Herding the 194 flocks of sheep into their final paddock. (A gumshoe DM adaption)
by Dee McLachlan
Soon, very soon, our leaders from 194 countries will most likely sign the WHO Treaty (or a version of the treaty).
My guess is that “their” objectives of world governance through “health” has been in planning for decades — with the Cov-hoax being the catalyst stage play. However much the people bleat objections, the mind-controlled so-called elected officials go along with the global agenda. It is like they have been infected with a virus… a brain numbing parasitic virus.
Consider: “a Parasitic Virus is spread by attaching itself to executable programs. When a program infected with a parasitic virus is opened, the virus code runs. To hide, the virus passes control back to the original program.”
Politicians are the targets of the organic form of GPV (Global Parasitic Virus).
Once the politician is infected with the parasitic virus, it travels to the brain and its proteins begin to bind with receptors on the brain cells. This allows the “global message” — the RNA (i.e., the Robotic Node of Adherence) — inside the virus to enter the brain cells, where it begins to reproduce. If enough parasitic viral matter penetrates the host’s brain it deactivates the host’s logical and objective thinking processes and the infection of “obedience” and “instruction” takes over.
One has to ask: how can the leaders of 194 countries all defy those that elected them into office, and give over their own power to a non-elected body (of a few people) to dictate matters of health and country — the WHO (World Health Organisation)? Especially when the WHO have shown they consistently get it WRONG.
This parasitic virus is like a version of STD… as these politicians are all in bed together. But the outcome is more catastrophic … as they are infected with GPV, a debilitating brain “infection” that has changed the brain’s programming. One interesting symptom of infection is that the politician (or industry leader) is programmed to eliminate any factual and truthful narrative by discrediting the information as disinformation.
Is there a cure or antidote for GPV? We are not sure. Some people do recover their brains after many years, but most do not get rid of the parasite.
As David Icke warned in a tweet:
“Be very careful with the wording here with regard to telling you what you want to hear leading in the end to what you don’t want to happen. There is no need whatsoever to give any new powers to the Cult-created-and-owned WHO. Never mind ‘the text has not yet been agreed’. The whole thing should be dumped after the mass murder by the WHO during the ‘Covid’ hoax and its promotion of the catastrophic fake vaccine. This Trojan horse edifice of global control should be dismantled and its key players tried for crimes against humanity – not given still greater powers over the global population.”
Nigel Farage has built up a strong immunity to GPV, saying “I have joined forces with Action on World Health to fight back. https://www.actionwh.org/“
REDACTED VIDEO — The WHO Pandemic Treaty will change EVERYTHING, good thing it’s in deep SH*T | Redacted News.
Assassination Attempt
rfert.org: “Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico remains in critical condition after being shot several times from close range as he walked among a small crowd following a government meeting in the town of Handlova, but his injuries are no longer considered life threatening, according to a senior government official. Video from the scene showed Fico approach a small crowd of mainly elderly people when several shots rang out and the 59-year-old prime minister slumped backward to the ground. Secret service officers quickly rushed to his aid and carried him to a car that sped off toward a local medical facility.”
ABC reporting: “Surprise and shock” of four-term prime minister. The ABC just don’t get it. He waged a war against the “free press”. Interesting.
But let’s consider what his views were.
Video: Slovakia PM Shot After Starting Vaccine Investigation & Saying NO To Pandemic Treaty
Q. “One has to ask: how can the leaders of 194 countries all defy those that elected them into office, and give over their own power to a non-elected body (of a few people) to dictate matters of health and country — the WHO (World Health Organisation)? ”
A. Easy they have done it many times before, principally to the Reserve Bank, the TGA and any other private interests who give them a kickback through the party donations system or in the carpark after hours
Dee, I can honestly say I was unable to determine if you were trying to be funny, re the parasitic virus, or whether you were “reporting.”
MM, if you open at least ‘ONE EYE’ you will see that Dee is NOT TRYING TO BE FUNNY.
Dee and me have discussed this matter and there are reports that explain why sub humans (mentally speaking at LEAST) are not empathetic, are evil and behave in a certain manner and seek and gain control of others by other devious means as with blackmail etc.
Getting the idea Mary? Ten bob bets you never will, it is a matter you could not even envisage, as with a herd of sheep that have never realised that they are in need of a ducking in the sheep trough.
But the farmer is aware that he will have no flock if he does not dip the sheep regularly.
