by Dee McLachlan
Orson Welles broadcasted the arrival of Martians on 31 October 1938…
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed. . . . Wait a minute! Someone’s crawling. Someone or . . . something. I can see peering out of that black hole two luminous disks . . . are they eyes? It might be a face. It might be . . . good heavens, something’s wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake. Now it’s another one, and another one, and another one. They look like tentacles to me. There, I can see the thing’s body… But that face, it . . . ladies and gentlemen, it’s indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it, it’s so awful. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent…”
But it has nothing on the latest real attack on the world. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my version of the 2022 broadcast, 84 years later:
Peep peep peep… the time is 1830 hours, 13 October of the year 2022:
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed in my lifetime, or in fact the lifetime of all my ancestors going back to 1200 AD. Unknown entities have control over certain humans to orchestrate war on humanity to create an extinction event. The plan is to destroy homo sapiens and advance those that survive the bioweapons and bio-enhancements into a down-graded version of the species. Some label the new sub-species homo borg genesis, but I suggest the following name: hominum altilium (human battery).
The plan has always been to eradicate one of the most prized races in the Galaxy – homo sapiens — and transform them into resource farms in smart colonies (cities).
As the war against humanity unfolds, I now publish an internal “report” intercepted telepathically by myself that was communication with the “Intra-committee” (presumably acting for and connected to the dark entities driving the war against humanity). (Apologies, I could not ‘download’ the full report due to frequency interruptions.)
The Intra-Committee Report (translated to English)
The process of preparation for this war of the world(s) was accelerated over the last century as the lease on earth was coming to an end. The control over global financial resources has been one of the most successful distortions implemented on earth and has successfully controlled political leaders — this to achieve complete mind-management of leadership within the species. Some leaders were still evading the Entity’s telepathic control systems and operated as individuals, so had to be blackmailed through other means.
The control of health and medicines was crucial in both disabling and denigrating any organic and natural healing systems — especially the miraculous immune system of the human. The objective to create a sick and disabled species (both mentally and physically) was crucial in the final take-over of humanity. Every action to destroy the human immune system had to be disguised by offering some options that actually ‘saved’ lives. But the plan to destroy the miracle of the human body has generally been extremely successful — and is finally coming to fruition. Now, 4 to 5 billion, and counting, have been compromised.
Of course, the complete domination of the education systems across the world was essential in the war for the mind, and it seems (along with some use of chemicals) the Entity’s forces have been most successful in lowering the IQ of the species in general. It appears at least 85% of the species are in a state of “brainclog”. But there are rogue elements at play that have been able to escape the mind-matrix and are still able to use critical thought and logic. Others are using their pineal gland and other human gifts to elevate fellow humans to a more advanced state of frequency. The “Intra-committee” are concerned these persons and other “light forces” are raising the vibration to dangerous levels that could disrupt the final take-over.
The media machine is presently under complete control, though viewership is waning. Over the last few years, censorship was accelerated over all possible platforms to conceal the war and the war weapons, and hide the eradication of large numbers of humans. However, the species’ ingenuity remains bypassing AI systems with the use of code words, etc.
For example :
[Inserted note from DM: out of respect for the wife I have blurred her name and their happy picture. Our thoughts reach out to the family and their tragic story. There are tens of thousands of similar reports in d*** S*** news]
As high-profile members of society suffer, deflection is required to prevent the unwanted awakening of the masses of sudden deaths and collateral damage (e.g., heart attacks and strokes). In an article this morning in the Herald Sun, it is noted that “family history” is responsible for any young healthy person or athlete suffering a heart attack. Medical history was being referred to — not family stupidity or compliance. It’s preferable that celebrities smile despite just surviving from the ‘cubcake’.

The use of life-threatening drugs has been extremely successful during the C-plan. Renal failure drugs like Remdisivir were successfully administered in hospitals across our territory and were used successfully to dispatch large numbers. Most doctors complied blindly with protocols ordered by WEF — but unfortunately, the plan was exposed by a small group of doctors, like Dr Artis et al. Artis was, as was Zelenko, placed on contract lists, but there has been dissent amongst earth groups to facilitate silencing these voices.
