J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
Apropos of the general chaos in the world, it’s always a good time to examine mechanisms behind the madness. We are confronted with abject lunacy from the United States so frequently that we have now come to expect it. The senile frontmen of Washington DC agitate for military spending or World War III while the tightly controlled legacy media tells us that the historic defuser of wars, former President Trump, is highly dangerous. This same call, in terms of the economy, went out at the beginning of his presidency, and the most strident predictions were that the stock market would crash and never recover, but instead it went up and up, until the Globalist Covid program was unleashed.
Washington DC is of course one of very many enclaves in the world, originally grafted onto the states of Maryland and Virginia, in the shape of a biased square, just like the base of a pyramid, with the White House exactly in the middle, where the apex of they pyramid would be, and with a town called Alexandria down the river, just like Egypt. The central streets are laid out in the form of a giant satanic pentagram, with the White House as the lower point and the other points occupied by Du Ponts, Carnegies, George Washington on his horse, and another equestrian, General Senator John A. Logan of the Civil War. Across the river even the DoD Pentagon is positioned with a southward point, and with the huge Arlington Cemetery as its back yard. Evidently the entire arrangement was put in place to punish Americans for their revolution, in their role as proteges of France and non-payers of tax. It is as if Washington DC is a statement, “for every life and dollar you took from us, we will take millions”.

The DuPonts are often cited as Illuminati and their industrial gases played a major role in creating the ozone holes of the 1980’s and 1990’s, now resulting in increased sales of pharmaceutical sunscreen.
Andrew Carnegie “led the expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. After selling Carnegie Steel, he surpassed John D. Rockefeller as the richest American of the time”. Famous for a pitched battle with unions that left a number of people dead, then supposedly backflipping and giving everything away to philanthropic causes, his only known daughter married Roswell Miller Jr four months before Carnegie died, having created a legend of riches to rags surpassed by none, though emulated by many.
The grandson, Roswell Miller III does not even rate a wikipedia page.
Where does all this money go? The answer is easy, it goes to tax havens and eventually into managed funds like BlackRock and Vanguard. Money is easy to understand, it is used to make more money, it becomes an addiction, also a necessary accessory for power. Money however must not be thrown away and wasted, unless it’s other people’s money. So investments in television stations and corrupt politicians must be made to pay dividends. In Australia, the high roller Alan Bond was mocked by Kerry Packer for buying Channel 9 at an unrealistic price then selling it back for a loss. The Bond brand was trashed, he lost respect from the business community and eventually went bankrupt and spent four friendless years in prison, only saved by his ex-wife who held a thing or two in reserve for him, so even after bankruptcy he could return to one of the most expensive suburbs of Perth.
For these types of people whole forests are cut down to make newspapers, and thousands of hours of television are created, but in fact they are of so little consequence compared to the covert power of old money.
The British Merovingians deny it but barely try to hide it.
- Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Thompson, King’s Equerry 2. Lord True, Lord Privy Seal 3. Lord Oliver Cholmondeley, 4. Ralph Tollemache, 5. Charles van Cutsem, 6. Nicholas Barclay, 7. King Charles III, 8. Queen Camilla, 9. Marchioness of Lansdowne, 10. Arthur Elliot, 11. Lady Sarah Keswick, 12. William Keswick, 13. Lord Stirrup, Marshal of the RAF, 14. Major Ollie Plunkett, Queen’s Equerry
An equerry is the senior bodyguard.
Lord Privy Seal is a senior cabinet minister without specified official duties.
Others are page boys and ladies-in-waiting.
Lord Stirrup is currently a Crossbench member of the House of Lords. In April 2013, he was appointed a Knight of the Order of the Garter by Queen Elizabeth II.
In other words, #2 represents the money and #13 represents the armed forces.
Britain may be getting rolled into the World Government along with Australia but these things happen on a generational scale, for which the commoners do not have the patience nor the time frame. The commoners do not even have bloodlines, and are busily tearing their families apart with drugs, divorces, work-related dislocations and any other dysfunctionalities that come along.