Besides opening an eye, try opening the brains processing department, the parasite does exist, but the affected have no idea how the brain is corrupted and therefor controlled with NO EMPATHY FOR A UNAFFECTED HUMAN BEING.
That is not meant to be a funny response dear Mary.
I could not be bothered explaining further as the explanation cannot be accepted by the herd.
At least a good ‘HORSE DE-WORMER’ may assist. If every politician was give a dose, well….. 💁🙀😱🙏 the ‘disease’ might be liquidated and love might be victorious TO ALL humanity..
No not funny I think it is a likely explanation.
Dee, your raising this matter may be a great service to humanity,
If only those who are not affected just use an unaffected brain and consider what the reason it is for the manner some people in power and with influence perform as they do, are so evil, cheaply bought and compromised.
It is a matter of life and death for some entities and they do not think it is funny in the least.
Probably a waste of time to even contribute this for thought and research so I may as well go back to bed.
Are you able to SEE at least with ONE EYE?.
Your form, suggests that you cannot even raise the lid on the first blink.
My hope is that Trump HAS BEEN SHOWN AND SEEN.
I sneaked in the category “satire” (see top)
Perhaps a satirical DRILL🤪🙀(search the drill black eye club – or similar by adding parasite – into the brain – through the eye. forget google)
There are some sci-fi films on the subject – if you are game?
Truth is often stranger than fiction!
What is ivermectin known and used for?
Happy researching. Why is it banned or discouraged?
Bugger, yes right.
Glad you are on board, bit lonely in this sheep paddock way up the back with the herd surrounded by dingos.
Black is good,….. in pink.
Always willing to support a colleague. Good to see you still plugging away.
Yes, it can be a lonely place at the top of the game while many have chosen to take their eye off the ball in play.
We’re almost there, yet many are still sleep walking as to what is coming at them. Oh well, I hope they are all fast learners who can finally accept what they are still rejecting.
Off topic – remember I mentioned some time back that I was assisting my youngest boy at Court over a parking matter? He received a fine for parking outside his house where there is no defined ‘nature strip’?
Well, we had a win. And interesting too on the day, that the Council Ranger who issued the fine was asked to remain at Court by the magistrate, after our matter was dealt with.
I wonder what was said to that ranger?
Well done.
More should stand and say NO Way. DO NOT STEP ON US, WE ARE TOO MANY.
Sorry for the double ‘WAY’, but maybe it has a purpose🙏
So look for it.🙏
As all viruses take hold well before the symptoms bust out it’s a good analogy.
But as I intimated on the previous page, cerebral processes aren’t contagious, the malaise is wholly spiritual
No, this wasn’t some sort of personally transferable auto-immune disease:
But it sure was airborne and it sure was a physically killer
From 0:44:
“The final picture of God’s people in Ephesians is that of an army, an army committed to fight a war that is global in its proportions, one that affects and includes every portion of this globe on which we live. In fact, even the word “global” doesn’t do justice to the scope of this conflict. It embraces not only this globe, the earth, but it extends beyond earth into the very heavens. In fact, the adjective which correctly describes this conflict is not “global” but “universal,”
it includes the entire created universe.
The Scriptures which most clearly introduce this conflict and describe its nature are found in Ephesians 6. I am going to read Ephesians 6:10-12. I am going to read first in the New International Version, then I am going to compare some other versions. Ephesians 6, beginning at verse 10:
‘Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Put on the whole armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.’ (NIV)
Let me pause there and point out that Paul takes it for granted that as Christians we are involved in a war, that we need the appropriate armor for this war, and that our adversary is the devil himself. Then he goes on in verse 12 to explain more fully the nature of this war:
‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’
Now I am going to read also the New American Standard version of verse 12:
‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.’ (NAS)
And then I am going to read also the Living Bible, which is, as it states itself, not exactly a literal translation but a paraphrase:
‘For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies, the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.’ (TLB)
Whichever version you wish to follow, the fact is clear: that as Christians we are engaged in a titanic conflict, something that actually staggers the mind to consider. And yet, the statements are so clear.”
The import of the context here:
If the conflict is universal, being therefore out of this planet and galaxy, does that hint that there are material AND SPIRITUAL BEINGS OFF PLANET?.
If so, do the material beings, in whatever form, spirit or otherwise ( e.g. a parasitic worm) pop onto this planet in material form?
If so, in what form or in various forms do they occupy here?
Either way, what influence do they exhibit on the normal human form? If any?
