J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
The Hippocratic Oath (“First Do No Harm”) is still used by Industrial Western Medicine though this has become totally perverse and the application twisted away from the meaning almost beyond recognition.
Hippocrates himself spent twenty years in jail for opposing the priesthood, who claimed all rights over medicine, and miraculously didn’t have him killed, thanks presumably to family prestige and connections.
Hippocrates proposed fever as a cure, opened a clinic with a watercress farm and used a theoretical system based on four humors (meaning the fluids blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm).
Something very close to the four humors is still used in Chinese medicine, where the pulse is taken and the patient is considered to be some combination of hot/cold and wet/dry. Chinese medicine (as with traditional Western medicine) was not controlled by a priesthood, it was decentralised, and as is well known, it relies on a vast array of mostly naturally occurring substances.
How did Hippocrates come by his ideas nearly 2500 years ago?
The Greek Empire of around 2500 years ago is not well appreciated these days, having been almost completely eclipsed by the engineering and political feats of the Romans, whose ambitions in the East (Byzantium) nonetheless fragmented.
Greeks colonised most of the Black Sea coast including Crimea.
Greek infrastructure obviously involved shipbuilding and their weaponry included the famed Greek Fire. Thousands of years ago they travelled to Asia over the Caspian Sea which was much larger in those times and probably a source of potable or brackish water and abundant fish. We hear little of these expeditions though we more likely hear the Venetian merchant Marco Polo went to China in the late 1200s via the Silk Road and reportedly brought back spaghetti.
Likewise, we hear nothing much of the activities of John D. Rockefeller in the field of medicine during the early 20th century. This individual became extremely active, expanding the uses of his product (mineral oil) into new markets.
According to legend, he came from almost nowhere, with an entrepreneurial travelling salesman father selling a paraffin product, “Rock Oil” for arthritis, from a wagon going from town to town. (Rockefeller later allegedly bought encyclopaedias in order to rewrite certain articles). According to the mainstream legend the young John D. was used as a shill and stood in the crowd making extravagant claims about his father’s placebo cure. Much later he would hand out dimes in the street. From these humble beginnings we are told he quickly built the biggest empire in US history, including multiple (tax-minimising) foundations, and including a political force climaxing with descendant Nelson Rockefeller being appointed Vice President (1974-77) under Gerald Ford after Nixon’s forced resignation. This was the breeding ground for the long and eventful careers of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.
Interestingly, the much derided snake-oil cure originally came from the Chinese Water Snake, a rare and sought-after creature, not available in the USA.
The Rockefellers’ relationship with Chinese medicine did not end there, however.
Medicine was incorporated into religion during the latter days of Christ, certain magical tricks were attributed to him such as turning water into wine, perhaps evolving simply from a state of mass euphoria, nowadays it’s hard to be sure.
More celebrated are his direct faith-healing interventions including raising of the dead which are generally not individually disputed.
The evolution of Western medicine was from faith healing (imposed by the church) with exorcisms and letting out of bad spirits, bad blood etc. which led to trepanning, leeches and removal of various substances and even body parts such as tonsils, appendixes and parts of genitalia, which eventually encompassed some more useful modern surgery, so the Rockefellers rode the new wave of medical mass-treatment technology.
In the booming era of the USA pre-WWI, various entrepreneurial dynasties seemed happy to mingle and share resources. Everyone is usually content in a booming economy, and with a free market of 48 states with a single language and currency, it would be hard to lose. Various oligarchs were most famous, sometimes with near monopolies, in their particular fields, eg. Edison to electricity, Ford to cars, Carnegies to steel, Warburgs to banking. All of these have their own story.
Warburgs interests generally parallel John D. Rockefeller’s later interests, expanding into medical systems, politics and so-styled philanthropy.
The Warburg dynasty according to legend originated from Sephardic (Iberian) Jews, passing through the Venetian del Banco family and others, into Germany centering around Hanover. One of their banks was acquired by UBS (Switzerland) in 1995.
