Nuclear fallout
[The email posted as received]
by G5
There was no residual radiation in Hiroshima or Nagasaki; to his day. American atomic tests were faked. The buildings filmed as blown away were miniatures. As was the module allegedly leaving The Moon to dock with the orbiting craft.
The publicized American underwater detonation was conducted with the nine main ships destroyed by being loaded with ordnance. The technology for non newtonian reactive engines, did not exist. Nothing to push against delivers no motion, beyond the initial projecton as Voyager.
Climate Change, The Moon Landings, and Musk to Mars, is all well paid nonsense. As is the relevance of EVs, and the alternative of wind and solar.
Nye, Obama, and de Grassi Tyson are paid actors for The Moon Landings and Climate Change. Study of the colour footage of the alleged Saturn V engines indicates a lift weight not conduce to what was postured.
To this day; NASA, SpaceX, etc. use Russian engines. America lacks all the military technologies it claims to have mastered. ALL of them. The GBU-43/B (MOAB) Massive Ordnance Air Blast, a large-yield conventional bomb, was developed for America by Albert Weimorts, at an Air Force Research Laboratory.
It is based on planted ordnances on the ground at the target of impact. Effectively the bomb detonates the planted ordnances.
Trump unwittingly demonstrated such a device in Afghanistan in April 2017. One must not take the advices in isolation of one’s military or intelligence communities. It was immediately followed by Putin demonstrating a Russian MOAB; without planted ordnances, which literally demolished a mountain. That game was not played again.
9/11 was conducted by miniature nuclear devices (W40s) tested by America in Kuwait and Iraq. I have written of the two aircraft changeovers at Stewart Airport for the two main towers, and they being auto flown then shot down by The USN in The Atlantic.
Buildings Seven and Five had planted detonations for the controlled demolitions. The Two Towers had the support columns cut with preset thermite. Each tower had two W40s constructed at the top of two elevator shafts in each.
Three Trillion dollars missing from The Pentagon Accounts was to be revealed by the ONI in the section of the building demolished by planted ordnance. The records of; Marsh McLennan, Euro Brokers, and Cantor Fitzgerald, were destroyed to aid the CIA theft of $240 million in US Treasury bearer notes, due the day after 9/11. The records of Goldmans were destroyed together with the records of the SEC prosecution division.
The complex was leased through dupe Silverstein from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, knowing that the buildings must be demolished due to the City of New York Order, concerning them being the last still standing buildings in New York City constructed with asbestos.
The day after the lease was signed: Silverstein’s owners, doubled the extraordinary Terrorist Clause in the insurance Contract. The drones used were flown in from Florida by organiser Dov Zakheim, and changed at Stewart, then remotely flown into the two towers. We never needed interminable, intellectualized, omphaloskeptic poncing to be aware that nothing was as officially portrayed. It never is.
There was no aircraft at Shanksville. The ground gash was preexisting. Compare that site with that of MH-17, shot down by America.
The changeovers at Stewart are confirmed by radar and transponder. As is the data for MH-370 shot down by The USN north of KL. Because of the passengers attending a micro RFID conference in China. They would become aware that their IP was stolen and already used by Cubic in travel cards, and in many military applications through a Rothschild company in Israel.
As a result of that aircraft downing: all patents became the property of that Rothschild consortium.
The acquired girlfriend of the developer of the technologies: an Israeli Intel operative; was not present on that flight.
As J.P.Morgan: the owner of White Star Line (Brittanic, Titanic, and Olympic) was not present on that fateful journey of the damaged Olympic; swapped for the Titanic. The Carpathia following as the rescuer had lost communication.
A bomb was used to destroy the ONI accounting wing of The Pentagon.
The Chirac detonations in The South Pacific would not have been conducted if France, The UK, and The US had already developed nuclear weapons, as claimed to this day.
The Vela Incidents was Israel conducting nuclear tests off South Africa in the southern Indian Ocean.
