Home News Karen Kingston Explains Bio-Weapon Financial Scam and News on Prosecutions

Karen Kingston Explains Bio-Weapon Financial Scam and News on Prosecutions


Above, X22 Report, Dave, interviews Kingston. The video is titled: Karen Kingston – Big Pharma Unleashed A Bioweapon On The World, It’s Time To Press Criminal Charges.

And below from SGT Report — PROSECUTIONS to Begin. Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet join me to share some BREAKING NEWS.




  1. There is a heap of good and bad egg stuff in the Switzerland prosecution report at SGT report.
    The Switzerland criminal prosecutions come up twice in discussion. Keep in mind a ‘pissed off’ Thai King.
    The criminal proceedings, being relating to genocide, are international WAR CRIMES AND TRANSCEND INTERNATIONAL BORDERS.
    Remember, that NZ criminal mob want to inject livestock and they have legislation to criminalise homegrown food bartering.
    Remember, in the Netherlands they are closing down farms and throwing farmers off their farms. Starting with three thousand.
    Remember over a hundred food processing plants ‘suddenly’ catching fire and being destroyed over the last year in the US.
    Remember That Davos mob want you to eat CRICKETS …. And worms, just ask N Kidman who demonstrates how chopsticks are useful for worm eating.
    Remember that Gates is now the largest farmland holder in the US. (Why has the Australian government not told Australians what foreign interests own land and water rights in Australia?)
    Really, get a grip readers on what the bastards are planning, including the 15 minute suburban ‘walking PRISONS’.
    LOOK AROUND, it has to be obvious what they are doing to the world. But not to the ABC and our mass media.
    Not awake?
    Then I give up, just go and get half a dozen boosters and disappear…… as Harari says, ‘what to do with the useless eaters’ ?[ Paraphrased.]
    Well, many would now be wondering what to do with our useless governments. Perhaps Switzerland is trialing a answer?

    • Ned – Trying to wake people up is a thankless task – akin to bashing one’s head against a brick wall.

      I said to a good friend of mine on New Years Day, and who is only recently retired with a nice super to show for all of his hard yakka, that we will see a financial and economic collapse before the end of this financial year and to seek advice for how to protect his super.

      As his eyes glazed over his reply was that he would divvy up his loot into various Banks so that not just one Bank held it all.

      How’s that for a prime example of cognitive dissonance?

      I said to my wife some time later, he is going to lose the lot, perhaps that will wake him up?

  2. Very exciting new subject today!
    The X22 video with Karen Kingston doesn’t appear on my PC.
    Could be on topic: Did the balloon carry Bill Gates’ next virus?
    The modified Spike Proteins could have been stored outside the balloon and storage opened over the US as an example?
    Comment on Twitter yesterday: “If Biden shoots down the balloon, it will be the first thing he’s ever done to combat inflation”.
    (Is there a simple way for me to find my comments from Dec 2022 and Jan 2023?? I am looking for my comment from mid Dec 2022 about the Thai Princess and the comment from around the first week in Jan 2023 about the Swiss filmmaker Pascal Najadi suing the Swiss health minister.)

    • A different take on THE BALLOON: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xeB04Pfh70I

      Thailand drops a bombshell on Pfizer. (I went looking for my old comments.)
      Here is my theory: “ The famous Swiss filmmaker has availed himself and is possibly making a video to support the Thai king and the Thai authorities against Pfizer. Time will tell.
      Check this out at 2min 15 in the below video on Bitchute; Pascal Najadi is listening in on the interview with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi about the “Princess Case” in Thailand (Previous top medical scientist at Mainz Uni in Germany)
      The video about this with Prof. Bhakdi AND the famous Swiss filmmaker Pascal Najadi to his right in the interview. Najadi is also suing the Swiss health minister (which I commented on in GSN on 07JAN2023 ago – I just found the comment)

    • Well, that technology will stuff up some government Aussie ‘palaeontologist’s’’, theory twenty years ago that due to climate warming there will be no more snow in Australia, no rain and the rivers and dams will go dry.
      So the NSW government built some water factory to extract salt from the sea… HUGE cost and even more to operate it per some commercial contract.
      Right, recall it was that Labor government genius BobCarr.
      Bob knew way back about climate control, he gave Kerry Packer heaps of record snow for Kerry*s record ski season down Thredbo way in NSW.

