup of Anglo-Germanics stealthily emerging, as Rockefellers’ Medical Industrial Complex is potentially torn to pieces by lawsuits.

Biden plays up his Irishness but he is French too. Together with his various understudies, and antics such as near total senility and falling over multiple times, Biden has done a hatchet job on the Democrats. They rolled out a coherent Biden when it became essential, but unwillingly it seems. They paved the way for Trump, just as in Australia, Albanese with his incompetence is paving the way for the “alternative”. The alternatives could not even be bothered trying at the last election, they understood the cycles and wanted to keep their lips sealed and their powder dry. They knew Global Warming was a fraud. Now Trump has control of the government and is working to keep or increase it through the mid-terms in 2026. Australia seems to have synchronised with the United States, much as New Zealand used to follow Australia in lock-step, once upon a time, when grandpa was a boy.

Biden, now having self-destructed, has handed over a one-party state where the previous government’s immigrants and transgenders get to take the blame for all the problems, while budgets are cut to the bone. The money is still flowing to Musk’s StarLink and the advanced weaponry of the Military Industrial Complex, which is a different thing to the legacy MIC of army tanks and battleships.

The tag team arrangement we have become used to seeing; candidates are selected, votes are directed. Empty war-head George W. Bush of the far right made such a mess a black man and a lady were called in to clean it up, however Obama and Hillary just continued with the wars agenda. Perhaps the sum of that was the actual World War III (2003-?) that nobody had an appetite for, contained mostly in the region of Greater Zion. Perhaps it is Orwell’s permanent war.

In any case, this time we can see parallel but mirror-image, far-left deadbeats in the US and Australia, ushering in a solid wave of conservative populists, conspicuously restoring abnormal things to normal while quietly going forward with building the massive capitalist owned, AI powered control systems. Thanks to glaringly odd initiatives like China’s open-source DeepSeek the data centre capacity seems to have already arrived, and will no doubt keep expanding inwards, as systems are developed and fine-tuned.

RBA Financial Innovation and the Future of CBDC in Australia:


A Digital Control Grid outline, which is perhaps too moderate:


“The elite is going to be transformed into a different type of species” – Harari



  1. I wonder if the esteemed Olsen would enjoy the test I proposed in the last article comments.
    I suspect he would get a reasonably high mark and form a view as to this who should BE BANNED.
    9.34 PM

  2. Trump ‘has no idea’ what he’s doing as twenty-somethings leading Doge takeover | David Cay Johnston
    On today’s Trump Report, Jo Crawford speaks to David Cay Johnston, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, professor at Rochester Institute of Technology and author of an array of books on Donald Trump.

  3. Well,
    I just spent two hours with Scott at Patriot street fighter at BIN
    🙀🙀🙀 on UK AID ,
    Guess how much was paid to the BBC?
    Try half a bill!
    WONDER HOW MUCH CAME OUR WAY? If nothing, well then, our media mob have been suckered, I thought they were stupid anyway.
    12.40 AM

    • My grandfather was a ‘water witcher’. He was constantly being asked to find the best place to drill a well on a property. He took me out with a branch he cut and tried to teach me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the knack and couldn’t feel anything.

      • Last year while trying to locate a water pipe prior to digging a trench in our work paddock I was able to divine its position using wires bent at right angles in each hand which move inward over the source.
        An experienced water diviner was needed to locate a much deeper body of water when searching for a bore site.

        • I knew an old guy that did it but I never planned to since I can’t handle farms. There are critters and varmints running everywhere and out-of-control vegetation, just when you think things couldn’t get worse you get noticed by the government

          • “you get noticed by the government” – Yep, keep your head down, don’t ‘show off’ that you have an extra patch of potatoes. The parasites will arrive to take them for the “greater good”.

