J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
If you ever wondered why our medical system is so shambolic, wth so many administrators getting such mediocre results, why common things like bad nutrition are overlooked by the controllers in favour of hyped-up media sensations like monkeypox, why doctors want you out of their consulting room within a six-minute increment … just read on and it will hopefully become clear.
Religion was wound down, even sabotaged, in time for the onslaught of television. In the United States, medical advertising is allowed, medical dramas were regularly shown on TV and medical doctoring was gently and steadily pushed until “modern medicine” had eclipsed the old church. Like the wafer of the church, people started taking any medicine and injection they were directed to, by the television-ordained priest in his immaculate white lab coat, with the stethoscope, a symbol of mystical power, around his neck. The latest stage of the death of religion is to divide conservative and progressive with LGBTQ which essentially encourages sodomy, going against all known previous bible regulations. The bible is supposedly (according to certain reports) being rewritten by the Chinese Communist Party, by Artificial Intelligence and by the World Economic Forum, to suit the new agendas.
At least one of the above is probably true. The current pope is frequently seen disabled in a wheelchair and it appears that the next pope will lead the survivors of this decade into Satanism. Surely we will not have to wait much longer for His Satanic Majesty to be revealed.

The common people discovered their traditional and natural medicines over the aeons and the intent of their rulers is that they be lured away from all of them and given palliative treatments and symptom inhibitors only. The objective is clearly, very clearly, to let minor illnesses develop into major ones which require specialised treatment such as expensive operations and hospitalisation.
Politicians and health departments are directed from “the top” to lie about everything, but inexplicably, there are a few honest ones around. This one, Dr Mahathir of Malaysia, even took the trouble to expose Paul Keating for us, but did not break through the media to the Australian public, who were blindsided by Keating’s theatrics. Here, Dr Mahathir succinctly and very importantly exposes the NWO depopulation plan back in 2015:
Five Year Plans
The Chinese Communist party is up to its 14th Five Year Plan, which ends next year. Curiously, Five Year Plans are the currency of many other governments.
An index is supplied by Wikipedia:
Five-year plans of the Soviet Union, a series of nationwide centralised economic plans in the Soviet Union
Five-Year Plans of Argentina
Five-Year Plans of Bhutan, a series of national economic development plans created by the government of Bhutan since 1961
Five-Year Plans of Ethiopia
Five-Year Plans of India, which existed from 1947 to 2017
Five-Year Plans of Nepal
Five-Year Plans of Pakistan, centralised economic plans and targets as part of economic development initiatives
Five-Year Plans of Romania, economic development projects in Communist Romania, largely inspired by the Soviet model
Five-Year Plans of South Korea, an economic development project of South Korea
Five-Year Plans of Vietnam, a series of economic development initiatives
Five-year plan of Yugoslavia, which existed from 1946 to 1951
First Malayan Five-Year Plan, the first economic development plan launched by the Malayan government, just before independence in 1957
Five years plan to governing aborigines – Japanese plan in the early twentieth century to control the native population of Taiwan
Covid-19 and SEERS 2025-28 are both five year plans. As with SARS 2003, the Covid-19 exercise was a preliminary. Laws have been put in place at a number of levels to make the response to SEERS 2025 inescapable. It’s the opinion of the writer that the engineered virus will be released with particular attention to Africa, but in Australia the new virus death toll will be enhanced by the prior administration of the experimental Covid injections, combined with the enforced application of new experimental SEERS treatments – the death wave.
Here’s an example of existing legislation, already proclaimed at state level.
The new pandemic treaty legislation, which is being, or to be, scrutinised by the Federal Senate will, if passed, override all state legislation where applicable.
Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Act 2022 (WA)
77I. Authorised COVID-19 officers (1) The State Emergency Coordinator may authorise persons to act as authorised COVID-19 officers while a COVID-19 declaration is in force.
77N. Powers of officers in relation to persons exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus
(1) While a COVID-19 declaration is in force, for the purpose of limiting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an authorised COVID-19 officer may direct any person who has been exposed, or any class of person who may have been exposed, to the SARS-CoV-2 virus to do all or any of the following — (a) to remain in an area specified by the officer for such period as is specified by the officer; (b) to remain quarantined from other persons for such period, and in such reasonable manner, as is specified by the officer; (c) to submit to infection prevention and control procedures within such reasonable period, and in such reasonable manner, as is specified by the officer.
77Q. General powers during COVID-19 declaration
(2) While a COVID-19 declaration is in force, an authorised COVID-19 officer may take, or direct a person or a class of person to take, any action that the officer considers is reasonably necessary to prevent, control or abate risks associated with COVID-19.
This act will expire in due course, to be replaced by a SEERS-2025 tailored version.
Early September 2020 Sanjeev Sabhlok quit his job as an economist in the Victorian Department of Finance and Treasury so that he would be free to speak out against the state’s management of the COVID-19 infection. He had posted a number of criticisms of the state government on social media, and it was after the head of human relations at Treasury asked him to remove all his criticisms, both direct and indirect, that he resigned.
(Why I quit rather than be silenced: Vic Treasury insider, Australian Financial Review)
Mr Sabhlok took his complaint against the policies of Daniel Andrews and Scott Morrison to the International Criminal Court on 13 November 2020.
Mr Sabhlok has also written the book “The Great Hysteria and The Broken State” in which he explains how everything changed within a week. Between the 20th and 27th March 2020 something big happened to Australia, he says. The “National Cabinet” completely abandoned all its plans. We abandoned Australia’s well established regulatory practices.
What documents were provided to the National Cabinet?
What was the Treasury advising the government?
Australia’s Governor General: notional five-year term expires mid-2024, theoretically
Ministerial Oaths
Decide for yourself if ministers owe any allegiance to the people of Australia.
These oaths are made to the Governor General, presently an army man, representing the British Crown or some conjoined or related entity.
