Home Corona Is a Covid Reckoning Coming?

Is a Covid Reckoning Coming?



LETTER EMAILED by one of our Contributor/readers

Senators; Rennick, Roberts, Antic, and Whish-Wilson. Parliament House. Canberra.

Dear Senators.

I bring to your notice the recent published work; ‘Fighting Goliath’ discussed by Dr Campbell [nursing – UK] with the author in the video link below.

The first two minutes of the interview commences with  a layman’s discussion describing and identifying who our ‘Goliath’s’ are and what five round stones can manage.

There is an essential lesson for all our representatives and the fake mass media to be competently informed, in order for them to carry out due diligence when formulating policy and to inform the public truthfully.

Perhaps dear Senators, you would consider that the instruction would be a worthy addition to every parliamentary library in Australia and indeed in every electoral office, Federal and State. Not to overlook our local public libraries for student enlightenment and education.

Considering the recent years of excess social and financial destruction due to the imposed cost to the community following  the gullible inane COVID reactions and policies,  it would be a small public investment to assist our representatives, in future, to carry out their duties before invoking  policies and mandates dictated by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION.

If there is a problem for our governments, Federal treasurer or Federal Minister for Communications to secure sufficient funding, it could be acquired by a set-off against the Health Minister’s budget for more injections

I am sure that the health ministers would appreciate a useful early Christmas present.




  1. “Is a Covid Reckoning Coming?” – I would be surprised if it did happen. Throughout history the only time such a reckoning happens is through VIOLENCE. Hopefully, reason will prevail this time, but I really doubt it. – There are way too many pussies in today’s society that are actually willing to stand up for what is obviously happening. Crikey, when a father can’t get angry enough for retribution for what has happened to his children, then the trajectory of society is headed for the abyss.

    • Also, that nurse Campbell was a promoter and advocate of these poison jabs, he only turned coat once he got the all clear from You tube etc, never trust these people. People today in the West including Australians are weak, they are compliant bags of meat and bones with no guts, the Cabal know this, they will bring chaos soon.

      • Your authority on that allegation?
        He says he was originally injected and realised his mistake and has spent much time and effort educating people like you.
        He states no way again.
        Do you think he may be saving some lives and building a case demonstrated to the public to get justice?m and SAVE LIVES.

    • Then Terry, you’re about to be surprised. Spent a little time and look up the work for Nuremberg 2, that Reiner Feullmich has done.

    • “the only time such a reckoning happens is through VIOLENCE”

      Which means that people have to be willing to put their own lives on the line for what they believe in, which, as everyone knows, is diametrically opposed to the culture of the Age

      • The truth is that every aspect of what took place was steered by those who were well & truly aware of what they could get away with

        The only good news is that it served as a wake-up call to untold souls
        The truth is that the human genome is such that genuine enlightenment only occurs via personal calamity

      • E.B. – violence via ‘revolution’ has been the hallmark of the Cabal when changing from one system to another. Their motto has always been, ‘Out of Chaos comes Order’.

        There will be no revolutions in this time of change – if you knew, Q you would already understand what is coming and how it will be mostly, peacefully achieved.

        And, I am still waiting on your responses to our recent debate, or have you run away for good?

        • If you knew Christ you would already understand that what is coming will be unprecedented carnage:

          ” ‘Who is this coming from Edom,
          from Bozrah with crimson-stained garments?
          Who is this robed in splendor,
          marching in the greatness of His strength?’

          ‘It is I, proclaiming vindication,mighty to save.’

          ‘Why are Your clothes red and Your garments like one who treads the winepress?’

          ‘I have trodden the winepress alone and no one from the nations was with Me.I trampled them in My anger and trod them down in My fury;their blood spattered My garments,and all My clothes were stained.
          For the day of vengeance was in My heart and the year of My redemption had come.I looked, but there was no one to help;
          I was appalled that no one assisted.So My arm brought Me salvation,
          and My own wrath upheld Me.I trampled the nations in My anger;
          in My wrath I made them drunk and poured out their blood on the ground.’ ”

          • Most of the Talking Heads are enthusiasticly claiming the Kamunist as the winner ( I wonder how many of them will get an actual seat at the table and how many will no longer be needed if the utopia is realized ) and she did perform above expectations while Trump was less than stellar , but many polls are saying the populace actually noticed she was light on policy and was unconvincing on grounding the rocketing inflation .

            Someone may have noticed she wasn’t alone at the podium ( I hope the Demonrats get cocky and put on a second debate )
            nor is she all alone in the media landscape .



          • And there you go again, E.B. Anyone whom you believe does not fit your own world view, has no debate value or currency.

            And while you choose to remain inside the box that your, ‘education’, restricts you from looking outside of, to see what is now obvious to many, the world as you believe you know it, is passing you by.

