Home Corona Naomi Wolf — Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever

Naomi Wolf — Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever


Ready for your freedom and life to be ‘swiped’ away? Vaccine Passports explained.



  1. So far as I’m concerned THE issue is the fact that, the vax fiasco aside, none of the respective businesses would be able to operate without some sort of government ticket

    • Ned, it is not only China. The “West, as in Rothschilds and Rockerfellers” owned the Chinese Communist Party and every other communist party. I have been informed recently that the CCP heads have been taken down. They no longer exist.

      The evil beings in Silicon Valley are just as essential to this diabolical plan as is the CCP.

      Arrest and hang them all. Make an example of them for this type of crime.

      • A M.
        I note similar reports of a clandestine take down under way.
        No idea, until I prick the ‘dead’ bodies nose with a ice pick and short circuit their personal hologram.

      • Have been following Cathy fox blog– Jessie’s story and some very relevant information re my research- arrived yesterday- Illuminati–the Elite-bloodlines–the great southland slavery etc

        About Somerset Belenoff

        Elizabeth Somerset Feodorovna Bowes-Lyon Belenoff (born May 1, 1953) is a British aristocrat, born at Glamis Castle, Scotland (a well-known location to veteran Illuminati researchers). She shared a strong bond with the late Queen Mother and is a favorite cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. Within the hierarchy of British nobility, she holds the rank of Countess, having been granted that title by Queen Elizabeth II in 1979 when she was appointed to represent the UK in the House of Wettin’s Upper Chamber. Her official title is Countess of Banbury and Arran.

        We Are The Shadow Watchers

        In October of 1979 Somerset Belenoff was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II to represent the House of Windsor, and by extension the United Kingdom, on the Wettin World Governing Council. At 26 years of age, she was the youngest delegate to sit on the Council, but she would soon become a an unstoppable force for change within that governing body.

        From 1947 until his assassination by the Irish Republican Army in August of 1979, Windsor was represented on the Wettin Council by Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl of Burma. Lord Mountbatten was the uncle of Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband and had been a trusted advisor to the royal family. His 32 year tenure on the Council is generally characterized as uneventful. Upon Mountbatten’s death, Queen Elizabeth appointed Belenoff to the Council and by letters patent bestowed upon her the title of Countess.

        What is the Wettin World Governing Council and what is its role in world governance?
        The House of Wettin dates from approximately 950 AD and is Europe’s preeminent dynastic family. The ancestral home of the House of Wettin is in Germany, but due to the historical importance of the dynasty, its influence extends across the globe. All of the people that you’ve ever heard of in the context of “ruling elite,” or “Illuminati” have ties to and are in fact governed by the Wettin World Governing Council. The Committee of 300, the Vatican, Windsors, Rothschilds, Hapsburgs, Bilderbergers, Rockefellers, Bushes, Vanderbilts, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the United Nations, all send their delegates to the Wettin Council and are all ultimately controlled to a large degree by Wettin. Members of the Wettin dynasty have been kings and queens of many European countries. In 1840, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, a prince of the House of Wettin, which meant that the House of Windsor was annexed by marriage to the House of Wettin. The children of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert never used the surname “Wettin” but it was in fact the official surname of the royal family.

        During World War 1, due to anti-German sentiment at home, the royal family officially changed their surname to Windsor

        • The “Purge of the Princes” and Restructure of Wettin’s Governing Authority
          Upon taking her seat as the Windsor delegate in October of 1979, Belenoff began to exercise a much greater degree of authority on the Council than her predecessors and introduced a number of sweeping reforms. Although the reforms were ultimately approved by the ruling families, the changes weren’t made without significant bloodshed. The primary goal of Belenoff’s reforms were to:
          • Divide the governing forum into two tiers, with an Upper Chamber and Lower Chamber. The proposed structure would vest all decision making power in the Upper Chamber, which would include only those delegates who were from the ancient dynastic families. The Lower Chamber would consist of those delegates who had acquired power within the last couple of hundred years through industry and commerce. Another way to view this is: The Upper Chamber, where all decisions are made, includes Dukes, Earls, Princes, Counts and Countesses, Barons and Baronesses – the Lower Chamber consists of the world’s wealthiest families such as the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
          • Ensure that the decisions of the World Governing Council would not be swayed by any prevailing political philosophies or financial interests – this was the primary reason that membership in the Upper Chamber was reserved for those who had inherited their wealth and positions.
          • Mitigate the influence of those few remaining delegates who had been supporters of Hitler as well as those delegates who supported Soviet communism.
          • Establish an independent World Security Office (with herself at the head) responsible for enforcing the rules of the Governing Council and holding member delegates accountable to a central authority. The Security Office would also be authorized to commandeer any military force or intelligence-gathering apparatus in the world, including space-based weapons and satellite communications.