The Official Oath during and prior to the Covid Episode:
I, [Minister’s full name], do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of [position] and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia. So help me God!
The Official Oath sworn by the ministry in 1901 (post-Federation) was:
I [Minister’s name] do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Victoria in the Office of [name] So Help Me God.
Serve, as with many words in English, has complex inferences. Some will read “serve” as in being served dinner by a lackey at a restaurant. Others will more accurately read it as in serving documents, for example an invitation to appear at court, or a warrant for search or arrest. Notice that here, it appears to have been relocated and redefined into a weasel word, while the Head of State has become considerably more exalted, and some would say transmogrified into a fictional being.
With respect to the forthcoming Federal Treaty with the UN/WHO, astute readers of Gumshoe News will already be aware of the mooted pre-legislation. Treaties override national law. The United Nations is not a country so there is no apparent compulsion to make any treaty with it (eg. military).
In any case, the preliminaries, innocently titled “The Joint Senate Committee On Treaties”, features a dozen individuals with widely varying motivations. Please make yourself familiar with these people, and consider lobbying them if you live in their state.
WEF protege, economist and Senate “infiltrator” (Klaus Schwab’s term)
The most useful purpose for the Globalist to put so many useless eaters to is experimentation. Records are kept of the various concoctions which individuals have been injected with, including side-effects, and all this data is available to be analysed as required, eventually by AI. Much, much more surgery tech is required to create transhumanist hybrids, for practical reasons as well as entertainment, so the potential for experimentation is limitless. In the past, the cinema provided a wide selection of mad scientist and mad doctor movies. These have been cancelled in recent times, even Dr. Frankenstein’s monster has rarely appeared since the 1970s.
We are told DNA is the problem behind all our health issues, but if DNA treatment worked someone would be making a fortune turning women’s hair blonde. We are told stem cells are the answer to so many problems, but there does not appear to be anything like enough late term aborted foetuses to satisfy demand. The medical industry continues to go its own, odd way.
“Top Heavy” Australian Defence Forces (ADF) seeks foreign mercenaries to make up numbers and has been paying $50,000 “continuation bonuses” to keep soldiers on the payroll for an extra 3 years as well as recruiting more people.
Australia has already committed $268 to $368 billion on a handful of potentially obsolete submarines. In the future they will be seen as equally outdated as the old petard, being attached to the castle doors. Defence has moved on from soldiers running through the bush with rifles and now features drones and missiles of every description as well as advanced weaponry such as DEWs. Soldiers are typically used for dealing with unarmed or under-armed civil populations, as we have seen in every conflict from Vietnam to Gaza. In the face of the advanced weaponry available these days, Australia doesn’t require soldiers for international military defence. Switzerland has a compulsory, well armed citizen’s reserve force. Australians are strongly discouraged from gun ownership. What sort of policy is this? The simple answer is that Australia and New Zealand are targeted for a demographic flush out, which has only just begun.
$8.3m Skillfully Invested
One of the boys: Justin Trudeau with Mr. Depop and the Green King (photo: politico)
Politico published a special report detailing how Bill Gates, who has no medical expertise whatsoever, ended up controlling the global COVID response with no oversight to speak of.
“In the earliest days of the pandemic, four nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) banded together to identify vaccine makers and make “targeted investments in the development of tests, treatments and shots,” Politico explains.
These NGOs were the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi (a Gates organisation that provides vaccines to developing nations), the Wellcome Trust (a British research foundation led by Farrar, now selected to be the WHO’s head scientist) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), an international vaccine research and development group cofounded by Gates and Wellcome in 2017.
In collaboration with the WHO, these four NGOs — three of which were founded by Gates — then set out to create a global distribution plan for the tests, drugs and injections they’d invested in.
Incidentally, Gates at that time was also the largest donor to the WHO, as then-President Trump had pulled the U.S. out of the WHO and stopped funding. It’s hard to imagine a situation with greater conflicts of interest. The four groups also greased the wheels of governments.
Collectively, they spent more than $8.3 million to lobby lawmakers and officials in the U.S. and Europe. A number of U.S. and EU officials, as well as WHO representatives, have also been employed by one or more of these NGOs, which helped solidify their political connections”.
Pure fascism poised for the kill
Dressed up as woke social equity:
Check out all of Klaus Swab’s “partners”
And a few things Gates has been busy with
Swab provided the table and now they are all dining there with Swab at the head of the table, what a grand swindle, not least on the SwiSS people who are being screwed like the jews only they don’t know it yet. Poor jews think they are “the chosen”, chosen for what exactly is the trick, SwiSS are not much different. Australia thinks it is the “lucky country”, wake up, the Dreamtime is over for everyone ( except WEF special people eg. Elbow with his unknown father, Anasty Palchook with her biometric ID daddy and just married Jabintoya Ardern-Gaylord ).
Last years WEF forum, Schwab failed to turn up. What makes you think he’ll turn up to this years?
Maybe, like Lloyd Austin, the Deep State Defense secretary, he’s dead?
Can’t find any verifiable confirmation.
WEF Annual Meeting
15-19 January 2024
Interesting Agendas-All the usual suspects including Prof Swab
“When climate impacts your health”
It’s impacting my health right now because it’s midsummer
“Protecting Democracy”
From Swab’s Young Global Leader infiltrators ? Sarah Hanson-Young, Andrew Bragg and Claire O’Neill ( green, blue, red )
“Special address by Harvey Milei”
+ Macron and the usual assholes
Depopulation is about to go into overdrive especially in highly COVID vaccinated populations.
The lab created Sars-Cov-2 virus escape mutants (currently JN.1) are close to wreaking havoc on the highly vaccinated whose immune systems have been destroyed.
Few understand what is looming.
This round table discussion illuminates the situation(1:25:22).
Who else wears white coats….they are literally butchers.
We will know when they turn up at our doorstep with their Stasi.
