Home Corona CDC’s U-Turn on The Plandemic… Now That The Facts Are In Plain...

CDC’s U-Turn on The Plandemic… Now That The Facts Are In Plain Sight

(L) New York, and (R) Uttar Pradesh – Very different plandemic outcomes

Editor’s note: Extracts from Dr Martenson’s latest article.

Dr. Chris Martenson penned this article yesterday (12 August 2022), entitled:

“WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course! IT’S OVER!

“This is HUGE news folks. In bureaucrat speak, this is a near-complete cave-in to the actual facts.

    • No symptoms? No problem.
    • Vaccinated or unvaccinated? Same guidance.
    • Exposed? No need to even quarantine.
    • Students exposed? They can stay in class, what the hell, right?

“If you managed to maintain your integrity through this awful period of time, congratulations! … As for the people who didn’t, some can be forgiven. But many cannot.

“Those who could have and “should” have known better? The doctors who failed to utilize known and proven early treatments to save lives?  The public health authorities that locked people down and forced masks onto children’s faces without a shred of supporting science to back those decisions?  Medical hospital administrators who took the monetary bait and forced patients onto toxic and deadly regimens of Remdesivir and ventilators (again, without any supporting evidence!). The NIH treatment panel that still – to this day – does not recommend vitamin D, or any of the other actual safe and effective early treatments?”

He continues…

“There are far too many tragic cases out there. Far too many young lives were lost and continue to be lost. I am angry that it happened and at the petty, ignorant bureaucrats who forced it to happen. “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is a thing now, and the attempts to normalize it by the press have left me thinking that those companies and journalists who engaged in this ought to be barred for life from ever being in the business again.”

He cites the case of an avoidable tragedy, that of 17-year-old Sean Hartman. The boy’s father, Dan Hartman, is sure that his hockey-loving son died from a COVID vaccination. Read article here.

Martenson then discusses the sad saga of how early treatments were banned or kept from use — except in some parts of the world. The simple chart below says it all. Dr. Pierre Kory recently penned an exquisite piece on exactly how Uttar Pradesh accomplished its astonishing feat. “It all began with a leader who was unafraid to begin by rooting out corruption” and the use of a kit that included:

  • Ivermectin
  • Azithromycin (Z-pac)
  • Doxycycline
  • Zinc
  • Vitamins D & C

We at Gumshoe wrote about Ivermectin from almost the beginning. Martenson quotes from Dr Kory’s article:

“The Miracle Not-Heard Around The World: The Success of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh (UP) is a state in the north of India with a population of 231 million people. It’s the home of the Taj Mahal. If it were a country, it would be the sixth largest in the world.

In my view, the foundation of UP’s historic achievement rests on the integrity of its Chief Minister (CM) Yogi Adityanath. He is a Hindu monk and known for his policy of zero tolerance against corruption. The importance of this quality cannot be overstated, especially given the last 2 years of unceasing corruptions of medical science and public health policy that continuously emerge each day.

Since taking office as CM over three and half years ago, he took action against 775 corrupt officials in UP from the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service. His leadership during COVID should serve as a historically inspiring example to politicians. They should take note of how honest, forthright policies designed with the singular goal of serving and protecting the public good can succeed in politics.

In March of 2020, Yogi Adityanath convened (and chaired throughout) a committee of 11 senior government officials tasked with managing different aspects like surveillance and contact tracing, testing and treatment, sanitization, containment, enforcement, doorstep delivery, issues of migrants, communication strategy etc. 

Note that UP started out strong right from the beginning. Early on in the pandemic, in March 2020, taking the lead from India’s national protocol, UP immediately adopted hydroxychloroquine for use in the prevention of COVID for all its Health Care Workers as well as household contacts of all laboratory-confirmed cases.

Recall that HCQ’s promise in treatment had been known since the original SARS pandemic, a fact long ago highlighted by Anthony Fauci. Yet in COVID, when its threat to Pharma as an effective treatment became reality, Fauci essentially led the first Disinformation campaign against a repurposed drug in the pandemic. His campaign is described in RFK Jr’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci in the deeply referenced first section of Chapter 1, called “Killing Hydroxychloroquine.”

