by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Recently, Gumshoe got more heavily into pedophilia research than was planned.
We had a few “series” and then some “overarching” articles. Here is a list:
The Fiona Barnett Series
This series is not about the life of the remarkable survivor and activist Fiona Barnett; it’s about things relevant to what she has told us.
Part 1: Flypaper Prosecutions
Part 2: Symbolic Gestures Are Valuable
Part 3: Hoping for an Interview with Dame Marie Bashir
The Avalanche Series
The point of this series is to say that all the information becoming available now (Thank you, Internet and Youtube) is an avalanche in which the poor idiots like the late David Rockefeller will get destroyed.
Part 1: Bodies of the Beaumont Children
Part 2: Say No to Cute Side-stepping by the Press
Part 3: South Africa Can’t Get Out of This One (by McLachlan)
Part 4: Cathi Morgan’s Research
Part 5: Following Mark Minnie’s Death
The Adelaide Mysteries Series
We call this series Adelaide Mysteries although the main mystery has now been solved: there are many “protected murderers” in this city.
Part 1: Rachel Vaughn Interprets “Zombie Apocalypse” (by Vaughn)
Part 2: Edwardstown Tunnels (by McLachlan)
Non-series Articles:
Open Letter to Vickie Chapman, Attorney General of South Australia
Michael Whalen’s Disclosure of Pedophiles, Child Trafficking and Hunting Parties (by McLachlan)
A Little Town Shall Lead Them: Adelaide Exposes the Worldwide “Child Protection” Travesty
Hollywood Is About to Be Turned Upside Down? by McLachlan)
Kuru Disease, PNG, and a Pedophile Connection
Steve McMurray’s Fantastic Research, Part 1: MK-Ultra in Australian Academia
Toffs’ Clinic: A Place Where Dunblane Child Killers Can Go for Treatment
If You Don’t Feel Like Doing Vigilante Justice, Do This
Child Protective Services, the Mother/Child Bond, the Father/Child Bond, and the Late Senator Nancy Schaefer
Australian Family Court and the “Immunity” of Pedophiles (by McLachlan)
Who Will Investigate Fiona Barnett’s Claims (by McLachlan)
Happening around the World
The above articles demonstrate the uncovering of pedophilia is happening around the globe. Thus, we have reported:
the Hollywood exposés, beginning with movie director Harvey Weinstein
the mostly open-source UK research by Cathi Morgan
the findings about kuru in PNG with cannibalistic implications
the Edward Heath affair (British PM throwing disposable kids away)
the voodoo doughnuts revelations of Portland, Oregon
Fiona Barnett’s learning from Jim Rothstein that Watergate was pedogate
the Harrisburg PA diocese stripping of building-names of bishops,
the truth of the murders of the Beaumont children and Louise Bell in Adelaide
the death of Mark Minnie for exposing elite pedo’s in South Africa
an update on Dunblane, proving pedo involvement
the real goings on at Child Protective Service and mental health agencies
the Family Court judges’ inexplicable removal of kids from a caring parent
the murder of whistle blower Nancy Schafer and her husband
— In sum: similarities among US, UK, South Africa, PNG, and Australia.
What Is the Success Rate of Cracking Down on This Crime?
Because there have been many revelations, we tend to think we are making progress. But we are not. None of the major perpetrators get arrested. They do indeed have a free ride.
You would think the citizenry would insist on having the law enforced, but when they try, they get “organized resistance.” The politicians, police, and the media will not budge an inch. They form a brick wall. The courts provide no relief.
You may ask how so many educated professionals would fall into such sin. I surely don’t know, but the fact of it seems undeniable. Here are three partial “excuses”:
- They didn’t fall into it after becoming professionals—they were placed into the professions by the Big Guys in the first place. Someone must have seen in them a potential for wickedness? They were then trained, under the auspices of mentors, in a clublike setting.
- They are not gung-ho pedophiles, but have been bribed or blackmailed to go along with the game of the Big Guys
- They have been hypnotised and do not even have the cerebral capability of judging the situation. (Today it is very easy to do hypnosis. Likely it is done in the military and police academies.)