Funded by the DoD:
“Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology, US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, June 19, 2018 (link below) …pp. 74-77 – Modifying the Human Immune System …Engineering immunodeficiency…Engineering hyperreactivity…Engineering autoimmunity” &
“In sexually reproducing organisms, an appropriately modified CRISPR element or other homing endonuclease gene, when used as a gene drive, can spread throughout a population.”
Defund Gvt…..
In the interim they are implementing the framework to keep you in your cage and off public property:
Whilst an engineered crash will trigger their already implemented framework for the great taking (aka you will own nothing).
Webb sums this legal coup up as follows (p. 10): “Essentially all securities ‘owned’ by the public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex…” The “protected class” have legally stolen all our assets from us even before the anticipated (and engineered) global financial implosion occurs (if it does). Moreover, through additional legislation, this has been ‘harmonised’ to ensure that “secured creditors” be guaranteed that their assets be protected through “cross-border mobility of legal control of such collateral” (p. 16). Furthermore, ‘safe harbour’ provisions were made timeously to protect the ruling class (p. 32):
In 2005, less than two years before the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, ‘safe harbor’ provisions in the U.S. Bankruptcy code were significantly changed. ‘Safe harbor’ sounds like a good thing, but again, this was about making it absolutely certain that secured creditors can take client assets, and that this cannot be challenged subsequently. This was about ‘safe harbor’ for secured creditors against demands of customers to their own assets.
It gets worse. It turns out that, if something called Central Clearing Parties – tasked with providing “clearing and settlement for trades” in a variety of financial transactions – is insufficiently capitalised to prepare for the eventuality of failing, and such a failure occurs, “it is the secured creditors who will take the assets of the entitlement holders. This is where it is going. It is designed to happen suddenly, and on a vast scale.”
Global mass non compliance with government is the only solution. Make them irrelevant.
Melina – so, in the event that mass non-compliance actually causes governments to fall – who then takes charge of the ensuing anarchy?
Q has a plan, a military plan, maybe you could make yourself aware to that?
It had to be done this way – Q
Anarchy is not a dirty word. It just means no leaders (an-archia). Who needs them? I quote: “the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.” There is only one law, God’s law (aka the 10 commandments) which essentially means do no harm to others or their property. No enforcers required.
Melina – the very first thing that anarchy produces is chaos. History shows that eventuality time after time.
Maybe not immediately, but in a gradual slide back to the law of the jungle.
T. O.
Some never learnt to appreciate chess.
You are wasting energy, she has to do more research or just sit back, watch, relax and enjoy like the rest.
Ned – I see so much pessimism. Maybe this latest from SG Anon will assist them in comprehending what is really going on around the world?
If it doesn’t link just type the above on your browser.
And what we can all expect so see some time this year from the Q network.
If you don’t look, you won’t learn.
We’ve been hearing for at least three years now that the military under Donald Trump are going to save us. This is the same combination that released the Covid-19 “vaccine” on the world. The US Department of Defence was behind the weaponisation of the Covid Sars 2 virus in humans to be used as a bio-weapon. Wowee! So much for saving us.
Aussiemal – you’re taking what you think you know, or believe, without digging a little deeper to find what is actually being given out for the inquisitive to pick up.
Especially when it comes to the jab: for instance: It won’t be Trump and the White Hats who will be arraigned at Nuremberg 2.
Not everyone has the answers you seek – only you can find what you seek, but to find what you seek, you must be prepared to leave behind any biases that prevent you from seeing what you need to see, as some on this site refuse to let go of.
In short, unless you can expand your thinking, you will never come to know the things that we must all learn about.
We are in the closing stages of a war for your soul and the continuing existence of the sovereign Human being – and it has also been a hot war in places over the past few years. The system of control over the entire planet, and that is currently being destroyed, has had thousands of years to expand its control into every aspect of Human life, and in order to prevent the mass genocide of seven billion souls, as was its plan, it had to be fought the way it is currently being conducted.
For a quick catch up – you could study the Q board which has all the relevant plan as it is currently being played out. But, you will need to begin from the very beginning.
Ok, most of you are lost and depressed without any signs of hope.
To me this is old news with some details not known to me but a candle light appears.
I heard of an update on some historic information.
Stuffed If I care about the reaction from the cultists clubs…..
A few bullet points.
The funeral letter🤷
Lot of conjecture like “they know it all”. Thus the reaction of Jeb and others.
(Those who have not followed …. Stiff, you are probably just lazy or dumb and in the wrong ‘cultists club’)
The update on the letter possible 😎contents….. Trump advising those who should be on notice (they are in the Q.🤣 – my take);) that he authorised the execution of their loved one. (Well it has been theorised that the deal was …. Put it all on a analogue recorded confession and we will give you a face saving bS display for the silly mass media and the normies)
For those who have been questioning military hearings and sentencing, well there is one to chew on …… bugger, really🙀there may even be more🙀🙀🙀
I have hinted on another in recent comments….. you know, do you not. No?
What, am I your brother? Go back and note what his daughter stated.
Now why am I even bothered to provide an updated confirmation of what is known to some cultists from about 2018. Do not think that is all🤣🤣🙀💀
I tell you why I am bothering…… it is a warning.
In the last article I mentioned the discussion that Ricardo Bosi had and his naming of some Australian pissant political double dealers.
NOTICE: TO ALL OUR AUSTRALIAN PISSANTS AND TRAITORS and that include the lying fake globalist controlled mass bullshiters.
Do you lot feel comfortable with the pretty clear material that two American traitors have been charged, convicted by a military hearing and executed for their crimes?
Do you traitorous mob think that they are the only two examples?
Do you traitorous killers think that is the finish?
No matter, what you think, time is ticking.
Knitting needles may be in short supply this year.
We have been told that two traitors have been executed. Where is the proof. We have also been told that both Clintons Obama, Pelosi and many others have suffered the same fate but everything is being kept secret. Why, if it is factual?
We were also told that Martin Bryant was guilty of the Port Arthur Massacre. But we know that was absolute B/S.
