In THE AGE (Melbourne) today
Introduction by DM
A selection of posts today from G5 and Ivan Hecko (Slovakia). But first, the mainstream article in The Age this morning, entitled, “COVID left us poorer and sicker inquiry told.”
This is not news for Gumshoe readers. We Knew this back in 2021, when the injuries from the jab surfaced at VAERS, that the jab was going to make populations sicker, and that the Lock-downs was a wealth transfer.
And now, years later, an Australian “Inquiry” has officially confirmed this. Which Inquiry is this? Was this the government initiated “COVID-19 Pandemic Response Inquiry”?
I had correspondence with Alfred Deakin Professor Catherine Bennett (Deakin University’s current Chair in Epidemiology and the University of Melbourne’s former Associate Professor in Epidemiology) back in 2021. The most disturbing was that she saw my research as misinformation, and she completely disregarded when I pointed her to the CDC’s “Open Vaers” [VAERS means Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. Link to our emails here: https://gumshoenews.com/whoa-professor-catherine-bennett-appointed-to-the-covid-19-inquiry/

Remember The COVID Lie, Fraud, Collaborator Control, Authority Addiction Genocide.
by G5
If you missed it: they tried it again with The Bird Flu Lie. Fools were identifying themselves with their masks of Stupidity.
Authority Addiction Collaboration is a mental disorder.
If government told them to go to the sea and drown themselves: they’d be killing each other to get there first.
At what moment in history did government not lie to you, and was your friend.
Heard about Socialism (Communism, Globalism, Totalitarianism, Centralism). 100 million murdered in 100 nations in a 100 years.
Big Government is good for you. Let’s try it again. Big Tax, Big Control, High Inflation, No Domestic Industry, Big Unemployment, No Food, No Freedoms. And of course no speech and no weapons. With Education inculcating what to think, but not how to think.
Censorship and Silence are morally good, and not hateful. Manufactured subjective feelings being greater than any reality. Pronouns and psychologically compliant indebtedness is socially mandatory.
Divide and conquer through the idiocies of; Race, Gender, and Climate. DEI but only as approved. Free Speech but only as approved.
Avalanche of Lies
by Ivan Hecko (for Slavic News)
And we got back to the old topic, but I have used a new source – Whatreallyhappend.com. I think there is logic behind that – the „official resurces“ have taken a position implying that the history of „virus – vaccines is a matter of the past“; but as yet – apart from the already started prosecution of Dr. Fauci, we have taken the position of „nothing so terrible has happened“. A „few million“ people have died, and the usual collectors of money, especially the Pharma companies – earned a lot. Including on the deaths. But that also includes another factor: Our old-new EÚ boss is said to have bought the vaccines for the number of EU population multiplied by 10. But, at the same time, the documents required for the entire purchase process do not exist(!). The title of the original article is Top Study: Covid Shots Directly Linked to Sudden Deaths Surge – so Top Class study: COVID Injections provided proofs for a direct dependance between COVID mRNA injections and the global growth of sudden deaths
So, the „Advertising“ sentence repeats, that an Explosive new study provided proofs of direct dependance between the Covid mRNA injeciions and the sharp global increase – surge – of sudden deaths.
The findings of this bombshell study were only now published by a group of renowned researchers, and caused shockwaves within the scientific community.
The study was created under the leadership by gentlemen named Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at University of Regensburg in Bavaria, and a mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner from Osnabrück University, University for the research of public matters, city of Osnabrück in the state of Niedersachsen, all from Germany.
This study directly denies the „talks/history of the vaccine“ called “safe and effective” – which was so to say „peddled“ in relation to the mRNA injections, since they were for the first time forced on the public at the beginning of the year 2021.
In their study these top scientists identified a direct correlation between the sharp rise of unusually high death rate and the Covid mRNA injections.
A closing remark, which I cannot drop: On the basis of the laws valid in Slovakia, taken from Oviedo Convention, the mRNA injections are contrary to our Laws. And, with a high probability this is also the case – in some form and level – for the whole of the EU. The Old-New lady in the EU Chair perhaps does not know this, but that is most improbable, and perhaps she should be reminded. The problem seems to be that she cannot present all the documents required for this kind of purchase, maybe she could deny the purchase. But the vaccines must be somewhere, as mentioned above, she is said to have bought them in amount of ten times the population of Europe; the problem seems to be missing documents covering all stages of the process required by EU Law. That evidently made the formal analysis more difficult. But, considering the number of injections, and the overall price, the Mrs. ChairLady must really undergo a serious process – she has practically made an unlawful – and absurd – purchase at enormous price paid from EU money! Moreover, with the subject/purpose of purchase practically no longer existing at the time! And for goods suspected of killing people!
