by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I had bought a ticket a while ago to travel on Nov 29 to Maui. Then I heard that C-SPAN “might” video myself and other Lesser-Known presidential candidates in NH on Dec 7. That meant I could stay in Hawaii for only a week. But I did not even stay the full week. I felt oddly overwhelmed and did a runner. I’m pretty sure the thing that most overwhelmed me was the lack of discussion about the fire.
Each day of silence that goes by (it will be 4 months this Friday) makes it harder to speak up. Not that I expect the people of Lahaina to be able to tackle the issue; they have daily needs of survival to think about. But what about the rest of us? Violent weapons were used against the folks of a US state. Namely the 50th state. Do we owe those people a response? We sure do. And what if New Hampshire is next — will the other 48 states owe us some help? Of course!
My hope was to take some pix on my own camera so I could emphatically state that I have seen the evidence of energy weapons. (I am not schooled enough to distinguish among laser, microwave, and DEW but they all perform directed energy, lethally.) I found most of the Lahaina streets blocked by a lengthy fence. Example:
I got on a bus which had a stop named “Wharf Cinema’ but when we got there, there was nothing, as the cinema was destroyed. Then I asked a taxi driver to take me to see the Banyan tree but he said we are not allowed to go there.
Luckily now that I’m home, I found a new video on YouTube (thank you, YouTube). The man who made it says that December 4, 2023 – yesterday — was the first day he has been allowed to enter his own street. I guess if I had persevered, I could have made a similar video, but would have been required to buy a PPE suit and take some training in handling toxic material.
Having now seen his video, which I will show below, I am more than ready to yell – and I do hereby yell – “The Maui fire was caused by directed energy.” That’s because, as he went down a long row of razed houses, he included this one, quite intact from being covered by a blue tarp.
Comes a time we have to speak as though our brain is still connected to the T-bone.
( I am not depending only on that man’s video; there are others, such as ones in which Eric West takes you on a tour of oddments, including the damaged cars.)
And now here is our dear Navy showing how they can knock a small boat out of the water with precision by using laser. (Note: I don’t mean using a red laser to target the baddy, where the soldier would then shoot with a gun; I mean the laser does the whole job.)
Oops. Wait a minute. I found that vid yesterday by searching Navy.mil/LaWS – where the acronym LaWs means Laser Weapons systems. Now I can’t find it. However, CNN gave a similar video in July 2017 in celebration of our having planted a ship in the Persian Gulf with the necessary capability for killing drones.
Oops. The CNN scoop, entitled “Exclusive: CNN witnesses US Navy’s drone-killing laser”
authored by Jim Sciutto and Dominique van Heerden, is also not there. I don’t mean to say that CNN deleted it on account of Maui. The fault may be mine.
I can at least show one item from Navy.mil that refers to one function of laser — mine detection:
Aircraft, Rotary Wing
Guns, Weapon Systems
AEGIS Weapon System
AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)
Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR)
ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System
AN/AES-1 Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS)
All right. Let’s now watch Steve’s video, which he says is uncut. The blue tarp miracle appears at 3.41 minutes:
As I said, my shock was and is at the silence surrounding this out-and-out military hit on our nation. I will write about that separately later.
wink – your hitting the right data points
just a simple question, I assume you stayed on the big Island as well Did you have a “Cook” out, jokes aside, did you sleep well there ??
I did not get to Big Island. Hopefully next time.
I slept lousy in Maui because I did my old Sydney hostel routine, with 8 of us in a co-ed dorm. I was the only Co, plus seven Eds.
At the same moment Hyatt Regency wanted $850 USD per nite. How could any room be that good?
Which is not to to say I’m ungrateful for my circumstances. I felt protected in Hawaii. How’s that for a thought?
That”s so funny, no bedbugs, did they spray you with unlabeled cans like a non-unionist
When we last met you were encamped at a Woolloomooloo back pack place.
That’s our Mary ….. but when President ……👻
Bikie Dee, has a tent, usually.
Nedski, thank you for implying that I might win the 2024 election. When president, I will live in Dee’s tent on the White House lawn. So Navy vessels can’t give me the flick without being watched by the whole nation.