Want proof now?
Not the way it works in a volatile situation.
I am completely satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Bush and McCain were tried, found guilty and EXECUTED.
I offer nothing in regard to any other similar claims.
Will someone sit back and think …….🙀🤷
Do I have to slap everyone with a palm over the ear to think of THE PRECEDENT and consequences.
What do you all want . John’s head on a silver tray?
If so, go get a real life.
To be clear in regard to other claims, I should mention Biden.
One thing I accept beyond reasonable doubt is that idiot you see presented by our media fakes is NOT THE REAL BIDEN.
I cannot be satisfied one way or the other, as to what his real status is, be it having suffered a serious stroke incapacitating him or tried and executed as well as the other two.
One private source opined that he was dealt with way back after also advising that he was going to be.
BUT; one has to be brain dead not to realise that the media present a imposter. That surely demonstrates that the mass media is either, STUPID OR DECEITFUL LYING CRIMINALS.
When the media presents BS it simply proves to a competent brain that the msm is BS and just cannot be relied upon …… in anything, other than inane events or sport results.
I doubt, if even their regular astrology predictions have any basis….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
As for our politicians, the same applies ……. Pure serial deceit upon the public.
As for Making people pay to read or listen to msm crap is simply a FRAUD. Deceptive practises to obtain any financial benefit can be a criminal offence.
Right🤣 Our Communications minister and our governments will fix them up.🙀🤮
If Sleepy Joe was dead then who’s protecting Hunter
And judging by this video does he need protection ?
You tell me what’s going on:
You work it out and you tell us.
BTW tell us about the dept of Defence inviting gaggles of the media to attend the Gitmo hearing for Khlad in his ‘trial’ after 20 years since his arrest for planning all of 911 “… from A to Z”. That he ‘admitted to under alleged torture?
I have a theory, what is your take on a good circus in February⚖️🍿🍭🤪💁?
Hint, think Bush⚖️🙀just a feeling👎✍️💀
How to separate factual hearsay from fictional hearsay
There’s a lot of it about
Joseph, you don’t say, sorting out hearsay into the two categories…. It ain’t easy, at time impossible at one stage.
Hitler had that problem, then one day hordes landed in Normandy. Even then he had fact but was not convinced.
The US had a different problem they knew when it was a zero Turkey shoot coming…… because they wanted it to play betrayed victim.
So you have the fact/fiction dilemma! Poor fellow.
Here is one for you ….. Trump died when he had covid, tell us all about it and who is now blowing the trump-it? Put that together, start by asking Melania.🤷…… if you can find her🙀
I get insolence from Mr Plodgers and pity from you, not long ago both of you were at each other’s throats over some old boat. Remind us who was the winner
This is bloody basic, some may think, nevertheless:
“Do not commit the time, serve the crime”.
[copyright reserved]
Interesting comment, if I may humbly claim?
Now on to what the bastards are up to, cleanse OUR recorded history🙀💁🏼
Remember the Mr Coon cheese gutless sooks changing their product to ‘cheer’ cheese, because some rsoles did not like Mr COON who started the company. Ban CHEER.
Think on that: control the narrative, destroy historic reality for their globalist agendas.
The Woollie/Schrub globalists want to write out of OUR HISTORY AND REPLACE IT WITH their history:
For sleeping normies, then comes ALL OTHER HISTORIC EVENTS, according to what they want to destroy….. ANZAC DAY 🤷😩 and what they represent, just on the menu after apitiffs.
I loved some poor old smelling fart, escapee out of his nursery from his government injected collective, wandering through a local Woolies – shopping.
No it was not G5 Joseph….. but one would not know…. HE WOULD IF HE THOUGHT OF IT🤣
Anyway, in front of his trolley was attached a AUSTRALIAN FLAG.
I observed, the normies and staff, (all, practically, from some foreign entity – from appearance) had no f’n clue what the silly old fart was trying to demonstrate.
It is a big subject…… but it appears that the Woolies, the Dans (Westfields?) and corporates are not able to comprehend, as dictated by their globalist marketing gurus, that WE: ARE AUSTRALIA. You there ABl00dyC ?
Who pays for their QANTAS LOUNGES!
Have they not a brain in their boardrooms as to what has happened to a pathetic beer company in the US and to the the Disney wokeish fools.
Shareholders, perhaps bail out, they are not Australians, invest in Australia.
As a post script. That German ALDI MOB …… look up history. go away, we know!
So what now silent gumshoe sleep easies?
Powerless? Frightened.?
Nah, be silent be observed, just put up for Australian, our, FLAG ON YOUR TROLLEY.
Is there anyway we can have posted photos here on gs, details edited if necessary, from thousand of supporters…. GO F THEM ALL….. Australia day is coming up, celebrate, we could be French or some other colony for the East India company, on the hunt all across the Pacific in the late 1700’s.
As an interesting reference: look up a recent book by a NSW barrister: Margaret Camero-Ash, on Cook -“ lying for the Admiralty”. Foreword by that John Winston Howard. I have a signed edition.
To get the plot in short. From recollection.
Cook lived in a mining town,, climbed up slag heaps ….. to view… in his blood as a kid.
Spent time for the British off Canada doing some mapping. Learnt about the French….. not to be trusted.
The Admiralty, dumped the East India spiv and appointed Cook.
The Admiralty was full of the usual traitors and spies.
Cook was given orders, sssh🙈..go see, stuff the French.
Bit more?
Boring seven days in ‘stingray’ harbour, Banks collecting stuff.
Going for a stroll up yonder northern hill. Have telescope. (Recall his habits referenced up a bit ….. some like to get an overview…. It is in the blood ….hey T.O.! Some have no f’n clue.
Oh well, in a few days, as I pass, I will just record some heads to a mysterious harbour, note it and pass it on to Uncle Phill for later development on Point Piper for the harbour mansion collective.