I am looking forward to eventual further „Phases“.
Mary’s today situation update at beforeitsnews.com
I am up to 20 mins and will continue later.
But if you do not listen and consider you would not know – matter for you what 6,000 national guard and 200 coppers have entered Washington. See the evidence.
Also EB, a bit on the phone tracking of fbi and Crookes just for you.
As for the faked dead, been around for a while! Bit sus!
UFO over Butler!🤷♂️
In any case, circumstances appear to have crystallised for a bloody end of this movie🙀🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿soon?
Well, as usual most will not manage 20 mins, let alone after.
But all warmongering fools better listen from 57 minutes… ether go get your rifles Canberra and your ilk here at GS or listen to Macgregor
I note that our article refers to many becoming poorer and sicker.
Try it, it is a PROVEN natural facility for a cure to treat most addictions.
Thanks for the link .
We can only hope “the war to settle the score” is finally on as we are getting to now or never time .
Not sure if the Biden double is dead . People noticed Joe seemed to have a few bruises going on during his “I Quit” speech .
Police body cam footage. Cop counts two pieces of brass in one section of the roof and three in another, total 5.
Strange that Crooks body is about a meter back from the ridge of the roof. His body wasn’t dragged back as he bled out through his head wound. Maybe he was withdrawing when the police hit him. The rifle has been shifted away from the body, common for firearms to be shifted away from an assailant. (about 3 meters). The rifle does appear to have a ‘red dot’ scope.
I wonder if we will get an autopsy report like the bogus JFK report. There was no apparent entrance hole in Crooks’ face. Maybe he got hit further back with his head turned as he was withdrawing.
So, nine shots on the audios. Crooks fires five, police sniper fires one. – Where did the other three come from? – The first three shots have a different sound than the quick volley of five that followed (likely Crooks shots).
The actual sniper likely also used a .223 to give plausible deniability to the idea of a second shooter. If Trump had been hit with a .30 caliber round the entrance hole would have given the game away. The difference in sound could be a result of firing from inside the window. The large American flag over the podium indicates a fairly stiff wind (but variable) in Trump’s face, this would tend to move the projectile towards the back of Trump’s head. The wind drift on a .223 (55 grain bullet) is much more than say a 155 grain .30 caliber. I opinion a 155 grain as I expect the police sniper was using a proper ‘match’ bullet with more inherent accuracy. – At this point there are so many issues that I doubt anyone involved with the investigation believes this wasn’t an inside job.
Even the M$M was putting out conspiracy theories, er, “speculating”, until the next big thing came along, which was Camel and her $100m of donations in one day which came almost entirely from Biden’s campaign funds. This fake news went global like a patch over the Trump ear. Even the Indians getting excited over their forthcoming President Camel.
And now we are directed to forget everything for the next month, it seems the Olympics have come back yet again for another round of same old, same old, while the props are shifted around a bit for the next scheduled political media events.
We are told Trump will have to stage his rallies indoors now as the Secret Service has been shown to be too incompetent to detect a guy with a rifle on a roof in plain sight, never mind anything else. As with Lincoln, it should be easier to line up a shot from some concealed nook inside a random theatre. By now they probably have a database of Patsies to match up with any venue.
btw, see how the spell checker changed your word opine to opinion, it reminded me to check “the onion” now that’s relevant
The close up photo of Crooks’ injury(which has now been scrubbed)which is front on shows all of his front teeth gone and plenty of blood but no other obvious entry or exit wound and an overall intact cranium-therefore possibly shot to back of head with the lower powered rifle by shooter from window in 2nd storey building behind Crooks.
Crikey, you may be a mind reader! Yeah, let’s see what Crooks’ autopsy tells us.
6 day old vid from same presenter as above but excellent extra background info.
It’s the same old story – some folks will not believe anything told to them by those who have taken the time to learn what everyone should know, unless they can see the evidence brought before them.
For the last two years, Forest of the Fallen (now being copied in some other countries) has been leading the information war at the grass roots level, for what the jab has caused, without uttering one word, and those leading lights of empathy for the victims of the plandemic, only ever respond to questions asked of them.
There is no propaganda, no marketing, no promises of freebies, just sticks in the ground with photos and information of the person pictured, on A4 size paper, and who have succumbed to big pharma’s poison bio-weapon.
They are depressing displays, and some who venture there out of curiosity, cannot deal with the impact those sites may have on them, as they soon realize, they have made a huge personal error of judgement.
Well observed Terrence. Its amazing the number of people who skirt the showing, not having the guts to look at photos and read the descriptions of the victims.
SEARCH: Olympic flag hoisted UPSIDE DOWN during the opening ceremony.