We Are in Serious Trouble
No matter why that is occurring, we are having very, very little success. Examples:
The baddy in the Pizzagate story, Tony Podesta, a former White House official, is not even made to explain his criminal-sounding e-mails.
The baddy in the Dunblane massacre – a Freemason lodge, according to its late member Lord Burton – maintains its innocence and blames a patsy.
The McIntyre siblings in Adelaide who have long since come forward to tell who did certain child-murders, are mocked by media and harassed by police.
The man who unearthed the truth in South Africa (ex-cop Mark Minnie, in his book The Lost Boys of Bird Island) was murdered as soon as the book came out.
Fiona Barnett says she is still being attacked. She also said many of her pets were killed over the years – that is standard procedure.
I am not knocking the successes of publicity. At the very least, the Royal Commission made it possible for thousands of children (now grown) to step forward and tell what happened. And institutions such as religions or Boy Scouts are now not so able to get away with a culture of underground pedophilia.
But the pedo rings have not been touched. Even the Commissioner of the RC apparently chose to look the other way.
Here is what Peter Lewis, SA state parliamentary leader, elected as an Independent, said as recently as 2015. (He has since died, at age 75, I do not know the cause):
I [was] bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated.
But they were being ‘bumped off’– that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I could get them to write down their allegations.
Right here. He said that right here in God’s country – South Australia.
OK, Everybody, concentrate on this unhappy fact: there is no magic way out. The blockages are exactly what they appear to be. The only intelligent, healthy thing to do is acknowledge reality and then use the old noodle to prescribe a remedy.
Last week Gumshoe published my article “If You Don’t Feel Like Doing Vigilante Justice, Do This.” It listed six ways that are perfectly legal, by which one can circumvent the central problem – namely, that government insiders appear to be setting themselves above the law.
The six methods I suggested are:
1. File a Criminal Complaint
2. Inform Your Grand Jury
3. Citizen’s Arrest
4. The Law of Outlawry
5. The Legality of Self-Defense
6. Pre-emptive Strike and Predictive Crime
Responding to my Critic
A person using the pseudonym “Ol’David” writes comments at Gumshoe saying that is Mary Maxwell is foolish to urge the use of law, as the Powers That Be have control of the government offices that “enforce” the law.
Ol’David knows very well that that is not what I mean. Presumably he wants to distract the reader from noticing that my empreachments are the exact opposite of depending on a prime minister, a judge, or a children’s social worker to do the right thing.
I am saying – please reach for your smelling salts – LPP: “Lynch protected persons.”
Of the 6 methods I just listed, the first three — file a complaint, inform your grand jury, and make a citizen’s arrest — do depend on government employees carrying out our instructions. (Even with citizen’s arrest, you are required to hand your quarry over to the police.)
But the next three are for the bold and the brave. The common-law law of outlawry (still extant in any state of Oz or US that has not statutorily repealed it) acknowledges that some people are outside the reach of the law.
In Norway, in bygone days, there were not enough tax collectors available to chase after tax evaders. Thus the tax evaders were outlaws. See? The law could not reach them, albeit for a simple, practical reason.
So Norway’s society had to lay the policing burden on the public. They did it by the standard route of the law of outlawry. The tax evader was not allowed to be fed or harboured. In fact he could be killed. Legally. By any citizen.
You may say that is too harsh, but of course the offender could have paid up on his tax debt, or turned himself in, and put an end to any worry about getting killed.
What’s It Going To Be — LPP or Plan B?
When I say LPP—lynch protected persons, I assume that protected persons will do the wise thing if they figure they are really in trouble. That is, they will stop doing the crime in, or they will negotiate for some kind of amnesty for past crimes. No lynching will actually take place.
Another option for them is to invoke their Plan B. Do they have a Plan B? I don’t know. It is sensible to assume that they do have a Plan B and it will not be pretty for us.
Thus, note the further legal option: pre-emptive strike. President Obama actually ordered it against US citizens whom he deemed guilty by means other than a trial. The US has also used it militarily against other nations. We know that the British Empire got rid of any trouble-makers pre-emptively. That is to say, it is a normal thing to do. You don’t wait around till it is too late and the action would be far more expensive.