America used surveillance satellites they termed weather satellites. Israel had made the electronics for them. At a previous time, all American surveillance satellites were foolishly in the same orbit. The Russian Space Agency moved one of their satellites across that orbit and collected the eight main American satellites in one strike.
The reason America has not had surveillance satellites over Russian and Chinese interests. The reason for the U2, SR71, KAL007, Honan Island, Murmansk and many other incidents.
At the appropriate times of its Vela tests, Israel switched off and on the American surveillance; termed weather; satellites. To unsettle America; Israel switched them on for America to detect a ‘Double Flash’. The signal of a nuclear detonation.
Subsequently panic struck in America and cohorts, that South Africa had developed a nuclear device.
In passing; North Korea and Iran working tirelessly for decades to develop nuclear devices is a stupidity too far. It is ongoing American yokel propaganda. Both North Korea and Iran are protected repectively by China and Russia.
Narratives spun about South Africa. Brazil supplied the components to South Africa, then Israel had supplied the technology. Then the US had removed the nonexistent weapons from South Africa.
As JFK’s Dimona inspections; and the subsequent CIA paid Vanunu whistleblowing saga; The US has no idea and never did. This includes the manic Cohen and other related spy affairs.
Rather than Israel and The Soviet Union stealing technology from America; it was always America attempting to steal from others. The F35 is a classic example
I am reminded of the fake Petrov and Ivanov Affairs in Australia.
It was also America that detonated a device in The Ionosphere (Operations Starfish and Fishbowl) in an absurd attempt to remove the Sun’s van Allen Belts for the passage of Apollo space craft. Which was never going to happen.
What occurred was to make Australia the skin cancer capital of the world, due to the removal of the ozone protective layer. Apart from spraying the planet with derivative junk.
The world population today has nanoparticles in our blood streams; not due to American toxic Covid vaccinations; yet another issue; but due to America playing with the weather.
As the Mercedes; after The Diana Murder would not be delivered to Mercedes for examination following the outlandish narratives that were issued: similarly Hasselblad was refused access to the cameras allegedly used on The Moon.
As the cameras used for the fake nuclear tests by America, also disappeared.
America flew aircraft in Syrian livery for its civilian genocidal war crime gas attacks on Ghouta and Khan Shaykhun.
It flew aircraft in Iraqi livery (the Iraqi airstrips were torn at the time) for the three gassings of Kurdistan.
It flew aircraft in Israeli livery for the false flag of The USS Liberty Affair (McCain II was Mediterranean Commander at the time. He had saved his idiot son McCain III after the Forrestal Affair) as LBJ planned to bomb Egypt. Idiot logic alone would have thought that Egyptian livery would have been used. Syllogism doesn’t even cut it.
In the American gas attacks in Syria; Assad the butcher murders his own, a repeat of Hussein the butcher and Noriega the butcher narratives.
All three supra including bin Laden (Tim Osman) and Che Guevara (Ernie Lynch) were CIA operatives. As was Gorbachev. About whom I have also written.
The War Crime gassings (note deafening silence from partisan, UN, ICC, ICJ etc.) were conducted by UN Peacekeepers planting hundreds of drums of American made gasses (including Chlorine, not considered a weapon. Nor were flame throwers in WWII, nor were Napalm and Agent Orange etc, in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Burma. Nor were weapons as BZ gas owned by DOJ, not Pentagon, and claimed as Russian Novichok etc.).
When the drums were positioned; The USAF in Syrian livery would bomb all the hospitals and medical facilities in the immediate target area. The civilians living in surrounding areas were told that Assad was going to bomb their villages, and that they should immediately move with their families into the target areas (about which they were not correctly informed). The USAF would bomb the designated areas causing the civilian genocides. There was no response from local hospitals or any medical staff available, as all such facilities were destroyed and personnel murdered by America in the lead up to the genocides.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were conducted after Japan had surrendered and MacArthur was occupying the areas. The ordnances were then planted for the target genocidal civilian bombings.