We who are aware and see possible signs are; “ALERT BUT NOT ALARMED’.
Recall the London Olympics with the presentation of all in beds and medicos dancing around.
The satanists are required to tell us of its plans and if nothing in expressed in opposition, then that is deemed to be our consent to their next operation.
Oh well, just watch the spectaculars and be distracted by the present..
Lady Gaga, I heard is appearing.
Hey arsehole Satan: ‘for the record, I DO NOT CONSENT’.
GENE DECODE: dropping big intel’ exposing what’s coming next.
Before its news com in the Charlie Ward Show.
He states matters relating re the T event and then gets to Israel and Gaza with matters the informed have already discerned…… that does not include you E.B.and a few others who cannot conceive what Q has expressed: “Israel will be left for last”.
Michael Jaco and Brad Wozny over at beforeitsnews.com are now putting it out that if nothing really BIG occurs by their timing next week, then they, and some other people fed up with the waiting, will push for the military to step in and take control – are they not aware that the military is already in control?
Some arrests were being made from the FDIC Building, as video has shown over at Mary’s place, yesterday, by what appeared to be U.S. Marshals.
How many and who were arrested, is not given out – probably due to the reporter of the event having no access to what was actually occurring.
Maybe in today’s issue of WTPN ( We The People News) we will become more enlightened?
The federal government FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Building is an interesting building, in that, it is in place to ensure commercial Banks are solvent, and Depositors funds, (private depositors funds) up to $250,000.00, are secure in the event of ‘unforseen’ financial upsets.
I think a good guess as to the arrests carried out yesterday, would be that the folks in charge of the FDIC have been caught out with their hands in the cookie jar, and, or, have been withholding the real information about Bank insolvencies throughout the United States.
I am poorer and sicker since the 5 or 6 quarters of per-capita recession and inflation started. During covid border lockdowns and “5km limit” whatever it was I went on numerous walks in various state and national parks and cops were not monitoring anything here. I used the same paper dust mask for the entire duration, a couple of years or so, it used to hang on my chin because the elastic strings got so long. People kept trying to give me new ones, their offerings are still in my drawer unused.
I became an expert on all the nature reserves and all the tracks all over the place. I was richer because Scotty F.M. handed out $20k to everyone just for the asking. Now I get the feeling the Globalist controlled government is intent on ruining us all financially while attacking our brains with their continuous and ongoing lies. I am sicker because I can’t be bothered to do things, perhaps the stoopidness and mindlessness of the public has sapped my energy. The multiple levels of government seem intent on stealing everything they can that I work for, such as financial independence. They grub up money in every way imaginable, but it’s only going to get worse, and they spend it on rubbish like their so-called “health”.
Bill Gates scheme to poison everything, using fake corona viruses and mRNA grown inside healthy types of food such as lettuce and tomatoes, and using “airborne delivery” with an inhalable polymer ( nano-type ) vehicle
@13:45 Australia has announced plans to inject Bill Gates’ mRNA “vaccines” into all livestock
Royal News
Princess Kate on $1m a week, training up doubles can’t be cheap
Charles picked up $6m cash in plastic bags and $2m from bin Laden family
Randy Andy’s $37m Swiss chalet off the books
A large book of “the establishment”
And there is an encyclopedia to go with it
Download and save for a rainy day
The soft cop
My cattle won’t be injected with mRNA vaccines,
Locked and loaded.
Yep, nobody ever escaped tyranny by being compliant. – I have gotten tired over the years of fighting for OTHER people’s rights. You’d think that at some point they would have enough substance in their own personalities to take on the fight themselves.
Perhaps the only thankful aspect of the Covid scam was that the same morons that jumped on the ‘gun control’, ‘global warming’, 9-11 hysteria are the same ones that fell for the VAX. – Good riddance…
Yes T O “Maybe in today’s issue of WTPN ( We The People News) we will become more enlightened?” —????!!!!
There is a need to broaden our sources of information and relate it to our life
We also need to expand our awareness and accept that it is much bigger than us—I note the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games –snuck in the word Eternity–much messaging gone un noticed by the masses who have been mind controlled and are now being enslaved through advanced technology — still much more to be revealed.
Understanding more about spiritual warfare and the power of connecting to our inner source
Emma Katherine — first 20 minutes— we all need to listen to the people who have witnessed and survived their horrendous evil and destruction —
Nothing like taking a sentence from out of context to use it for your own point of view, eh Diane?
Blocking Genocide Prosecutions to Maintain Sovereignty Is the Australian Way
“Krauatungalung elder Uncle Robbie Thorpe lodged a private criminal prosecution with the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria against attorney general Mark Dreyfus, with the charge sheet outlining that over the chief lawmaker’s time in parliament, he’s failed to “stop and prevent the ongoing Aboriginal genocide”.
