by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In my opinion, they would have been wiser to kill her. That would have led to sorrow and frustration among citizens, and no further action. Well, thank God they didn’t. Serene Teffaha is strutting around and can easily become the biggest thorn-in-the-side Australia’s courts have ever had. And an innovator, which is her strong suit anyway. A most welcome development!
Teffaha got on the wrong side of the Powers That Wish They Could Be Except They’re Too Slow (PTWTCBETTS). She started a law firm whose website is AdvocateMe.com.au. I only know two of her main subject matters – the Covid Lockdown caper and the Let’s Steal Kids from Their Protective Parent caper. So I will assume for purposes of this short GumshoeNews bulletin that either or both of those is the reason for her disbarment.
“Why don’t you just ask the officials why they disbarred her, Mary?” Because of course they are too …um… prevaricatorious. They’ll never come out with it. They never come out with anything recognizable as reality. Judging by the warning she was given, it had “something to do with her breaching the privacy act.” She said so in her beautiful “I laugh, I cry” video.
Don’t you be cryin’, Serene. The whole country’s got your back. There’s not an Aussie in sight who prefers the PTWTCBETTS to a nice gal like you.
I suggest you contact every person who signed up for your big class action against Covid dumbass restrictions and see if they are willing to let you keep the $250 that each paid. Then you use that to establish a …um… what to call it. I mean a court, as in a newly formed court. The French word for court is cour, but that’s too similar to the English. The Portuguese word is quanda. The Norwegian is domstol. The Catalan is jutjat.
Let’s go for jutjat, for now. It’s where people can go to get justice. Like what we used to have, called “the court” – still in living memory to some of us.
The Jutjat
Who can be allowed to practice law in the new jutjat? Well, anyone who already has credentials for the old court can come in, but a group of “serenities” will be there to suspend them if they are not “quality,” OK? Plus new people can join, ones who never before “were called to the Bar.”
What is the Bar anyway? The one that disbarred Ms Traffaha the other day is a private entity within the state of Victoria that has been awarded some special status by a legislative gift known as a statute. I think of the Bar as being like the AMA in America that accredits medical schools and doctors. By whose leave? By leave of a now-suspect statute.
Have a look at the Encyclopedia Britannica’s entry on The Inns of Court, namely Lincoln’s Inn, Gray’s Inn, the Middle Temple and the Inner temple, in London:
“The Inns of Court are voluntary societies, unchartered and unincorporated. Hence, their early history is obscure. Since their inception in the Middle Ages, however, they have been devoted to the technical study of English law, rather than Roman law. Previously, law was learned in the course of service [as] in private clerkship to some official. By the mid-13th century, when the common law had become extensive and intricate, there arose a class of men, literate but lay, who created and dominated the legal profession and set up the Inns of Court as an answer to the problem of legal education.”
So OK, it’s now the 21st Century, not the 13th, and we are not in UK, we’re in the South Paciff. We can establish ways for concerned adults to become good at law. Not silly at law. Not mean at law. Good at law.
I’m afraid the examples that come to mind of lawyers being good at law are not too many. How about this video of a medical doctor, Russell Pridgeon teaching the law. I love it when he says, at 64 seconds: “We have a right to protect our children even against court-ordered sexual abuse.” (I’ve heard on the grapevine that he wanted to say “court-ordered rape” but decided not to be too provocative that day. He was wearing a leg monitor, having been arrested for rescuing children from terror and abuse.)
Pridgeon said “Over a period of 18 months these children, age 4 and 5, made disclosures of abuse 40 times to 13 persons, yet the police interviewed only one of those persons.” The old court habitually closes its eye to such statements by kids. But the jutjat will be attentive. Naturally. “It’s only natural.”
The Guardian made this report about Serene:
“According to a report in the Queensland Times, magistrate Anthony Gett referred her to that state’s Legal Services Commission over submissions in court that he said “may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice”.
What a scream. They don’t even seem to know when they are making folds of themselves.
“Teffaha had reportedly said a child taken by an alleged child-stealing syndicate had been “let down” by the police and judiciary and the court was “enabling” his abuse. She told the Guardian that the complaint had been “transferred” to the Victorian Legal Services Board, which had sent her correspondence ‘basically saying we’re going to cancel your licence.’ But while the initial referral appeared to relate to her comments in Queensland, the Guardian understands the VLSB may also be inquiring into the class actions she has raised money for throughout the pandemic.”
Can you imagine!
Actually, you could imagine, if you already knew about the disbarment in of George Potkonyak, a very good solicitor in New South Wales. I guess you could call his behavior in court “anticipatory jutjat.” I’m quoting him here from his submission to a 2018 Senate Inquiry, as cited in my 2018 book Reunion: Judging the Family Court, page 41. Potkonyak had written:
The Childrens Court is the first point of call. Each proceeding in the Childrens Court is presided over by a single Childrens Magistrate. … The proceeding is closed to the public …. The District Court is the court to which a party dissatisfied with the final decision of the Childrens Court may “appeal” that decision, as of right. However …there is a catch: the proceeding in the District Court is a new hearing; there is no review of the decision of the Children’s Court for an alleged error of law or error of fact… Whatever went … in the Childrens Court is swept under the carpet and will never see the daylight….
The Act empowers the Family and Community Services to receive and record “risk of harm reports” about any child from mandatory reporters or from any member of public. … If one of the risk-of-harm reports is considered to be serious enough (usually an arbitrary decision by a case worker) the child is removed … and placed into temporary foster care… [Note: it makes no sense to remove from a child from its Protective parent here.] One would expect that this stage of the proceedings, where the court is to establish whether the child is a child in need of care, is where the evidence would be tested according to law. Not so. It does not matter which kind of “trial” takes place, the magistrate will inevitably find that “the child is a child in need of care and protection.”
Potkonyak’s criticism of the system may sound harsh but it could be much harsher. His point is that you can’t win. As he says, you would think evidence would be tested according to law, but it isn’t. The Family Law Act specifically dispenses itself from The Evidence Act — and Childrens Courts seem lawless. A state can snatch a child as it wishes. You simply have no comeback!
When George appealed his disbarment, a three-judge appeal panel said this:
“The Commissioner’s application raised a number of grounds of complaint, including that Mr Potkonyak had: conducted himself inappropriately in court by making various offensive and unsubstantiated [!] statements about a Children’s Court magistrate and the opposing parties; breached his duties to the administration of justice and his clients [no he didn’t]; misled the court; and consistently engaged in conduct falling short of the standard of competence and diligence expected of a reasonably competent legal practitioner”
Most solicitors, knowing this will happen to them if they resist the cruelty of the court, take the safe route: silence.
Bottom line for now: the disbarring of young Serene is a boon to Australia. It opens the gate wide. New ideas and practices can come in. New training. New method of approval of person who want to practice law. New criteria for getting rid of the undesirables.
A jutjat in the Southern continent can set an example to the world!
Thank you, Ms Teffaha of AdvocateMe.com.au. Thank you, jerks who disbarred her. Thank you, God. I knew there would be a way out of our trap and it happened on April 15, 2021.
