by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
On June 13, 2020, at her website PedophilesDownUnder.com, Fiona Barnett published an article on “MK-Ultra in the Military.” Having been a Delta-trained soldier at age 14, she is able to sling some amazing autobiography at us.
I have no way of verifying her story, but I am very inclined to believe it — it matches up with other stories for which there is good evidence. I am going to suggest below that she take her case to court in the US. She can sue her (alleged) perpetrator, Gen Al Gray of the Marines. He is 92 years old and maybe has wanted all these years for a chance to tell his side of the story. Give him a chance!
Fiona’s Story
I now present an excerpt from that article at Pedophiles Down Under, written by Fiona Barnett who was born circa 1968, in New South Wales. The incident takes place at Dulce military base in New Mexico when she is 14 (around 1982, at least before the Beirut bombing of 1983):
“My memory fragments include a long flight at night in a black B-2 stealth bomber ending in a bombing mission in Beirut. My Beirut memory includes the officer who assaulted me at Dulce: General Alfred M. Gray.
“I was restrained in Aquino’s torture chair at Dulce when the General approached me…. The fat gut behind his itchy green uniform, and brass buttons, pressed annoyingly against the right side of my face. He unzipped his trousers and exposed himself.
“‘Don’t touch the merchandise,’ I warned through gritted teeth. Ignoring me, he forced it into my mouth. I bit down hard, and ground my teeth side to side.
“He screamed for help which came too late. He was rushed into theatre for surgery. Our unit joked about the incident over dinner in the mess hall….
“Our team paid dearly for my insubordination. I was awoken that night by a violent pack rape committed by my team, after which the boys snapped out of their trance, sighed, cried, and apologised profusely for violating their beloved mascot. ‘It’s okay,’ I reassured and held them, ‘I’d rather you do it instead of those bastards.’
Triple Murder
“The following morning, I exited Dulce base via a narrow pedestrian door. Outside, to my right was a steep red slope. A dirt path wound down the hill and snaked up to a cave entrance in the hill to my right. Our Commander stood at ease outside the cave entrance, waiting for me. He handed me a knife and said with a hint of disappointment and disapproval, ‘Now go in and clean up your mess.’
“In a split second, Alice [I think Fiona means one of her inner selves], who felt loyal to my team was flung aside by Sascha, the alter specifically trained to unquestioning follow such repugnant orders. Inside the cave, the three soldiers who raped me last night sat on the ground, their hands and feet bound. Sascha slit their throats, exited the cave, handed the knife back to our Commander, and returned to the base.
“…Later I found film footage of a drunk, slurring Alfred M. Gray Jr addressing dependents following the 23 October 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing. When I encountered him in 1983, Major-General Alfred M. Gray was Commanding General of the Second Marine Division deployed to Beirut.”
— end of excerpt from pedophilesdownunder. (Just in case you missed it: an Australian 14-year-old in America bit someone and then was made to murder her three best friends.)
Delta Force
Fiona’s article goes on to explain Delta. She says it originated in Vietnam around 1965 with a unit of Special Forces who had the code name Project Delta. Its commander was Charles Alvin Beckwith, who already had SAS experience. In 1968 Beckwith was commanding the 101st Airborne division of the US Army.
In 1980 the Joint Special Operations Command was formed (says Fiona) to plan and coordinate activities of various elite special forces, in regard to “classified activities.” It included men from Navy SEALS, the Air Force 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and Army Intelligence Support Activity.
Fiona Barnett notes that Cisco Wheeler (daughter of US Army General Wheeler, a chief in the Vietnam War) has said that all Delta Forces are victims of mind control. They may be recruited from Green Berets and Army Rangers.
Colonel Alfred Gray, per Kay Griggs
I am now returning to quote Barnett verbatim from her June 13, 2020 article. In this part, she leans heavily on Kay Griggs for a description of General (at that time Colonel) Al Gray. (Kay Griggs’ material can be found in a seven-hour interview of her, by Pastor Rick Strawcutter, in 2010. It is on YouTube. I find it very persuasive.):
“Al Gray was Commandant of the Marine Corps. They called Al Gray ‘The Commissar’ (i.e., Communist political officer) because he was a ‘Russian double agent.’