          • “The Security Office would also be authorized to commandeer any military force or intelligence-gathering apparatus in the world, including space-based weapons and satellite communications.”

            Thanks, Diane. Looks like the fight is on!

          • It may be fun to delve into the history of the aristocracies of Germany and Britain, but I very much doubt if they have much if any political power or influence today. It would take more than this historical excursion to convince me otherwise.

        • Dianne, a simple correction.
          My source reports that Mountbatten was not killed by the IRA. Although they may have been useful agents….. (my theory on the possibility)
          MI 6 or whoever intercepted Charlie from the trip and let the outcome be.
          Even the Ms could not tolerate Mountbatten’s well known habits anymore.

          • Poor Prince Andrew could have done with some counselling by the Ms. But he is not to be the King😎😎 so why bother? He can make his own bed.

        • Dianne,
          I read the link and the e-Mail included re the ‘shadow watchers’.
          Are you able to assist?
          Their group seem to be a very competent organisation.
          Love their distraction modus.
          How does one become a member of the elite club?
          I am retired and need a hobby? Contributing to the running of the planet could be exciting but would appreciate refund of necessary disbursements and expenses.
          Promise not to leak anything if accepted.

          • Ned need to be an illuminati asset
            re Mountbatten agree with you same source
            For a hobby- plenty of threads here on Cathy Fox Blog she posted this today.

            ← Somerset Belenoff 3
            Links of cathyfoxblog Posts 2013 – 2021
            Posted on 2021, April, 3 by cathy fox blog on Child Abuse

            she says

            “I have created a rough index so that it is possible to look through all my posts, perhaps more easily than the blog itself.
            If anything happens to the blog itself, a copy of this index can be used to find archives. With the links search on archive.org and archive.md for archives.”

          • Dianne,
            Thankyou for you wise counsel.
            As for your suggested hobby….. I am not inclined at this time in life to attempt a doctorate ….. two little degrees have sufficed.
            But I will file the link and have a peak now and then between my domestic pursuits and the grands.
            Thankyou again.

  2. WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty — Another Stepping Stone to World Government
    April 2, 2021 renegade 0 Comments
    By Makia Freeman

    Right on Cue, 23 World Leaders Plus WHO Boss Read Their Scripts to Promote International Pandemic Treaty

    ……………..An Analysis of the Call for an International Pandemic Treaty

    It is useful to take a closer look at some of the language, themes and modes of persuasion employed in this letter.

    Firstly, notice how the writers frame the COVID plandemic as similar to a war. That was always the idea: to orchestrate a disruption with the impact of a world war without having to actually conduct a hot war. Wars have always served the NWO, not only as a tremendous source of hate, murder and mayhem, not only for depopulation, but also as a massive force of chaos that allows for restructuring in the aftermath.

    Secondly, note the appeal to protection and safety: “a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.” Whatever you think of COVID, its spread or not had little to do with how “robust” the world “health architecture” was. This is just a blatant cry for world government. As Plato once said, “This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.”

    Thirdly, note the firm prediction that “there will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies … The question is not if, but when” which is exactly in alignment with Bill Gates’ warning of Pandemic 2 or Pandemic II. This is more fear and more predictive programming to entice you to surrender and acquiesce to the idea of an inevitable new normal with wholesale deprivation of freedom and rights.

