Post by DM
2024 will probably be marked as the beginning of humanity re-awaking to the reality of our existence. So much has been revealed over the last few years — from the declassification of UFOs (footage), to long-hidden patents, to the (medical) revelations of the Cov-demic, in addition to beginning to understand humanity’s very dark side.
I think 2024 represented a collective awakening — especially to the fact that our leaders (governments) do not work us (the people). The Red Wave in the US elections demonstrated that most people have caught on to their entrapment in our political and banking systems. Millions and millions took the red pill. So the possibilities for 2025 are endless — as the battle for our minds continues. I suspect AI is going to speed up the process of “discovery”. Maybe we will learn about clones, dimensions, time, tunnels, and contact with other “intelligence’s”. But these “elite” will continue try to bamboozle and confuse our minds.
The question is: will humanity survive 2025 intact? With psychotic psychopaths running much of the world they do not desire this awakening. And they have all forms of technology and weaponry, including nuclear. You have to wonder whether these people are actually human. If they are, I’d like to label them “the infected.” They either have a serious mental illness or they have been infected by a spiritual or alien (other) parasitic form.
How the Pyramids were built?
Today, New Year’s eve, I am going to reflect on a discussion I had with this guy about 15 years ago. I was in Byron Bay for several days for a screenplay workshop. One evening, I was roaming through the streets looking for a place to have dinner, when I bumped into a street vendor. He was selling all sorts of spiritual stuff, like necklaces and crystals. We chatted about the world for some time, then decided to continue our enlightened conversation over a meal.
We found a courtyard-style place to have dinner and settled at a table. He kindly gave me a necklace he had made — a greenish stone — and said it had a number of undisclosed ‘woo woo’ type properties. It’s a long time ago, so I can’t remember what stone it was, nor his name.
Anyway, over dinner he began to describe how he had “gone back” to the time of the building of the pyramids. I didn’t know that much about remote viewing at the time, but I think that’s what he was referring to. He described how the pyramids were built — about 12,000 years ago — and by a giant race using sound technology. “They could lift huge blocks of stone with forms of sound frequencies.” I had followed people like Graham Hancock so none of this was too surprising.
It was when we were having desert, I felt a massive earthquake. I have been in two earth quakes in Los Angeles. The major one was the 1994 Northridge earthquake (6.7) that was the biggest shake since 1971. I was staying in an apartment in the San Fernando Valley with my partner at the time. The TV flew off the wall and it was bedlam as everyone emerged onto the streets at about 4.30 in the morning.
Anyway, so I felt a significant earthquake in Byron Bay (and I was sober, not drinking at the time). I held onto the table and looked around to see not a single other person in the tables around us had noticed. I said to the guy, “Did you feel that?” “Feel what?” “That earthquake. It was like a 6.” He casually replied: “Oh, that’s just the necklace — that stone could be picking up energies thousands of miles away.”
With that story told, I post a Graham Hancock interview. I went to one of his talks in Melbourne when he was last out. In the video he is being interviewed by Patrick from valuetainment (PBD Podcast). “Mapping The World Long Before Us” – Graham Hancock on Atlantis, Pyramids & Lost Civilizations.
I do think: to comprehend the future we need to understand the past.
I think the interview I referred to in the comments at the end of the last article should be here as well.
In the meantime I am going to prepare salt and pepper calamari with chips whilst I soak in Dee’s videos above.
If you are curios go to rumor mill news and look up Ben Fulfor’s interesting report to work out 2025.
He points out the first three letters of the days bringing in 2025.
W T F. I say no more🤷♂️💁🤪
BTW HE REFERS TO THE Chinese melting rock (my observations of possibilities in comments in last article) to get down to the energy steam room.
Well; Happy New world. 🙏
Well, that was one of the best calamari and chips that I have ever presented to me.
It was not even interrupted by those choking advertisements.
7.24 PM.
“the pyramids were built — about 12,000 years ago — and by a giant race using sound technology”.
But such claims don’t get much attention because they don’t bode with the mainstream narrative re the past – the doctrine that our forbears weren’t as “evolved” as us, a doctrine that was devised in the 19th century:
Sound is obviously a form of energy:
But everything that upsets the cultural status quo is arrogantly dismissed as mythology
Timelines are likewise unapologetically manipulated, quote:
“ ‘if a c14 date supports our theories we put it in the main text. If it does not entirely contradict them we put it in a footnote, and if it’s completely out of date we just drop it’
In general dates in the correct ballpark are assumed to be correct and are published but those in disagreement with other data are seldom published and the discrepancies fully explained. If the laboratory results contradict the ‘field evidence’ the geologist assumes that there’s something wrong with the machine. To put it another way ‘good’ dates are those that agree with the field data”
All sounds remarkably like the way mainstream news is put together
“Radiometric dating is very reliable in theory – the decay of radioactive materials is very-very predictable.
