New Orleans ‘terrorist’ attack
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
All animals, or at least all mammals, have a way of discerning reality from fakery. If you put a trough of water in front of them, and they taste it and find it isn’t water, they will walk away.
Humans, though, might continue to drink whatever drink you gave them, as their sense of reality has something to do with words. Coffee is coffee. Granted, that’s only conventional – the person’s society decided to give the name “coffee” to such-and-such a drink. But eventually the name gains a life of its own.
Today, January 2, 2025, the newspapers told us about two simultaneous “terrorist acts” (in Las Vegas and New Orleans). A huge number of Americans – and an even bigger group of people outside the United States – realize that these violent events are false flags. They are staged by the Powers That Be for the purpose of teaching the citizenry a made-up reality, for example that Muslims are terrorists, hell-bent on punishing America.
Those of us who know how these deceptions work, cannot get that through to the majority. They say “Yes, of course it’s terrorism — the News said so.” Probably this is tied to the necessary human sense of authority. Thus, if, tomorrow, the 6PM news on CBS offers a correction, with the reporter saying “We now think it was a false flag,” your non-skeptical neighbor will most likely say “Ah, good, it wasn’t terrorism after all.”
This Must Stop
We are on a course to disaster. We have hidden rulers making astonishing plans for our destruction. We’ve got to band together to throw these hidden rulers overboard. Let us, who are in the know, announce that the first step to getting off the disaster train is to say:
“Look, fellow citizens, we can’t survive if you refuse to differentiate between coffee and ‘coffee’. We need to monitor reality. You non-skeptics are harming all of us. Get with it, puh-leeze.”
That said, I don’t think many will cooperate. They are in a state of fear. So we should just get together, as publicly as possible so they’ll see us, and start the job of identifying the lies and the liars. Your Dad might retort, “We have done that for years, but they just lie right back to us. They say we are the liars.”
Dad’s right — it has been an unavailing effort so far. The Biggies seem to have power in so many ways. Typically, the item they are lying about – say, the need for an upcoming war – has inherent force, the force of weapons. So it’s only logical to feel outgunned. But what I’m proposing is not that we win the case for “No War!” Rather, we aim only at the lies. We insist that our society make decisions based on reality.
Stop Lying
The lying is unacceptable. Under the American Constitution, people are allowed to tell lies. A cop who has just heard you remark “It’s a sunny day” when he can see that it’s raining cats and dogs, will not handcuff you and whisk you off to jail. This is a good thing. Our right to say what we want to say is protected by the First Amendment. Others can offer their competing wisdom. “The sunshine is nowhere to be seen, Buddy.”
But if your statement causes actual harm to others, they may sue you for damages. Such a lawsuit is a civil action. Separately, there could be prosecutions for the crime of fraud.
Let’s say that the two events of New Year’s 2025 have been deliberately misreported as acts of Muslim terrorism. They were really “false flags” or psy-ops. Say a rogue component of the US government produced those events by hypnotizing the perpetrators into perpetrating. There is room here for the persons injured by the explosion or shooting, to sue for damages.
Once their case comes to trial, both sides have the right of Discovery of the opponent’s documents or evidence. A court will helpfully issue a subpoena to demand such material. Conceivably, the injured persons (or families of deceased victims) could thus cause the rogue part of government to be identified and blamed!
This almost never happens. A common way for the wealthier party to end the lawsuit is to “settle out of court.” They offer the plaintiff a large payout, to get which he/she they must sign a non-disclosure agreement, an NDA. Another way that silence falls on the whole matter is that potential plaintiffs are given sufficient intimidation to assure that they won’t pursue the case.
Note: I have so far only imagined injured people trying to sue “rogues” for compensation. I did not picture the injured, or any citizen, suing the media, or the government, for disguising a government psy-op.
In my example, the rogues knowingly mislabeled the events as having been done by Muslim terrorists. Using myself as the putative plaintiff here, I could claim that such lying has an enormously harmful effect on my life. It:
— causes me to worry that we’re about to go to war against Muslims in the Middle East,
— causes me to become depressed and confused about that,
— causes me to assume that everything stated by media is nonsense,
— causes my culture to lose one of its age-old values: truth
— causes me to be unable to know confidently what reality is.
