Home Corona Bioweapon Exposed — Narrative To Fall Apart in 2023

Bioweapon Exposed — Narrative To Fall Apart in 2023


Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives an update on the bioweapon injections and criminals behind them



    • This is a multi-headed bioweapon no less. Kingston suggests that the so-called mRNA injections are a COVER STORY for an artificial intelligence, frequency-based gene mofification system that is self-learning and can decide how to edit each human. Karen refers to quantum dot dendrimers being the mode of action. Quantum dot dendrimers mimic up to 100 of types of exosomes and li[posomes (cell walls). https://zeeemedia.com/interview/karen-kingston-dr-ana-mihalcea-covid-is-a-technological-biological-weapon-hybrid-to-introduce-mind-control-via-injections/

      She suggests that when vaccine manufacturers talk about a ‘cationic lipid’ in the vaccines,what they are really talking about is a synthetically-created cell membranes with a communication platform fuelled by an energy source (3G,4G,5G, smart phones, routers). She posits that quantum-dot dendrimers mimic human liposomes and exosomes. These dendrimers then are structure-based and energy-based: they can penetrate any cell. They take over the communication system of the cell. This is the gene delivery system NOT THE SPIKE PROTEIN. The gen delivery sytem is quantum dot dendrimer. The so-called ‘spike protein’ is actually an artificial intelligence bioweapon call the dendrimer. It is a merger of AI codes to produce toxins in the body with an AI intelligence platform. These are not vaccines these are extremely sophisticated DEVICES..

      THE CLOTS?
      But, the Q.dot technology is not the only technology in the shots. The clots are hydrogel soft actuators: they are bio-synthetic electromagnetic networks which rebuild inside the body. Kingston suggests that ” squiggly parts look like bio synthetic amnio green parasite, which is part-graphene oxide, and part of a sea worm called “amnio Green” which is part of the Pfizer vaccine. They have been used specifically use for gene editing of nerve cells.(EG) In the retina, to rebuild retinal cells”…Karen suspects that it has it been put in there to rebuild our neural cells. The biology then is part-technology (bio-synthetic) and they are parasitic in nature and are intelligent..we have been injected with parasites of a new species.

      Anna Maria Mihalcea reveals in a conversation with Clifford Carnicon that polymorphic-self-assembling structures like long clots in the unvaxxed as well as the vaxxed are A PLASTIC-LIKE POLYMER (PVA) …AND THEY COME FROM MULTI SOURCES: VAX SHEDDING; WATER SUPPLY; GEO-ENGINEERING. This seems to back up Karen Kingston’s assertions that nano-particluates are spread by areosolization. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/synthetic-biological-life-forms-cross?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

      Anna Maria notes with alarm that, “To my great concern, I also had an unvaccinated person send me images of long rubbery clots, despite taking commonly used supplements for the breakdown of fibrin like Nattokinase and Lumbrokinas.” These are not clots per se…they are according to Clifford “Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as a chemical component of the synthetic life form he found – which is Hydrogel. The reason why people cannot dissolve the clots from vaxxed people is because it literally is a plastic like polymer – widely used in medical applications……;Clifford subjected his microscale “cross domain bacteria” = synthetic AI biology to a low level electrical current, which made the growth of the filaments accelerate explosively – in addition to changing the blood to unrecognizable features. This is the same findings Dr. David Nixon had when applying WiFi 4G router source to the C19 Pfizer ingredients and found accelerated growth of ribbon like structures and microchips.These ribbon structures resemble what I find in Live blood in the unvaccinated now causing severe Rouleaux formation.”

      Perhaps most worrying is that she suggests , “I share the common concern with Clifford that this responsiveness to electromagnetic and other frequencies may be the “Kill Switch”, with which selectively humanity can be depopulated. Vaxxed or unvaxxed at this point does not matter much, for all have this synthetic antenna in their bodies via the food supply, water supply, vax shedding and geoengineering spraying, causing disease and accelerated aging in humanity.”