But like any other bit of experimental physics the difference between practice and theory is small in theory but large in practice.
It’s especially tricky for Carbon14 dating (which most recent stuff relies on).
The creation rate of C14 (and so the proportion in the atmosphere) depends on the suns activity – so a lot of dates which assumed a constant rate are known to be wrong. We can now calibrate this out by looking at C14 in tree rings of a known age – but the charge of “C14 dates are wrong” is used by nutters (sorry creationists) either deliberately or in ignorance.
We also assume that the sample died with the same ratio of C12/C14 as in the atmosphere, this may not be true if they got the carbon in their diet from geological sources, eg by eating a lot of deep sea fish. This led to bodies of monks being discovered in Europe with New World diseases being dated to before Columbus”
Glad this has been posted.
If you do not take the tine to consider scientific EVIDENCE exposing the fake history imposed on AUSTRALIANS.then YOU ARE:
or will remain a poor normie just existing and not much use for anyone.
11.44 AM
So much going on, we are experiencing amazing times.
To be more amazed try the Real Mary report at her situation update on 31/12 WTPN at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news.
So much I can not summarise but a couple of matters, one for Joe at about 29-31 mins that is relevant to matters raised above. The ‘skull’ of a ‘human’ is as big as an elephant’s. and mate Thor has a word.
But the panic of the deep state is as clear as a tiger defending her offspring… now they are at it again, this time with a weaponised bird flu as referred to by Dr McColough. About late 30 mins for five or so.
Alex Jones comes in toward the end and summarises our problem.
Not interested in any of it? Well go find your reality with the msm…. As usual.
I am out of here, happy NY for 1/4/25 and note many dates on your fridge for at least January.
About: 6.22 PM
Dr Judy Wilyman has popped up here
Talking about astroturfing: industry groups posing as grassroots to influence government via public brainwashing
University sabotaged her for investigating children’s health with respect to vaccine and “immunisation” programs
Wikipedia has locked her webpage so she can’t attend to all the mis and dis information posted by vested interests
Ombudsman, AFP etc will not uphold the law, right to conscientious objection and informed consent being removed, human rights in UN agreements “have not been added to domestic laws”
In 1986 ( when the Reagan govt probably run completely by HW Bush by that time ) made universal vaccine indemnity which extended to untested serums
Chronic illnesses skyrocketing
Basically, fraud and theft running rampant
Here’s the recent Clif High video that he indicates what he sees for the next few months. If true, there’s gonna be a lot more crazy shit and feakouts by the normies.
Re: discussion on psychopaths, since the aliens will be telepathic, they will be able to read a person’s true sentience and when they are lying. – Not much future for the psychos…
Good to hear… and AI will correct all the lies of politicians in a nano second
Historic Winter Temperatures and Highest Food Prices In Our Lifetime
The Book I referred to above –Project Soul Catcher by Robert Duncan Part 2.
” The 21st century will be known asa the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.”
“Integration of cybernetics and psychological warfare. The Mind Hacking Strategy Group
Yuval Harari is so full of shit, drags out “trust me” for half an hour
And here’s a hand, my trusty fiend…
Where Could Blackouts Hit During January 2025 Historic Cold?
With historic cold on the way across a large percentage of the lower 48, we can look at past power outages to predict the where the next failures may occur first that will cause blackouts and rolling brown-outs. Two X class CMEs will strike Earth 12 hours apart to start the new year.
Australia take note.
Gerald is not happy!
5 REASONS Why a FOOD Garden Should Be Your NEW YEAR’S Resolution
Great Aussie gardening channel
I agree with everything except the Jerusalem Artichokes, that stuff will give you such gas that the neighbors will avoid you. They are easy to grow and were a staple of the American Indians, but I’ll pass for some potatoes instead.
I can’t see the use in global artichokes and when they put them on pizzas ( pickled ) it ruins the whole thing but I do Jerusalem artichokes fried slowly in butter, sliced about 5mm thick and they are quite agreeable, like a potato but with lots more character.
