Home Australia Last Days of Freedom

Last Days of Freedom


In the modern day corporatism, we are sold out by individuals

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Rumours abound along with sketchy details but now we have some more solid evidence of our governments’ intent to have us forcibly injected in the very near future. The key to understanding is knowing all about the brokers involved, but there are so many it is humanly impossible. Donald Trump is standing in the way of forced vaccinations with his clarion calls for bodily autonomy. Others are bought cheaply to push forward with Agenda 2030. The November election featuring Trump can only lead to heightened levels of friction between the “progressive” establishment and the conservative resistance. The Globalist plan is not to make America great again, the plan is well known, to build back better. Without knowledge of the Globalist agendas, the clash between Trump and the progressives is less obvious.

The Global elites’ depopulation agenda is very real, as promoted by themselves, but delicately balanced against the cravings for profit, so the economic reality is gently tilted towards two objectives,  the elites self-enrichment and the underclasses dying off, both outcomes are engineered by any convenient means.

The Global elites, who we have become all too familiar with in recent years, have a basic strategy in place, to provide us with a choice, where either both outcomes are indistinguishable, or some variation on heads I win, tails you lose. For example, if you won’t be injected you will lose your assets and livelihood. Getting people on rations is a clear objective, even if it looks from the outside like a visit to an ordinary supermarket. Your rations will be made from bugs or soybeans and lentils, or industrial waste like rice bran. They will make the experience of being injected as pleasant and even spiritual as possible, with minions dressed up as hi-tech priests.

A claim is made that for women to succeed in a man’s world they need to work twice as hard. Does this mean if the men are self-serving liars, unscrupulous and essentially wicked, the women need to be twice as bad?

Some of our female public figures are of interest in this regard. Two were state premiers during the Covid program, Gladys Berejiklian of NSW was torn down quickly and not even allowed the usual dignified departure; in contrast, with plenty of background support presumably through her father’s networks, Anastasia Palusczjuck of Queensland hung on until the bitter end, finally judged unfit to represent the party in the upcoming election.

Choosing the life of a party politician means throwing your honesty, intelligence and dignity under the bus at an early stage. These days it means unquestioning compliance with the nonsensical mantra of Carbon Dioxide induced Global Warming along with the unscrupulous justification of the murderous annexations and profit-driven consolidations of the British Palestine (Zion) project, which has gone on at least since the Suez Canal was acquired from the French by British PM D’Israeli, under Queen Victoria’s massive empire expansions, but started with the crusades.

These two named preconditions alone would disqualify any thinking person with a modicum of ethics from entering federal politics, but there are some who evidently see themselves as precious flowers rising up out of the pools of blood and piles of stinking manure they are rooted in.

End-of-career politicians are usually portrayed in the media as being torn down, as if there was some justice for the public, some sort of revenge, but this too is an illusion as even the worst of them already have one foot in the revolving door, leading to a corner office in Sydney, Melbourne or somewhere more exotic, such as London, New York or Switzerland.

Avoiding most of the muck throwing, celebrity public servant Jane Halton is now the Chair and a Director at CEPI ( Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), a joint venture of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, the governments of Norway and India, and Wellcome Trust, a British pharmaceutical and biomedical research outfit, involved in Covid and Ebola, chaired by a certain Julia Gillard, who these days seems to collect an unusually large amount of honorary degrees and titles from the gatekeeper universities in Australia and elsewhere.

Simply turning up for meetings is a big part of success in these strange and very dubious occupations, and we can no doubt rest assured Jane Halton and Julia Gillard will be collaborating closely to deliver all the vaccines we need and don’t need to survive the coming wave of plandemics.

Jane Halton has also been energetically picking up titles from the gatekeepers, such as AO PSM, BA (Hons) Psychology, FIML, FIPAA, Hon. FAAHMS, Hon. FACHSE, Hon. DLitt (UNSW), and resume items such as positions of Secretary of the Australian Departments of Finance and Health, and Executive Co-ordinator of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Director of ANZ bank, Chair of Generics Biosimilar Medicines Association advisory board, this latter apparently another oversight-gatekeeper, which as usual tells us how good they are while retailing their preferred products to the Australian government.

This begs the question, what agencies are controlling these university chancellors?