A Stunning Tissue of Lies – the Kennedy Case
Allow me now to insert a real case, to show how far our society has deviated from reality.
As I have published elsewhere, a man named David Quigley has come forward to say that he was removed from his family, mainly so the Mafia could avail itself of the Kennedy fortune. He says he was born in 1960 and was the darling child seen running around Hyannis Port and is the 3-year-old who saluted the casket of his Dad, President JFK, days after the assassination.
In other words, David Quigley’s real name was John F Kennedy, Jr, but he was kidnapped and replaced by the dark-haired lad whom everyone worshipped as the heir to the Camelot throne. That lad died in a plane crash in 1999. I am using the word “kidnapped” loosely. David did spend some of the time, until he was 14, with his mother, Jacqueline. He says she died in 1975.
Having checked him out, I find he is telling the truth. (I cannot yet prove that Jackie died and was replaced by a substitute, until 1994.)
The matter is mucked up by the fac that David was in the MK-Ultra program, in California. Sorry to say, Jackie allowed this to happen, though it seems she was forced to do so. In any case, huge numbers of people have been aware of it all along. So here is the most amazing case of lying I have ever heard of — a prominent family, purveyed to us as containing specific individuals, who were but impostors.
A Revived Court of Equity – Constructive Remedies
Now I offer something a bit more pleasant. First, I reiterate that the lying must stop. Fantasies go against our ability to make good decisions. I want to inspire students to get creative. If the current practice of law is not helpful, we’d better establish something suited to this crisis.
In English history there was an entity called The Court of Equity. At a king’s coronation he was told that he should stand for both justice and mercy. Many cases did not have a just outcome if the law was followed strictly: a bit of creative tweaking was needed. Si, the king’s judges were allowed to make a “constructive remedy” to a problem. Up until 1783, the Court of Equity engaged in that sort of thing.
Since 1873, in England, the courts of law and the courts of equity merged. A judge in either court could apply the rules of equity. In the United States, we did not have two separate courts. There is a whole area of American law known as equity, but since around 1950 it fell into disuse.
The legislature has not repealed it, so it can be revived at any time. All judges are entitled to use it today. Note: an interesting feature of Equity is that it calls for a person to disgorge his/her ill-gotten gains.
SCOTUS in the Throckmorton Case, on Extrinsic Fraud
A rule of thumb in Contract Law is that “fraud vitiates everything.” Assume that you and I are in a contract of purchase-and-sale. I have promised to pay you $200, each month this year, for your efforts in making a gingerbread house for me. It is to be delivered next year, at which point I will have handed over $2400. You had shown me your carpentry certificate, and you gave me a tour of a gingerbread house that you had made.
Comes the day for delivery and you announce that there will be no gingerbread house. I go to court and sue you for a refund of the $2400 plus interest, and $500 for wasting my time. Undoubtedly the judge will grant my request, as there was a clear breach of contract.
But if I had also learned that the carpentry certificate you showed me was false, and that the house we toured was built by someone else, I would also ask for damages for having been defrauded. Note: the matter of fraud can also determine the outcome of a criminal case.
There is precedent in the US Supreme Court for the matter of Extrinsic Fraud. The word “extrinsic” indicates that the dishonesty was not part of the case as such. My no-good gingerbread fellow may have defrauded me but that was intrinsic fraud. It was part of the argument.
In the ruling of an 1878 case, United States v Throckmorton, we read:
“There is no question of the general doctrine that fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, document, and even judgements. …Where an attorney fraudulently… assumes to represent a party and connives at his defeat… [it may be right] to set aside or annul the former judgement and open the case for a new and a fair hearing… [because] the party has been prevented form presenting all of his case to the court….”
As described, the behavior of the bad lawyer was extrinsic to the arguments of the actual case. He defrauded the client extrinsically. I take from the ruling in Throckmorton — which has not been overturned – that an extrinsic fraud can alter an outcome. It isn’t particularly easy to demonstrate how cases can end up with bad judgements based on the wrong “realities” that our society lives with today, but it needs to be done, doesn’t it?
The entire caseload of civic claims related to the “attacks of 9-11” was handled in one federal court, the Southern District of New York. Anyone who is half awake knows that the attacks were an inside job, and a false flag. Very likely all those SDNY cases were wrongly judged.