    Fourthly, notice how the writers appeal to humanity’s commonality (“nobody’s safe until everyone is safe”) which echoes another idea that has been used as nauseam by officials during this scamdemic (“we are all in this together”). The idea is based on pretending they care about the common welfare of society and humanity while systematically exploiting the average person’s compassion to gain power. It also blatantly ignores the obvious truth that each person, being bestowed with an immune system, is responsible for their own health. As an aside, since those exposing the COVID scamdemic are being labeled as COVID deniers, I wonder if all those pushing the COVID cult could justly be labeled immune system deniers?

    Fifthly, such a treaty, if it ever became a reality, would pave the way for even more shared surveillance so that there is literally nowhere you can go in the world without some authority knowing everything about you: “… greatly enhancing international cooperation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing …”

    Sixthly, the idea of such a treaty is also to make vaccines mandatory worldwide and reduce or eliminate vaccine hesitancy: “research, and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter measures, such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.”……………………..


    • If these idiots, believe their own rhetoric that they have spewed over the last 12 months, there would be no need for any future treaty to keep at bay another scam and to take humanity’s freedoms and liberties. These creeps are evil imbeciles.

      Take down the United Nations Organisation, the World Health Organisation and clean out the pharmaceutical industry. They are all pure evil, as they now operate.

    • What a farce, not of the court case, but the court proceedings, Seven justices and about 5 staff all wearing face masks. These supposed professionals of the law, have not yet worked out that face masks do not protect from viruses. Yet they purport to be learned enough to make decision on law affecting how countries should deal with one another.How pathetic!
      This world is really sick. It seems, the higher the ladder you climb, the more stupid you must act.

    • Americans Rank Top Potential Threats to US in New Gallup Poll
      M. Brenan – Gallup

      … While cyberterrorism ranks atop a list of 11 potential threats to the U.S., the development of nuclear weapons by North Korea and by Iran are not far behind, with 77% and 75% of U.S. adults, respectively, considering them to be critical threats. Four other matters are likewise viewed as critical threats by majorities in the U.S.: international terrorism (72%), the spread of infectious diseases throughout the world (72%), China’s economic power (63%), and global warming or climate change (58%). Forty-six percent of Americans view large numbers of immigrants trying to enter the U.S. as a critical threat to the country … The 63% of Americans who say China’s economic power is a critical threat marks a new high and an increase from 46% in 2019. This comes as Americans now perceive China as the greatest enemy of the U.S.

  3. Here is a new wrinkle. Phoned a friend today and, after talking to her for about 10 minutes, the line was interrupted and “they” then played back the entire preceding 10-minute conversation for our edification.

    OK so I’m edified already.

    A couple of weeks ago, YouTube sent me the poem “I carry your heart” by e e cummings. They never send me poetry. An embroidered rendition of that poem is hanging over my bed, so I guess they want me to know they are watching my bed.

    What a scream.

    (Business has been slow. these last decades…)

        • Not kidding — “they” have just now sent me John Keats’ “When I have fears that I may cease to be/ before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain….”

          Poor old John had good reason to fear; he departed at age 26, n 1821. I have already been on bonus time for 4 years.

          Diane DeVere, who is even senior to me, has to keep the old nose to the grindstone, night and day, to pass on to future generations what they need to know.

      • I have had a paper sticker on the computer spy holes for years. Then some intelligence/defence fellow stole my idea and recommended it to everyone………. especially for kids with laptops provided by schools.

  4. One has to admire these modern slave owners and camp commanders, they are as cunning as a pride of hunting lions going in for the kill.
    The brilliance is their modern day concentration camps …… no need to rail in the prisoners, the commandants have been appointed and the politicians and bureaucrats are now the armed guards in the towers overlooking the camp and checking the barb wire surrounding fence to prevent food or sustenance being smuggled in.
    All achieved by a little internet device we will all have to keep with us.
    Yep, just erect the electronic wall around the lot of us and let those not locked within starve to death.
    F…g brilliant all the sheep will not wait to get in, being nice little lambs…….. they have started and gathering at the special farm gate with their bleating to be allowed in, at the entrance already.
    Bloody brilliant, Hitler would feel humbled and humiliated as a dumb ass. He would be so impressed with the present system in Israel ….. no vac pass, no food, no travel ….. and not a oven in sight.
    Brilliant! But not so brilliant when tricking the victims who are so willingly dumbed down.
    Interesting to note that IBM has seemed to have progressed in their human tracking specialities since Hitler’s 1930’s Germany.