[How fascinating. Is it true?]
As Kay Griggs said, ‘Al Gray ran all the dirty tricks for the Army’ – the murders and assassinations. Al Gray ran everything in Vietnam. He also did all of the Special Ops training. Gray’s loyal Marines were called ‘Gray’s Boys.’
“Al Gray was ‘Deep State operative’ who collaborated with a small group of generals – ‘The Brotherhood’ – who worked both sides (Democrat and Republican) but answered to Nelson Rockefeller. Al Gray and Jim Joy ran Moral, Welfare & Recreation, a network of military support and leisure services as a money laundering operation. They ran all the officer’s clubs which employed topless women.
“The movie A Few Good Men starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, a movie about a Marine Colonel who ordered his boys to assault a Marine in Guantanamo Bay. The film was based on a true story. Colonel George Griggs was the Chief of Staff who tried to cover the incident up for Alfred Gray, (who was) portrayed by Jack Nicholson.”
Everybody’s Going To Court These Days
As far as I can tell (but I am no expert), Fiona can sue General Gray. She already received a compensation payment of $10,000 from New South Wales under the Victims of Crime procedure. Although she accuses many famous persons of having raped her, such as Anthony Kidman, the NSW board allowed only the claim of an attack on her by her grandfather when she was a child.
Here is a quick overview of persons who are in the news today for having sued Jeffrey Epstein and/or Ghislaine Maxwell. Some dates in the story, from Wikipedia, are as follows:
*1990s – GM (Ghislaine Maxwell) and Jeffrey Epstein are said to have sexually abused teen girls in London, NY, Palm Beach and an island in the Virgin Islands. One girl may have been as young as 13.
*1999 – Virginia Giuffre (at that time, Roberts) was recruited by GM from her job at Donald Trump’’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida.
*2008 – Epstein is arrested. His case did not go to trial, as he agreed to a plea deal. That is, he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge (soliciting prostitution). The Judge sentenced him to 18 months in prison. It was what you might call Prison Lite; he could go out during the day to deal with his businesses. He was paroled after 13 months.
*2008 – The plea deal seems to have included immunity for GM, but only for crimes committed in the 1990s (I think).
*2015, Victim Virginia Guiffre sues both GM and Epstein; they settle out of court, paying an undisclosed amount to Virginia.
*2015 GM states that she had not acted as a procurer for Epstein. (I don’t know if this was stated under oath.)
*2017 Sarah Ransome sues both GM and Epstein and settles out of court. Not clear why she chose federal court (SDNY – Southern District of New York) for what seems to be a private lawsuit.
*2019 Maria Farmer spoke to the press about an affidavit she had filed on the Virginia Guiffre lawsuit. She had gone to the NYPD and FBI to report that her 15-year-old sister was flown to New Mexico where both GM and Epstein sexually abused her on a massage table
*2019 Epstein is arrested and is in MCC jail.
*2019 On August 10 he dies and on August 19 Chief Medical Examiner Dr Barbara Sampson announces that the death was a “suicide.”
*2019 New York passes the Child Victims Act that was sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal. It extends the statute of limitations until the child reaches age 50.
Can Fiona Barnett Sue General Al Gray in United States for a 1983 Sexual Assault (not to say an order to murder)?
The phrase “private international law” means a suit is occurring with the plaintiff in one country and the defendant in another. This often happens and a decision has to be made as to the venue. The rules are fairly fluid. I think Fiona Barnett can sue in a court in the US, on the basis of making it easier for the elderly defendant to attend that court.
The sexual assault occurred in Lebanon. That is also a possible but highly unlikely venue. Note that we are not talking about a prosecution but a tort – Fiona can ask for money. If she wins, there would be public pressure for her complaint to be dealt with by indictment, I would think. She also has her sights on a US army general, Jerry Boykin (born 1948).