  1. After an enraging discovery of the first commemorative US quarter (Feb. 2000) coming out with BATS on the tails’ side of the coin (just ‘COIN’cidence), short searches exposed ‘gain of function’ research done in the US … then ‘outsourced’ to Wuhan (WIV) with NIH money in 2015. US patents and research show the project in 2003-2004 and perhaps earlier in the framing of the ‘fake news’ that would support the fear-porn PANDEMIC NARRATIVES all in unison. Love to all. https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/covid-19-origins-crimes-against-humanity/

  2. I always thought the junk food and medical services were somehow financially linked and now it’s apparent the link is not just a few random doctors privately investing, the link comes right from the top, Globalist companies, most famous is Nestle … and Karen Kingston says the bio-weapon spike proteins etc are distributed by aerosols ( as we could guess in the case of the original cruise ships ) and … in food and beverage. Now we see Gates & co are buying up farms and infiltrated, controlled quasi-communist governments are legislating against private farming, so the public will be expected to live off contaminated packaged food until they are hospitalised and all their wealth extracted via Globalist medical systems.
    It’s like Zyklon B all over again. No wonder there is so much effort put in through Alt-media infiltration etc to discredit “jews” and deny their story, because it’s happening all over again. I give credit to these “jews” ( half of them already got old and died ) for making such a concerted effort to push their story, whether it is 100% accurate or not I don’t really care. The Armenians, Rwandans, Australian Aboriginies etc are not having so much success in hammering out their stories of ethnic cleansing genocide and so the histories have mostly “gone away” in their cases. I don’t make claims about where any particular jews are on any particular moral scale, basically they got the story out and kept pushing it out, that is the long and short of it. Their efforts to highlight and personalise genocide in this way do not go unappreciated at least by me. Credit to all of these whistle-blowers.

    • Amazing how I missed the millions killed by Mao and Stalin but those dead people are pretty quiet. In the future the greatest mass-murderers list may look like 1. Bill Gates 2. Mao 3. Stalin 4. Hitler 5. King Leopold 7. PolPot and so forth. How close are all these people to the bloodlines I wonder. My grandmother gave me a family tree which she copied out by hand, it went back a few hundred years. The bloodlines people must all have them and many more years, probably well over 1000. One can only assume they collaborate to elevate one other in everything from entertainment to politics to business to religion to freemasonry to the mafias.

  3. like your comment JB—-re Nestle I posted old footage a month or so ?? back —

    This is also worth thinking about–last comment
    “There are very few really exposing anything of consequence about the NWO”

    My thoughts it is not the Luciferian NWO its the Satanic OWG and OWR and the EMF cyber warfare–run by the machine –and “their” master plan– need to go for another swim this time in the ocean


    • AGENT OF INFLUENCE – May be under mind-control, or ideologically motivated to use their positions of influence to minds control others.

    • CONFUSION AGENT – Produce confusion by disseminating confounding information.

    • CONTRACT AGENT- Rogue agents, such as the mob/ ex military who do particular jobs on contract.

    • DEEP COVER AGENT – Often programmed multiple or person with mind-control programming who has been a long term sleeper agent.

    • DISINFORMATION AGENT – passes disinformation

    • NOTIONAL AGENT – fictitious non-existent “agent”

    • PROVOCATION AGENT – Provokes & destabilises target group

    • SPOON-FEEDER AGENT – Many who are pretending to expose the NWO are spoon-feeder agents who provide little new information & a measure of disinformation. Generally increase percentage of disinformation once they gain audience.

    There are very few really exposing anything of consequence about the NWO.”


    Needs adding to– dead eyes–cyborgs-

    need to go for another swim this time in the ocean

      • Unfortunately this group of intellectual people still can’t see or admit that the Covid scam was planned and the resultant deaths and injuries was meant to be.

        As for putting Dr Kerrin Phelps in the limelight as some sort of herione, I believe they are misaligned. Why did it take personal injury to bring from her what must have been obvious observations of her patients before hand? Had she not been injured would she have spoken up?

  4. AFL Solicitors have advised Doctors With Voices (around 24/12/22) that the TGA has admitted that 2 children aged 7 and 9 both suffered a cardiac arrest and sadly died post jab and these have been officially recorded as vaxxine injuries.

        • They are saying, AHPRA ( Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency ) is a fake government authority charging huge registration fees to all the health workers, gagging them, controlling them and not even paying the GST.
          They are saying there is a Thai equivalent to Kerryn Phelps now. Thailand was the first country to nominate HCQ as a potential cure for the bio-weapon. The Royal Princess of Thailand has been having heart attacks:
          Here’s a letter to the editor they were allowed to print a couple of days ago ( after all the censorship of 2021 ):
          “Often those who have ridiculed me for promoting a vegan diet are the same people who ridicule me for exposing the Covid hoax. Yet a vegan diet would be tremendously more effective in reducing the severity of Covid infection than all the vaccines in the world. A study published in the British Medical Journal involving six countries came to that exact conclusion. I believe one reason for this is that vegans are rarely overweight (although there are exceptions to that rule) and obesity greatly increases the risk of dying from Covid or being hospitalised for it. But what is the reaction of the medical establishment to this life-saving information? Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! All this Covid nonsense is about money and politics — not human health.”
          The new king of Thailand has backflipped on ganja, now instead of life imprisonment for drugs, you can open a ganja shop anywhere.
          Now there are plenty, they popped up like mushrooms.