Dee McLachlan’s Gumshoe article of September 22, 2018, about the “immunity” of pedophiles, describes a very serious matter involving only one 9-year-old-girl who is alive in Adelaide today. The child’s mind is being deliberately broken by the government’s policy of depriving the child of her Mum, and of letting her be hog-tied, among other things.
This cannot possibly be the child’s fault. It is patently related to the pedophile rings in Adelaide. See Peter Lewis’ quote above. He said – and he was leader of the lower house of State parliament in South Australia:
“The most outrageous thing of all [is] the related and organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office – that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks of human services portfolios, some police and MPs, across the nation….”
I doubt if Peter Lewis would have made such a damning statement if he were not sure of the facts.
Whom can we turn to in government today, September 23, 2018, to right this wrong about the child who is in danger? Judges and parliamentarians seem impervious to anyone’s plea. Should we say “Ho hum, the pedophile gang and their supporters are bound to win”?
I don’t say that. I say follow the law of outlawry which is the proper law to follow when any criminal is truly outside the reach of the law.
I say LPP. Lynching was common in the US before 1940. Today it is probably not the right choice – my “L” can mean anything. Just stop putting up with the status quo.
And as I said, it is up to the PP’s, the Protected Persons, to save themselves from getting “L’’d — by ceasing to be PP’s.
Just in case there be any lingering doubt, their protection from the law is not legal. Only one person in Australia, the monarch, “can do no wrong.” She really is legally a protected person. But there aren’t any others.
You may have heard that a judge has immunity. Yes, he is immune from being sued by an unhappy litigant. He is never, never, never legally immune from prosecution as a criminal.
“Oh, but if he fails a child in a court case, that’s just his opinion, it’s no crime.”
— Mary W Maxwell is a producer of plays at the Adelaide Fringe
The problem is that, when the lid can no longer be kept on abuse, those concerned simply take refuge in prevarication:
“Accessory to Crime Awarded $500,000 Retirement” just gets morphed into “WA education head retires following sexual misconduct report”
From Berry’s ABC text:
DAVID WEBER: Mr Carpenter also says he has 100 per cent confidence in the Education Minister Liljiana Ravlich.
The minister says she first became aware of the CCC inquiry on Thursday afternoon, when the Commission told her during a scheduled meeting.
But today she revealed that Paul Albert mentioned in passing some weeks ago that the department was working with the CCC in relation to complaints.
Liljiana Ravlich says she wasn’t given any details.
LILJIANA RAVLICH: The judgement was made by the Director-General that uh, in relation to the operations of the CCC, that, it was an operational matter, there was no requirement for him to brief me. He made that judgement, I can’t be held accountable for the judgement that was made by another person, in all fairness.
[Berry, I guess you could always write to the Governor of Western Australia…]
Actually in June’15 two of my sons and I did exactly that. At that time Kerry Sanderson was IT:
Dear Madam,
The attached chronology is based on 63 instances of State failure to observe binding requirements and restrictions in relation to the Competition and Consumer Act, the Magistrates Court (Civil Proceedings) Act, and the District Court Act between 15 Nov ‘13 and 19 May ‘15.
Nos.22,34,40,56,60 & 61 concern the fact that corresponding complaints to the Attorney General, Chief Magistrate and Chief District Court Justice have been effectively ignored; the relationship between serious abuses and high-level personal and/or political agendas is self-evident. The corresponding court files are:
Other records testify that similar abuses have taken place in relation to another claim against the same business. The corresponding court files are:
ALB/MIN/350 OF 2014
Previous records(1991 – 2013) testify that we have not been afforded the protection of written rules governing education, real property ownership, legal practice, firearms control and national border protection. A copy of each of those records will be duly forwarded. The corresponding court files are:
ALBANY LOCAL COURT SUMMONS 22 OCT ‘92 (No file no: “Show cause why Seth Meadows Berry should not be made a State ward“)
ALBANY MAGISTRATES COURT CHARGE NOS. 1033 – 36 of 2007, 789 of 08
The bottom line is that our obligations toward the Crown have been annulled by virtue of having been systematically outlawed(rendered Stateless).