    • Please people, spend the time to listen to the X22Report.com No 24436 which deals with the ‘neonazis’ and their planned vaccination papers.
      From about 25 minute mark, people now are realising that the people are reaching the precipice and the public is awakening. ……. to everything the globalists are doing.
      Mary below refers to NY….. well that is NY, but other states are opposing a ‘segregational device’ “…..RESISTANCE is at hand and note references to the Nuremberg code.

      So make up your minds: resist slavery or get off your ass. Remind politicians what happened to even the guards at Hitler’s concentration camps…. they were dealt with in due course, so politicians, remember their fate as Aiders and abettors. As the people wake up you will all be brought to account.

      • Sorry: AND GET OFF YOUR ‘ASS’.
        At least send this article to everyone you care about……to note the comments also.

  5. By god.
    This is from yesterday’s New York Times:

    “As vaccinations become more widely available for people in the United States and travel starts picking up, many people have started sharing their simple white vaccination cards on social media as prized new possessions.

    “With some destinations, cruise lines and venues already requiring travelers to provide proof of vaccination against Covid-19, keeping that record is key. In New York, for example, proof of vaccination, or a recent negative test, will be required for entry into large venues or catered events when they are allowed to reopen at reduced capacity on April 2.

    “Proof will be required at events with more than 100 people, so anyone having a wedding or Sweet 16 with more attendees will have to ask guests for evidence that they are complying with the rules.”

    YOU WILL BE THE ENFORCER, on your friends. At your wedding.

    • “Proof will be required at events with more than 100 people”

      Are we really supposed to believe that the shambles of the past 12 months is somehow going to melt into such a level of organisation?

      Notwithstanding the dress rehearsal value:

  6. 25th anniversary of the Port Arthur Massacre this month on the 28th.

    I’d bet the ‘success’ of that disarmament agenda would have been far less if they had waited until now to try it. People are starting to wake up, although there are still a lot of dumb-asses out there.

    I’m hoping the ‘pathogenic priming’ by the vaccine will start cascading deaths that the masses will not be able to ignore. Of course, the MSM will blame it on all the individuals that refused to be vaccinated, but that may be a difficult lie to sell when it is the vaccinated that are croaking. But then, people are f–king stupid (math is racist, etc)

    • Maths dear Terry.. if only, now sheet music is also racist.
      The poor lefties were taken apart in one interview I watched today….. the ‘racist’ was trying to explain that universities that prioritised some because of their race is not racism.
      The poor bugger could just not understand the point.
      A vaccine to cure fools is surely required, a special injection to enhance common sense should be compulsory….. the pharmas could make trillions. But useful education would be a lot cheaper.

  7. “The poor bugger could just not understand the point.” – I saw the same interview, the cognitive dissonance was so strong he couldn’t comprehend the concept – he was dumbed-down below the intelligence level of a rock.

    Anyway, he will likely take the ‘jab’ (thankfully) and we won’t have to worry about him passing his genes on.

    I’ve become rather ‘ugly’ in my attitude, I don’t want the pathogenic priming to become apparent until the maximum number of dumb-asses have been jabbed. Let’s get this de-population agenda going – flush the toilet.

    • Global vaccine agenda is a trancehuman experiment and depopulation program.
      An exceptionally well designed genetic modification killing tool. All trans-national vaccine companies are infiltrated by Chinese military agents and are compromised to prepare this binary biological weapon. Don’t take the jab.

      • ” All trans-national vaccine companies are infiltrated by Chinese military agents and are compromised to prepare this binary biological weapon”

        Could you please quote the source of your information.

        • Criss,
          At this stage does it matter? The vax is mutating in carriers, so even unvaxxxed are in danger. The idiots are soo stupid, releasing the ‘genie out of the bottle’, their lives now on the cliff edge also.
          Dr. Vernon Coleman latest video, explains it as is.

          • Fear is what we need to protect ourselves against, as without fear we are free to perceive reality for what it is, and in doing so transcend our limitations.

            Despite the current day notion that all law comes from government, and the collective intelligence of those acting as a mob suffices as truth, the reality is otherwise.

