Foggy Florida
Comment by DM
I had a discussion yesterday with my good friend in Sydney. We agreed that 2024 was the year of the “Red Pill” and that 2025 would be the year of dramatic change. It would be a year of disclosures. 2025 is a 9 Year — with the 9 Year, in numerology, holding profound significance as “a time of endings, completion, and transformation…” of letting go, inner reflection, and spiritual growth. My friend and I agreed, that as we move into an AI future, with new money systems unfolding, under a red tinge, humanity will have to assimilate that our existence is not as we thought.
Nothing will ever be the same again.
So today, a number of videos (leading us in that direction).
Dr Jack Kruse Tells All
00:00 – Making America healthy
18:23 – Dr. Becker & the body’s electric current
28:35 – who built Las Vegas
36:04 – MK-ULTRA’s blue light weapon
43:38 – Marshmello experiment
55:00 – Salk Vaccine and spreading SV40 (cancer) to 300 million people
01:00:11 – Mysterious nuclear medical device
01:12:09 – Unconventional weapons
01:25:37 – The NEW MK-Ultra
01:35:14 – Funding black operations
01:43:14 – Why the deep state hates Trump
01:49:18 – Follow the money
01:54:25 – Rick Rubin
01:59:08 – Allodial money
02:07:43 – Uniting America
02:15:44 – JFK
02:28:42 – Saving Rick Rubin’s life
02:30:54 – Dealing w/ death as a neurosurgeon
02:42:43 – 20-hour brain surgery
02:46:20 – Methylene blue
02:51:02 – Unconventional brain surgery techniques
03:03:50 – How the human body creates light
03:09:37 – Red light can repair vision
03:13:35 – Dom D’Agostino & ketosis
03:21:31 – Blue light & testosterone
03:30:42 – Debunking health trends
03:32:18 – Jack’s personal health protocol
03:37:30 – Why the human body works better in cold
03:42:14 – How humans will survive on Mars
03:48:07 – Neuroplasticity
04:01:40 – Making skin invisible
04:07:57 – Muscle is bad for longevity
2025 Predictions
I introduce Elizabeth April — a remote viewer (since she was a teenager). I posted her predictions for 2025 in comments yesterday:
- Coastal earthquake
- Stock market downturn (increase in crypto)
- Real and fake UFO “invasion” — big event, government regulation,
- A follow up (failed) assassination after inauguration.
- Rise of AI across all industries… a big emphasis on human robots. Global concerns… problem with sentients … (e.g., man marrying a robot / Japan)
- Shift in global power… new global agreements, EU, political shifts, tension with US, China tension with US,
- People waking up to corruption (red pilling and questioning the narrative, and shadow governments) Vibration increasing. Lots of protesting, rioting (all causes)
- Big cyber attack… different to past attacks. Cyber attack exposing elite agendas (e.g., Anon Q movement type thing.) Massive declass… (going to take a few years to sink into the Mainstream narrative) YEAR OF TRUTH
- Major scientific developments Progression change — changing pour reality. Scary.
- Elon Musk getting angry around AI — e.g., lack of responsibility by others. He might have heart health issues.
Significant plane crash – commercial (like MH370; Strange weather patterns (heat wave — possible weather manipulation); New extinct animals are rediscovered; Weird bird migration patterns; Volcano erupting… came from ocean (creating some land mass); Big solar flares… (no big threat); 2025 is year 9… END OF A CYCLE — DEATH AND REBIRTH… collectively.
2026 should be much better
Exposing the Pedo Cult
This is one month old, but these stories like Anneke Lucas (and Rachel Vaughan) are going to hit the mainstream in 2025.
Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism! Really?
More Attacks on Humans
Fog…fog…and more fog. (This video was streamed on: Dec 30, 4:55 pm EST) Below a short video of the “fog”.
So much to learn above.
Ok it is long and goes even back from the 1930s to the
success in starting up the Gambling rip offs in LA. The Italians were not as smart as their opposition
Interested? Ah boring, better stuff on Tv.
It is a long story, but you should follow it right through and wake up before you fall asleep again.
I take it that the first thing you noticed about Jack for the interview,,,,,, funny lenses in his glasses.🤷♂️💡💡💡💡💡
3.36 PM
Well at four hours to the end.