We mentioned Boykin in a recent Gumshoe article. Fiona says he was at Holsworthy Army Base in Australia. I have sent a Freedom of Information request to the Pentagon asking if Boykin was ever at Holsworthy. No reply yet, but the law says the addressee must reply. If not, I have an automatic right to sue for the information.
The Rhode Island Talk on MK-Ultra
I shall now present a lengthy lecture by me on the matter of MK-Ultra victims starting civil actions. My friend Hummux, owner of the website 911V.org, has a mission in life – he goes around to film dissident messages and activities. But he doesn’t leave it there. He makes the final product into an exactly-58-minute video.
That is the length demanded by public broadcasters. He then submits the product to a center that offers the material free, to educational and community channels. Neat, huh? Hummux filmed my Boston Marathon lecture in January 2018 in Watertown, and he made it available on Youtube.
Alas, his website got de-platformed recently (for “hate speech”) and he lost huge amounts of work. I had a secret copy of my Rhode Island talk, so have re-uploaded it today. It may be too long for you to endure, unless you have a particular interest in MK-Ultra. Keen litigants can contact me, at MaxwellMaryLLB @ gmail.com, for further information , but I pretty much spat out all I know of the subject in this video:
Mary, seeing as you mention your friend Hummux (pronounced Hu-Mook for other Gumshoe readers not familiar with him), I saw this video back in March where Hummux co-hosts an episode of False Flag Weekly News with Dr Kevin Barrett :
Ta, Troof.
Learnt so much here,great talk, still makes me wonder, why we cant get Martins case into court? whats really stopping this?
Now that you speak of it, someone could help him mount a lawsuit. The best defense is an offense.
Cherri, you may think it was easy for Virginia and Sarah to get a payout but maybe that was because they were willing to sign a gag order. Of course that was in 2017 before Epstein was arrested.
Cherri Baby, who knows better than you that there is a roadblock at Risdon between a visitor and an inmate. Keep trying. You are the best person to do it.
Good one, Cherri. I like the content but the music style is a bit too “Yankified” for my liking.
You sing beautifully Cherri, hard to describe but it just created a harmonic with me/my spirit. The content flows through your voice alone.
Always in the “eye’s” of the beholder.
Takes all kind.
Not you Paul Mullen, your going to do Port Arthur time, Risdon maybe when your half rehabilitated. Don’t worry, you will have your friends there.
o, the band is tight too. Well done.
I’m onboard anyway, have to say great reach-out too, kudos(and that was before I listened now 3x)
What’s stopping this is the same thing that is stopping Bradley Murdoch getting a fair trial. Too many scared people don’t want the truth let out!!
“He said, having visited prisons all over the world, Australia’s system is worse than many others.”
“‘Prisoner X’, as he is known, committed armed robbery, but that’s not what landed him in solitary confinement. His attitude did, according to the professor of criminology who testified when Prisoner X sued the Tasmanian Government, citing cruel and unusual punishment.”
“He even gets visits from his mother.” – I seriously doubt that Bryant gets visits from anyone. However, the statement that he is a vegetable from being drugged all the time does sound plausible. If anyone could get to him to try and get some cogent instructions about an appeal, he may not be able to give those instructions.
So what’s the law, Terry, when a person in trouble is incapable of giving instructions?
You’re jumping the gun, someone needs to get to him and see if he can give instructions. As it is, he is a political prisoner of the system, locked away and incommunicado. Perhaps someone knows another prisoner in Risdon that has or can talk to Bryant.
By the way, “Having been a Delta-trained soldier at age 14”, is so unbelievable as to completely discredit anything else she might have said. I’ve worked with SF people, they work their way up from basic training, air borne training, etc. I’ve heard more believable stories from drunk wannabes in pubs.
Some background on becoming a ‘Delta’.
It’s my educated guess that “they” could take someone who was never a ballerina and turn her into a world-class ballerina in a short time. Maybe there is a way to somehow bypass, in the brain, the usual need of constant muscular training.