There is no hope, I repeat no hope, of getting SCOTUS to salvage that situation, regarding 9-11. The nine justices are wedded to the false story of the 19 Arab hijackers. Perhaps if you create a new case today, even if only in a ‘moot court,’ and deliver a compelling argument for the idea of extrinsic fraud, it could eventually “waft up.”
Bottom line: Justice must be preceded by a recognition of reality.
Did not read it except last – 1.5 line/s
Try it then.
9.56 PM
You’re right: Muslims aren’t “terrorists hell-bent on punishing America”
The dinky-di variety are religious vigilantes committed to punishing drunkenness, debauchery and sexual exhibitionism
They’re good at identifying a problem but clueless as to fixing it
Whereas every western- style government has a big fat investment in said problem
And is clueless as to the inevitable return
No guesses as to where the situation’s heading – for a season anyway
And what better place for a respective “holy war” scenario to take place than New Orleans:
The instigators simply need to be alerted to the ultimate consequences of such purging as spelled out in Matthew 12: 434 – 45 ( the house left vacant, swept clean, and put in order)
Holograms go viral
The reality is most people are blameless, hopeless and useless. They have however been put on the hook by a collective, known as the Government. The Government is a fraud if you can chase the details, the nux of all of the problems. Those entities will never be separated by power, law or reality.
The buyer has not done their due diligence and now we all are subjected to market forces. Could be worse though, imagine if you believed any of that crap, to be anything but an excrement of lie’s.
Central governments installed to simplify the interface with Globalist structures such as United Nations, BIS & World Bank, WEF, Bilderberg, Tricontinental etc etc
USA: 1776
Canada: mid 1800’s
Germany: about 1880
Australia: 1901
Europe: post-ww2
Individual members of institutions such as SCOTUS must not get out of line, penalty of death, outing etc, therefore are functionally useless to the member states, only of service to the governing top-down organisations
But according to The Peoples Voice things will maybe get sorted
Hard to believe but I only know what I’m served on the screen
Comedy corner
( and J6 committee )
In case commenter berry didn’t see this the other day I am re-posting it since I have very little almost nothing going on in my head normally so this could be it for 2025:
Reminds me I was going to put in a story somewhere about premonition type of events, everyone knows they got a feeling before a phone call or whatever, I had a few funny ones somewhat more substantive.
I went up the hill to look around and went down a particular road for no particular reason and after a minute of two of walking I decided “there’s nothing here” and went back, a few years later my first house was down that road.
Another time, I went to what was then the end of the train line to look around and started walking west across a carpark, then I thought what am I doing, there’s nothing there, and went back. A couple of years later my best career forming job was right there, exactly where I was headed.
Another time, the ex-wife ( don’t worry we are on excellent terms ) got sick of me telling her leave me alone I have to work, got very upset, went walking far up the road 2 or 3 km and where she ended up was where I bought my new house, about 6 house blocks away.
Another time, I went to the mall, it was on an elevated site, I was looking out east for something I don’t know what, like I expected something to be there in the distance or anywhere, of course there was nothing, until some years later that’s where the ex-wife bought her dream home, it was part of my view about 1km away.
There was always nothing there,,,, yet.
I wonder if Commenter Berry has ever written up an actual article about the demons experiences for the Gumshoe News. I am quite interested in people’s religious experiences but some of these YouTube interviews go on and on so by the end your mind has just gone blank. It’s good to have a transcript or written summary especially when there is a lot of very familiar well-worn sorts of material in the mix, causing a blank-out.
Better watch your step, and avoid grave yards.
How does a particular location become imbued with a particular atmosphere or recurring scenario ?
How do you know who’s ringing you when you’re not anticipating it ?
Total mystery, but way more resonating than anything perceived via our emotional and/or mental faculties, the province of the Spirit having dominion over both
The following experience still does my head in:
In 1970 my sister and I arranged to meet up at what had been the family property. Our Dad was still living there but a couple of years earlier he and Mum had been through a seriously acrimonious divorce. Shortly before leaving Mum had moved into a spare room that had two single beds. I wound up sleeping in the one she’d been using for a few nights and had a really unpleasant dream, a sense of having the covers pulled off me. When my sister arrived I swapped it out for the one nearer the window because she was a smoker.
