
by Elias Davidsson
The following quotes from Hannah Arendt’s famous essay “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil” have been selected for their contemporary interest. Readers are invited to compare these observations with the current situation, in which large majorities of citizens blindly obey official regulations that violate fundamental human rights. I have added my personal comments to some of the quotes, in brackets.
p. 26-27: “[The judges in Eichmann’s] case rested on the assumption that the defendant, like all ‘normal persons’, must have been aware of the criminal nature of his acts, and Eichmann was indeed normal insofar as he was ‘no exception within the Nazi regime.’ However, under the conditions of the Third Reich, only ‘exceptions’ could be expected to react ‘normally’. This simple truth of the matter created a dilemma for the judges which they could neither resolve nor escape.”
[In today’s situation, it is those who refuse to wear masks who are reacting “normally” to such infringement of their physical integrity. To accept mask-wearing in daily life is clearly not a “normal” human behaviour. It must be coerced.]
p. 48 “Dimly aware of a defect that must have plagued him [Eichmann] even in school – it amounted to a mild case of aphasia – he apologized, saying ‘Officialese [Amtssprache] is my only language’. But the point here is that officialese became his language because he was genuinely incapable of uttering a single sentence that was not a cliché.”
[In today’s situation, we encounter everywhere regulations of our lives couched in “officialese” that becomes gradually part of the language and of ideology—such as “social distancing.”]
p. 50 Eichmann: “Whatever I prepared and planned, everything went wrong, my personal affairs as well as my years-long efforts to obtain land and soil for the Jews. I don’t know, everything was as if under an evil spell; whatever I desired and wanted and planned to do, fate prevented it somehow. I was frustrated in everything, no matter what.”
[Such self-pity is typical of powerful men and women who find themselves in the dock.]
p. 51 “Eichmann needed only to recall the past in order to feel assured that he was not lying and that he once had been in perfect harmony. And that German society of eighty million people had been shielded against reality and factuality by exactly the same means, the same self-deception, lies, and stupidity that had now become ingrained in Eichmann’s mentality.”
[The similarity with today’s German society, shielded against reality, needs no comment.]
p. 51 “During the war, the lie most effective with the whole of the German people was the slogan of ‘the battle of destiny for the German people’ [der Schicksalskampf des deutschen Volkes], coined either by Hitler or by Goebbels, which made self-deception easier on three counts: it suggested, first, that the war was no war; second, that it was started by destiny and not by Germany; and, third, that it was a matter of life and death for the Germans, who must annihilate their enemies or be annihilated.”
[The current global “battle” against Covid-19 is based on similar arguments, namely the need for a “total war” against the virus; the claim that it is simply a result of destiny (i.e., the “war” was not planned); and that we need to annihilate the virus before the virus annihilates us. This is the nature of totalitarian slogans.]
85 “All [official] correspondence referring to the matter [Holocaust] was subject to rigid ‘language rules’, and, except in the reports from the Einsatzgruppen, it is rare to find documents in which such bald words as ‘extermination’, ‘liquidation’, or ‘killing’ occur. The prescribed code names for killing were ‘final solution’, ‘evacuation’ (Aussiedlung), and ‘special treatment’ (Sonderbehandlung); deportation – unless it involved Jews directed to Theresienstadt, the ‘old people’s ghetto’ for privileged Jews, in which case it was called ‘change of residence’ – received the names of ‘resettlement’ (Umsiedlung) and ‘labor in the East’ (Arbeitseinsatz im Osten)… A high official in the Foreign Office once proposed that in all correspondence with the Vatican, the killing of Jews be called the ‘radical solution’. [The language rules] proved of enormous help in the maintenance of order and sanity in the various widely diversified services whose cooperation was essential in this matter. Moreover, the very term ‘language rule’ (Sprachregelung) was itself a code name; it meant what in ordinary language would be called a lie.”
[“Language rules” have become in recent decades an overt and powerful tool to manipulate public opinion, in fact far more sophisticated than was the case in the Third Reich.]
p. 93 “It is important to remember that counsel for the defense, Dr. Servatius, pleaded not superior orders but ‘acts of state’ and asked for acquittal on that ground – a strategy Dr. Servatius had already tried unsuccessfully at Nuremberg.”
[The planners and perpetrators of the Corona restriction measures will undoubtedly claim in their future trial to have acted in their official and legitimate capacity or to have followed superior orders. Will society accept this defense?]
p. 98-99 “In actual fact, the situation was just as simple as it was hopeless: the overwhelming majority of the German people believed in Hitler – even after the attack on Russia and the feared war on two fronts, even after the United States entered the war, indeed even after Stalingrad, the defection of Italy, and the landings in France. Against this solid majority, there stood an indeterminate number of isolated individuals who were completely aware of the national and of the moral catastrophe; they might occasionally know and trust one another, there were friendships among them and an exchange of opinions, but no plan or intention of revolt.”
[While the situations are widely dissimilar — no international wars — the similarity with the current situation is the existence of an overwhelming majority of people who believe in state truths and act on the base of this belief, while only an indeterminate number of isolated individuals are “completely aware of the national and the moral catastrophe” that is being brought upon the world.]
p. 105-106 “What stuck in the minds of these men who had become murderers was simply the notion of being involved in something historic, grandiose, unique (‘a great task that occurs once in two thousand years’), which must therefore be difficult to bear. This was important, because the murderers were not sadists or killers by nature.”
[Is this description applicable to the unelected designers of the Great Reset, who meet in the World Economic Forum at Davos to plan a “historic, grandiose” new future for humanity, based on a total digital environment? Are they aware that their plan – not secret – would make billions of human beings superfluous and the rest of humanity dependent on a handful of IT corporations? Will they plead guilty to having had a marvelous but wrong vision?]
p, 118 “As Eichmann told it, the most potent factor in the soothing of his own conscience was the simple fact that he could see no one, no one at all, who actually was against the Final Solution.”