An URGENT message to all readers. I (Dee McLachlan) am assisting a mother in a number of court challenges. These have become urgent and are of huge importance in child abduction matters — especially challenging the blanket immunity of social workers and public servants working in child ‘protection’. We are calling out for urgent donations to raise a few thousand so that a solicitor can be paid to brief a barrister and for assistance in writing an appeal document. I cannot stress how urgent and important these matters are and will keep all readers and supporters informed as to the progress of these matters over the next few months and weeks. Many thanks.
Like many of us have said over the years there definitely needs to be another system that is not corrupt or criminal. What types of people actually join the BAR? What is their character and attitude to become entrenched into a corrupt system? There is the exception to the rule though. How can one who remains honest and reputable work within such a system? Just by looking up these websites shows how utterly corrupt and criminal of a state Australia is in and there is lots more! It is not for the fainthearted to be involved in such a despised group yet there is an overwhelming need for good legal practitioners to help the downtrodden and those who have been taken advantage of. There may come a time with lawful Rebellion Revolution and Revolt to overturn the tyranny. If not there will be more of the same only ramped up.
Kangaroo Court of Australia
Your “BAR” Attorney Is A Fraud
Kangaroo Court of Australia
I will add as most of us know the so-called judicial system has already been diminished in the eyes of those wrongly done by and in the public at large has been soiled of loss of reputation and rightly so. Same with those filthy freemason politicians in their pedophilia and parliamentary suppression orders by Howard for 90 years. Is it no wonder here is no respect among the police, the courts and the politicians who run a corrupt criminal corporation with impunity?
“may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice”.
In our court system it seems if it is not corrupt cops, it is corrupt barristers or corrupt justices. In the case of the Port Arthur Massacre, it was all three.
When Serene notified that she with AdvocateMe were taking on the government on behalf of the person on the street, it appeared that finally some sense had come to the legal profession. Alas, that has been over-ridden by a bunch of gutless hypocrites. Unfortunately it will probably mean the end to bringing the Victorian Government to the rule of law.
“In the case of the Port Arthur Massacre, it was all three.” – Just three? Crikey, throw in the government, intelligence agencies, the media, the medical profession (Paul Mullens), EVERYTHING is corrupt.
The corrupt and criminal legal fraternity are behind a lot of bad things… one being there is no liability for any vaccine company that induces a Vaccine Induce Injury or Death. Stop voting people. Get off the ‘corporate’ list of the AEC as the system is utterly corrupt as well as with the Preferential Voting system instead of the Proporational Representation that the Founding Fathers put in place.
In my long association with the politics of egalitarian prosperity and democracy versus elitism, I have learned one truism… never trust a lawyer.
They are always loud and articulate and tend to elbow aside quieter elements of the freedom movement. But at just the right (wrong?) moment, they swerve right and derail the entire effort.
Don’t agree? Just point me to one lawyer who did not betray the movment.
Bearing in mind that all my theories prove wrong, I have a theory that in the three years it takes to get a law degree, and at an age when the brain is still not fully formed, the “justice system” bends that fragile brain forever in desired directions. Thus it is that all lawyers involved in people movements, eventually become the messiah. They are the natural leader, they believe.
And all leaders acrue power, yours and mine, which inevitably corrupts. And as we all know, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So I will just sit this one out. if something good happens, great.
If you can take hold of the fact that the very word “court” means a favoured few within a monarchical clique, a royal coterie dedicated to keeping a Some-Body on the throne, you might just be able to hold whoever happens to be It to ransom. Otherwise………………………
Theoretically anyone can act as anyone else’s legal rep on a non-professional basis in a minor case claim within WA. In practice the requisite permission is never granted.
Conversely the “no lawyers” rule is routinely flouted with impunity by well-heeled businessmen being taken to task.
So far as I’m aware the only Aus court that readily allows non-prof advocacy is the Admin Appeals Tribunal but, surprise-surprise, the failure rate of such appeals is around 97%
But so far as getting a 1st hand lesson in the depravity that pervades each and every so-called legal forum it’s obviously the safest option
In my view the qualification issue isn’t that “the brain is still not fully formed” but rather the relationship experience that’s requisite to dealing with any sort of people problem.
Functional societies hand such matters over to elders, those who’ve had to weather the full gamut of relationship hardships/failures because, in the absence of such lessons in humility, academia is worse than useless.
To MM:
1. Corrigendum: the Claimant sum payable to become part of the class action only became $250 after some weeks, prior to that it was $2,000.
2 As a Claimant I have access to the online forum run by Advocate Me.
Si I can state that as of now there has been no statement by her or anybody in her firm that she has been disbarred. The last Blog entry 3 days back by Sandy Barrett was about the online petition against Covid passports.
So what is your source for saying she has been disbarred please?
If there is no official finding, I doubt if she has been ‘struck off’ as that would be public knowledge……. usually.
She says she is going to contest the application, so it is likely that it is best to wait.
It is at advocateMe.com.au
Dear Class Action Members and donators,
Thank you for your instructions to have your legal fees refunded.
The Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB) made the unlawful action of immediately cancelling Serene’s Practicing license, without any cause or justification, freezing the Trust and donation bank accounts where your monies are being held. This has been done without your knowledge, consent and against your instructions. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia assisted the VLSB to do so, without Serene being found guilty of any crime and without notifying her.
This process has been instigated to undermine Serene, you the clients, and the National Class Action, using stand-over tactics and bullying instead of following the letter of the law. This is what the Government and those in positions of perceived power do, when they feel threatened with exposing the truth! ….
“Control is widespread and immediate, thanks to an efficient hierarchical structure.
The deep state and the deep church also operate in a similar fashion both of them make use of a strongly hierarchical structure, in which the ‘democratic’ component is practically absent. Orders are given from on high and those who recieve them execute them immediately, with the knowledge that disobedience can lead to professional failure, social condemnation, and in certain cases even physical death. This obedience comes from blackmail: I promote you, I give you power, I make you become rich and famous, but in exchange you must do what I tell you to do. If you obey and show that you are faithful, your power and your riches increase, if you disobey, you are finished.
Whoever refuses the vaccine will be able to be interned in detention camps that are already prepared in many nations, including Germany. The violations of constitutional and religious rights will be tolerated by the courts, in the name of an eternal emergency which prepares the masses for dictatorship. This is what awaits us, according to the admissions of the authors of the Great Reset.
We can and must denounce the lies and deceptions which are proposed to us daily by those who consider us stupid slaves. If there are laws which take away the natural rights of citizens, everyone must raise their voice in protest with courage, demanding from the judges that those responsible for this global coup be tried and condemned.”
Archbishop Vigano
Bloody hell, a catholic or similar!!!!
The wheelbarrow brigade will eat their socks off, poor Fitzsimmons (and Turnbull invitee with Gladys last weekend [?] at Point the Piper digs) of the Sunday Sydney Morning Herald back page. Love reading his latest, cannot wait till next Sunday’s back page for his enlightened opinions.
But his jokes are good, love em.
Strange, he has vilified Christians but never indigenous belief in the spirits. Well not lately.👻👻👻
I keep a eye on fake mass media ‘opinionists’. 👀👀👀👀
This is the best rendition of Handels Messiah that I have come across.
That’s only the Alleluia Chorus from the Messiah, but it’s beautifully done.
Boy-o-boy! Those Asians, when they “got” diatonic music they grabbed it and ran with it.
It’s a bit hard to imagine that their “sing-song” type of language has those bass voices in it but they’ve got’m and they done it well.