      • They have a big desalination plant in Western Australia too, very good for using up the surplus electricity from all the solar panels 9am-3pm, more solar panels could see Queensland well placed to produce aluminium which used to be made in deep south New Zealand from hydropower and Queensland bauxite

  3. Dave follows up on his Kingston interview at 31 minutes for a few.
    Episode 2989B on 4th Feb at X22Report.com.
    Interesting promo presentation🤡 Trump with double barrels aimed at a balloon!
    Reminds me of Cheney out hunting and shooting his lawyer back in the early 2000s.💁🏼

    Given that Karen Kingston is one of my favourite people, I think we should get her terms in some order. Firstly….there is no ‘virus’ Joe, so forget about Gates so-called new one foffa. Secondly, there ARE NO MODIFIED SPIKE PROTEINS. So many have been conned by the COVER STORY, so please be careful spreading bad-Science/weaponized media lies further. The spike ‘protein’ is actually the Q-dot hydrogel technology, and NOT mRNA. Karen clearly shows the spikes are on the hydrogel (soft acuators) re the manufacturers’ patent applications she has made public. The whole mRNA is a COVER STORY for an artificial intelligence, frequency-based modification system that is self-learning and that can decide how to edit a human being. It is NOT about delivering an enveloped RNA sequence per the fake story…it is about delivering a GENE-EDITING TECHNOLOGY into the human body, and that technology is part biology/part technology (synthetic biology). Karen refers to quantum dot dendrimers being the mode of action. Quantum dot dendrimers mimic up to 100 of types of exosomes and liposomes (cell walls). A Dendrimer is actually a synthetic communication platform that attaches to each cell. …..it is NOT SPIKE PROTEIN that is penetrating the cell walls…it is dendrimers.

    The whole thing then is an INTELLIGENT PLATFORM that hijacks the cell. Q-dots are merged with lipids…PEG mimics quantum dot denrimers. K.K. posits that quantum-dot dendrimers mimic human liposomes and exosomes. Dendrimers Aare said to mimic up to 100 TYPES OF EXOSOMES. But just what then in the bioweapons is causing the deaths? With the mythical mRNA (via elaborate testing) not even showing up in so many of the shot lots, what has come to light is that the so-called “spike protein” is actually the AI-hydrogel/ Q-dot /carbon-rich-self-assembling nano-structures modulated by both EMF and via optics. These dendrimers then are structure-based and energy-based: they can penetrate any cell. They take over the communication system of the cell. This is the gene delivery system (bioweapon): NOT THE SPIKE PROTEIN. The gene delivery system is quantum dot dendrimer. It is a merger of AI codes to produce toxins in the body with an AI intelligence platform. These are not vaccines these are extremely sophisticated DEVICES.
    K.K suggests that when vaccine manufacturers talk about a ‘cationic lipid’ in the vaccines, what they are really talking about is synthetically-created cell membranes with a communication platform fuelled by an energy source (3G; 4G; 5G smartphones, SMART street lights & routers).

    But, the Q.dot technology is not the only technology in the shots. The clots are hydrogel soft actuators: they are BIO-SYNTHETIC ELECTROMAGNETIC NEWTWORKS which rebuild inside the body. (Kingston). Ana Maria Mihalcea further suggests that the clots are a polymer found in BOTH JABBED AND UNJABBED. They come from multi sources: VAX SHEDDING; WATER SUPPLY; GEOENGINEERING. “To my great concern, I also had an unvaccinated person send me images of long rubbery clots, despite taking commonly used supplements for the breakdown of fibrin like Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase. These are not clots per se…they are, according to Clifford Carnicon, ” Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as a chemical component of the synthetic life form he found – which is Hydrogel. The reason why people cannot dissolve the clots from jabbed victims is because it literally is a PLASTIC-LIKE POLYMER – widely used in medical applications”.

    Ana Maria Mihalcea suggests further that victims world-wide have been implanted not only with nano-computer-like polymorphic structures, and had their cells invaded and converted into toxic, ‘spike’ protein-making factories, they are also hosting in their veins and arteries stringy, clot-like PVA formations of bio-synthetic parasites. Parasites which are not only self-assembling, self-sustaining and also self-replicating but they completely replace the human nervous system as we know it. This is the multidimensional artificial intelligence quantum access device that manipulates the neural network and digital biofield and can produce crystal microchips. It was injected via the C19 shots and via aerosolized chemtrail dispersal. Cyrus Parsa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prbc4308O3Q&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fanamihalceamdphd.substack.com%2F&feature=emb_logo
    Anna summarizes Carnicon’s findings as, “Clifford subjected his microscale “cross domain bacteria” = synthetic AI biology to a low level electrical current, which made the growth of the filaments accelerate explosively – in addition to changing the blood to unrecognizable features. This is the same findings Dr. David Nixon had when applying WiFi-4G- router source to the C19 Pfizer ingredients and found accelerated growth of ribbon like structures and microchips. These ribbon structures resemble what I find in Live blood in the unvaccinated now causing severe Rouleaux formation.” Even more worrying, she suggests that, “I share the common concern with Clifford that this responsiveness to electromagnetic and other frequencies may be the “KILL SWITCH”, with which, selectively, humanity can be depopulated.
    “JABBED OR UNJABBED at this point does not matter much, for all have this synthetic antenna in their bodies via the food supply, water supply, vax shedding and geoengineering spraying, causing disease and accelerated aging in humanity.”
    Ana Maria Mihalcea in “AI- The Plan To Invade Humanity,” suggests ominously that the “artificial intelligence interface feeds off of human biophotonic light – the life force. When the life force is harvested, it causes accelerated aging. It is a new synthetic artificial intelligence life form similar to Morgellons based on Hydrogel, a material that even the most sophisticated scientists on earth do not completely understand in its properties. It is able to replace the human nervous system, is self-assembling, self learning, conscious, self-replicating. It can grow from nanoscale to centimeter size in minutes when exposed to electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet light or electrical currents. Do not laugh at people who say they are seeing demons after getting the C19 shots or those with debilitating long Covid that makes them feel like they are not themselves, almost detached from their body. Remember those who turn around in circles terrified before they fall over convulsing and dying. They are looking at something in a different dimension.” https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/ai-the-plan-to-invade-humanity-must?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MjAwNTIzNSwicG9zdF9pZCI6OTc4MTk4MDQsImlhdCI6MTY3NDE5MzE3NSwiZXhwIjoxNjc2Nzg1MTc1LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItOTU2MDg4Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.KHcrJ9WsMtyKn4EXegLS2rA-RRpE9_MONg4BAMGfEko&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