Terry some background on becoming a MKULTRA super soldier
MKULTRA Super Soldier
January 5, 2017 – by Leonard Wass
MKULTRA Supersoldiers are faster, stronger and mentally superior to ordinary human beings. They are also psychic and fearless.
Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior; brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA supersoldier program called Project Talent. From a thousand others, trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, only one of twenty left alive to tell the story.
I too have met some special forces bods who presented as pretty good blokes, and perhaps they are, but even so, that does not mean that there is not a sub-culture of “extra special” forces within.
Come to think of it, I’ve even met two lawyers that seemed pretty decent chaps.
Yeah, I had a mentor that was one of those ‘extra special’ forces. Robert Tisdale (‘Apple’ was his handle) worked to develop the HALO jumps behind the enemy lines, jumped with the ‘Golden Knights’ and had spent a tour with 5th SF.
When we were working a SF mission out of Phu Bia, I would go off with the other pilots while Robert would walk over to the SF blokes. They would all stand to shake his hand.
Great bloke, fearless and knew his stuff. On my second tour, when ever I got into some deep do-do, I would just imagine what Robert would do – freaked a lot of other blokes out…
Perhaps Robert “Apple” Tisdale knew the same SAS bod that I knew. However, I doubt that any “super, extra special” component would appear to be some aloof monsters to the rest of men.
Looking back 30 odd years, though, the high ranking Army and Air Force bods I knew were very guarded in what they said and didn’t say which didn’t arouse any suspicion in me at the time. But now, looking back, I get the suspicion that they knew much that was not “for the public” to know.
However, one thing that stuck in my mind as somewhat incongruous was that they said (completely unknown to one another) that the bulk of their “training” was not about repelling invaders but about putting down domestic insurrection. We might say that they were being programmed to protect the “government” from the people.
So, according to the link submitted by Diane, “a man who cannot be named” sued the Tasmanian Government for some undisclosed amount of money but as to the outcome we’re left up in the air
But supposing he was successful, who would have footed the bill?
Your kids?
Or worst still your grand-kids?
The only effective means of redressing atrocities committed under the auspices of “government” would be to seize the assets of the corresponding ministers who happened to be in office during the corresponding period and bequeath them to the respective victims. The same officials would also have to be put to some sort of constructive labour-camp work for the rest of their productive days, thereby being given some sort opportunity toward redemption
The whole spectre of solitary confinement is, of course, hand-in-glove with squeamishness re execution as borne out by who ultimately gets to foot the bill
e. g. Who had to pay for the life-sentences lived out by this pair ?
And what good came of it?
But if, on conviction, they’d been given a couple of weeks to mull over what they’d done before being bulleted in the head, if they’d been compelled to meet their Maker in their prime, they might well have been spared from spending eternity in hell.
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor, he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear.”
Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron.
Roseanne Barr got de-platformed off her sitcom for promoting Cathy O’Brien and they said Charlie Sheen got de-platformed for asking too many questions about 9-11 then a couple of characters made a movie about how Charlie Sheen supposedly molested them but apparently he’s had 3 wives 5 kids and untold girlfriends and orphans so why would he want to molest boys too ?
So everyone gets de-platformed and has to go to bitchute. Lots of places are streaming video so I don’t know why bitchute is a bit slow and troublesome. Are they collecting dissenter IDs. Why are there not more alternatives, since we all need to get off MSM, there is a need.
Everybody’s stripping off lately.
Gah! What’s that conductor fellow doing his ridiculous publicity stunt for? Is he Bi Bi Netanyarhoo’s brother, or something?
Closest I can come to that happy theme is at 14:20 of this medley of World Famous Songs
If it starts at the beginning you won’t be disappointed.
There is a list of the songs in the description and a linked index provided by ‘torpedo0408’
By the way, I support Terry’s comments- there’s something not quite right about Fiona – “a Delta-trained soldier at age 14” – I had to read that twice.
Hey Julius take time to watch the video posted for Terry—-
That sounds like a challenge 🙂
Hey Fish, the implausible becomes the most plausible.
Different positions need filling, but plenty of machete or automatic carrying 14 year olds in the above link too.