The( apparently unwitting) response was:
“The Governor does not have the constitutional authority to intervene in such matters’
Needless to say the listed abuses have been further compounded.
And given the fact that they’re a mere pinprick in the scheme of things…….
Videos of distraught victims won’t change anything.
Ms. Gudbranson’s family should just have been given help to leg-it or “disappear”
My kids and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to survive otherwise
Wouldn’t it be great if this got the same attention and outrage, by the public, MSM and government, as the needle in a strawberry received.
Since my article the other day about the woman I interviewed, and suggesting that the Family Court is infiltrated with pedophiles and with a pedophile thinking — I have been FLOODED with calls from across the nation. I have been further educated by the many people I have spoken to you. I can only say IT IS MUCH WORSE than I ever imagined it could be. The nightmare is a reality.
Dee, I, too, spoke to someone who informed me that the nightmare in South Australia is way worse than we described. Yet I know it will be hard to persuade normal people, as the horror is so invisible. After all, for my 38 years in SA I never picked up a clue. Was 100% oblivious.
I really, really don’t understand it. I will post below, again, the Carlo Morales video as he seems to know a lot about how things work (e.g., CPS).
Anyway I (personally) am not so much interested in uncovering more horrors (but I thank Gumshoe for bothering to do that) — I want to DEAL.
I’d like to start dealing with “normals” like myself who are willing to be activists. Anybody made up their mind to deal? How about you hang out from 2-2.30pm next Sunday Sept 30, 2018 on the steps of Parliament House, North Terrace, and see what happens.
Guaranteed, fakers will show up. My efforts to help Martin Bryant have met with a slew of fakers; it really is annoying.
I won’t be there; I’m “abroad.” If you see any police, try to convert them to the cause. “You can only try.” Ask them what they would like to see done for “Ellen” of hogtie fame.
Maybe reach out to students. I have noticed that many young people in Adelaide and in NH offer me their seat on the bus. Don’t laugh, it’s a sign they are thinking of someone other than themselves.
Exciting goal: NORMALCY!
i’ll post this video instead, as it tells people what to do if the CPS comes a’callin.
He mentions the loud knock — “designed to make your adrenalin flow and prevent you from thinking correctly for 30 minutes.”
What a cheek! How dare it be govt policy to turn your brain off!
Indeed, what is this whole business of the citizen being seen to be the enemy. Huh? What?
Magnificent Mary! How very flattering it is to be the “defendant” in your self-adulatory nuisance, or vexatious charges. If you had read, or comprehended, the material I sent you it would be apparent that I did not, in any way, recommend that proper process be abrogated or obrogated by civil strife or any kind of “mob rule” that can be exploited by the secretocracy to strengthen their position or to enact “laws” to persecute ordinary people.
What I have proposed is a philosophically and legal method so that people like what Peter Lewis appeared to be staunchly supported to take the political and “justice” systems out of the hands of the malevolent secretocracy.
Please find following a short excerpt from the philosophical justifications for opposing political tyranny: quote:
I am well aware that the following is not geared to appeal to anyone with a reading age of 12 years old or less, or to anyone addicted to subliminal emotional responses such as are the target of most advertisers and slogan producers. Nor will it be acceptable, or comprehensible, to anyone committed to some recipe for personal success and advancement, or who is committed to a perverse ideology regarding the nature and purpose of human society.
It is, therefore, expected to be beyond the comprehension of a career politician or “journalist”.
The nature of civil authority (government) and treason
The premises of this discourse are:
that it is the nature of Man (humanity) to live in society;
a functional society requires order.
I will define civil order as an harmonious relationship of variables directed to a proper end; in this case, to benefit the members of a society that make up a Nation.
A great thinker, (Thomas Aquinas, C13) developing the written down cogitations of Aristotle and his antecedents, proposed that: “civil law is an edict, based on reason, promulgated by he (or the instrument) that is charged with the care of the community for the good of the community”. (Let the unspeakable hubris of those who pretend that everything more than 50 years old is superseded by “new insights” argue with that).