And she woke up suddenly next morning saying “Oh, I just had a really unpleasant dream, a sense of having the covers pulled off me.”
When we told Mum about it a year or two later she said “That’s exactly what M used to do before I moved out, that’s how he’d wake me up to berate me about this and that”
PS: 5 years after my 1980 “alien encounter” my husband had a freak car accident in the very same spot – he was unscathed but the vehicle was a complete write-off. He was someone who did a lot of driving but who never incurred so much as a minor prang at any other time
Geneticists get a foot in the door as usual
They like to say there is 80% (?) junk DNA they call it
Apparently we are too unevolved to have been using it
As with our brain🤷♂️
a certain location that has a particular atmosphere or that’s host to a recurring scenario obviously has nothing to do with our genetic make-up
What’s this ongoing stuff about South Korea, the Japanese are wise to the Covid scam and they are pretty pissed off about it.
A bot wrote:
Recent studies in South Korea have raised concerns about the potential risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly regarding myocarditis. A notable case involved a 22-year-old man who experienced chest pain five days after receiving the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and tragically died just seven hours later. Autopsy findings indicated that myocarditis was the cause of death, highlighting the need for further investigation into vaccine-related adverse events.A nationwide study revealed that out of 21 reported deaths following vaccination, eight were classified as sudden cardiac deaths attributable to vaccine-related myocarditis. Most adverse events occurred after the first dose, with a significant percentage reported within a day of vaccination…
I asked the bot:
“please skip the preamble, fake studies, “safe and effective” slogan, excuses and references to dodgy “trusted healthcare/medical professionals”, and without lying and claiming “misinformation”, can you guarantee I will not die from mrna injections, yes or no”
and I got
“The question of whether mRNA injections guarantee safety, including the assurance of not dying from them, remains complex. While extensive research and clinical trials have shown that mRNA vaccines significantly reduce the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, no medical intervention can provide an absolute guarantee of safety for every individual. Concerns about misinformation surrounding vaccines have proliferated, often fueled by social media and anecdotal claims. This has led to widespread skepticism, despite the consensus among health authorities regarding the benefits of vaccination. Ultimately, individuals must weigh the available evidence, consider their personal health circumstances, and consult with healthcare professionals to make informed decisions. While the risk of severe adverse effects is low, it is essential to acknowledge that all medical treatments carry some level of risk. Therefore, a definitive “yes” or “no” answer regarding guarantees of safety is not feasible.”
“please cut the bullshit: can you guarantee I will not die from mrna injections, yes or no”
“The question of whether mRNA vaccines can guarantee safety, particularly against death, is complex. While no vaccine can provide an absolute guarantee of safety, extensive research and monitoring have shown that mRNA vaccines, like those for COVID-19, are highly effective and generally safe for the vast majority of people. The FDA and other health organizations rigorously evaluate these vaccines through clinical trials and ongoing safety monitoring.Misinformation surrounding vaccines often stems from distrust in institutions and the politicization of health issues. It’s crucial to differentiate between myths and facts. For instance, while some claim that vaccines are harmful, data from health authorities indicate that serious side effects are extremely rare.Ultimately, the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweigh the risks for most individuals. Engaging with credible sources can help clarify these concerns and promote informed decision-making.”
“in a strictly one word answer without any embellishment: can you guarantee I will not die from mrna injections, yes or no”
The stoopid bot kept propagandising for Gates & co without understanding the question, the bot cannot provide a guarantee for anything, it’s a bot
More from botski
‘why are mrna injectable products claimed to be safe when they may result in sudden death, exclude reference to CDC, exclude benefits, exclude misinformation; please answer the specific question”
mRNA injectable products, such as vaccines, are often claimed to be safe based on extensive clinical trials and ongoing monitoring of their effects. Regulatory agencies and health organizations evaluate the safety of these products through rigorous studies that assess potential adverse effects, including rare events like sudden death. The data collected from millions of vaccine recipients helps establish a safety profile that is continually updated.Despite concerns about sudden death, the scientific consensus indicates that the incidence of such events is not higher among vaccinated individuals compared to the general population. This is crucial in understanding the context of any reported cases, as many factors can contribute to sudden death, including underlying health conditions.The perception of safety surrounding mRNA vaccines is rooted in their design and the mechanisms by which they operate. They do not alter DNA and are rapidly broken down by the body, which further supports claims of their safety when used as directed.