Come to think of it, though, they flicked JFK while watched by everyone who had a TV. (My family had just got our first TV in 1962. Dee didn’t get hers in South Africa until the Seventies, as the “leaders” of that country did not want the folks to know that other people were living a bit free-er.)
A double-edged sword, the TV.
What a trooper
just cause its gumshoes, the blue tarp in the picture, not a restraining rope in a “high wind” that preceded “caused” the ignition points(alleged) .
The missing children of Maui is a ‘ Pied Piper of Hamelin” seems to be part of this humiliation. Like Gaza, ahhh
I’m off the fence re: blue things
It’s a prank and no science in it at all
If you thought human life had no value you would see the funny side.
You claim there is no science in it all.
Ok, you often snipe but there is no follow up.
May we presume that you know how it is reported elsewhere how’s DEW weapons work.
Do they work on energy wavelengths?
Wavelengths are used by you every day to see…. Eg, colours limited to the human eyesight receiving reflections of energy waves.
Could it possibly be that DEWs work on wavelengths …. Bit like vibrating a RSJ with a Jack hammer and SNAPPING IT, or vibrations causing parts of aircraft to fail and crash….never heard of that……vibrations even bring bridges down …. Never seen that.
Ok, we have some proven technical parameters to be a foundation.
Now let us suppose that DEWs work on sending out vibrations, enhanced with some that create heat. HAARP?
Now let us suppose that the wavelength of a DEW output is twigged to certain vibrations matching the wavelengths of what the eye recognises.
In reverse a DEW output only detects a certain wavelength.. like blue and is reflected to be gauged.
Oh stuff it, I am just an old barrister and a right Charlie, but I am trained to think.
A bit like the old copper you refer to as ‘plod’….. we are professional cousins….. sometimes on the same side in court.
Fuck, why am I wasting my time?
Just keep sniping, but do not forget to load your rifle…. Your target may only hear the usual sound of a click, but no discharge…… just a fairy fart up the barrel.
Cheers, Charlie.
You have any research, theories, Elspelt?
Well it’s concise, but if you consider it sniping I’ll take it as a compliment, the smallest possible projectile hitting the target precisely is what I would most prefer. eg. I would prefer not to make interviews going for an hour with ten minutes of waffle as an intro. Just a matter of personal style.
So to elaborate, I don’t think there is any “magic” in the blue things, I think they are just pointing their DEW at other targets and avoiding blue as a prank, as a magician would mis-direct your attention. I would say it appears their DEW can hit a car size object with precision from wherever they are.
Ok, I am wasting my time. No problem, I may as as well chat with Charlie.and have some fun with the rewritten bible, if it turns up.
Complain to your local members and shock jokes
Sometimes you are funny…….. but a naive Charlie.
Mary, well bloody done.
But was this and all the other videos like the drone one found on the internet news reports, not all shown by our ABC, SBS and corporate BS news…… I must have missed them?
Well, I do not watch our BS news reports, probably why I missed the reports.
Mary, did you find our anything about the suggested 2,000 missing children?
Well, there is always the autopsy reports that might be able to help.
Mass media ……. You are sick psycho lying grubs Just like nearly ALL OF OUR “unwell” lying POLITICIANS.
No mention was made of missing children, Ned. Come to think of it, no mention was made, at least not in my earshot, of the police preventing cars from escaping on August 8.
As I walked around, the streets seemed really empty.
The person whose fire-videos I most trust are at the channel of Brush Junkie, an ex-Maui girl now in LA.
And here is something very touching:
Goody. I found the CNN and the Navy vids. I will provide later. But for now I want to show you this Debunkment. Dee already warned me that a published photo of a laser over Maui was a cheap photoshop, so to speak.
That doesn’t by any means say no DEW was used. Here ’tis:
Here is a rah-rah-sis-boom-bah ad for the Navy’s capabilities.
Please everybody, stick with the topic. We might actually get somewhere.
Again, prime real estate waterfronts are the motive to build back better for the select few loaded.
Even better; a gas field with a second ‘Suez’ canal and port included.
This is war between two opposing species.