See? They read my article and jumped into action rather than lose their pay:
Well fascist globalists
Besides Coles, woollies also Aldii,
Fascists control freaks we know about you ,you are lost.
And the there is cola spivs and Franklin water.
Add Nestle products Franklin fraud
We are 99% they are dirtdust.
Matter for your futures.
Even uncle Toby is controlled by Nestle.
No uncle Toby allowed in our pantry
People, People! You’re missing the point. I’m saying humanoids don’t ever have to take the current cultural set-up as final, especially if it is ridiculous.
Just gather 10 friends and got to the home of a Family Law solicitor. Wear only a loin cloth and carry rocks and clubs.
Knock at the door of the denizen. Your spokesman says to the denizen “Are you going to get with the program or what.”
Denizen looks out. What’s he going to say?
Dee, please make a copy of her excellent speech before YT takes it down.
Serene, David Escort strung me along for months pretending to be interested in the child matter that I was advocating — then dropped the ball.
Not the first time Fiona Mcleay (Legal Services Commissioner) has been accused of corruption. https://www.petermericka.com.au/
That’s interesting that your source actually got commendations for defending cops from vexatious charges and he is also going against Fiona Mcleay
“It is my personal view that the current Victorian Legal Services Commissioner, Ms Fiona McLeay, must either resign or be dismissed. Over coming weeks….”
So when,exactly, was that written?
Perfect summation of the means by which the entire World System is being held together: well worth watching
Ditto, Berry.
Serene must be the most intelligent person in Australia. I don’t know anyone who could compete with that speech, which seems to have been made with only a few hours notice.
Dear Gumshoers, if watching 34 minutes is not on your calendar, then start at the 24 minute mark and watch the last 10 minutes.
By the way, she is still the ADVOCATE of her clients even tho she is not longer bering [technically] “instructed” by them.
What a mighty roar they can now make.
Go on. Roooooooooooar!
I watched Serene’s speech 4 times, it was bold, powerful and gave me hope, we need more voices to stand and l agree, the last 10mins is prolific, thank you Serene
Thank you Serene such clarity strength and wisdom -you have broken their code of conduct and exposed their methods of contro. A truly guided courageous living being – yes guided by divinity- a fearless warrior.
Well done, Serena.
But I have to say why are so many of the advocates for even common decency women? Where are the men? Are all the men of influence cowardly proponents of the “Novus Ordo Seculorum” for some crumbs of social or pecuniary advantage promised by the ‘Masonic “enlightenment”?
I will acknowledge that women are naturally endowed with what it takes to be the backbone of cultural stability and the producers and first educators of wise women and valiant men; men who cherish their wives and children and who bust themselves to provide for and protect their charges.
It’s a creepy inversion of the Natural Order.
Only a handful of men were involved in WA’s 90s resistance to Education Department lawlessness and none of them were involved in the pivotal case( the one that forced them to pull their heads in)
You might scoff at the comparison but the respective manoeuvre(cancelling school exemption certificates when there’d been no change in the circumstances of the grant) also pinpointed the fact that the very principle of licensing, i. e. making any sort of practice prohibited save in the case of some “permit” being granted by some aristocrat or other, is contrary to the Rule of Law
Small wonder that firearms licensing is such a can of worms
What a humane human Serene is. I have downloaded this historic video.
The governments of Australia must be exceptionally worried to have the Barrister’s Board and other law firms attacking Serene in this way. They are really advertising the mal-practise of democracy that most factions of our society have been involved in for a long, long time.
At last one of their own is willing to practise truth and righteousness and in so doing, show those others up for what they have been getting away with over time.
Stick with it Serene. Australia needs more people like you.
Anyone and everyone who has any association with Hall & Wilcox needs to be enlightened by this speech and consider who they would trust with their legal affairs.
Not that it really makes any difference (re alternatives), but readers really need to consider whether having an account with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is an ethical and sustainable choice.
Shocking Report: US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments
by GGI Staff
Judicial Watch, a legal accountability group has shared a 600 page report detailing that the US government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. According to the report these body parts were purchased by the FDA to perform biological experiments such as drug testing and to “humanize” mice.
Read more of this post
Definition for de jure sanguinis coronae
Ancient Latin legal maxim literally meaning “concerning (the) law of (the) blood of crowns” In COMMON LAW since the end of the 16th Century, royal or noble blood has claimed superior status — in particular to the freedom of their body, protection of property and the obligation of any matter brought against then to follow DUE PROCESS (of the LAW), especially right of RELIEF. When an individual claims de jure sanguinis coronae, providing they demonstrate a comprehension of the term and why they should be granted such status (for example–knowledge of the valid argument that you are of royal birth by virtue of being Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings) then the COURT must grant such recognition. This means any failure of DUE PROCESS or failure to account for RELIEF by the COURT obligates to compensate the individual accused.
Natural or Divine law is lawful.
Man cannot make a law that contradicts Natural Law, it may be legal but it is invalid.
Natural Law is the law that defines the operation of the will of the Divine through its existence in the form of matter and physical rules. As Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law enacted by men and women through proper authority in accordance with these canons for the governance of a society.
A positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings; All valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law.
Cognitive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, nor change a Natural Law. Nor is it possible for a Cognitive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine Law. Natural Law cannot be written or created, only discovered. Divine Law cannot be written or created, only instructed by Divine Grace in accordance with these canons.
Good one, Crossy.
More following.
Lawful and Legal
What is legal is of “form”, what is lawful is of “substance” (Blacks Law 1st Edition).
That which is legal has been formed by man. A legal entity has been formed by man.
That which is lawful is of substance/essence and is a creation of God. A lawful man is of substance/essence.
Natural Person: Any human being who as such is a legal entity ….. (Amon v. Moreschi, 296 N.Y. 395, 73 N.E.2d 716.” Max Radin, Radin’s Law Dictionary (1955), p. 216).
What is legal is of “form”… therefore a “legal entity” is an entity of form.
Since “any human being who as such is a legal entity”, a human being is of form as well.
Human. Of the form and characteristics of man. (From Ballentine’s Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition).
Form. The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. (Ballentine’s Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition).
Natural Person = human being = legal entity
Legal entities are a conception of man; they are known in legalese as legal fictions.
The creation of a civil or legal person out of a thing, the investure of a chattel with toga civillis, may be an achievement of the imperial power, but it is beyond the compass of an American congress. Congress must first emancipate the slave, before it can endow him with the rights of a citizen under the constitution, or impose upon him the responsibilities of a legal person, or compel him to pay money, or part with liberty. United States v. Amy, 24 Fed.Cas.792, 794 #14,445 (1859).
The creation of a legal person also creates responsibilities and liabilities for this new legal person… responsibilities and liabilities due to a nation/country, which is also a legal entity.
Legal is defined as”the “undoing of God’s law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893).
James 4:12 There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another.
Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.
A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. That which is empty cannot be measured or counted.
A legal entity (human being) is of form, “the antithesis of substance” and therefore wanting (empty), and cannot be counted.
“Definition for de jure sanguinis coronae”
Crisscross, although that makes perfect sense I have never heard of it. Does it operate within Australian law, and if so, where do we find it?