He and I are proposing that a “civil authority” has no reasonable justification for its existence other than the preservation of order for the “good of the community” (i.e. the commonwealth of the people). As such it is part of the Natural Order of human life…
As is evident from history, not all Men are disposed to a voluntary order based on a desire for the common good for all; that is, that some seek their own advantage and aggrandisement to the expense and detriment of others. Therefore, a civil authority, for the maintenance of order and the prosperity of the society, must have some coercive or compulsive powers to protect the society from the depredations of malicious elements, domestic and foreign. That is a civil justice system. All good so far.
Contemporarily, treason is defined to suit tyrants and despots as: “A crime that undermines the offender’s government”. Without any reference to the nature and purpose of “government” it implies that any despotic regime with instruments to impose itself is a “legitimate government”, and that any opposition to it is treason. That definition only suits the secretocracy in its assault on ordinary people.
000000000000000000000 /quote
Anyhow, your inference that I am an unidentified “troll” hiding behind a pseudonym is entirely false. I have never tried to hide my identity but I keep using my internet “identity” as Oldavid simply to provide continuity with my years long presence.
For the convenience of the drongoes that believe “official versions” of “conspirators” my real name is David Marwick and I live in the agricultural area around York, Western Australia, postal address is P.O. Box 249, York: residential address is 666 Buckingham Rd. Cold Harbour. Email address is
thank you oldavid for your real identity–it is appreciated at this time where anon aminity can breed contempt.
I travel under many names “pseudonyms” “alters” for many reasons. Aishe is an alternative name I use at times she holds the narrative of my story along with Diane de Vere the researchers and professional.
Lovely to meet you David, (you draw a clear line in the sand)
I never thought of you as a troll(i had thoughts,lol). I find trolls valuable in the “reckoning”. I will struggle with your Aquinas referance (I have to look C13, a cement number to me).
I must admit the 666, almost made me look for bonafides, but I run on the gut and as such I will take humble consideration if your perspective and Aquinas’s perspective should mesh on given subjects.
Best Regards,
We all have pseudonyms and personas, as we need, this is not something to be embarressed about or needing explanation. We ALL are flawed, with many embarrassing aspects. Its the core that counts. Here, it attempts to take on the enemy we despise no matter the historical failures.
The number 666 does not tally with the advertised “method” of appointing those address numbers… I suspect that it is arbitrarily assigned to me by some malicious humorist.
C13 is shorthand for the Thirteenth Century… If my memory serves, Aquinas was most prolific in the late 1200’s.
I use the pseudonym Oldavid because the first forum I entered would not accept a contraction of my real name. For consistency I always and everywhere use the same moniker.
So no one got the point of my September 19, 2018 9:54 pm “that’s the whole point” comment ?
Apparently not
So when Jesus was nailed to the cross was that winning or losing?
Did those responsible achieve what they wanted ?
Or the reverse ?
The point is that anyone can take hold of the same victory
But it’s never going to be a nice tidy clean little package
I don’t think that this forum is the right place to get into the theology behind the economy of Redemption.
So you really believe that the World can be purged of cruelty by driving the Romans out ?
That is a Berry curious (perplexing) comment. Shall I assume that by “Romans” you mean Catholics?
Again, I don’t think that this seedy joint is amenable to serious discussions of a philosophical or theological nature. If you like you can contact me at dmkzmarwick@bigpond.com and I will happily discuss with you anything you want. Perhaps others would like to be included and we could organise some kind of group discussion.
But, before anyone jumps into an unknown, let me just say that I am a Catholic of the only kind and I do not subscribe to fashionable opinions that pretend to be Catholic.
I meant the pre-christian crucifying mob, not Catholics, and I was just trying to draw attention to the fact that replacing one political system with another is also driven by a type of religion: One that doesn’t work
Three comments today. Firstly I refer to Mary’s book
And the Front cover:
“Painted by Aishe. Acrylic and ink on white cardboard, approx. 80cm square. © Copyright Aishe.
It is part of a series of healing mandalas
— paying tribute to Fiona Barnett, Sarah Moore, Reina Michaelson and the hundreds of men, women, and children who have searched for truth.”