One side wages abomingnations as our side is mostly ignorant and unaware. Christians must wake up and spread the good news, only God is going to help.
There were and are still good people and bad. The evil ones hate Truth and love to crush those who love freedom. Seed of Adam against seed of Lucifer, simple.
We are being genocided as they mongrelise the world with compliant slaves selected.
We need to repent, pray the Rosary and turn back to Our Father…
There’s no political solution because the enemy controls the political process of BS.
And the drama continues in NZ. Data base goes bye bye, court orders an injunction –
Is that a criminal offence : suborning witnesses, conspiracy to defeat the course of justice and more …. As with ‘Lahaina’. (To include on topic MM🤷)
More rope, “please SIR, I want some more” we have all the porridge we can take sir. ( apols: Oliver Twist)
Ned and Terry, yikes! the is horrible. But yes , they have waltzed themselves straight into a criminal trap. Clearly a conspiracy to defeat the course of justice. But the suborning would have to have perjury in it, no?
Please say more. This is so blatant. Liz Gunn, a kiwi, spoke so sternly. Yes, Ned, it’s right out of Oliver Twist. Thanks!!!
Not to worry the “white hats” are executing the entire world judiciary, so we hear
Only if we get off our arses, expose them and demand their dues.
You going to help Or just bleed to death straddled on your barb wire fence?
I am very active in many ways but not including arson or murder, not sure what you expect of me, please supply a few ideas and if I haven’t done them yet I might give them a go
Perhaps if you consider the heaps of links I have put up might be an idea.
It has taken me over 5.5 years to gather dots and dropped hints, from characters, some of which you have despised with no basis opined for why so.
My counsel; hop of the fence, get a long neck and deck chair and just watch through the wire and relax, just watch the game. You do not even have to cheer for any side, let the teams do their competing tasks, we have enough players on one side.
Whether you have a carton of long necks for the likely dry days ahead is a matter for you.
Perhaps you might find interesting Terry’s problem with Gibraltar ……. He is looking for that rock as he lost it some time ago, as I heard a few years ago.
He has a knowledgeable interest after much research.
my wife told me today that someone had discovered a 20.000 year old pyramid under sea off Portugal.
Thos pyramids keep cropping up in some form all over the world.
SORRY I did not show much interest and quiz her on her source. I am past pyramids and ancient civilisations…… I notice that the past is the present day ‘globalist’? DISTRACTOR for an intellectual section of groupies……. Keeps them away from the present/FUTURE …….. genocidal murders under way.
So far as I’m concerned the only value of the exercise was that of shining a light on the modus operandi of a rogue “authority”.
Which,of course, cuts straight to the heart of the poison issue
By now, anyone with a modicum of sanity would already be well and truly aware of said issue.
Whereas it would be interesting to know the exact extent of the damage thereof, such data would hardly sway anyone’s thinking at this point in time
Because it’s a salient fact that people will hold onto myths centuries after they’re busted if it makes them feel “safe” – even when they defy the very concept of any such thing
Given the fact that the U.K. equivalent to the purported “data leak” has been splashed all over U Tube for months on end it’s beyond me what the fuss is all about.
Under what clause of what Act has he been charged under anyway?
The so-called alternative news sites are apparently just as coy as the MSM
What clause of what Act allows the NZ government to preclude information from public scrutiny ?
“the U.K. equivalent has been splashed all over U Tube for months on end”
Under what clause of what Act has he, he being Barry Young, been charged under ?
Why is he, Barry Young,using this bods name ?
Barry Young was using the name “Winston Smith” the character in 1984
A persona that doesn’t exactly fit his “My goal is to save the world” bill
The striking difference between him and John Campbell is that the latter doesn’t make any sort of “my-aim-is-to-save-the world”public announcement.
He simply presents the data and the mainstream explanation in a dispassionate way and allows the hearer to make up his/her own mind
Well we wait and see if Campbell can get the Barry Young message out via spewtube but somehow I think not !!!
They are also going through the same throes in Korea.
