Home Awakening The Puzzle of History

The Puzzle of History


The puzzles of religion and Christmas. A video by Matt Ehret.



  1. Oh, oh, cat’s out of the bag. The real war crimes were conducted by the Zionist controlled allied powers – the fire bombing of Dresden and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  2. “The Gnostic gospels are writings by early “Christian” Gnostics. After the first century of Christianity, two primary divisions developed – the orthodox and the Gnostics. The orthodox Christians held to books we now have in the Bible and to what is today considered orthodox theology. The Gnostic Christians, if they can truly be described as Christians, held a distinctly different view of the Bible, of Jesus Christ, of salvation, and of virtually every other major Christian doctrine. However, they did not have any writings by the Apostles to give legitimacy to their beliefs.

    That is why and how the Gnostic gospels were created. The Gnostics fraudulently attached the names of famous Christians to their writings, such as the gospel of Thomas, the gospel of Philip, the gospel of Mary, etc. The discovery of the Nag Hammadi library in southern Egypt in 1945 represented a major discovery of Gnostic gospels. These Gnostic gospels are often pointed to as supposed “lost books of the Bible.”

    So, what are we to make of the Gnostic gospels? Should some or all of them be in the Bible? No, they should not. First, as pointed out above, the Gnostic gospels are forgeries, fraudulently written in the names of the Apostles in order to give them a legitimacy in the early church. Thankfully, the early church fathers were nearly unanimous in recognizing the Gnostic gospels as promoting false teachings about virtually every key Christian doctrine. There are countless contradictions between the Gnostic gospels and the true Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Gnostic gospels can be a good source for the study of early Christian heresies, but they should be rejected outright as not belonging in the Bible and not representing the genuine Christian faith.”

    • Everything has to be questioned including the PURPOSE(S) of promoting “the genuine Christian faith” which Emperor Constantine started. Promising everyone justice in the afterlife is great for the empire if you can get them to believe it. The eternal jew as scapegoat has worked for 1000’s of years. Take over a country such as Australia, then stick all the aborigines into missions and Christianise them to help them “turn the other cheek”.
      Show me some history that HASN’T been rewritten by the winners.
      The top story from Matt Ehret of substack shows how much history is available especially if you understand the 0.1% which is making it and repacking it. The trouble is we have been getting dumbed down since early childhood and stoopids cannot discern history, it requires abandoning personal prejudices and stepping right back out of the picture for the full view. All the stoopids can produce in response is big yawns, they are doomed to repeat whatever is pushed at them on a 100 year cycle, that’s plenty of time for them to forget everything, never mind the longer ice-age cycles which don’t seem to register as they carry on endlessly about ClimateChange™. If anyone ever wondered why people are so ignorant, it’s because they were manufactured that way.

  3. Thank you for this.
    “The puzzles of religion and Christmas. A video by Matt Ehret.” it connects the dots of my 81 years lived experience as a now “fairly together”-mind -body -soul survivor of their MKULTRA experiments and cults that began in London and shaped my life. The “new synthetic sub -christian cults/churches ” in Australia are something I know a lot about.
    Around 31 minutes Pender writes of a conference held around 1886 where the new churches aka Exclusive Brethren Plymouth Brethren and Mormons Alien churches etc etc were established in America- where different interpretations of the bible about ancient prophecies infiltrated every organisation around the globe. “The Big Lie.” “The Great Deception” The evil intent /hidden agenda

    Some more history relevant to my story/narrative-Francis Bacon. John Dee.-Queen Elizabeth establishing colonies in the New World.
    again I note that – Australia’s history and role in all of this is kept Hidden the Biggest Secret of All–post ww2 Tavistock Agenda fait accompli -now One World Gov. One World Religion Takeover Total Control.
    Brings me to King Arthur Norfolk Island our Constitution and King Charles’s ( looks and sounds like someone else) Christmas Day speech

    This SECRET Rosicrucian Alliance Governs Modern Society #rosicrucianism

    Don’t Force Anything – Alan Watts – YouTube

    “Everybody Knows what it is all about only they won’t admit it”—


    Strength to all – Amazing times- Blessed are the Cheese makers.

  4. I distill my own vodka. I note this article from the States that the ‘Government’ wants to ban the concept. Over the years I’ve shown many people how to do it. It does provide a much cleaner drop that, unless you drink way too much, avoids a headache/hangover from its consumption. – Although I have shown many people how to do it, NONE have chosen to do it, as it was just too hard, too time consuming, etc. “I’d rather just buy a bottle”.


    I’d like to grow my own tobacco plants and make ‘chewing tobacco’, unfortunately, the penalties for growing tobacco plants are greater than growing marijuana.

    It may be that it won’t be too long before it will be illegal to grow your own vegetables in your garden. Unless, of course, you consider the needs of the government and contribute to the ‘common good’.

    The more the government clamps down of personal liberty, the more people will decide to step outside of the ‘law’.

    • May I pls have this wonderful secret vodka recipe of yours ASAP not to be too needy however thirsty really big shoes before it may be too late to make special speak easy concoctions if know body knows no no idk pls lmk?

      Is this secret speak easy yeah omg oh so so thirsty hear say sh pagan oh so dry thirsty many hermits too is it ok for serving to us in many of our better Gnostics fraud moods feelings for flying nuns or/& flying friars heard some, saw drinking supose uplifts zzzoommmming Flying Tiger Bhutan oh so pleasantly far away high up if without all my heroic orthodox Nameste concubines wishing for lost heresy not so some say heretic rent how many concubines to pay bills in dis NWO instead from flourishing in the Greek Epoch wishing for some pls instead of dating pictures only on their computer chips iPad images(darn old iPad chargers don’t charge neo iPads pricey new ones behind glass $69 to plug bs in lockdowns) may take some sips in breaks from online university ai omg’s cgi college classes pictures for relief to try and come to batcave Wuhummmm reset senses with less spirits to swallow to get on da runway takeoff from ai cgi fake profiles push 4 to talk to representative push 5 if in coma 8 repeat pls or 5 pls

    • May I pls have this wonderful secret vodka recipe of yours ASAP not to be too needy however thirsty really big shoes before it may be too late to make special speak easy concoctions if know body knows no no idk pls lmk?