    • AA how does the snake venom link to the above… (Italian study)

      “Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and faecal samples from COVID-19 patients

      Carlo Brogna # 1, Simone Cristoni # 2, Mauro Petrillo # 3, Maddalena Querci 3, Ornella Piazza 4, Guy Van den Eede 5 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35106136/


      “Ana Maria Mihalcea in “AI- The Plan To Invade Humanity,” suggests ominously that the “artificial intelligence interface feeds off of human biophotonic light – the life force…. PLUS “to Morgellons based on Hydrogel, a material that even the most sophisticated scientists on earth do not completely understand in its properties.?…

      Okay …Who (or what) is behind this…. that is the question? Of this earth?

      Other considerations: “the shedding” (that means anything human is vulnerable)

      Another consideration: If humans are being jabbed to advance to connect/intergrate with AI — there are two possibilities: The human race becomes a transhuman slave race. But if they are tapped into AI (can’t think of a better word for tapped) … then they would become smarter than those elite not taking the jabs… And soon homo pfizerians will advance and take over through an AI advantage…

      The more I learn … the more there is to learn … and the more puzzling this all becomes. Again… Are humans behind this?

      • Dee, given that dendrimers take over the communication system of the cell, and given that the gene delivery system is quantum dot dendrimer …AND given that It is a merger of AI CODES to PRODUCE TOXINS in the body with an AI intelligence platform, it is probable (my theory) that the snake proteins are being generated synthetically within the cells AT THE CELL SITE via some via AI program codes most likely generated electromagnetically or[ icluded in in the programmed dendrimers. Ardis has informed us of the mad rush in the last few years to synthetically create snake and conotoxic agents under the guise of ‘medical use’. The key here is that the computer generated snake venoms are being switched on and off. That they target the A.C.E receptors only in the heart, spleen and kidneys is interesting. For there are actually NO A.C.E. receptors in the lungs as we have been made to believe..so this is NOT a respiratory disease as has been deliberately painted. Ardis brought this fact to our attention. He also mentions the role of nicotinic receptors on dendrites to which he ascribes nicotine as a possible antidote…this is why so many smokers failed to get ”covid”…

        Noticeably the A.C.E. receptors are different in different ethnic groupings…we saw this specifically in China…how the bioweapon had been delivered against the Chinese in the first weeks of the US attack as a result of DNA ethnic profiling. It was Chinese scientists who first discovered the cleavage site where HIV had been inserted and screamed blue murder. So too did Iran and Italy (both integral to the Chinese putsch called ;Belt and Road’ initiative to which the US was opposed…besides, Italy had just elected a conservative government which came to power with an anti-vaccine program. was opposed to vaccines) but all were silenced. The cover story which followed was a scrambled attempt to disguise that the US had attacked China with a targeted ethnic bioweapon.
        To further cover their tracks, the US authorities dragged homeless and aged African Americans into hospitals ( NY) and enforced the INCENTAVISED killing Remdesivir (US) – Midazolam (UK) hospital kill protocols to make it look like it was a universal ‘virus;that had mysteriously escaped a lab in Wuhan. They killed their old people in homes to enforce the phony story and no prayed China would not retaliate. It rolled out its propaganda across all its weaponized media platforms and ‘owned’ Alt-media platforms: the anti socialism/ant communist rhetoric flowed like wine to the mases about the WUHAN LAB link..and the gullible lapped it up…even the hip Telegram devotees jumped on the anti-China band wagon. It was all a big fat lie. The Rothchild’s, The Masons, The Illuminatti, the bankers…Pfizer, Moderna, J &J, Asttra-Zeneca…..anyone and everyone was blamed by Alt-media propaganda ….all except the US military. Meanwhile the US military command laughed themselves silly. And now when the going gets a little tougher due to exposes like that of Kingston and Latypova etc the US military throws Pfizer under the bus as sacrificial lamb….(via a set-up PR coup by Vertitas) and the Alt-media types go crazy,beat their chests, and think they have found a niche in Big Pharma. As if….they still don’t get it that this was and is a MILITRAY OPERATION FULL STOP. The role of the U.S. D.O.D in this military campaign is obvious….FOR they are the Chief Operating Officer of this program… the F.D.A was merely the Chief scientific adviser (completely over-ridden under the Emergency measures EUA) and the pharma companies themselves are merely the shop fronts for the D.A.R.P.A /B.A.R.D.A/ D.T.R.A. bio-warfare program launched against China beginning in October in 2019..