Central Banker Paul Warburg of Jekyll Island fame was most famously characterised as a cartoon character “Daddy Warbucks” and the name subsequently slipped below the public consciousness like the Carnegies’ name with their “Endowment for Peace” hanging in the sky like the Cheshire cat’s grin, while the Military-Industrial Complex slipped away into the dusk.
Via the undisputed legend, Rockefellers claim they were not sponsored or mentored, apparently raised their own capital and built a banking and philanthropic empire entirely on their own initiative. The competition were supposedly sitting ducks.
In the same way Bill Gates enjoyed being “World’s Richest Man” powered by his own genius (recycling unix), with no mention of his father’s global distribution connections through Costco and the historical Gates connection with Rockefellers.
Warren Buffett, the “Oracle of Omaha” also according to convention built his wealth from unexceptional beginnings, spreading his advice and theories widely while privately following a business model of backing monopolies, such as the Globalist chains we see everywhere these days, sometimes disguised with a variety of branding, other times brashly promoting their owners, such as Bezos’ Amazon and Branson’s Virgin. All, including the latest mega-star Elon Musk, seem to like to play down any connection to existing business empires.
Rockefellers at time of writing have not yet destroyed Chinese Traditional Medicine or even Western Traditional Medicine which both fight on with their adherents making an excellent case against the side effects of industrial venom-conceived medicines. Types of poison, symbolised by the snake(s) twined around the staff, produce a desired suppression of symptoms but include side effects, and the cumulative use of these poisons can lead to quite unexpected and serious side effects, which go on to require further treatments, an excellent and well-understood business model; create the problem then sell the solution. We have all heard of old people with bathroom cabinets full of pills, of which they are expected to consume a multitude every day, running back and forth to the tax-funded doctors for ever more prescriptions.
With the Covid-19 plandemic, perhaps Rockefellers will finally crack China, at least at an official and state-based enforcement level. They infiltrated Siam over a century ago, and produced outcomes such as a munificence of international private hospitals, middle-class careers in medicine and a Thai Public Health Department which is involved in the modestly lucrative certification of private businesses, even such as the ubiquitous massage shops. Vietnam has a Dept. of Public Health and Malaysia has an Institute. NGOs such as the CDC and agencies of the UN and WHO infiltrate ASEAN countries. All of this follows the Rockefeller-style Medical Industrial model, designed to continuously stamp out competition. Mainstream, industrialised “Public Health” may be traced to Rockefellers 1913, not long before the famed, mysterious and perhaps over-hyped Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.
The war on non-Rockefeller franchised health business includes first and foremost alternative cancer treatments, refer to the book Consider the Lilies by Mary Maxwell.
Strangely, it now seems you do not have certain rights over your own body. https://6f350b2c-12cf-4bb8-9cfd-8b934f282e06.usrfiles.com/ugd/6f350b_437fdc65e6044f22ae252a411c4c4182.pdf
And also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ivermectin.pdf
The doctors slogan “We bury our mistakes”, could fit the Industry, “We bury our competition”. Stamping out of alternative medicine continues using the state as an accessory, with herbal, vibrational, kinetic etc. attacked by media, regulation and tax advantage.
A few individuals worthy of further study include:
John Gorman
Combined engineering bio-mechanical analysis, chiropractic and Alexander Technique https://blog.dodman.org/2004/08/the-evolution-of-low-back-pain-by-john-gorman/
Prof. Jane Plant
Beat cancer by studying Chinese traditional diet and identifying milk as a cause https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Plant and youtube
Samuel Hahnemann
The discoverer of homeopathy, which has been damned like nothing else by the Medical Industrial Complex. This form of vibrational medicine has enormous potential and already in certain cases works better than antibiotics which are frequently quoted as “becoming ineffective” – perhaps they always were.
Homeopathy does not work exactly on a “like cures like”, hair of the dog sort of basis as is often claimed but on sympathetic vibrations which seem to direct the immune system to respond appropriately. “Like cures like” is perhaps misinformation. Accurate prescription is required, and this is a sticking point. Before long, AI will probably take care of the diagnostic issues.