Well now we know how nice it would be to live in Bellevue Hill and Bondi Junction.
Mese’, Whatever, I am not French.
Anyone with school children in our expensive EDUCATION SYSTEM COME HOME AND REPORT: guess what mum, we just leant about how Australia Day came about…… we could be French.
Someone, please pass a few facts of reality to the dumbed down lounge lizards at Woollies… and their poor Dan and the silly controllers at ….. wherever ….. they do not know what is to be AUSTRALIAN and how we came to be……warts and all.
I never saw a stingray when I used to live there, we were told keep out of the water it was full of effluent. We used to live in the actual Banks St right by the bay, it was like a Gaza without the genocide. As for Australia Day, Jan 26 is NSW day, should be a NSW flag on your trolley, just cut off the Union Jack, stick a waratah over the lion and St George Cross, there you are a country now and not some segment of a dominion.
I am disappointed for the second time with you Joseph as you appear to be showing you colours.
So Australia Day should be the NSW flag!
Tell that to all the Australians who fought, died and suffered under our AUSTRALIAN FLAG for over a hundred years.
Therein Joseph you identify your attitude and disregard FOR AUSTRALIA.
Have you ever served with your life for Australia? Be it being by order to do so by gutless politicians for other interests.
None the less, under what flag May we rely upon your solidarity.
Do not bother to show your presence at any ANZAC DAY REFLECTION …. PLEASE Go sup with most of our two faced gutless controlled politicians.
Australia did not exist Jan 26 1788, that is the foundation day of the colony of NSW, it’s meaningless 100 miles outside of Sydney. Australia Day should date from 1 Jan 1901. They had a foundation day in WA too which is some other date. I don’t support John Howard’s revived Anzac day, and I think the soldiers should figure out who is the real enemy, but there is about as much chance of that as Mr Plodgers predictions coming true, since they amount to the same thing. That’s not what soldiers are, unfortunately. If they were geopolitical analysts, things might be different. I would urge all soldiers to stop shooting at one another if they are unsatisfied with the outcome. The Vietnam war was indefensible, but pick up on that if you will, I wasn’t around for the previous catalogue.
I give up Joseph…
You seem to have overlooked the broad geographical government span as to what the borders were, if any, after Phil’s arrival….
Good exercise for you to enjoy with the grands for their education….
Not my predictions – Joe Skeptic – just what I have come learn will eventuate, and that even closed minds like you could find out for themselves, if they actually bothered themselves to look.
Love it, Ned, love it all!
Those who pan Australia Day cannot think past any further than their next meal.
The day had to be proclaimed on some day – so a tiny minority get all uppity due to some lies told to them by those whose own interests in this country go well beyond any sovereign being living here, and calling themselves, ‘Aussie’.
The ‘corporates’ who tell the lies, have only one interest in the telling of their corporate lies, and that is their own self-interest in promoting themselves, and benefiting financially from what their Globalist masters tell them to say.
I remember Australia Day, 2006, when following the so called ‘Cronulla Riot’ of December, 2005, – which was in actuality, a demonstration against the constant harassment of young Aussie males and their girls, at the beaches up and down the coast, from bunches of Muslim young males, intent on causing trouble – the demonstration was beaten up out of all proportion by some of the putrid lying media, as being a riot against innocent Muslims.
Then came the violent reprisals by the Muslims over several nights against the population of Maroubra and Cronulla – while the NSW police were stood down, allowing the violence to occur.
Even then it was plainly obvious to any honest observer, just whose side the government was on.
Well, prior to that Australia Day, 2006, Councils around the Harbour foreshore, put out that no Australian Flags should be flown on the day, as it may cause offence to our ungrateful imports.
On the day, it was just a sea of Australian Flags, all around the Harbour!
Yeah that came to mind for me too reading the previous comments. Both places have a very colourful history and in that context this was a very minor “riot”, but a massive planned media exercise.
I reckon it was ginned up by the same guy that had muzzys dragging their kids over 1000’s of surface miles jut to fling them into the ocean on salvation’s doorstep. There were alot of flags, enough for a “love it or leave” shawl. Those corporates must have given a warehouse of ’em away
“Known in Lebanon as the July War and in Israel as the Second Lebanon War. This military conflict began on July 12, 2006 when Hezbollah militants ambushed an Israeli army border patrol in a cross border raid, kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and killing three others.”
No worries wait for ginned up Ben Roberts-Smith, all these things are allowed to happen
Sorry for wasting your time on stingrays. I thought some might enjoy an interesting take on the most significant event in the history of our ‘nation’ for its significance in the world’s geopolitical environment and history that should be remembered again, soon.
If it did not happen, would you even exist🙀🤣
The French and British had a little face off on the south coast of Western Australia, a place called “Two Peoples’ Bay”, to commemorate the event. However the pragmatic French decided to run away. The western half was up for grabs until then.
I see the disinformation unit Mr Plodgers is still going strong but I don’t read any of it, it’s all the same just recycled in any case. There is no practical use in “Trust the Plan”. I trust the plan as explained by H.W. Bush, “The NWO will happen” and I see it happening all around, it’s welcomed in by every useless eater who every week flashes their card at the BlackRock checkouts.
If you don’t read my comments, Joe, then how do you know what I have written about?
You call it ‘disinformation’ without providing any verifiable evidence for your criticism – criticizing is easy Joe – anyone can do it if they don’t provide any evidence for their criticism!
3 hours of budgies for lonely birds
A couple of shortish travelogues of Switzerland
Out of SuiSSe, into the Caribbean
Swiss laundry for russian gold bars
From Josephine Cashman
Ricardo Bosi is part of Stew Peter’s troupe. Ricardo is ruling class. From the Medici family. Bosi is leading this globalist coup in Australia with his blackmailing child-abusing cult. Bosi’s Medici family is married into the British Royals. Most recently daughter of Lord Prince of the Pedophiles Andrew.