      • “Other considerations: “the shedding” (that means anything human is vulnerable”.. Dee, there are 2 schools of thought re shedding. You might recall that La Quinta Columna rejected early on the notion of shedding and placed the blame on EMF sources activating the micro-circuitry in the shots. Both Kingston & Mihalcea theorize that aerosol distribution via chemtrails accounts for both the unjabbed and the jabbed having the same kinds of synthetic parasitic material in their blood. This theory seems wider than the La Quinta one which focuses only on the jabs themselves. and Jane Ruby claims graphine oxide is being transferred to the un-jabbed from the jabbed. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/07/shedding-confirmed-the-jabbed-are-vaccinating-the-unjabbed-dr-jane-ruby//ref/7/ And https://expose-news.com/2022/10/27/drs-find-graph-ene-shed-vax-to-unvax/
        And https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2022/11/rn-brings-clot-shot-miscarriage-receipts-dr-nixon-reveals-nano-tech-findings-in-vax/
        MOST IMPORTANT Pfizer’s own papers recognize the alarming phenomena of shedding. Notably: “This means Covid-19 vaccine shedding is perfectly possible when we take into account a study performed on behalf of Pfizer in Japan. The study observed the distribution of the Covid-19 injection in the bodies of Wister Rats over a period of 48 hours. One of the most concerning findings from the study is the fact that the Pfizer injection accumulates in the ovaries over time. The highest concentration was noted in the liver. But it also accumulates in the salivary glands on the skin. It is not known if the injection continues to accumulate after 48 hours due to observations being stopped after this amount of time in the study. But these results coupled with the first study above tell us that for a minimum of 48 hours, an unvaccinated person is at risk of being exposed to the Covid-19 injection if they breathe the same air as or touch the skin of a person who has been vaccinated.”

        As noted in the article, “The document contains a whole section covering the possibility of ‘mRNA vaccine shedding’ in which it is possible for those who have been in close proximity to someone who has had the Pfizer mRNA jab to suffer an adverse reaction…..Well, Pfizer confirms that exposure during pregnancy can occur if a female is found to be pregnant and is environmentally exposed to the vaccine during pregnancy. The document states that environmental exposure during pregnancy can occur if a female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact. Or if a male family member of a healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception”…. Section 8.3.5 of the document, it describes how exposure during pregnancy or breastfeeding to the Pfizer mRNA jab during the trials should be reported to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of investigator awareness. This is strange because pregnant women / new mothers were and are not part of the safety trials. So how can they be exposed?
        “In Layman’s terms, Pfizer is admitting in this document that it is possible to expose another human being to the mRNA Covid vaccine just by breathing the same air or touching the skin of the person who has been vaccinated.

        All of this makes the findings of Dr. Philippe van Welbergen all the more concerning.

        “Dr. Philippe van Welbergen (“Dr. Philippe”), Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, was one of the first to warn the public of the damage being caused to people’s blood by Covid injections by releasing images last year of blood samples under the microscope.

        At the beginning of July 2021, Dr. Philippe, was interviewed and explained that when his patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory issues, even sometimes paralysis and late onset of heavy menstruation (women in their 60s upwards), he took blood samples.

        Their blood had unusual tube-like structures, some particles which lit up and many damaged cells. Few healthy cells were visible. Until three months earlier, he had never seen these formations in blood. What Dr. Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated is that the graphene being injected into people is organising and growing into larger fibres and structures, gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibres are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.

        He also demonstrated that “shards” of graphene are being transmitted from “vaccinated” to vaccine-free or unvaccinated people destroying their red blood cells and causing blood clots in the unvaccinated.

        It would appear there was never any need to waste an extortionate amount of taxpayers’ money on propaganda to coerce the public into getting the Covid-19 injections. Because the taxpayer never had a choice in the matter. All they had to do was breathe.” https://expose-news.com/2022/11/26/pfizer-docs-study-confirm-covid-vax-shedding/

        Either way, all of it is worrying, Please do have a look at Pfizer’s papers here. https://cdn.pfizer.com/pfizercom/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf

        • “pharma companies themselves are merely the shop fronts for the D.A.R.P.A /B.A.R.D.A/ D.T.R.A. bio-warfare program launched against China ….”

          AA … Who is behind DARPA… heard years ago that they were working with other than homo sapiens. Where do you think this technology originates? Thanks for the explanations

          • Dee, please see my post below: “COVID and Beyond, the Biowar America Unleashed on China, Iran, Italy and the World” for a more-reasoned, rational, terrestrial explanation ..i.e. parochial, crony, clearly-criminal, medically-weaponized aggrandizing US – style capitalism at its worst, utilizing all available military modalities including illegal bio-warfare. Historically, the role of US in bio-warfare atrocities stands singularly stark and is noted for its clandestine and obfuscating brutality. The role and financial power of international banking & pharma megaliths to assist in orchestrating events may throw some light on who owns the US military. *Who Rules America: The Rise of The Military-Industrial Complex | Corporations | ENDEVR Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nTx_Pi1x9Q *Also https://www.governmentattic.org/17docs/NavalBioWarfare_1952.mp4

            Especially, See Scott ‘MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases https://me-ireland.org/MYCOPLASMA.htm …..”The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases….The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.”


