Well, this will not be broadcast by our ABC, it has been too busy in Alice Springs recently reporting on all that ‘white supremacy’ up there with a biased bigoted prejudicial concocted report. Seems that eventually it has been exposed and FORCED to apologise.
Well, that’s our ABC. So they will not give a stuff about a balanced report on the fate of the injected and pharma criminality.
In due course any attempted apology to the injected will just BE TOO LATE.
As has been said by ‘Q’, THEY ( the medical tyrants, politicians and mass media toadies) will NOT BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET.
SELL THE ABC and blackball commercial fake media advertisers.
Ned – the problem in selling the ABC is that there is no one out there stupid enough to buy it.
Can it be reformed? Maybe.
But, who will want to listen to, and watch highly paid and directed, talking heads, when Skylink will provide all the info any one could ever wish for, no matter where they are on this planet?
Ssssh, do not say such things, the poor ABC lefties, then on centre link will go ape, riot and invade Vinnies for an old pair of jeans and shoes.
They should read what has happened at Twitter. 💁🏼😩😩😩😩😩
My bet is that none of them have read the recent Musk Twitter files.
It must be obvious, otherwise the ABC would be telling their viewers all about the exposures.
Hi Ita.🌸🌻🌺
“But, who will want to listen to, and watch highly paid and directed, talking heads, when Skylink will provide all the info any one could ever wish for, no matter where they are on this planet?”
Logically you’d think no-one, but being told how to think & what to think apparently makes the majority of the population feel safe
The general tenor of the conversation, i.e. that “this is all going to be dealt with and sorted on our terms” betrays a certain naivete, a condition that’s exemplified at 13 minutes via the “religion vs spirituality” rap
The conversation touches briefly on the fact that the unleashing of thalidomide onto an unwary population was never properly sorted, so why the belief that it’ll be different this time around ?
What bears more discussion is the phenomena of a population that, despite being well aware of said outstanding debt, had blind faith in the same system re the entire covid circus
A friend of mine was living on a rental property
And the landlord drenched the back yard with glyphosate without any warning
So her kids, aged 3 & 5 wound up playing in it.
What’s staggering is the fact that so many people are still prepared to turn a blind eye to what’s long been widely acknowledged as carcinogenic
Ditto domestic fly spray
Terry – the Battalion I was stationed in – 5/7 Battalion, RAR at Holsworthy, NSW – at the time of Cyclone Tracy – Christmas Day, 1974, had me, and the rest of the Battalion on planes headed to Darwin, within a week of that event.
The Wet Season in the Top End is one helluva problem, even when living is organized, but when a big wind destroys basic society, and grunts are put in to sort out and clean up the mess – well that’s a whole different scenario.
The only way to keep the mosquito population down up there was to use DDT once a week, and no one escaped the spraying, but hey, I’m still alive to write about it.
And I didn’t get malaria.
Well, historically, most had BLIND FAITH IN THE SAME SYSTEM.
Many of US (as in ‘we’) now have some faith that not so many will be so serially despondent naysayers and rather, encourage some insight, at least by being informed by the material in the Whole interview and ‘we’ promoting the information for the blind to see.
I’m not saying the interview is without merit.
The point I’m trying to make is that the trend that emerged in the 20th century was simply an up-market manifestation of an issue that’s plagued mankind since the year 0.
No argument on my part that calling it out has become more imperative than ever
But countering in the fact that no solution has ever been wrought via any man-made system is of equal import
Well, let us trust that we are now have the opportunity to be progressing from year dot and we will take that opportunity.
Otherwise, we have not progressed since dot and our ‘future’ is still dot.
We have a interesting challenge to smite dot.
Sorry EB, but you present as a defeatist.
Spank me before Nursie pushes me off the verandah.
Ned – you’re incorrigible!
Yea right, but I have fun entertaining myself……. I have no court these days.
elspeth – Nuremberg 2 is already gearing up to hear the first case in Crimes Against Humanity – Look up Reimar Fulmilch, a German Barrister, who has already the approval of Grand Juries to begin prosecution against governments, media and big pharma.
The wresting of control from those who have manipulated us for centuries is just getting started.
The Parliamentarian featured in Charlie Wards show, is precisely the kind of politician we need if we are to get beyond the B/S of the past many decades of lying and manipulation by so called ‘government’, and their bullhorn media.
Well a desire for law & order coupled with an unwillingness to heed the directive of the author thereof – as specified below – isn’t exactly uncommon so you’re not alone
satan offered, “all the kingdoms of the world”, to Jesus, trying to prevent Him teaching truth.
Aim of slavemasonry is to destroy Christianity, enforcing the krown kabal komunist OWG.