It’s a big club, but according to this list the Merovingians don’t even make it:
Plenty of diverse material on the black nobility can be accessed via yandex.com
The Dutch have so much money, from the usual industries plus Royal Dutch Shell petroleum but we don’t hear much about them. They discovered offshore gas in the north but they took so much out the land started subsiding so they are scheduled to stop all gas producing activities in 2024. This Guardian story from last century places Queen Beatrix’s wealth at around $25 billion but according to other more recent stories it has dwindled to a mere $200 million. Somehow it has all disappeared.
Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau, the second son of Queen Beatrix is reported to have died in hospital following a skiing accident. He stepped down from the line of succession because it was discovered his wife had previously been secretly involved with a drug baron. It’s like Randy Andy and Fergie all over again.
Strangely, the principality of Orange has also been disappearing.
An old drawing of Orange, just north of Avignon showing the fortress, now removed, but presumably dungeons, tunnels, chambers etc remain. The fortress was first downsized to a chateau then completely disappeared while the 2000 year old Roman theatre (main building at left) remains to this day.
Some remarkable disappearing acts, but so long as the Dutch can get weed at the cafe and watch soccer football on television all weekend, life is ok and they won’t care. Let the farmers worry about their disappearing farms. The weed cafe model has been so successful it is now being enthusiastically trialled in Thailand, quite a turn about from the previous jail sentences.
Prince Carlos V of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Parma, Head of the House of Bourbon-Parma etc., is the nephew of Queen Beatrix.
This individual with his confusing array of titles is current in a long line of so-called pretenders to the throne of Parma (of the cheese fame) which has been absorbed by other north Italian states. As with the other royals they have awarded themselves all manner of medals and decorations, including:
Grand Cross Order of San Marino: From the ancient enclave between Rome and Venice.
Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta: With a council and a global network including the Sub-Priory of The Immaculate Conception in Melbourne.
Grand Master of the Parmese Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George:
This last is shared with an extensive roll-call of royals from emperors starting with Napoleon II (the temporary one) through Tsars, Kings, Archdukes, princes to a group of 50 cardinals including the late George Pell.
Prince Carlos obviously keeps himself very busy.
This is basically one big family and it is well known they keep it in the family.
It always amazes the public when royalty stoops to marry an anonymous commoner, as with English Princesses Diana and Kate, who turned out to be bloodlines after all, and the Scottish-Tasmanian and now Danish Princess Mary.
Freemasons Hall in Edinburgh, the HQ of Scottish Freemasonry
Instead of ruling over countries as we know them, these individuals rule over extinct duchies and enclaves, and form little known (or unknown) councils which govern populations. Importantly, their subordinate populations are defined by race, culture or religion, not by orthodox geography.
These would call for secret maps of subordinate populations together with the peerages enmeshed in them and the bloodlines and economic relations between them, as part of the tertiary education of the ruling classes. The dynamics of these groups are the same as the dynamics of war, power struggles with momentous deals made then undone in the space of one soiree.
All sorts of mischief is put about, such as that they are lizards, aliens, have blue blood and so forth but outwardly at least, they appear very human. Look at King Charles III of England, whose spouse seems permanently bemused over the fact that he is always unsatisfied with his lot; petulant, bored and irritable when he is forced to ride in a gold carriage or endure a faulty ink pen. Clearly he finds his role unsuitable, at least since the time of his first marriage, but likely since childhood. He is ostensibly the head of “The Firm” but on closer inspection it would appear his tight-lipped sister is probably the Operations Manager.
As with all the other royal arrangements throughout Europe, “The Firm” has a head start, being so well networked, virtually cemented into place, with the final say on any legislation passing through the parliament. What more could anyone want? Is there anything left on this earth that could be desired?
The dream now is of course total control, the commoners to be surveilled constantly for everything. All money and property will belong to “them”. Smartphone health apps will function as lie detectors while other apps monitor and report every move we make. Underperformers will be eliminated and 100th birthdays will be reserved for the deserving elites only. Step by tiny step the infrastructure is going into place.
We’re now being led into a multi-polar world where countries must specialise, and nowhere is this more obvious than Australia which used to be self sufficient but now is completely reliant on imports. Years ago FNQ MP Bob Katter complained about this and was politely heard before being voted down by the major parties:
The idea behind this particular move is to make each country entirely dependent on other countries, for resources or tech or cheap labour or even for holidays, a national aspect of the Rockefeller’s “Lock Step”. Whatever the natural ability of a nation, evolved over time, has to be enhanced while all other capacities reduced to as close as possible to nothing. This means no nation can break out of the production cycle, from initial funding to design and start up to full production, the individual country has one specialty only, while everything else they need to survive is imported.