    • Al says:

      “that nurse Campbell was a promoter and advocate of these poison jabs”

      In other words he’s oblivious to the fact that Christ chose His chief persecutor to be His chief spokesperson

  2. Nurse Campbell stood by those poison shots, he had millions of followers who were misled by his promotion and belief of these poison jabs, too late now for many millions who followed his advice, how can he save lives when they are already doomed?
    We are seeing so many folks dropping dead because of heart attack, strokes, aneurysms… the numbers are increasing across all ages, this WHO shill Campbell, has no brain cells to discern the very obvious deceptions that were in play in 2020.
    Now the grim reaper is here, 2025 is the year of mass deaths, 3-5 years max for many who took these MRNA graphene laden poison shots. Campbell has blood on his hands and now trying desperately to look like he is on our side, a baying mob will come after all those involved in this genocide, including MSM, government, nurses, doctors and pharma… there will be no mercy.

    • Let’s also crunch some numbers at how much blood is on nurse Campbell’s hands. Say 2 million followers plus in 2021 and all hanging on to every word he spoke, there would on average be in the three years since his promotion around 38,000 of these followers dead of natural cause, but following his advice that he stood behind these poison jabs without any consideration of his followers, never doubting the CDC or anybody, there is an excess mortality rate of 1% a year the past three years, the highest since WW2 and it’s puzzling scientists etc???
      He is responsible for excess deaths in his followers of around 60,000 plus and rising, any fool could see this was a totalitarion takedown of the system and reset, yet this fool Campbell chose to ignore all the warnings and took the Youtube royalties instead, judgement will come either in this life or the next, all paycheque hookers will face the wrath…up to 80% of those who took even one jab will not survive beyond 2025. Chaos is coming very soon, as simple as a flick of a switch.

      • It’s true it is designed as a time-bomb and the initial wave of excess deaths may not have been intended, for example Bill Gates ModeRNA va666ine was several times more powerful than Pzifer’s but the Pzifer still randomly killed lots of people, and the AZ got pulled off the market almost straight away. None of the va666ines were intended to kill people instantly, but they were just too effective and the deaths were random. Gates told us “the next scamdemic will get some attention”, and the next one will be as soon as they can manage it, especially as Trump is now pivoting on injections, and has picked up RFK, we can even more likely expect the action to start in 2025. Punters who got injected and are not on the Nattokinase yet would be well advised to get on it while there is still some on the shelves.

        • There is just zero chance that every jab manufacturer could each design a jab that could cause such horrors as we are seeing and not be colluding from the beginning… they all work the same, AZ was pulled to make the authorities look good, as if they were safety compliant and protecting the masses, the TGA let the Yanks pass these jabs in Australia, they are all culpable.
          This has been in the making for a long time, wait till the masses not only find out their time is short, when they discover it was all deliberate. We said in Feb 2020 this was all about “Vaccines” and do not take them, we stated the first jab would be relatively benign, not to alarm the sheep, any chatter about poison would be quelled via MSM and social media censorship. Folks just cannot wake up out of their programmed minds, a lifetime of propaganda and trusting the health system or government. The Cabal know exactly how the sheep tick, they have calculated every twist and turn and deliberately blocked the truth, this in itself is a major crime, the digital world data and evidence is overwhelming against these parasites, they are nervous.
          Let’s hope there is some form of treatment like you mention to at least save some good souls.
          The mass deaths and sickness worldwide is collateral damage of these poison jabs, their true intention is control via the towers and the jab ingredients, the Graphene which they deny being present, is extremely conductive. You can make brake pads out of this material, it’s nano non destructible. Shredding the arteries and causing the clots, heart problems, aneurysms and cancers are everywhere, young kids just dropping dead, their parents refute any notion that the jabs are deadly, cognitive dissonance at it’s best.
          Gates smirks with his wife two years ago, “The next one will get their attention”.
          The truth is hidden in plain sight, they reveal everything before it happens, and still these dumb sheep refuse to believe what is occurring, why? …indoctrination, a life of comfort and plenty, brainwashing TV’s and “news”…etc.
          There is only one way to stop these monsters and the coming chaos and control, do not comply, sadly, most are compliant, lazy and dumbed down to care. The food, drinks and devices have polluted and contaminated them, they are ripe for the picking now , and the Cabal know too well.
          These lazy and useless people have mostly caused the Covid fraud, now they are dying slowly and about to accelerate by 2025.

  3. Artificial intelligence:
    ‘…..Now to LOOK LIKE HE IS ON OUR SDE!
    Time to listen to what he does…. By actions one can determine a side.

  4. Much above is obvious to suspicious people with experience and brains.
    Thus they have not injected me.
    But low behold the killer bastards who continue to do harm.

    • I was going to respond to AI, but after some consideration, I decided it would be futile to argue with someone who is on a ‘holier than though’ crusade, while using the blanket approach to perceived wrongdoing, and as a means to summon self-righteousness, while ignoring that such summoning of self-righteousness, has a habit of ignoring the FACTS.