Yeoman’ have long history of training their children into their particular warcraft.
Delta squads were not just about lifting the heavy tools, plenty of other groups, even, especially for that task.
mk, had a physic aspect among other purposes.
How much of the mk that can be found believable, is one thing but kids at war is not new.
Fiona being at least an attempt at a pathfinder or other task, in an elite squad, totally plausible to me.
Agree Terry, about Fiona losing credibility. Also many years too early for an operational B-2 bomber, let alone using it for troop transport. Sorry, Fiona.
Yeah Johno, the B-2 only carries a crew of two, so what, Fiona is a qualified B-2 pilot?
Hmm. The “best” fighter pilots in WW II were said to be 18 – 19 year olds as they had a combination of coordination and daring that more experienced and “cautious” pilots derided as reckless.
Just speaking from my own experience, I was operating agricultural machinery at about the age when most are sent to school to learn how to be “normal”.
I have no difficulty in accepting that a reasonably intellectually and physically co-ordinated 14 year old could fly a flash aeroplane with appropriate instruction.
But I have other bothers with Fiona’s narrative.
Ol’Dave , you’re not far off in your estimation of the age of the best WWII fighter pilots.
By far, the greatest fighter pilot of that war, or indeed any war, was Hans-Joachim Marseille (nicknamed the ‘Star of Africa’ ). He was 22 years old when he died.
No, not a Frenchman . He was German, but of French Huguenot ancestry – hence the surname.
Marseille does not top the lists of German aces of WWII – not even close. But those ahead of him (like Erich Hartmann with over 300 kills), achieved their tallies on the Eastern Front against poorly trained and inexperienced Soviet pilots often flying inferior aircraft.
Their tallies took several years to achieve (some of whom had been flying since the war began in 1939 and had flown on the western and eastern fronts).
Marseille’s tally of 158 confirmed aircraft downed was ALL against Western Allied aircraft and 80 – 90 % of these were achieved in the 10 months prior to his death.
To put things in perspective, the greatest American fighter ace in the European theatre of operations was Gabby Gabreski (34.5 kills).
In the month of September 1942 alone Marseille claimed 54 victories.
In one single day in September he would down 17 aircraft (eight of which were shot down in 10 minutes).
The great Chuck Yeager’s tally for the whole of WWII was 11.
One of Marseille’s commanding officer’s had this to say about him :
“Marseille was extremely handsome. He was a very gifted pilot, but he was unreliable. He had girl friends everywhere, and they kept him so busy that he was sometimes so worn out that he had to be grounded. His sometime irresponsible way of conducting his duties was the main reason I fired him. But he had irresistible charm.”
In a dogfight, particularly when attacking Allied aircraft in a Lufbery circle, Marseille would often favour dramatically reducing the throttle and even lowering the flaps to reduce speed and shorten his turn radius, rather than the standard procedure of using full throttle throughout
All the enemy were shot down by Marseille in a turning dogfight. As soon as he shot, he needed only to glance at the enemy plane. His pattern [of gunfire] began at the front, the engine’s nose, and consistently ended in the cockpit. How he was able to do this not even he could explain. With every dogfight he would throttle back as far as possible; this enabled him to fly tighter turns.
One pilot who flew with him had this to say :
” He was the most amazing and ingenious combat pilot I ever saw. He thought nothing of jumping into a fight outnumbered ten to one, often alone, with us trying to catch up to him. He violated every cardinal rule of fighter combat. He abandoned all the rules ” .
Finally, these words from one of the greatest aces of WWII (104 victories – all of them against the western allies ) :
” Hans-Joachim Marseilles was the unrivalled virtuoso among the fighter pilots of WWII ” . ….. Adolf Galland.
You’ll get no disputes from me on that score.
Fiona could be compromised, who know’s. The Indiana Jones flying wing or later b2 has a payload compartment, so has capacity to carry more than just flight crew.
Love aircraft, this shape is inferior in most ways. It was developed for it’s outstanding stealth or covert abilities. To me a true delta wing, speed and heavy lifting not the goal, surprise the criteria.