“Thorpe makes the point that in preventing Aboriginal people from prosecuting genocide in Australian law courts, via the AG’s fiat, which is always in the hands of a white Australian, not only does it stop a particular case, but it knowingly perpetuates ongoing genocide on this continent.
“In your powerful position as first law officer of the Commonwealth of Australia you have deliberately and knowingly failed and refused to fully completely and properly implement and legislate” the 2002 Rome Statute and the 1948 Genocide Convention in local law, asserts Thorpe.
Howard positioned the block
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court came into effect on 1 July 2002. It initially enacted three of the four core international criminal offences of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and it created the ICC: a global court to prosecute individuals for these crimes.”
Diane – and with all due respect to you dear lady, please do some more research on the 50 Billion Dollars the federal government hands out every year to the ‘Aboriginal Corporation’.
Maybe the questions you should be seeking answers for, would be, why does less than four per cent of the Australian population, receive so much money?
And, where does all that money go?
Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel
“A full list of Deagel’s original apocalyptic depopulation predictions can be viewed here.
Regrettably, the unfolding events strongly suggest that Deagel’s ominous depopulation estimates may not be merely speculative. Real-world data appear to align disconcertingly with these figures, primarily driven by the severe and deadly consequences of Covid-19 vaccination.
But the widespread distribution of these experimental vaccines, allowed under emergency use authorization, would not have been possible without the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So the fact the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract in Ukraine, three months prior to the official recognition of the Covid-19 virus, raises some seriously unsettling questions.
Especially when we consider the U.S. Department of Defense is now known to be intricately connected to Deagel.com, along with the CIA and The Rockefeller Foundation.”
“An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded on 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone.
But the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, the very country that the U.S. Military Industrial Complex is currently using to fight a proxy war against Russia”
Excess deaths globally and by country also well covered in this piece
To get the numbers down to Deagals 1/3 depop by (xmas?) 2025 it seems there may have to be a few large explosions, guessing where is the game
I can’t fathom why people are still talking of Covid-19 a supposed disease that never existed.
The other problem I have trouble with is, why four years ago the WHO began to appear to panic over the the possibility of a pandemic? Must have been an excuse to set up a scam. I don’t recall in my lifetime a pandemic that caused a disaster among the world’s population. Mind you in the past laboratory manufactured diseases had not been available. Before this time a disease came and went with no large death numbers. It has become clear in recent times that most “diseases” are caused by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries to keep themselves in ever rotating funds.
Elbow-Knees is on in the background, he has reshuffled WEF YGL Clare O’Neil from Home Affairs boss to Minister for Homelessness !!! And poor old Andrew Giles of Immigration expendable dept has been put back on the P-plates given Minister for Skills and Training. WEF YGL Andrew Charlton has been “stepped up” to cybersecurity etc., in other words Klaus swab has penetrated the cabinet and will now be directing his minion Andrew Charlton to censor, monitor and otherwise control the internet traffic. Woot woot woot !!! Intruder Detected !!! Woot woot woot !!!
Well you have to shuffle them around because they were all sworn in to serve the Royal Personage on day 1 and it’s too much trouble to unswear them and swear in new ones all the time.
You see we vote for the individuals, usually as part of a party but othwerwise because we “like” them, others we do not “like”, generally because of the media coverage.
Once ministers they abandon everything they stood for and become servants of the Royal Personage, at extreme arms distance. They swear to serve the people of Australia 2nd, or in the case of this short list, the Royal Personage being first, the voters are last. Wedged inbetween somehow is the loyalty to Klaus Swab, the person to which Clare O’Neil and Andrew Charlton ( and also Sarah hanson-Young and Andrew Bragg ) are affiliated.
The government having been stacked in this way, with red party and blue party always seizing first and second place, means the non-affiliated are the only ones free to serve the Australian voter. Anyone who has been “sworn into the ministry” becomes unrepresentative swill of the first order, as does anyone affiliated with Swab.
This video is 6 days old but has excellent background info and breakdowns.
Could only stand watching 5 mins of that rubbish Sandra.
Did all those in authority ever learn anything during their school or university days? It seems not, as the Covid era has shown us, the public, that these creatures know nothing of science or health for that matter. I never set foot in a university campus yet appear to know more than this lot put together. Mind you I have probably learnt more about the human body and other science in the last four years than previous. This is because I investigated matters that I needn’t have. However these pea-brained individuals are being paid huge mounts of taxpayer money to protect the public. Mind you I started off with a reasonable amount of common sense, if I may say so.