In this instance I refer to Reina Michaelson
And I ask what has happened to her and her story.
Secondly some relevant links, in response to these recent Gumshoe articles, from my chaotic yet expansive filing system.
The World Today – Wednesday, 28 May , 2003 12:14:29
Reporter: Nick Grimm
“HAMISH ROBERTSON: In New South Wales, Labor Premier Bob Carr claims that scurrilous and unsubstantiated sex allegations are becoming the stock-in-trade of liberal MPs out to get their political opponents.”
“t follows the levelling of new allegations of paedophilia against a so-far unnamed State minister, which emerged during an upper house vote on the Carr Government’s Age of Consent Bill, which lowers the legal age of consent for gay men to 16, in line with that for heterosexuals.”
“Well, today Premier Bob Carr says he’s sceptical about the claims, but he’s referred the matter to the State’s Police Integrity Commission for investigation.”
“BOB CARR: It’s become almost a stock-in-trade of some Liberal members of upper houses to make allegations of child sexual assault against their political opponents. This would appear to be a continuation of that quite discreditable tradition, recent tradition in our political system. It would appear to be a, it is an abuse of parliamentary privilege to allege criminal behaviour against someone in Parliament, against a political opponent, without going to the proper authorities is a breach of parliamentary privilege”
2nd Jan 2016
The Australian
Political reporter Canberra
Liberal senator Bill Heffernan has called for an inquiry into an alleged pedophile ring in NSW that he claims included a former prime minister among 28 “prominent” Australians.
Senator Heffernan used parliamentary privilege yesterday to call for the “institution of the law” to be included in the royal commission into child sexual abuse, saying he had uninvestigated evidence from the Wood royal commission of the 1990s into police corruption that should be pursued.
Senator Heffernan has campaigned for decades against child sexual abuse and in 2002 was forced to resign as John Howard’s parliamentary secretary and formally apologise after falsely accusing then High Court judge Michael Kirby of using a government car to pick up underaged male prostitutes.
Yesterday, Senator Heffernan did not reveal the list but likened the alleged group of pedophiles in the judiciary to a recently uncovered elite pedophile ring operating among the British establishment. He said it “was time” for the allegations in NSW to be investigated.
“We have in Australia, sadly, a compromise at the highest of levels. There is a former prime minister on this list and it is a police document,” he said. It is believed the former prime minister alleged to be involved is dead.
“It is not so much the secret that is the problem; it is when a group of people, such as the 28 people on this page, keep each other’s secrets, that the institution is compromised,” he said.
“I think it is time — like our churches and our other institutions who are now facing up to the truth — I think it is time the institution of the law faced reality.”
He had passed on the “very disturbing” documents to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse at its request but had been advised it was beyond the scope of the inquiry.
Senator Heffernan said the information, which he received from a NSW police officer, had not been investigated by the Wood royal commission because of concern it might tarnish the judiciary’s reputation.
While praising the current child abuse inquiry for its “attitude and aptitude”, Senator Heffernan asked Attorney-General George Brandis to explain why it should not investigate the alleged pedophile ring.
He claimed to have further evidence, naming those who had visited a “boy brothel” in Kings Cross, Sydney, including some people still practising as judges.
Senator Brandis said the “grave matters” should be investigated by the police and that the royal commission had to abide by its terms of reference.
“It is for the royal commission to judge whether … that information is something that it should, or indeed is capable, of inquiring further into,” he said.
He cautioned Senator Heffernan that “just because somebody’s name appears on a list, doesn’t make them guilty”. “I don’t comment on your general allegations, but of course, nobody is above the law, nobody.”
And lastly for today– some personal venting thoughts how the system protects and rewards its own. Those “senior managers” were all rewarded temporarily removed and are now back in executive positions–the educators, the skilled practitioners were all removed threatened and “black listed” never to be employed or never to be promoted. Education is used as a weapon of mass destruction. A military operation and the NT is the lab rat for the final solution.
picked this from the files–a bit of news speak– the great Australian Silence. So much for RC’s and Inquiries. Apologies for length of comment:
“Evidence relating to Marli Wallace Report into NT Government Departments “human resource management practices.”