            ‘Viral, Lyme, Bacteria, Parasite and other Pathogen Infections and reactivated latent infections of the nervous system, brain, muscles, intestines, glands, blood, joints, heart and blood vessels’ https://me-ireland.org/diag/2.htm%5D

            For a more exotic (mind control psy-op?) explanation for which you seem to be searching for… indicating ‘alien’ infiltration of the US military… there is much lurid speculation that the US military, via Eisenhower made a deal with alien forces in exchange for advanced technology. I personally see this as an Tavistock-like attempt to obfuscate the role of the US in criminal hegemony world-wide……..much like any common criminal, when questioned about their role in events and thereby their guilt, may seek to defray by blaming others. We see the rise in Hollywood Sci-fi movies at exactly the time the US war criminals were spraying the Chinese and North Koreans with weaponized mycoplasma after Merck had managed to crystalize and weaponize it. *Aliens have Made treaties with the US Govt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FHaGFkHULo *Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOjlLe0l7w 1:41 / 2:25

            *President Johnson Learns The Truth | American Horror Story: Double Feature – Season 10 Ep. 9 | FX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KweEC8H3jnE * Aliens in Disguise Warn Researcher – “We’ve Taken Many Humans” (Season 18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtYl8DHDlmY

          • AA, it went to moderation as when a comment has more than 5 or 6 links it goes to moderation.

            Thanks for the above. Some watching to do.

          • I have interesting accounts where I think some people I know might have been chipped/followed generation-ally as in the ‘treaties vid’

          • Interesting contemporary piece…Dee…
            “THE WALKING DEAD” – 5G & Patents to Turn People Into Zombies, Never-ending Viruses – Todd Callendar & Lisa McGee


            “Some of the topics discussed:

            33.000 food articles have Lipid Nanoparticles in them.

            All of the engineered self assembly compounds are frequency sensitive and frequency controlled.

            Todd speaks about 44.000 service members in Phase 3 Pfizer trials in touch E- PCR device e- diary reading in real time what was happening in the injected bodies and transmitting the data to an Israeli company. An app on a cell phone was communicating with the devices in the vaxxed peoples bodies. The hardware has been installed if people got injected with C19 shots and it is communicating in the 5 and 6 G range of Giga hertz and Terra hertz.

            This is a demonic dark and sinister plan, as Lisa understands. I agree with Todd Callendar, the Mark of the Beast has already been deployed. Todd speaks about Hydrogel Quantum Dot Luciferase Technology, which is SM 102 in Moderna and ALC 0513 in Pfizer – this is the platform of this control technology that transforms humans into cyborgs.

            “Cesium 137 has been found in the vials by Todd, which corroborates what many researchers who have analyzed the vials have also seen, amongst many other metals like Antimony, Tellurium, Tungsten, Aluminum.

            “The 5G network must use the Cesium 137. Interestingly, I have found Cesium in EVERY patient who had metals testing in my office.

            “Lisa McGee speaks about apparatuses of mind control patents via MKULTRA. It is no longer necessary to install the hardware if they have the genome sequence. They have the technology to remotely affect and mind control people.”

      • Your guess is as good as mine Dee… but there is a notion among the totalitarians that if they warn you first, then somehow they feel they are not responsible for what happens ..,this notion accompanies theories of predictive – programming …PP permeates Zionism and Freemasonry. Both YouTube and Google are C.I.A.data-harvesting operations

  5. Well AA stuffed if I know but I look forward to your comment being sent to;
    Our covid guru, Dr Chant.
    NSW Health Minister Hazzard,
    Our ‘keeping us safe’ fully briefed politicians,
    The ABC,
    Our true, ‘trust us’ information radio shock jokes to find a toady to explain all this to us.
    One matter that I note in short, that some of the injected I am familiar with obtained a D dimmer (?) blood test on my suggestion and one, of my concern resulted in a negative ‘result’, whatever that signifies.
    Any further comment?

    • Ned, the D dimer is a test that picks up the incredibly small microclots caused by the spiked hydrogel (nano razors…possibly graphene hydroxide…[not graphene oxide] as brought to our attention by the German Dr Noak two days before he was murdered
      The spikes of the hydrogel and graphene hydroxide are lacerating the epithelium cells in the vascular system….the mini clots are shown quite clearly in the blood serum in “Died Suddenly”. What the film fails to reveal when showing the white clots is that they are PVA in origin and grow exponentially in the presence of EMF radiation. https://seemorerocks.is/german-whistleblower-dr-andreas-noack-was-murdered/

    • The discussion around the 20 minute mark reminds me of a country jury trial where the indictment charged the accused for stealing a few sheep.
      Notwithstanding the evidence proving the charge the jury found the accused NOT GUILTY. BUT THE JURY DIRECTED A RIDER:: The accused must return the sheep. 💁🏼⚖️⚖️⚖️
      I saw the film ‘12 angry men,’ decades ago and recommend it to all at large, especially the mass media shock jokes and anyone called to serve on a jury.