M.M. I am not versed in the application of the Law so the only way I could see it being applied in the pagan system is by referencing the preamble to the Australian Constitution and the Queens vow to defend the Christian Faith – The queen of Australia in the Australia Act 1986 is a fictitious entity IMO.
X. The Investiture per annulum, et per sceptrum et baculum
Then the Keeper of the Jewel House shall deliver to the Archbishop the Queen’s Ring, wherein is set a sapphire and upon it a ruby cross: the Archbishop shall put it on the fourth finger of her Majesty’s right hand, and say:
Receive the Ring of kingly dignity,
and the seal of Catholic Faith:
and as you are this day
consecrated to be our Head and Prince,
so may you continue steadfastly
as the Defender of Christ’s Religion;
that being rich in faith
and blessed in all good works,
you may reign with him who is the King of Kings,
to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Then shall the Dean of Westminster bring the Sceptre with the Cross and the Rod with the Dove to the Archbishop.
Statute law is the Law of the Sea or the Pirates of Finance Law which means guilty until proven innocent
For Advocate Serene Teffaha:
That’s enough to bring tears to a glass eye. Kevin Woodman
I can’t tell you how many times I played that over the years.
… and this …
As the deer panteth (for Serene)
Going To Court – Bible quotes
April 15, 2021
Common Law Remedies
in the Age of Covid
This week on my True Healing Webinar, I will be joined by Christopher James from A Warrior Calls and Alphonse Faggiolo, two experts in real law strategies. We will discuss the vital necessity to have Common Law Remedies in the Age of COVID. Successful law strategies will be presented. https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/live-webinars
I have copied this from a submission I made to “Fifth Estate Press”.
Some of the few of us on this forum might be interested in this stuff.
I don’t necessarily agree with all the “legalism” that this bod goes on about; my position is that we are all, by default, human beings with a nature and purpose that is not determined by any temporal agency at all.
If we want to relinquish our sublime nature and purpose for some crude sociological or pecuniary advantage then it must be by some free choice that might be as simple as “burning incense to idols” or any other contractual subservience to a foreign ideology or god (usually the “state”). But if it’s not done with knowledge and consent then it can’t be a binding contract.
Anyhow, let’s see if there are interested parties with an opinion on this forum.
Voting according to the Electoral Commission means that you have become a franchisee of government. This IMO implies an acceptance of the corporate governments regulations. Therefore In my opinion voting means you have contracted to and consent to the corporate rules of government.
I go in to the voting place, get my name crossed off, put the voting paper in my pocket and walk out. Then I file the voting paper at home as proof that I did not vote.
We’re all at sea,
The term “vessel of the United States” means—
(A) a vessel documented under chapter 121 of title 46 or a vessel numbered as provided in chapter 123 of that title;
(B) a vessel owned in whole or in part by—
(i) the United States or a territory, commonwealth, or possession of the United States;
(ii) a State or political subdivision thereof;
(iii) a citizen or national of the United States; or
(iv) a corporation created under the laws of the United States or any State, the District of Columbia, or any territory, commonwealth, or possession of the United States;
“………………..the legal person is legally a “vessel” in which the State has a Security interest, via the Birth Bond. When you reach full legal age, you become the Master (Mr/Mrs/Ms) of that “vessel”. The living you has “gone to sea”, and under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, which is the “Law of the Sea”, if you are missing for seven years, you can be declared legally dead by the court. The same process is applied to ships and mariners lost at sea.
But you will probably “voluntarily” forfeit your Estate. You may start work and register as a taxpayer on a IRD330, or you may enroll on a voting register. Either way, you are transferring your Estate to the State’s legal person by registering as an “accommodation party”. If you decide not to register as the legal person, you are a “vessel lost at sea”. …………..”
I love the background sounds of this video, it is so appropriate.
Ba ba, amazing how many sheep sound the same but I can identify many.
Y’ miserable pisswit Mr Ned.
Each of the hundreds of sheep in a flock can recognise one another and they can recognise an individual human as a threat or a friend for more that two and a half years.
Ba Ba! They don’t sound the same as every ewe and their lamb knows for sure.
OLD David,
Kindly withdraw your allegation that I am a miserable
Pisss wit.
Have I ever met you?
I insist that you withdraw it right smack dab now, Oldavid, or it’s Gumshoecurtains for you.
Signed, the Comments Monitor (aka Minotaur)
Come now, yous poor little snowflakes. You could just resort to any one of a great many (and multiplying) ready made labels designed to retaliate and “put down and out” anyone who “triggers” indignation or “hurtful” “micro aggressions” against anyone who considers themselves to be any kind of a minority demanding privileged status.
The prefix “piss” is only mildly derogatory indicating an insubstantial, shallow, or ineffectual something. It was not even considered particularly “uncouth” even by my grandparents as a child. It has many variations; “piss poor”, “pissants”, “pissweak”, “piddling”, among others that don’t come immediately to mind.
So now, we have threats and demands from the MBA (Minotaur Bar Association) that I must not belittle peddlers of “New Age” nonsense or I will get the treatment Serene Tefaha got for kicking another Sacred Cow; the injustice system.
If you want to show the poverty of your hand by doing that, go ahead.
“ pedlars of new age nonsense”. Me!?
You are off the planet and to be ignored. Try a Kieran mouth wash.
As someone with no street cred, I had to look it up, bro …
Used in a sentence, example #2 states
‘2.Don’t go near Kieran, his breath stinks, and he’s a bug-eyed moron: no, actually he’s worse than a moron, he’s a pisswit!
I think you should withdraw, ‘Oldavid. Ned is definitely not Keiran, and I’m not even sure that he cycles.
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of VoluntaryServitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 37
Part I—The fundamental political question is why do people obey a government. The answer is that they tend to enslave themselves, to let themselves be governed by tyrants. Freedom from servitude comes not from violent action, but from the refusal to serve. Tyrants fall when the people withdraw their support. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Part II—Liberty is the natural condition of the people. Servitude, however, is fostered when people are raisedin subjection. People are trained to adore rulers. While freedom is forgotten by many there are always some who will never submit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Part III—If things are to change, one must realise the extent to which the foundation of tyranny lies in the vast networks of corrupted people with an interest in maintaining tyranny.. . . . . . . . .
Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Voltaire and his mates had but one ambition that was only plainly stated half a century later. “We will tear this God out of His Heaven”. (I think it’s a quote from Karl Marx)
Anyhow, the Plan is to prohibit anyone from pursuing a purpose that is not defined by the “State” for the advantage of the megalomaniac oligarchy.
Yair! goodoh, Crossy. But what’s your alternative? Liberty, Equality Fraternity wherein every man will be his own priest, his own king and his own god?
Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll- parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob. The would-be wise men of the GOYIM, the intellectuals, could not make anything out of the uttered words in their abstractedness; did not see that in nature there is no equality, cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities, just as immutably as she has established subordination to her laws: never stopped to think that the mob is a blind thing, that upstarts elected from among it to bear rule are, in regard to the political, the same blind men as the mob itself, that the adept, though he be a fool, can yet rule, whereas the non-adept, even if he were a genius, understands nothing in the political – to all those things the GOYIM paid no regard; yet all the time it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.
In all corners of the earth the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.
‘Nuff said, Crossy.
I think we are reading from the same book.
