Handcuffed Lucy Letby in police video
J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
The title of this essay is unintentionally misleading because modern medicine is very useful for its administrators, as it is focussed primarily on making money. However, it may as well be useless judging by the results it achieves for many of its customers.
During the last few years people became sharply aware that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were banned exactly at the time of need, but this banning of medicines is actually normal practice and has been for decades, the useful medicines are banned so that patented medicines can be substituted and sold in huge quantities, with use-by stamps on everything to ensure even more purchases.
Also banned were monoclonal antibodies, cheap “off-label” drugs and even vitamins.
Oxygenating cure-alls such as chlorine dioxide are discouraged, instead we are told by the marketing people to take “anti-oxidant” vitamins A, C & E. Oxygenation as a treatment against cancer is discussed in a previous essay:
The Covid-19 fear campaign used to market the very strange killer drug Remdesivir and the curiously named Comirnaty (come here naughty) along with the respirators and the notorious experimental injections was on a scale like nothing else in history.
But Big Pharma has over time produced a vast array of second rate drugs in lieu of cures, some humorously named such as the haemorrhoid application “Anusol” (not to be pronounced anus-ol but an-yoo-sol), others with a weird name and history such as Warfarin (anticoagulant) which was used as rat poison for years before it was noticed that, in appropriate doses, it could be helpful for treating humans. Thalidomide has been rebranded Contergan and is now prescribed for certain cancers. An agent causing birth defects has been termed a “teratogen” since the 1960’s, previously it referred to a type of tumour. “The word teratogen derives from the Greek word teratos, which had a double meaning of both prodigy and demon. The Greek term also referred to any natural phenomenon that evoked fascination and horror”. Preparations known as Bendectin and Debendox, were withdrawn after a campaign had incriminated them as teratogens.
Just a slight digression back to haemorrhoids; these arise from diet, not from sitting on cold surfaces, and they are powered by junk food such as fills the warehouses of the multinational supermarkets, who have entire aisles servicing sugary drinks, white bread, biscuits, so-called health food bars, cakes, confectionery, dried and preserved salt flavoured starch preparations derived from potato and corn, freezers full of ice cream and sugary dairy confections, and following on, aisles full of mostly unnecessary sanitary and hygiene products. All of these combine to form a grand delusion about what is actually healthy or correct living, and the roaring silence from the medical fraternity is a big part of it.
The Australian Government runs a compulsory health system monopoly with insurance companies, this was implemented under the Hawke Government in the 1980’s. Their Medicare Levy tax is now hybridised onto private insurance in a Tax Office enforced racket, your medicare is dysfunctional and to a considerable extent useless until you bolt on the private element, therefore it’s basically a heist, it doesn’t even pretend to deliver universal “health care” as touted, it exists to extract 2% of taxpayers gross income.
The system is preferentially focussed on clear-cut dramatic events such as car crashes or childbirth and also wizardry such as scanning and testing. Little more than the minimum of lip service is ever supplied to aspects such as nutrition or what we might term these days as self-poisoning.
We get nearly all of our mental conditioning via marketing and product direct from Global Big Pharma in Europe and the United States.
… “this unholy trinity of the medical establishment (personified by the American Medical Association), embedded insurance industry that wrote Obamacare into law and Big Pharma makes the United States the most costly, broken, corrupt, destructive healthcare system in the entire world. The structured system is designed and layered with built in incentives at every tier to make and keep people sick, chronically dependent on their drugs for survival that merely mask and smother symptoms rather than cure or eradicate the root cause of disease.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-evils-of-big-pharma-exposed/5425382 (2015)
Deliberately overlooked, banned or attempted banned treatments include boron for arthritis, herbal tinctures, black salve for skin cancers of all types, vascular cleaning and liver cleaning treatments made at home from simple household agents such as lemons, olive oil, epsom salt and such like. It seems the less effective a treatment is, the more promotion it receives, and the promotion is multi-layered, with the orthodoxy of doctor and hospital combining with decades of marketing and a retail presence that is unavoidable, as well as cash incentives.
Treatments are also whitewashed out by practitioners such as physiotherapists, chiropractors et al, who will not take a wholistic attitude to treating their clients’ problems, instead hoping for unending repeat business. Referred business and increased research would be a more ethical model but the empirical evidence suggests business comes well ahead of any other consideration.
In the midst of this torrent of devious and ruthless self-enrichment we now have an anointed sacrificial victim in the person of Lucy Letby, making headlines this week.