Homeopathic hospitals continue and thrive in India, which has been very resistant to the Rockefellers’ predations, except in a few states, where over-excited entrepreneurs have been willingly bought out.
At some point, the individual doctor’s personal accountability comes into question.
These comfortably ensconced traders who swear the Hippocratic Oath, prefer to sub out duties such as delivery of the Covid-19 serum injections to minions, while paying a cautious, even subliminal, lip service to their supposed safety and effectiveness.
They would have it that their responsibility and liability stops somewhere around or before the morality issues, which are again handballed elsewhere, corporate style.
Here’s the link for any honest Australian doctors who are considering ways out of their current predicament:
The “Mark of the Beast”
Who or what is the beast?
Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
“Mark “Strongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
“I” is the first letter in Greek of the name – Jesus.
Comments –
Carolyn Southam April 26, 2021 at 4:43 pm – Reply
If you study the word abomination in the Bible, it relates very much to v’s. Scientists use, for example: aborted foetal cell lines, dog kidneys, horseshoe crabs, squalene from shark liver, animal blood. And the needle itself is modeled on a snake fang. It was interesting to find that when the Jews resurrected the Hebrew language, they combined two words from the original Hebrew to cover v a c c i n e, i.e., “liquid poison.”
Jerry+Clifford+Kays December 12, 2021 at 9:57 am – Reply
” the needle / snake fang ” , good analogy!
What does “virus” really mean? A pandemic etymology
Posted on April 12, 2020 by David Porush
According to the Internet god of all things virtually true, the word virus comes from the Latin root meaning “snake’s venom.”
“Virus: [L(atin) ‘slimy liquid, poison…] 1. venom such as emitted by a poisonous animal.”
The “vaccine” is a poison, the snake being the pharmaceutical companies.
For anyone who, like myself, skipped the finance video in the middle of the above article, here it is again:
It’s a great trailer and who would have thought Rockerfellas got into China at the time of the US civil war, and look at them now !!!
Indian business students read Mein Kampf, westerners Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. The Chinese? They study Jewish tribal evolutionary strategy.
“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked a top Chinese newsweekly newspaper recently.
“That’s what the data shows us. It is undeniable from my perspective.” Professor Xu Xin told the IB Business Times when asked this question at a Jewish study group in late October. “They run your media, univerisites and much of your government.”
The professor and his colleagues are so convinced that the Jews run the west, particularly, the US, that they’ve conducted a study to see ‘how the Chinese can follow suit and match Jewish success running western institutions.”
“Yes I think it is obvious that Jews control western world. They tell you who to wage war on, who to fight, who to support and how to spend your money. This is what we Chinese want to understand when we study Jewish dominance and hegemony of west.” Professor Xu Xin stated in the recent IB interview.
The professor took things one anti-Semitic step farther stating,
“There are literally so many instances of how you have fallen for Jewish tricks. Hitler was the last person to openly contest Jewish rule and look how he is viewed. He is hated because of what Jews taught you with their films and books. We Chinese are amused at how gullible white men are. We want to find the same way to shape your thoughts. This is why we study them (Jews).”
So why when we point this out are we castigated as anti-Semites?
It is because as you have posted many times:
“Revelation 3:9 KJV
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie”
It is because they are not jews !!!
If as you and others say, they are from Babylon, Edom or whatever, stateless moved on to Khazaria, Ashkenaziland or wherever, became Sephardic &/or whatever, ended up in Germany and around the place, then got lumped in with natural Judeans, and subsequently Zionists got lumped in with natural Israelis, ALL THIS IS TO THE DISADVANTAGE of the natural group, the impostors are using them as human shields, do you get it yet ? ? ? That’s why you are playing into their hands by going on and on about “jews”. In the common parlance this includes any and all.
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
There is a difference between pretending to be of the tribe of Judah which the term “Jew” infers and being a Judean. In Herods time Judea was in 3 parts – Judea, Samaria and Galilee. Jesus of Nazareth was a Galilean.