American banker James Warburg is quoted as saying: “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
Our world is constantly being shaped and guided by these unseen forces. As the USA had Washington DC imposed on it, so Australia had Canberra.
The Commonwealth Australia Constitution Chapter 5. s109: “When the law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid”. Sounds very good if you want to be rid of states and have all the new regulations come direct from Geneva and through Canberra to every person in Australia.
What are we, who are we, where the hell are we going
Yea, but we beat those Indians in the world cup last night. All good!
Now for a new Wallabies coach. We can hope…. All good!
We are up on the bushmaster production. ….. all good.
We are getting a handful of nuclear subs by 2035…. All good!
We are selling heaps of coal to China for it to build our windmills, solar panels and computer chips…..All good,
We have the best and most obedient politicians in the world provided to us by the WEF …. All good.
We have the best medical treatment protocols mandated by THE WHOms…. All good!
Bloody hell, just stop winging and obey….. All good!
AND WE HAVE THE ABC……. Cannot beat that! ….. Soooo Good!
JG writes a good article, but he doesn’t dig down deep enough to expose what is really behind all that glitter and gold and pretend history.
For instance: Switzerland doesn’t rate in this article, but dig down deep enough and even the Swisse will be exposed for what they truly represent.
Like the Black Sun — the AI operation to control humanity and controlled off-planet?
CERN plays into what you suggest Dee – an open portal for all kinds of evil to enter this world.
According to some – Rods of God will soon be delivered to that Cabal apparatus.
The SwiSS beast- home of the devil – up to part 7 as far as I know, possibly more by now
Probably better to look at Brighteon GIUREH channel
They are saying Brighteon has flipped on Trump
I don’t flip it just seems the controlled part of controlled opposition keeps growing.
More stuff about Q white hats etc
Echoing this old one from Gumshoes
Why do you insist on calling the Great Whore(current World System) the Beast ?
Isn’t it dead obvious that it’s only a matter of time before She’s torn to bits by said character ?
Differences aside, that vid would have to be the best overview of the mid-east scenario of the past 7 weeks.
Nothing else I’ve come across even comes close
I thought you said the bible was just a local book and not globally oriented
The dramas are obviously all Israel-centric. I’m only up to 20 minutes on the G.I.U.R.E.H. vid but he’s saying exactly that – I’ve yet to see a better run-down of the recent flare-up, a veritable world apart from the plethora of dull,
self-righteous, thick-skulled, loud mouthed crap
“The dramas are obviously all Israel-centric” – and unmistakably all rooted in antiquity, so no, I don’t agree that anything’s been instigated by “Swissy” as he claims.
Otherwise very pertinent observations
“History is not made up of social, political, or economic factors alone, but also of spiritual forces that have far-reaching moral implications. As always, religious people will turn to the Torah and Jewish tradition, the blueprint of all history and reality, to seek deeper insight”
You don’t understand swissy came from templars and beyond that
Joe – one should never become a ‘cherry picker’ on information because one then narrows their choice on what to believe, rather than coming to know the relevance to the bigger picture of what we should all know.
No potential evidence should be left out of an investigation, especially if the omission is based in a personal bias – everything has to be taken on board before one may determine what is true, and what is not.
Even what is a first considered to be outlandish, may surprise one by uncovering certain elements of fact hidden within.
A researcher must always be thorough when sorting out fact from fiction.
Hross does not follow that rule – he tends, at times, to rely on his own perception of things concerning notable people, and probably, based on his own personal experience, and generally, not based in fact.
Everyone relies on their own perception and personal experience, but your conclusion that Hross’s is “generally, not based in fact” made me LOL. I don’t object to you promoting the fictional material in RealRawNews so long as you don’t try to “instruct” me with it. Sean Hross was locked up by the Swiss for 5 years, who is going to know the place better ? Some government employee, some coddled academic ?
They are on the teat.
Joe – my point was on ‘notable people’ he is not that familiar with and relies solely on information rather than research into who they truly are and represent.