Jesus warned us that the pharisees are the sons of satan, and to this day they remain faithful to the lie, always the same hidden hand.
“Satan offered ‘all the kingdoms of the world’ to Jesus”
And He turned down said offer down because He knew there was only One Way of putting the World under His feet
And the only way we can do so is by following suite
And the only way we can be destroyed is via the rejection of said call
“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?
Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done.”
MATHEW 16: 24 – 27
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him [that is, Christ]: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic–on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg–or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse…. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”
It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.
The Thai Royal family was/is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.
‘Assassins’ are being ‘recruited’ out of very deep holes in the martial arts world.
The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer
The Thai king is finally making the connections that Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine” is a slow kill bioweapon. He will be declaring the Pfizer contract null and void due to fraud, which will result in the stripping away of all immunity. Lawsuits and compensation payments just in Thailand will be greater than the billions in COVID profits that Pfizer stole on the backs of taxpayers (theft).
Across Thailand in recent days, a series of activities and prayers are being held to wish their Princess Bha a speedy recovery, after she collapsed last week and is receiving special treatment for her illness. hospital in Bangkok.
Katherine Watts-
This article is the fourth of a series on the role of the U.S. government in orchestrating a bioterrorism attack upon their own citizens utilizing “biowarfare agents” marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines.”
‘Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabelled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,’ writes legal researcher Katherine Watt.
Still I had to look her up. Next thing to look up-where is the island of Sakhalin?
“It’s often claimed that a particular artist is “born to sing”, but rarely is it so literally true as in the case of Russian soprano Julia Lezhneva. Her future as an opera singer was foretold the moment she arrived in the world in December 1989, in a hospital on the Russian island of Sakhalin”.
Julia: “Apparently when I was delivered, I shouted out so suddenly that the doctor almost dropped me and he said to my mum ‘she’s a born opera singer!’ Imagine that! It’s such an amazing thing.”
12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
Excellent video fromKatherine Watt exposing the legal framework behind the militarisation of public health and how the jab is defined as a ,military countermeasure and thus not subject to testing requirements….. https://rumble.com/v27ieps-katherine-watt-in-her-own-words.html
claims video of everyone being arrested as they turned up for swearing in.
Who knows what time of day they were asked to attend since the action is still going at night, we have to assume tribunals took place all day and the entire congress etc were locked up until the buses rolled up under “cover” of darkness.
I had a quick look for clapper @ scott bishop but no luck, the other claimed source is https://t.me/disclosurehub
Me I prefer bitchute as an open platform don’t like to register for everything.
I checked some more and this is the old video ?
Why is it on Before It’s News, I thought I heard something to show it’s current, well probably not https://www.bitXXXXchute.com/video/qSrbcEphN5k1/
I tried posting a link to this video, but the censors stepped in and blocked it. So, you have to take the XXXX out of the link to get it to work.
As many of us have found, trying to tell the ‘vaxxers’ the truth about the vaccines is a fruitless task. Almost always they resort in abuse, try to demean us and tell us that we aren’t doing the right thing, putting grandma at risk, etc.
Many of these people are generally immature people that are heavily influenced by peer pressure. It’s as if they never grew up from their school days where they wanted to be a member of the ‘in-crowd’. Where they could feel superior and mock or bully those who were not in the in-crowd.
Instead of trying to have a rational discussion with them using factual information, perhaps we can reach those immature minds by MOCKING them (you’re not in the in-crowd dumbass). Here’s a video of a song called ‘Vax Takers’. It conveys the idea that not only are the vax takers not smart, but they are really stupid. On top of being stupid they have even compromised their health – like really, really stupid. Send the link on to your friends that gave you abuse about being an ‘anti-vaxxer’.
Shortcut https://twitter.com/healthbyjames/status/1622260221878861824
What a f@#kup, we still have some very hardcore pro-va666 junkies around these parts, I think they were mostly shooting them up with saline here, though there have been some blood clots, that I personally know
Well, this will not be broadcast by our ABC, it has been too busy in Alice Springs recently reporting on all that ‘white supremacy’ up there with a biased bigoted prejudicial concocted report. Seems that eventually it has been exposed and FORCED to apologise.
Well, that’s our ABC. So they will not give a stuff about a balanced report on the fate of the injected and pharma criminality.
In due course any attempted apology to the injected will just BE TOO LATE.
As has been said by ‘Q’, THEY ( the medical tyrants, politicians and mass media toadies) will NOT BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET.
SELL THE ABC and blackball commercial fake media advertisers.
Ned – the problem in selling the ABC is that there is no one out there stupid enough to buy it.
Can it be reformed? Maybe.
But, who will want to listen to, and watch highly paid and directed, talking heads, when Skylink will provide all the info any one could ever wish for, no matter where they are on this planet?