Lucy Letby is not getting much support from the commenters in the Daily Mail who are mostly calling for the death penalty etc. However a decent sized minority have a few questions:
“The fact that Doctors were forced to apologise when they raised concerns is also outrageous. Those doctors and other medical staff should sue the hospital for this”
“I can’t understand how the trial took 10 months. If its open and shut surely it’s a quicker task”
“Didn’t help when she denied all 22 charges against her”
“I cannot understand her motive..”
“Why did it take so long before questions were being raised.”
“Still don’t understand WHY, if they felt so strongly. those consultants just did not go to the police??”
“Clearly wasn’t a clean cut case, deliberation took too long.”
“Committed in plain sight” So plain that it took 5 years for the police and prosecutors to construct the case against her!”
“Absolutely shocking and heartbreaking, my heart goes out to all the families affected by this! But, why was this not picked up by those high up? If this was a police officer, there’d be protests and uproar! Any professional body should be held responsible and jobs should be lost!”
“The terrifying aspects for me are how normal she looks and how long it took the NHS to put a stop to her murderous spree.”
“Just because the jury couldn’t reach a verdict or was found not guilty doesn’t mean she didn’t murder them, it means there was not enough evidence to convict, there’s more to this story.”
“I find it highly disturbing that multiple doctors questioned Letby’s involvement, but their concerns were brushed aside by the NHS managers (some of whom were friends with her). This is shocking.”
“And if the bosses of that hospital had an ounce of respect they would have all resigned and said sorry but not a single one has, it’s time they were sacked”
“And those bosses on [GBP] 130,000 plus!!!!!! It’s a sickening disgrace.”
“Two have said sorry”
“don’t hospitals do a post event analysis of unexpected deaths or a cluster of deaths /near misses ?”
“Would seem that the medical staff did exactly that but the pleas from the consultants to remove her were ignored by the management. Apparently the public image of the hospital was far more important that the lives of these tiny babies”
“They should do. No one did their jobs properly in this case by the sounds of it”
“Consultants repeatedly asked management to bring in the police over several years. Management not only ignored them, the doctors were forced to apologise to her and were threatened with being referred to the GMC themselves. Appalling and shocking but you watch, no managers will take responsibility for their failures”
“hospitals don’t like to admit any failings…they stick up for the wrong doer.”
“Any management going to be investigated without the outcome being that well known overused phrase “lessons will be learnt””
“Looking at the chart with the xs when she was present sends shivers through my spine. How was she allowed to continue working after the first two babies died in her care. People must be held accountable for this.”
“I’m not so sure, they did the same thing with a carer only looking at cases when on shift , then had to release rhs carer years later when it was revealed police ignored the cases when the carer was not on shift, the fact carer joked about bumping them off was used against the carer. A piece of paper, a perhaps frustrated sarcastic statement of yes I did I’m I’m evil after being accused of it and being on shift is what they have basically. The very worst fear would be they say there are more, now we hear 4000, now come on let’s assume she was on duty for 99 % of them that would mean 40 babies that someone else killed. Looks like the 4000 will be grounds of appeal and if I was a jury member I would not be happy reading that and would want to know why I was not told and was she on duty for all 4000 or is this just a convenient way to explain away poor care and procedures.”
Police are now looking through the entire history of 4000 babies who were under Lucy Letby’s care. Meanwhile, in an interview with BBC Panorama, a childhood friend said nothing “would let me for a moment believe she is capable of the things she’s accused of”.
The Daily Mail is running a comprehensive story including a brief exchange between Letby and a doctor who can’t be named. The bizarre story goes she was poisoning babies to get the attention of this doctor who would then come and attempt to save them. It seems this is the best motive they can come up with.
Case evidence includes a fascinating texted conversation, typically referred to as “Go Commando”
Looks like a cover-up, smells like a cover-up, but now the judiciary has confirmed and sanctified the hospital’s version of events.
But could it be that Lucy Letby was naive enough to be actually groomed and used as an executioner? A form of “Stockholm Syndrome”, as we see with some of the brainwashed face-masked individuals still about these days.
The motive is there as the trade in body parts gets bigger and more desperate for resources with every passing year. Currently, transplanting of DNA modified pig’s kidneys is actually underway, the demand is so great for this organ, since livers are so maltreated by bad diet including substances, and Modern Medicine rejects the traditional methods of unblocking livers, with lemon and oil purgatives, along with types of fasting, strict diet etc. We are ingesting ourselves to death.