A part repeat of Iraq.
All on the virtual eve of Potsdam: when The US, UK, France, NAZI Germany, and the confection of allies surrendered to Soviet Russia.
Explain no reparations if The Allies had won. Explain The Oder-Neisse Line if The Allies had won. Explain The Cold War, Instituted by The US. Explain NATO. Explain why The UK had genocidally firebombed Dresden, Cologne, and Hamburg. Explain why the dams on The Ruhr Valley were breached by The RAF. Explain why prison camps as Peenemude (Mittelwerk) were bombed by The USAF. Explain why Operations Paperclip and Ratlines moved NAZIs to America, Argentina, and The Vatican, and why von Braun SS Commander of V2 Peenemunde and Mittelwerk, was placed in command of The Redstone Arsenal, then NASA. Subsequently used on The Fake Moon Landings Affair. His Nixon Lunar Rocks being from Antarctica.
Sam Shoemate – Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence | SRS #155
“Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger – who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegations that cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event – and many others – if true.”
Note the terrorist’s alleged ‘invisible’ bombs mentioned, as an aside in the last ten minutes or so.
Have a fun holiday if you are going to the US before June. At least stay out of those crazy blue cities run by lefties and greens.
How weird, neither of these guys trust or believe government.

after all they told you the truth, did they not?

Do you? How about 911
Thinking of history

Well, go to Mike King and Rodriguez under the heading re Q drop etc at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
And you thought they were hero’s! (And who are they, just mass murderers on THEIR globalist plan. Like their mass media)
TRUMPS IN – 33 mins to the end.
Nusun Dorma! (Sp?) [Pavarotti] from the ‘SUM OF ALL FEARS]’
I was glad to see confirmed:
“There was no aircraft at Shanksville. The ground gash was preexisting. Compare that site with that of MH-17, shot down by America.
The changeovers at Stewart are confirmed by radar and transponder. As is the data for MH-370 shot down by The USN north of KL. Because of the passengers attending a micro RFID conference in China. They would become aware that their IP was stolen and already used by Cubic in travel cards, and in many military applications through a Rothschild company in Israel.”
I never heard the US was involved in Ukraina at that time but don’t forget these two planes were also going through no-fly zones.
I never followed the “4th plane” at 9-11 except heard the story of the brave doomed imaginary passengers. Sounds like it was an afterthought.
If as you people say Russia has unchallenged military superiority then why do they let the US off the leash when already clearly it’s a madhouse
Entertainment from Germany
Bill Gates’ World Domination
The internet is being damaged
The A.I. grey slime is taking over
Peter Thiele – Elon Musk’s brain
I asked the bot for 100 words or less:
Peter Thiel did not start Rumble, but he is a significant investor in the platform. Rumble, an online video platform known for its free speech advocacy, has gained popularity among conservative audiences. Thiel, alongside venture capitalist J.D. Vance, led a substantial investment in Rumble to support its expansion and the launch of new cloud services.The platform aims to provide alternatives to mainstream social media channels, particularly in response to growing demands for looser content moderation policies. Rumble went public
“Suicide” of Sachir Balaji
26th birthday Nov 22,found dead from “self inficted” gunshot 4 days later.
Nothing to see here.
To consider; how many lawyers, mass media shock jokes, politicians and judiciary did/have not awaken/woken up and realised that they WERE GILLIBLE FOOLS AND believed the official government unscientific tin foil hat 911 official conspiracy theory, that Muslims did it.

Now that is a mad conspiracy theorist … and they run and control our country
How many millions have they helped killAND ARE NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESENT MAYHEM?
12.14 PM
‘The time will come when they will not be able to walk down the street’.
Well normies; the time will come when you lot are so awakened, you sad desperate gullible lot will be the persons chasing them.
Going to be fun!
