Home Fam-Court Fiona Barnett, Part 4: Are the Baddies by Night, Nice People by...

Fiona Barnett, Part 4: Are the Baddies by Night, Nice People by Day?

(photo – Quora.com)

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Today I got knocked over by something I saw on Fiona Barnett’s website, which she posted quite a while ago. Let me start with a bit of context.

As Gumshoers have often heard me say, I came into awareness of MK-Ultra mind control in 2005 (thanks to Carol Rutz), and it simply changed my life,  I could immediately see that if the American military bases (and some professors, but I hardly knew about that) were doing such unbelievably cruel things to kids, then there must be a veritable parallel universe – a bunch of Americans who do not accept the basic premises of our culture.


Years earlier I had learned that the CIA – grew out of the OSS — the Office of Strategic Services.  Of those Americans who belonged to OSS it was said, in fun, that the initials stood for “Oh So Social.”

In other words, the OSS, and I assume its progeny, the CIA, worked for the upper class. High society. So it’s a club for survival of them and their peers without regard to others.

The next level down, the wannabees, could be counted on to support them in their secret dealings. Secret, that is, from the rest of us.

However, the concept of Americans occupying a veritable class of “nobility” was, and is, truly foreign to me. To me, all Yanks, Seppos, whatever you call them, are just ordinary blokes and Sheila’s. So I did not really absorb the “OSS” nickname.

Geelong at the RC

Then I sat in on the Royal Commission hearings in 2015, when the head of Highton House at Geelong Grammar defied the Commissioner’s questions.  I could see that he answered to a “higher power” and felt protected by that higher power. It was palpable in the courtroom.

The head of Geelong’s Music Department was also cool and collected when he should have been very nervous about being caught in a lie. I decided then and there that he must have a mechanism for turning off his natural emotion of anxiety or, frankly, shame. (He was being outed only as an official of the school who failed to stop abuse in the school, not as a perpetrator himself.)

I have never had the time to read the RC’s list of referrals to the DPP for prosecution, so I don’t know if the Geelong guys got referred for perjury.  I don’t even know if we are privy to the list of referrals, probably not.

The Bathurst Beheadings

Fast forward to the time I first saw Fiona Barnett’s Youtube video, called Candy Girl. While many people would see it and dismiss it as a delusion or at least a great exaggeration I could tell – from my MK-Ultra exposure – that it was true. Fiona said she was present at age 15 in Bathurst City Hall for an event   attended by persons who came to the annual Bathurst horse races.

They all watched, without questioning, as a few children (age 10, I think) got beheaded on stage. One of the persons she named as being present on the stage was Canberra politician, Kim Beazley, Sr. (His son is now Governor of Western Australia, having been, before that, the ambassador to the United States. Are you with me?)

I must say I wondered how they kept all the waiters from tattling. I mean a beheading is a murder, isn’t it?  I was not worried about the audience tattling as I assumed only the in-crowd got tickets to this event. In due course I figured the waiters were chosen from a mind-controlled group.

Recent Research at Gumshoe

Recently at GunmshowNews we happened to find out that all is not cricket in the Family Court. There has always been a rumor in Adelaide, my city, that the child-stealing baddies known as “The Family” included some judges

I don’t mean this was ever construed to mean that a judge would use the court to steal a child.  At worst he would use his good offices to let somebody off the hook for any crime.

We Adelaideans saw these “pedophile judges” as persons who did their pedo stuff on the side. (One now deceased judge, named Elliott Johnston, gets mentioned. Another judge, Peter Liddy, is in prison.)

I guess we just chalked the judiciary-pedo connection up to the fact powerful people would find it handy to have, on the Bench, a person who was blackmailable for his sins.

Child-stealing, Inc.

Then along came Rachel.  She told us that her father had been, for at least 50 years, a bodyman for the pedo ring. Kids could be stolen – even the three Beaumont children – without any genuine police follow-up.

At the same time, we happened to find out about a mother whose girl stolen by the Family Court in SA, and many more.

Lo and behold, after a couple months’ research we discovered, as many in the US and Canada had discovered 10 or 20 years ago, that the Family Court is – better reach for your smelling salts – a child-stealing racket.

Hit the Fam-court button at top of GumshoeNews’s website for many articles discussing this. I can’t reassure you that it’s only a hypothesis – it is solid fact.

Recently, a Commenter named Rebecca said that our information was too much for her to bear. (It wasn’t about the Family Court; it was about 9-11.) We don’t want to cause anyone PTSD, so I am issuing a warning now that my visit this morning to Fiona Barnett’s website has left me jaw-dropped.  Go no further if you are already in distress.

St Mary’s Church, Sydney

Hark back to the name of the pre-CIA — the OSS – and its fun nickname, “Oh So Social.” Today I was perusing Fiona’s website, pedophilesdownunder. She had mentioned having a handler code-named named Veronica, who was at least relatively kind to her. This lady was later revealed to be Anne Conlon.