Well there are a number of Old Testament references to angels crossing dimensions and appearing to be human:
And in the New Testament Paul’s advice to his own tribe is:
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”
But what needs to be remembered first and foremost is that WE were put in charge of the earth:
Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is under some sort of Satanic control, knowingly or otherwise
WE were put in charge of the earth but according to Genesis 6 it was infiltrated by some sort of Galactic imposters:
The children of Israel were eventually tasked with wiping them out, but as we all know, the issue of demonic control is on-going
“persons without bodies”
but I can vouch safe that they sure can APPEAR to be physical and they can definitely have a physical EFFECT
So the people of Israel were tasked to wiping them out.
That is really funny.
I take it that you do not consider Clif High’s alternative opinion on who the Elohim were thought of by the Jews.
More work needed Elspeth, I think!
Best of luck.
“Are Aliens Actually Demons?”
From 10:50:
“Wherever we’ve got written records, the ancient Greeks, Alexander said he saw flying shields attacking his army. American Indians have stories of flying canoes with occupants on board.So we have records of these anomalous sightings throughout history. But again, are they interpreting something that is shiny and metallic as a flying canoe? Or are they literally seeing a flying canoe?
We don’t know cause we’re not there. My personal view is it manifests towards the cultural understanding of the day. And I’m not alone in that. Even non-Christian researchers like Nick Redfern will say that it masquerades towards the understanding of the people that it’s appearing to.”
So no knowledge of Clif High, I presume!
His opinion is that the Jews thought that the Elophin (aliens) were their God/s. Within the ignorance of many at that time.
Thus they believed them and have been suckered ever since….. well they were wisely ‘chosen’ for the Elohim task.
They have the same thing in Denmark, a red and white cross in the sky, so they put it on the flag
“The children of Israel were eventually tasked with wiping them out”
“Giants in the Land: A Biblical Theology of the Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim (and Goliath)”
“Elohim is a Hebrew word that denotes “God” or “god.” It is one of the most common names for God in the Old Testament, starting in the very first verse: “In the beginning [Elohim] created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The name Elohim occurs over 2,500 times in the Tanakh.
The basic meaning behind the name Elohim is one of strength or power of effect. Elohim is the infinite, all-powerful God who shows by His works that He is the creator, sustainer, and supreme judge of the world. “Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure—you, the righteous [Elohim] who probes minds and hearts” (Psalm 7:9).”
“Clif High” ticks each and every false prophet warning: https://davidjeremiah.blog/how-to-spot-a-false-prophet/
He sure has….. and their manipulating dumb adherents.
That is why they hate their own, Jesus💁
A simple question.
Have you listened to Clif High and considered his explanation of how the Jews judged/viewed the Elohim and that they were wrong to treat them as their GODS?
If the Elohim were considered to be REAL GOD/s DO YOU ACCEPT THAT they were?
Only a drunkard could miss the fact that the entire New Testament was written by JEWS, that all the original Christians were JEWS and that bar JEWS no one but JEWS would ever have even heard of JESUS.
“Clif High” : The poster-boy for how totally intoxicated JEW-haters actually are
You did not answer a simple question,
Have you listened to C H?
Especially in regard the Jews believing that the Elohim were GODS. But they were a sample of your out of earth beings.
Simple question!
“ ‘Clif High’ : The poster-boy for how totally intoxicated JEW-haters actually are’ ”
And you reckon that doesn’t answer your question ! !
What’s noteworthy is that all such woo-woo gurus & their disciples “miss” the fact that the entire New Testament was written by JEWS, that all the original Christians were JEWS and that bar JEWS no one but JEWS would ever have even heard of JESUS.
What’s also noteworthy is that said disconnect from said historical record is synonymous with contempt and ridicule towards anyone who declines to get on board
Have you listened to him or NOT?
I will make it easy for you
N fOR no
Y FOR yes.
I’ve been doing some research on the Deagle Report. Many of you will recall that the population projections for the year 2025 were that the US lost 70% of its population and Australia lost 35%.
Apparently (and I cannot confirm the following) the organization was run by a bunch of former spooks that were heavily involved with ‘Remote Viewing’. The first projections were in 2012 and there was a later revision in 2020, not to the percentages but to the reasons leading up to the population collapses.
It appears from all the data that there is a nuclear war that takes out most of the missing population. The plandemic, food scarcity, diseases, etc. are also calculated in, but the biggie is the nukes.
Obviously, the American bases in Oz will be hit and HOPEFULLY Canberra. Since most of Australia’s population is on the East coast, then I would surmise that there may also be a significant strike along that area.