Well if you’d care to explain the difference between the stats presented by Campbell and those presented by Young – other than difference between the 2 nationalities
Your video is 10 days old already, Campbell is reading off the government official shit
The first of the 2 Campbell vids was posted 2 weeks before the Liz Gunn-Barry Young “Mother of All Revelations” interview
The second one was posted 3 days prior to said advent
Six months ago:
Five months ago:
Spewtube is apparently not working as efficiently as it was a year or so ago when everything was still getting deleted.
What is the purpose of your original question ?
What clause of what Act has Barry Young been charged under ?
Because such a prosecution, by it’s very nature, is a fair indication of a classic Po balls-up
and the more that people are confronted by said modus operandi the less fearful they become
not that that liz gunn/barry young style self-agrandisement isn’t a massive stumbling block
Self-aggrandisement 🙀
Have you not noticed my comment/s below?
Right, no answers🤣
Just asked my wife as to how long she has been on to Campbell and she said ….. about three years.
She is retired from the hospital life and not much good on time so let’s call it 2 years analysing his PUBLIC DATA.
Just to be clear dear Elspeth if you are really just ‘right Charlie’ as you called me, the you will understand, well at least other readers would, that the message as below referred to is YOU.
Ned (aka Charlie)
This household has been following Campbell for over a year.
Nothing has come of it. He has been careful and only referenced open public information
Barry Young has exposed HIDDEN INFORMATION.
BARRY HAS TURNED THE POLITICAL LYING KILLERS UPSIDE DOWN IN ONE GO….. IN A WEEK. He took a stand and subjected himself to being arrested by primitive copper thugs. Now the court gave him bail.
He has exposed the whole system and probably foresaken his livelihood and freedom.
Are you the original Charlie?
Under here CHARLIE.
Off you go……………
So Elspeth at 9.14 today above, your sniping continues. ‘“self- aggrandisement”.
So people who expose mass murder must be such people, in your opinion!
Now I detect a ‘right crazy Charlie’.
I am sure you would yell and scream if you saw a man kicking a dog across the street and go expose him and recite scripture to him ….. like being cruel is un-Christian, un-Australian and a criminal offence in NSW……..would you not?
Elspeth, should be 8.14 today in comments to your sniping.
I’m pointing to an earlier article by MM — same subject — same weapon
“Judy Wood’s 20006 book “Where Did the Towers Go?” is a masterpiece. I am only up to page 78 so far. Dr Wood (PhD in mechanical engineering) easily disproves the claim that the collapse of WTC twin towers was caused by fire, as is ludicrously touted by the NIST (that’s the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, within the US Commerce Department).
“But she has also destroyed the theory of controlled demolition, the pancaking of the 110 floors of the tower. She presents instead an explanation based on directed energy, a la Nicola Tesla’s work which has been hidden from the public.
“I find it annoying that Dr Wood gets hostile when people refer to her work as theory or opinion. She says she only collects empirical evidence. I am in no position, and will never be, to analyze the science of directed energy. I am also unable to run her story against, say, Prof Niels Harrit’s thermite story or the mini-nuke theory of how the towers collapsed.’
My personal opinion: MULTIPLE WEAPON SYSTEMS
What bothers me most is why?
After all, the commandment is “Don’t Kill”
So what’s the point in bombing nations?
WHO is war good for, and why do they get away with it every time.
Without any doubt, we are the most primitive and sinful generation in history, now reaching a crescendo of biblical proportions.
We see it’s not a fairy tale but cold hard facts delivered in search of simple Truth.
Well done MM… flying to the eye of storm and reporting from the front lines.
You would know something about front lines, Dee.
And may your new book, “The Child Protection Racket,” do what it is intended to do.
Now, dear Gumshoers, as we learned from Dr Russell Pridgeon’s book, “Everybody Knows,” Amazon awards the title of best-selling author to persons whose book gets a number of sales hits at a given point in time.
I propose that we all purchase Dee’s book (cheap in the US at 12 bucks, but Aussies can buy a local edition). We must do it simultaneously, so I propose High Noon on Sunday, December 10th. Of course, Dec 10 is Human Rights Day and I’m sure Rosalind Croucher will be pleased.
Ah, I can only access the stateside Amazon.