It’s midnight and Botski is still bullshitting
“extensive clinical trials”
Typical gov bots
Joe Relax,
Just rest back and talk to a brick wall and your time will not be wasted.
I am understanding that experience here among the ‘bot minded’.
12.30 PM
Terry has learnt, he addresses his beans in the tepee and gets good results in return.
Joe with regard to bot, the real question should have been, “Did the disease named Covid-19 really exist?” Even I can answer that request without the help of the CDC or FDA. You probably know my answer to that question. It will not be a maybe or perhaps.
You have to write it a legal letter, simple questions get the political treatment. It wears out my patience trying to mold the bot into giving a straight answer. Also the spell checker is constantly giving me the shits. Imagine the poor government workers having to deal with ms_CoPilot365 government version buggering up all their work and making it even more insensible and unworkable than it already is. It will just change shit, if we get new senators and their staff writes up “injections are unsafe” the ms_CoPilot365 will “correct” it to “injections are safe and effective”.
I wonder how much Elbow paid for that crap
RFK Jr wins Supreme Court case against big pharma :
I could only find this
is there a link
I also saw an ad for Trump’s favourite coffee with Johns Hopkins University sponsoring research, I thought it was going to say covfefe, what is covfefe
Covfefe was a word inserted into a Trump Tweet courtesy of the folks at qanon , to prove in the early days the Q had direct contact with the President .
Heck , he was the President .
As always , I forget to proof read :
Probably the most stable genius we’ve ever had in the history of the world.
I was sent this link by a friend using telegram. Very very interesting. If this group is successful in restoring the Republic back to American society think of the world wide repercussions.
Yes Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miareckiis coherent which is better than so much stuff on the topic.
I don’t know why Americans haven;t heard of “Restore the Republic” when I have.
I don’t know why it gets conflated with “Q” predictions issued the same date but 3 years earlier which hardly make any sense anyway. I don’t know why it all has to be conflated with Hillary and 4 other fake Hillarys all hanged at Gitmo with graphic details. So much fake Alt-news out there designed to make people roll their eyes and look elsewhere.
Good to hear the story of the 13th amendment and South Carolina.
Filling the ( restored ) seats with Governors is fine but they will presumably need an election, by “property holders”, isn’t that the original qualification, so now the banksters will say “we actually own the property” … and turn everything into a Catch-22 spaghetti
They’ve all malfeasanced and sitting unconstitutionally because they’re all members of the BAR – won’t go down well
Bloody hell what a cover-up, shooting Lincoln etc.
Maybe what they really need to do is start “New America” in Paraguay
I cited Meleki in previous article.
Why no link?
Too much for others to realise that there is much more about, the plans and Derk Johnson. Eh?💁🙀
4.43 PM
Where is my reply to Joe re Mereki and SGanon cited by me in comments min the last article,
Joe you missed referring to the plan and Derek Johnson by Medeki.
It answers those here for years scoffing, denying and ignoring ‘the plan’ and full details .
Why so and why.not put up the link…. You usually have no trouble putting up link🙀💁🤪
About 5.27 Pm
Not much of a plan, they’re still headhunting 10 would-be governors, however I am always interested in the 13th amendment and this puts the pieces together very well. btw she says she only started out as anti-establishment in March 2020
Why not do it then?
Well that just appeared.
MM before I go and finish Real Mary at her situation update considering some reality, have a gander for 12 minutes at beforeitsnews.com at Ben Fulford.
Opine please on your concept of reality considering the reference to which T will be seen at the inauguration🙀remember the real Biden was not even inaugurated.
Then at about 8 mins what will be Australia’s status in our paddock.
Then that is that coal loading fire in Canada…. A bit sus?
If you can help us deciphering reality, give it a go.
Time, about what it was 7 mins ago.
More dots, lots of dots. The Vegas Tesla burning is discussed in detail. I won’t spoil it for you, but things don’t appear as they seem. Now the BIGGIE to me was the intel on anti-gravidic propulsion. OK, so both the US and China has it. The US was heavily into it to begin with. Some of my other research (nothing can be confirmed) stated that initially the alien group (referred to as ‘The Domain’) had been cooperating with the Americans. Then, I think it was about 1985, the Domain decided that the sentience of the Chinese was more aligned with theirs. The Domain then abandoned the Americans and started working with the Chinese. That scenario fits in with the video.