Speaking of the bible, I presume the New Testament was a product of the kabbal during the roman occupation of Judea, designed to make the “goyim” hand over all their property and submit to everything, just as Islam = “submission”, it was all worked out for these current end times to manipulate the “goyim” and muslims if they are not “goyim” I don’t really know, but even though the NT was designed by the ancient kabbal and implemented by the Roman Empire (which morphed into the Vatican at the most suitable moment …) despite all that, the predictions are quite good.
First the atom bomb described in Revelation 1, to place us in the correct era, next the microchips, and here is a nice update on chip technology by the globalist hate object Alex Jones, promulgator of every type of conspiracy theory (which eventually turns out to be true)
Towards the end they show Qld Premier Anastasia Palusczcuck getting a fake injection and a few other celebrities doing the same
Of course, Mr w3, I wouldn’t dare call you a pisswit just because you don’t know what you’re talking about. Anti-Christians have a very protected status all over the “Illuminated” World.
How about you knock up another version of the nature and purpose of human life so that I can pull you to bits point by point.
olddavid, you have missed my point, my point is this is not my point, I am postulating for the barrow-pushers and dot-joiners, this is their thesis taken to the nth degree, for myself, I am not in a position to dismiss any thesis, all I can say is, 2 opposite things can be true at the same time, depending on all sorts of things, but obviously reference points would be one of them. But feel free to pull me to bits on anything, as long as you have an actual case.
Ps. Your argument seems to pivot on whether we are discussing catholic or Catholic. For my part I have always been referring to Catholic when I use that word. Sorry for my limited knowledge of and carelessness with the English language.
Nope! As far as I am concerned it’s entirely concerned with what’s verifiable as true as opposed to political con jobs.
According to logic the Law of Non Contradiction is the foundation and underlying principle of all science (philosophy).
Your insane (out of touch with reality) assertion that “all I can say is, 2 opposite things can be true at the same time, depending on all sorts of things,” You are way beyond a pisswit and have entered the realm of the f^^kwit where reality is but a transient convenience of your imagination. An “actual case” can hardly be more securely based than on your avowed self-contradictory (absurd) assertions.
I hope that our Serena has more securely based supporters than the likes of you, but it seems unlikely as the “common opinion” of the “profane” is practically indistinguishable from what the “illuminated” were professing in the back rooms and basements of ‘Masonic Lodges a hundred years ago or more.
That’s good you’re not too serious about your position, have a quick 3 minute look at this easy video and get back to me
Don’t worry, wee three. I have known about the double slit experiment and many others that do not conform to the “corpuscular” or “wave” descriptions of EMR or sub atomic “particles” for decades. A discussion of such is way beyond the scope of this forum.
That’s a poor excuse !!!
Hoo boy! Relativism is patently absurd and perverse. That a thing may have several qualities to it does not require that any of the qualities must, therefore, be “opposite”, or contradictory, or incompatible, or any of that.
Let’s take a simple example to illustrate the point. It’s of the nature of a man to be a son, a brother, a father, maybe a also a farmer, a soldier, etc. etc. Being any of those things does not imply or require that he cannot, therefore, be any or all of the others.
The deeper one digs into physics the more it becomes apparent that physical “things” are only discoverable by the observable qualities they exhibit to our senses and instruments. Take an electron, for example. Sometimes it proposes itself to our senses and instruments as a charged particle and sometimes it presents like a packet of wave-like energy (a photon) but it can never be pinned down to being a “thing” in any particular time or place. Well, that’s electrons for y’. All we can really know about’m is by observing what qualities they exhibit.
I could go on for hours but it’s hardly relevant to gripes about Serene’s plight or the perversity of the moral and intellectual Relativism that contaminates the whole of society.
So when you say it it’s OK and when I say it I’m an insane pisswit, and then you try to hide behind Serene Teffaha.
Nah, pisswit!
I was countering your silly assertion that “all I can say is, 2 opposite things can be true at the same time, depending on all sorts of things,”
Perhaps we need to define what “opposite things” means. I’m coming from the most fundamental principle of logic: the Law of Non Contradiction. You give the impression that you are claiming that a thing can be and not be what it is “depending on all sorts of things”.
Hide behind the almost Serene girl?? I think not, buster!
The law of non-contradiction could only possibly apply to omniscient people like you, young sir
Technically, you have mixed up the electrons with the photons in your later comment but your point is well made.
And speaking of the Uncertainty Principle
Julius, the Uncertainty Principle is largely irrelevant to this little altercation.
The whole point of the “Double Slit Experiment” is demonstrating that electrons exhibit some of the properties of light (EMR) photons.
Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Schrödinger’s Cat Experiments
Please comment on the very famous “observation effect”
Ps It’s not an altercation, you just seem to allow yourself certain conceits
The Scientific Method that I have described elsewhere is carefully intended to minimise the “observation effect”.
I most certainly claim “certain conceits” that are based in the “Scientific Method” and the scientific rules of logic that ensure coherent and consistent reasoning.
I think Isaac Newton was wonderful and I won’t say a bad thing about him.
Joolyers, I am an heretic when it comes to some of the fantastic speculations of “science” that seem entirely devoted to trying to reduce reality to nothing more than a concept of mind; like Schrodinger’s cat is neither dead nor alive unless you perceive it so. It’s trying to sell subjectivism and relativism as some kind of “science”.
Many years ago I waded through a paper by the clever idiot in the talking wheelchair purporting to “mathematically prove” that time goes back and fourth in a pendulum motion. It’s one bit of his ratbaggery that doesn’t seem to have taken off because we don’t see it plugged mercilessly by the “wise guy parrots” the way the mindless sock puppets assume and promote other fantastic speculations and assumptions.
Long ago I became very suspicious that much of “theoretical physics” had little or nothing to do with the investigation of observed phenomenon… more the “creation” of imaginary “particles” and “stuff” that were required to “balance” some entirely conjectural “mathematical equation” that needn’t have any basis in observed reality.
Forget quarks, mesons, Higg’s bosons and a great many other conjectural “things”, just consider “multiverses”, “wormholes”, “black holes”, “dark matter”, “dark energy”, not to mention the Einsteinean speculation that time and space are some “stuff” that can be bent, twisted, stretched, shrunk, etc. I could go on but I think it hardly relevant to Serene’s battle with Relativism in practice.
I just finished reading a most tragic and complex true story about one family’s life experience. It filled the reader with empathy and humility – empathy for the intertwined tragedy and suffering of innocents, and humility for the courage of certain family members in enduring what life dealt up to them and for being able to piece together the truth from many dark secrets kept. Anyone reading this story would certainly have their petty [family] squabbles put back in their contextual box.
The book ends with a brief epilogue (“A Parting Share”) which contains these words.
• “No one has the right to lie to you, just as you do not have the right to lie to others.
• {…]
• I am free, I have the truth, and that is the most courageous key I will always use.”
Melissa Pearson (“Night Keeping”)
What a globally powerful expression of philosophical outlook. Serene is definitely someone who courageously upholds and advocates for the truth, while cowards hide behind their lies.
“They called him the coward of the county.”
(You asked for it, Julius.)
Believe it or not I have an original 20th century cassette of this album “songs of my father” but here is something from the same era which instead of being sentimental about the past steers us unerringly into the future.
It even includes a cameo by Shirley McLean, who is back in the news with the death of our great national figurehead, no not him, the other one, the souffle.
