by Mary W Maxwell
Forgive me, David Rockefeller (1915-2016). I did not know about these things in time to discuss them with you. I mean the things your employee at Planned Parenthood, Dr Richard Day, rattled off in 1969. He told us how you were redesigning society and trying to recreate the human being.
I would have told you that your plan is not feasible. But more than that I’d have gently informed you that as a race we humans have already achieved a better deal. We have found out how to project our self-love into something bigger. Think about John Donne’s famous poem:
No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
David, it would have been good if we Americans had done more to react to Dr. Day’s speech. Then we could have stopped in its tracks some really monstrous schemes you were cooking up. I realize you did have some delusions that you were doing good. Grandpa Rockefeller had those too.
It’s terrible to realize that almost a half-century has elapsed since the night Dr Day gave that after-dinner speech to a large assemblage of medical students in Pennsylvania. Some doctors were present and one of them, Lawrence Dunegan, recorded it for posterity. That was in 1988.
Even he could not think of a response. Most likely he did not understand that the Rockefeller set whom Day worked for did not just have zany ideas but had the power to implement all of them, or at least most of them. Let me show you how the whole thing struck me, after 2000.
Directing Industry
The most amazing thing to me was the way “Rockefeller” could direct any and all walks of business. Just consider these five predictions and note how he had to be able to give directives to the manufacturers:
- Dr Day said that: people would be encouraged to buy Japanese cars, and one way to cut their habit of buying from Detroit would be to have Fords, and Chevrolets contain faulty small parts like window handles that fell off.
- He said bras would become softer, showing the natural movement of the body.
- He predicted that baseball salaries would skyrocket – and the purpose of this was to make citizens feel less attached to their local team.
- He announced that hospitals would be built in such a way as to serve as prisons.
- He said they would “bring sex out in to the open” such that you would soon see everything on VCR or at the movies, and later on TV.
It is for sure that the sale of Japanese cars increased, bras got softer, baseball salaries went up, and now you can see all the sex you can think of. I don’t know if the new hospitals are geared for imprisonment – but going on Dr Day’s track record they probably are.
Naturally when we saw those various things happening we didn’t imagine them being a policy – they just occurred, right? Baseball stars got greedy, girls burned the bra for ideological reasons and then accepted softer ones – etc.
Now that we can see that very few trends probably come from market forces, we had better listen closely to Dr Day’s scheme and figure out how to stop it from eventuating.
Here is a quick outline of what Dr Day said in four broad areas: cultural change, human relations, control over the individual, and the designing of slums.
Cultural Change
Rational thought, education, and artistic creativity will not matter. “We” can do everything. For example:
- Music will get worse. It is already deliberately bad.
- Messages will be sent to the young via loud music and they will not even realize certain lyrics are coming into their brain.
- Libraries would not be so open-door. You may have to show a reason for wanting a particular book.
- Scientific reports would be falsified as needed.
- Religion would be changed, in the direction of a universal religion. This would call for the collapse of the Catholic Church (“and the clergy will help us”). Everyone would be busy with less time or opportunity to really look about and see what was going on.
- Not everybody should be free to travel the way they do now in the United States. People don’t have a need to travel. Violence would become more prevalent, and seeing dead people on the street would no longer cause panic. Some key words in literature would change (the Bible and Mark Twain were mentioned) and although subtle, the whole meaning could be changed.
Human Relations
The old-fashioned way that make strong families must go. For example:
- Fewer people would get married.
- Girls would be expected to act like boys, such as by having sports teams.
- The age of puberty would be driven down.
- Homosexuality would stop being a negative issue.
- Eating out would replace the family dinner table.
- Little girls would not play with baby dolls anymore.
- Men would travel to work in other cities – this would help break marriages up.
- Your doctor would no longer work for you but for his employer.
- The elderly would be given hints that they are no longer able to keep up and should take a Demise Pill.
- Home ownership would become a thing of the past and ultimately you would be assigned a place to live.
- Strangers may live with you, thus you would not be certain whom to trust.
- Population shifts would be encouraged, such as migrating to the Sun Belt, as people who are new in an area are quicker to pick up new ways without complaining.
- Music for the older people would continue in tandem with what the young wanted. They would not hear each other’s music. Each thinks of their music as their identity.