Halton and Mathias Cormann, another globalist infiltrator

The sisterhood goes under the bus when it comes to getting jobs: too many positions are not enough for Jane Halton who prefers not to specialise too much; apparently networking is a specialty in itself. More curiously juxtaposed resume items include Chair of the Risk Management Committee, Director of Crown Melbourne Limited, Director of Crown Sydney Gaming [Gambling] Pty Ltd, Member of the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee, Member of the People, Remuneration and Nomination Committee, Member of the Responsible Gaming [Gambling] Committee, Member of the Safety and Sustainability Committee.

These resume items freely available on the internet do not seem to reference her youthful brother-in-law Brett Sutton’s appointment as Victorian “Chief Health Officer” for the Covid period and most sinister of all her short stint representing Australia at Johns Hopkins, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates’ pre-Covid “Event 201”. Brother-in-law Brett Sutton famously told the  media that politicians and senior public servants had “different arrangements” from the public vaccine mandates. These days he is quietly ensconced in the bowels of the CSIRO: still attached to the government umbilical.


Event 201 and CEPI are two faces of the same Gates and Schwab beast. Johns Hopkins University is in Baltimore, a handy hour’s drive from Washington DC, with a presence in Saudi Arabia. No doubt the AI could keep up with the revolving doors and provide an interesting narrative of who passed through on their career journey and achieved what.

It’s claimed Trump was shot at some time after making some negative or unsupportive remarks about vaccines, something similar happened in Slovakia (formerly the eastern part of Czechosolvakia) where the PM required emergency surgery:

Prime Minister Robert Fico (SMER) stated in November: “This nonsense [WHO Pandemic Accord] could only be invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies, which began to perceive resistance from some governments against mandatory vaccination.”

MEP Milan Uhrík (Republika/NI) accused the WHO of seeking to take control over the pandemics and vaccination worldwide.

Environment Minister Tomáš Taraba wrote in a Facebook post that “the government will not agree to any WHO agreement that would transfer national sovereignty in addressing any pandemic to a supranational body, as circulated in working documents where the WHO is supposed to have the right to undermine the sovereignty of states and human rights.” 

MP Peter Kotlár from the nationalist SNS party, who currently intends to investigate the components of COVID-19 vaccines, appealed to the government in a video he posted in November to issue a dissenting opinion to the WHO, rejecting the contents of the pandemic accord: “At the right moment, we will gather all our forces to reject it.”

Trump: “We’ll fire their asses”


An old Trumpism was, “if we don’t do something soon we won’t have a country anymore”.

Your Windows computer needs a patch for the viruses and so do you.

“Biotech Vaxxas has announced a partnership agreement with the 2017-established Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), in order to advance the development of Vaxxas’ needle-free vaccine-patch delivery technology with preclinical testing of an mRNA vaccine patch.

The agreement, worth $4.3 million, is the first to be announced as part of CEPI’s call in January 2022 for proposals aimed at improving thermostability of a variety of new vaccine platforms, so as to improve equitable access.

Representing a significant milestone for Vaxxas, it builds on its pre-clinical portfolio into mRNA vaccines, with the potential to expand the company’s vaccine technology pipeline across a number of diseases, including COVID-19.

Vaxxas’ proprietary high-density microarray patch (HD-MAP) technology is currently being evaluated in a phase 1 clinical study of the first needle-free COVID-19 vaccine, having demonstrated successful delivery in a preclinical study, published as a preprint publication.

The HD-MAP utilises an ultra-high-density array of projections – which are invisible to the naked human eye – applied to the skin to rapidly deliver a vaccine to immune cells immediately below the skin’s surface”.


But there is hope (only hope), that you may be allowed to throw them in the rubbish, along with most of the other Covid-19 agenda products the government bought:

“This also opens the possibility for mass vaccinations that could be self-administered via patch at home, thereby addressing issues of equitability. For instance, HD-MAP patches could be posted not only to people’s homes, but to workplaces and schools, circumventing delays and the waste and inconvenience of traditional needle-and-syringe vaccine scheduling and administration.

Here it comes:

$43m bird-flu VAXXAS patch trial, HQ in Brisbane (12 Sept 2024)


Chair of CEPI, Jane Halton, said: “As we have witnessed with COVID-19, equitable access to vaccines must be at the heart of any effective pandemic response […] Combining Vaxxas’ vaccine-patch technology with the speed and effectiveness of mRNA vaccines could produce a tool that is not only suited as a rapid-response platform for use against unknown pathogens, but could also serve as an additional means to get life-saving vaccines to the most vulnerable populations around the world.”