  5. The shot, a stealth weapon, is mass murder by perpetraitors remaining anonymous, who are tempting people to their own slaughter, blaming deaths on new variants. They control pig pharma, governments and all flow of information.

    This is not the same place it was two decades ago, built by workers who made useful products and sold them for a fair price. Oz was built on Christian principles of fairness and charity, providing opportunity for all.

    Tragically, we have devolved into a blending of big government and big corporations, and all they are about is profit and power.

  6. Simon Ponders:
    We have to repair for angry peeps, you that have lost offspring cut loose

    my privacy is important so 4 for 4
    they literally put human babies cloned “sells” inside “natural waters” and called it bottled water(no glass even, just endocrine disrupting plastic(ref HEK 293, adeno virus, kapow 1950’s “bat”man style– humour and lack ov is important

    clearly crazy Simon is in the house(Simon will never leave the building), magnesium sulfate waters yes(natural not mining waste style) – wink Diane

    • Simon, you will be made to stay after class and write 100 times “I will not confuse GSers again.”

      Note: Being as how the Minotaur never received severance pay, she could make a comeback at any time.

      • I’ll pay u when you get me to the other-side.

        After class! had 13 Saturday morning detentions too, the teachers rostered and me, had to connect at some point. they waste our time at “work”.

        Why I found you so easy and to be honest( right & wrong is not 4 us)

        Merry Christmas Mary, xoxo(lil late so on time)

  7. They will run, as more of their complicity and their involvement in a world wide genocide becomes more widely known, but they cannot hide from what is coming to them!

  8. This information released by Karen Kingston does not fit well with those believing the US Military are going to free us from the grips of the Deep State. DARPA in this war against us, the people of the world, are in this up to their necks.

    DARPA is the criminal organisation part of the US Army set up by Bush and Cheney after 9/11.

    All politicians that put their name to this evil legislation giving apparent carte blanc amnesty to all the criminals in this debacle, should also hang.

  9. Is AHPRA going to deregister Dr Kerryn Phelps as they have many doctors and health workers for spreading “misinformation” or is it possible that she is playing a controlled opposition role.Time will tell.

  10. I parked my car near to a chainstore outlet called “Chemist Warehouse”, left my phone in the car, bought some product and paid cash, when I got home and looked for emails on the laptop the first ad came up on Hotmail “Chemist Warehouse”.
    GPS is dobbing in my geo-location to Gates in real time

    • JB, after all that has been written about ‘Idiot phones’, I’m surprised that you are still using the bloody things. I’ve got a ‘flip phone’, it does everything I want without being tracked. Actually, I hardly use the flip phone, I only use it if I need to make a phone call to the wife to let her know when I will be home. The rest of the time it remains OFF.

      • One way to stop the tracking, each night put the the tracker in a glass of water under the false teeth. 💁🏼😂
        Turning it off has no protection…… leave it at home tied to the cat’s collar.

        • For the normies just watch the documentary 0n how the fraudulent 2020 US election was exposed.
          ‘2,000.00 MULES’ that the msm and our billion dollar per annum plus interest ABC is censoring.
          SELL THE FAKE ABC.

        • we could post them fones to Canberra. watch the rats run with the false flag

          all fones track u 100%, and if u can’t remove the battery 100% of the time. did a forensic on a blackberry and nokia back in the 90’s. even sim out. done at the network level. they spy @ a router to router level too

          Deep packet inspection was implemented back then too, y i no this snuff shit is protected @ host level

  11. The nature of the covid vaccine goes to the fact that, just like the lockdowns, the overarching intent wasn’t about the well-being of the general population but rather the control thereof. The Rulers of the World are simply scared shitless of anything over which they ultimately have no power; their whole raison d’etre is to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re omnipotent. Therein lies the alpha and omega of the toxicity; the “bio-weapon” theory imputes far too much credit

    • Point being that accrediting anyone with non-existent competence is the best way of maintaining a delusion of power without which the entire machine would collapse

  12. US. Dax Tejera, the executive producer of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” died suddenly Friday at the age of 37.
    ABC News President Kim Goodwin announced “with a heavy heart and great sadness” that Tejera died of a heart attack on Friday night, according to a memo she sent to company staff obtained by Mediaite.
    “Jibs and Jabs cause SIDS and SADS”.