Control Over the Individual
Many things will come about to ensure control from the top. For example:
- The screen of your TV will monitor what you do at home.
- Everyone must carry an ID and soon this will be in the form of a chip under the skin.
- (Or a dentist may put it in a filling without your being aware.)
- All sales will be done by credit. If you don’t obey your credit card will be cancelled.
- Anyone who tries to help you will be committing a crime.
- No one will be permitted to grow their own food.
- The few privileged people who should be allowed to hunt could maybe rent or borrow a gun from official quarters rather than own their own.
- We can control the weather and cause a drought or make the land so muddy you can’t harvest a crop.
- New diseases will appear that will be untreatable for a long time.
- National identity will decline, you will be a world citizen.
- Anti-trust laws will change. Only big business can survive.
- There will only be a single banking system
- Inflation is infinite.
- Uncooperative individuals will disappear.
- Doctors will give lethal injections; hospitals will act as jails.
- Costs of health care would be jacked up so you would have to get insurance.
The Designing of Slums and Low Class Behavior
Apparently the “bad areas” don’t just happen. It is all planned with an eye on human behaviour and how to bring the quality of life down. For example:
- Drinking would be encouraged. But at the same time laws would increase to punish drink-driving.
- Once you lose your license you my lose your employment.
- Psychiatric services would be greatly expanded.
- The government would enter the gambling business.
- The increased availability of drugs would provide a sort of law of the jungle whereby the weak and the unfit would be selected out.
- Crime will be used to manage society. There would be created slums and other areas well maintained.
- Housing will be expensive, so many dwellings will stand empty.
- The smart people will buy healthy food and do exercising, the lazy will not.
- Buildings would be allowed to deteriorate, and streets would be allowed to deteriorate in certain localities. The purpose of this was to provide the jungle, the depressed atmosphere for the unfit.
- News about drug abuse would also tend to reduce the unwarranted American complacency that the world is a safe place, and a nice place.
Ways To Manipulate Your Outlook and Expectations
Do you think you have heard the worst of Dr Day’s speech – which was given in a polite tone and did not cause anyone to throw a shoe at him? No, there is more besides the aforementioned directives to manufacturers, planned cultural changes, changes in human relations, way of getting control over the individual, and the designing of slums. Much more. Dr Day showed how they can change your outlook:
Buildings and bridges would be made so that they would collapse after a while, there would be more accidents involving aeroplanes and railroads and automobiles. All of this to contribute to the feeling of insecurity, that nothing was safe.
All the old movies would be brought back again. There were other privileges that would also be accorded older folks: free transportation, tax discounts. Once that generation passed, then gradually things would tighten up. The old movies and old songs would be withdrawn, gentler entertainment would be withdrawn.
Violence would be made more graphic. This was intended to desensitize people to violence. There might need to be a time when people would witness real violence and be a part of it. So there would be more realistic violence in entertainment, which would make it easier for people to adjust.
Nothing is permanent. Streets would be re-routed and renamed. Areas you had not seen in a while would become unfamiliar.
Big Changes Toward Violence
After talking about the central control of banking, Dr Day casually mentioned the following:
When the new system takes over, people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don’t have any reservations or holding back to the old system. “There just won’t be any room”, he said, “for people who won’t go along.
Somewhere in this vein he said there would not be any martyrs. “People will just disappear.”
The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place.
No Holds Barred
But now here are the two most astonishing secrets Dr Day conveyed to his audience on that day in 1969 – nuclear weapons for domestic control, and terrorism as a way of forcing acceptance of the new system. Are you ready? Note: Dr Dunegan uses quote marks when it is verbatim from Dr Day:
- We would bring in the ‘New International Political System.’ “If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two or possibly more nuclear weapons.” As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that, “We mean business.” That was followed by the statement that, “By the time one or two of those went off then everybody, even the most reluctant, would yield.”
- There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world.At that time it was thought terrorism would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system.
He Felt Sorry for Us?
Reading this in printed form in 2018 one does feel that it was extremely bold for a Rockefeller minion to confide such secrets. Of course he must have had permission to do it. At times, he seemed sorry about it, saying “People don’t ask the right questions.” He also tried to explain how public complacency is attained:
Dr Dunegan recounts that Dr Day said that very few people really know how government works. Elected officials are influenced in ways that they don’t even realize and they carry out plans that have been made for them and they think they are authors of the plans.
Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements. One is, “People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart.”
The other statement was, “You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they’re presented or the kinds of circumstance that they’re in; and being rational people they’ll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they’re doing or why.”
How Did He Get Away with It?
I think Dr Day was able to deliver his speech without getting any reaction from the floor, as he had wisely chosen the setting. The young students seeing a well-lettered physician at the podium (at maybe just standing at the head table) would be automatically ready to accept any message at all. And if no grumbling came from the older doctors, what young person would have had the chutzpah to challenge Dr Day?
There was one moment when you would think the students would have looked around. That was when the speaker said: “We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it’s ever decided that it should be released.” Ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite our efforts to suppress them.
Even there, though, he was able to throw in a justification: He added: But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because of the problem of overpopulation.
He also said, “There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassination.” Only a very skilled pathologist who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. But I don’t imagine the students would think anything other than a “good” assassination. After all the doctor was boasting, so it must be kosher, right?
I can remember the 1960s and it was common to hear futurists speak. Let us assume the audience that night considered the news from the speaker had come from a range of futurists, rather than from a sinister club to which Dr Day belonged.
Wasn’t any of them able to see that “building bridges so they would collapse” is criminal? Or that gun-rental does not accord with the Second Amendment? Or that “to withdraw gentle entertainment after the oldies passed” is not something any individual should be able to control?
Medical students are not your average Joe. They would have been the best and brightest graduates from their college. It’s very sad they didn’t react. But is it sadder that 49 years later we, too, are not reacting. Clearly we are now aware that many evil plans in the works. Are we so “conditioned” that we accept them? I don’t think so.
Oh David, y’all done missed the boat. You should not have gone there. You should have put your sharp brain and huge ambition to something other than inciting people to hate each other, to damp down imagination, and to be harassed and oppressed on a daily basis. Gahd, it was such a mistake!
Rocky, when your bell tolled it tolled for the whole human race. It’s now up to us to get on the case lickety-split pronto, in hopes that part of God’s beautiful creation can be salvaged. You were but one of us. You were ours. I’m sorry you didn’t get enough love. I’m sorry you fell in with bad companions. An absolute tragedy.
Incredible, really.
Mary W Maxwell can be reached at
(Photo – The scene is Samuel Boardman State Park, Oregon — by Adrian at
Dee, I know you’re busy but please fix this typo before I get yelled at by a poetry freak. Insert “if” —
as well as a manor of thy friends. Correction: as well as IF a manor
Seriously, you missed the poem in its entirety. Your academic corrective suggestion is yours to bare, not everyone else’s. Colloquialism is inexcusable only by the hierarchal minded.
There’s more than enough snobbery in poetry.
Why do you think the overlording Oligarch’s system unleashed on America’s 1960’s massive groupthink Tel-i-vision programming with the help of globalists abroad gave the little people Wikipedia?
Maybe they knew from experience coming up through the ranks that the 8% of minions (stake holders) would support them with their “expert” opinions by standing on their degrees.
Because: As Solzhenitsyn “The First Circle” tells us, capture hierarchal academia, capture thought. Then all they need do is have the man with the biggest gun standing behind them and not in front of them.
Now you are in my wheelhouse where men realize the more hierchal minded, the more war and depopulation.
And here is the poem from yesterday’s Gumshoe article (it appears in the appeal of Maxwell v President of the United States):
The Ogre
Oh, shame, what mockery!
For lo, he [the ogre] rouses fresh at morn,
Bursts the weak bonds with grin of scorn
And fierce derisive glee,
Sounds his defiant whistle shrill,
And on his way more fiendish still
Rushes triumphantly.
O Law ! where is thy boasted might?
Is it but idle breath?
Will the stern majesty of Right
Bow terror-struck to Death?
I found it in a book, “The United Service, Vol. 2” from 1889, with no attribution. Why was I reading that book? Because it is about the gatling gun, and Diane DeVere had made one of her usual comments at Gumshoe about Australian massacres of Aboriginals, so I went to check on it. OK, Terry Shulze and Mal Hughes, you can both faint now that you hear I researched anything having to do with a gun.