Foetal stem cells from bone-marrow, blood and organs have known applications, developed at Johns Hopkins University 25 years ago.
Presently, medical science admits to using umbilical and placental cells. But we have become much better acquainted with the nature of the medical industrial complex in recent years.
My wife refuses to go back to a hospital after her last visit for broken ribs. She would rather just die at home. I feel the same way as they ‘nuked’ me with some chemical concoction that almost killed me and it took 5 years before I could begin to function again. Then after my knee replacement I had such shocking nursing care by four different nurses (one of which almost killed me) that I’d also rather die at home than be subjected to that medical abuse.
The bullshit over the Covid hoax was the icing on the cake. How can you ever trust that alleged ‘profession’ ever again.
Totally concur
I’m still listening to this video from the previous article, Pierre Kory on Brighteon
Well recommended, more debunking of BigPharma
Kory and Adams (Brighteon) are amongst the most determined and incorruptible individuals in the health business, this interview hints at things to come from these two. It would be good to see internet medicine swing over to our side so you get your diagnosis and suggestions from a website by doing questionnaires etc. This would be nuclear against BigPharma which trades mostly in total bullshit.
Indeed, big pharma ‘trades in BS’.
And our politicians, governments, our bureaucrats and NGOs…..?
They trade in deaths for their masters.
They are so stupid and do not realise that after their USED BY DATE, THEY WITH THE MSM ARE ON THE LIST.
US A.G. Bill Barr claims to be part Jew and part Catholic.
Both Catholic and Jews primary gods are personified by women. Mary, the mother of god – Catholic and Omorca/Amarka the mother of the Earth – Jew, personified by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour. – they are both one and the same.
Julian Assange has backing –
For the owner/controllers of the United States of Amerika/Amarka/Omorca, their ultimate objective is control of the whole world, turning it into a modern day Babylon.
It is time that this knowledge becomes common.
Jer.51:7 “Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of God, making all the Earth drunk.The nations have drunk of her fermented wine therefore the nations are insane”.
All of the different pagan gods are just different manifestations of Nimrod the founder of Babylon and his wife ( The Two Babylons- Hislop )
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ see note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
The Two Babylons
by Alexander Hislop
To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
Makow – “You Knew I was a Snake”
We allowed a satanic cult, Freemasonry, affiliated with the banking cartel to infiltrate every social institution. “We corrupt in order to control (and destroy)” is their motto.
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in…”
We allowed this corruption to spread to all the institutions necessary for the preservation and healthy development of society: government, the mass media, education, church, justice system, military, police.
It would be horrible to be present on your Judgement Day, Crossy, when you try to explain to the Judge that His beloved Mother was just some type of pagan goddess… but then, perhaps you agree with the Talmud that that “Judge” is boiling in a cauldron of excrement for daring to propose an organised system of belief and life that is not determined by your political and social aspirations.
Sheesh! The Forbidden Fruit that was promised to “make us as gods knowing good and evil” is staple fare in every form of Gnostic enlightenment.
Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up in Christian terminology.
Getting suckered by Radio Islam
And subscribing to the newspaper exegesis of the 1st century
A double whammy health issue if ever there was
A next door neighbor is a triage Nurse at John Hunter Hospital. She has been knocking out 12 hour shifts – sometimes longer – at least four to five times every week since the advent of the plandemic. I got into a conversation with her some days ago – to ask her how staffing numbers were keeping up with demand. Her main complaint about the ‘modern’ hospital system is not the lack of staff numbers, but the lack of funding from the state government.
Beds are not being made available.
She told me that the average wait time in the emergency department was 12 hours, and that to be admitted for treatment, a patient has be on death’s door before a bed will be made available.
She further added that she is about burned out and could care less for what happens in the near future, such is the advantage that government and their bureaucrats have taken of those who are, or were once willing, to look after the sick and injured.
The system is collapsing folks before our very eyes. I refuse to ever go to hospital while the remains of the Globalist cabal still control the system.
This is why the government wants to import 50,000 trained up workers
I would guess 45,000 hospital staff and 5,000 cops of various types
Police and nurses obviously don’t have a union, ha-ha-ha
If they did have it would be part of the ALP, mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaa
That’s what they tell us Joe – but is what they say actually occurring in those numbers?
According to my neighbor, the number one problem is lack of funding from collapsing government, not the numbers of staffing levels.