Dee, please provide the Oz. Also I see your Jungle Book movie is going out for a song: $8.88. And I see that our joint effort, of 8 years ago, has had only one rating (5 stars, thank God) and no reviews. And your movie, “The Jammed,” has no price and is thus priceless.
6uild 6ack 6etter with a walmart below ground and a submarine dock not to mention the “entertainments”,,, etc
What was done to the first nations, goes around, comes around
Barely a ripple in Davos
Nicolas Tesla -particle beam weapon
Nikola Tesla’s Early Years
“Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father was a priest in the Serbian Orthodox church and his mother managed the family’s farm. In 1863 Tesla’s brother Daniel was killed in a riding accident. The shock of the loss unsettled the 7-year-old Tesla, who reported seeing visions—the first signs of his lifelong mental illnesses.”
“The shock of the loss unsettled the 7-year-old Tesla, who reported seeing visions—the first signs of his lifelong mental illnesses.”
Shock Treatment–controlling minds through fear and terror.
MKULTRA experiments–
Amazing Mary-the Intrepid time traveller
I, too, smelled a rat when I read that, Diane And I hate to say it but maybe it accounts for his genius.
I also think that many athletic heros are doing great because someone enhanced their mind.
I have heard that the CIA can teach an agent to speak Japanese in a fortnight. If that is true, they must hve discovered many secrets of the brain. When you think of it, a kid in Japan can learn Japanese absolutely effortlessly.
Shane Warne said he became an expert at spin bowling because he was crippled for about a year when he was some formative age <10yo and had to pull himself around by the hands while he was in a little cart.
what came first Mary –chicken or egg
—Tesla or MK secret experiments
by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
will give you the answer
Diane, I have found the 3 volumes of Fritz Springmeier’s book on Illuminati to be trustworthy. I mean i cannot fault his work, tho i am not in a position to verify it.
Well if you’re looking for a fault it’s US-centric and Anglo-centric
Diiane, since you have opened the subject, here’s a link you may want to explore. Dee has stated to me that she is thinking of doing an article about many of the concepts on this webpage. You might as well get a head start.
I have spent many years trying to figure out what is really happening in this ‘reality’. The first big hint came with reading Tom Campbell’s trilogy ‘My Big Toe (Theory of Everything). I then worked through many other works and then put it all together when I started reading this webpage. You may want to start with his ‘Majestic’ series.
Many long time readers of Gumshoes may remember my article on the ‘Mandela Effect’ (I’ll post a link to that in the next post). When I noticed that objective reality was changing around me, I was stunned. Like, WTF is going on? That gave me the emphasis to do some deep diving. The link to the webpage I just posted will clarify the Mandela Effect and why it is happening.
Happy diving!
Here’s my article back in August of 2019 on the Mandela Effect. Perhaps some people may want to read that before they do the deep dive in the above link.
Too bad half the videos are gone by now but I guess they are busy doing AI versions. Like the “We are the champions … of the world” the last bit was probably tacked on during some live concerts and just ends up as Chinese Whispers and confusion. With your Gibraltar story you say 400km, is that what you meant or is it a typo
Take a look at a map of the Mediterranean. The ‘Rock’ used to be at the mouth of the straightS (there were two straights as you had to go either side of the Rock of Gibraltar. It was something you would see BEFORE you entered the Mediterranean Sea. I just eye-balled the distance and estimated the distance.
I just noticed another ‘jump’ when I was posting these entries. I noticed it when I was reading one of the articles at the above link. The stuff called ‘White Out’ became ‘Whit Out’, now the stuff is called ‘Wite Out’. I don’t know what else I’ll find on this time-line, hopefully it will more interesting.
I’ve been looking at old maps of Morocco but not much use, I would not put it past Rockerfellas to start a workshop full of forgers to make these types of things and put them on the internet since I heard they bought Encyclopedia Brittanica in order to modify it. Well what else is anyone going to do with a bottomless pit full of money, just keep finding more ways to keep shovelling it in
When I noticed the shift in the location of the Rock, I tried finding anything I could see in order find something of the old location. There was even an old advertisement for an insurance company I looked at. The old advertisements said “Solid as the Rock of Gibraltar” and showed the Rock. Now the advertisements have been altered and they no longer show it as The Rock.