Then, in August 2020, UP broke from the Feds and switched their protocol to ivermectin after an “experiment” in UP’s Agra, a city of 1.6 million inhabitants. The head of the state’s Rapid Response Team units, Dr. Anshul Pareek, had decided to conduct a study of ivermectin as a preventive agent based on a report from a veterinarian (to be fair, it was also based on other promising clinical reports in humans).

UP immediately started administering ivermectin to close contacts of positive cases in the district and noticed profoundly positive results. Based on these observations, the state health authorities gave the green light to use off-label ivermectin not only in prevention… but in treatment. This was their protocol for use of ivermectin:

  1. Close contacts of COVID-19 patients
  2. Health care workers
  3. General care of COVID-19 patients

Notice that UP’s government did what my colleagues and I had been imploring since the pandemic began. Employ a risk/benefit decision-making analysis in an emergency. Like you do in war. Even if the view was that the clinical trials evidence for HCQ or IVM was “insufficient,” the evidence for harm was near nil, while the evidence for harm of widespread untreated COVID was obviously catastrophic.

Source – Pierre Kory Substack

Read Martenson’s full article here.



  1. We all owe the publisher a considerable debt and the State of Victoria with its extremely varied demographic cross section has at last got a news service it actually deserves on a good day, I don’t believe the generally good and compassionate citizens of Victoria were, as an aggregate, deserving of any of their rubbish treatment by the state and the media over the last two years, I commend the publisher most highly in her quest for the truth, which cut through all the nonsense fairly quickly and got us skeptics straight and unerringly to the truth, in the face of a totally unprecedented torrent of manufactured bullshit the likes of which I could never, ever have conceived.

  2. I am disappointed with Gumshoe. Considering the fact that PCR tests are “not a diagnostic tool”
    according to the inventor , Kary Mullis, and there is no Covid-19 virus proven to exist, this article (mistakenly or deliberately) continues the false narrative.
    While lockdowns and the the destruction of economies and poison injections are real, this article, and the virus is BULLSHIT.

      • You are on track about the PCR tests, they were deliberately and knowingly misused, and the ongoing ban on IVM by our government IS CRIMINAL.
        However, I was interested to catch the virus and fortunately did so as soon as the airports were open around March this year and the range of symptoms I experienced was nothing like a common cold. After two weeks the spike proteins kicked in and gave me dizzy spells and a highly photosensitive eye, these symptoms lasted a few days, it would appear the spike proteins headed straight for my left eyeball, in other people they seem to go for the gall bladder, appendix, lungs etc., probably anywhere with high circulation = higher probability.
        Some say viruses originate inside the host and I support that idea, where else would they come from. That doesn’t mean they can’t transmit.
        Some people’s experience of the virus was simply a few days feeling a bit tired and “off colour”, I congratulate these people on their good respiratory health.

        • Gary D. Barnett – Covid “Vaccine” Bio-Terror Decades in the Planning


          “There is no novel ‘virus, there is no ‘pandemic,’ there are no variants; the entire state narrative is a lie. The real bioweapon is the poisonous injection falsely called a ‘vaccine.’ Either wake up or wait for mass

          The vaccine is the virus

          virus (n.) etymology

          late 14c., “poisonous substance” (a sense now archaic), from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice,” from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) “poison,” which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning “to melt away, to flow,” used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to “poisonous fluid” (source also of Sanskrit visam “venom, poison,” visah “poisonous;” Avestan vish- “poison;” Latin viscum “sticky substance, birdlime;” Greek ios “poison,” ixos “mistletoe, birdlime;” Old Church Slavonic višnja “cherry;” Old Irish fi “poison;” Welsh gwy “poison”).

          The meaning “agent that causes infectious disease” emerged by 1790s gradually out of the earlier use in reference to venereal disease (by 1728); the modern scientific use dates to the 1880s. The computer sense is from 1972.

          VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey’s dictionary, 1770]

        • So you missed this?