Remote viewer predictions for 2025
PREDICTIONS 2025gulation, possi
Coastal earthquake
Stock market downturn (increase in crypto)
real and fake UFO “invasion” — big event, government regulation,
a follow up (failed) assassination after inauguration.
rise of AI across all industries… a big emphasis on human robots. Global concerns… problem with sentients… (man marrying a robot / Japan)
Shift in global power… new global agreements, EU, political shifts, tension with US, China tension with US,
People waking up to corruption (red pilling and questioning the narrative, and shadow governments) Vibration increasing. Lots of protesting, rioting (all causes)
Big cyber attack… different to past attacks. Cyber attack exposing elite agendas (e.g., Anon Q movement type thing.) Massive declass… (going to take a few years to sink into the Mainstream narrative) YEAR OF TRUTH
Major scientific developments Progression change — changing pour reality. Scary for new reality
Elon Musk getting angry around AI — lack of responsibility by others. He might have heart health issues.
Significant plane crash – commercial (like MH370)
Strange weather patterns (heat wave — possible weather manipulation)
New extinct animals are rediscovered
Weird bird migration patterns
Volcano erupting… came from ocean (creating some land mass
Big solar flares… (no big threat)
2025 is year 9… END OF A CYCLE — DEATH AND REBIRTH… collectively
2026 should be much better
All pretty “predictable”
Not the MO style of a remote viewer.
All bloody marvellous, but It would be useful to have the trifecta for the Melbourne cup in November.
CME Impact, Solar Storm, Upper Sky Collapse Continues | S0 News Jan.1.2025
Brendon O’Connell and the way back machine 2018.
59 – Israel, Gaza, Hezbollah, Likud, All Explained
We pray for better days, breathing through the nose, if we can.
Rusty bridge, beyond repair, about to drop into bottom of harbour. No one says a word, although a three year old sees it!
Tunnelling at the speed of sound, like worms paying a fee to the CCP.
That Bridge was Australian made, crushed by naked emperors within. Now they’re coating it with acrylic paint over the rust untreated for crying out loud.
Israel & Syria, Netenyahu & Putin – Who Are These People? Kay Griggs Interview
As Syria is re-shaped, we must remember the great Katherine Pollard Griggs, “Kay Griggs Talks”.
In October 2023, Quentin Heisler interviewed the great Kay Pollard (Griggs). She is 79 and doing well. I have re-edited the interview to remove background noise and improve the overall quality of the sound. A shame it was not held in a better setting, giving the gravitas she deserves.
There was nothing new discussed, nothing particularly elaborated upon except small points to do with The Clinton’s and a few other characters.
I jazzed it up a little with a more elaborate introduction, so you, or someone not familiar with Kay, will get something from it.
All in all, I’m just glad to see she is alive and well, and it would be lovely to really elaborate on the incredible issues she raised so long ago. In-particular, I would like to see people reminded of the “old guard” who raised these issues so long ago and have largely been forgotten while government IIA hacks, make a fortune off their backs, and off their suffering.
In the headline:
JIM WILLIIE FROM 48 for a few.
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people….
💁 11.55 AM
Now stand back and wait for half a dozen Vicky Pollard-style rants as to why it was just another Zionist plot
What the world so needs now is one more lounge-room-style discourse that revolves around the notion that a politically devised religion is OK if it’s divorced from it’s roots and the practitioners are half-arsed.
One more tut tut conversation about how “the authorities” could turn back the clock if only they pulled their heads in
Compere: “The immediate safety precautions is one part of it
Another part is the actual threat of this radicalism that’s going unchecked and that is definitely perhaps the more important thing to be focusing on”
In the 1st instance he fails to consider the effect such precautions would have on highly lucrative downtown New Year partying
He then proceeds to suggest that the font of the problem is insufficient thought policing
When any fool could figure out it’s insufficient ground level courage
The sort of audacity demonstrated by Hatun Tash
At 15: 35:
“it’s so bizarre because, unlike the U.S, Britain is an officially Christian nation”
Which, according to this ex-pat Brit/U.S. immigrant, is the heart of the problem:
“consider the servants of God through the Bible: Who gave them the most trouble, religious people or non-religious people?
Religious people: What religion did they have? The religion of Cain, that’s right.
Who put the prophets to death or persecuted them? The followers of Cain.
Who were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus? The followers of Cain. See?
And it hasn’t changed through 2,000 years, it’s gone on the same way. Taking a glimpse of the harlot, the false church, the first thing I want to say is that it exploits political power.
It uses political power to obtain its ends. That’s why I am always somewhat reserved
when I heard Christians talking about taking over politics.Because, every time it’s happened in the past it’s been a disaster for the Church. It happened in the 4th century when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Constantine. And from that moment Christianity went into decline.
It happened in the Middle Ages when the pope wielded the two swords, the sword of spiritual government and the sword of political government, and the Church was in a state of almost total darkness. I don’t believe there’ll ever be a change in that.”
NB: biblically speaking Cain embodies the fact that political brown-nosing is synonymous with murder