            Fear and madness lead to oblivion, and that is what is happening to those who refuse to make the effort to wake up (woke up ain’t the same).

            That vaccines are inherently diabolical is self-evident, as is the premise that government was constituted by the people to serve the people and preserve their rights.

            These times are all about forming 2 camps, one of people who treasure their unalienable rights, and the other by those people pretending that they are something the government created, and any rights they have, have been granted to them by government.

            It goes deeper, but that is the picture at the surface.

  8. A curious thing.

    The NT News is Murdoch’s flagship. It is pure unadulterated Murdoch claptrap, designed to dumb-down the masses of Territorians.

    But on AGW, around 90% of online letter writers, rubbish the hypothesis to buggery.

    And now, on the issue of covid vaccines, around half are skeptics. Maybe more than half.

    Two months ago, the editors deleted most of my comments but now they are almost mainstream and they have given up.

    Times, they are a changing, and so are people.

    Just thought I would pass this on to cheer up my playmates.

        • I think the brain is not big enough for everything and so must act as a transmitter / receiver with various antennas developed better for certain things, in my case acronyms are a feature, quite dull I understand, not exactly entertaining. For proof of the transmitter / receiver bio-internet, look no further than 100th monkey syndrome. This would suggest that “everyone” should wake up, maybe by Xmas, if we all just keep hammering away. Maybe the ancient bloodlines illuminati vatican kabbal 300 simply overlooked taking this into account. They were so obsessed with their BigPharma covert resonant vibrations treatments. Great plans quite normally end in a magnificent stuff-up due to some oversight.

          What’s going on with these injections, when the virus goes into your nose, and commenter Arlyn tells us the glands and spongy things buried around the mouth and nose are conspicuous features of the immune system, should we not be spraying denatured virus particles up our noses to prime the immune system, what’s the use of shooting them up direct into the bloodstream, I don’t know anything about it but it sounds like a con to me.
          I want the nose spray !!! Or nothing !!! Stop trying to rape my blood stream.

        • hothouse effect, global warming, climate change, AGW, a new name every decade, must be hell for computer programmers trying to code political stuff

    • Tony, sounds like good “news”. Thank you for that information. Might try my local editor again. Up until now has refused to print anything to do with the Covid topic.

      With one piece I even put it to him /her that should a local person die or become crippled their family could sue for not supplying credible information about the downside of the “vaccination”. The newspaper is supposed to supply information, is it not?

      • No hope, all the ‘let em eat cake’ editors, politicians and shock jokes are controlled by the globalist puppets.
        You will get nowhere, that is why the internet sites and commentators are censoring information …… they are shit scared cowards, selling their children into slavery. The time will come, as their children wake up, they will die under a heavy weighted pillow …… if they are lucky.

  9. The Great Vaccine Scam: Even Establishment Experts and Scientists Admit the Jabs Are Ineffective

    By Vasko Kohlmayer

    April 1, 2021


    ………………The reason why the current vaccines are ineffective is because the virus that causes Covid-19 has mutated into a multitude of new variants. Some of these variants are sufficiently removed from the original strain to render the vaccines – which were aimed at that earlier version of the virus – useless. There have already been a number of cases where people came down with Covid even though they had been vaccinated against it. In a number of places around the world, the new variants have already become the dominant strains which makes the current batch of vaccines on the market largely obsolete.

    That this type of virus mutates rapidly has always been known, which is why honest scientists have always warned that it is impossible to end this epidemic by vaccinations. Trying to beat this disease with inoculations is like playing cat and mouse, where we can never catch up with ever-new variants of the rapidly morphing virus. In other words, because of its nature, the virus will always be one step ahead in the vaccination game.

    But this well-known fact did not dissuade the pharma companies and their allies in the scientific community and government from pursuing this predictably futile course of action. The reason for this is not difficult to see: money. The whole vaccination enterprise has proved to be tremendously profitable for those involved. The Pfizer vaccine, for example, is already the second highest revenue-generating drug in the world. According to an earlier piece in the Guardian, Covid-19 vaccines have “created a global market worth tens of billions of dollars in annual sales for some pharmaceutical companies.”
    Sorel Men’s Mads… Buy New $131.25 (as of 03:25 EDT – Details)

    The effort has produced a bevy of billionaires and we are still only in the relatively early stages. Even though not everyone involved becomes a billionaire, great amounts of money and funding from this enterprise have been flowing to countless so-called experts, scientists and politicians who take part in the racket……………..