I thought I should throw this information out there for those that might have some hope about Australia’s future. Just imagine Australia with Canberra and its parasites being wiped off the map.
If the Australian population of sheep are too timid to clean out the place, apparently there are others on the planet that have no such qualms.
Terry Thankyou.
I’ve been interested in Deagle since I first heard of it a couple of years ago.
Please share any other info you find.
Anyone I’ve raised it with just shrugs. I think most consider it fiction.
Guess if we have nuclear war we won’t have to worry about damn digital ID!
I would like to share The Q&A session with Professor Ghillar Michael Anderson and Eleanor Gilbert that followed the screening of 90 minute Documentary Star Stories of the Dreaming shown at the Yamba Cinema last weekend.
I also add the link to the trailer of Star Stories for those who are interested. An education for all and it puts the Q&A in context.
Trailer & purchase of Star Stories of The Dreaming: vimeo.com/ondemand/starstorie
The part I would like to draw attention to starts at 24 mins 10 seconds and then leads into Ellie’s 2 Dollar coin story as an example of the memory code held as imprints in people and country. On one side is the Knowledge Holder and the Southern Cross and on the other side is the Crown and it is the Crown that has done the damage.
She adds -“we do not have an active law against genocide and we have 23 thousand children taken from their families” She then directs us to The Parliament House Web site- where there is information about the Senate Inquiry and a call for submissions a call for action Criminal Code Amendment.
I have been sharing Mary’s book with many whistleblowers thank you Mary we need all the help we can get.
Fraud Upon the Court
Reclaiming the Law Joyfully
Mary w Maxwell PHD LLB
The double way -segway- two way- does have a purpose Ned
Hope the links open
oops must need formatting
try again
Ah unable to post Q&A –will work on it— it is a gem
Dr Mark Trozzi MD on X: “Dr Geert Vanden Bossche explains: The Great Mistake (Pt1) 🦠💉 Dr Vanden Bossche warned the world not to do it. Here I am joined by Dr Vanden Bossche to analyse a microbiological nightmare that is unfolding. The genetic “vaccines” continue to drive the evolution of immune escape.
2years ago
Medicos Pela Vida Covid-19 from Brazil held an excellent World Congress featuring covid experts from five continents. Here is Dr Trozzi’s 24 minute presentation titled “Synergistic Bioweapons”. Here he presents strong evidence of how the original SARS CoV2 virus released in late 2019, and the ongoing forced injections work synergistically to damage human immune systems while nurturing dangerous coronavirus evolution.
I keep asking, why are politicians still talking about a disease and a pandemic that never existed. When was the last true pandemic? Not in my lifetime. So why is anybody or any organisation even discussing a future pandemic as though it is just around the corner. The supposed cure for the pretend pandemic was the “vaccination” which was the only thing close to a pandemic. In fact it should have been called a designed panicdemic.
How can they keep up the bullshit about CO2 Global Warming when the last week all the heat has been clearly and visibly driven by solar energy, our politicians are so screwed up they are beyond any hope, how can they lead when they can’t even think, and they are only paid to tell lies and they aren’t even good at that, it’s so far beyond a joke
Tavistock Agenda 2012-2021-2030 has the answers JB -all groomed trained and subjected to emf programming – fait accompli- leaving her with a “fundamental lack of humanity”
“Theresa May’s announcement of stepping down sparked tributes, but her legacy includes altering the overseas domestic workers visa, which tied workers to abusive employers, perpetuating exploitation and vulnerability. Despite her departure, the impact of her policies continues to oppress migrant workers, leaving a lasting mark on their lives.
Earlier this month, Theresa May, former home secretary and prime minister, announced that she would stand down as MP at the next general election. This news was met with video compilations of career highs and lows – Brexit, the 2017 snap election, and awkward dancing – and tributes praising her “decency, integrity” and “passionate campaigning for vital causes”.
That’s not how I will remember her. To me and many others in migrant communities and the migrants’ rights sector, she will be remembered for four acts that demonstrated her fundamental lack of humanity.
She was the home secretary who failed the Windrush generation, who didn’t meet the survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire, who created the hostile environment for migrants, and who changed the overseas domestic workers visa to tie workers to their employers. All cruel, all the opposite of “decency”. And the last two made countless migrants vulnerable to exploitation, in direct contradiction to May’s professed passion for ending modern slavery.
When it came to migrants in the UK, she was heartless and deserves to be remembered as such.”
I learn a lot from Dale Holmes