Everyone should endure this rap music for educational purposes. It is highly instructive and the logic cannot be flawed.
The Soufflé, I know, he moved my admission before his Honour Justice Kerr, (later GG!) crowned my dear wife (with every stop over to London and same on return, first class….. when Qantas was ours) and almost strangled me as my tie was caught in his passenger side window as he closed it and was driving off.
Shirley’s book was very discrete.
Life has many memories. Pity he was replaced by a ignorant ‘pisswit’.
RIP Mr Peacock.
There is no “logic” in that mind-rotting subliminal “messaging”.
Logic is the scientific rules for coherent, consistent reasoning. It specifically prohibits reasoning from arbitrary and impossible premises to pre chosen conclusions via a faulty method.
Subliminal messages.!
So you cannot just accept a bit of factual history.
Perhaps ignore my anecdotes and go find something mind rotting, concentrating on you navel and clear out the decades of your gathered fluff.
The Rabbi and the New World Order
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century.
Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai’s adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.
After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform “strange acts” that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, “one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history”. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order.
Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.
The satanic law of reversal Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank
1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History
Crown Zionists have handed this place to the communists. All these mushrooming 50 storey towers, around suburban train stations, are purchased 90% by CCP. The remainder by professionals from around the globe. Half of these towers are empty, owners overseas!
Our children deserved better, at $100,000 per year each in nursing homes, in a few seasons family inheritance sucked dry by bloodsuckers. It all went south after Port Arthur, 911 sealed the deal, now sitting ducks watch as it all unfolds, as we line up in earnest anticipation for the injections.
“Zionism is Judaism, and Judaism is unthinkable without Zionism.” (Harper’s Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, “Zionists”).
Theodore Herzl, one of the Jewish founders of Zionism, on the Judeo-fascist question:
“The Jews control the world, in our hands lies the fate of governments and nations. The Jews set governments one against the other. When the Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance. One way or the other, the Jewish Race gets rich.”
The sinister agenda of Communism, was/is internationalism — the overthrow and vanquishment of all existing nation states in order to establish a despotic global Jewish Communist Super-State. The pathological criminal madness known as Communism was, from its inception, a Jewish conspiracy for the destruction and subjugation of the Gentile world whereupon a tyrannical global Jewish imperium would be established. Communism was nothing more than an expression and manifestation of the hateful, supremacist doctrines of the Jewish Talmud, which states: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” (Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10) A good example of this insanity was the 66 million White Caucasian Christians and others murdered, starting in 1917 in Russia with the violent take-over of the Russian Government by JEWS as evidenced in “The Secret Force” by Maurice Pinay !!!
Pity that, once more, a pressing topic had to be railroaded by the same old unregenerate personal agenda
What are you claiming, Mme berry?
Are you inferring that transcendent Truth and Virtue are “the same old unregenerate personal agenda” if they conflict with an “ethnic narcissism” that proclaims that Talmudic/Kabbalistic Judaism is the expected Messiah destined to own the World and all that’s in it?
It sounds a bit like what Christ was tempted with in the desert. The Tempter said: I’ll give You all the kingdoms in the World if You will worship me.
He is probably referring to a old classless Kieren.
I thought the spotlight was now on Fiona Mcleay (Legal Services Commissioner) and the situation had not arrived at a final outcome, so there is a lead, refer comment by wendy mair above, that’s all the lead there is, what can anyone do, it’s lawyers, a bottomless pit.
Fiona McLeay ?
Just let me loose and I’ll kill the bitch:
FIONA MCLEAY: “Ethics must be lived and cannot just be reduced to written rules”
TRANSLATION : “Due to the nature of the agenda to which I subbscribe I feel personally threatened by Ms. Teffaha’s diligence re the letter of the law ”
FIONA MCLEAY: “being fit and proper means holding yourself to a higher ethical standard of behaviour than the general public”
TRANSLATION : “As I’m an esteemed member of the aristocracy there’s no need for me to observe the fundamental principles of morality”
Maybe someone will investigate the link supplied
It would be good to see the respective written exchange(to hell with “confidentiality”) but I can’t even find the date on which it took place
But thanks to Wendy for the link anyway
I found out what WA’s Legal Practice Board was all about back in 2006; it goes without saying that if if any such institution had been fulfilling it’s stated mandate anywhere we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re now in.
Dear Dee,
Note X22Report.com number 2,455b at 15 mins for a few more re official corruption of department of justice protecting Epstein.
Things have to blow.
Later he deals with virus fearmongering.
For he who cannot suffer a ‘insufferable jerk’ and does not like the central banks, ignore the X22Report.com., we know you are too busy.
However for those who have the intellect to understand the message, spend 18 mins getting some sound information to consider, to protect your assets and your children’s future to escape continuing to be a central bank fiat system SLAVE.
The 18 minutes on the fiat fraud is x22report.com number 2,455a.
I would think x22 spends a lot of time listening to people as well as talking so his sources perhaps don’t find him insufferable.
But what would I know, I am even lower on the credibility scale than a pisswit !!!
There should be a new association formed just for we pisswits.
The motto would be: ‘The meek pisswits shall inherit the earth.’
I claim being a foundation member. Looking for meeks to join, intellectual ‘deficients’ not welcome.
You could organise a fun day with the feature event being a pissing into the wind competition.
In the evening you could huddle around a cozy fire watching reruns of X22.con as everyone chants “told you so!“
No need to organise anything, we already have a pissers contingent who thanks to their intellectual superiority need do nothing more than piss on any counter argument, they consider pissing a more than adequate riposte. Socrates himself would be drenched it he did not conform, yes jews are behind everything since 3000BC but the New Testament and Koran are totally exempt, they are in a no-travel bubble, jew conspiracy theories are stopped at immigration and detained indefinitely pending deportation !!!
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “Mr. Baitfish, tear down this bubble”.
Poor fish.
You are very subtle referring to X22 report.CON.
Sit back as we pisswits celebrate, we will not be bothered to retort ‘we told you’,
You might be a twit as beyond being pissed upon
Altogether now … “Told you so, Ichthys – told you so”
To the tune of …
That singer girl seems to have some of the physical features of Judy Durham but the blardy vibrato seems uncharacteristic.
More on the impossibility of paying lawyers to try to get legal outcomes.
Old news – but – you saw it here first !!!
The Great Reset has already been well underway since Obama’s QE started. What it should be called is the Great Redistribution. People are talking about the asset bubbles, let’s just confine ourselves to land and buildings. Bill Gates is buying land, he could easily start his own bitcoin but he hates the stuff and wants to get rid of it – or so his cartel leaders tell him. So the rightful USD are being printed at an unprecedented rate and going to banksters and other deserving individuals, who allocate these funds to shares, bonds, land, old paintings, islands such as Epstein’s, etc. Despite what the internet gurus and pop economists tell us, it makes little difference if the money keeps getting printed because it is like fleas on a dog, they can keep sucking as long as they don’t kill it.
The money is just a measure of the relative price of one actual thing to another actual thing. If you don’t have any money you have nothing to lose. And most people don’t have any money. This is where the redistribution really kicks in, most people survive on wages or some type of dole and their income is falling fast relative to asset prices. Their disposable income is disappearing, now all they have is a credit rating. Soon enough nobody will be able to pay off debt and they won’t be able to afford luxuries either. See ? You will own nothing … the first part of Klaus Schwab’s pronouncement is already being delivered. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is being delivered by the plutocrat-communist cartel and won’t stop until they own everything. When people say the Great Reset will start in a year or whenever, this suggests they don’t know, can’t see or are lying, it is already well underway.