He tends to lob all notable folk into the same Globalist Cabal.
Thanks Joe – have watched a few of his (Hross?) meanderings – mostly very informative about the origins of the Swiss and the Templars – fore runners to the Freemasons.
A very good reason for the Swiss to have remained neutral to everything around them except their secret undermining of Humanity
Sadly, you have been taken in hook, line and sinker by “Swiss Neutrality”, the evidence otherwise is in your face, like a huge blinding billboard with lights.
Joe – please re-read the comment again. That is not what my impression of Switzerland represents.
If you want to say otherwise you should have found a different word or concept to “neutrality”
Joe – what has Switzerland always announced in times of trouble – their ‘neutrality’ to any hostilities while secretly undermining all sides.
Joe -If one is not inclined to spend some time finding out what ‘Q’ truly represents – and it is time well spent for those who can maintain an open mind – then how can one make an informed opinion, as many who take to dismissing the value of information that, ‘Q’ has provided ever since, October, 2017?
It’s not about all that, it’s about whether Q is real or fake.
Sean Hross says Putin is a Knights Templar, on bitchute Swab outs him as a YGL, but some of the Alt-news would have it that hero Putin innocently had a legit vote for that Donbass place and eradicated bio-labs. It may well be true he did that but the motive may be different as he knows Zelenskyy was installed and for what purpose. So we have a “good guy” installed by the statecraft experts who have a greater purpose in mind, to eradicate the Ukrainian nation and replace it, presumably with some manufactured nation like the USA and Israel.
Sean Hross says the Ukraine bio-labs clear out story is a fairy tale – you can jump over the first 7 & 1/4 hours !!!
Joe -How does one get to really know their enemy? Both Trump and Putin surrounded themselves with their enemy at some point in their lives – its how you get to know how your enemy thinks, how they operate, what makes them tick, and in the process, exposes them all.
Hross would know that if his research was more thorough.
You are free to look at whatever stuff you want and draw your own private conclusions but I think you will have to do more research on Hross before you make hasty judgements. In any case anyone is wasting their time looking for a super-guru on the internet.
Joe – I have tried to point you to several, ‘Q’ being the King of ‘gurus’.
Excellent book on event planning from 1840s to 1945 and beyond….history repeating. Misses some detail on Vatican & secret societies but otherwise spot on.
Pandemics as a catalyst for a New World Order-Dr Robert Malone
Follow the plan-Max Igan exposing Trump the actor
Sandra – I too could put up many videos that would counter what Igan tends to blurt out at times. Why allow others who put out their own thoughts, to do your thinking for you?
Not just Max Igan’s words but Trump’s actual commentary.
I know Nemesis and Ned this does not suit your Q allegiance and I certainly don’t agree with everything Max “blurts” out but I do my own research on many issues and form my own opinions.
“I do my own research on many issues and form my own opinions.”
Yes a good response to Nemasis agree Sandra–
as Clif tells us we all need to get to the “core of our own situation” –ie lived experience–dna- —and dig deep to be able to answer the question -“How do we Know what we Know” What “timeline” are we in now—-can we unravel the Big Lie. can we spot the handlers the enablers the “others” can we read the energy the frequencies-
Sandra – you don’t dig deep enough. If you actually listened and paid attention to what Trump has done, rather than go on what he says, then your opinion about Trump would be very different.
Pleased that you do your own research…….good work.
Now tell us what you have researched on ‘Q’. I am keen to hear someone here actually let us know that they have done so, Is there a imaginary Q and if not, what is he or she, (AI even? A remote viewer?) how long has Q been around, Q’s alleged purpose and demonstrate that you have read his posts and attempted to analyse them. On any analysis please opine on them.
Many ‘anons’ have spent over 5 years puzzling over the posts.
Please, help me, are there any codes dropped, if so, why and what do they mean and how the laws of coincidence can be applied to assist in any deciphering of them.
I need some assistance, let us know what ‘Q’ is all about, since you would not infer that I have a ‘allegiance’ without presuming my poor research ….. as inferred? Why do you allege that I have such a allegiance? Have you researched my puzzled thoughts and mind and would not be ‘suited’ by your own research.
Perhaps you could teach me, I can be a keen student.
Want to help?