Want to move troops(many), the spruce goose is the go to.
St’rooth, Julius! those beautiful girls are good-oh. I uster play a violin, viola, cello and a bit of piano and I reckon I can tell if the players are faking it. Those girls are skilled musicians, in my opinion.
Well, if Fiona would file a lawsuit we could learn more about super-soldiers. I have doubts about some things she says (not many). I think Al Gray would have got into big trouble for having 3 super-soldiers killed off, out of “spite,” as they would have had value for future missions.
Diane, above you indicated that you provided a video for Terry but I don’t see it.
It is embedded …
Project Camelot interviews Duncan O’Finioan
This will only take three minutes
Sensei Duncan O’Finioan – Light Warrior Academy
I would not want to get into a knife fight with this guy
Sorry Dianne – mark me down as a sceptic
Two things Julius–“this will only take three minutes”. ?? not sure what you meant but I don’t think so.
Yes Its ok to “be a sceptic” –and question things—but hope you continue to learn something from the likes of Fiona Barnett and Wendy Hoffman and Duncan O’Finioan and myself for that matter. Let’s keep minds wide open and work together to support the series Dee is working on.
Prefer oldavid’s response to Terry’s questioning “Delta-trained soldier at age 14”
“I have no difficulty in accepting that a reasonably intellectually and physically co-ordinated 14 year old could fly a flash aeroplane with appropriate instruction.
But I have other bothers with Fiona’s narrative.”
I agree there is much to be bothered about with The Whole Narrative about MKULTRA total mind control the creation of multiple personalities and Manchurian candidates.
(By the way ULTRA- meaning Top (ultra ) secret)- and MK mind Kontrolle originated at Bletchley UK – the war machine OSS before the CIA –breeding programs then and now.
apologies I digress
The programmed military trained “Manchurian Candidate’s” narrative cannot be understood –as Duncan says he accepts much of it is beyond him–it is into other realms of transhumanism. Cloned people—cyber warfare–Mind Control– he explains things brilliantly.
My concern and reason for posting this is not to defend Fiona’s Testimony [although not sure of timing of this article] she does not need defending– rather to nip in the bud– the potential for experts on Delta training and things military to divert the topic and bring out other voices — leading into a potential witch hunt not only re Fiona but now Duncan’s testimony –allowing Johno to “Agree (with)Terry, about Fiona losing credibility” the judge and jury at work.
“she does not need defending– rather to nip in the bud– the potential for experts on Delta training and things military to divert the topic” – WTF?
If someone is talking bullshit, then it needs to be called out.
“she does not need defending”, So, you posted a video of another ‘Walter Mitty’ character to give her credibility. – Crikey, it looks like ‘mind control’ is alive and well in this thread.
I think it’s reasonable to conclude that if anything of any such nature is given a free rein on Facebook and U Tube it’s bound to be serving some sort of counterintelligence purpose
Berry, I was in on this stuff before FB and Twit-twit existed. MK-Uktra is very real and numerous kids were sold to the military.
In Wendy Hoffman’s case, her family sold her to a non-military person for the huge sum of $50,000 during the 1940s. (My first salary in 1965 was $3,200 pa).
In other cases such as Carol Rutz’s, the kid (Carol) was handed over in exchange for Dad not getting prosecuted for some crime.
I have only listened to the first part of the video re Finian. I have no problems with it. Goes right along with my understanding of MK-Ultra.
I will ask Dee if I can elaborate in an article, tho I’d rather spend my time on the Takeover, wherein we may all get the fun of being MK-Ultra’d.
I’m not disputing that “MK-Uktra is very real and numerous kids were sold to the military”
An elderly but very vibrant woman was on talk back radio this morning (I’ll call her ‘Mary’) – she is one of their ‘loyal listeners’ and a favourite on the programme. You can’t help but like her – she’s become quite the celebrity (i.e. good for ratings).