What will become of our children’s future …( fat dumbed down non thinking bastards run and controlled by ……)
A easy step to avoid that…… take a drive on a country road and have to the make necessary decisions to be safe and turn off the satnav.💁🤪
8.33 AM
In regard to the ‘VACCINES DON’T CAUSE AUTISM’ video report.
Well now we know🙀💁
But there are three aspects the ‘scientific research’ 🤷♂️💁🤪does prove:
Our mass media have misinformed parents for years.
Out politicians could be criminally negligent or at least, just a collections of parliamentary incompetents.
Our alleged medial ‘experts’ are numbsculls, as Ray Hadley of 2GB, et.al on his colleague’s behalf, repeatedly compared with idiots, if they had a brain of dynamite and it exploded, it would not blow off their ears.💁
Where’s Ray these days?
Where are our ex and present Ministers of health ; keeping us SAFE’🤷♂️ I suppose?
5.00 PM
Ant 56 made this comment under my article on Lavender Liquid in Autism vax:
ant56 September 3, 2021 at 1:24 pm
A child can see, 3 6 or 9 are magick numbers used daily for ‘cases’. Tesla discovered these ‘spiritual numbers’ that lead to illumination.
They have to be repetitive for the invocations to materialise, they’re chanting for Moshiach.
Combining 5G with jabs, people are tranceformed into the beast system. These demons lack original thought, so stealing and murdering is their only means, they have never known anything else.
Traditional arts and crafts must be restored for survival. With serpents controlling AI computer automation there is no hope for our children’s future. To restore sanity, gadgets need to be tossed. Like many things, easier said than done, as I’m typing into the iPhone. We be damned, by goons and snoops, thousands of years of His story and we’re throwing it all away.
What used to be a land of opportunity for everyone has now devolved into a two class dead end socialist trap. UBI tied to CBDC, monitored by AI, in a system of slavery by banksters where truth is BS and spreading it a crime. Meanwhile, D-wave is summoning demons from another dimension who don’t care about us in “tribulation” living these evil times.
Jack talks about the SALK vaccine… around 50 min. At 56+min he describes how they knowingly distrubuted 300 million vaccines with SV40 — that causes cancer. (They murdered my older brother with colon cancer when he was 26. They nearly killed Clif High too. Clif spoke about the colon cancer spike about 2 years ago.)
Go to Real Mary at her WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FOR 1/1/25 — meeting Steve? (CGI?) at 18 mins+ heaps more
I have only had the tv on this week for the fireworks.
Now I am going back in to watch Father Brown sort out some crime and be a happy normie.
7.44 PM
So the censor does not want anyone to hear Real Mary at situation update on 1/1 -WTPN I presume, when posted over half an hour past💁
The censor is perplexed, my comment just appeared. 🤪🤪
Corroborative evidence re the “disappearing” of MH370.
This interview with Sean David Morton(who died 19/12/2024 from cancer)on 7 May 2014 supports Ashton Forbes’ narrative.At the time he was not privy to the orb footage.
7 May 2014
Conscious Life News Exclusive: Conscious Inquiry Radio’s Alexis Brooks sat down with alternative researcher and investigative reporter Sean David Morton about the mystery and questions surrounding the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, on location at the New Living Expo in San Mateo, California.
Ashton Forbes discusses Morton’s information on his live stream-1:00:00-2:12:00
Fascinating info re fast charging EV batteries technology and the 4 chan text from MH370 American passenger Phillip Woods pleading for help from coordinates placing him at Diego Garcia.
Thanks Sandra, I appreciate videos that, as the Dormouse said, “feed your head”.
Nicola Tesla’s 3-6-9 Code | Healing Power of 396Hz | The Secret of Universe – YouTube
I refer to reply to Elspeth re 432 htz
There are other wave sounds such as 396 htz.
I shopped in Aldi this morning and compare with other NOISE’ retailers one could be just so relaxed with the silence…… shopping can be a bearable and even a pleasure.
In due course it will be exposed as to why the Rothschilds sabotaged the natural musical experiences of the natural harmony of the earth to cloud the mind. It is a real doozy of a conspiracy theory as to how the music industry was manipulated with arranged and promoted fame to be the payoff.
12.07 PM
One interesting prediction (remote view) from Elizabeth April. (Listened to her video today 5 Jan 2025
“Trump will have a heart attack in his third year — not assassination attempt, and he recovers.
Cosmic disclosure over the next four years — slow