This is why we have so many phoney liberationists, and the narrative is confusing and overwhelming. This is by design. You can see this with Ricardo Bosi as an example of a phoney liberationist. Working with another Britsh front trying to silence our voice. Bosi goes off about Freemasons. Yet B’nai B’rith is a British Masonic front hosted a Bosi video chat presentation. The Masons are controlled by the British Royals. Senior Masons have written about the New Order/New Atlantis. It is the UN-deniable truth the high-ranking Masons are key players worldwide in bringing in this agenda.
Josephine Cashman is hard to beat
Whitney Webb is very down to earth too
Of course I have nothing against the flying saucer theoreticians but I see they are trying to change UFO into UAP so as to include their holograms, cheating as usual
Fascinating critique of Bosi,
By any chance have you contacted Bosi and sought an answer to what’s published in the link that you have provided before you published it?
If you have a link to Bosi, I. Would be happy to see his comment and possibly you may also be be interested as I am sure we all would, to. Know of a Medici in our midst.
Dear Sandra,
Very interesting dump on our local Medici.
Have you ever contacted Bosi for a reply to your published link on Bosi?
Do you have his contact details?
if so, I am prepared to contact him and enable him to comment here at GS on your information.
From what I gather from Bosi’s persona he will inform in his usual direct manner to Ms. Cash, either put it all up or just fuck of.
We await to be enlightened…… let us know how you go.
Ned – it amazes me that some on this site will insist on putting up videos while avoiding writing their own thinking on whatever subject it is that is in video form.
Why do some on this site choose to let others (videos) voice their own thinking – and what is their thinking anyway?
Do we take it that Sandra is completely on board with what is presented in that video, or just partly on board with it?
Does Sandra know anything at all about the party that is headed by Bosi, anything? Or, is Sandra like so many on this site who work off their emotive and biased responses to a subject rather than find out for themselves what the subject is really all about?
Talk about cognitive dissonance and psyops!
Starts off well and soon gets bogged in the usual gobbledymuck
What news tomorrow, “Surgeon-General suicide – 2 shots to the head”
Dr Robert Malone-Sunday Strip
The Joe Biden/Johnny Cash video is painfully sad.
Lockheed and others such as Epstein’s friend Branson are working on Concorde 2.0 for the likes of Bill Gates who sometimes needs to go to places like Canberra and Wellington so far away, this is obviously urgent
But the main game is flying saucers and the 1/14 who will still be alive in 20 years hope to get the space alien tech for controlling gravity and inertia, they do not need to compete for airspace with hordes of Useless Eaters who are already threatening to get personal taxi drones.
Code of vaxxx ID was a global coup, designed to destroy small business, sickening and murdering millions of
“useless eaters”, sucking billions $ for the pig pharma death cult that has become the medical/snooping industry ushering in the 5G under the skin beastly mark.
Their agenda, replacing national governments with global totalitarian feudal slavery, forcing us into poverty to a system we despise and do not need.
Now they say Jesus is fake news, and that the only value a person has is to the military or economy. How pathetically shallow, but here we are with the AI Google idol. Globalizm is anti God and anti people.
“Behind every great fortune, is a terrible crime.”
This is war, hasn’t stopped since 1913.
That’s a great quote and so accurate.
As for the date, could equally be AD or BC.
We 🙏 for peace.
Is our time up?Howdie Mickoski
We are living in a vast matrix.
A lot of his suppositions align with those of Clif High.
On Howdie Mickoski’s book-Exit the Cave/ Ending the Reincarnation Trap
Sadly, collectively humankind is about the dumbest it has ever been. This is confirmed when people brag that they took a horse de-worming concoction for a sniffle. Of course, such people consider themselves awake and support this by prattling off major alternative media operators.
Meatless meat should be a cinch to get into these people who will probably soon find themselves preferring a feed bag anyway over a plate with a knife and fork.
Ask them who Antoine Bechamp was or Dr Ryke Hamer and they will of course say, neigh. Yet the two bit con men who have come to prominence over the last four years will be will be held in highest esteem.
Two bit conmen who, it looks like, will stay with us now the prognostication of SEERS 2025 has been made.
No doubt the seers will be remaking some popular movies over the next year. A new Jackass for the horse whisperers, perhaps?
I don’t know why I was looking at Hamer the other day, his thoughts seem to have been absorbed into New Age Medicine, or perhaps they filtered out of there, in any case I thought you might be interested in looking at ivermectin.com, this stuff combined with Fenbendazole is supposed to be great for cancer and I am inclined to believe it having been on a course of Fenbendazole, I have chewed through about 200 pills but they seem to work best in combination with other things, this seems to work as a huge multiplier of both treatments. The one I have is made by Fenben Lab, but I don’t mail order. Looking at cancer as a form of parasite infestation, even though the cancer cells may be / are caused by deoxygenation of ordinary cells, it should not surprise that parasite treatments work against them. Of course there’s also chlorine dioxide treatments which apparently work on anything not of the same ph value as the body. I tried it but thought I will save it for if I actually need it since I don’t much like the taste. It made my nostrils feel like vinyl.
your quite the roguen Joe, bragging about mouse dewormer(fenbendazole).
200 hundred does sound like a lot, though the worms commonly hide in the intestine mucus. Are coffee enemas new age ?
No I had the FBZ for cracked heels, I once cut my heel on a piece of glass in the carpark and went in an unclean shower, then I got cracked heels, but with combination FBZ and “Heel magic” it’s now fixed after about 15 years of annoyance, and a lot of other products most of them not much good.
I knew a guy decades ago cured his incurable bladder cancer in a few months, coffee enemas were one of his treatments. He was one of these “6 months to live” cases. The quacks basically had him fitted up for a coffin. Could not get in with the knife so he was dead meat.
Fenbendazole Success Story-Prostate Cancer Remission
Joseph, here is some fun for you to test your psychic talents. At BIn.
“ON THE FRINGE: deep state is running out of ammo! Corrupted people falling!!