  7. Here’s the Swiss president ( “first among equals” ) in his 2nd term and also health minister – 2 in 1 !!!
    Like the crooked governor of Arizona returned by a fake election last November
    She is Governor AND Secretary of State (Az) so guess who controls the elections, the SoS !!! Come on man

    • “Latypova has reported how the COVID-19 “vaccines” were fully produced, controlled, and distributed by the DOD, which managed to classify them not as medicines or pharmaceuticals, but as “COVID countermeasures” under the authority of the military. This means they are not required to comply with U.S. law governing the manufacturing quality, testing, effectiveness, safety, and labeling of drugs or other medical products.

      Yet even though these “countermeasures” did not fall under the regulatory and monitoring authority of the FDA and CDC, these agencies orchestrated a “fake theatrical” public relations performance giving the impression to an unsuspecting population that these standard safeguards were indeed in place.

      With the pharmaceutical companies, the government agencies and more were involved in “a conspiracy to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations worldwide,” Latypova asserted. “The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID 19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical COVID response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” including lockdowns, mask mandates, and school closures.”

  8. COVID and Beyond, the Biowar America Unleashed on China, Iran, Italy and the World

    PakDefense: “By now, the world already knows the US regime is desperately covering up its biological attack against China, Iran, and Italy.

    I will summarize the main points underlying this case. First, what motivates US aggression against these three states [and many others]? Enter, the Wolfowitz doctrine, namely the US’ official but unstated foreign policy is to crush all potential rivals to uphold us economic and military tyranny on earth.

    America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to insure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge
    The events were kick started with US aggression
    1. US starts trade War against China
    2. US pulls out of the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran and places crippling sanctions on Iran to topple its government
    3. US threatens Europeans vassals to avoid China’s OBOR/BRI project
    4. US tries to crush Huawei through unscrupulous lawfare, sanctions, and a global smear campaign

    Defenders respond against US aggression
    1. China defies the US regime’s one sided trade diktats.
    2. Iran plans to restart nuclear program
    3. Italy joins China’s OBOR/BRI project
    4. Huawei defies US sabotage and purges many US components from its products.

    US increases its aggression
    1. During this trade war, China suffers from a series of scorched earth tactics – African Swine Flu from a us empire bioweapons lab in Georgia. Pig farms across China are sprayed with advanced aerial drones in a highly coordinated attack that would require extremely high technological and biowarfare expertise. 50% of pigs are infected and culled. China needs to buy US pork.

    Next, Avian flu is weaponized against chicken farms. A third of chickens in China are infected and culled. China needs to buy US poultry.

    Next, army worms appear in 14 unrelated provinces, devastating grains/crops. China needs to buy US grains.

    Next, the coronavirus bioweapon specifically targets people at their AEC receptors — Han Chinese have the highest density of such receptors, making them the most vulnerable targets. Many Han Chinese victims of this weapon report feeling they’re about to die. This virus is highly lethal to the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, the few White people who get this coronavirus report feeling only mild discomfort.

    This attack was timed right at the start of Chinese New Year at nation’s central transportation hub that would spread the weaponized virus to hundreds of millions of innocent Han Chinese.

    This wmd attack was combined with a highly synchronized global media onslaught that, without evidence, blamed the coronavirus on China “eating bats”, a Wuhan forensics lab that was misrepresented as being a “bioweapons” lab, etc. In other words, this entire campaign was highly coordinated and completely unnatural. The goal from the start was to blame China and destroy China’s reputation and move supply chains out. Wilbur Ross was on record saying the coronavirus is a “good opportunity to bring back jobs”.

    US assassinates top Iranian General Qasem Solemani. The US regime attacks Iran with a different strain of the coronavirus that is also highly lethal.
    The US regime attacks Italy with a different strain of the coronavirus that is also highly lethal.

    It’s worth noting that NOTHING happens to Israel.

    Us regime is trying to pressure TSMC to stop making chips for Huawei.

    Highly suspicious events
    1. National Security Advisor and infamous war criminal, John Bolton, axed the Epidemics Response Team in 2018.
    2. In 2019, there was an enormous increase in “influenza” related deaths. Upon further scrutiny, the deaths were actually caused by the coronavirus, lending credence to the conclusions of both Japanese and Taiwanese researchers [both are vassals of the imperial us] — the coronavirus began in the US.
    3. In the summer of 2019, months before the coronavirus attack against China, the fort Detrick bioweapons lab was shutdown due to numerous leaks and security breaches.

    This matches up with point 1 here. Specifically, the Epidemics Response team was axed to remove oversight and the weapons lab were working rapidly to launch biowarfare attacks against China and suffered numerous lapses in security since they had to mobilize large amounts of bioweapons to attack China.