The drawing of Orange shows a cymatic starfort and a starfort with a castle on top. That the castle no longer exists could mean the monk who made the drawing added the starfort and castle to imply the same builder as the cymatic starfort. There is the possibility the castle has been demolished as per the narrative as the satelite shot at the link does show masonry structures on the now garden hill. But it doesn’t really matter. What matters is the drawing shows a starfort. One of many in Europe and around the world. What doubly matters is who built the starforts, when did they build them, and why did they build them. Cymatics can only take us so far.
Maybe Robert Malone and Max Igan can help. Only joking.
They have a nice very well maintained “starfort” on in Kobenhavn.
The famous Italian Pentagong:
Ta Joe, it will help my spouse, the tv Aerial is a problem.
Do I rightly presume that you are retired?
Thanks to our RBA liars and cheats, I have free time these days
Not to worry, they have created monsters and the public is slowly wising up to all the rackets
Checking on the map Villa Farnese is also arranged with the point roughly southwards as in a satanic pentacle
A Pentagon isn’t the same as a Pentacle
Neither are imbued with any intrinsic dark spiritual power in any case
Because such power can only be exerted over willing individuals
At 8:45 min:
“Wherever you find illegitimate authority being exercised, you’d better be prepared to deal with witchcraft”
“The central streets of Washington DC are laid out in the form of a giant satanic pentagram”
Actually a pentagram only symbolises satanism when it’s specifically inverted to said purpose(as is also the case with an upside-down cross):
“In Christian symbolism, the basic pentagram (without a circle) was originally used to represent the five wounds of Jesus Christ. It was soon supplanted by the symbol of the cross, but the pentagram was still recognizable as a Christian symbol for a few hundred years after Jesus’ resurrection. Some say that the continuous line was also considered symbolic of the Alpha and Omega.
“whole forests are cut down to make newspapers”
So? There’s nothing wrong with newspapers, they can be put to multiple useful purposes such as stifling rhizomatous weeds in the home garden.
Pity that they’re no longer in plentiful supply
“The commoners do not even have bloodlines, and are busily tearing their families apart with drugs, divorces, work-related dislocations and any other dysfunctionalities that come along.”
In other words they are fundamentally no different to any purported aristocracy
“What are we, who are we, where the hell are we going”
Well I dare say that hinges entirely on who “we”is
WashingtonDC pentacle is indeed upside down
“One can easily refute the claims about the D.C. street layout just by looking at an actual map of the city. Conspiracy literature will show Rhode Island Ave., Vermont Ave., Massachusetts Ave., Connecticut Ave., and K Street making up five lines of a pentagram. A look at the actual street map[8] shows that Vermont and Connecticut Avenues do not extend south of H street, so there is no point below that, and ergo, no bottom point of any pentagram pointing at the White House. Further, Rhode Island Ave. does not extend west of Connecticut Ave., so not only does this alleged “pentagram” not have five points, it doesn’t even have four. It is purely the product of someone’s overactive imagination.
As to whether Masonic symbols such as the square and compass can be found in the street layout, this would seem to be conceivably possible, given that many of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons. In actuality, the city’s street layout was designed by Pierre Charles L’Enfant, a French-born architect appointed by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to design the city. L’Enfant’s design somewhat resembled that of Karlsruhe, Germany. But even if Freemasonry was an influence on the street layout, so what? Most street intersections everywhere resemble a Christian cross — is this evidence of a Christian conspiracy to control the world?[note 1]
There is also the question of whether symbols and buildings can somehow harbor or channel demonic forces, witchcraft, or other supernatural powers, solely because of their design. This is one nutter belief piled on top of another; one has to first believe in the supernatural, and then believe that man-made things can have the power to harbor or channel that supernatural, and then further believe that this can somehow place an entire city under occult control or provide a direct line of communication between Satan and the President of the United States. This is all patent bullshit.”
The bottom line is that anyone who’s genuinely set on breaking any sort of enchantment would be looking towards something along these lines:
But as is patently obvious, superstition is the antithesis of freeing anyone from anything
No inanimate object or shape has any intrinsic power, the irony being that it’s actually getting hooked into thinking otherwise that’ll put you under the Devil’s thumb
Well clearly billions are ‘not free’ of superstition but we have to live with them.