Sailors watch the clouds, look for land birds etc. and suck a raised finger.to the breeze.
Here is your challenge (so you can give some a rest from your criticism) first five mins or so. What is google up to and what weather forecast are they preparing for. Your assessment ?
Calling all Clif High cultists.
Any dots to join?
very welcome….help Joseph. ….. but only with facts🙀🤣 no guesses or opinionated assessments.
Bugger, just wait till March or they’re about, who cares if the banks close…..or ….SHTF. Ides, anyone?
Yeah I like to drop facts and evidence in and Mr Plodgers likes to leave his square droppings at the end like a lost wombat walking past my doormat every night. Poor Plodgers needs structure and a hierarchy with himself one rung up the ladder from the Hoi Polloi, so as I am a common bogan he considers that I need his guidance and friendly reminders of my inferiority at every opportunity. As for “Deep State is running out of ammo” that will never happen, remember they can blow up the world 50 times over ? Catchphrase from last century. The hair-sniffing incident was on our dodgy M$M by some miracle. Is Sleepy Joe going under the bus soon ? Mr Kerry has quit as “Climate Czar” to work on the re-election campaign, now that’s weird. OK Ides of March, sounds more like a toilet paper crisis than the CBDC™ implementation, wasn’t the GreatReset™ scheduled for 2030 ? Of course, remember how GlobalWarming™ wasn’t coming until 2050-2100 ? Usually a safe bet “nothing will happen” especially with the Qanon material, wait for this, wait for that. “Nothing” is how our owners like it, just look at the celeb-grade royals keeping calm and carrying on, I would be calm too if I was collecting tax instead of paying it. As for influence and access to the inside info, I would be wearing fine clothes, smiling and waving too.
You appear to exhibit a sad mindset.
All the best🙏
Why do I supply so much constructive commentary do you think, when your dimwitted friend can only reproduce silly slogans over and over. Instead of waiting for “white hats” I just tell it like it is. Just because other snowflakes need emotional support and cannot deal with facts, in fact make up their own facts as req’d, does not mean I should deviate from my boring but straight-down-the-line reality. There is of course room for a substandard mentally deficient Q-member in the comments section but that person should desist from addressing their rubbish to me, I won’t consider any of it again, there are plenty of better things I can occupy my mind with.
Mary Maxwell.
Went for a walk and considered that the Khalid 911 hearing coming up in GITMO with all those ‘news’ fakes and official 911 tin foil hat fools being invited to the hearing for lengthy sections of February. I opined in my reply to you some suspicions.
Of course they have had him since about 2003. Why now🤷
Let me throw this into our cultist’s stew, for Sandra to stir.
What if,,, what if, the hearing exposes some interesting evidence on what really happened on 911.
That would explain google getting policy systems under way to deal with expected sensitive matters.
Joe, don’t you love a good mystery novel?
Terry O, you’re an old copper, we know what goes on and try to put things together…… any ideas.
How can the normies ignore material coming out in a VERY PUBLIC HEARING that is in the faces of the fake msm?
Yep, the March hare might have a cunning plan.
All fun…….it is part of our old professions. it would be a brilliant manoeuvre and T just watches, 😇😇😇😇sorry Netty old boy, twas not me😇🥸
I think – don’t know for sure, that Khalid’s info will tie into Epstein’s info – also – soon to come out like a fire hose of Truth in all its graphic detail.
Just read through your comments below to Joe Skeptic – interesting that he brings up Truth Vigilante and our, yours and mine, ‘little discussion’ from time to time.
Will await further ‘developments’ in that area before coming to any realization of why Joe Skeptic nearly always avoids obvious and irrefutable facts – which was typical of TV’s M.O. when he was hit with them.
Suffice it to add though, Joe often mentions me, in his derogatory way, in some of his comments, but then plays the victim whenever I choose to respond. He puts himself out there, but then accuses moi of being some kind of uninformed bully – he has lost all credibility with me, but you keep at it him because I find it amusing to see him squirm whenever you, ‘speak’ to him.
Am I being blocked?
Episode 3257B first five.
Lay your bets. My take or Dave’s.
Or both?
Dear Sandra (and MM or others who wish to plan ahead)
Ok, I spent one hour or so on X22Report.com, episode 3257B
I only ask for ten minutes for your time (and from others) from one hour to the end.
Ten minutes to see what those dreadful ‘cultists’ are up to, awakening naysayers.
As they are your expressed idiot/cultist opponents, one would expect, as a scouting soldier for your beliefs and researched insight, you might see what ‘the cultist bastards’ are up to.
That is why I listen, at times to the usual globalist corporate shock jokes, I scout to identify traitors to humanity and our countries. Of course you wold do likewise.
Had a booster recently? No worries, depending on the injection batch, for some they may have five years.
Ooops, sorry re those who have… there is the obvious mentioned earlier in the report….. just ignore that part. That is how I would do it…. If I was a sub-human criminal in fine clothes that Joseph despises.
As a criminal lawyer, I have some idea (no doubt, so has Terry Odgers) as to how genocide is planned. They have learnt a lot from Germany, be subtle and do not disturb a gullible herd…. Only so many can be handled at any one time by the mortuaries.
For the gullibles….. just booster up.
Fine clothes:
“Behind every great fortune, is a terrible crime.”
Great quote
Joseph, I may be barking up a tree but a thought has been in the back of my mind for sometime.
I recall the attitude from a way back commentator appearing as truth vigilante.
In those days tv had it in for nemesis.
Is there a replay going on here?
The Veggie was disowned by MM for his relentless jew hating, he crawled away in tears and good riddance, he was a dope. Mr Plodgers aka Nemesis got off these bloggs for a year maybe more because of your dispute with him.
I DO NOT WANT ANY DISPUTE with escapists, I understand both of you have a pack of grandchildren and you cannot handle reality with regard to the future. Imagine we were in the Edwardian era and I told you your grandchildren would soon be lying dead in French mud. I can’t be bothered debating Qanon.