That is one of things about shifting to a new time-line, EVERYTHING is altered as that time line has always been that way.
The same thing happened with San Bernadino, California. I grew up with the town, the county, the freeway, everything was San Bernadino – NOW, everything is San Bernardino (with an R thrown in). Crikey, it just doesn’t even sound right anymore.
Well there’s a mystery about Ballarat, someone started putting another a in there, might have been some mayor or planning CEO ages ago, Ballaarat is much more Ba’al-ish.
The nearby town Ararat doesn’t take an extra a.
As for Gibraltar, I am back in the Newtonian era, I can explain the double slit experiment in Newtonian terms, not in terms of “11 dimensions” stuff. The physics is pure Newtonian but the logic maybe slightly more modern (or not).
The entire everything was nothing, excepting some matter which appeared, creating a something, at that moment time began and the rest of the infinite nothing became something. So the nothing always existed but only became something when it was relative to something else.
Go for it chaps, I have no idea, what can you expect from me, my appointment to be Born is only coming up next week. The Berry family has even chosen my name …. ‘Charlie’ the right honourable Charles I will prefer, would you believe?
Will the Berry’s have a surprise for them👻🙀🤣🤣🤣
I am later going to change my sexual persona when I feel like it….. to Charisse and win the ladies weight lifting in the olympics. Golden fun for Saudi Arabia.
Hi Elspeth, I will make you proud…..dad, poppa. Nan?
There is no mystery with Ballarat, my dad, and his twin and his twin sisters were born there (and an older brother) and grandparents and little aunt died there. Ever been up Pleasant Street …. No 16?
For the normies, the 11 ? year old died in the front room and Dad was walking to the room at that moment, the door opened and he felt a ‘whoosh’ pass him (not air draft) through the door.
Just another family experience … for closed minds!
Terry, one day, you will find old Gibraltar…….
Oops, just in case some descendant reads this and gets upset, so for the record, there was another older sister.
Back in the day and for the record, what did become of those small town Belrats.
Mum’s the word for the 21 century but dispatch’s are ol scool
Whew, thought it was warm as I have not been this hot since the 1490’s or when Copernicus was a boy
Thanks Terry
just received from my fellow traveller Clif High
skipped through–at 23 mins -religion Elohim UFO
“Elohim taught about genocide—Armenians—6 million jews killed just before ww1
“Jewish suffering Stockholm syndrome—the trauma was put on them—-”
Where is the Authority?
Just so I can go off topic
Maybe be I can meet you at High Noon, I’m a Chinese Dragon so am always late to the party. Nothing against Chinese Rats who are always early. I will get there but surmise I will be late
no weight, just saying ME style
I have not even watched it boys, ahh.. I know where we are currently headed
Our bungling incompetent sneaky and malicious government now wants to plug us into one of their defective schemes involving national ID and leave you to guess all your data is on there until the whole lot gets “hacked by Russia”
I caught something on tv tonight.
Now for him to raise from the dead those killed by government mystery injections.
Now lets us hear it from our dumb politicians, mass media, ABC and medical bureaucratic spivs.
Wonder if the exposures from NZ caused a St Paul epiphany …. or a tight neck sensation. .
Are Q-members going though premature stages of grief ?
Denial, anger etc …
Personally I have not entirely given up on Trump and various cannon ceremonies and so forth but who knows if the SCOTUS is waiting for vectors to align or just big kickbacks. Americans will get a better deal from Trump but the well-known planned events are all scheduled and underway including space-force star-link total planetary control check out this photo
Digestion resistant permanent mRNA that attacks the nucleus is being introduced into the food chain
Apparently altered genetics are required to make Musk’s “Neuralink” project work ( chips in brains connected to the skynet )
Maria Zeee and Attorney Tom Renz
( Take out the XXXX )
‘Hunter Biden charged with nine criminal counts of tax evasion
The US president’s son faces a maximum penalty of 17 years in prison if convicted, according to an indictment filed in US District Court in Central California”
Who’s going to be needing a presidential pardon
California, I thought Hunter would get accolades for a poor progressive boy from Delaware. Did he get so high he missed the turn off to Vegas and crossed into cali, therefore owing state tax’s.