Try and sell a house with street number 4 to the Chinese.
Get a sale if it has a 8.
Line up the furniture to satisfy ‘Shen wi’, or whatever it is. No time here,
Go dig a hole on aboriginal sacred land or try to climb rock Uluṟu….. see how you go.
So many are not ‘free’, ….. excepting you of course with your serial Old Testament citations and even, more than likely, accepting the Schofield amendments that claim God chose some human entities to be humanely superior.
Oh well, at least many are all FREE to believe what they want. Go for it.
I like the ‘car fairy’. Ever noticed that when one washes one’s vehicle or it is serviced, it drives better💁🏼🙀🤣
Observing a pentacle design doesn’t mean anyone has been possessed by demons
Search the aerial view of President Kennedy’s grave.
and ceremonial garden at Arlington cemetery.
You might get a ‘clue’.🙀💁🏼🤣
Nemisis …… carry on.😇
Joe – the Pentagon is on the destruction list by the Rods of God – according to some.
I read that there are 34 targets in the world. I hope they remove all the historic works of art before acting….
Otherwise they would be exposed as heathens.
Even one in Sydney was listed…… oh well, Clover could give us a harbour park and great bicycle shed.
Ahhah? 2 x 17 = 34. 🤷
While I am at it try Juan O Savan .
Also called 107.
Ignoring the 0 we get 17.
Numbers are important, Ned, especially when pitched against our enemy.
Perhaps Sandra, who does research can explain the gematria regarding numbers and how they are important to some alleged cults influencing their conduct.
Stuffed if I know much about the importance of numbers to some, except from what commentators say they have observed or interpreted.
I recall a Q drop suggesting that ‘symbols would be their ( deep state/black hats/satanists et.al. downfall’.
Sandra would be able to opine on what the hell Q was talking about.
Up above somewhere I have sought Sandra’s assistance from what Sandra has researched in regard to Q.
I recall somewhere that Q indicated or implied that the deep state’s ‘own symbology’ would be understood by the white hats and play the part in ‘the sting’ bringing down the deep state, et.al. BRILLIANT🤷
Oh well perhaps Sandra and a few others can help.
Oops, sorry about the repetition, I thought I had lost one.
But it does not hurt to repeat it for some💁🏼
I should add.
The symbols used by the white hats may have another purpose and are suggested to be signals for smart normies to decode to enable and signify what the hell is happening to gather the anons to pass on to the not so smart normies.
Well, Q says it is a movie💁🏼🤣🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Bloody long one, so long, so why bother when the black hats allegedly managed to get Biden in to continue with 2020-30 agenda with a cherry world war on top to reset the globalists financial disaster.….. so who really controls the fake Biden and for what purpose?
I will let Sandra research that and provide her opinion🙀🤷🤣
Have a few swings at it Joe🏌️🏌️🏌️watch the ball.
Ned – I left a little comment up further too about thoroughness in researching by keeping an open mind.
No subject should be considered ‘off limit’ by any determined researcher.
Seems to me, that far too many folk scratch the surface of a subject rather than take a deep dive into it because their ‘bias radar’ as to whether the subject may be tainted with dollops of ‘woo woo’ prevents them from going any further.
Folks need to comprehend, that the, ‘woo woo’ is part of our conditioning in what to accept as being true, or what not to accept, and to disregard as having no value to what they search for.
Those who choose to not venture beyond the ‘woo woo’ of any subject will never gain the knowledge of what they seek unless they can personally rise above their own instilled prejudices and disregard the, ‘woo woo’.
We all need to appreciate that we all have been trained since birth to fit nicely into a little box of instilled self-control, that is put around us, via so called ‘education’, to keep us from finding out what we all should have been told about since birth.
Once the controlling Matrix is finally revealed to the individual, the shackles of self-control that prevents us finding out what we must know about become loosened, and the more that we come to know what we are meant to know, the looser those shackles of control become and the more knowledgeable we are all uplifted into.
The second best speaker of the house is giving a 7-hour talk about impeaching Biden — and CNN is presenting it on YouTube.
I suggest turning the speed down, as he talks real fast.
Are you going to write it up as your next story, because it’s so long
Mary – Biden will be removed, probably by the panicked Demons. An imposter (Biden) cannot be impeached – hence the delay in the process.