I recall only one comment of interest from the “before its news” futurologists, that was Jim WIllie saying “the SCOTUS is waiting for vectors to align”. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t.
For the umpteenth time, I hope Mr Trump wins, it will be better for America ( and especially its victim countries ), we will wait and see. In the meantime I would appreciate if Mr Plodgers gets off my case, simple. His contributions are rubbish.
Ditto Joe
Joe Skeptic making assumptions about Nemesis leaving this site goes to the very nature of his thinking.
Maybe if he asked me politely – I would give him my reason for taking a sabbatical from GS for over a year?
So, c’mon Joe! Ask me why I left.
Joe, thanks for clearing that up.
As for your comment that I have GC and cannot handle reality. Very presumptions, judgemental, ignorant judgement, I have been handling reality since I woke up to 911 and the lying media protecting mass murderers to make wars…..and Fwits who either cannot realise or who are complicit.
So you infer that notwithstanding my decades of pulling apart 911, I am an escapist. No I have suffered the vile responses, even from professional (anlleged) colleagues for TWENTY YEARS and seen reality and I DO NOT ESCAPE FROM REALITY…… MURDER AND WAR BY DESIGN AND DECEIT.
you allege that I cannot handle reality for the future…… does that suggest that you know the future. Does that suggest that you will just lie down and accept the future, not knowing what it is. Well fucked if I will lie down….. have I ever here? You go ahead and do not expect to be picked up.
No, I examine what the rsoles have planned, that is why I am here at GS. Trying to ‘slap face’ those who will not see it and could not be bothered to wake up and change what has been planned, as exposed by Dr Day and that General Pike control freak.
I have come to discern what side they are on.
As for handling the future, you go along and suffer it, I will not lie down….dads do that.
As for ‘DITTO’ SANDRA, what you tolerate now, you suffer in the future. So Sandra, what did aspects, if not all, did you ‘ditto’.?
So go suffer.
Now I have just finished listening to Mary at her situation report commentary at BIN.
Have either of you ever listened to what is not on the abc?
Interesting take on the ‘black hat’ tunnel found in NY.
Yes, the vibes of panic stricken are to witness and feel… even here, desperation is apparent.
Interesting Joseph, that you comment on my dispute with Nemisis and TV’s demise …. Over the Israeli mass murder of crewmen on the USS Liberty in 1969. DID SOME RESEARCH JOE.! Nice to note that you spent the time to do so, if you needed to…..bit before your time was it not?
Tell us Joe and Sandra, who really did 911. I take it that you will be keenly interested in the Khalid military hearing set down at Gitmo over this February after 20 years of his incarceration. that I commented upon up above.
Google service updates might interest Telafib controlled devices media.
Any gos, thoughts? Any ‘ditto’ abounding.
Stop dredging, it’s a waste of a good comments section
Really. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Back a bit you were dredging me.
A good comments sections depends on a bilateral discussion and exchange of experiences, thoughts, opinions and ideas.
I love setting a line, it was my profession, with patience and discernment, it is not amazing that, what is dredged up can be classed, identified and sorted.🙀🤷💁🏼
I’m impressed with you Ned(and Nem), you guys had to break out of high level of indoctrination applied for many years.
Who did 911, Albert Pike and David Rockefeller(those towers were built to be dropped((for prophecy)). We are in ww3 and have been since that day. The war on terror allows for war on all who resist. Resist you do, so thank-you grasshopper- wink
I’m not a jew protector but US law did allow the USS Liberty to a “fate”. The POTUS makes executive orders to NOT assist mid strafing, those were the days, ‘a Loyd Austen. Germany has been used and abused by the clan, like everyone
Ta Simon.
Some very important things have been raised that some do not want to face. …… gets a bit hot🙀
I have some idea as to what has been going on here commencing at a certain point.🥸
Patience and discernment is the key in any objective investigations.
Strange, how no one seemed to express interest or happiness that the Khalid trial over this February at GITMO might bring justice to the mass murderers.
Why no relief and celebration?
I recall one of the 911 Commissioners commenting in about 2003-4 that it will take 20 years for the 911 TRUTH to come out…… I have been waiting, millions suffered as a result of their ‘PLAN’ to take out 7 countries in five years….. ending with IRAN!
Ref: General Wesley Clark to Amy Goodman in March ?2007. Just 2 and a bit minutes of time to be awakened!
Some ‘plans’ take 4-5 times longer than expected🤷🙀🤣even then there is still some way to go😩
Oh well, all fun ….. the mass media have all been invited to GITMO🙀
Shall we play a game?
Honore de Balzac also coined another beauty;
“Laws are webs through which the big flies pass and the little flies get caught.”
“Logic is neither an art nor a science but a dodge.”
Very interesting, how they got a handful of us arguing here (few years back many more commentators these days less), moozies against Christ freaks against chosen specials, all in fear mentioning elephant soo big breakin’ out the room, occupants crushed by fore leg stampede.
Mean while, new kid on block buys the lot, cash not credit.
For a change, why don’t we agree to agree, “it’s a club and we ain’t in it.”
Mozzies not moozies, misspelling dyslectic in me.
Tragically, “genocide not genocide”, doublespeak too oh ‘24.
There were lots more commenters when people were trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the injections but now they’re tired and they think it’s all over.
As if, it’s only started
Indeed Joe,as I have been posting the worst is yet to come based on the assessments of Geert Vanden Bossche and now others who realise the accuracy of his predictions.
I have really enjoyed participating in the GS commentary but more recently not so.
I will continue to follow the truly wonderful Gumshoe News,but from the sidelines.
Many thanks to Dee,Mary,G5,JG Olsen,Terry and all the commentators past and present.
I hope you and Diane deVere have a nice break and come back soon
Incredible speech by Trump going right off topic endorsing the va666ines and taking full ownership and pushing “safe and effective
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