This could just be an ad for grand theft auto vI to add to the state tax base losses incurred from silicon valley.
Is a US district court just a court process than be thwarted by three levels(state, congress, constitution). Thats for a PHD, I just play the music like a DJ
Who’s going to be needing a presidential pardon:
on the face of it that would be Julian Assange, but I want to see the journals
Liz Gunn-update on Barry Young -arrested NZ COVID shot whistle blower
Something wrong, I could not find the story at the ABCrap The SBS or in any of our papers ….. maybe it will be on the informative tv news reports tonight.
Bet it will be …A Alan JONES, formerly with radio 2 GB … nine network known Chappy had the hard word on his usual driver and kissed some other chappie in an elevator.
Oh well that will keep us enthralled for a while, whilst the media and pollies then do not have to worry about reports that we are being murdered by the …….? As reported by a ALEX JONES.
Just update your shots……. Have a punt, the revolver cylinder may not have your batch number on it., “YOU FEELING LUCKY PUNK”? Then try again later.
Yes as expected, as I passed through ‘current affair’ with Aunty Deb on 9 was on Allan Jones.
Poor Deb she though our troops fought in Israel in WW1 as she mentioned way back….. where did she get her schooling?
“What skool did you go to?” usually followed by,
“Who’s your daddy.”
I guess they mean “it’s a club…”,
the ‘chrome juice philanthropists abombingnations.
What we’re seeing in Gaza is unforgettable, surely unforgivable by Maker of all things, it’s His story and still they don’t get the Love,
He said,“Don’t kill”.
By ‘school’, I meant ‘education’/educated ….. as with a bit of history!
Beersheba was in Palestine…… look up some old maps.
9 mins 50 mins and 60 mins,
Situation update with Mary At beforeit’snews.com people powered nes.
CC , about 8- 9 mins for you for about 5
ALL: about 50 mins in Ukraine.
ELSPETH , For you at I hour ….. sorry dear, but there is a new bible being written just for you…… Charlie’s/James ? is all BS.
Heaps of more fun but I have not been sold yet on Gesara/Nesara…… I will wait for the cheque.
Episode 3230B at X22 report.com
It with pressing done.
Is it going to start again?
I am out of here.
This law allows
A What’s happening to Biden what’s happening to Hunter Biden,
I stoped evidence, Biden, dying, They are feeling pain and this
Very very end, This pain,’ of it every day when people see this deep state players are feeling pain every day more information
going to destroy their business,report right,. beer company, they decided to launch real women of America and they’re going against everything but like it everything Dylan Mulvaney was doing, and now they’re teaming up with Riley Gaines to Lawrence their new product. The real woman of America, 2024 calendar, specifically showcase the most beautiful conservative women in America, and remember who it’s conservative dad’s ultra beer it’s the free beer so already people are doing these things to other companies. Let’s create another company that goes against the corporations and you’re gonna see more and more of this as time goes on a bit of a problem .com
What I experienced above was real, so I leave out X……… com this time.
At the time I was Listening to x and what automatically came up was as spoken on the iPad. I am on the iPhone.
It is disjointed because I kept pressing ‘done’.
Someone has some new tricks💁👽👽👽👽
Apple’s worm may have been upgraded my iPhone, I think there are some more
Smileys etc. a kangaroo has not been noticed by me previously . Later I will check to see if there are any lamp posts with nooses…. Nah – just a green pistol well who wants to be fussy?
Dee explained to me ….. this been around a while. No mystery, just technology.
I was concerned that if I posted to gs with the text, I might knock Elspeth off her perch.
Well, the deaf can now be reassured to be informed.
The blind at least can listen.
All good.
Listen to the last half,,,,,, the plan is genius. The candidates speech dumping on all the other RINOS.
911 WAS A INSIDE JOB etc. etc…..
Eat you heart out Joe💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🍿🍿
Terry O
Listen to the candidate’s speech dumping in the rinos.
911, etc etc….
The plan is genius💁🤪
There’s no freedom of choice here in Oz, now communist, where an oligarchy of unelected controls everyone.