  13. At One hour plus a few minutes.
    Well Dr Murphy, Dr Chant, NSW health minister Hazzard, Prime Minister Albanese, all the late teals elected to parliament, Ms Jackie Lambie, Fitzsimmons, 2GB et.al shock jokes, the ABC, SBS. Premiers of Victoria, WA, QLD, ALL POLICE COMMISSIONERS; you lot ET.Al, might have an answer in defence, SO PUT IT UP HERE AT GUMSHOENEWS.COM for the injected to be happy, safe and protected.

  14. ‘Vax’ deaths are ‘suicide’ per the interpretation of the ‘terms’ of some life insurance companies.
    This is old news based on a 2021 ? Court case in Europe that denied beneficiaries a million or so.
    The 1.37 min report is at BIN.
    Forget the politicians, pharma and medical tyrants, Trust the insurance companies💁🏼🤡💰💰💰their interests have a lot of skin in the game.

  15. Cops are too dumb now, just like trainee pilots who can’t pass their test because of the injection. Take a look at excess deaths in the injected…96% injected and the un jabbed are healthy…now where is their conspiracy?
    2023 will expose the greatest lie on earth, all those monsters who hid the truth will be given ZERO amnesty!

  16. The government and corporations are against national sovereignty, they are a technocratic tyranny using CCP as the global jig.

    AI parasites are injected spike proteins “lipid nano particles”, smart (secret military armaments for residential technology) and lethal.
    The most infectious plague this earth has ever seen are bio-weapons within all bodies injected.

    The microwave towers and 5G satellites must be destroyed so that demons are deprived of energy to live. They want to replace everything good with evol, therefore we must resist.

    1% own 95% of everything, trillions are in their hands, with the agenda now mainstream. Science is a totalitarian agenda of mass genocide by satanists who have stolen common wealth from all people.

    • Continues with various individuals turning against the va666ine
      Wants to exit UN WHO etc. since 2016
      Graduates of WEF in Australian Parliament are Sarah Hanson-Young (Green) and Andrew Bragg (Liberal)
      Finishes off with HAARP etc plausibility

  17. All family and few friends left say that I’m totally insane due to unstable thoughts with words spoken.
    Mesmerised by spells of sorcery, they embrace bs holding them as shields to their hearts. They still don’t get pure evil is the new religion of blind faith addiction to screens. For them lies have become reality and 2+2 is any number except 4.
    From flat chat to flat on back certainly hasn’t enhanced their views on this loser I’ve become. Although like a fish on dry land, can still remember exchanging cheeky winks to dolphins with back turned to the world, facing horizon where sea meets sky.

    • Big shortage in trades in Western Australia at the moment, if you like to work and not too fussy about accommodation you could have a nice break, a little while ago they said average trade wage is $117/h, I think they are talking about on-site, probably could get a job in a furniture factory quite easily at a lower rate.
      Talking to a timber door and windows man a few years ago he was already too busy to muck around with the body corporate. Or maybe just too smart.

        • All house-finishing trades should be in good demand in WA for all of 2023, if you can’t get enough work as a painter, tiler, cabinetmaker, carpet layer, plasterer, landscaper-gardener, anything like that, and you don’t mind renting at the backpackers and working 10 hours a day you should do quite well out of it.

  18. Dmitry Medvedev predicts. (Taken from his twitter an hour ago.)

    Russian government official
    Antwort an @MedvedevRussiaE
    1. Oil price will rise to $150 a barrel, and gas price will top $5.000 per 1.000 cubic meters.
    2. The UK will rejoin the EU.
    3. The EU will collapse after the UK’s return; Euro will drop out of use as the former EU currency

    Poland and Hungary will occupy western regions of the formerly existing Ukraine.

    The Fourth Reich will be created, encompassing the territory of Germany and its satellites, i.e., Poland, the Baltic states, Czechia, Slovakia, the Kiev Republic, and other outcasts

    War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process.

    Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland

    Civil war will break out in the US, California. and Texas becoming independent states as a result. Texas and Mexico will form an allied state. Elon Musk’ll win the presidential election in a number of states which, after the new Civil War’s end, will have been given to the GOP
    . All the largest stock markets and financial activity will leave the US and Europe and move to Asia
    The Bretton Woods system of monetary management will collapse, leading to the IMF and World Bank crash. Euro and Dollar will stop circulating as the global reserve currencies. Digital fiat currencies will be actively used instead

    Dmitry Medvedev

    Russian government official, and he finishes with:
    “Season greetings to you all, Anglo-Saxon friends, and their happily oinking piglets!”

    • A lot of sci-fi mixed into this but the 4th Reich bloc sounds interesting.
      When he says financial activity will move to Asia he is presumably talking about the traditional European version of Asia, which starts at Turkey (Turkiye).
      When he says Elon Musk will be president I think he shows he is joking around.

    • Video: Panama Commemorates Those Who Died in the 1989 Illegal US Invasion, Noriega Was a CIA Asset
      By Don Hank, December 21, 2022

      Today is an official day of mourning in Panama. It is a bank holiday and most businesses are closed. Americans like to think they did Panama a favor by invading and ridding the country of the dictator. If you go to the official web site, you will see cited a very LOW number of deaths due to Bush Senior’s 1989 invasion, which in fact killed thousands of Panamanian citizens.


      America’s War Against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes
      By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 22, 2022

      The Korean War (1950-1953) was the first major military operation undertaken by the US in the wake of World War II, launched at the very outset of what was euphemistically called “The Cold War”. In many respects it was a continuation of World War II, whereby Korean lands under Japanese colonial occupation were, from one day to the next, handed over to a new colonial power, the United States of America.


  19. OK, after all this time, the Oz media has finally stated that Alan Dare, the neighbor to the Trains that was shot in the back in Queensland, was joined by another neighbor to see what was happening (I had to go to a NZ publication to find that initial information).

    Not only did they mention the second person, they gave his name, a 70 year old named Victor Lewis. – So who in the MSM is interviewing that eye witness?


  20. Email sent to local newspaper. Name and address supplied.

    Refer Editor and Ben O’Shea

    Take note of information in the main video of this story line. You were both warned by me that the whole Covid-19 plandemic was a scam and that the “vaccine” was dangerous but you took no notice. Now you may have to suffer the consequences of your false reporting.
    Also check view video of 1.37mins length regarding insurance in “comments” section. You had better check out your insurance policy for when members of the public wake up to the lies they were fed by your newspaper and decide to sue you for disinformation or worse. The law works both ways. There cannot be a situation whereby insurance companies can use the “experimental clause” to get out of payment to individuals while those organisations that informed those same individuals that the law required them to be vaccinated, remain covered by their insurance company.
    In the eyes of the individual how can I decide which way to go? Go against the law or take a chance on having the experimental vaccine. Remember the individual had been told that the vaccine was efficient and safe, by all media outlets.
    Something for you to think upon in the New Year.

    • All these people will simply find ways to lie themselves out of trouble until the next trouble and then they will lie again, they will lie and lie and lie and every new lie will bring them more satisfaction. They will come up with “official” lies such as the insurance council says va666ed / unva666ed will be treated equally (2021 statement) while any more recent statement is locked up under “subscriber only” paywall.
      They will pump out their lies of every shape and size until we all dies.

  21. We are seeing extreme censorship. Scientists not with the plan sacked, some suddenly dying.
    Truthful sites being shut down, as mainstream ignores anything contrary to the official untruth.
    We have reached the point where lies have become truth and truth is now a lie.

    This is the biggest criminal conspiracy of all time. In a sane world, the perpetraitors would be charged with treason and mass murder.

    • The elderly are murdered because they have a memory of how life was like before this war began. The less people remember freedom, the less they will see globalism for what it is – slavery, where we are all viewed as cattle for slaughter.

  22. I go up and down the beach most days, about 1 or 2 km, sometimes driving, sometimes walking, it’s quite popular with exercisers. Speed limit is low so rarely any incidents. Today for the 2nd time in about 6 months I saw an ambulance parked on the footpath with a supine body under a sheet, the cops were just leaving as if they had nobody to interview and no suspicious circumstances. When I go past it only takes a few seconds so what’s happening in all the hours that I’m not going past ? Is someone dropping off every weekend ? The cops and ambulances used to like using their sirens during our communist lockdowns periods but now they have stopped using them except at busy intersections. Is that because there are too many incidents now ? There are still a few low-key squeaks from government and industry types telling us to inject ourselves some more, but these have mostly faded out by now.