A OPEN LETTER TO KING CHARLES 111. Read by Richard Vobes
Just search via DuckDuckGo.
For those who have any concern about government in the Uk can print it out, sign it and post it to HIS MAJESTY.
As I suppose Charles is our Majesty as well, it may be adapted to address any concerns by his Australian subjects concerning our federal government’s shenanigans and behaviour.
I noted that it covers similar observations that seem applicable to the District of Columbia administrative behaviour in Washington DC.
In addition, seems that many of our state governments and territories of His Majesty’s domain have been schooled to behave in a similar manner, to that of the UK, the Territory of the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory.
Some would particularly signal out the state of Victoria.
Whilst the present article cites many distinguished families, it would be apparent that they have no jurisdiction over our lives and in that context are really just useless eaters and posers to be ignored, so far as we are concerned.
Mr Viles reads the letter in a most distinguished respectful English style, relax and listen for ten minutes or so.
It is commended to all of His Majesty’s loyal and faithful people.
As an aside, I note that Meghan Markle has written to Charles on some matters and I think, been acknowledged by Charles either, directly or via other avenues …… and I do not think she is even one of his subjects, so one would expect that he would give priority to we, of His Majesty’s genuine and loyal citizens.
Your link is at the bottom end of this lot:
I feel sorry for the postmen having to carry all the extra hate mail to KC3, Elbow, Dickhead Dan, S H-Y etc., which they just throw in the fire anyway
Joe, what a find, you are clearly a loyalist devotee and on the ball!?
Took awhile to get down through all the stuff to the ‘hi Charlie’ letter.
You are too cynical, have you thought it out….. the postal service is finding it tough and need to flog more stamps and give the posties a useful task for a crust. Peasants have to be kept busy, occupied and tired.
That French P-Up with that French wine wants me to run down to Dan’s and get a case for Christmas.
Go Harvey Go: Milei Victory
“Mr Milei is against abortion, vowed to cut ties with key trading partners China and Brazil, insulted Pope Francis, questioned the death toll under Argentina’s brutal dictatorship, and says humans are not behind climate change”.
Listen to Mary at her situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
At least the opening (who has that security 😎🤡?) and up to 11 minutes and continue if you are in the loop.
Thursday 23rd Nov is thanksgiving day💁
Maybe Allbuteasy has being briefed and will come home?
Hang in there Nemisis🤪
If you cannot take it, go stand on your head and look at the real world.
Drip drip drip
I will get to Bosi later.
Thanks Ned! Hanging out with Mr Cooper’s Stout. Not much of vino drinker, but do like a nice ale, or two. 🙂
SGanon with Ricardo Bosi…. (Ex Aussie Colonel)
At beforeit’snews news.com people powered news.
Well normies, that was worth the time …. From 36 minutes at least.
No hints…. When you at 36 mins you will not be able to resist💁🏼🏌️🏌️🏌️🏌️
Nemisis: hang in there.
Joe, tag along and watch your swing.
MM ….. think criminal law, investigation, stings = ⚖️⛓️
I have been following Q for over 5 years and Sg anon for about a year.
SG is, like Q is just too good. SG is incredibly articulate and quick.
Bloody hell, these days he is everywhere.
IMHO he is being briefed to let the sad normies slowly into reality.
All part of the re-conditioning program…. The personal grief reported by the interviewer is heart breaking.
Again SG is at beforeit’snews.com. A different situation update interview.
He is too busy. Certainly for the deceitful deep state ABC, SBS and our stuffed globalist deep state fake msm and their shock jokes.
What a movie.
Well next, I will go sleep with Willie. He also comes up at BIN.
As an aside, tonight a neighbour informed of his concerns and is terrified, he has turned into a ‘abnormally’ and I hope I have settled him down… actually, sure of it. After all, I have been prodding him for about three years and he eventually read the summary of the address in 1969 by that rottenchild doctor Day, summarised by Dr Dunegan in late 1980. I leant him Dee and MM’s book ‘truth in journalism’ and he managed the 15 pages I referenced, relating to Dr Day’s horrific forecast.
MM has reported on it here at gumshoenews.com with convenient numbered sections.