The two hosts [porn jocks] were going on about how we all need to pull together (you know, “by staying apart we stay together” or some such MK Ultra bull-dung)
Should the AFL Grand Final be played in Perth or Adelaide – definitely not Sydney because they are racists – and should the hubs be for five weeks or six weeks (germs/viruses keep time you know) … blah blah blah.
Anyway, ‘Mary’ was going on about how she had not been to the supermarket since February, could not go outside or step out of the car without her mask (she said that it suffocated her but at least it kept her healthy) and that poor ‘Dan’ [Andrews] had so much on his plate because of a few that had let him down [goodness these poon jocks were hard to listen to! ], we all had to pay the price and share the load.
My point is that if you get people arguing about whether 2 + 2 = 5 or 2 + 2 = 6, you will easily divide them and half will believe it is 5 and half will believe it is 6. The truth is not even an option anymore.
Diane, given the Duncan O’Finioan scenario [fiasco] – he is a complete whacko and discredits everything and everyone he is associated with – I believe you have fallen into this trap – and I say that caringly.
Speaking of 2 + 2 = 5 versus 2 + 2 = 6, people are now putting in Workers’ Compensation claims on the basis that it is unsafe for them to travel to work because of The Virus ™. They cannot be saved!
MK Ultra is alive and well in Australia. I was also a subject in South Australia in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Fiona’s abuser Dr Wendy Walker was lecturer in psychology and hypnosis at Sydney University at the same time one of my MK Ultra handlers was studying psychology and hypnosis there. This individual was VERY close to my father. Those who question Fiona’s narrative re being a delta soldier at age 14, you may be curious to know that my first cousin was the head of the SAS. He was even offered the defense portfolio, though he turned it down. He was also head of the Liberal party before he defected to Labor.
Thanks Rachel for choosing to inform us over some of your closet family.
Impossible for me to imagine doing because luckily I had a “meadowlea”(that only ate butter) family. They only exasperate me, like the wider-world.
Your very brave to say, and makes me more so.
“Those who question Fiona’s narrative re being a delta soldier at age 14, you may be curious to know that my first cousin was the head of the SAS.” – What does your cousin have to do with Fiona?? Was he also 14 when he was the head of the SAS?
I am going to venture an answer for Rachel, as I know the cousin of whom she speaks. No, he was a full grown man at the time. Does not look to me that he has SAS type skills.
Anyway, I think Rachel’s point was “Hey, we are a cuckoo family as y’all know. But that did not stop one of us from being offered the Defense Portfolio.
(How’d I do, Rach?)
Indeed. Unlike Rachel and her brother and Reina Michaelson etc. Barnett does the cause of MK-Ultra and SRA exposure in Aust no service when she writes on p 7 of the current edition of Eyes Wide Open:
“The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits. That is, we recognise the wolves in-sheepskins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA.”
So I would expect that her proclaimed intimate knowledge of the CIA in Aust. would not have allowed her on p. 277 to state that Whitlam refused to renew the Pine Gap lease expiring in Dec. 1975.
Wrong, John Kerr sacked him a month ahead of that time, on 10-11.11.1975.
Or as I wrote here recently, her statement in the book that Sid Gotttlieb of CIA vanished without trace in Aust. No Fiona, he died years later in the USA.
It is strange that no Gumshoer has mentjoned her apparent anti-Catholic Protestant fundamentalism complete with quotes from Book of Revelations and Book of Daniel. How is this linked to her statements, also in the film Candy Girl, about SRA occurring in Sydney Catholic churches.
Do I hear the sound of an axe being ground?
Or as I wrote here months back, her statement of astral projection as a fact.
So I have to get back now to my “trafficking network as a bottom-feeding troll”, over and out.
Is your last sentence a threat to comment again, ‘spose.
How was Gottlieb’s funeral, open casket or Arlington style.
Whitlam being the good mate of John Kerr, properly(Lord Vestey a duns scotus gaurdus).
So a couple of non relevant points you put on the table. I match it with more than enough rope.
astral projection is just newspeak for consorting with demons
a practice that the Bible condemns as sorcery or witchcraft:
Agreed, astral awareness, maybe different. Guess I find out on the other side.