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
In A.D.70, the Roman army under Titus captured Jerusalem and thoroughly destroyed the temple. [A stone will not be left on a stone which will not be thrown down” Luke 21:6]. So bringing to an end completely the feasts and passovers held under priestly supervision at the temple.
So closed the period in which jewish passovers functioned not only as memorials of a past great deliverance of Israel, but also as types and shadows pointing to the future sacrifice of the Light of the World, the Lamb of God, the Saviour of mankind.
The New Covenant book of Hebrews was written to show that, as Christians, we have something better than Judaism has to offer. We have a better covenant, a better priesthood, a better temple, and better sacrifices. To revert back to the old rabbinic traditions of Judaism, by which they made void the law of God, is an apostasy for which there is no excuse. So, we see mans definition of a Jew is different from Gods definition. Man defines a Jew as one who submits to the rabbis of Judaism or the priests of Levi who reject Jesus Christ. Paul the Apostle, in His Hebrews Epistle, defines a Jew as one who submits to Jesus, the King of the tribe of Judah, who is also the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek.
The veil of the temple torn through the middle at the 9th hour represented a fence or wall separating those not under the old covenant. The courtyard of the temple was the place for those not under that covenant. This was where the Pharisees did their money changing and general merchandising, and from where Christ on making a whip, threw them out of the temple. At Christs death the veil of the temple was torn in two – the fence was broken – the old covenant was no longer, and Christs House physically [it was already spiritually] became a House of Prayer for all peoples and nations. [Numbers Chapter12. and Revelation 11:2]
The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof ” [Matthew 21:43]
Isaiah 3:8-9, “For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen; because their tongue and their deeds towards God are to rebel against the eyes of His glory.[9] The look of their faces witnesses against them; they have declared their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt evil to themselves.”
And what agreement has Christ with Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever? And what agreement does a temple of God have with idols? For you are a temple of the living God, according as God said, ‘I will live in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” 2Corinthians 6:15 -16.
Just a yes or no would have been better
You either believe the bible is addressed to mankind in it’s entirety or only one nation.
And if it’s only addressed too one nation then there’s no possibility of salvation for any outsiders
“Contrary to what so many good people – out of sheer terror of ‘Communism’ – think, Capitalism is not ‘free enterprise,’ an incentive for success, ‘a chance for all.’ Capitalism is trusts, speculation, parasitical usury. Capitalism is J. P. Morgan, Rothschild’s bank, ripping apart the nations like maddened swine. Capitalism is the Jewish frying pan in which culture is rendered down to the grease of money. Following it, as the night to day, is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of ‘Communism.'” William Striker
[…] Source […]
“Let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who makes its laws” – Mayer Amchel Rothschild
Politicians in the West are official trustees presiding over a Bankrupt entity –
The Bankruptcy of The United StatesUnited States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:
“Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.
Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 3 – Choosing Government Leaders
Larry Romanoff • Friday, October 28, 2022 • 4,700 Words • Comments
One of the greatest things about the United States of America is that it is truly a land of unlimited political opportunity, a country where a man with no education, training or experience, a man bereft of both intelligence and ability, a man with a character eminently corruptible, can rise to become the President of the United States. And many do. And not only in America. One of the most blindingly-obvious flaws in the Western democratic model is that elected…
… I had a few weeks in Asia recently and in Bangkok they all had the little cough-cough, I also got it fairly quickly, they never had it any other time I went there, there were a few sneezes too, this would be Covid-22 Bangkok variant, and they were all wearing the little dust-masks.
… My “illness” lasted a few days, depending how you look at it, but I didn’t want to go through any forced RAT test at any airport so I stayed put in case I got locked up and invoiced for my detention. It only amounted to a few germs and a little cough-cough.
My first bout of Covid™ lasted 2 or 3 weeks with no major inconveniences apart from a couple of dizzy spells and a highly photosensitive left eye for a couple of days. I just laid around and watched TV most of the time.
Natural immunity is working fine thanks even at my advanced age.