Vulnerable indeed:

“Before COVID-19, CEPI’s work focused on developing vaccines against Ebola virus, Lassa virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, Nipah virus, Rift Valley Fever virus, and Chikungunya virus.” It’s no coincidence the viruses appear in central Africa, as Prince Philip founded the WWF for his big game hunting interests.

According to one writer:

“Australia bought over 250 Million vaccines for 25 Million people, costing tens of billions of dollars (The exact amount is not disclosed and is “commercially sensitive”.) More than half expired and were thrown into the rubbish.

And who bought them? … Professor Jane Halton who … had left Australia years prior for the CEPI and WHO positions and had no reason to be back at all.”


He’s not kidding, according to the WHO:

“Ms. Halton has held numerous international appointments including the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (2004–2007), President of the World Health Assembly (2007), Chair of the Executive Board of WHO, and Chair of the OECD Health Committee (2007–2012).”

So, what does Jane Halton get paid for a stuff-up of the magnitude of the Covid-19 injectables? Those at the top are paid more than $400,000 but the name of the game is taking as many other positions as possible, and in some cases moving on before any shit hits the fan.


At Crown she was rewarded with a marvellous sum for presumably not doing anything much useful, above board anyway.

Jane Halton AO PSM Non-executive Director (2021) $317,654 

Source: 2021 ANNUAL REPORT MELBOURNE: Crown Resorts Limited.

How did she pick up this excellent gig? Possibly through Helen Coonan, also featured in the Crown Annual Report:

Helen Coonan Chairman (2021) $678,306 

Is Helen forgotten already?

Helen and Jane at the laundry

Before we go there, here is Jane again on her way out the door of Crown, shutting down the meeting and making a shameless apology:

“Halton again apologised for signing a letter from the Crown board in 2019 that hit back against allegations made by Nine Entertainment outlets.

The letter contained a number of falsehoods and attacked a whistleblower Nine relied upon in its coverage.”


What value is there in hiring these people, who by their deeds are far worse than useless. From October 2020, at the height of the plandemic:


Returning to her stablemate:

Helen Coonan was a Senator for New South Wales from 1996 to 2011, served as Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer from 2001 to 2004 and then as Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts from 2004 to 2007. She was appointed as a non-executive director of gaming [gambling] company Crown Limited in 2011. She is also a member of the advisory council of investment bank J.P. Morgan & Co., a trustee of the Sydney Opera House Trust, chair of the Conservation Council of the Opera House Trust, co-chair of GRACosway (a think-tank of self-proclaimed experts, may god save us), https://gracosway.com.au/people/

and a non-executive director of Obesity Australia Limited. On 1 November 2018 she commenced her role as chair of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, while in July 2019 she took over as chair of the Minerals Council of Australia. Obviously another expert on everything.

As far back as December 2004, Coonan was under pressure from the religious conservative lobby, in particular Senator Brian Harradine.

Coonan announced in August 2007 a $189 million package for the NetAlert programme. NetAlert is an ISP level Internet content filtering system designed to filter the Internet for “safe” use in Australia. It represented a change from her 2006 policy to allow the ISP to remain a neutral carrier and encourage parents to install filters on their home PCs, commenting at the time that “PC-based filtering remains the most effective way of protecting children from offensive Internet content, as well as other threats that are not addressed by Labor’s ISP-filtering proposals.”Tom Wood, a 16-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne, took only 30 minutes to find a way to bypass the expensive filtering system. An additional filter was made available shortly after, which Wood cracked within 40 minutes.” Where did the $189 million go?

Use the available salary figures as a guide then multiply by thousands to get some idea of where part of your income tax is going. These people are essentially stealing your money and it is as easy for them as taking candy from a baby. Many ordinary taxpayers are being left with barely enough to survive while others are thrown on the scrapheap, by government manipulations. 

In New Zealand, the parliament between 27 Aug to 18 Feb 1997 did not meet except for two days of formalities 12-13 Dec 1996, this was nearly a 6 months break, during which time there were no major concerns and the public was reportedly very satisfied with the nonexistent governance.


For a quick rundown on Schwab’s Globalist infiltrators, nowadays mostly shrinking violets (“Klaus who?”), site search j.g., specifically  “The rise and fall of young global leaders”.