  4. Am I imagining it or did MM post this old song a couple of times lately
    There’s a track winding back
    To an old-fashioned shack
    Along the road to Gundagai
    Where the blue gums are growing
    And the Murrumbidgee’s flowing
    Beneath that sunny sky
    Where my daddy and mother
    Are waiting for me
    And the pals of my childhood
    Once more I will see
    Then no more will I roam
    When I’m heading right for home
    Along the road to Gundagai
    Is this something to do with #JumpAgainstTrump

      • BTW, the Dutchman I have spoken of, forecasting aspects of my future when I was 17 used a looped piece of wire ( fashioned from a wire coat hanger?) as his devining helper.
        You either have it or just fail and have to cope and live within limitations.
        10.19 AM

      • EVERYONE:
        Perhaps get your divining rod out whilst listening to ‘the barred’ message from the PLEADIAN galactic council at:
        http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
        ‘Pleadian — WARNING —three days of darkness — 2025”.
        Seems that earth is due for a grease and oil change with a rotational re-boot?
        Not sure how it will affect the price of silver🤷‍♂️
        Heaps of other banned stuff at BIN and also at the banned;
        If you are destined to be awakened then you will feel it and know🙀
        12.22 PM

  5. Galen Windsor is the best reference when it comes to anything nuclear.
    Biden was inserted because Trump had to be President’s 45 and 47 which he advertised on his golfing cap (numerology 9.11- out with the old in with the new)
    Historians claim the Venetian Doge bluffed (asked) the Knights Templar to take out Constantinople on their way to Jerusalem on one of their so-called crusades. If so, it would seem the Doge had immense power and that acts in favour of Rome moving to the swamps of Venice (taking eyes off Florence) after the city, supposedly, fell. Musk’s recent Roman salute to the Doge?
    This would confirm the Temple Knights favourable relationship with Rome and its Church until that black Friday psyop which sent the Knights west to Portugal, east to Switzerland and north to London where they founded the Crown Temple which gives the world its laws, usury loaded money, Intel agencies and media; and Scotland where they changed names from the French St Clair to Sinclair, built the Rosslyn Chapel, and became the Bruce clan. So it sounds like Warp Speed Donny may claim to be from a Bruce family line. As well as a Holy Roman Empire black nobility line thereby trumping all in the land of the … Crown Colony.
    These globalist clowns love their (fake) history and seem infatuated with genealogy and bloodlines. It’s all B/S. At the seventh generation DNA has been reduce to about 1% and every generation after dilutes more. Some say every eighth generation, the new octave, brings a reset to life on planet Earth (enter Klaus, stage left). Architectural changes seem to confirm this. Look at the stunning architecture from the past, even in Australia which points to more fake history, compared to the ugly cheap manufactured crap our university educated builders glue together these days.
    The globalist goons in charge of planet Earth and its puppet politicians therefore are not related by blood to the actors of centuries ago just related by attitude. And it shows in their faces.

    • What they paid for in USD and gold ounces conversion at $35/oz

      Louisiana purchase $15 million = 428,571oz
      Mexican cession $15 million = 428,571oz + a war
      Florida $5 million = 142,857oz
      Alaska $7.2 million = 205,714oz
      Arizona $10 million = 285,714oz
      Total at USD 2900/oz = USD 4.3 billion, sounds like a bargain, no wonder the banksters had to move in and put a stop to it.

      ( Texas and Oregon by arrangements )

  6. Interesting discussion-3:40:26- sectioned
    Richard Wolff: Donald J. Trump and the End of America
    Richard Wolff is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a visiting professor at The New School, where he works on economics in the Marxist tradition. This is Richard’s seventh appearance on Robinson’s Podcast. In his last appearance, episode #230, he and Robinson discussed Richard’s arguments against electing Donald Trump for president, as well as his analysis of the election. In this episode, Richard and Robinson talk about 2025 and the first weeks of Trump’s presidency, as well as what’s to come. More particularly, they discuss the irrelevance of Donald Trump, his domestic and global policies, China, narratives on the right and left, and the future of the United States.

      • Michael West – ban foreign house ownership … now that will really get some poms whingeing.
        But selling houses to Chinese aspirationals is our only legit non-mining non-farming export ! ? ! ? ! ? Homeless are therefore an essential component of our economy, so long as they can get enough dole to barely cover rent.

        features cameo from Klaus Swab YGL infiltrator Andrew Bragg.
        West blames Howard for lighting the fuse but Keating supplied the gunpowder.

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