And from Yahoo Finance, Bill Gates remembers to lie, he needs practice at lying, a lot of practice, he will get there slowly perhaps – or not:
“Gates was asked what technology innovation the world could live without, to which he responded – in a roundabout way – cryptocurrency.
“The way cryptocurrency works today allows for certain criminal activities. It’d be good to get rid of that,” he said.
However, he followed up by saying bio weapons would actually be a better answer.
“I probably should have said bio weapons. That’s a really bad thing. We shouldn’t have technology for that. Bio weapons is the right answer.”
A bit more from:
Old news – but – you saw it here first !!!
People are becoming dimly aware of money dilution by QE etc but most of them still probably aren’t aware of company share dilution which amounts to much the same thing. Of course money supply has to reflect the need, for purposes such as utility, storage etc. Share dilution reflects the success of the company, or so we would hope. However they are both in practice used as taxation by stealth. So the mom&pop Coles & WW shareholders’ dividends diminish as more shares are allocated to directors and other deserving people. But the share price stays up due to money printing. Now who owns most of Coles & WW ? Wall St bankers I believe such as JP Morgan. The oligarchs allow the general public to own a smaller amount to prevent rioting. The sneaky Kabbal always works on this principle. The kabbal thinks the public will not burn down that which they think they own. So mom&pop are up to their ears in debt thanks to low interest rates and can’t get a job due to globalilsm, they are surviving on half-price cornflakes. How did everything at Coles & WW suddenly go to half price ? Look no further than the owners, it’s a globalist plot. When the half price discounts stop, mom&pop will be unable to service their debt. It is like a peg holding them up which can be yanked out anytime. Best thing for mom&pop would be to make themselves independent of Coles & WW, even starting their own corner store would be a revolution in itself. Let’s have all the moms & pops at the end of their careers who own a corner block put a grocery shop up and if enough do it at the same time the communist city councils will be unable to resist. Then the farmers can drive around dropping off cabbages etc and all the centralised control will be gone.
Well, y’ know that the democrapy pisswits have ushered in what we have now.
I find it hard to go past Aristotle’s assessment of “democracy” as the “tyranny of the ignorant”.
Bring back Lenin, Mao and Hitler et.Al. to deal with the pisswits and forget the pissweek Christ whipping the control Freak bankers.
Y’ know Ned, I think I’m going to have to come up with some other epithets to apply to democraps. Mosquito net minds appeals at the moment. You can’t make a vessel that will hold water out of mosquito net, you can see through it easily, but it will hold vacuous slogans painted on it.
All those communist “liberators” (really only mercenary, ideological puppets for occult powers) were flogging some variations of the slogans of the prototype revolution to overthrow established civil and moral authorities and impose government “of the people, for the people, by the people”. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” in which “every man will be his own priest, his own king and his own god”. (Slogans of the French Revolution).
Thomas Aquinas (C13) wryly noted in his “present” to the King of Cyprus that every attempt at “democracy” had swiftly degenerated into warring factions of craven autocrats trying to exalt or preserve themselves with bribes and tyranny.
I’ll hunt up a link to ole Tom’s “De Regno” in the unlikely event that anyone here would be even slightly interested.
x22 delivers all the non-MSM stuff, in his inimitable insufferable style, mixed in with his echo-boomer fantasy stuff, they are all like that from playing “dungeons and dragons” or whatever too much when they were younger. Today he has given a few of his well-worn catch phrases a rest !!! Instead advises Maricopa county (Arizona) audit starts 22nd, that is this week !!! We’re all impatient, we want a decisive and quick result, we want people to get the electric chair, we want the other swing states to flip, but x22 tells us this will lead to a media blackout, what next, is it the queens turn, that would probably run for a week.
x22 also says the test cycles are 40x and more than intended so you get 97% false positives so it’s all bull$#!%. x22 says Biden did not meet and greet the Japanese PM because the Chinese told him not to. And x22 says Trump planned to draw down the Afghanistan troops to zero by May(?) and Biden now claiming this is his policy (which he was against before) but he is going to extend drawdown to Sept 11 (20th anniversary) and he is going to send more troops to assist with the drawdown – yes I believe it, Biden would be saying something as incoherent as that, it’s part of the art of MSM politics. So x22 now speculating there will be a false flag between now and Sept 11, to continue occupation of Poppy’s graveyard.
Insufferable x22 may be but not as desperate as some who insist the Kabbal has run everything since 3000BC (except the new testament & koran) and illustrate this bold and somewhat controversial hypothesis with cartoons, photoshop evidence and tweaked-up transcripts from random weirdos of history. The kabbal is obviously saving Egypt for last. I would not like to be in Egypt’s shoes when the time comes. Those egyptians will all be going through the sausage machine and used for mulch to green the desert I suppose.
OMG I see Afghanistan is the headline now, I will have to do a quick cut and paste
Its a God send in my opinion as it has clearly revealed how corrupt criminal and evil they are to the public at large. She can still be an advocate or a friend of the court and a might one at that. This is all about the pedophile case in Queensland and not about the towers case. They are trying to shut her up to keep this concealed and not reveal it to the public. There are people in places supporting her and giving her advice.
Remember Trump got this going at Warp speed against the American population and the instigator for the world to commence!
Bad Medicine, Mind Control & PsyOps, New World Order, Unrestricted Warfare, Weapons Shedding Woo – Extinction Level Event
https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/shedding-woo/ (Click on link for full article)
But ETs are the least of our concerns, as it seems clear to him that the MRNA vaccine is shaping up to be a mass-genocidal, Extinction Level Event. In this video, Clif echoes the warnings of Dr Vernon Coleman, that the vaccinated people will infect the unvaccinated people as they slough off their dead skin cells, which contain the MRNA contagion, thereby rendering everybody infertile or worse.
Clif says, “We’ve got this situation where people who are vaccinated are shedding cells, as we all do, continuously all day long; they’re shedding cells that have the vaccinated, pre-loaded MRNA in them. This vaccinated, pre-loaded MRNA is potentially a cause for this new reported phenomenon going around, which is women are having extremely rough periods; that menstruation has become very painful and debilitating and very suddenly.
“And prior to that, we had noticed that there was a huge rise in the statistical reporting of miscarriages across all of the Western world, where vaccines had been put out and where we had this mass-inoculation program going on. Miscarriages were just up 500% and 600% in just a little over a month and a half.
“Now, bear in mind that in 4 months, we’ve had a reported 3,000+ deaths and that equals all of the deaths for the last 13 years. So, we’re on the bad side of a trend, Guys. We do not, as humans have a good track record with vaccines. This trend is now starting to kick our ass, here, because we’re starting to show women that are having miscarriages who have NOT been vaccinated. And women that are having exceptionally difficult periods, to the point of debilitation. Even in older women, they’re saying that it is like nothing they’ve had in their entire history.