[We have not yet reached that situation. Yet political leaders make particular efforts not to acknowledge and see opposition to their decisions – such bad-faith efforts will have to be considered as elements of the crime for which these leaders will have to be judged.]
p. 126 Eichmann “fervently believed in success, the chief standard of ‘good society’ as he knew it. Typical was his last word on the subject of Hitler. Hitler he said, ‘may have been wrong all down the line, but one thing is beyond dispute; the man was able to work his way up from lance corporal in the German Army to Führer of a people of almost eighty million… His success alone proved to me that I should subordinate myself to this man.” His conscience was indeed set at rest when he saw the zeal and eagerness with which ‘good society’ everywhere reacted as he did. He did not need to ‘close his ears to the voice of conscience,’ as the judgment has it, not because he had none, but because his conscience spoke with a ‘respectable voice’, with the voice of respectable society around him. That there were no voices from the outside to arouse his conscience was one of Eichmann’s points, and it was the task of the prosecution to prove that this was not so, that there were voices he could have listened to, and that, anyhow, he had done the work with a zeal far beyond the call of duty.”
[Eichmann’s perception, seeing everywhere citizens obedient and adoring Hitler, may not be fully applicable to the current situation. Yet, such perception may exist and soothe the conscience of numerous political leaders who isolate themselves from the public and find comfort in the “respectable society” of obedient subjects.]
p. 127 “The sinister Dr. Otto Bradfisch, former member of one of the Einsatzgruppen, who presided over the killing of at least fifteen thousand people, told a German court that he had always been ‘inwardly opposed’ to what he was doing.”
[We will probably hear such voices in the future by all the collaborators of the existing dictatorship.]
p. 135 “So Eichmann’s opportunities for feeling like Pontius Pilatus were many, and as the months and the years went by, he lost the need to feel anything at all. This was the way things were, this was the new law of the land, based on the Führer’s order; whatever he did he did, as far as he could see, as a law-abiding citizen. He did his duty, as he told the police and the court over and over again; he not only obeyed orders, he also obeyed the law.”
[We daily encounter people who hide behind the law in enforcing the Corona regulations. Teachers who oblige their pupils to wear masks also hide behind regulations and repress thereby their natural compassion with their pupils. After carrying such regulations for weeks or months, they stop feeling empathy for the victims.]
“Teachers who oblige their pupils to wear masks also hide behind regulations and repress thereby their natural compassion with their pupils.”
Swearda God, I would never have thought of that.
This man is a psychologist.
Oh brother! Elias has now invented a new “dollar bill”. See it here:
“Deliberate Stupidity” – Michael O’Bernicia is Suing UK Parliament for Covid Fraud
Private Criminal Prosecution of Parliament – Top Legal Team Engaged to Sue Every Member of Parliament
Michael O’Bernicia has considerable experience fighting mortgage fraud in the UK.
He has gained considerable support from the legal profession.
One firm of Barristers told him this is the most significant criminal prosecution
that has ever been pursued. This article outlines other practical forms of resistance.
Thank you. There is a video in that link, so here it be:
When speaking to people, if they fail to see that this is the “mark of the beast”, walk away they are taken. The ignorance of the mass is viewing the Block. As the title suggests their minds are truly blocked. They choose stupid because stupid is strong in going along to get along.
A year ago, if anyone had said, what we are witnessing now, I would have asked what medication they were on.
Here we are good friends, at the crossroads of destiny for all civilisation.
Do we follow damnation or salvation?
Pray and act with all your heart mind and soul, cause His love is the only truth.
St. John’s Prophecy is not a fairy tale. These are the days we have been warned about by all previous generations.
So where is God already? Has He got a stake in stopping geo-engineering?
Look how many “meteorologists” have been playing God for decades.
We are being sold lies, we need to rise above them.
Mary, since i was a youth i thought part of hitlers purpose was calling upon the judean god to save his people.
also i think there is a TED talk about weather control where the speaker comments that playing god is great fun!
56, your “walk away” comment is valid. I try over and over again to persuade people that we are caught — with the day of the “marked and tracked” vaccine (mark of the beast) almost upon us. They cannot imagine this as possible, or that it is a negative.
I think the problem here is there is fixation on the mark but not enough on the beast. The mark describes a place in time, a significant event. The beast has no name.
I would like to know who is running the Australian TGA and more specifically who they are taking orders from. They have been in business trying to ban herbal medicines and so forth for a long time.
Speaking of Rockerfellas I saw a fairly odd TV show featuring Anthony Bourdain (d. 2018), street level video journalist, promoting eating less and surviving on junk and rubbish, produced by Rockerfellas Foundation. Very odd, surreal. Anyone knows the rumours Bourdain “suicided” a couple of years ago, apparently after talking too much about things like child trafficking and whatever, I don’t think we’ll be seeing that video. Wonder who was going to produce it.
On the general theme
I have a couple of videos but they’re embedded in facebook, I don’t know how to get it out. It shows a rural village in Burma, they have got everyone wearing dust-masks including infants aged about 3 or 4. A van painted “ambulance” (in English?) turns up and some guys in plastic overalls, hoods and dust-masks jump out and start testing everyone. They grab the infants and put them in the van, there is plenty of full-throated screaming, you can imagine.
I have no idea what happens to these infants but I can say the population in these places is not homogeneous and they have local languages and rebel armies and all sorts of skirmishes along the border, as well plenty of drugs get in, the drugs must be so cheap, plenty of drug casualties like anywhere. As well Burma is tied in to China and plenty of “trade” going on there. One only has to look at the Rohingas experience in the west to see what rough little places these are.
In truth Eichmann & Co did nothing more than exploit a populous movement that’s been around since God was a boy, a certain mind-set that always seems to gather momentum whenever the going gets rough, as evidenced by this sort of trash:
And yes, those who cook up such material are, most definitely, “under a spell”
Thanks for the tip, site looks very informative.
obviously wonderful victim-culture material
As a child, was taught who the ‘only’ victims were.