      Is this secret speak easy yeah omg oh so so thirsty hear say sh pagan oh so dry thirsty many hermits too is it ok for serving to us in many of our better Gnostics fraud moods feelings for flying nuns or/& flying friars heard some, saw drinking supose uplifts zzzoommmming Flying Tiger Bhutan oh so pleasantly far away high up if without all my heroic orthodox Nameste concubines wishing for lost heresy not so some say heretic rent how many concubines to pay bills in dis NWO instead from flourishing in the Greek Epoch wishing for some pls instead of dating pictures only on their computer chips iPad images(darn old iPad chargers don’t charge neo iPads pricey new ones behind glass $69 to plug bs in lockdowns) may take some sips in breaks from online university ai omg’s cgi college classes pictures for relief to try and come to batcave Wuhummmm reset senses with less spirits to swallow to get on da runway takeoff from ai cgi fake profiles push 4 to talk to representative push 5 if in coma 8 repeat pls or 5

  5. Contrary to superficial appearances, Matt Ehret is caught up in unmitigated New Age woo-woo; a series of pop tales that are no less averse to the Way,the Truth, the Life
    than Gnosticism, quote:

    “China’s New Silk Road currently represents the greatest hope for peace amongst various faiths and cultures not only in the Middle East, but globally. This is not the first time that the Silk Road ushered in a hope for a new age of reason amongst diverse cultures and as we shall soon see, the Kingdom of Khazaria played a major role in that endeavor which St Augustine called a City of God well over a millennium ago…………………Typically well informed readers who frequent alternative media either have never heard of the Jewish Khazar Kingdom that dominated central Europe, southern Russia and the Caucuses in the 7-10th century or IF THEY HAVE heard of it, they tend to believe that this Kingdom was the source of everything evil up until modern times. Many mainstream scholars tend to simply deny all evidence that this Jewish kingdom ever even existed.”

  6. I found the video very “deep” but with some interesting historical input.

    I go along with Terry’s vodka and tobacco piece, as per presenting people with an alternative cheaper idea, but they are too lazy or worried about “authority” to try it. Getting rid of arthritic pain. People will give in to medical authority, go to the expense and pain of the operation rather than try what I have used for close to 19 years.

    Mal’s Recipe For Flaxseed Oil Regimen:

    1 Medium size eating apple
    1 Largish banana
    1 Handful sultanas
    125gms ricotta cheese or Philadelphia cheese
    2 Tablespoons of raw virgin flaxseed oil.

    Pulp up all fruits in blender, using apple unskinned. If fruit not breaking up too well in blender, add some of the oil for moisture. Then add cheese and remaining oil. Store in refrigerator. I take 2 desert spoons in morning. This mixture can be made up using vegetables instead of fruit, but I find the banana base brings a sweetness to the flavour and makes for a palatable food.

    Natural Vitamin E needs to be taken also, to help the body absorb the flaxseed oil.

    The flaxseed oil needs to be “raw cold pressed virgin oil”. Do not use linseed oil from hardware supply, it may have dangerous preservatives.

    Raw flaxseed oil (linseed oil) can be purchased online. http://www.vetnpet.com.au I have been using this
    supplier for about 18 years and have had success with treatment. In that time have not taken any
    pain killers.

    This regimen has been for osteoarthritis and been very successful for me over the last 18/20 years.

    I am told that flaxseed oil is also very good for treatment of cancer and cancer prevention as well as depression, dementia, memory problems and detoxing of electromagnetic radiation. It is an omega 3 fatty oil.

    Am not a believer in religion but hope all had a positive experience with friends and families yesterday and you will have a great New Year.

  7. If we think He is the Son of God or Son of man, doesn’t matter. In essence are His teachings, simple to read yet so difficult to digest and practise. It’s even harder for believers experiencing “the dark night”.
    Focusing on His Holy Name helps.
    With Him we can save all children. This newborn generation incredibly intelligent, the two and three year olds, is proof they are coming from a higher source. They deserve much better than this woke paganism, down our throats, with survival of the greediest apes pushing scientific Darwinism with eugenics.

  8. Thank you Sandra for your research and posts – this Whitney Webb chat and all of your links so authentic–only a third through but so validating

  9. It’s fairly predictable that just about every criticism of the planned “New World Order” sneakily implies that it entirely a construct of Apostolic Christianity imposed by the Vatican “Whore of Babylon” and engineered by “the Jesuits” without any mention of the “Babylonian Talmud” or its sly army of “useful idiots” in ‘Masonry with their mindless conformists in media, politics and usury.

    It’s not much of a secret that the Jesuits have had an internal war going on between the “enlightened” and the Christians for about 200 years that I know of and, unfortunately, it seems that the “New Age Enlightened” have installed themselves as the very noisy mouthpiece of the “Enlightenment”… Poope Francis being a prime example; he never seems to miss an opportunity to heap verbal sh!t on “rigid” Catholics who seem to actually believe that Christ and His Apostles were teaching “words that will not pass away”. Poope Francis is one of the galahs proposing that Christianity is not Apostolic and Catholic (always the same in every time and place) but that it is an “evolving truth” that needs to accommodate itself to cultural and political fads.

    Nothing new under the Sun, really, the Gnosis of Talmudic “enlightenment” have always said: “You piss off, Mr God, we’ll tell You what a Messiah should be”.

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