Alice Springs News Oct 13 2004
INQUIRY CANES EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Report by KIERAN FINNANE. “At best, inconsistent and, at worst, unacceptable”, but not “unlawful or grossly inappropriate”: that is how consultant Marli Wallace has described some “human resource management practices” in the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET), both in Central Australia and Darwin, and in the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment. Ms Wallace was commissioned in December last year to review in particular the operations of the Central Australian Office of DEET, following a series of articles that appeared in the Alice Springs News. Her review, which as handed to government in June, was tabled in the Legislative Assembly yesterday. She writes: “There is little doubt that senior managers, at least in the past three years, have demonstrated a narrow understanding of human resource management practices and favoured a climate of minimal compliance, rather than improvement. “The review is satisfied that most of the examples of grievances analysed illustrate complexity of issues and, sometimes, a range of poor practices and behaviours, rather than unlawful or grossly inappropriate actions by specific staff. “An item of great interest to the review, however, is the impact that some of these practices in relation to grievances have had on the self-esteem and career aspirations of some of the persons so aggrieved. “There is, however, no quantitative answer as a result of the review, rather, a series of qualitative comments and recommendations for remedial action.” Specifically about the Central Australian Office, Ms Wallace says, “There must be a rapid and rigorous strategy to transform the culture, leadership and the ways in which ‘business’ is done, especially service provision, rather than any ‘tinkering at the edges’. “These strategies should, of course, be congruent with a total DEET approach, led by the CEO and executive team.”The review points to DEET offices in both Central Australia and Darwin consistently taking excessive time to respond to complaints and queries. It reveals a number of examples of very poor human resource management practice across DEET, from the CEO and principals to a range of more junior administrative staff, especially in the area of industrial relations, entitlements, worker’s compensation and rehabilitation matters. To address these shortcomings, the review recommends that DEET develops “appropriate mechanisms for management of complaints and grievances, including sound data bases and effective means of ‘tracking’ complaints and grievances”. It also recommends that DEET brings the “people part” of the department into sharper focus, adjusting the present culture in the Central Australian Office “from a budget-driven, learning outcomes and “ministerial” minimization attitude to one that allows people to be valued, as well as reach specific targets”. The review says: “There was certainly sufficient evidence that ‘all was not well’ in human resource management matters in the region. GRIEVANCES “The review was unable to discern consistent, timely and effective interventions in protracted grievances, for example, or in performance management and issues of poor public perception of the CAO.” It recommends “that the role, responsibilities and accountabilities of the position General Manager Central Australia be reconfigured”, saying it had been “unable to find evidence to suggest that the senior positions had effective influence over the culture of schools to ensure that all principals and staff, especially those in leadership roles, adhere to the Public Sector Principles and Code of Conduct”. Says the review: “Much of the work undertaken to provide information on circumstances regarding complaints from teachers in the Central Australian Region is doubtful of meeting the requirements outlined [in the principles and the code], not by intent so much as a result of the closed and defensive style of senior management in the Central Australian Office.” The review also finds that, “in 2001 and 2002, it was highly likely that the Commissioner, Public Sector Employment, had not consistently ensured the level of rigour of investigation of grievances necessary to test DEET’s adherence to general Public Sector Principles and Code of Conduct and DEET senior management behaviours against DEET’s corporate governance principles”. (The present CPE John Kirwan replaced David Hawkes as commissioner in July 2002, after the key events of 2001 reported on by the Alice News and prompting the review, but nonetheless while several grievances were ongoing.) Among measures to address these issues, the review recommends that the role, responsibilities and accountabilities of the position General Manager Schools be reconfigured, as it does the position of Assistant Director Human Resource Services. By way of general comment on these senior positions within the Central Australian Office , the review found that “the two General Managers were perceived as being absent from the CAO together, especially to attend executive meetings in Darwin and on other occasions such that adequate senior managerial coverage was not in always place in the CAO.”It was also suggested that on some occasions at least three of the senior managers were absent at the same time, including the Assistant Director Human Resource Services.” vCoverage of business was one of the areas of greatest weakness within the office, says the review. Another gap identified by the review relates to the lack of any clear procedure for persons or organizations outside DEET, such as School Councils or Community Councils, to raise grievances about school principals or other staff or senior managers in DEET. “The Review finds that there is a policy and procedural gap in DEET in relation to complaints about staff by outside persons or organizations that requires urgent attention, especially in the light of several examples identified in the file review.” DEET CEO Peter Plummer says his “system initiatives” in his department “are already working to address concerns raised”. The structure of the Central Australian Office has been reviewed and the roles of the two senior positions have been substantially changed. The General Manager of Central Australia has been upgraded and now carries significant seniority in DEET and the NT Public Sector. This position is to report directly to the Chief Executive. Commissioner Kirwan says OCPE has also initiated reforms aimed at improving human resource practices across the NT Public Sector. He says the critical comments in the report about the OCPE’s case management of grievances have been accepted on face value and that OCPE is putting in place a range of procedural and policy reforms to improve the outcomes from both staff and the agencies.