Now past 62, still yet to see them as victims.
Wow, great site, thanks for the tip. It’s one of my new favorites. Wouldn’t have found it without you….
Many of us immigrants, come from small villages, we remember a real world.
Love song and dance after honest skilful work that preserves the common good.
The music was manned not canned. People embraced hugged and raised families, simply living.
If you don’t live in urban confinements, you’re still lucky and if you see progress coming, move further away. The reason for artificial insanity is so that we are isolated fron reality permanently.
Dependant we are not independent. We buy fruit from the one world store, that has travelled three oceans to get here, cause the local guy is unfit to do it for the right price. It’s all turned to poo, because people that have never worked are sucking the blood of all living. Their drug of choice – the innocent.
i truly believe, song, dance and laughter can be used a weapon. or why does song dance and laughter scare them. they are already depriving as many people as possible from oxytocin uptake which is naturally secreted when in direct human contact. spell check only recognizes oxycontin? now that IS funny ;}
The question that really needs to be asked is, what did hanging Eichmann actually achieve ?
Did it really free anyone from anything ?
No argument on my part that Law is critical to identifying any problem
However, the belief that it can fix anything is THE mother of ALL problems
[quote=berry] The question that really needs to be asked is, what did hanging Eichmann actually achieve ?
Did it really free anyone from anything ? [/quote]
Very perspicacious, berry.
In my opinion, the only purpose in criming the peripheral flotsam is to protect the real perpetrators who have a more “substantial interest” in maintaining the “status quo”.
It’s a con-job that is intended to give the impression that “we unassailable, unimpeachable, bureaucrats”, can, and do, determine what you may do, or say, or think, depending on whether we decide if it suits the Party or not.
On August 22, 2020, Gumshoe reviewed James Perloff’s book on Covid. He has sent me this today:
“As many of you now already know, on October 15, despite over 3,500 sales and a 5-star customer rating, Amazon censored my book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled, just one day before I was to upload the Kindle e-book version of the book.
“I have written a blog post on the situation, including info on alternatives means of buying the paperback, as well as how to get the fully hyperlinked e-book for free (or a free PDF). The blog post also mentions, for those who wish to, how they can email Jeff Bezos to protest this situation.
“Amazon, and in particular Bezos, have made billions from the COVID lockdown, so they have a clear vested interest in censoring information that opposes the lockdown—no matter how well-documented that information is.”
Berry i agree with you re the Christian Identity mob who believe that they are descendants of Old Testament Israel and therefore are new Testament Israelites also, and that they are barking up the wrong tree.
So how would you describe a New Testament Israelite?
An oxymoron, as borne out by the fact that none of the POST CRUCIFIXION references to Israel that appear in the New Testament concern anything more than:
a) history/ethnicity
b) the unconverted/unsaved
“New Covenant” is more to the point than “New Testament”
Romans 9
Israel’s Rejection of Christ
9 I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen[a] according to the flesh, 4 who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; 5 of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.
Israel’s Rejection and God’s Purpose
6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, 7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”[b] 8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. 9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”……….
6) “For they are not all Israel who are of Israel “
(not all saved by virtue of being ethnically Israeli)
27) of same Chapter:
“Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved”
31 – 33) of same Chapter:
“But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.
Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;
As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.”
There’s nothing about Israel being replaced by the Gentiles – when a child dies the parents are left with a permanent sense of loss irrespective of whether they have any more
And according to Paul’s advice to the same Roman church, the dead child in question will eventually be resurrected:
“For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.
And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
ROMANS 11:24 – 27
There’s plenty of historical evidence that the Apostles and their disciples took Christ at His word when He said that the Father could make sons of Abraham out of stones and that they should go forth and teach all nations “what I have commanded you” baptising them, etc. The “new Adam”, the Son of the “new Eve”, the author of the “new Covenant” instigated the “new Israel”; that being the Church that anyone at all could be adopted into by accepting His doctrine and by being Baptised.
Lots of saints and Judases came and went even before the death of John the Apostle in about 97AD. No surprises there if one can take the word of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles and the Apocalypse. The Church had already been alive through many trials and tribulations for almost 400 years before what we know as the Bible was even put together.
Now, as I recall without checking dates from history, Roman Emperor Constantine “decriminalised” Christianity in about 325AD (there is some doubt that he was ever formally Christian) but which is touted by an exponentially burgeoning number of “prophets, experts and evangelists” as the time that the Church abandoned Christianity and embraced pagan gods.
From then, the “experts” declare, the Christian Church was a Satanic cult until the sex addict Martin Luther rebelled and produced a heavily redacted and “interpreted” version of “scripture” that is the basis for millions of versions of “Christianity” that multiply by the minute… almost always stupid, sentimental, “feel good” twaddle.
The Christian Church is not represented by the Globalist sock puppet known as “pope” francis. Anyone who wants to argue with me can do so privately at:
I agree with you there, oldavid. Even the cross on the Christian churches is Babylonian, symbolising Tammuz/Nimrod, the founder of Babylon. And Babylon is what IMO the globalists are attempting to recreate. “Mystery Babylon” Rev. 17:5-9
But I don’t agree with anything you said above. Please go and re read what I said.
Talmudic/Kabbalistic interpretations of “symbols” does not change the basic facts.
The war is between the Second Person of a Triune God and a Kabbalistic ape.
I agree with you, oldavid but Jews have led Christians astray and have already led them halfway back to Babylon.
How do you know that which you claim?
Hey! Either judaics are destined by some power to make slaves of the whole World or they’re not.
Tellus what is “astray” and what is the steep and narrow.
Blaming anyone for your own folly amounts to signing your own death warrant
W.H.O. is already ramping up it’s defence, the last few days crying that they did not recommend lockdowns, they are scared now to be blamed for all the poverty and mass death they have caused by setting up all the preconditions for the treacherous arrogance of people like VicDik Andrews.