          Geoff B July 22, 2022 at 7:48 pm

          Dr Poornima Wagh was sacked for a reason.
          She doesn’t understand “modern” virology.
          She may have a couple of PhD’s but after watching this 1hr 20minute video she is talking absolute rubbish.
          She wants her 15 minutes of fame and has joined the other disgraced malcontents Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey et al to try to make a name for herself in the alternative media.
          Nearly everything she said has been totally debunked.
          Yes SARS-CoV-2 was blown out of all proportion and was probably a conspiracy to deceive for nefarious means but what she says about viruses is laughable.

          Dee McLachlan July 22, 2022 at 7:54 pm

          Thanks for that. It is confusing how “science” can be verified in multiple ways.

          sandra July 22, 2022 at 9:12 pm

          Yes Geoff B,you are spot on.


        • So who are you addressing here ?

          Geoff B ?

          Dee ?

          Sandra ?

          Or all 3 ?

          My reply to Geoff B was as follows:

          “There’s no doubt in my mind that the surreal nature of most MSM reportage is induced by the overarching political thrust.
          Which is to keep the population under control by getting everyone hooked into a sort of virtual reality game wherein fact is grossly subverted by fantasy
          Pure fantasy wouldn’t work because every form of oppression needs some sort of earthly anchor

          The “bio-weapon” claim needs to be re-thought because the entity in question doesn’t have the ability to create anything per se. The enslavement takes hold purely by means of corrupting and manipulating some aspect of the extant physical world”

          If you’ve any problem with that perhaps you’d care to explain exactly why.

          • Elsbeth…

            Do us a favour, if you can do so without help, climb off your high horse and state categorically that you consider the mRNA jabs to be genuine vaccinations against an actual virus..

            Then state that you support vaccinations in the generic sense.

            Then I might have some idea what you are talking about.

            Got that? Position first; rationale later.

          • It’s always about deep religion and total faith in the Bible, the narrative is “God is in control and you are being tested” or something like that. This view in my opinion is as valid as any other though I don’t accept the Bible is “pure”.

          • Okay, so God gives Fish and Tony permission to attack.
            What do they actually wind up achieving ?
            What’s the ultimate effect?

            My position is that, if something works, it’s usually worth buying

          • NB: Geoff B’s comment was about the VIRUS. He doesn’t say ANYTHING about vaccination and neither do I

          • Point being that poor literacy – as evidenced by superimposing one’s own agendas onto what someone else is actually saying – is a veritable hallmark of personal enslavement

          • Comprehension is like when the fog lifts, a lot of fog around these days, it must be ClimateChange™ again I suppose

          • The nature of the vaccine was obviously immaterial to the real/fake argument; it was, very obviously, largely shunned on the basis of it’s inefficacy and potential harm, not because it was “pretend”, however, my primary objection was the “obedience ritual” factor

  3. So what’s changed? The Doherty Institute still writes the dicktats, the five bsl4 labs here are still in production, working closely with labs in China, Ukraine and elsewhere. Liberal/labor is the same Liebore coalition handing Oz to CCP, with the plandemic and now digital ID social credit slavery enforced by krown kabal, on all bases loaded.
    Same as it ever was, until the selected few are sacked, it’s business as usual nothing to see here all good carry on with masonic disorder.

    • ant56…

      That is pretty close to my take on the CDC backflip. In Australia, nothing has changed.

      Let’s get something straight. Nobody has been able to isolate the covid virus. Millions have been offered as prize for the first to do so… still unclaimed. And the PCR test was, as Mullis stated, a fraud. It was never capable of identifying a pathogen. It was always just a device for marking targets for execution.

      But the symptoms of covid were very specific, as reliable Joe Bogan has pointed out.

      Nobody should care what I think but, nevertheless, here’s what I calculate happened.

      Three decades of combined fluoride, vaccines, flu shots, food toxicity, and a gain-of-function outcome in some pathogen, and perhaps an additional trigger device, produced clear symptoms. Ergo, THERE WAS SOMETHING SPREAD AMONG THE PEOPLE. It does not really matter what it was. We may never know..