That is the duty of a ‘abnormal’.! Bring peace, security and comfort to those awakening to realise that there are people and institutions who/that are surely EVIl and there will be challenges for a change……. Victory! Readers can help or just sound ‘baa baa’ as usual and let others do the job for them.
Bloody hell, I just realised that Ben Fulford is interviewing the Willie.
Fun already….. California, Australia and NZ promised by the rotten child’s to China.
Heard that before, well China can have California and New Zealand.
The CCP is still trying to hang onto some rocks off the coast of the Philippines
Anyone who does not listen to these two are missing the greatest movie ever produced.
But we, the informed: “WE TRIED TO TELL YOU”..💁🏼🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Terry, out with it .
Where have you buried your stash of thripences?
I have it with the Philippians’s gold stash. Here is a link to the Fulford/Willie interview (Ben discusses where the gold stash is).
60 years on and still John F. Kennedy’s murderers roam free with impunity. Masonic beasts enforcing hell on earth with social credit AI slavery.
On the anniversary of his assassination, think how it could be without usury and taxation.
Instead we have “the iron triangle of peace” with Nutty yahoo and associate merchants arming all sides for MAD, mutually assured destruction.
Office for National Statistics (UK) on covid-19 deaths
Statistics are now available about covid-19 deaths in England. It appears that in the year ending May 31, 2023 only 5% of the deaths happened to those who were unvaccinated. The more vaccines and boosters people received, the more they died. 95% of the covid casualties were from the vaccinated group.
Remember when Biden told us that only unvaccinated people would die of covid?
The caveat here is that hospitals were paid a lot of money to treat covid patients. So many cases of the common flu were attributed to covid in order to gain more government subsidies. Even so, it is of interest to note that unvaccinated people had a far greater survival rate.
Nonetheless, the Canadian parliament has failed to learn this lesson. Bill C-278 to ban vaccine mandates failed by a vote of 114-205.
This morning some NSW politician (health minister?) wants everyone to get their boosters….some new injection mystery will be available on 11? December.
Ray Hadley is up to about his 5th booster.
No mention of course of the reported ‘killed suddenly’ stats across the world.
Pity the Minister does not read gumshoenews.com and the shock jokes believe politicians. It’s a pineapple🤣💁🏼
Terry …. I am reading your mind?💀🙀
At least Hadley is maybe, now ‘awakening’ up to ‘fact’ that the evidence from doctors first treating president Kennedy indicated a wound to the skull came from shooter from the front. A documentary is out today. But, we have already seen the treating doctor’s accounts. Have you not also, Michelle Rowland MP, of the government’s Minisrty of Truth.
Poor pineapple, had he never heard of or seen the Zapruder film.
Well, when you believe government and toe the line and cannot think, the result is a very old pineapple.
911 anyone? …. Building 7 anyone?
The USS Liberty, anyone?.
Thanks for this summary JG-it resonates and validates my 81 years –being born into “The Firm”–and all that means.
“Look at King Charles III of England, whose spouse seems permanently bemused over the fact that he is always unsatisfied with his lot; petulant, bored and irritable when he is forced to ride in a gold carriage or endure a faulty ink pen. Clearly he finds his role unsuitable, at least since the time of his first marriage, but likely since childhood. He is ostensibly the head of “The Firm” but on closer inspection it would appear his tight-lipped sister is probably the Operations Manager.”
“As with all the other royal arrangements throughout Europe, “The Firm” has a head start, being so well networked, virtually cemented into place, with the final say on any legislation passing through the parliament. What more could anyone want? Is there anything left on this earth that could be desired?”
“American banker James Warburg is quoted as saying: “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
“Our world is constantly being shaped and guided by these unseen forces. As the USA had Washington DC imposed on it, so Australia had Canberra.”
I have been researching History of Place–Ancestral Memory–and Why certain “Places” are selected- by “the unseen forces” to Impose their Mark and claim dominance and set boundaries and borders lauding their total control by naming these places and erecting statues and obelisks—asking under whose “Authority”
Much to Learn -Reading Country -Rivers- Rocks–Listening to water earth fire wind signs.
Diane – try Gene Decode on Tartarian hidden history of the Russians and Europe over at Beforeirtsnews.com
You won’t be disappointed.
Bloddy glasses! Beforeitsnews.com
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