The dirt has been around for a while, but what are the chances of punishment when the offenders are rewarded, with medals and honorary university degrees?




Happy vaxxing!




  1. Vaccines have never worked – ever! Like the so called, ‘medical’ industry’s output of ‘medicinal remedies’ that have never cured just one illness, yet many are still controlled by what is in reality, blatant lies, and are only too willing to expose themselves to the massive fraud that is the ‘medical’ industry’s criminality which is operating on an industrial scale.

    Thankfully, all that is about to be exposed and terminated.

      • Yes Dee, it is a good piece, well researched and written, but Olsen concentrates on the two-bit players, rather than provide the reader with the ‘meat in the sandwich’ – which is the ‘WHY’ some folk would push such evil onto Humanity, and what the end result of such evil, will eventually obtain, for the ‘pushers’.

        So forgive me if I choose to not provide any accolades to Olsen because I am well past his seeming lack of comprehension of the, ‘WHY’ and the reality we all now find ourselves in, and having to contend with.-

  2. Blurb from an outraged Florida citizen/hurricane recipient :

    The morning of Hurricane Helene here in Florida I went outside and what did I see? Chemtrails! The next day the same thing! I walked outside this morning and what do I see? Chemtrails! THEY or doing everything they can to pump these storms up and steer them in certain directions! We the American people are SICK and TIRED of being used as BAIT to lure out the Deep State who we already know who they are! They are dropping small Nuclear Weapons all over the Southeastern United States called HURRICANES and our leaders sit, watch, campaign and do NOTHING to call it out or more importantly STOP these weapons of Mass Destruction! These Weapons of Mass Destruction should warrant a MILITARY RESPONSE against those who have control of these weapons! What’s the difference in a small Nuclear Weapon or these Hurricanes that are wiping entire towns off the map and killing massive numbers of Americans? NOTHING! Where’s Space Force? Where’s our Military? MIA! @realDonaldTrump

      IT IS A WAR!!!!!!
      JUST WARCH AND LISTEN, not my job to do yours.
      beforeitsnews.con – people powered news.

    • The “chemtrails” cant is principally identical to the ”global warming” delusion
      Both go to an unwillingness to acknowledge the volatility of the planet and how puny mankind actually is.
      It’s evidently just to scary for most of the members to contemplate the fact that nobody has the ability to control the weather

        • My comment was in response to a certain remark posted by Hans, the claim that some nefarious entity is quote, “pumping these storms up and steering them in certain directions”. The article you posted doesn’t prove any such thing.

          The belief that somebody or other is cooking up cataclysmic events is, in fact, principally identical to what Extinction Rebellion is promoting.

          • “At its most basic, the chemtrails conspiracy theory posits that contrails are not created by water vapor at all, but instead are a sign that the government, the wealthy, or some mix of the two, is secreting toxic chemicals into the air, creating these white lines.

            Ideas about the purpose of these supposed toxic chemicals vary. Some believe the chemicals are being used to poison humanity, others say it’s for mind control, and some think it’s a way for the government to control the weather.

            There’s no single official version of the theory, said Sijia Xiao, a PhD candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, who conducted a 2021 study exploring the chemtrails conspiracy theory and interviewing 20 believers and former believers. Instead, individuals ‘pick and choose aspects that resonate with them, mixing in personal interpretations or selectively adopting parts of the theory.’ ”

          • If there was a way, certain people would be trying to find it, and steering a hurricane would be physically possible it’s just a question of how much energy is needed and how it is applied

          • It all boils down to whether the current condition of the World hangs on bumbling idiocy or super-smart scheming.
            My view is that the latter denotes a failure to counter in everything

          • They are using the Revelations and other such prophesies as a guide book. The idiocy is on the part of the sheeple, the smart scheming is the network at the top, the prize is the same as always, money, power, territory etc which has “gone global”. As HW Bush said, “the NWO WILL happen”

          • Amongst other flaws, the “super villain” credo fails to counter in the fact that, as daunting as it might be, overcoming a blundering oaf is not insurmountable, so it’s fairly obvious whose interests the alternative serves

          • Quite ironic that your borderline incomprehensible comment is under a headline story which demonstrates total top-down corruption

      • E.B. then why is there a patent for weather manipulation? And why has the tiled roof of my house, along with the septic tank – both made of concrete – become covered in a black substance, that is not mold, and which the sunlight does not kill off?