Ssssh, do not say such things, the poor ABC lefties, then on centre link will go ape, riot and invade Vinnies for an old pair of jeans and shoes.
They should read what has happened at Twitter. 💁🏼😩😩😩😩😩
My bet is that none of them have read the recent Musk Twitter files.
It must be obvious, otherwise the ABC would be telling their viewers all about the exposures.
Hi Ita.🌸🌻🌺
“But, who will want to listen to, and watch highly paid and directed, talking heads, when Skylink will provide all the info any one could ever wish for, no matter where they are on this planet?”
Logically you’d think no-one, but being told how to think & what to think apparently makes the majority of the population feel safe
The general tenor of the conversation, i.e. that “this is all going to be dealt with and sorted on our terms” betrays a certain naivete, a condition that’s exemplified at 13 minutes via the “religion vs spirituality” rap
Critical to understand the difference between calling down judgment and arrogating the role of executioner
I’m catching up but, judge not, yet u, be judged
and wink 4u, staunch at a word
The conversation touches briefly on the fact that the unleashing of thalidomide onto an unwary population was never properly sorted, so why the belief that it’ll be different this time around ?
What bears more discussion is the phenomena of a population that, despite being well aware of said outstanding debt, had blind faith in the same system re the entire covid circus
I remember being hosed down back in the ’50s with DDT. I emerged coughing my lungs out. Crikey, it is amazing any of us ever survived from that era.
A friend of mine was living on a rental property
And the landlord drenched the back yard with glyphosate without any warning
So her kids, aged 3 & 5 wound up playing in it.
What’s staggering is the fact that so many people are still prepared to turn a blind eye to what’s long been widely acknowledged as carcinogenic
Ditto domestic fly spray
Terry – the Battalion I was stationed in – 5/7 Battalion, RAR at Holsworthy, NSW – at the time of Cyclone Tracy – Christmas Day, 1974, had me, and the rest of the Battalion on planes headed to Darwin, within a week of that event.
The Wet Season in the Top End is one helluva problem, even when living is organized, but when a big wind destroys basic society, and grunts are put in to sort out and clean up the mess – well that’s a whole different scenario.
The only way to keep the mosquito population down up there was to use DDT once a week, and no one escaped the spraying, but hey, I’m still alive to write about it.
And I didn’t get malaria.
Well, historically, most had BLIND FAITH IN THE SAME SYSTEM.
Many of US (as in ‘we’) now have some faith that not so many will be so serially despondent naysayers and rather, encourage some insight, at least by being informed by the material in the Whole interview and ‘we’ promoting the information for the blind to see.
I’m not saying the interview is without merit.
The point I’m trying to make is that the trend that emerged in the 20th century was simply an up-market manifestation of an issue that’s plagued mankind since the year 0.
No argument on my part that calling it out has become more imperative than ever
But countering in the fact that no solution has ever been wrought via any man-made system is of equal import
Well, let us trust that we are now have the opportunity to be progressing from year dot and we will take that opportunity.
Otherwise, we have not progressed since dot and our ‘future’ is still dot.
We have a interesting challenge to smite dot.
Sorry EB, but you present as a defeatist.
Spank me before Nursie pushes me off the verandah.
Ned – you’re incorrigible!
Yea right, but I have fun entertaining myself……. I have no court these days.
elspeth – Nuremberg 2 is already gearing up to hear the first case in Crimes Against Humanity – Look up Reimar Fulmilch, a German Barrister, who has already the approval of Grand Juries to begin prosecution against governments, media and big pharma.
The wresting of control from those who have manipulated us for centuries is just getting started.
The Parliamentarian featured in Charlie Wards show, is precisely the kind of politician we need if we are to get beyond the B/S of the past many decades of lying and manipulation by so called ‘government’, and their bullhorn media.
Well a desire for law & order coupled with an unwillingness to heed the directive of the author thereof – as specified below – isn’t exactly uncommon so you’re not alone
satan offered, “all the kingdoms of the world”, to Jesus, trying to prevent Him teaching truth.
Aim of slavemasonry is to destroy Christianity, enforcing the krown kabal komunist OWG.
Jesus warned us that the pharisees are the sons of satan, and to this day they remain faithful to the lie, always the same hidden hand.
“Satan offered ‘all the kingdoms of the world’ to Jesus”
And He turned down said offer down because He knew there was only One Way of putting the World under His feet
And the only way we can do so is by following suite
And the only way we can be destroyed is via the rejection of said call
“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?
Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done.”
MATHEW 16: 24 – 27
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him [that is, Christ]: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic–on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg–or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse…. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”
“Mere Christianity” – C.S. Lewis
Way off topic
Anyone else having issues with Bitchute?
