In the state of Victoria, a person commits a criminal offence if they: intentionally display a symbol of Nazi ideology in a public place or in public view, and know, or ought to have reasonably known, that the symbol is a symbol of Nazi ideology. And a person who commits an offence could face: a fine of approximately $22,000, and/or 12 months imprisonment.
“The federal government has announced [8 June 2023] it will introduce legislation to ban Nazi symbols and the sale of goods-for-profit featuring Nazi symbols. The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill will be introduced into parliament next week, outlining a ban on symbols related to Nazis or the SS, including on flags, armbands, T-shirts in public and online, with a maximum penalty of up to 12 months imprisonment. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said tackling far-right extremism was a priority for the federal government … “we will have all governments working together to ban the display and trade of these evil symbols.” he said.”
Operation Ukraine Video
The video (another perspective) is how Kyiv carried out numerous war crimes against civilians in Donbass from 2014 on. The Western media has kept silent or put blame on Russia. In the documentary, investigative journalists trace back major attacks on Donbass civilian residents perpetrated by the Kyiv authorities — showing how nationalist battalions became part of the Ukrainian Army and why the Western media turn a blind eye to Kyiv’s war crimes.
Were the Americans involved all the time?
The question: are there Nazi factions?
Some of the Azov militants captured in the war were tattooed with Nazi symbols, (The Azov Assault Brigade is a formation of the National Guard of Ukraine formerly based in Mariupol, in the coastal region of the Sea of Azov.) The West has denied any ties of Kyiv to Nazi ideology.
The mainstream media is catching up though…
Where is James O’Neill to give us another perspective?
Proxy Globalist War
At least now Jason Thomas of The Australian is putting it out there… that the government told us “natural immunity no longer existed”, that “burning, looting and rioting” for the right cause was peaceful, that the gas-guzzling wealthy 1% say “we will own nothing and be happy eating bugs”, and that “Ukraine cannot be questioned”…
“It is a proxy war of the globalists” and was from the get-go.
More Weapons From Australia
Is it a proxy war if Australia is openly sending arms and weapons?
This was announced on 6 June 2023.
“Hawkei armoured cars bound for Ukraine war in Australian support deal
“Australia is set to give Ukraine the missile-capable, four-wheel-drive armoured cars that it has been requesting for months – the Hawkei – as the centerpiece of a forthcoming support package. Although a formal commitment has yet to be sealed, there has been serious progress informally and Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov told the Herald and The Age the vehicles were number one on his list of “demands” from Australia.”
Question: Is Australia supporting Kyiv who in turn supported the Nazi-aligned Azov militants to KILL Ukrainians?
The irony of war.
But why is Australia fueling the war in the first place — instead of negotiating peace?
An email from G5
The Missing and the Madness of Conflict
[Redacted]: the missing eight million from Ukraine are dead.
[Redacted] had first alluded to it in 2014.
I can’t remember the numbers. I wrote them at the time. Some 3 million were trucked across through Poland to Lithuania by NATO and gassed. As NAZI Germany.
Still not released. Russia would go nuts as it would if Putin had not kept The Kursk Incident hidden. About which I have also written as well as Obama’s Methane Clathrate Affair of 2015 to trigger a nuclear war against Russia.
The West is very very fortunate that Putin controls Russia and he is sponsored by The Russian Orthodox Church.
If The Russian Military were completely unleashed, and they called on China and India for ground support; how long do you think America and anything Americanized would have to breathe?
Most of The USN are in ports. No warning as Pearl Harbor. One Kinzhal at each port would do the job. Forget the bullshit of detection and shooting down. You have a 50-plus Kt nuke diving from 90,000 plus ft at 15 plus Mach. Any ideas?
Navies at sea are hit with Zircons from both Russia and China from 92,000 ft straight through the billion-dollar hulls like butter.
The UK and The US homelands have now failed to exist. Iran, North Korea, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, and other vengeful are already taking their time, door to door in Israel.
