Have you had your GMO booster?
Introduction by DM
Firstly, I’d like to complain that my innocuous video was removed by Utoob, but Dr Campbell’s is allowed to stay. However, I am grateful for that.
Dr John Campbell has interviewed Australian Julian Gillespie — a lawyer and former barrister in Australia, known for his Covid-19 research and advocacy.
“An Australian Federal Court case has evidence to say they are GMOs — Case File Number: VID510/2023. Dr Julian Fidge v. Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd & Moderna Pty Ltd. Dr Fidge is an Australian medical doctor and trained pharmacist. The case has been brought under the Australian Gene Technology Act 2000 Section 10 of Gene Technology Act defines what a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is. First, an Organism is: ‘any biological entity’ ‘capable of transferring genetic material’ The Pfizer and Moderna Covid products contain LNP-modRNA complexes. These complexes satisfy being called ‘any biological entity’ under the law… the modRNA is genetic material.”
To continue:
“The modRNA is genetic material.
“The Lipid Nanoparticles or LNPs encapsulate the modRNA and together bio-distribute and transfer the LNP-modRNA complexes throughout the human body. The LNPs then transfect and transfer the modRNA cargo across cell membranes to deliver the modRNA inside cells By moving the modRNA about the body and then into cells, the LNP-modRNA complexes physically transfer genetic material after injection. So the Organism part of the GMO definition is satisfied by the physical mode of transport of the LNP-modRNA complexes.
“The next part of the GMO legal definition is – a Genetically Modified Organism is: an organism that has been modified by gene technology… This means the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products satisfy the Australian legal definitions for being properly called GMOs Under the Australian Gene Technology Act anyone who ‘deals’ with a GMO in Australia must be regulated under a GMO licence Pfizer and Moderna failed to apply for GMO licences in Australia Dealing with GMOs in Australia without a GMO licence is a serious criminal offense under Section 32 of the Gene Technology Act 2000.
“In fact the boss of Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, or OGTR, recently admitted to an Australian Senate Committee that both the Pfizer and Moderna products are GMOs. No Australian was told by the OGTR or the TGA that they were being asked to receive Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs when getting a Covid-19 injection…”
I noticed a recent commenter (Jabfree) suggest Zolite for a detox: “I started taking Zeolite (micronised) powder…”
I recently ordered Masterpeace… (it’s zeolite) anyone interested?
Worthy of perusal
I heard there was good zeolite and bad zeolite but I can’t remember the source yet
Here’s a huge list of treatments
I source my Vitamins from an American company with an Australian distributor.
Piping Rock
Vitamin D3(always taken with Vit K2)10,000 IU softgels for example is not available in Australia and this site offers quality and value for money.
Nattokinase,Quercetin,Liposomal Vit C etc
They said too much D3 = rat poison
Vitamin K is very strong in watercress ( season starting now )
C.lif High’s D3 level runs over 100ng/ml and mine around 60ng/ml.
During COVID the majority who did not survive had inadequate levels(<20ng/ml).
D3 is essential for optimum immune functioning.
I don’t know the levels including my levels since I quit the village quack but I only take it in winter.
From G666gle:
“Most cases of vitamin D toxicity resolve without serious complications or sequelae. However, in some instances, severe hypercalcemia can lead to acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis. Cases of permanent renal damage due to vitamin D toxicity are rare”.
“The best food sources of vitamin D are oily fish, including salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Other sources include egg yolks, red meat, and liver”.
What happened to Cod Liver Oil ?
So anyway maybe it’s used because it makes the rodents thirsty and makes them go out looking for water.
Vitamin K2 must be taken with D3 to avoid hypercalcemia.