Thanks Diane,
Please don’t say last post today at 5.30pm. I find you a challenging read for the detail, takes me a few views to get your rhythm. Your a great “source” to the real pulse though, I appreciate your hard work.(I enjoy Berry’s contributions too).
Kindest Regards
“Much of the work undertaken to provide information on circumstances regarding complaints from teachers in the Central Australian Region is doubtful of meeting the requirements outlined [in the principles and the code], not by intent so much as a result of the closed and defensive style of senior management in the Central Australian Office”
Diane, how can anybody write like that? And I hate the term “human resources.”, don’t you? Maybe we need a Language Academy after all.
Now to your question about Reina Michaelson. Last year I phoned the place where she reportedly works. Her “boss” answered and said he would have her call me back. No one called me back.
If Reina is reading this would she please get in touch? Or if anyone else knows her whereabouts, please tell Gumshoe.
From Scotsman.com:
The inquiry’s public hearings, which begin again next month, will now look at institutions run by Quarriers Homes, the Aberlour Child Care Trust and Barnardo’s before turning its attention to homes run by male religious orders. There will also be a case study looking at child migrant schemes, where children were sent to countries including Australia and Canada.
Among the other institutions announced yesterday is Lennox Castle hospital near Glasgow which closed in 2002 and where it’s alleged children were experimented on as part of a drugs programme run by Porton Down research laboratory during the Cold War.
Campaign group In-Care Abuse Survivors (Incas) has previously called on the inquiry to “review medical experimentation that was carried out on vulnerable children and adults without consent”. Lennox Castle was one of four Scottish institutions alleged to have been involved in trialling drugs on children. The MOD has said it is “not aware” of such tests and has seen no evidence to back up the claims.
Survivors have also claimed that six and seven-year-olds were tied to racks and given electric shocks. Anyone wishing to contact the inquiry can do so by calling 0800 0929 300 or by email to: talktous@childabuseinquiry.scot
Read more at: https://www.scotsman.com/news/education/school-with-dunblane-gunman-link-investigated-by-child-abuse-inquiry-1-4799611
lol your nick,
Merriam Webster – Recent Examples on the Web:
As if that weren’t enough, his son had disgraced himself by spreading an unhinged conspiracy theory involving child molestation, the Democratic Party, and a popular D.C. pizzeria.
lol, using a 60’s psyop.
I don’t find any humour in the exploitation of kids however.
Dee that video is well worth watching. You can start at 18 mins and still get the main points.
Wow…that video is brilliant. Everytime I’ve watched or read anything to do with Freemasons I’ve found it very confusing, i know thats just an insight but it lays out the foundations clearly. Thank you for sharing that
I didn’t think it “brilliant”, I thought it very emotive and sensationalist. The Craft is much more subtle and pervasive than this confession would lead to believe. Adepts will simply make an artificial distinction between “white” or “blue” Masonry and the “red” or “black” “minority”… much as the likes of the “Lucis Trust” or “Wiccans” pretend that there is a difference between “White” sorcery and “Dark” sorcery.
So Mary, how did that Open Letter to Vickie Chapman, Attorney General of South Australia go, did you get a decent response, what is she going to do about it??