Who told the Australian TGA to ban the medicine ???
When I first rang them over a month ago I think, they sounded very remorseful and sorry for themselves.
I heard they don’t answer the phone anymore.
Lock them up.
“W.H.O. is already ramping up it’s defence, the last few days crying that they did not recommend lockdowns, they are scared now to be blamed for all the poverty and mass death they have caused”
Hell, it was all INTENTIONAL. Perhaps some (if not most) of those fools weren’t ‘in the loop’ of what was really going on, but it is all becoming much more clearer as more information comes in. Here’s a great recent video from the ‘Ice Age Farmer’ that tells it like it is – TPB are on a time table that Mother Nature has dictated.
That link should probably be sent to everyone you know to bring them up to speed of what is actually going on.
Lockdown Lunacy is Typical Cult Behavior
The mask, vaccination, and health passport signify membership is a worldwide satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism, that serves the Cabalist banksters, and their minions, our “leaders.”
Good ole Giuseppe Verdi. He was one of those Italian musicians that resisted the Romantic fashion that degenerated into the non-melody, non-harmony of those wretched northern European types who rejected all order as an imposition on “free spirit”. As is always, “freedom” from order results in cacophony, discord, anarchy.
That’s just another one of Giuseppe’s finely crafted works that tend to make my blardy glasses fog up a bit.
Mary, that was beautiful and well worth a few minutes of anyone’s time.
No one is denying that the Einsatzgruppen were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of Jews on the Eastern Front and that said perpetrators deserved to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
That said, there is considerable evidence that for most Jews that died on the Eastern front, this was due to retribution by the local peoples, who had suffered persecution and millions of deaths (think the Ukrainian famines of the 1920’s and 30’s) at the hands of the Jewish Bolshevik Commissars etc.
As for this statement in Elias Davidsson’s article : “All [official] correspondence referring to the matter [Holocaust] was subject to rigid ‘language rules ……it is rare to find documents in which such bald words as ‘extermination’, ‘liquidation’, or ‘killing’ occur” ,
there is a reason why it is rare to find extermination like synonyms in the documents.
That’s because there NEVER WAS A SYSTEMATIC MASS EXTERMINATION OF JEWS in World War 2 and there is NO EVIDENCE THAT GAS CHAMBERS EXISTED, let alone that anyone was gassed in one.
Once again, for those who have lapped up the propaganda about the Holohoax, this is what really went on in these alleged ‘extermination camps’:
I don’t think we can deny that many people died in “detention” or labour camps from malnutrition, exposure, disease and all the associated deprivations where people are denied the opportunity to seek their own betterment and the capacity to help their neighbour in need. It is almost certain that cruel, vicious basads used captive people to try to find what it is that must be destroyed in a human to make an automaton.
What is missing from these “holocaust” stories is that wealthy and influential “Jews” were either running the show or were “spirited” out of the way so that all the internees were nondescript or nominal Jews, Gypsies, nominally “defective” anyone who might not conform to the “Aryan ideal” of a “super race”.
All of this “great wisdom” cannot be divorced from the Judaeo-Masonic vision of World “management” that they secretly sell as “British Israel World Federation” that is practically indistinguishable from the many eugenics programmes that fired and “justified” everything from genocide to paedophilia and other kinds of Satanic Ritual Abuse.
The rooly styoopud basards don’t realise that all Caesar needs to secure his “divinity” is compliance from a populace that is so divorced from integrity by “bread and circuses” that they will run anywhere and support anything that seems to oppose the hated Messiah.
Mr Davidsson, there is a lot of well researched information that’s truthful about the Holohoax and I suggest you really need to to look into it – because it appears you only have a partial grasp of the facts.
One that I’ve read and would also recommend to other Gumshoe readers is this one by the esteemed scholar Nicholas Kollerstrom :
The article above is correct, these types will use anything at all to pass the blame onto anyone but themselves. They are also not above lying while under oath.
After all every politician has sworn an oath to govern on behalf of their country and their sovereign people. If they take on a Cabinet or higher position they again take an oath to do what is right for the country and people.
To do, what they have all been party to, during this pretend Covid-19 event, they have all broken their oaths.
I am not keen on making a parallel comparison of today’s criminals with the events of Germans during World War II. Today’s criminals were not involved in a survival of their country against another as was the case during the 1930s to 1944.
The history of World War II was written by the victors and much of what is written is patently false. It has been written in this way on behalf of the Zionists Bankers who created the war and financed it, for their own profit. They knowingly sacrificed the Jewish people of Germany and Europe to get their hands on Palestine, yet how many Zionists move to Israel except when on the run from the Law.
Much is made of confessions of Germans accused, yet it is known that these people were tortured before facing Nuremburg Courts. Will today’s criminals be faced with torture before appearing in court? No! Their lies will be voluntary, not induced.
Elias Davidsson is confused.
Elias creates a series of symptoms and then applies them to quite prosaic human behaviour.
Elias decides which ‘history’ is true and which is not… sans evidence.
Elias is apparently oblivious to the reality that the creators of the Nuremburg Trials are the same people who are creating The Great Reset, Covid ‘vaccine’ and, for that matter, the most recent sixty wars.
Frankly, I regard the Eichmen and no better or worse than Churchil, FDR, or Eisenhauer.
Tony, Eichmann was not part of the Nuremberg trials. He disappeared to South America and was caught in 1960 and tried in Israel. (Do you recall he was in a sort of glass cage in the courtroom?)
Hannah Arendt was a scribe at the trial. Her book is “The Banality of Evil”. meaning , well, like Elias quoted. You can do an atrocity and talk about it calmly.