For some reality not the about the last ten mins the bomb that is invisible.
I had seen snippets earlier re the T building bomber and thought it was a simple matter. BUT IT IS NOT. Fits in with Jacko’s forecast.
Thanks Terry, for making my day harder.
Reality is REAL MM.
Time: who cares?
REPLY Awaiting the POSTING
More discussion on the Las Vegas Tesla bombing with Ashton Forbes(MH370 Orb disclosure).
Las Vegas Cybertruck bomber was blowing the whistle on black operations done to hide gravity technology. Emailed a manifesto days before the bombing.
Damn, I refuse to join any Gmail/Youtube accounts. Maybe I can find the video elsewhere.
Bloody Hell, Forbes even used Youtube on his own website. Can anybody give me a quick run down on what Forbes said?
I should mention that according to the sources I’ve read the Chinese have prepared for this war, the Americans have not. The Chinese can win this war win minimum loss, America on the other hand will be toast.
Something for Terry
Ashton Forbes
Bombshell after bombshell today.
Email from Matthew Liveisberger claims the ‘drones’ on the east coast are utilizing gravity manipulation.
Hard Truths Podcast-Ashton Forbes and Jason Jorjani
Jason Jorjani – Slow Drip Disclosure, Zero Point Energy, and Breakaway Civilizations – Hard Truths
Premiered 6 hours ago
“Matthew Liveisberger claims the ‘drones’ on the east coast are utilizing gravity manipulation.”
Which inspired him to top himself ?
Thanks Sandra, more dots to try and connect. I was actually looking for the Ashton Forbes discussion on the Vegas/Tesla incident, but that was a mind-bender!
Most here would not recognise an elephant in their bedroom and others try to hide it from those who have a brain to see it.
I have been on this site for over ten years and can pick them as they pass and are replaced.
For those who can see, I have tried to assist in prioritising REALITY.
Others keep obfuscating.
Today I have listened to Jaco, following with Tony following Jaco and Ben Fulford.
Have listened again to Dr Mereki and other material.
I have been on similar tasks for the ten years with Dee.
Each person has to find their own destiny, but if one cannot recognise a possible reality using an open mind then destiny is at the whim of others to control it.
Everyone has a choice as to whether to travel their own pathway. Probably being lost previously and will be lost again but some try again.
In short listen to a REAL MARY with snippets of reality to consider AND DISCERN A PATHWAY.
To assist Dianne. You would know but note the functions of Fort Bragg for the attention of the normies.
The most basic information for the normies is from about 48 mins and to realise that your pineal gland has been ‘calcified’ by design.
Dinner is being served.
About 7.seventeen pm
“RECOGNISING REALITY IS TOP PRIORITY..” – The Shawn Ryan video is a prime example of the problem. Both guys are former military Special Ops. They hang with other guys that have basically the same experiences. It is a different ‘elite’ bubble that other people can’t relate to. So within that bubble, they are experts. BUT, as significant as it is, it is still a bubble. They interpret the email from their experiences in the military and they totally MISS the BIG issue about anti-gravidic propulsion. It has never been part of their reality.
Terry this is the only Ashton Forbes info re Tesla/Vegas outside YT .
I forgot to add the link to his twitter page.
I have managed to post the Tesla/Vegas YT video by starting further in.You just have to rewind to the start.
LOL! The video of Ashton Forbes talking about the Shawn Ryan video has appeared and sure enough, Ashton comments about the interview that Ryan has missed the big issue. THEN, Shawn Ryan reveals he is taking his family into hiding. The reason, although he was SF and worked with spooks he didn’t know what a USAP was and he talked/did a video about it. A USAP is an UNACKNOWLEDGE special access program. It is DEEP, it doesn’t exist, never existed, totally unacknowledged whenever asked about it.
Guys that are involved with such programs are killed or are sent to prison on trumped up sex charges to defame them and then tracked after prison. The exits to such programs are ugly.
Shawn Ryan just got a wake-up call.