        And once removed, does not come back until the next chemtrail appears?

        Would it be due to the many chemtrails that I have observed being emitted from high flying aircraft – and they are not contrails that rapidly dissipate -over the past four years?

        Do you truly believe that which you preach?

        Joe has given you a heads up, at least look at it!

          • Elspeth , I agree with what you say more often than not , but with the force of nature being what it is , the power mad have inevitably gravitated toward this great means of population control , as have the sane who wish to defend themselves against it .

            Military dominance centers itself on the axiom of “he who controls the weather controls the world.”

            The US and the USSR have had a no earthquake weapons treaty dating back as far as 1976 . They shoot microwaves into the air that bounce off of something and vibrate their way back into the earth .

            Those chemtrails aren’t just there for looks .
            I live in a larger city and big billowy , mashed potato like clouds were non existent in our sky for decades , until Trump came along and ceased operations , asking the public if “they felt better?”.

            Those clouds have been gradually dissipating since he “left” office .

            And you have never heard of seeding the clouds ?

            Where there’s a will , there’s a weapon . If somebody could turn a stick of butter into a dangerous weapon , they surely would , and probably already have .

            Never underestimate man’s inhumanity to man .

            And never underestimate CNN’s sheer audacity to decieve you.

            And also notice it’s usually only Red States that that take the hit . And quite often right around election time .

            Think it’s coincidence that this is rumored to be a top 5 storm of all time ?

            Or that Governor Desantis is not letting some alphabet agencies in his state to “help”.


          • Hans, forget EB , it is a waste of time dealing with those who can not even research weather patents, the US airforce public acknowledgements in the 60’s and much more such as Premier Carr giving Kerry the snow for Thredbo.
            You cannot fix stupid or those who have sponsors for their globalist controlling agendas.
            Their time is nearing. Save your energy.

          • I have been mostly off the grid the last couple days but I see the ordinary citizen’s call for action was heeded by somebody somewhere and the storm thankfully didn’t live.up to its hype , though electricity and some services have become scarce for the moment .

          • Hans, as I indicate above, cloud seeding is a prime example of bumbling idiocy that, BTW, was never a secret.
            It hardly supports the belief that the U. S. government is covertly “steering storms in certain directions” as a means of selectively knocking off undesirables

    • Hans, you have hit the nail on the head. For virtually four years we have been told that Trump is the President and C-I-C and everything negative can be blamed on the Biden Show. Wrong you can’t have it both ways. For a start the Military should have been called out to seal the border. “Protect the country from invasion”. Isn’t that what Armies are supposed to do?

      The Air Force should also, as you suggest, be used to escort these chem-trail distributing air craft to a safe place over the ocean to be shot down. Not many would need that treatment.

      Trump can also be blamed for many of the Covid-19 “vaccine” deaths.

      Apparently nothing has been done regarding the deliberate ramming of the bridge by a cargo vessel on the west coast.

      Julian Assange’s release had nothing to do with the US Administration. And now there is another Australian, Dan Duggan being terrorized by the US.

      All these problems and the hierarchy of Australian politics do and say nothing, while their “mates” work the system for more and more easy positions and income. How can one person such as the two mentioned above possibly hold down as many “jobs” at one time and do any one of them properly?

      • Aussiemal wrote – ‘Trump can also be blamed for many of the vaccine deaths’.

        Another Joe Bogan, or, a Mary Maxwell?

        So really Aussie? Where is the evidence for Trump’s guilt in folks CHOOSING to take the jab?

        Do you comprehend anything at all concerning ‘Operation Warp Speed’?

        What about DARPA’s role in organizing the ‘vaccine’ via Fort Dietrich, to be given to big pharma and distributed out to the world?

        Do you truly believe Trump had control over the Cabal and its many Deep States?

        I gave you plenty to consider the last time we exchanged comments – seems you chose to ignore that advice?

        Your choice of course.

        So, going on your seeming lack of willingness to at least attempt to comprehend (going on what you have written above) how the Plan to Save the World had to be run – as an attempt to awaken folk like you, who seem way too reliant on what the lying dying media have been putting out for decades – you instead show your ignorance by attacking the very person you, and many like you, have no real clue about.

  3. when caught between a rock and a hard place, ? … choose the rock … they work a treat in glasshouses and to be equitable also crystal palaces.