“So this is not a good sign. I was very much afraid that MRNA could be passed by kissing or by sex. We now know that that’s true, that’s happening. And now it looks like there’s MRNA passage is being done through contact with shed skin cells which have the MRNA within them – also, all the cells we respirate…
“So the desperation component is now going towards this push for infertility. So it looks like maybe the Powers That Be did, indeed have a giant depopulation agenda and if they did, then it would be fair to say, if that is conspiracy-fact, then it would be fair to say they’ve implemented it and there may be nothing we ca do about it, at this stage.
“There may be enough people inoculated with the vaccine that we’re now going to push infertility on most of the populace, due to the close contact of the vaccinated with the other unvaccinated and fertile people. We may, as a result of this have to alter our social order, to where the vaccinated people are put in some kind of coventry, where they’re excluded from contact with non-vaccinated; where they’re isolated and held back, so that the species can continue…
“It is highly probable that everyone who’s been vaccinated with the MRNA product is infertile. And if they’re not infertile, I would shudder to think as to what would be the outcome of their progeny, what that would look like. It’s that bad. The potential for this is quite severe.
“All we have is discovery. We’re continuing to discover new clusters of effects from this MRNA product, which is not a vaccine, which should be halted immediately and everybody that’s ever been involved with it, rounded up somewhere where we can just hold them for a while, while we sort this out to decide what we’re going to do with them. Because it may truly be a crime against humanity. The MRNA vaccination, if it is as bad as it appears at this stage may have doomed the entire species to infertility and we’ll expire as a species when the last human on Earth now dies. It could be that horrific. We just don’t know…
“The MRNA, which is intimately connected with reproduction of every cell and every part of every cell and then, on a larger level, it’s a key component to the reproduction of the human being, themselves, by the production of the gametes necessary to produce sperm and egg. So MRNA issues throughout the entire process. So, we can see if you have a very robust immune system and there’s these strange MRNAs coming in – now, bear i mind that our bodies cannot tolerate MRNA anywhere except in the cell, itself. If our bodies find that the stuff is in between the cells, there’s whole crews of scrubber things that come along to scrub it out. So, we’re very robust at scrubbing against MRNA.
Dear Advocate Me Supporters,
Most of you will know that within hours of filing the first of our class actions in the Victorian Supreme Court, Serene was issued a notice from the Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB), threatening to cancel her practicing license.
In an unprecedented and unlawful move, the VLSB has carried out this threat and consequently cancelled Serene’s practicing license. What is even more disconcerting is that this statutory body of the Victorian Government, seek to insert their own actors to take over our actions against them, creating the most obvious conflict of interest for all to see.
Shockingly, because Serene has honoured her clients’ instructions to maintain their privacy, the VLSB representatives, Lander & Rogers, they have gone so far as to seek an injunction to restrain her from being an amicus curiae, or voice and advocate for the people. Even more shocking is the fact that her rights of appeal have been usurped, as this injunction has occurred prior to the deadline for her appeal.
And now, because Serene has honoured her clients’ instructions to maintain their privacy, the VLSB representatives, Lander & Rogers, have issued an injunction in the Supreme Court of Victoria where they are seeking to access all her current and historical cases, financial information, associates, website, communication channels, social media, and emails. A hearing was set for 2.15pm today, yet Serene was only made aware of it after 7pm last night.
Consequently, the Supreme Court judge, Justice Forbes, has adjourned the matter until tomorrow at 10.30am, only allowing 1.5 hours to consider Serene’s material, meanwhile allowing the plaintiff more time to put more evidence, with 3 barristers on board, and Serene has not been given any say in the time she requires to prepare. Serene had 7 days for a right of reply, but this has been hijacked. The procedural fairness and natural justice is nowhere to be seen.
Lander & Rogers are on record saying that they want to do this to protect the clients from Serene. The same clients who have complained to the Ombudsman and Hall & Wilcox and now to the Courts!
The current actions headed by the VLSB is a violation of human rights as Serene has not been investigated by law enforcement, or charged with anything, no client complaints, no malpractice or mismanagement.
At 10.30am tomorrow, Justice Forbes will preside over the matter and we encourage anyone to email her expressing concerns over the lack of due process afforded to Serene. If you are outraged feel free to contact her via email at chambers.forbes@supcourt.vic.gov.au.
Serene is resisting what we believe to be the unlawful attempts of the VLSB and their managers to gain access to our class action and member data, because there are inherent privacy protections for people joining a class action and Advocate Me will not surrender this information.
We believe these very actions are the perfect example of what constitutes undermining the public confidence in the administration of law. The very charge Serene has been accused of, because she questioned dubious decisions that have put people in harms way.
There are processes of appeal and Serene will be taking them. This is not the end of the road for Advocate Me. Yes it has forced us to reorganise ourselves differently, but this is not over. This absurdity must play out and in the process, highlight who the perpetrators of gross injustice are.
We have a clear path forward and this plan is being executed. Even though we are all currently sitting with uncertainty, we are optimistic and positive about the future. If this is what must transpire to further illuminate the corruption in this country, then so be it.
We are so grateful to the hundreds of clients who have sent complaints to the VLSB and the Victorian Ombudsman and those who are currently drafting their Affidavits in support of Serene. They can try to shut down one woman, but they will not silence the crowd.
We thank you for your ongoing support and we will provide you with an update as soon as more information comes to hand.
Our truth and transparency is shining a light on the darkness. This is our time to stand together, united and continue the good fight.
Warm regards
The Advocate Me Team
Isaiah 10:1–4
The New King James Version
10 “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees,
Who write misfortune,
Which they have prescribed
2 To rob the needy of justice,
And to take what is right from the poor of My people,
That widows may be their prey,
And that they may rob the fatherless.
3 What will you do in the day of punishment,
And in the desolation which will come from afar?
To whom will you flee for help?
And where will you leave your glory?
4 Without Me they shall bow down among the prisoners,
And they shall fall 1among the slain.”
For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.
I listened to a talk once by the Know Your Rights Group. In that radio show the point was made that Quick and Garron say that marriage is a CONTRACT. They also made the point that there are no prerequisites for going to the family court. Going to the family court is a voluntary act on the part of the parties. This is different to going to a magistrates court to fight a speeding fine. It’s the court one HAS to go to.
It follows that if Quick and Garron say that marriage is a CONTRACT then dissolution of the marriage and other family related legal action does not have to be taken in the family court but can be taken in a magistrates CIVIL court, because it’s a contractual matter.
It also follows, to my why of thinking, that an aggrieved parent could conceivably take their child custody case to the local magistrates court because it’s a CONTRACTUAL matter and they by bypass the family court altogether.
Is this a realistic possibility for aggrieved parents trying to protect their kids??
I hope that there are still a few correspondents who get updates to this post. I recommend that this not-so-little conversation (almost 2 hours) between these gallant Irish should be some encouragement to us in OZ with the same institutionalised corruption.
I’d like to send it to Serene and the “Advocate Me” mob but it seems that the “contact” page is disabled. Perhaps there is someone here who can forward it on.
What these Irish, perhaps tactfully, fail to mention in this conversation is that this corruption is orchestrated by, and a result of, the ideology of a bunch of idiots trying to pretend that they’re smarter than God. To such diabolically insane “illuminated ones” the “profane” are just something to be used in their maniacal rush to bring on a “new order” out of the chaos they instigate.
[…] Serene Teffaha’s Disbarment Is Beaut; Now We Can Disbar the Bar (April 16, 2021) […]