On previous visits to Fiona’s website I failed to notice that she she has a category of pages called “Abuse Drawings.” Occasionally she inserts one or two into her articles, so I had already seen her drawings of Richard Nixon, John Gittinger, and a girl hung from a meat hook (not Fiona).

Other MK-Ultra friends of mine have told me that some of their memories first came forward when a therapist handed them a piece of paper and crayons and asked them to draw. I believe it is correct to say (but I have nor verified it) that these memories are stored somewhere apart from everyday awareness or thoughts.  Thus the patient drawing the picture is learning “in real time’ something about her past.

Long story short, there is a picture in Fiona’s remarkable collection of a red-haired lady, the aforementioned Veronica whom Fiona remembered as The Grand Dame. (Fiona’s knowledge that her real name was Anne Conlon, occurred much more recently.)

So you’re wondering how I – the unshockable – got shocked by a drawing?  It wasn’t the drawing.  Under the drawing of Veronica, there was text.  Fiona said that Veronica had been ritually killed in St Mary’s Church.  Big deal, right?  Everybody’s got to be killed somewhere. But as well as telling us the location, Fiona said the murder took place to a packed crowd of Sydney’s social elite.


The following is a verbatim quote:

“Here is the nicest person I met in the pedo organisation – Grande Dame Veronica. No idea if that was her true name, considering they changed peoples’ names so I couldn’t ID them easily later. Veronica was my surrogate mother, tutor, mentor within the pedo network, from age 5 until age 14 when she was ritually murdered on the altar at St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney City. The church was packed full of Sydney’s social elite. An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors. Veronica chose to die young because she was sick of abusing children like me. She was a victim forced to turn perpetrator. She lived in private living quarters at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University.”   [Emphasis added]

That is my contribution for today to the great puzzle: who the hell are the pedophiles? Who the hell finds it entertaining to watch a murder on stage?

I can’t say any more. I really can’t pack this into the old cranium.

Can you?







  1. Is this the Anne…?


    “Patricia Anne Conlon (1939-1979), feminist, labour movement activist and public servant, was born on 2 November 1939 at Neutral Bay, Sydney, eldest of five children of Sydney-born parents John Hoare Carden,…

    Tall and striking, auburn haired and freckled, Conlon was witty, energetic, compassionate and extremely loyal. At Sancta Sophia she had been volatile and chronically unpunctual. Although she retained her Catholic faith, she broke for a time with the institutional Church because, she believed, it had failed to respond to the women’s cause. She was a good debater, and had presence and authority, but did not seek the limelight, preferring to be a ‘backroom operator’ and to rely on an impressive network of friends and supporters. Politically astute, she was one of the few women in W.E.L. who belonged to the A.L.P.; she disavowed the prevailing philosophy that women should remain lobbyists and not join political parties.

    To her profound grief, her marriage collapsed and in January 1979 she was divorced. Six months later she was diagnosed as suffering from cancer. Survived by her children, she died on 13 December 1979 at Mater Misericordiae Hospital, North Sydney. Hundreds of people packed a requiem Mass at nearby St Mary’s Church; typically, she had meticulously arranged her own funeral, even the hymns sung by the choir of her old school. She is commemorated by an annual memorial lecture sponsored by the W.A.C. and by a building at Mulawa Training and Detention Centre for Women which bears her name.”

    • Dee, of course I don’t know the answer but if “Veronica” died in 1979, Ms Barnett was only 9 years old. ( I think Fiona was born 1970.) Thus Conlon could have helped Fiona only till age 9, not 14.

      There could have been 2 ceremonies in St Mary’s.

      I believe among Fiona’s drawings there is a portrait of the red-haired lady.

      Most things Fiona says sound very plausible to me. I disagree with her claim that there is a tunnel from Holsworthy to Pine Gap, as the huge distance would have meant too much labor. Last year the City of Adelaide built a tunnel for the Autobahn merely extending from East Terrace to Norwood Parade and it took forever and unloaded mountains of dirt.

      Also, if the point of having a Pine Gap tunnel was to hide kids, who needs it? If all is military they can just use planes.

      Oh God, do I really have to talk about these things as if we were talking about normal human behavior!

  2. Uh huh! 15 minutes ago there were two comments at the end of this article; one from McLaughlin and one from Maxwell. There appears to be a censorship going on here… by whom I do not know.

    Makes me reluctant to take any time to comment as a comment consigned to the “black hole” is a waste of time.

    There are too many “iffy” loose ends and undefined motives attached to this whole business. Posturing and chest-thumping are the stuff of political maneuvers.

  3. Dee and I are each, in our respective locations, having a touch of harassment, at least electronically. Pay no attention to it.