    So casino’s are money laundering places and function just like an investment bank. A ponzi scam, a racket, a misery machine. Its not about worthless money, and Donald, Jane, Janet Yellen and Ursula von der Leyen know that. Don’t give me a dice but a cheque book, I’ll balance the books and free of charge.

    The elite could have stealthily exterminated all of us like rabbits 50 years ago using CSIRO technology, so the depop theory doesn’t hold as a primary driver. Eugenics starts explaining some outcomes we see but again seems, a bit player, like that white privileged misogynist Brett Sutton.

    These decepti-con recombinant freaks are playing the long game or 3D chess. They needle us and then they lie about it. The elite admit to everything except worldwide child transport for exploitation. Its a hard place and I’m not going there. Because the buck stops with them I’m saying their currency is blood and children are top dollar.

  4. A big Segway
    “A claim is made that for women to succeed in a man’s world they need to work twice as hard. Does this mean if the men are self-serving liars, unscrupulous and essentially wicked, the women need to be twice as bad?”

    Am working on the education departments role in destroying the family–Tavi agenda – the Freud Hilton-total mind control -destroying the brain– —

    Yesterday on msm news about historic abuse in the 60’s Beaumaris primary school Melbourne.
    Evelyn Edwards -Anne Hamilton Byrnes-went to Sunshine primary school Melbourne 1929. 8 years old and this Ted Talk arrived from a colleague and long time friend


    yes Brett Sutton–

    Focus on Australia– the Big Secret

    Mary I not the fringe festival is running

    The Mikado was part of the school curriculum 1950’s I won a Duke of Edinburgh scholarship-to this school in Geelong. And King Charles went to Timbertop annexe of Geelong Grammar

    rushed as always

    • Amazing presentation by this 7 year old girl and great illustration of the detrimental effects of devices particularly their use as “baby” sitters.

  5. Two black men talking about the new documentary on ‘George Floyd’. Crikey, everything that they are discussing was KNOWN back before the trial. So now they are willing to say that Floyd was not murdered, now they are willing to say that the cops were wrongly convicted. – I was disgusted with that whole mess just as these guys are now disgusted, but the evidence was there to begin with.

    People are such morons, whether it is hyped up racial issues or ‘gun control’ and the Port Arthur Massacre or more recently the ‘Covid’ issue, people will pay for being intentionally stupid.

  6. The show must go on, eh.
    It’s good to see those noble Brit Zionists have a heart, though. Arranging for all those polio vaccinations for the Palestinian children. A cynic might suggest the vaccinations were being used to help clear Gaza for its planned redevelopment. But that would be a nasty take on altruism at the heart of those caring men, and women of Londinium. And that would also mean that vaccinations were being used as a weapon. And there is nothing in the official record of history that says vaccinations have ever been used as weapons of control. Now, who owns official history? What, the same people.

  7. The brain the heart the blood the plan– the controlled medical profession, media, politicians and their minions—– for those with expansive minds I believe this is very on topic–
    (btw survivors of torture have very expansive and severely fragmented minds)

    “According to the cardiocentric hypothesis, the heart has a profound influence on human emotions, cognition, and awareness. This notion may be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece, where the heart was regarded not only as a physical organ but also as a repository of emotions and wisdom.[1] Aristotle, a well-known Greek philosopher in this field, contributed to the notion by thinking the heart to be the centre of both emotions and intellect. He believed that the heart was the center of the psycho-physiological system and that it was responsible for controlling sensation, thought, and body movement. He also observed that the heart was the origin of the veins in the body and that the existence of pneuma in the heart was to function as a messenger, traveling through blood vessels to produce sensation.[2] This point of view remained throughout history, spanning the Middle Ages and Renaissance, influencing medical and intellectual debate.[1]

    An opposing theory called “cephalocentrism”, which proposed that the brain played the dominant role in controlling the body, was first introduced by Pythagoras in 550 BC, who argued that the soul resides in the brain and is immortal.[3] His statements were supported by Plato, Hippocrates, and Galen of Pergamon. Plato believed that the body is a “prison” of the mind and soul and that in death the mind and soul become separated from the body, meaning that neither one of them could die.[4]”

    This led me to investigating the Cardiocentric Hypothesis -brilliant– it is why “they” did what “they” did to us—


    “In major Abrahamic religious texts
    Both the Bible, in the Old Testament and New Testament, and the Quran make statements that the heart is the location of thoughts, beliefs and intentions, consistent with the cardiocentric hypothesis. Neither text explicitly or implicitly mentions the brain or even the head as the location of thoughts or conscious processes.”