I’ve a fairly clear memory of Mum & Dad pouring over Time magazine /serious adult discussions:
“As TIME reported immediately after the capture, the idea that Eichmann would stand trial in Israel was controversial, as “diplomats and editorialists around the world asked about the legality of kidnapping a man from one country to stand trial in a second for crimes committed in a third,” and Argentina dealt with a situation under which its ‘sovereignty was infringed and [its] laws against abduction were flouted.’ ‘diplomats and editorialists around the world asked about the legality of kidnapping a man from one country to stand trial in a second for crimes committed in a third,’
The entire shebang was evidently driven by those who hadn’t done their Torah homework:
“To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”
Small wonder they broke the LAW in every other respect
“Vengeance is MINE” saith the Lord
We need to see some major foot-slidin’ — and soon!
(f there s a composer/choreographer out there would he or she please provide some nice fool-slidin’ music and dance? Thank you.
And those of the coalition of the killing in the Middle East after the official government/s 911 nutters tin foil hatters unscientific 911 conspiracy theory resulting in millions dead and destroyed in the Middle East.
Same mob, lies and interests as with WW 11. The victory is at the whim of those who manipulate history and lie to the unitiated and stupids.
Until today I had not thought about whether any history of World War I & II has been recorded through the eyes of German people? Maybe that is taboo because of that ridiculous phrase ” anti-Semite?
It is known widely that most Jews of today are not Semites, yet this term is used profusely to ridicule any statements against people with Jewish type names. Any normal person can see by reports against criminals that there are far too many Jewish names on a population basis in that list to be a coincidence. Just look at those involved in 9/11. Financial crimes in particular!
And don’t forget many Jews have Anglo-Saxon names. The Jewish classification is handed down by the mother, hence the family name through marriage could be any non-Jewish name, if mother married outside the Jewish tradition.
The reason why the Nazis saw the Joos as such a threat was because they were more numerous and dominant in Germany than an any other part of Europe.
And the reason for that was a certain cultural affinity re doing everything thoroughly and well.
An attribute which, fairly obviously, resulted in the Holocaust
As for Joos torturing & murdering Christians Saul of Tarsus would no doubt still be up for 1st prize.
“Let us think about that now said C,B &A.”
This is such ‘old news’, but it seems it still has to be brought up for those that missed it.
I’d argue that being immersed in ersatz “christianity” for generations has left most folk incapable of grasping exactly why such a word was invoked
As a contrarian, this article and comments outrage me.
As a reader, it’s quite humbling.
Thanks all.
For the record, Elias Davidson is not working on WWII or matters Jewish. He is hot on the trail of Covid and is supporting those Germans who see through the nonsense. I took his article above to be strictly about Covid. It is very enlightening (to me) about, say, the brain of Fauci or Gates.
Way back in the early ’70’s at university I had the temerity to defy an “activist” who was selling Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Mao’s “Little Red Book” that were very fashionable back then. What was immediately apparent to me was that this berk was fully armed with all the evasions just like our lovely Scribes (the media), Pharisees (the influential rich and notorious), and the blardy Lawyers who twist the law to please the political narrative.
Back then I thought that the “activist” was just a blardy drongo but, whether we like it or not, this galah was the portent of the anti-reason that took over the World in the ’70’s.
Try this.
“We Jews are destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” “You Gentiles” by Maurice Samuels page 155.
“Do not let the forces of evil takeover and make this a Christian America.” Jew Senator Howard Metzenbaum, November 6, 1986.
Maurice Samuels:
“We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
Wow has that boy been tricked into spreading that theory.
Destroyers of what, exactly?
And, given the Saul of Tarsus account, why would any purportedly saved individual perceive any unsaved one as a threat ?
What part does said perceived threat have to play in the “fullness of the gentiles” coming to fruition ? (as bespoken by the same Saul in the above Romans 11 quote)
Mary, I get it that Davidsson’s article was about Covid but he drew a poor analogy by associating it with ‘alleged’ German WW II war crimes based on unsubstantiated propaganda.
He would serve the Covid cause better by using appropriate analogies based on fact-checked evidence.
It seems you have to cut up bitchute addresses to publish them ?
I wrote before but deleted:
This guy “Corbett Report” is an egghead who likes the sound of his own voice but is telling us “The Great Reset” is NWO rebranded as NWO has become tarnished. What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? Basically, cyborgs. etc etc., dull futurology yawn
I am looking for the great fiat ponzi crash of January 2021 but haven’t found it yet.
Politically I think many people will get bought out as in NZ where they just want to vote for the bat-virus™ holiday dole. The pork barrelling never stops because you just keep selling more and more of the future. Its like student HECS mixed with primitive tribespeople selling their land for beads.
The a* holes are all backing away from the bat-virus™ now because economically it has proved itself and done its job. Trashing the economies means the banks (“private equity”) etc will start grabbing stuff up from everyone’s future generations with future dated credit.
Bulletin / Off Topic / LONG comment– whatever ..
With apologies, this comment is long and violates the moderator’s protocols – so please peruse at your leisure.
This is related to the video posted by Fritz (and I appreciate your comments here, Fritz) featuring Vera Sharav a couple of threads ago (re-link below). I can hardly keep up with Gumshoe but this seems like a good place to share these thoughts. PLUS, by posting this comment I get to receive email notifications.
I could have gone on about Trotsky/Lenin (‘kill the Russians’), Beria (‘kill the Poles’), Kaganovich/StalIn (‘kill more Russians’) or Ehrenburg (‘kill the Germans’), but I just wanted to stay with Vera for now.
I really don’t mean to nit-pick her as I found that she has produced a great deal of very worthwhile content on the topic of the corrupt medical and pharmaceutical industry. Good for her.
Putting aside that her bio commences “Holocaust Survivor” and that her video title commences “Nazism”, she has done some impressive work (I have only browsed) on the site
• Alliance for Human Research Protection
• https://ahrp.org/
RFK Jr has even featured her on his Children’s Health Defence site and her seven-part exposé is featured here.