      In people like me, who have spent two decades identifying causes of good health and ill-health, not the least of which is the medical profession as assassins, if we caught the whatever-bug it had no effect at all. My guess is that the preventive is simple… basic good health plus high intake of Vitamin C and zinc.

      This is why children are not affected. They have not yet achieved chronic bad health.

      This CDC flip is part of the plot. It keeps us off-balance and takes our eye from the ball. We have monkey flu, catastrophic climate alarmism and geoenngineering, yet to come.

      The psycopaths are still in power. Logic and evidence mean nothing to them. Next month, Albanese is going to cancel the Age Pension for unvaccinated oldies. Why? Because they cannot fight back.

      For a start, thanks to Menzies clever sleight of hand, you think the pensions are provided by government, They are not. They are provided by the Welfare Fund, into which you pay 3.5% of your gross income. Workers own the Welfare Fund. This was mandated by the 1945 National referendum and the Social Services Act cannot be changed in any way without a second National Referendum.

      So, means testing, which was not part of the legislation, is illegal. Cancelling the pension on a living person is illegal.

      What are you Aussies going to do about it? Nothing, because you are conditioned to believe garbage like “Truth will win out”, and “We will defeat the enemy with non-violent peaceful protest”. You actually believe psychopaths give a shit what you think, or what is “Right or wrong”.

      Most of us age pensioners have no illusions. We know that if any saving is to be done, we will have to do it ourselves. Not one single person has ever been saved by platitudes.

  4. Civil war coming?

    Comment under a Dr William Bay article;
    “The clock is ticking, the hour of vengeance is near, listen to the
    people’s voice and fear the ⁣ retribution that awaits for you, for we are
    many you are few, ⁣Armed with the might and fury of many awoken
    humankind, we will chase you, we will catch you, we will beat you. ⁣Some
    will want the ⁣flaying of your skin, ⁣but many will want the death of
    you and your ⁣kin, And we are willing to ⁣lay down our lives so that we
    may smite you down, ⁣And may god bless us amen.”

    Yesterday I read John O’Looney’s take on what likely will take place when the C-19 truth is out in the open. UK, 12 AUG 2022. Global Research Canada.


  5. Many millions are waking up to the fraud and deception.
    Injection injuries and worse have reached a critical number where it is becoming common knowledge that these jabs are very harmful.
    Very coincidental that Boris Johnstone “resigned” on the 6th of July, the same day that the Office of National Statistics in England revealed that one in every 246 injected has died withing 60 days of being injected. Remember that this figure is a government admission and is very likely to be worse. The truth is breaking out and this will accelerate the Cabal’s next, even bigger takedown.

  6. If you don’t like the stench of the globalist agenda, do the best to let others know, encouraging them to break free from this deception. Don’t count on family and friends, mine think I’m crazy. Families are divided when it comes to spiritual truth. Without guidance of the Holy Spirit within, many are incapable of realising truth and have blind obedience to wickedness in high places. No matter how much evidence and logic is thrown their way, they still won’t believe.
    Walk on, the Spirit will guide to ones that still love truth and goodness.

  7. ant56 is right, the labs are not only still there, their build out continues.

    Call the cov19 what it is, a synthetic/chimera man made weapon of biological building blocks both organic and function hack. They have been dropping poison on us for decades, so why would you think some kind of infectious transmissible agent is not in/kept in circulation. PCR test has a place in unusual medicinal pathology by invention description patent and inventor.

    “their build out continues”, don’t get complacent in this current lull.

    • What beautiful people – such harmonies! – and such a simple, naïve and honest message of goodwill.

      “Sometimes when I see shabbily dressed girls, shivering with cold themselves, collecting with infinite patience for others who are cold, then I have the feeling that they are all apostles of a certain Christianity! This is a Christianity which can claim for itself as no other can: this is the Christianity of a sincere profession of faith, because behind it stands not the word, but the deed! With the aid of this tremendous society, countless people are being relieved of the feeling of social abandonment and isolation. Many are thus regaining the firm belief that they are not completely lost and alone in this world …“
      Adolf Hitler – October 5, 1937

      “At the bottom of our hearts, we National Socialists are religious. For the space of many millenniums, a uniform concept of God did not exist. Yet it is the most brilliant and most sublime notion of mankind, that which distinguishes him most from animals, that he not only views a phenomenon from without, but always poses the question of why and how.”