If the purpose of the musical tuning shift from the natural 432hz to the unnatural 440hz was to raise blood pressure and induce anxiety it backfired in a big way with the deliciously comptemptuous – Big man, Pig man. Ha Ha charade you are. Thank you Mr Waters.
Gidday Mary
I hope you do not mind if I add a little historical interpretation to your very enlightening article…
The programme which Dr Day revealed, was originally designed by David’s uncle, Nelson Rockefeller between 1934 and 1938, and this included the United Nations structure and agencies, especially the WTO, World Bank, and WTO. The latter was an extension of the Eugenics Society, post-war to be renamed the Family Planning Association.
Significantly, the UN HQ building is on Rockefeller land.
The analysis and recommended means by which humanity can reverse the Rockerfeller/Rothschild Plan was completed in 2010, commenced in 1964.
As a dumb and innocent student teacher, I sudenly realised that everything around me was a lie (government, the Church, media news, and especially history) and, because central orchestration was clearly a critical component of political theatre played on a global scale, I decided to devote ten years to identifying who was behind it all. Little did I realise that this would take 46 years to untangle.
The final piece of the remedial puzzle appeared in supremely ironical and asymmetrical circumstances, when Aboriginal Songmen in Arnhem Land explained how indigenous decision-making processes played out. The key to this was consensus protocols, which I finally realised are the core element of genuine democracy (people power). Sadly, it took me another decade to understand just what those old men had told me, and why; and how their words crystallied the thoughts of Thucydides, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, and Lord Johannes Acton.
Eventually, I identified all 17 elements of the globalist programme and published these online at
What Dr Day described happened, but not in the way most people would have expected.
For example, the “strangers may live with you” excerpt referred to refugees. And it is here that the Rothschild signature appears, as transpired in the old Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. To avoid compensation for and resistance to oil and gas pipelines, civil wars were initiated which required NATO intervention. The flow of refugees was directed into Europe, with calculated three-fold effect; (1) To cause disruption and conflict; (2) To dilute national identity (and hence resistance to globalisation); and, (3) To generate cultural, religious, civil, and economic breakdown.
The reference to feminism is the least understood. Prior to 1973, the feminist battle cry was for equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work. This was the subject of my very first survey and I found that 99% of men supported these objectives. But in 1973, Zbigniew Brzezinski completed David’s Trilateral Commission and the very next day he invited Rupert Murdoch to become an American citizen and to take command of tax avoidance and media, world-wide. This is when News Ltd seduced those feminists who were elitist and provided them with unlimited public exposure, thereby changing the movement’s direction to anti-man, anti-husband, and anti-father. Essentially, the goal was the destruction of the Family Unit.
Meanwhile, viz a viz the Rockefeller-controlled UN, dedicated primary school teachers training colleges were scrapped and new teachers indoctrinated in universities, wherein they were taught that they had a responsibility to “sever the intergenerational transfer of values”, followed by inculcation of new international values. These included multiculturalisation, internationalism, rejection of parenting, and elimination of family-oriented gender roles.
And so on… all in detail on the above web site… “How free trade destroyed 4 million full time jobs”.
What I do not know”, Mary, is how to take the first step to mobilise reclamation of humanity’s peaceful evolutionary path. Hence, I write on sites such as yours in the hope that somebody, somewhere, will trigger this event.
Excellent site Tony.
Tony, have you got any dirt as to the “etiology” of leukemia?
We will have a better idea of the causes of leukemia when a study comparing the health of children who have never been vaccinated, are compared to those who have. No government will permit this, although private independent surveys show no autism and other modern illnesses among Amish.
Most studies point to cancers linked to herbicides and pesticides, but enabled by modified immune systems (ie vaccinations).
But, I hasten to add, I am no expert; merely a very angry health product consumer who is looking for answers.
For some years now I have been campaigning to have government establish an independent research facility to test all commercial substances ingested by humans, especially children. So far, everyone in authority ignores me LOL. Gee, never expected that.
Sorry I shouldn’t have said “etiology.” What I meant was, is anyone clued in as to the laboratory recipe for this cancer?
So how much power did David Rockefeller actually have ? One look at his mother’s sad face is all I need to know.
Control is, of course, another matter
Berry, same with Churchill?
Well Winston didn’t exactly have an idyllic childhood.
Easy to forget that in order to oppress others you have to be as miserable as sin and misery and powerlessness are one and the same.