• The Vaccine Program: Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption
• https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/vaccine-program-betrayal-public-trust-institutional-corruption/
I am almost out of links so the rest is rant …
I am surprised I have not heard her mentioned by Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s TTAV series as her work seems to parallel much of theirs.
The Vaccine Choice Canada article shows its true colours:
• “But her distrust of the drug industry and medical research institutions has also led her to embrace some dubious heroes, including discredited British physician Andrew Wakefield, who falsified data to imply a link between vaccines and autism. [Really?]
• Wakefield’s medical license was revoked for a series of ethics violations, and most in the mainstream medical community blame him for raising unjustified doubts about the safety of vaccines. [Really?] Yet Sharav puts him on her “honor roll” of “exemplary professionals,” along with Florence Nightingale. [Good for her]
• “My research and my gut tell me that Wakefield has been wronged,” she said. “One thing I’ve learned from early in my life is that if I don’t stay true to my gut feeling, then I’m lost. I don’t have any control.””
Again, I say – Good for her.
But I now want to draw on a few triggers in her talk.
• Sharav had been born Vera Roll in Romania just a few years before a fascist government allied with Nazi Germany took over the country. In 1941, some 145,000 Romanian and Hungarian Jews — including her family — were deported to an area known as Transnistria along the Ukraine border.
• The Rolls were sent to the town of Mogilev, which the Romanians and Nazis had turned into a concentration camp. Vera’s father died within weeks of their arrival, probably of typhus.
Comment: So typhus was a very real phenomenon and threat to public health, even in 1941 !!.
What one must understand is that there was a programme of mass migration of Jews (by mutual arrangement) heading for Palestine (Vera later says she was on a train headed for ’Israel’).
Yet her testimony raises so many queries that it is hard to know where to start.
Vera states she was 3½ years-old when her family were moved to a ‘concentration camp’ [but fortunately not one of THOSE ‘death camps” – so she would hardly “know what it is like” living under such a ‘regime’ Vera herself says that she learned about ‘Germany’ from what she was told and read in later life. Maybe she genuinely believes everything she was told.
I take it she must have spent round three to three and a half years in that detention camp as she was 7 years old when her mother arranged for her to join a group of [61] Jewish orphans to be evacuated via Istanbul to Palestine. I note that there is no mention of ‘extermination’ and remember, the Jews were eager and committed to getting to Palestine to establish their ‘homeland’, and no doubt the Romanians (and Germans) were equally keen to help facilitate that migration.
04:53: Vera: “I was on my way to my mother’s sister in Israel”
04:57: “I had befriended a family on the train to the ships that were to take us from Romania – because I was sent back to Romania from the camp – the camp by the way was in Ukraine”
06:43 “There I was – everyone was already on the one of the three boats and I was sitting in my [inaudible] just crying, screaming – I just was not going to go – no matter what”
07:20: “by then I was six years old”
07:25: “From Romania it was to Istanbul. From there we then took a train to Israel …”
07:38 “but anyway during the night while I was asleep – I was not awake because I got very – I was very seasick – so I could not be much on the boat – it was always to go down and go to sleep um a submarine drowned the boat with all the children. [anyone care to translate? – seasick but not on the boat?]
[Vera’s body language and particularly eye movements – as if recalling a narrative rather than experience – really bother me here.]
Anyway, to cut a long story short [and this really is fascinating and revealing] …
Her story is quite dramatic in that Vera was due to join the other Jewish children on the M V Mefkure. She threw a tantrum and refused to board the fated ship (read on below …). I will add that I am bit sceptical here as I find it hard to believe that a 7 [or 6]-year-old child throwing a tantrum would have swayed the men boarding people onto the ship to make alternative arrangements in the middle of such logistical mayhem.. Nevertheless … let’s keep researching …
From the Vaccine Choice Canada article:
• “The Mefkure finally departed without Sharav. Two days later, on Aug. 4, 1944, it was strafed by cannon and machine-gun fire and sank. All but five of the 320 refugees on board were killed.”
Now of course we know who we are supposed to believe ‘strafed’ the Mekfure with cannon and machine gun, killing over 300 Jewish refugees – many of them children, don’t we? Obviously it was them “ebil nartsees”. Until you do a bit more research.
In fact it was the Germans cooperating with and supervising this very movement of Jews who were wishing to migrate to Palestine, and indeed the Germans were providing naval escorts for the ships embarking onto the Black Sea and headed (in this instance) for Israel via Istanbul. Furthermore, this was being coordinated in full consultation with the “Jewish Emigration Office”. In other words, notwithstanding genuine individual hardships and traumas, this was a coordinated migration for mutual benefit – a lot of movement – zero ‘extermination’.
From the book “Auschwitz – A Judge Looks At The Evidence” by Wilhelm Staglich
• “According to Jürgen Rohwer [source below}, even as late as 1944 several shiploads of Jewish émigrés left Rumania via the Black Sea under protection of the German Navy.”
• On August 3, 1944, the three ships “Morina”, “Bulbul”, and “Mefkure”, sailed out of Constance into the Black Sea with Jewish refugees on board. They were accompanied by the German security boats until the end of the flank mine barriers. One hour after midnight Soviet submarines attacked them and set the “Mefkure” (which stayed behind because of a damaged engine) on fire. The people, who jumped overboard, were shot at with the machine guns. The burning ship sunk in flames together with several hundred Jews.
Referenced source:
• Juergen Rohwer, “Die Versenkung der juedischen Fluechtlingstransp orter Struma und Mefkure im Schwarzen Meer (Februar 1942, August 1944)” (“Sinking of the Jewish Refugee Freighters “Strum a” and “Mefkure” in the Black Sea (February 1942, August 1944)”), Bernard and Graefe Publisher on Military Matters, Frankfurt at Main, 1964.
From Adolf Hitler Begruender Israels
• Despite the objections stemming from a fear that eventually Jews would pass some military secrets to the enemy, the Reich’s Government allowed those who were willing (even during the Winter of 1941-42), to flee to the Russian combat zones in the East.