      “This entire world, a world so clear-cut in its external manifestation, is just as unclear to us in its purpose. And here mankind has bowed down in humility before the conviction that it is confronted by an incredible power, an Omnipotence, which is so incredible and so deep that we men are unable to fathom it. That is a good thing! For it can serve to comfort people in bad times; it avoids that superficiality and sense of superiority that misleads man to believe that he – but a tiny bacillus on this earth, in this universe – rules the world, and that he lays down the laws of Nature which he can at best but study. It is, therefore, our desire that our Volk remains humble and truly believes in a God.”
      – Adolf Hitler – November 22, 1937

      • Romans 12:19 “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord”.

        Revelation 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

  8. • Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
    – By F. William Engdahl
    12 July 2022


    “One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For this we need to look at the origins and politics of America’s first medical research institute, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, today Rockefeller University, and their work on what they claimed was a polio virus.”

    “1907 an outbreak of a sickness in New York City gave the director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, MD, a golden opportunity to lay claim to discovery of an invisible “virus” caused by what was arbitrarily called poliomyelitis. The word poliomyelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter. There were some 2,500 New Yorkers, mostly children, designated with some form of poliomyelitis, including paralysis and even death, that year.”

    Read more on “Flexner’s fraud” from the link above

    In Engdahl’s latest newsletter he shares publicly via attachment a piece he wrote in late 2020. The cover note begins:

    “As the horrific year 2020 nears a close we reflect on a declaration by a visibly corrupt WHO leadership of an unprecedented economic lockdown to ostensibly contain spread of a deadly Novel Coronavirus that was first detected in Wuhan, China. Since January the world has rushed to distribute special testing known as PCR testing to confirm precisely what, we are not clear. The PCR tests were invented some years ago by a late Nobel Prize winner, Kary B. Mullis, who himself declared that the test was never suited to detect viral diseases. If we imagine that a powerful lobby of financial and pharma interests benefit from exploding numbers of coronavirus “infected” (which in truth are only who tested positive, even without symptoms), the entire PCR testing edifice may soon be exposed as one of the greatest medical frauds in history, one which has cost untold suffering, economic loss and death. Deaths, not so much from any virus but from the economic effects of global lockdowns. As the leading social media giants in their role as self-appointed censors of all thought seem to have banned the piece below, I am making it available to you readers.”

    The article is titled (I hope you can find it – I have the PDF attachment):

    • What’s Not Being Said About Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine – F. William Engdahl, 13 November, 2020

  9. Ned wanted me to post this…


    Clotshot Creature Removed From Beating Heart Caught On Video… More proof that clotshot creatures do exist… but get this… they are usually pulled out of the arteries of the dead by coroners… now this important video represents hope for those who have clotshot creatures growing in the body. But we don’t have to wait for surgery to do something about the clotshot… specifically, there is guidance to deal with graphene oxide detox, and the inhibit spike protein formation.

    • iatrogenic
      relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment.
      “drugs may cause side effects which can lead to iatrogenic disease”

  10. The AMPS demand will divide doctors and it now appears that this is where the war will begin.

    If APHRA, TGA and Registration Boards fight this, as I think they will, it is critically important that every Australian knows about the conflict of medical opinions. This will come as a shock to most citizens because they have been led to believe all medical opinions support the government narrative. To suddenly find a respectable sector says no such thing,and in fact says the same as the “conspiracy theorists” will carve deep doubts in their belief systems. That is the moment the WEF has lost. People will suddenly be cautious, asking questions, having doubts, and then massive fears about the jabs they have submitted to.

    Then will emerge the public demands for certainty. An independent arbiter to examine all the evidence. The good doctors can be expected to stoke up the flames; to burn the bureaucrats out of their lairs and their lies.