I thought only the vaxxed could get back into Oz.
E-passport immigrated by robots, waved through by quarantine by humans, airport train $5 all the way home. Can’t really complain about all the new stuff for once. But if so many people didn’t protest, we probably would be having it a lot worse. Our crooked politicians and dodgy “health” officials will make sure of that in the fullness of time, just give them more time. They want us locked up and multiple injected, they won’t waver on that.
I wanted to stop over in Bali on the way back but they still have injection rules in Indonesia so I didn’t get there. Bali is probably only 1% of Indonesia’s economy so the government doesn’t care so much about it.
This hi-rise popped up in Bangkok along with a new high-speed train line from the new BangSue train station all the way to Udon Thani which is a short bus ride from Vientiane the capital of Laos. All done in a few years no fuss just talked about then done, not sure if Canberra managed to do anything in the last few years apart from stuff things up.
The Devil rules this present world which is no good for any ones health –
George Christensen
Nurse accused of mass-murdering babies
If she floats, she’s a witch
Mass cremations of babies, Maria Zeee May 2022
A very interesting case which is due to run through until April next year (ka-ching, ka-ching). The search engine has had the full block & flood treatment with the same stories repeated over and over again for 30 pages, I gave up looking after 30. Here’s the most comprehensive of all the stories which has links to various items
The BBC has some artist pictures from the trial and a post-it note:
The Countess of Chester Hospital does not seem to be on trial in any way, in fact hardly gets a mention. Looking it up I see “The hospital has its origins in the Cheshire Lunatic Asylum which opened on part of the site in 1829”. At the time of the most recent name-change the Countess of Chester was Princess Diana.
My guess is this girl (the defendant) was targeted as a weak link and all sorts of half dead babies were foisted on her. There is no way I would glibly believe the authorities version of anything and I would be examining all of them before I even began to look elsewhere. My faith in the authorities has gone well into the negative. I fully expect them to capitalise on death and injury at any opportunity, and most of all, opportunities deliberately created by themselves. Throwing someone under the bus is therefore to be expected. What other conclusion could I draw after the last 3 years.
Lucy Letby should just go out and change her name to Patsy.
“On 11 November 2020, Letby was charged with eight counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder. Her trial began at Manchester Crown Court on 10 October 2022, and is due to conclude after six months. Letby pleaded not guilty to seven counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder.”
There doesn’t seem to be any info as too why the deceased babies were in hospital in the first place. No healthy newborn winds up in a neonatal unit. Hopefully a prosecution would require a full disclosure of said details, but as we all know there’s a huge investment in denying THE issue of the hour
One of his better ones, va666ine is declared innocent without trial
That’s interesting Dick Cheney was pushing smallpox injections after 9-11, let’s not forget Donald Rumsfeld was well into BigPharma, Searle (folded into Monsanto), Gilead (makers of Tamiflu).
Gilead gets the block and flood treatment since it is the city / country / planet in the TV series “Handmaid’s Tale”, a feminism psy-op thing which I have never actually watched.
Barrington declaration and other stuff: https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=public+health
Thanks for that link Tim – love ya work!
For some reason my comments are not coming up. Any reason?
Apologies for repeat. Now appeared.
From –
Dr Mike Yeadon
Sep 8
Dear all,
Denis Rancourt & colleagues have examined all causes mortality by state, sex & date of occurrence in USA for a 100 week period extending from just before the alleged pandemic and into 2022.
Two options for interested parties:
-listen to the interview with Jeremy of Jerm Warfare
-read the very large manuscript for findings. I recommend reviewing the figures & tables once you’ve digested the abstract. It is a huge work.
Either way, unless the raw data are in severe error, the findings deal a devastating blow against the narrative that there’s a new virus causing mass scale illness & deaths.
Respiratory illness & deaths, assumed to be caused by viruses, characteristically are associated with elevated death rates, with markedly greater proportionate increased in deaths as age at death increases. It is known as the “respiratory illness death signature” & it’s evident in the death statistics in every northern hemisphere winter.