• Still, in October 1941, a ship ferried the Jews to Lisbon, Portugal. By then the roads from Poland over Slovakia and Hungary into Italian or Yugoslavian harbors were already blocked. The fleeing to the Mediterranean Sea basin was possible only trough Romania and Dardanelle. The German Navy controlled the Black Sea and chased Soviet submarines, which were interrupting free passage of the ships. There they escorted those ships through the mine fields. The Grand Rabbi, Dr. Isaak Goldstein of Berlin, who live d in Romania during the War, recalled: “I owe it to the Truth to tell, that we transported to Constantinople more than 30,000 Jews with a permission of the German Supreme Command on ships under the supervision of the International Red Cross. From there, disrespecting the laws of the English Government, the Jews in great numbers were smuggled through Syria into the Holy Land.” (68)
• The “Struma”, a Bulgarian ship, which transported Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, was in distress because of an engine failure. Then its Captain Gorbatenko asked the harbor Authorities of Istanbul for a permission to dock, but they refused, even after getting a message that the dysentery had taken its toll on the ship’s passengers. So, on February 24, 1942, North of Bosporus, this drifting ship became an easy target for the Russian torpedoes, and with 763 Jews aboard was sunk on the Black Sea. Of the four people that were saved, only one survived and lived to see the end of the War. (69)
• Throughout the entire year 1942, advertisements were printed in the Romanian newspapers by various agencies, which offered to emigrants ship accommodations. In the capital city of Romania, Bucharest, a “Jewish Emigration Office” and a Governmental Emigration Bureau were cooperating in the same building and on the same floor.”
if Hitler wanted to annihilate the entire Jewish race – why on earth is he going to such extraordinary lengths to provide safe escort for their migration to Palestine???
It’s a shame Vera has to cloud and discredit her good work with such insinuations.
Off Topic, but the U.S election is only two weeks away so important to get this article in titled : ‘Adelson’s pour $ 75 million into last ditch effort to save Trump’ :
Casino mogul and world’s largest launderer of money for the Apartheid Israeli state, rabid Zionist Sheldon Adelson donated another $ 75 million towards the Trump campaign – on top of the six figures he’s already forwarded to the Republicans this year.
Like the saying goes : ‘He who pays the piper, calls the tunes’.
Well, it’s obvious who’s tune Trump is dancing to.
Veggie, as much as you would wish it, being Jewish and rich is not a crime, maybe it’s a consequence of a family being focussed.
These ordinary Republican donors are funding the party just in time to alert the brainwashed Democrat voters to Biden’s activities.
The story that Biden is fully owned by China and his son is a drug crazy pedo is more significant, source Alex Jones Info Wars / banned.video
AJ is more hated by MSM than probably any other independent media source so I think that alone gives him a high degree of credibility.
The Hunter Biden pedo tapes were apparently passed to eh FBI who gave them to Rudy Guiliani and now the NY newspaper has them.
I won’t be watching our useless ABC to find out about this, stupid shows like “Planet America” aren’t allowed to cover real news, they will be axed.
Sir Dearlove Joins Anti-China Counter-Gang Operation
From the Strategic Culture Foundation
Former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove’s new role as anti-China provocateur gives us the opportunity to look into the mind of empire and see how our society is being played to acquiesce to an agenda that will ultimately lead to WW III. By adding his voice to those Anglo-American fanatics blaming China for creating COVID-19 in a lab and intentionally spreading it around the world, Sir Dearlove has demonstrated a classic case of “gang/counter-gang operations” practiced by the British Empire for centuries.
The Origins of Gang/Counter-gang Operations………….
Some say Fauci funded the Wuhan lab and bat virus.
Your link really just demonstrates yet another way of how populations have been manipulated by those who control the flow of information.
Maybe we have already started WW3 but it will be asymmetric, otherwise, the CCP will be gone within a week. The US would lose too, if you count places like LA as a loss.
BSL4 factories are global franchises, headquarters are in England. Crown Kabal Freemasonry employs jackboots from all creeds and races. We’re witnessing the beast and dragon alliance from hell.
According to Henry Makow
COVID Vaccine is The Mark of the Beast
by Henry Makow PhD
………..I can understand why some people dismissed Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked. Very disturbing to hear that your society has been subverted and your government is taking your freedom and your property.
However, this leak is consistent with longtime Communist and Noahide dogmas that call for the enslavement of mankind and the extermination of all those who object. When you study these people, you recognize that this is how they think. We’re dealing with Satanists. They plan to reduce everyone to serf status, dependent on the government for survival. This is happening before our eyes yet we question the leak?
I have never wanted more to be wrong but this document is authentic. Apart from the fact that it is consistent with UNAgenda 21, (the globalist plan for the 21st century) the way they brushed aside objections is typical. Compare this leak with another leak from 1969. The agenda is the same.
The Canadian government has already made plans for concentration camps. When Ontario MPP Randy Hillier asked about it, his microphone was shut off.
This program is already proving to be true in Toronto and Winnipeg where I live: “Phase in secondary lockdown restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.” ……………………
Repeating, Oz has four BSL4 factories.
We don’t manufacture anything else, other than bio-weapons and vaccines (in the same labs). The rot is firmly entrenched from the top down. Code of vaccination ID is the Crown virus, blaming others is diversionary and deceptive. Mean while, 5G is being installed unopposed.
w3, I reckon that all the action re WWiii will be in the M.E.. “Greater Israel” first has to be accomplished before subduing the rest of the world and that means a war with Cyrus/Persia/Iran.
Agreed ‘w3’ – being rich and Jewish is not a crime.
BUT, being a rabid foaming at the mouth Zionist who’s PUBLICLY stated that his loyalty is to the Apartheid Israeli state (refer to the video put up by either Criss X or Arlyn in recent times), is another matter altogether.