Old homeless people in winter used to have to break a window to get a free stay in jail, now all they need is a piece of chalk and they can write nazi symbols all over the government buildings in Spring St and they will probably be comfortably locked up until summer
Chemtrails blanket the sky with a white haze.
It’s no longer a secret, as we watch jets laying these linear patters spraying all below with a mixture of “goodies”.
The iron curtain of media silence is deafening, as they’re controlled by the same mob ordering the spraying,
“Don’t trust what you can see with your own eyes.”
Surely the pilots are aware of what they’re doing, but as elsewhere are sworn to secrecy and would be jobless, so they do their jobs and keep mouths shut.
Doesn’t matter where you live, they’re doing it everywhere globally. Further proof we have OWG with youth on all sides, in all conflicts, lambs for slaughter working for the same boss.
z media had a good one a few days ago
The pilots have nothing to do with the “plane farts”.
The persisting contrails(chemtrails if you like)are to do with the jet fuel mix-coal fly ash etc.
Climateviewer.com/Jim Lee is a great go to site for this info.
“Accidental Geoengineering” with Ship Tracks and Contrails
Fly ash in jet fuel ? I seem to recall that stuff is abrasive on the micro-level. They throw it into concrete, someone came up with the idea because it was collecting and it turned out to be a good additive. Likewise sticky rice was used in the mortar (3%) of some parts of the Great Walls of China. And the Romans had a secret ingredient nobody seems to know to this day.
As for the ships, the big engines would burn anything, where do people imagine their recycled oil goes, it’s no good for lubrication because all the hydrocarbon chains are broken up into small pieces.
Romans used volcanic ash to mix with sand and lime – will set in water and last hundreds of years.
Old oil is a very good wood preservative and anti-termite application for post and rail fences – I use it for such a purpose.
Evidence of Coal Fly Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere…
Branson, elite ped in the Virgin Islands, just a short submarine ride to lil St.James
Virgin Velocity were major Chemmers, all firms co_opted now and notice they are all painted white now no, full red planes for example
The swastika is an ancient good luck symbol – which is why it became emblazoned on uniforms and weapons of war by the Nazis.
It is thousands of years old and can be found in ancient ruins and modern buildings all over the world. .
The symbol that is the swastika has become a propaganda tool for everything that is evil – as projected by the Socialists, Stalinists, Marxists, Maoists and Communists – whose mortal enemy is seen as National Socialism – Nazism.
Eve wonder why anyone who questions the Communists and their world controlling ideology, is labelled a Nazi?
And on what is occurring in Ukraine – who, during 2014 – really shot down Malaysian Airlines MH17 over Ukraine air space? Does anyone truly believe the Russians would do such a thing?
The separatists did it by accident, the real question is why were Malaysia airlines flying over military zones when nobody else was. Look up 1MDB, a Goldman-Sachs project. The conspiracy plots in RealRawNews should stay in RealRawNews and not get bounced around everywhere, and stirred into the soup. RealRawNews is fake news just as much as ABC-TV lies of omission and while I’m at it, they have an endless supply of JUNK ACADEMICS desperate to get their faces on the screen, these people are utterly pathetic, they call themselves professor, they seem to exist to brainwash university students doing humanities courses, there is way too much rubbish around and it’s put there deliberately to confuse the sheeple. Universities suck so much money out of their students, paying about $20 and hour each in a lecture theatre with 200 seats that is up to $4000 an hour to listen to some JUNK ACADEMIC spouting rubbish and telling the students how clever they are, right up until final year when they have secured the last instalment of the student’s debt. This is not a functional system anymore, it’s a sick joke, played on a society that’s going into a death spiral of dysfunctionality.
Joe – you have a tendency to conflate too many issues and to reject out of hand those exposures that you choose to not believe – for whatever reason.
I see nothing in Real Raw News that does not gel with what I already know to be true.
You need to expand your thinking if you wish to understand what is at play around the Globe, even as I write this comment.
Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov told the Herald and The Age the vehicles were number one on his list of “demands” from Australia.”
Who is this arsehole to demand anything from Australia. What does he have over our political leaders ? Is it paedophilia? Or child trafficking ?
Surely the Australian population do not agree with the murder and war crimes as depicted in this video. So why are Australian politicians providing aid to such a sick regime, when the money could be better spent at home?
Aussiemal – they’re desperate because they have lost this war against Russia, and like the criminals that they all are, including our governments, if they go down they will attempt to take everyone down – it is the criminal’s way.
Hence their ‘demands’.
Our ”governments’ are placed into power, never elected anymore, hence their aloofness from the voting public who still believe that their vote actually counts.
No government in ‘power’ today will survive what is coming.
The Australian government parasites $Millions of hard pressed Australians money to aid Ukraines NAZI military –
Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History
Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.
RED ALERT: Pentagon mobilizes thousands of planes for WWIII confrontations with China, Russia
June 7, 2023
Don’t think aliens came on a space ships, but rather from the spirit world, manifesting among people producing their own breed, with women they choose.
It started in the Garden of Eden, when Eve gave birth to satanic seed with Cain, who murdered his brother Able.
These beings are liars, evil by nature and do no good. Filled with lust they corrupt our earth. They respect power and greed only, hating Christianity, believing it is their right to own everything. Their belief system total opposite to God’s commandments.
Deploying usury and taxation, with secret societies having absolute political and media control sucking dry all common wealth, these aliens rule the earth.
The only way to fight this invasion is with strong Christianity.
“Know them by their fruits.”
ant56 – the key to understanding our ancient past is the Orion star system. Orion was once featured on NASA’s logo and Giza Pyramids, when seen from above, reflects Orion’s Belt – as do other Pyramid emplacements around the Globe -why?
U.S. Space Force does not display Orion’s Belt on their logo – why?
Answer those questions and you will be confronted with who has been controlling this planet for a very long time indeed..
Agree, we are minuscule in scheme of things. Away from cities, looking at the infinite stars at night is a sight of wonder. As you and many others have, I’ve also noticed bizzare erratic movements of incredible velocity zig zagging but they’re not shooting stars. Unexplainable, a bit like all of us not knowing how or why, but we are.
I never got into much theory, preferred practicalities. Figured from early age, do honest days work get paid, help raise family do some domestics and hopefully get a few surfs thru the week. Simple pleasures and joy. The gadgets to this day don’t interest me, cause all are artificial and definitely not practical.
These days don’t work nor surf, not by choice. Hopefully if I can escape Sydney, and not too old (now 65), will be able to stand fallin’ down the line in Almighty’s magic blue.
Clare Daly: Europe has become the tail of the US dog, shot itself in its feet
A Conversation with Ambassador Kevin Rudd, Australia’s New Ambassador to the United States
What a boring idiot!!!
Thanks for that assessment, I refused to watch the video.
Like wise!
Some goods news for Straya. Another a/hole/rat jumped ship. “Brett Sutton”. He won’t die suddenly as he is jabbed up with saline!
say what you want about Brett, but he was a good looking man back in the day. Nothing gay just saying, as compared to the other health one professionals.
I would call him a stooge, but that’s just me
No he’s no patsy, his sister in law is Jane Halton, he is the full 666 and now he can’t walk the street. Will he be able to walk the force-injected halls of CSIRO or will he be springboarded from there to Geneva, I would guess the latter. Do not allow this trademark innocence bullshit any credibility, he has even worked as an actor on a medical soapie !!! They know what they are, they have sold out long ago.
He was the receptionist on Channel & “Medical Emergency”, you can ask if he was manipulated by his sister-in-law
All the dirt, I am going to have to take a shower after reading this
Ugh, gets worse
They’re all lying grubs, the truth is quite simple
I’m astonished anyone would defend the agent-infiltraitor, Brett Sutton, on the basis of his innocent act
USS Liberty sinking – Stew Peters