      I watched Dr Campbell earlier on during the so called ‘pandemic’ and found him to be meticulous in his investigations as per – C19 jab – and as to be quite boring in his summations at the end of his videos. So, since when has being meticulous and thorough in investigating a novel, so called, vaccine, suddenly become a crime?

      Anyway, Nuremberg 2 is already set up under the direction, by German Barrister, Reiner Fuellmich – a person of repute – that the Cabal controlled German government recently attempted to silence.

      So, if AI is so self-absorbed in retribution against a meticulous Doctor whom, he or she, believes has been a pied piper for the jab, then let him or, her, attend the hearings when Nuremberg 2 kicks off sometime next year.

  5. Nuremberg 2 is almost ready to be put into effect. No one escapes what is coming by way of justice.

    Especially for those whose mantra will be, “I was just following orders.”

  6. Yaddaa Yaddaa, go look up the spot gold and silver prices today and recently, who has been selling ‘top’ stocks.
    Heaps of other signals all around.
    Go chase the dog tail waggers..
    Has anyone learnt from the pre 911 stock put options? Some knew all, we know sfa.
    ‘Q’ stated years ago something about gold being their undoing, besides other cryptic hints/predictions.
    No commentator here knows shit, unless they can explain their apparent ignorance and self censoring and banning of Derek Thompson (Johnson?)
    I have mentioned Derek for almost a year and not a scintilla of recognition or reported analysis in any comment.
    Not even from T O or Joe!
    Oh well go listen to a debate or watch the football on tv…you are of no consequence in the big circus ring…. Just giggle and choke on your popcorn

    • To be fair to the above named, why have we not also read any analysis from
      our legalise PHD, Ellie, fair bs, et. al. on Derek and his research and exposures!
      Particularly on the provisions of continuity of government provisions/executive orders etc.
      I am pissed off with the silence as to the forecasts for tomorrow affecting our country, despite the Camel caravan.
      Whilst it is a circus, do not be surprised when all the animals escape into our tent.

      • You can’t complain if you won’t supply links
        The 2020 election was indeed stolen and nothing has been done about it
        What is the HARD evidence of military trials
        Today in Melbourne, pepper spray and rubber bullets deployed by vast numbers of cops being paid by a virtually bankrupt state

        • Already bankrupt Joe. Went bankrupt along with the United States Corporation that we were part of, in January, 2021.

          Listen to what Bosi has to say about the belligerent occupation of this country.

          AustraliaOne – Rumble.

        • Providing links!
          If someone cannot go to a site when referred to and identified then find a headline with Derek at a time I refer to him they must be just plain lazy.
          I rarely cite links for a purpose…. The uninterested are able to be identified and provides a basis to assess if they could give a ……
          It has worked a treat.

    • Whoa there Ned. You have obviously missed reading some of my comments regarding Derek Johnson if you include my name among those who do not know what is coming.

      Law of War Manual, 2015. Who do you think had much to do with putting that together – would it be – Derek Johnson?

      Law of War Manual 2015, was in the first response in M.M. part two of Crime and punishment. It was from my comment.

      Most here would have no clue about Civilian Law, let alone Military Law, and the impact that Martial Law, when imposed on any country, has overall.

      Listening to Derek Johnson by most on this site would be like watching paint dry for them – what he offers would be well and truly over their heads!

      Q also states, ‘the ending will not be for everyone’.

      You, single handedly, cannot wake everyone up – it is within everyone’s own ability to realize at some point in this journey, through life in this prison planet, their own place on the road to the Truth about this world that has been denied to us for thousands of years.

      All we can do is point to information that may assist them along their journey.

      And that is all we can do.

    • Gazan children getting genetically modified vaccine developed by Gates Foundation
      Interestingly, we’re going to stop a war that has had absolutely no regard for children whatsoever. Israel is all of a sudden humanitarian and is going to stop a war because the U.N. and the World Health Organization asked them to, so they can go in and save all these children that have been potentially infected by a vaccine-derived poliovirus, by giving them a new genetically modified oral polio vaccine that has never been fully tested, that is released on emergency use.
      Watch: Experimental Polio Vaccine Rolled Out to Hundreds of Thousands of Children in Gaza.

      • Lately we have compassionate Bibi, I guess he will get a beachfront hirise for his services, “Bibi Tower”, how else is an immigrant guy supposed to get a hirise tower

    • What Your Doctor Isn’t Saying About Hypertension Post-COVID
      In this eye-opening video with Dr Shankara Chetty, we delve into the hidden crisis of hypertension that has emerged in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter 2024, it’s crucial to understand how the global health crisis has contributed to an alarming rise in high blood pressure rates among individuals, affecting millions worldwide.

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