It is missing in the COVID era.
It’s up to you what you make if it.
I conclude that, whatever caused the increased mortality in USA, it was inconsistent with a virus causing severe respiratory illness and deaths.
If there indeed is a novel virus circulating, it’s not the cause of the deaths.
I made no comment in lab results by anybody. These aren’t capable of answering the key question, which is “Are the deaths data consistent with the narrative?”.
The answer is “No”.
Are there other, plausible explanations for the illnesses & deaths which definitely occurred?
The answer is “yes”.
Again, everyone, it’s up to you to decide what you think this means.
Be rigorous scientists & focus only on the evidence. If the raw data is suspect, the results may be undermined & the conclusions unsound.
But I submit you cannot just dismiss it because it’s uncomfortable. I didn’t begin with the position I now hold. It’s extremely uncomfortable, I assure you. I’ve been driven here by the evidence.
Thanks for reading my post,
Best wishes
Mike Yeadon
Eric F. Coppolino
Sep 8
MIke thank you. From the outset, the argument could be made that there was no circumstantial or medical evidence for community spread of a pathogen, right back to the claimed early cases in China. This goes back to the May 10 2020 paper by David Crowe, “Flaws in the coronavirus pandemic theory.”
Writes BB_DAVID’s Newsletter
Sep 8
Dear Doctor Mike,
Please have a look at the EUROMOMO Z-scores by country graph:
Pathogens see no border. Yet elevated death rate (beginning of 2020) only happened in the Western EU member states(BE, ES, IT, NL, UK plus Israel). A logical conclusion could be that these excess deaths were the consequences of a new vaccine technology pushed onto the Western elderly in a much tightly controlled medical environment.
Another graph ‘Pooled number of deaths by age group’ clearly shows excessive death after the vaccination campaign in 2021.
4ReplyGift a subscriptionCollapse
Dr Mike Yeadon
Sep 9
Thank you. Each example of impossible occurrences disprove the narrative.
I was persuaded by Rancourt’s analyses of US all causes mortality data that is inconsistent with the respiratory virus death narrative.
As I’ve said, this means either the new virus isn’t circulating or if it is it’s not a major contributor to deaths. Because if it was, the age profile of deaths would be radically different than the official data from 50 US states.
The COVID narrative is literally all lies.
Why are U.S. politicians super rich? – Facts Tell
Charity begins at home –
Egypt: A big holiday for establishment appointed diplomats including luxury flights, hotels, luncheons, banquets and nobody can guess what else.
As we all know the environment is being damaged by oligarchs, who lead the way in their taste for waste, self-indulgence and inefficient systems designed entirely to benefit the owner of the system and nothing else.
The solution is to blame CO2, a harmless gas, and mitigation solutions are to be paid for by SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS !!! SDRs are a type of credit card given out by Swissy / UN / IMF et al to various nations with a credit limit – politicians will find it irresistible, a new way to pork barrel and increase national debt !!!
What happens when national debt is greater than the calculated value of the country ? You guessed it, you become a slave, you will own nothing !!! And if you are not happy you will be deleted by va666ine + targeted microwaves, it seems.
We have seen what appears to be multiple experiments of this nature and probably many more than the few for which the footage is available.
The public is getting wise to the CO2 hoax so now the story is changed to methane, but the farmers are already onto that and have found they can feed stock with seaweed which fixes their planet-destroying flatulence.
What will be the next ruse to flog these SDRs, since the initial va666ine ruse has now FAILED MISERABLY. Swissy’s UN / IMF credit must be doled out to somewhere so they are targeting 3rd world countries for their environment issues. My guess is this will lead to land theft and possible open range menageries, as oligarchs since Nero ( and probably long before ) have been fascinated by menageries. More recently the fashion has moved to transgender, transhuman, satanic creatures and mutants.