    If we want to avoid civil war, this is how to do it. Send copies of this to every single person you know. I will be alerting the Aboriginal sector and all local doctors. If it quickly becomes clear that many doctors and citizens are on the same page, the entire official narrative will quickly collapse and the bureaucrats will be forced to capitulate. Then will come the Royal Commission and enquiries galore.

    The guilty will be hoping for this course because it is their best chance to come out of it alive.

    But if the genuine doctors are not openly supported, the bureaucrats will join forces with the politicians to crush them. This is the kind of repression that triggers civil war, so get off your arses now. A relatively peaceful solution is in our hands now, but we dare not squander this chance with procrastination.

  11. The Barman repeats “hey horse I asked why the long face,its happy hour and I have free snacks and surprizes on the bar”
    The horse dumbfounded just stares, crickets the crux of the issues

  12. So who are you addressing here ?

    Geoff B ?

    Dee ?

    Sandra ?

    Or all 3 ?

    My reply to Geoff B was actually as follows:

    “There’s no doubt in my mind that the surreal nature of most MSM reportage is induced by the overarching political thrust.
    Which is to keep the population under control by getting everyone hooked into a sort of virtual reality game wherein fact is grossly subverted by fantasy
    Pure fantasy wouldn’t work because every form of oppression needs some sort of earthly anchor

    The “bio-weapon” claim needs to be re-thought because the entity in question doesn’t have the ability to create anything per se. The enslavement takes hold purely by means of corrupting and manipulating some aspect of the extant physical world”

    If you’ve any problem with that perhaps you’d care to explain exactly why.

    • Whatever,Geoff B’s repudiation of Poornima Wagh’s claims was recorded on the same page as follows:

      “Geoff B July 23, 2022 at 12:23 am

      Viruses are a quirk of nature and there is scientific debate on whether they are living organisms or not. It has always been known by science that it is impossible to “isolate” a virus in the dictionary sense. (A similar concept to the quirk of nature in Quantum Mechanics whereby light can be a particle or a waveform).

      Viruses have been proved to exist via modern whole gene sequencing (which is the preferred method of identification) of all of the base pairs. SARS-CoV-2 and it’s variants have 29,903 base pairs which have been laboriously whole gene sequenced (it takes 4 to 5 days and NOT computer generated) and uploaded to the GISAID Initiative over 12 million times.”

      Fish made a number of lengthy off-topic comments on the same page but he evidently wasn’t prepared to take on Mr. B and it’s not exactly hard to figure out why.

      And if anyone’s memory is THAT short they’ve obviously got some form of dementia

  13. Diseases can be transmissible, not infectious.
    God made one mode; man invented the other.
    One mode can make man well; the other – lots and lots of money.

    • Wow, Michael, you better let your local hospital’s infectious diseases unit know of their error. Meanwhile, let me assure you that my good health had nothing to do with any gods. It is purely because I have no beliefs and consider only the evidence available.

      I am also getting fed up with people using my sources of information as venues for religious evangelism. If you must, go to church, which was built to accommodate and treat religious mania.

  14. When those affected, directly or by family members, finally awake and call for retribution, I will gladly volunteer for a position in a firing squad.
    There will be no mileage in voting out, firing, fines, etc. The only certainty will come from the barrel of a gun.

    • crrrock… oh dear. Is there going to be unseemly jostling at the firng squad site? It worries me that our enthusism to riddle pollies with legal lead might cause us to miss the target. Perhaps we should formulate a plan to enable 20 million Aussies to all fire at once, without spoiling accuracy.

      But when the squad commander gives the order to fire, on the order “Take aim”, I will be letting the bastards have it.

  15. CDC catchup with Japan
    This story from one year ago shows the Japanese as a nation were already becoming resistant to the idea of the experimental injections, of course we understand their national trait is to be insular and hygienic ( they go together ), why Abe Shinzo resigned and got snipered anyway I’m not really clear, he must have done something very bad. Even Rand Paul ( Kentucky ) is scared to speak out against the injections.