Federal budget 2022 Health 109.7 billion $ that’s $4388 for each of 25 million people. Grek Hunt spent approx $20 per injection buying about 200 million injections that’s 4 billion $. All sorts of other overservicing going on. And there was talk of a sugar tax on sugary drinks a few years ago, the story died quietly.
Doctor to patient undergoing a leg amputation: “well I have some good news and some bad. The bad news is I amputated the wrong leg,but the good news is your other leg is getting better.
I used to think it was a joke
I remember you were in hospital for some kinda foot injury (something), you were offered all kinds of “necessary” procedures right ?
They really demonized this guy, Queensland,great one day, perfect the next.
Ah back in the day, roadside amputations without anesthetic
I can honestly say that I’ve never, at any time during my 73 years, come across a single genuinely committed/competent G. P. The odd nurse has been pretty helpful but that’s about it.
And just going by what I’ve personally encountered, the purported covid pandemic triggered an explosion in the most insane sort of bungling, the vaccine roll-out being the mere tip of a veritable iceberg
My youngest son, now 32 old, and I were having a conversation over the weekend on how much the medical system has become more a drug pushing system, heavily reliant of big pharma and what machines can tell them about the Human body for diagnosing purposes, rather than what their own experience should be telling them.
For example: just 50 years ago any ‘good’ doctor would have been able to do minor surgeries in his/her own office, and in some remote locations around the country, major surgeries as emergencies presented themselves.
Now, I am reading nearly every other day (Daily Mail online) patients being diagnosed by so called, doctors, with minor problems that only weeks later, rapidly turn into life threatening illnesses.
When the so called, doctor I visited, some three years ago, offered me the jab – I told him he could have my share and walked out. I will never ever again, present myself to any so called, doctor.
Another ‘Good news/Bad news ‘sick’ joke’: Doctor to patient, “The bad news is you are going to die. The good news is that the man in the next bed wants your slippers.”
RFK waking up those who would never vote for Trump, regardless of how much Truth Trump exposes, such is the still asleep bias of Democrat supporters.
Latest from Karen Kingston-all a bit odd
How many of an increasing kids seeking seeking emergency treatment in hospitals are because of C19 measures……..
increasing number of kids…..
Except there is, and never has been Covid, or a pandemic.
Just a JabDemic.
The government, parliament and assorted advisors, have dug so deep a hole, they have difficulty extricating themselves. Having been failed by fools, they have now, it seems, turned to ostriches for advice, on the best way to get out. http://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/2023/08/andrew-bridgens-letter-to-prime.html
In my view the whole thing was way too much of a shambles for there to to have been any cohesive “plan”.
But in April – May 2020 I happened to come across a 2014 SBS “Insight” entitled “How would Australia cope with a pandemic” – wherein a host of government personnel from a range of novel departments claimed they were all ready& set to go-go-go.
But within a couple of months of said discovery said presentation just disappeared
Compulsive manipulators
It should come as no surprise, as in every other walk of life, scientific research and its findings, can be influenced by factors other than what is good for the patient! Doctors are addicted to drugs: sometimes for themselves but mainly for their patients. The economic success and profitability of pharmaceutical companies depends not on the health of the nation but on an increase in ill-heath and a multiplicity of diseases, for which ever more ‘miracle’ drugs are required. https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=wean+doctors
A long-awaited peer-reviewed report by the Berlin-based Corona Investigation Committee has just been released alleging what many have feared, that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, the virus man-made, with the aim to funnel people towards taking an experimental and potentially deadly vaccine.
Midazolam was used to prematurely end the lives of thousands who you were told had died of Covid-19 and we can prove it; here’s the evidence…(Apologies: For some reason most of the tables have been deleted by the Google platform, not by me!)
Oh dear claims another fraud this one with a black thread
Lets see him bend steel and lift a heavy metal steel ball where there is no possibility of attatching a black thread!
You’d think Bunnings would have one by now, for all the burglars to use.
I like to sit on the fence but I go back to all the pranksters of the TV era and magicians before that. Spoon-benders, Crop-circlers and so forth. Little old men seem driven to create mischievous types of entertainment. Up against this logic is a too-good-to-be-true scenario which as you have shown appeals to 9-11 theoreticians amongst the general public. The jury is definitely out, and the skin on the so-called iron bar is what ? There are no signs of iron oxidisation ( shades of red ), the flakes don’t really look like carbon or silica, the operators don’t seem to be wary of the iron in their own bodies getting the treatment, too many questions.