Time to wop a MOLE—- a treasonous politician with a rotting fish.
Jason Jorjani – Slow Drip Disclosure, Zero Point Energy, and Breakaway Civilizations – Hard Truths
Premiered 6 hours ago
“The changeovers at Stewart are confirmed by radar and transponder. As is the data for MH-370 shot down by The USN north of KL”
I’m calling this BS.
Ashton Forbes presents all the radar and satellite data and there is NO data or a wreckage field to support MH370 being shot down north of KL.
To the contrary,radar tracking was lost over the Nicobar Islands over 1,000 kms east of Malaysia.
The convincing orb footage seen on the whistleblower drone and satellite footage, eye witness accounts of MH370 seen landing at Diego Garcia , a passenger mobile connection to 4chan placing his coordinates at DG and the mobile phones of 15 passengers still ringing after the “crash” all negates G5’s assertion.

I recall that Garcia stuff at the time and it had some legs from an alleged passengers mobile phone report. He allegedly had hidden it in his rectum which is a bit unimaginable
Wonder what they did with the passengers whilst Abbott spent 100 m plus dragging the South Indian Ocean.
Some Intel files perhaps are not reliable for a reason.
1.41 PM
Abbott was mapping a sub-sea ridge. There is data from the explosion north of KL, there were good eyewitnesses testifying within the same news cycle. Fake Alt-news is becoming a big industry sector of the fake everything 2000’s. That’s my 2 cents
“in his rectum which is a bit unimaginable” – unless it is a flip phone like the one I use. I won’t ever get an idiot phone and not because I could ram it up my ass.
Here is a marvelous presentation re Jimmy Carter. Start at 9.50 if you don’t have time for it all.
A great tradition, Eisenhower, Carter, Kamala, serve your term, retrospectively identify the major problems and then hand it all over.
MM, how did you manage to get from 7 mins to 9.50 mins?
Time: sometime after last time.
How did you manage to get past 7 mins to 9.5 mins
Ned sent these articles (Pictures) of the mainstream news
You can view them here:
Soldier “wake up call”
Trump conviction
Situation update WTPN from REAL MARY FOR 4/1 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news.
My spoon feeding of normies and naysayers is now over.
Is that the one Plodgers has the hots for
For all the talk of major events like Clif High’s “3 or 10 times bigger than 9-11” which I don’t dispute, why should I, there is on the other side a huge force of vested interests who think Trump will run a better economy
That inane (ignorant) question explains my original comment and decision.
Times up
Perhaps a NECESSARY repeat for the record.
Joe that question is an inane ( ignorant) explanation for my decision above.
As I said:
Time is up.
Go to bed then, have a nice sleep.
I looked at both of them and they were nearly the same.
I will look at Clif High now, probably more suitable
Clif High is quite rewarding on your same site. It’s important to clear out the shit, like realrawnews and Charlie Ward they are such oxygen thieves and there is a whole lotta shit out there in the echo chamber. Don’t blame me Plodgers is sulking, you packed him off for about 2 years after a very heated argument about an old boat. My interpretation of the mission statement of Gumshoes is to get to the truth of diverse things and my opinion is some of the shit gets in the way. I don’t know if fluoride is an excuse for losing one’s critical thinking. If it turns out Hillary and 5 fake Hillarys were hanged at Gitmo last year I will apologize to Plodgers fulsomely. In the meantime try ordering a pizza and use the name Huma Abedin or John Podesta and see what reaction you get, probably nothing, because there was too much shit on the internet.
“In the meantime try ordering a pizza and use the name Huma Abedin or John Podesta” – Fork me, that is funny!

Mortgage hint not arrived

Try Tesla leak confirmed by Jaco
Musk is a cyborg and the Tesla guy is a patsy?
T is a WH.!
Larry Johnson.
Global warming goodness
Global warming or impending ice Age.