I don’t discount the possibility (even the likelihood) that Satanists (some of whom masquerade as Catholic clergy) would consider that the ultimate insult to the Triune God by themselves and their Lord is to desecrate sanctuaries and Sacraments. It’s not new! There have been “Black Masses” going on for centuries, if not millennia. The “Lord of the World” doesn’t only despise the “stupid” Creator for redeeming wretched creatures by His own Sacrifice… but he despises the potentially redeemed as well.
I have to agree with berry that the “Astral, or paranormal on demand” is by “consorting with demons”.
I will also contend that the “mind” is a metaphysical attribute of the “soul” which is the principle of life. The mind, as called by many old philosophers, has intellect, the purpose of which is “to perceive truth” and will has the purpose to “want good”.
The brain is the physical organ to connect physical sense and motor to the metaphysical mind, and there are many attempts to disconnect the physics and metaphysics… to impair brain function so that the mind is not properly, or appropriately, or reliably informed. They might include such things as sensory deprivation, torture, sensory overload, chemical impairment, relentlessly repeated “information” excrement… or, most likely, some combination of all the above.
If some of the characters that extol themselves as masters of the “electric Universe” by virtue of their “psychic powers” and all that, were the champions of truth and virtue they claim to be they should have vaporised and exterminated all the evil bastards in the World by now.
That’s not the way it works, though. It’s a relentless battle between those who accept the created natural order and those who want to usurp it and conform it to their transient fads.
We are at the ‘crossroads’, being played by the occult of satanic scientists.
Our soldiers defending Australia overseas for 106 years, now enforcing freedom within.
Oz is Hong Kong now, the Crown ‘black hand’ deal with CCP done. A triumvirate of cyber cyborg damnation by Kabal Slavemason communists.
Yikes, sounds worse than a bad case of Covid-19™
Sorry I seem to be trolling this page, always try to when I put out a challenge.
Love humour, got a punchline.
Horse replies to bartender:
thats why the long face.
Pony up
The occupation should be called by it’s real name that is Crown. Code of vaccination ID is a bit too obvious. 19 is one.
Prithee, what is “one”?
In kabala arithmetic, 1 + 9 = 1
In numerology how does 911 relate to 19?
Two one or to one, are 3 not free.
Three are slavemason kabal komunists.
Could this please be published, you say you want all opinions on your stories but i’m lucky to have two or three published out of all the ones I send.
I’m not nasty to anyone, I have no agenda, I just want to have answers to my questions.
I have asked this over and over again at various sites and i’m ignored or called a Satanist or worse by her army of attackers..
This is what I would like to ask on the subject of Fiona and the super soldiers:
She alleges she began full Military training and MK-Ultra began at Holsworthy Army Base – at age 6. The same year during which she alleges multiple other events took place, including being raped by Ted Turner at Disneyland in the U.S.
Not to mention being raped by a U.S. President after he flew to Australia just to rape her then he went back home, logistically impossible. And also being the same year she was at full time schooling in Australia and was the teachers helper..
In 1981 she alleges her family moved to northern NSW at age 12, and she occasionally stayed with the Holowczaks during school holidays, all the while still in the military!
In 1983 she alleges she finished military training at Dulce Military Base, in the U.S. while still at full time school in Australia at age 14.
Can somebody please explain how these things could happen all in the same time frames?
I see Fiona is deleting all of her groups, web pages and YouTube videos, although I don’t know how she could do the latter, she was the interviewee for most of them so it’s up to the other people to delete their vids…
I do not think this is a coincidence, “A long goodbye” has been written for her or by her on another blog on Woodpress.
I didn’t bother reading it all because I don’t believe her reasoning behind it..
What I believe has happened is that Karen Brewer has had her day in court for slander and has been found guilty, the fines she was given are astronomical, your every day conspiricy theorist would never be able to cover the fines in a life time!
But, this happened on the 22nd September, and Fiona started deleting everything on the 22nd September…
Think of that what you like, but I would say, in MY opinion, she’s scared!!!