    • Looks like we will make it to Dec 31, 2022. Will we make it to December 31, 2023? For Australia to reach 16 mil population (Deagel), lots more Ambulances will be heard.
      Looking back at the 3 past years, Dmitry Medvedev’s “predictions” for 2023 may not be too far fetched?

  23. What now?
    Constant surveillance of every person on the planet, CBDC digital money system,
    no cash, social credit score, vaxxx mandates and transhumanism – mark of the beast, devil in the details, end game of oligarchs and technocrats.
    Chinese people are not happy, but they have no choice in the matter. To force this control grid on the whole world, the current system must be collapsed.

    Save the children, by starting Archbishop Vigano’s party here, the Anti-Globalist Alliance.

  24. As is, just don’t see narrative falling apart.
    The enemy is loaded on all bases. How do we shut down bswl4 labs, when Doherty Institute hands scripts to all politicians as they parrot on mainstream news. Unfortunately, krown kabal komunizm is entrenched here via freemasonry.
    What can be done, when most don’t even know who Doherty Institute is (although it’s announced at beginning of every major msm broadcast) and that bio weapon labs are producing the jabs.

    Truth will break the surface, as we witness the results of mass injections.

    • “Peter Doherty shared the 1996 Nobel Medicine Prize with Swiss colleague Rolf Zinkernagel” (immunology, viruses, cancer etc)
      We have seen more recently Nobel Prizes go to Obama for doing nothing, as a cover for his continuation of the “7 wars in 5 years” policy of the DeepState. We have seen this year Nobel Prizes going to supporters of Zelenskyy, the Nobel Peace prize has been fully PERVERTED by now to promote warmongers.
      Zelenskyy is still a “free” man, if a puppet is ever free, and has the destruction of Ukraina on his hands as he engages in a hopelessly unwinnable war.
      Ukraina is a sacrifice on the altar of geo-political strategy (hegemony etc). Everyone in Ukraina should have worked this out by now, but like anywhere, 50% are smarter than average and 50% are dumber.

  25. The Project

    People for Safe Vaccines
    The Pointy End

    There is a concerted push by drug companies and governments worldwide to develop, manufacture and roll out COVID-19 vaccines.

    In Australia, the federal government has granted fast-tracked approval to four drug companies to develop their experimental vaccines, which allow them to defer many steps key to ensuring vaccine safety and efficacy. Numerous medical experts are warning about unorthodox and biased trials, unreleased results data, unknown long-term effects, and the distinct possibility of death and serious injury from these new vaccines, in their current stage of development. 

    Read on –


  26. This is no joke! The president of Norway’s parliament receives a medal from president Zelensky,(the man with 30 odd Bio labs)
    Storting Speaker Masud Gharahkhani receives the Order of ‘Yaroslav the Wise’ from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. The award will be presented by the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, Ruslan Stefantsyuk.


    Anything to do with it?… NATO’s boss Jens Stoltenberg is Norwegian.

    • Gates gives award to Princess Ursula, specialising in mass death via injections, war and freezing. Goodbye useless eaters !!! Don’t forget Sarah Hanson Young is one of them, refer above to Senator Malcolm Roberts, so S.H-Y. needs you injected too, what is her va666ine status, can any Croweaters enquire of her office ?
      Bill Gates on Ursula von der Leyen at the 2022 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Goalkeepers Awards. Gates literally rolls over verbally and praises Ursula’s tireless activities in the corona pandemic. The question that inevitably arises is: What kind of strange power structure is it that a Silicon Valley software billionaire awards top European politicians? There is no more obvious way of showing the swamp between politics and business. In the past, at least an effort was made to hide the corruption. Today they just laugh in our faces while the suitcase changes hands…

    • Who benefits from Russian gas being supplied only through Ukraina – that is who blew the NordStrom Pipeline up, says Putin, there is no investigation

      • Good question.

        I was wondering, why doesn’t Putin need a teleprompter?

        Larchmonter is always impressed,

        Larchmonter445 on December 27, 2022 · at 10:37 pm EST/EDT
        Great presser. President of the World!
        Thank you to whoever did the subtitles. Marvellous job.
        If a hundred world leaders attempted such a presser, I think none of them could match Putin. What a leader he is.

        • I would go further than Putin and ask who controlled the terrain where the explosion(s) were, but there you go, I am not a politician or a diplomat. (answer: nato)
          Useless eaters have a negative value on the balance sheet !!!

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