If my sons did not want wars, there would be none”.
Mum ofthe 5Roth’s.
Gutle Schnapper, Amschell’s wife,
Read the article Malcolm and Julie, stop getting Aussies killed.
For your banker mates!!!
You are right, Nedski, they need our help. Turnbull is from your district so u take care of him and JB is from SA so I’ll do my best.
On second thought, never mind.
Just adding to Neds terrific post…’
Most Australians have no idea that the executives of our Reserve Bank of Australia (the RBA) are paid by… not the Australian Government… but by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, Switzerland. The BIS is entirely Rothschild-owned.
Thus, all reserve banks are owned by Zionist investment bankers.
Another thing happened in 1973, initiated by David Rockefeller: His Trilateral Commission realised that Aboriginal Land Rights in the NT (as then envisaged by its supporters) would enable Indigenous clans there to apply their own consensus protocols to decide whether or not to permit mining. These protocols mean that every man, woman and child would have a say. This would most certainly result in a banning of mining on Aboriginal land, the TC reported.
The Rothschild solution was to have Murdoch’s media proclaim the Governor of the Reserve Bank, Nugget Combs, a champion of land rights. This PR campaign achieved, Nugget headed north and manipulated the Law Reform Commission, ANU, and the Law Society, to create a Land Rights Act that ignored consensus protocols and instead replaced this with a concept which was alien to Aboriginal culture… Aboriginal Traditional Owners.
Out of this grew the monolithic Northern Land Council which has presided over monumental corruption and land theft ever since.
Another product of the Rockefeller takeover of Australia, was Ross Garnaut, who became our national adviser on AGW and carbon management. Garnaut is a former economist and national development policy analyst for David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.
In summation, Australia is entirely run by Rupert Murdoch, Frank Lowy, and a coterie of associates of Ross Garnaut and cronies.
And our limp political limp wrists have not the courage to search for and even scratch their balls………they have none!
Tony, and readers open this to read Ned’s reply.
Captured screenshot:
You say you’ve put 46 yrs into researching this, Tony? i dips me lid to you.
LOL… it probably says a lot about my sanity. It certainly cost me a few careers and a marriage.
‘mazin’ you’re still walkin’ the earth.
Tony asexpected censored, SSsent to Dee.
Dee, please post screen shot.
2ndtry, few wordsaccepted commentdenied.
Here is an email I just received from a person I trust:
The military is spending a fortune experimenting with germ warfare and psyops in Queens, New York. Legionnaire’s disease has been dispersed aerially over water cooling towers on roofs at 93-10 Queens Boulevard in Rego Park, Parker Towers in Forest Hills, and in Latimer Gardens on Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing.
WCBS-880 radio reported that of the two cases of Legionnaire’s disease in 93-10 Queens Boulevard in Rego Park, one person died and the other was hospitalized.
The military is also planting disease-riddled clothing and garbage on street corners and when the local population goes to clean it up, it catches the infections, which become systemic and are impossible to eradicate.
Regarding psyops, dozens of people that I have interviewed, and I, are being victimized by military psyops. NYPD talks people out of filing a police report; it does not want any statistics.
This is one reason Trump should de-fund the military.
— end of email.
Hello. Don’t let police talk you out of filing a complaint, and if they do, send a report to your local court by registered mail.
Well there’s no need for WA Police to ” talk you out of filing a complaint” because they’ve got carte blanche to refuse anything that might cause”problems”
Berry, is that in writing somewhere? I mean that is seeerious.
“ in writing” ?
All I know is that rejected reports are commensurate to what the MSM isn’t prepared to touch
[…] stated unabashedly in a 1969 speech to medical students, that men would be encouraged to work far from home, with cheap airfares, and then the fares would […]
[…] to the big takeover.) Dr Day’s audience contained a thoughtful doctor, Lawrence Dunegan, who went public with the info in 1988 on Randy Engels’s Christian radio show. Most of Day’s predictions […]
[…] of 1969, Rockefeller employee Dr Richard Day gave his talk (published n 1988), in which many of today’s events were prophesied. Day’s outrageous plans included not allowing […]
[…] that Dr Richard Day said in 1969 that we would get used to seeing dead bodies on the street. Also, note that the Rockefeller […]