Let’s be absolutely clear.
When Sheldon Adelson (the world’s greatest money launderer for Israel) gives you money, those funds are most certainly not to be utilised for the betterment of Americans.
Those funds are a quid pro quo for Trump instigating a war on / applying even more draconian sanctions on Iran.
And should said war come to pass, it would be the most devastating military conflict post WWII by a country mile.
Stale Veggie of Misinformation Pty Ltd., yawn yawn
Trump has to choose his battles and your battles are not his battles and your timeframes are not his timeframes. Your Palestinian Arabs always get thrown under the bus but they get a better deal than many other genocided people, some even go into Israel for work, so how bad can it be.
For your predictions, they are either glaringly obvious or reliably wrong, they don’t need to be addressed.
‘w3’ in full apologist mode.
It seems Rabbi ‘w3’ is receiving some of that Sheldon Adelson largesse as well. (Not that observant Gumshoe readers hadn’t already noticed),
‘w3’, your Shin Bet handlers will be impressed with your perseverance.
Oh crap – I meant to mention the sinking of the refugee ship “Wilhelm Gustloff” – but who cares, right? – it was only the Titanic – times SIX!!
(My leading comment was very long and may not pass moderation – I will try and break it up)
Did someone say “Foot Stomping music”?
Meanwhile … diversity is love …
7:30 “People migrate and fall in love – religions come and go” 😊
So, we know that Jewish funded NGO’s all over the world, and agencies like the ADL and the SPLC in the U.S, are pushing for diversity and spruiking the benefits of it to the goyim.
Yet, Jews in the Apartheid Israeli state are dead set against it saying that they want to maintain their cultural identity.
Hmmm, smacks of hypocrisy – don’t you think Rabbi ‘w3’ ?
Fish, I noted on two occasions in your video above where Jews claim that ‘diversity will lead to them becoming a minority in their own country’.
CORRECTION: What they should’ve said is that it will lead to them becoming a minority in SOMEONE ELSE’s COUNTRY.
After all, the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians etc can trace their bloodline lineage in this land which is today Occupied Palestine, to biblical times and indeed well before that.
This is in stark contrast to most Jews in Occupied Palestine today who are of Ashkenazi descent.
For those who didn’t like the bracketing set-up, I will now delete each of Elias’s 13 examples of Eichmann chit-chat, and print only the comments he made about politicians’ and laypersons’ Covid behavior. All brackets removed and replaced by numbers, for your convenience in referring to ’em:
In today’s situation, it is those who refuse to wear masks who are reacting “normally” to such infringement of their physical integrity. To accept mask-wearing in daily life is clearly not a “normal” human behaviour. It must be coerced.
In today’s situation, we encounter everywhere regulations of our lives couched in “officialese” that becomes gradually part of the language and of ideology—such as “social distancing.”
Such self-pity is typical of powerful men and women who find themselves in the dock.
The similarity with today’s German society, shielded against reality, needs no comment.
The current global “battle” against Covid-19 is based on similar arguments, namely the need for a “total war” against the virus; the claim that it is simply a result of destiny (i.e., the “war” was not planned); and that we need to annihilate the virus before the virus annihilates us. This is the nature of totalitarian slogans.
“Language rules” have become in recent decades an overt and powerful tool to manipulate public opinion, in fact far more sophisticated than was the case in the Third Reich.
The planners and perpetrators of the Corona restriction measures will undoubtedly claim in their future trial to have acted in their official and legitimate capacity or to have followed superior orders. Will society accept this defense?
While the situations are widely dissimilar — no international wars — the similarity with the current situation is the existence of an overwhelming majority of people who believe in state truths and act on the base of this belief, while only an indeterminate number of isolated individuals are “completely aware of the national and the moral catastrophe” that is being brought upon the world.
Is this description applicable to the unelected designers of the Great Reset, who meet in the World Economic Forum at Davos to plan a “historic, grandiose” new future for humanity, based on a total digital environment? Are they aware that their plan – not secret – would make billions of human beings superfluous and the rest of humanity dependent on a handful of IT corporations? Will they plead guilty to having had a marvelous but wrong vision?
We have not yet reached that situation. Yet political leaders make particular efforts not to acknowledge and see opposition to their decisions – such bad-faith efforts will have to be considered as elements of the crime for which these leaders will have to be judged.
Eichmann’s perception, seeing everywhere citizens obedient and adoring Hitler, may not be fully applicable to the current situation. Yet, such perception may exist and soothe the conscience of numerous political leaders who isolate themselves from the public and find comfort in the “respectable society” of obedient subjects.
We will probably hear such voices in the future by all the collaborators of the existing dictatorship.
We daily encounter people who hide behind the law in enforcing the Corona regulations. Teachers who oblige their pupils to wear masks also hide behind regulations and repress thereby their natural compassion with their pupils. After carrying such regulations for weeks or months, they stop feeling empathy for the victims.
Hey, Dee Editor, I used 13 numbers but they disappeared! What’s up?
Mary, been there – put a ‘space’ or ‘asterisk’ before each number.
How annoyance !!
Julius, I got as far as 53 seconds into that tape before dying of annoy. Thank you for the asterisk hint.
Actually, maybe not an asterisk – that is used as a bookend for italics. Try a single apostrophe, brackets or the like.
You made it to 53 seconds? Impressive !!
Given that the vaccination issue now impacts all families in America, directly or indirectly, you’d think it would have garnered more media attention when it was learned that vaccine champion and Microsoft founder Bill Gates refused to allow his own children to be vaccinated.
This admission came from the Gates family’s personal physician in Seattle, who was speaking behind closed doors with other doctors at a symposium last year (someone at the conference leaked the conversation, so the doctor himself technically did not violate doctor-patient confidentiality rules).
The doctor reportedly told his colleagues, “I don’t know if he (Gates) had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.”
Thankfully increasing numbers of doctors are sick of being prostitutes for BigPharma