I eat lots of watercress as advised by Hippocrates
I started taking 5000U Vit D with K2 daily last yr, bumped it up to 10,000u whenever I was sick, got my blood levels tested last month it was 230, my doctor was not concerned, just told me to stop taking it for a couple of months to let the level come down a bit. I don’t believe I have had any ill effects from having a level that high. 🙂
The great Zeolite debate ( comments )
Critical Review on Zeolite Clinoptilolite Safety and Medical Applications in vivo
HUGE-Massive backdown by WHO regarding draft of IHR amendments to be voted on next month.
Never trust the entire UN built on
1..Rockerfellas’ land in NY &
2_In Geneva where the Temple of Apollo used to be
I agree with the summary of the story, it’s another scam.
Everyone in Switzerland has army rifles, it’s up to them to do their duty and wipe out the WHO, the whole lot, into a pit like the Gazans. The whole lot.
I just got back from the ANZAC march. Thankfully, there were no idiots in masks. However, there was one airhead (and she looked like it) wearing a ribbon of the Ukraine flag. She also had her daughter wearing the Ukraine colors. – The masses scare me…
Protect yourself….
From one angle might look like what it’s made out to be, from my angle it looks like a mind-wiping exercise, the soldiers get exploited even in death, when the chauvinists say something about “Glory” I just don’t get it, I can only assume it relates to some sort of blood-rush effect on the survivors.
Son Of Soros: Elbow, is milking it for all it’s worth, said his little piece about double plus good communist censorship and how the woman murders are not his responsibility and jumped in his Lear Jet and got the hell out.
“something about “Glory”” – There’s no ‘glory’, there is only survival. If you come out the other side of an ugly battle as the ‘winner’, there is only relief. Then, as a survivor, there will be the next day, and the day after that, if you make it.
Malaysia starts to wake up to the scamdemic
Klaus Swab wants us to eat our own faeces
Some commentators often refer to Clif High.
I occasionally listen to him and need not explain him to fans.
But I need help now.
3 6 9 A+B = A
There is a pulse destroying matter (and creating it) 22 trillion times per second.
As I understood what he is claiming, in my simple mind is: say you have a machine lining up 22t pulses in the second and can actually detect each pulse. There is a gap between each pulse.
Chose a pulse and before the next arises choose that one in the gap. The result is one is then in a different space or whatever.
Thus you could be flying a UFO, or sitting on Gibraltar ISLAND. (hi Terry!)
I think he is explaining that UFOs pop in and out because some kid and his mates are dropping in during the gaps in the 22t pulses.
Oh well someone can tell me whatever💁
Forgot. I was lost in time riding a pulse gap but managed to re-appear … I think
AETHER PIRATES OF THE MATERIALISM. Found at RMN linked to his substack.
Something to do with firing up CERN during the eclipse, there was supposed to be devils coming out of there at some point, why else would they spend so much money on it, 27km around and has to be dead straight, but wait, they are going to do a big one next
Small Large Hadron Collider ompleted around 2008 cost around $5b
I’m down so many rabbit holes that it just keeps bringing up new rabbit holes. Crikey, it becomes impossible to even discuss what I’ve learned/experienced with the TV addicted morons. Hopefully, after this die-off of morons that took the ‘vax’ and have survived the famines and other aspects of the depopulation agenda, perhaps, just perhaps, a new human race can arise.
They say, one door closes, then another opens.
Their choice on where they stand or will enter.
A problem I see from High’s theory.
How is it that many very significant events and surrounds in one’s life can be foretold at least to 50 years in the future?
Been there, now there, no bulltits from the uninformed please.
If you do not know, you probably never will know so it is pointless to demonstrate that you do not know.
Bitchute: Straight out of GTA . I have never seen a getaway like this before .
Looks like CGI between 0:02 and 0:03, the rational inertia cancelled out
This autocorrect keeps interfering in my spelling the last few days, that should say “rotational”
Monica Smit taking the Vic cops to court
Turbo Cancer pathway explained in substack link below:
Spike protein interacts with P53 and DNA damage and response pathway.