    If Gumshoe goes “off the air” you can look for me at ProsecutionForTreason.com – but not now as i haven’t updated since The Flood.

    Wouldn’t it be funny if the article that breaks the camel’s back is this rather silly one about the elite.

  4. Orrite, Mary,

    Assuming that Fiona will read this article and comments I will put here a criticism of the interview she did recently with Steve McMurray and posted on her website “Pedosdownunder”. They paraded on screen for a long time the infamous “Jesuitical Oath” which is a fraud.

    See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iefm6E5FWWg

    There is more but I’ll leave it there for the time being.

    • How do define “wealth”… fraudulent claims to property, produce and services?

      Hardly anyone will repudiate usury these days because most hope they’ll make an unjust “profit” out of it by speculation…. as a few have already done.

        • I’ve seen that long ago. How do you claim that it is relevant to what is topical here?

          The perverts who have it in their avowed aims to destroy Christian Civilisation have been infiltrating and subverting every institution that would maintain and propagate such civilisation with their debauched lackeys since the word go.

          Bella Dodd’s testimony of way back in the ’50’s is only a tiny microcosm of their activities and it does not touch the root of the malady which is still being protected by blaming the victims for the malady inflicted.

  5. A good investigator will leave no stone or altar, un-turned in his/her quest for the TRUTH.

    And as the old saying goes, TRUTH is stranger than FICTION.

          • Reply to drongo Nemesis below

            Yair!… your silly fads and fashions are TRUTH. Give me a break! I’m surrounded by idiots! Just slip back into your ANTIFA face mask and black clobber and piss off.

          • You kicked it off, but cannot handle simple logic when you read it, so instead of just leaving off, you choose to use ad hominem attacks which is a hallmark of the intolerant.

            TRUTH is always there for those who seek it – you obviously have a lot to learn when it comes to life as it is meant for you to be learned.

          • Logic is the scientific method (rules) for coherent, consistent reasoning.

            Reason, by itself, can start at any absurdity and proceed by faulty method to any stupid conclusion desired by the conjurer.

          • Reliable Logic/reasoning cannot be achieved without knowing what is TRUTHFUL and what is not.

            Even the scientific method of repeating the experiment over and over again in order to gain the same result, is in effect, seeking the TRUTH of the hypothesis/theory.

            But solely relying on reasoning/logic with which to attain the TRUTH of anything is idealism that is fraught with many dangers – as in Communism/National Socialism/Fascism – that have not stood the test of time and that the 20th Century will vividly provide to the seeker of TRUTH as a false road on which to seek TRUTH.

            Your reasoning is faulty. We all come to this world to learn. You have forgotten your purpose for being here.

          • Am I supposed to take your word that reason constrained by logic cannot identify/describe any part of reality without your preconceived, Gnostic, New Age version of “truth”?

            Your version of a scientific method does not match any valid, coherent method I’ve ever heard of.

            The closest we might come to agreement is if you can accept that any method (i.e. logic) must rest on sure and certain self-evident principles (premises).

            If you can tolerate some very basic principles of logic (&science) you might like to contact me and I’ll send you some simple explanation.

          • As for reality – by what yardstick is reality to be measured? Your view of ‘reality’ seems to rely on the tangible points that one may point to. How does one prove what is real and what is not real? We, in this world, all live in a three dimensional ‘reality’ that can be proven to be not a constant reality – different folks see different things.

            A graphic example of who sees what is the ten witnesses to any crime – all will have differing versions of what they ‘witnessed’.

            Science has become perverted and reliant on its financial masters. The art of science has always been to prove a theory or hypothesis through experimentation, not to rely on artificial intelligence and computer models. Knowledge of history, especially that which has been hidden from us, is more consistent with scientific achievement – both good and evil.

            Principles and premises are not in themselves TRUTH which can be a completely different road to travel.

            Thank you for your invitation to contact you – I will visit.

    • Dear Arthur Pinnington, are you in the intelligence Community?

      I believe the David Zubick Youtube is a complete fraud, it’s purpose being to make us not bother to go after the baddies as “it’s all being taken care of.” The video you linked us to has many good comments doubting the veracity of it.

    • Diane ,
      Interesting that you mention the eastern star order . There seems to be quite a number of high profile women in many fields of influence including politics that are members .
      When I mention this to most people , just like 911 , the conversation stops they just don’t want to know . Ignorance is strength and our leaders are banking on it . Anyway , with a million new residents per year , assimilation will erase all opposition . So they think .

      The youth of Oz have been abused and shafted in all fields educational economic housing social etc. The list goes on at how they have been betrayed mercilessly .

      The fact is , all these pedophile satanic worshiping monsters are freemasons . Unless this brother/sisterhood is shut down , it’s business as usual here .

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