This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio)
From the FTN Website: In less than a week the Federal Reserve has been merged with the U.S. Treasury (implying it wasn’t always that way) and BlackRock, the world’s largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of executing future acquisitions and trades. Who is BlackRock? What do they own? And perhaps more importantly, what and who do they control? Jazz and James dive into BlackRock and uncover a significant portion of the apparatus by which U.S. politics are controlled and manipulated. Full episode:
That is old news, Mein Trumpf did it, perhaps in preparation for dislodging the BIS, or perhaps he is going to surprise everyone with something else …
But he used to like that Andrew Jackson picture on the wall so much. The way to dislodge the BIS without having an expensive war cannot be simple.
A dose of some weird stuff about Mein Trumpf etc from x22 a couple of days ago
The internet censors still banning rumble so take out the XXXX
It is rather misleading that all of the “Freedom Fighters” claim “personal sovereignty” as the ideal of “freedom” pretty much in line with the ‘Masonic slogans of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” and “each man will be his own king, his own priest and his own god”. No reference at all to “Logos incarnate” Who’s Way, Truth and Life, Who’s Kingship is a yoke that is sweet and burden light, the Truth of which will “set you free” to pursue your eternal destiny.
The sovereign “freedom” to deny Nature and Purpose according to whim and convenience is asking for the “big whack” that is coming over the horizon.
Prelates and princes (and delicate princesses of perversity) should realise that the only “sovereignty” that we have is to accept, or reject, goods and trues that are offered to us. There are no “rights” that are not incumbent in the duties of our “state in life”. No one ever has a “right” to any error or perversity.
Covid-19: Universe of Questions in a Time of Universal Deceit
October 28, 2022 — Bit by bit as most of the accepted narrative began to unravel, questioning the “official story” became more than a revolutionary act it became an obligation. Full story:
Comment: There was no Pandemic and COVID-19 is mild ‘flu. The only danger is the inoculation of diseases mandated by corrupt government officials. This international criminal operation conceived by the usual suspects is traceable in hard copy since 1897 sponsored by infamous eugenicists and corrupt officials—full-blooded psychopaths in 193 UN member states who foresee themselves in high office serving the satanic one world government Jesus declined (Matthew 4:8-9).
Mark Dankof and E. Michael Jones are vicious anti-Semites
We are living in an intolerable world. The gangsters in that world do not want anyone to expose them because they would cease to have political dominion over us.
Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor –
November 6, 2022
“………A similar thing happened to E. Michael Jones, one of the most trenchant and intrepid writers of our time. Jones wrote an article in 2003 saying that Jewish revolutionaries were behind pornography and produced a mammoth of scholarly studies to back up his thesis. He was still labeled an anti-Semite because his conclusion was that pornography is bad.
The following year Nathan Abrams, a renowned Jewish professor and lecturer in Modern American History, first at the University of Aberdeen, now at Bangor University, took Jones’ thesis and reproduced it in the Jewish Quarterly, where he got all kinds of accolades. Not a single Jewish organization has come forward and declared that Abrams is a vicious anti-Semite because Abrams sees pornography as a good thing. In Abrams’ own words, “What are we ashamed of?”[18]
Keep in mind that before Abrams asked the puzzling question, he wrote explicitly that:
“Jewish involvement in porn…is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion…
“Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged.”[19]
In his book The New Jew in Film, Abrams moves on to say: “[O]lder generation of Jewish filmmakers and actors, here [Woody] Allen, [Stanley] Kubrick and [Ron] Jeremy, arguably not only increased the Jewishness of their work, but updated it to match the new post-1990 sensibility by defining it in increasingly sexualized (and pornographic) terms.”[20]
Abram’s work has been published by academic centers like Rutgers University Press, and no one again has ever accused him of being an anti-Semite. In fact, he has gotten great accolades for writing provocative works.
The logic is pretty clear here: we are living in an intolerable world. The gangsters in that world do not want anyone to expose them because they would cease to have political dominion over us. They want to perpetuate categorical lies as truth. But every lie they utter brings them closer to destruction precisely because they cannot bury the truth forever. …………………”
Something good came out of Canberra once but it was a long time ago
“78 Saab – All a Lie”