Either way it’s all about creating powerlessness and panic
Inasmuch as both narratives are about taking the heat off real issues, both serve cheap-arse escapism.
Escapism from genuine concerns and numerous situations where anyone CAN actually make a difference
“Inasmuch as both narratives are about taking the heat off real issues, both serve cheap-arse escapism.”
Having some idea of what is coming and being able to make preparations both physically and mentally is hardly escapism.
What difference are you going to make about “the numerous situations”?
It’s not exactly hard to figure out what’s coming and that it’s going to be a good deal more challenging than a weather shift. The respective requirement is also unmistakable.
What’s noteworthy is that the desire to feel in control is synonymous with powerlessness and panic
“situations where anyone CAN actually make a difference”
As in breaking the current “government psyop/ Zionist plot” spell
Together with the idea that Jihadism can be overcome by natural means
“What’s noteworthy is that the desire to feel in control is synonymous with powerlessness and panic.’
No,to be IN control is not synonymous with powerlessness and panic.
“power” and “control” are antonyms, not synonyms
Must See (1 min)
Just how big was the MaD bill supposed to be ???
Predictions from some months ago came true
This individual is planning to run for a seat in Canberra and is part of the huge TikTok movement where of course you have to dodge the censor
Potential swap-work arrangement between Starmer and Turdeau
Derek Johnson at BIN
I am going to try to listen to this even though I am not much interested in UFOs
( 2 hours )
The usual stuff, they zoom past jets and submarines, deliver EMF pulses and whatnot
I am tickled by congresswoman Luna’s nominative determinism
They are bitching about all the secrecy and how reports by military personnel are redacted and the reporters are treated like whistleblowers and demoted
Also saying there should be a single point of contact between UFO reporters and whistleblowers to government since nobody seems to know who is making or sending these things or anything much about it ( which is probably why the topic bores me )
If AI’s Grok is any thing to go by, God help us.
Breaking News Alert !
Justin Castrudeau resigns as PM of Canada :
My memories of Canada used to be maple syrup and ice hockey, now I keep having flashes of that weasel Turdeau. Hopefully, over the years that image will dissipate.
IS Covid Still a Threat in 2025?-Dr Philip McMillan
Heads up- recent fear campaign re HMPV-Human Metapneumovirus
11:00 Nitric Oxide in sinuses-protective mechanism of Humming.
The cover story reads “the current state of the pandemic and whether Covid is still a significant concern”
But he (Phillip McMillan) launches straight into talking about “metapneumovirus” as if it’s the same thing, and that, quote,
“It was discovered in about 2001. I can’t remember if it was in France or Belgium or Holland possibly in Europe I can’t remember where it was discovered. And it’s a real virus and they just happened to discover it by looking at some old samples so the virus is not new it’s just newly discovered”
Sorry, but this strikes me as being much nearer the mark:
Bar the “it went on to kill more than 20million people” bit. Don’t ask me what the ******** that’s based on
You’ve totally misinterpreted the discussion on HMPV.
The cover story reads “the current state of the pandemic and whether Covid is still a significant concern”
Where’s the input on said topic?
It doesn’t appear to be given a single mention
Sandra, the only recent and ongoing Pandemic, is one of POISON NEEDLES. There never was any Covid, other than it being a global media stunt. Question is, why put out that Dr. McMillan rubbish?
Alastair Crooke : Can Trump Save the US From Itself?
Netanyahu has smashed the balance in the Middle East.
Will Iran institute True Promise 111?
The premise that Trump will respond to pressure to escalate Ukraina is an odd one, these continuous British-Globalist wars using the US ( and Australia ) as proxy are not something Trump wants to pay for, hopefully Ukraina could be the trigger that brings down NATO, just as the Soviet Union was brought down 30 years ago.
A guy in my street painted his house roof blue on the weekend.
Every other roof around here is terracotta.
Maybe he’s following the strategy employed by those whose property survived the Lahaina “fire”.