    The Trump regime has now censored and classified all CDC data related to the coronavirus. His reason? “Our discussions involve CHINA” [eg biowarfare]

    This again is more about hiding their crimes from public scrutiny.


    There are only two logical possibilities.

    The coronavirus weapon escaped a US bioweapons lab and spread across the US. Knowing containment was impossible, they sent infected soldiers to the Wuhan military games to spread the infection there and use its media to blame China for the coronavirus. This would explain the totalitarian control they have placed on all coronavirus related data within the country.
    The coronavirus weapon was used by the US regime as part of a scorched earth attack against China. This is the most probable reason since they all “coincidentally” gave the US enormous leverage on the trade negotiations, where none existed before.”

  9. China Appears Poised to Achieve through Cooperation in the 21st Century what Japan Sought to Achieve through Coercion in the 20th
    Jeremy Kuzmarov –
    January 31, 2023

    U.S. elites have predictably reacted with hysteria to China’s rise and could go so far as to provoke a world war to try to salvage their Southeast Asia empire—as the Roosevelt administration did with Japan on the eve of Pearl Harbor.

    “………….A.B. Abrams[1] points out in the new revised edition of his book, Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific (New York: Peter Lang, 2022), that China is poised to achieve by cooperation in the next decade what Japan set out to achieve by coercion in the first three decades of the 20th century—the creation of a Southeast Asia power bloc capable of resisting Western empires that have ravaged Southeast Asia since the 16th century.

    Predictably, U.S. elites have reacted to China’s rise not too differently than they did Japan’s—through a campaign of demonization and large-scale military buildup in the Asia Pacific along with the institution of economic warfare that threatens the outbreak of another world war…………………..”


    General Mike Minihan
    Tuesday, January 31, 2023
    Pentagon’s prediction of ‘inevitable’ conflict with China in 2025 shows war is America’s primary ‘export commodity’

    Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

    For a country constantly chest-thumping about the size of its economy, the United States is remarkably over-reliant on one form of “export” – war. For decades, the American-led political West used proxy wars to hurt its geopolitical adversaries. While most of these weren’t a direct existential threat to US rivals and were relatively limited in scope, recent years brought a major shift to this strategic approach.

    Washington DC has become more bellicose than at any point in its history, aggressively attacking the very heartlands of its opponents. In the case of Russia and China, the only reason America isn’t directly attacking either of the superpowers is their ability to immediately “return the favor”. And yet, the US keeps fanning up conflicts that are pushing the world ever closer toward another global conflict.

    Read on –


    Understanding the Pentagon’s Provocation of Russia

    by Jacob G. Hornberger

    January 30, 2023

    President Kennedy had a unique ability that Pentagon generals did not have. He was able to analyze an international crisis by placing himself in the shoes of his adversary in an attempt to understand his adversary’s motives. Doing that enabled him to figure a way out of the crisis that did not involve war. The response of the generals and the Pentagon was always the same: invade, bomb, kill, and destroy.

    Today’s generals are no different from their counterparts back in the early 1960s. They are unable to step into the shoes of Russian officials and try to figure out a resolution of the crisis in Ukraine. Instead, their answer is bombs, missiles, death, destruction and, now, tanks. They are simply not mentally equipped to do what Kennedy did.

    Understanding how Kennedy resolved the Cuban Missile Crisis goes a long way toward understanding what motivated the Russians to invade Ukraine.

    Read on –


    • Oh no !!! Feng Shui is the new battleground, now we are rooted.
      ( For US readers, from urbandictionary :
      1. To be Utterly Exhausted , depleted of energy
      2. When an object is damaged or appears to be functioning incorrectly
      3. To engage in sexual activity
      4. Extremely Intoxicated
      5. To take Root and begin to grow
      1. To be Utterly Exhausted , depleted of energy:
      “Hey Johnno – maaaaate, just got home from work.. I’m Rooted”
      Chooka: “Hey Davo – wonna go fishing?”
      Davo: ” No Mate, Just mowed the lawn I’m Rooted”
      2. when an object is damaged or appears to be functioning incorrectly:
      “The Car won’t start – I think the battery is rooted”
      “All i get is blue screens – this computer’s Rooted”
      3. To engage in sexual activity:
      “Did you here that Stevo Rooted Jessica after the christmas party”
      “Yep – that was after I Rooted Eunice”
      4. Extremely Intoxicated:
      “Man I had 12 pints at the royal, then Stan fired up a joint, I was Rooted”
      “After downing half a bottle of wild turkey, I was rooted”
      “Dude that Rooted Me”
      5. 5. To take Root and begin to grow:
      “Cool – those cuttings have rooted”
      by Arthur Stagg October 24, 2005 )