Borax (boron) for arthritis
Maui – 6uild 6ack 6etter
Clinton Body Count
( all 1 or 2 min )
The “White Rabbit”
Apparently CH4 is an arthritis cure.
Real science should promote research for the good of all people. It would have stopped this poison as soon as injections started and not let it roll on killing millions from a tell lies vision virus screened with wicked deception worldwide.
The fact that so many fell for this bs is proof that evol programming has been a success, so far. As is the eugenicists are getting away with murder and many generations will continue to suffer unless we say no more. Cancers are becoming epidemic with many dying suddenly from clots, as the people behind this collect billions, crushing the middle and poor, getting away with mass genocide.
Serpents are loaded in Oz and beyond, desire for profit sucking blood of innocents, the root of all evil.
USA-The Mandates are Back
“The fact that so many fell for this bs is proof that evol programming has been a success, so far.”
It stands to reason that, back in Darwin’s day, and perhaps during the succeeding 5-odd years, it had a measure of credibility. Subsequent findings have proven beyond any measure of doubt that it simply doesn’t stand up; which in turn is proof positive that the continued preaching is purely a political ploy:
Should read “50-odd years”
Within a few years of the official adoption said political ploy – that we’re nothing but the product of our environment – a ‘secular”(apostate) Jew, namely Sigmund Freud proceeded to go one step further by pandering to the same,perfectly natural, way of thinking, a way of thinking that is,in fact , every bit as natural as death:
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
It’s not exactly hard to figure out that that little gem was written into the Jewish handbook for survival way-back-when, not only as a safeguard against said Mob’s proclivity for self-destruction, but as a warning to mankind in general, a warning not to get caught up like so
QLD Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
QLD Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company It has been revealed that Annastacia Palaszczuk’s father is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing. TOTT News January 21, 2021 The rabbit hole goes deeper. Photo: QT FUNNY BUSINESS
“……………PCR tests are admittedly useless for detecting a new ‘virus’, yet are very useful for corrupt corporate technocrats who are currently trying to take away human and civil rights.
This includes unlawfully mandating the possible causation of harm by trying to force us to wear masks, which have not in any way been proven to protect from viruses.
This is where red flags arise surrounding Annastacia Palaszczuk and all other characters involved in this ongoing psychological operation. Morrison, Andrews and the rest.
If you have undergone a COVID-19 test, or know someone who has, ask the following questions: Do you know where the test results, with your unique genetic information, is being stored? Do you know who has access to them? Do you know if any third parties have access — or even backdoor access?
Apparently, these forces are much closer to home than most would think…………”
Six in 10 members of Qld’s Jewish community targeted by anti-Semitism
A campaign poster of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was targeted with graffiti in 2020. Credit: Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies The Premier’s Polish grandparents survived Nazi atrocities …
Paperclip, you will know them by their fruits
The Kabal is going to try the ‘booster’ gambit again in the near future. Not only a booster, but also flu and another shot of some garbage. The stoopids will line up (until they can’t)
this is an interesting range-finding development. I wait with tavistock breath to see how this rolls. I wont be waiting on MSM, I could write that stuff like an AI, and y’all know writing is not a strong suit for me
Apparently Karen Kingston had 3 GIVESENDGO accounts-over $40,000 to date for the Mexican grift.
Gene Technology Agreement
The Gene Technology Agreement was signed by all Australian governments in 2001 and came into force on 11 September 2001. … Download Gene Technology Agreement as PDF – 82.15 KB We aim to provide documents in an accessible format.
Biden administration preparing to bring back FULL Covid restrictions
Annastacia Palaszczuk speaks openly to MSM of putting people … – Reddit
Annastacia Palaszczuk speaks openly to MSM of putting people into concentration camps for “health” reasons, while her father Henry Palaszczuk is the chair of the CCP created Gene Technology Alliance that illegally harvests genetic information
New Palaszczuk Government regional quarantine facility to keep …
A dedicated regional quarantine facility will be built at Wellcamp, Toowoomba under a joint agreement between the Palaszczuk Government and the landowner, Wagner Corporation. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said it was clear there was an urgent need for more fit-for-purpose quarantine facilities throughout Australia.
Dr Robert Malone
COVID 19-Eris or Pirola?
Should you be concerned?
The Vaccine makers are all members of the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9). Only dumb sheep could think that the needle is benevolent and not maliciously venomous.