    COVID-19 Disease is obsolete.

    • Obsolete!
      What’s not?
      Excepting my potato peeler and a mouse trap which is overwhelmed at the moment out West in NSW. (And me…. almost)

  10. https://healthimpactnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/04/CDC-VAERS-COVID19-Vaccine-Deaths-and-Injuries.jpg

    The data in VAERS now goes through March 26, 2021, and records 50,861 adverse events, including 2,249 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.”

    Besides the recorded 2,249 deaths, there were 8,287 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 911 permanent disabilities, and 4,824 hospitalizations


    • The modus operandi of most governments is to arrogate control by way of cultivating common misconceptions re legal requirement. Once the bulk of the population is ensnared like so the respective law can be safely enacted

  11. I just saw this on a forum – “Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,”

    The die-off of the dumb-asses can’t come soon enough.

    • wow Schulze is going to love it – the mad cow kicks in after 6 months – I wondered why there was so much zombie stuff going round a few years ago – better keep filling up the basement with cans, everything may be going completely haywire by xmas (and I haven’t even listened to AJ’s piece yet)

      • Watch AJ’s piece, it is chock full of documents to show what has happened – and what WILL happen.

        The documents give instructions to those involved with the plandemic of what to say to what groups as things go to crap. It is about an hour and half of listening to AJ, but if you can cop his big mouth, it is well worth the time.

  12. Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Murder: The Real Nature of Government
    “People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse. Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government, a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?”

    H. L. Mencken

    Source links:
    Immunity passports

    Injectable biochip and surveillance

    The state is destroying freedom through censorship

    FBI knew who Boulder suspect was before shooting

    Mutant Covid viruses being used to lockdown Americans

    Dr. Judy Mikovits Assaulted

    Government protect squatters in California that took over private home

    The Covid ‘Vaccine’ kills

  13. Focus On Fauci : These Vaccine Lies Can Get You KILLED!
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr – renown anti-vaccinationist, and nephew of John F. Kennedy
    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD – former biochemistry research scientist
    Dr. David E. Martin, PhD – a Fellow at the Darden School of Business Administration, University of Virginia
    Dr. Rocco Galati – a Canadian lawyer specialising in constitutional law
    It claims to bring before the public, “the vast pathology of crimes against humanity, which many key researchers and experts allege against Anthony Fauci (the most powerful man on earth in the public health administration sector)”.

  14. Reducing medical errors, one patient at a time – The Conversation
    Mar 9, 2014 – In 2012, there were 107 serious medical errors in Australian hospitals, ranging from surgery on the wrong patient or body part, and medication errors, to deaths or serious injuriesassociated with giving birth, and in-hospital suicides. There’s no underestimating the effect of each of these mistakes – disability …

    Drugs and Medical Errors Killing One of Every Five Australians
    “You medical people will have more lives to answer for in the other world than even we generals.”
    Napoleon Bonaparte

  15. Death by Medicine

    Medicine kills millions


    Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US
    Medical error is not included on death certificates or in rankings of cause of death. Martin Makary and Michael Daniel assess its contribution to mortality and call for better reporting
    The annual list of the most common causes of death in the United States, compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), informs public awareness and national research priorities each year. The list is created using death certificates filled out by physicians, funeral directors, medical examiners, and coroners. However, a major limitation of the death certificate is that it relies on assigning an International Classification of Disease (ICD) code to the cause of death.1 As a result, causes of death not associated with an ICD code, such as human and system factors, are not captured. The science of safety has matured to describe how communication breakdowns, diagnostic errors, poor judgment, and inadequate skill can directly result in patient harm and death. We analyzed the scientific literature on medical error to identify its contribution to US deaths in relation to causes listed by the CDC.2

    • Instead of block-chaining the crypto money they are going to block-chain the citizens so your every move is tracked, confirmed, and logged forever, should be easy there are only 7 or 8 billion citizens and heading downwards now, compare with money and transactions there are lots more

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