    Brain in heart

    The “little brain in the heart” is an intricate system of nerve cells that control and regulate the heart’s activity. It is also called the intrinsic cardiac nervous system (ICNS).[14] It consists of about 40,000 neurons that form clusters or ganglia around the heart, especially near the top where the blood vessels enter and exit. These neurons communicate with each other and with the brain through chemical and electrical signals.[15]”

    “The intrinsic cardiac nervous system has several functions, such as:

    *Adjusting the heart rate and rhythm according to the body’s needs and emotions.[14]
    *Sensing and responding to changes in blood pressure, oxygen levels, hormones, and inflammation.[16]
    *Protecting the heart from damage during a heart attack or other stress.[14]
    *Learning and remembering from past experiences and influencing the brain’s memory and emotions.[16]

    • Each muscle fibre has a “little brain” at the top end where the nerve connects, could be as small as a single cell, I can’t quite remember having read about it a long time ago but it explains muscle memory such as if you fall off your horse then your back remembers and cramps up. Obviously being able to delete the memory in that type of case would be useful and save a lot of problems.

  8. “This production is not a Richplanet video, but is important because it explains how the internet and internet platforms are now fully infiltrated by governments and various billionaire henchmen. As the mainstream media has become less and less trusted and irrelevant, social media is now being controlled surreptitiously by a hidden network. Controlled opposition “characters” have been rolled out to mop up and steer internet based audiences in order to continue to mould and control public opinion, which used to be done using mainstream media. The establishment have moved into and infiltrated internet platforms and created anti establishment impersonators. They are attacking free speech on the internet from multiple directions, firstly with new legislation such as the “Online Harms” bill (top down visible attack), and secondly by nefarious infiltration of Twitter and other platforms, (bottom up invisible attack), using many fake role models. Dr. Shiva spells it all out in this interview. “The grand deception IS Elon Musk”. One thing which is not discussed in this interview are the A.I. algorithms which are built into Twitter and into other platforms which manages all the supposed “free speech posts” made by the public, ensuring that anything which the establishment want to suppress is either deleted or moved to where it will not be seen. If you want to have your alternative opinions suppressed and not read, keep using Twitter. Twitter or ‘X’ is a cess pit, it is not a trustworthy platform for free speech.”


    “As the mainstream media has become less and less trusted and irrelevant, social media is now being controlled surreptitiously by a hidden network.”

  9. 3 links from JG article



    I add



    We are their laboratory – The Great South Land- our FEMA named Crisis management Team– they were part of the action during Gargasoulas staged event Melbourne–

    Recent from:
    Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF) plc.gov.au
    inform yourself of plans– aged care health covid I chose Religious Freedom

    Under” Religious freedom review”– note the Expert Panel
    The Panel received more than 15,500 submissions on the matters contained in its Terms of Reference.

    Expert Panel
    The Expert Panel comprised:

    the Hon Philip Ruddock (chair)
    Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM
    the Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC
    Father Frank Brennan SJ AO
    Professor Dr Nicholas Aroney

  10. I add to JG links in above article– Kangaroocourtof Australia



    We are their laboratory – The Great South Land- our FEMA named Crisis management Team– they were part of the action during Gargasoulas staged event Melbourne–

    Recent from:
    Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF) plc.gov.au

    Under” Religious freedom review”– note the Expert Panel
    The Panel received more than 15,500 submissions on the matters contained in its Terms of Reference.

    Expert Panel
    The Expert Panel comprised:

    the Hon Philip Ruddock (chair)
    Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM
    the Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC
    Father Frank Brennan SJ AO
    Professor Dr Nicholas Aroney

    And –scams

  11. Is it here we go again?
    MM’s following chapters on a Kennedy intrigue appears to not enable readers to be able to comment and spend the time, we should be most grateful.

  12. Am I losing it?
    Last time I noted GS articles not long ago (minutes) there was a MM ANOTHER article published on the Kennedy little fellow, that has disappeared and now I see that we are into plagues from MM inviting as usual, EB and sponsors, to come in quickly with comments then there is another article in quick succession.
    It is bad enough with all the adds turning up at BIN with Rumble.
    I even noted that Mike King in his latest presentation on history BS appears exasperated with Rumble….. as I, as whinged in the last few days.

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