Maybe just the individual channel
This one’s going fine
The guy is suing the japanese health dept (2 min)
Thank you Joe
Video is playing but no settings and overall format is corrupted.
I have no issues with any other platform.
From https://henrymakow.com/
Feb 3 – Pfizer Targeted After Thai Princess Falls into Coma
February 3, 2023
(left, Thai Royal Princess Bha)
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.
The Thai Royal family was/is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.
‘Assassins’ are being ‘recruited’ out of very deep holes in the martial arts world.
The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer
The Thai king is finally making the connections that Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine” is a slow kill bioweapon. He will be declaring the Pfizer contract null and void due to fraud, which will result in the stripping away of all immunity. Lawsuits and compensation payments just in Thailand will be greater than the billions in COVID profits that Pfizer stole on the backs of taxpayers (theft).
All over Thailand are praying for Princess Bha
Across Thailand in recent days, a series of activities and prayers are being held to wish their Princess Bha a speedy recovery, after she collapsed last week and is receiving special treatment for her illness. hospital in Bangkok.
Katherine Watts-
This article is the fourth of a series on the role of the U.S. government in orchestrating a bioterrorism attack upon their own citizens utilizing “biowarfare agents” marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines.”
‘Congress and U.S. Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution… through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabelled as a public health program… on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers,’ writes legal researcher Katherine Watt.
Relax –
Handel: Da tempeste (Julia Lezhneva, Helsinki Baroque Orchestra)
Very enjoyable! Headphones a must.
Still I had to look her up. Next thing to look up-where is the island of Sakhalin?
“It’s often claimed that a particular artist is “born to sing”, but rarely is it so literally true as in the case of Russian soprano Julia Lezhneva. Her future as an opera singer was foretold the moment she arrived in the world in December 1989, in a hospital on the Russian island of Sakhalin”.
Julia: “Apparently when I was delivered, I shouted out so suddenly that the doctor almost dropped me and he said to my mum ‘she’s a born opera singer!’ Imagine that! It’s such an amazing thing.”
100 years ago, an American commented in the Financial Review,
“English remember nothing, Irish forget nothing, Americans know nothing.”
Not much change (in pocket) since roaring twenties, essentially these days, we all know nothing. Pay for 3 houses get 1.
The video above starts with Tiffany Dover.
I wrote about her Dec 2020.
Matthew 24:22
Verse Concepts
Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/A-Short-Time
Revelation 12:12
New King James Version
12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
[…] Source […]
Excellent video fromKatherine Watt exposing the legal framework behind the militarisation of public health and how the jab is defined as a ,military countermeasure and thus not subject to testing requirements…..
Katherine Watt exposes the legal framework behind the militarisation of public health.and how the jab was a military countermeasure and hence not subject to testing requirements
claims video of everyone being arrested as they turned up for swearing in.
Who knows what time of day they were asked to attend since the action is still going at night, we have to assume tribunals took place all day and the entire congress etc were locked up until the buses rolled up under “cover” of darkness.
I had a quick look for clapper @ scott bishop but no luck, the other claimed source is https://t.me/disclosurehub
Me I prefer bitchute as an open platform don’t like to register for everything.
I checked some more and this is the old video ?
Why is it on Before It’s News, I thought I heard something to show it’s current, well probably not
So tedious of BigTech, take out the XXXX
I tried posting a link to this video, but the censors stepped in and blocked it. So, you have to take the XXXX out of the link to get it to work.
As many of us have found, trying to tell the ‘vaxxers’ the truth about the vaccines is a fruitless task. Almost always they resort in abuse, try to demean us and tell us that we aren’t doing the right thing, putting grandma at risk, etc.
Many of these people are generally immature people that are heavily influenced by peer pressure. It’s as if they never grew up from their school days where they wanted to be a member of the ‘in-crowd’. Where they could feel superior and mock or bully those who were not in the in-crowd.
Instead of trying to have a rational discussion with them using factual information, perhaps we can reach those immature minds by MOCKING them (you’re not in the in-crowd dumbass). Here’s a video of a song called ‘Vax Takers’. It conveys the idea that not only are the vax takers not smart, but they are really stupid. On top of being stupid they have even compromised their health – like really, really stupid. Send the link on to your friends that gave you abuse about being an ‘anti-vaxxer’.
Comedian Jim Breuer is already on this ‘mocking’ topic of the vaxers.
Shortcut https://twitter.com/healthbyjames/status/1622260221878861824
What a f@#kup, we still have some very hardcore pro-va666 junkies around these parts, I think they were mostly shooting them up with saline here, though there have been some blood clots, that I personally know