Thats so old school…bring in the robodogs
available for sale now at $9,420 below:
I wonder what the androgynous appendages are for
Featured on the substack on Kevin McKernan, check out the patents held by the CEOs of Moderna & Pfizer which clearly disclose the problems associated with MRNA jabs. Case closed.
Thai Kings daughter still in a coma for more than a year since being injected
The king learned from Dr Sucharit Bhakdi that the mRNA injections were lethal and the injections program in Thailand stopped dead – no more boosters required.
The kings of Siam have looked after the place for ten generations and they take the job seriously, they have possibly the best business model for a kingdom in the entire world, they are not to be under rated, they are the smartest in all Asia and possibly the world
“Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products satisfy the Australian legal definitions for being properly called GMOs Under the Australian Gene Technology Act anyone who ‘deals’ with a GMO in Australia must be regulated under a GMO licence Pfizer and Moderna failed to apply for GMO licences in Australia Dealing with GMOs in Australia without a GMO licence is a serious criminal offense under Section 32 of the Gene Technology Act 2000.”
One more reminder that ALL gross abuses and injustices ALWAYS boil down to breaching a simple “technicality”
At 11:45 on vid:
“If AstraZenica DID go to the Office of The Gene Technology Regulator in Australia and DID apply for a GMO license, DID go through an extensive risk assessment and risk management plan process,
And as a result the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator DID issue a GMO license,
AstraZenica could THEN approach the Theraputic Goods Administration and seek provisional approval drug”
Special thanks for reminding me that every single injustice re a wide gamut of issues I’ve witnessed during the past 30+ years has been predicated on the self-same “corner-cutting”
Sorry, it was apparently Pfizer and Moderna that didn’t apply for a GMO license
From 23:41: “With these GMO laws we said ‘heck these are very very sophisticated very articulate, very refined, GMO laws in this country. Under our Gene Technology Act where did the Australians get, you know, the knowledge to create this Act back in the 2000s ?”
Well actually I remember buying a book sometime in ‘98 – ‘99, a book about the ramifications of applying said technology to plant matter.
I never actually wound up reading it but my youngest son must have done so because every time the subject came up he’d say “that means it’s been virally contaminated”
So the knowledge certainly was circulating even at that point, to the degree that there was sufficient lobbying towards enacting some restraint measures
But the belief that a prosecution could succeed?????
Has he not heard of Serene Teffaha ?
United Nations tries to ban thinking
Why, it does not exist to be of any threat to the UN and our department of communications in Canberra?
[…] Možno už tým otravujem, ale nedá mi to: Štáty ktoré sa hlásia k rôznym formám humánnosti, a majú aj adekvátne vybavené zdravotníctvo, sa nie tak dávno pustili do čohosi, čo pri podrobnejšom rozobratí vyjde ako „pokusy na ľuďoch“; ale to je teoreticky zakázané v legislatívach všetkých štátov tej civilizačnej úrovne, ku ktorej sa hlásime. Možno boli tie úrovne poprehadzované keď sme sa chvíľu nepozerali, alebo našu pozornosť niekto presmeroval, uvidíme ďalej. Zdrojom článku, ktorý v podstate prekladám, je opäť raz Gumshoe News; prezentuje ho jedna z vydavateliek, Dee McLachlan“: […]
[…] Možno už tým otravujem, ale nedá mi to: Štáty ktoré sa hlásia k rôznym formám humánnosti, a majú aj adekvátne vybavené zdravotníctvo, sa nie tak dávno pustili do čohosi, čo pri podrobnejšom rozobratí vyjde ako „pokusy na ľuďoch“; ale to je teoreticky zakázané v legislatívach všetkých štátov tej civilizačnej úrovne, ku ktorej sa hlásime. Možno boli tie úrovne poprehadzované keď sme sa chvíľu nepozerali, alebo našu pozornosť niekto presmeroval, uvidíme ďalej. Zdrojom článku, ktorý v podstate prekladám, je opäť raz Gumshoe News; prezentuje ho jedna z vydavateliek, Dee McLachlan“: […]