Total AI surveillance, total elimination of privacy with their CBDC system creeping in, the 5G jabbed zombification.
All life and death decisions solely in the hands of philanthropists, we see the puppet show of revolving doors that are the Masonic brother/sisterhoods.
Simply put in, a brutal invasive all surrounding scientific dystopian tyranny the world has never seen. One must be jabbed in order to work, travel, even to eat with the cashless BS now pushed by perpetraitors loaded. This the last stepping stone to mark of beast evil completely out in the open with genocide of children in Gaza.
Under communism, all rights come from the state, based on compliance with dictates coming down the chain of command from oligarch philanthropists. It’s way beyond time, to wake up and smell the coffee, as we’re replaced with build back better, miserable owning nothing as beasts take everything, souls inclusive.
Ant, no freedom of choice! Rubbish.
You have the freedom to say “NO”.
Say No and be surprised by those who say YES Ant….. let’s go.
Yes, let’s 🙏 ☝️to save all children.
This nation truly a beautiful place, we all can be everything Our Lord wants us to be, all we need is to believe Him.
Tomorrow’s Sunday, with Mass it’s always good to see believers taking bread and remembering His suffering for all born. Our faith honest simple and true thru all ages. They can’t win and they know it.
I copied this from jerryhammond.com, where he provides many more similar quotes in which today’s Israeli forces “own” genocide:
Former head of the Israeli National Security Council Giora Eiland, who during his tenure in 2004 appropriately described Gaza as “a huge concentration camp”, wrote in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth that “Israel has no choice but to make Gaza a place that is temporarily, or permanently, impossible to live in. . . . Every building will be a military target.” Gazans must be told to “evacuate to the UNRWA schools and the Shifa Hospital, and immediately after that the Air Force will attack these targets”. It was not enough to stop the flow of electricity, fuel, and water; the IDF must “gradually attack targets that provide these essential needs, and if necessary also to block with fire any vehicle passage from the city of Rafah to the north. Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal.”
The scope of terminator technology now on upon us staggers beyond belief, as we’re branded like cattle with luciferace, in a scientific slave state where the enemy rapes and destroys everything living.
There’s no limit to their greed and arrogance, and like brats they hustle and bribe until they get their way, every time.
Never satisfied suffering from demonic possession and delusion, God has made them that way, so they never realise Truth.
We have a weapon they can’t defeat and is everlasting thru time, passed on from generations, it is St.Michael’s sword the Rosary.
Hmm: Ant, the rosary only turned up a Lourdes …..?
Correct me by all means…. Am I being a bit semantic?
Maybe Elspeth would know…… gone a bit AWO at the moment.
“It is widely believed that in 1214 St.Dominic had a vision of Mary. She is said to have presented him with the rosary, both the beads and the prayers to be prayed.”
This Marian apparition received the title Our Lady of the Rosary.
“Franciscans believe,
God exists as a community of love through the Trinity.
God is generous and loving.
We are all brothers and sisters in God’s image.”
O. T
Episode 3231 B from about 50 mins.
Are we the only ones here who learnt how to play chess?
Perhaps that is why we were destined to deal with criminals?
Note the old ‘Q’ drops.
Nice to have a ‘ Charlies R We’ chat.
Nevertheless less, I like sending my spouse out to the battle early and have breaky in bed.
If houses burn but trees do not,
is it really a forest fire?
This is one of the most shocking pieces of citizen journalism that has ever been produced. Robert Brame, a forensic arborist (a tree expert who specializes in analyzing forest fires, infestations, and other causes of tree decline or destruction) notices certain unusual features of the extensive forest fires in California and decides to personally investigate.
His findings are beyond belief – yet, the evidence is undeniable: 90% of them were not forest fires at all. They were caused by something that boiled water, melted metal and glass, burned cars and trucks nowhere near anything to set them on fire, burned houses to the ground, and yet left trees standing everywhere. His conclusion, shocking as it may be, is that the only thing that could create these anomalies, is a directed-energy weapon, like those known to have been developed by the US and Chinese military. Seeing the evidence is believing………………..