  10. Dee, in reply to your question of who is behind DARPA and the speculation that it may be aliens “AA … Who is behind DARPA… heard years ago that they were working with other than homo sapiens. Where do you think this technology originates? Thanks for the explanations” please see my post below: “COVID and Beyond, the Biowar America Unleashed on China, Iran, Italy and the World” for a more-reasoned, rational, terrestrial explanation ..i.e. parochial, crony, clearly-criminal, medically-weaponized aggrandizing US – style capitalism at its worst, utilizing all available military modalities including illegal bio-warfare. Historically, the role of US in bio-warfare atrocities stands singularly stark and is noted for its clandestine and obfuscating brutality. The role and financial power of international banking & pharma megaliths to assist in orchestrating events may throw some light who owns the US military. *Who Rules America: The Rise of The Military-Industrial Complex | Corporations | ENDEVR Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nTx_Pi1x9Q *Also https://www.governmentattic.org/17docs/NavalBioWarfare_1952.mp4
    Especially, See Scott ‘MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases https://me-ireland.org/MYCOPLASMA.htm …..”The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases….The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.”
    ‘Viral, Lyme, Bacteria, Parasite and other Pathogen Infections and reactivated latent infections of the nervous system, brain, muscles, intestines, glands, blood, joints, heart and blood vessels’ https://me-ireland.org/diag/2.htm%5D
    For a more exotic (mind control psy-op?) explanation for which you seem to be searching for… indicating ‘alien’ infiltration of the US military… there is much lurid speculation that the US military, via Eisenhower made a deal with alien forces in exchange for advanced technology. I personally see this as an Tavistock-like attempt to obfuscate the role of the US in criminal hegemony world-wide……..much like any common criminal, when questioned about their role in events and thereby their guilt, may seek to defray by blaming others. We see the rise in Hollywood Sci-fi movies at exactly the time the US war criminals were spraying the Chinese and North Koreans with weaponized mycoplasma after Merck had managed to crystalize and weaponize it. *Aliens have Made treaties with the US Govt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FHaGFkHULo *Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIOjlLe0l7w 1:41 / 2:25
    *President Johnson Learns The Truth | American Horror Story: Double Feature – Season 10 Ep. 9 | FX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KweEC8H3jnE Ancient *Aliens: Aliens in Disguise Warn Researcher – “We’ve Taken Many Humans” (Season 18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtYl8DHDlmY

  11. Some lessons that I have learned from my teachers/mentors/guides, that are applicable to the situation we find ourselves in right now in the Matrix –the energy grid EMF of the Tavistock 2021 and 2030 Agenda, as set out in the 2012 TimeLine -see
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml3IM0esWXM The Tavistock Agenda
    16 mins Operation Pandora CIA MI6 ELF Mind Control 1960’s to now

    This was doable 1974 Pulsing V2K Voice to skull hypnosis
    OS/EH Organised Stalking and Electronic Harassment

    • thanks Diane, you are not research(not having a go, just saying, agent 33,000- double wink to be sure to be sure), these things really happened believe it or not, wat Diane says

    • CC no wonder the US hit China with a bioweapon circa 2019…China and Russia are re-defining what ‘precious’ metals mean..hold your hat for more fun and games to come

  12. Yes Diane, my research nears the same fruit…more later on voice to skull and stalking…much in this Maria Zeee hit piece from Jan 16, 2023

    “THE WALKING DEAD” – 5G & Patents to Turn People Into Zombies, Never-ending Viruses – Todd Callendar & Lisa McGee

    Some of the topics discussed:

    33.000 food articles have Lipid Nanoparticles in them.

    All of the engineered self assembly compounds are frequency sensitive and frequency controlled.

    Todd speaks about 44.000 service members in Phase 3 Pfizer trials in touch E- PCR device e- diary reading in real time what was happening in the injected bodies and transmitting the data to an Israeli company. An app on a cell phone was communicating with the devices in the vaxxed peoples bodies. The hardware has been installed if people got injected with C19 shots and it is communicating in the 5 and 6 G range of Giga hertz and Terra hertz.

    This is a demonic dark and sinister plan, as Lisa understands. I agree with Todd Callendar, the Mark of the Beast has already been deployed. Todd speaks about Hydrogel Quantum Dot Luciferase Technology, which is SM 102 in Moderna and ALC 0513 in Pfizer – this is the platform of this control technology that transforms humans into cyborgs.

    Cesium 137 has been found in the vials by Todd, which corroborates what many researchers who have analyzed the vials have also seen, amongst many other metals like Antimony, Tellurium, Tungsten, Aluminum.

    The 5G network must use the Cesium 137. Interestingly, I have found Cesium in EVERY patient who had metals testing in my office.

    Lisa McGee speaks about apparatuses of mind control patents via MKULTRA. It is no longer necessary to install the hardware if they have the genome sequence. They have the technology to remotely affect and mind control people.


      claims video of everyone being arrested as they turned up for swearing in.
      Who knows what time of day they were asked to attend since the action is still going at night, we have to assume tribunals took place all day and the entire congress etc were locked up until the buses rolled up under “cover” of darkness.
      I had a quick look for clapper @ scott bishop but no luck, the other claimed source is https://t.me/disclosurehub
      Me I prefer bitchute as an open platform don’t like to register for everything.

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