    • Despite their much-lauded Samurai traditions, the Nihonjin are as craven as any other nation. For good reason. If anyone speaks out against Big Pharma, especilly the vaccine industry, they run the risk of assassination.

      One doctor in Switzerland blew the whistle on a nasty pill and, after his career and family were destroyed, it was announced he had committed suicide. Sorta like the “suicide” of the west African Chief Medical Officer who proved the PCR to be fake… two bullets to the back of the head.

      I really doubt Abe spoke out against the jab industry but if he did, well, if you are prominent that is an act of suicide… sort of.

      If you are going to call out the medical mafia, the first qualification you need is to be like me: insignificant, ancient, lost in a dangerous wilderness, and be invisible.

  16. I read somewhere that the WHO is wanting to change the description: MONKEY POX, to make the term more attractive.
    Indeed, well done. Why vilify innocent monkeys.
    I trust that the WHO marketeers will arrange a worldwide contest for their new scare regime meme.
    I wish to submit my suggestion to the market toadies.
    I humbly submit my suggestion, under copyright of course.
    It has the ring of truth and is a suitable replacement for the monkeys.

  17. Nurses Who Left the Health Care System to Focus on Early Treatment Describe ‘Brutal’ COVID-19 Treatment Protocols
    The protocols require ‘mind-blowing cognitive dissonance’


    “Nurses who witnessed “brutal” hospital COVID-19 treatment protocols kill patients paint a bleak picture of what is taking place in state and federally funded health care systems.

    “They’re horrific, and they’re all in lockstep,” Staci Kay, a nurse practitioner

    • “They received the vaccines themselves, and if they were to ever confront the possibility that they willingly became the hands of a truly evil agenda, I don’t think they could live with themselves,” the nurse said. “I used to consider my co-workers as people with whom I’d trust my life, but after they got that second dose of the vaccine, it was like they had a hive mind bent on hatred. It’s very eerie to say that out loud.”

  18. On nurses generally, and the quoted nurse who was disillusioned by her peer’s behaviour, it’s been my experience that nurses have never been anything else but bovine slaves and free PR for doctors and the medical mafia.

    Don’t believe me? Just suggest the possibility of vaccine injuries and see the implacable hostility show clearly on their faces. There is no science there, nor a desire to help mankind, only an iron-clad and self-serving belief system in germ theory and the omnipotence of the “medical profession”.

    People need to wake up. This is not a group of people who have become misguided and lost their way; this is a vast and powerful force that is destroying all of humanity. As always, there is a splinter of that force that has retained conscience and humaness and now wishes to alert their bretheren. They are kidding themselves. The medical mafia will attack them relentlessly.

    The Aust Medical Professional Society members are albino sparrows who will be pecked to death.

  19. Julius… Is there any onging monitoring of Burlous condition that you know of?

    On your suspicions regarding Mike Adams, I have noted absolute consistency in the values and attitudes of Mike Adams, Stew Peters, Del Bigtree, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson… all of them fundamentalist Christians, which to an atheist like me, is hilarious, as well as perplexing.

    This is important, because the communication gap between Christians and non-Christians in the anti-covid scam resistance needs bridging. To this end, I wrote song lyrics that might precipitate such a healing.

    My own suspicians are reserved for certain “leaders”, authors, publications and other media that refuse to publish seriously damaging material targeting the globalists. So far, this includes Consortium News, Naomi Wolf, Trozzi, RebelNew’s Israeli activist/journo Arvi; all the social media platforms, Riccardo Bosi, and two resistance online news sites in Australia.

    Our opposition falls into two categories:
    (1) Those who have not woken up yet; and
    (2) Those who were annointed as WEF Plan B leaders, to receive the baton (pun intended) should Plan A, collapse. I think we are on the cusp of A to B right now.

    I checked back on some of these and found that they were elitist until 2008, but suddenlybecame anti globalist thereafter. Naomi is classic among these.

  20. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=”https://rumble.com/embedJS/u4″+(arguments[1].video?’.’+arguments[1].video:”)+”/?url=”+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+”&args=”+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, “script”, “Rumble”);

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