In general, during the PWP — planned weapon phaze [plandemic] — our government marionettes fulfilled their duties excellently in lockdowns, managing protests, and mandating the “cupcakes”. Unfortunately, the early expiry date of millions has not gone unnoticed by a small sector of the species.
Much progress has been made regarding food decimation — much of this through geo-engineering; e.g., flooding and the ruining of crops, and obstructing food supplies. Arson has been successfully used too. One of our principal actors (Gates) has elevated his attack on the human species by buying up land, investing in fake meat, pushing insect ingestion (which in the end will poison large numbers), and continuing his virus-2-vaccine-2-virus-vaccine work. We have put to the Intra-committee that Gates (who is not looking well at the moment) should be urgently nominated for the Extinction Award for his dedicated work in attempting to insert untested human-altering potions into over 7 billion people. We might look back in 1,000 years and attribute the end of the human race to Gates, and supporting actor Fauci. Along with rep-neck Bourla and clone Schwabb, these four will be honored, but puppets like Tedros and others have already had their “used by dates” identified for their dispatch. Thousands of political leaders have also been “dated” for dispatch too. Too many have become a liability (e.g., the Wide-mouth frog in NZ).
The blind adherence to protocols and orders by the human elite (from health professionals to policing staff) has been commendable. These persons need to be congratulated for their compliance and assistance to end the human race as we know it. A limited few families have been granted special access to underground homes as the destruction of the planet’s surface progresses. The chem-spraying; geo-engineered fires and floods, and reduction of animals and plant species have been on track for decades (at the instruction of the Entities).
Everything that helps and guides the human species has been interfered with. The work suppressing and banning life-saving medications (like Ivermectin, etc.) by humans themselves reveals the true success of the mind-management programs that have been in place for a very long time.
There have been two extremely successful strategies implemented on the species. The use of consistent false flags (e.g., fake terrorist attacks like 911) has resulted in mass trauma. The two successful tactics in controlling the human mind are:
(1) Causing societal trauma and fear, and
(2) Distraction and alternative media psyops.
In the end, forming a new down-graded slave race is almost complete. The destruction of the planet and resources helpful to homo sapiens has been a long road. Stage Three of this plan lasted for nearly two thousand years. Stage Four (1913 to 2019) unfolded with numerous successful and devastating wars. The nuclear devastations were a ratings highlight for Entity-tainment, but this caused much disagreement among the Galactical Federation.
The destruction of families, the removal of children from their parents, and the abuse and sacrifice of children for various resources (including blood and energy) have been one of the easiest programs to have facilitated on the planet. Humans have a proclivity to this, with entire court systems and government facilitating the dark energies absorbed by the Entities and anti-human counterparts.
Stage Five (2020 – 2030) had to be rushed into force as the species were awakening, but in general, the plan for battery beings is well underway — and the human elite is blindly following the Intra-committee plan for the new hominum altilium smart cities. As all members of the new species will be plugged into the frequency matrix and AI systems, the hominum resource will be online as energy mind generators.
The Intra-committee is hopeful that the remaining homo elite (the political class and their clones) can deal with the dissidents seeking to keep humanity in its place. Detainment camps, forced mRNA altering, and executions have been put forward, but disposition of human bodies by alkaline hydrolysis and reduction to accelerate conversion to soil seems to be the preferred option as this is already legal in some provinces.
The following strategies must be intensified:
- Limit the human’s ability to get adequate exercise and healing sunlight (lockdowns were extremely successful in this).
- Orchestrate the next phase to keep humans contained in restricted colonies, and limit travel
- Restrict access to clean water, or humans collecting their own water
- Disrupt any natural and organic food supplies, and rather promote toxic foods, insects, and oils that disrupt health and limit life
- Further restrictions and bans of life-saving medications is required, whilst promoting toxic drugs. Discourage vitamins and healthy products
- Keep administering and mandating poisonous injections (vaccines) and find new methods. Orchestrate new pandemics to keep populations in a heightened state of fear and compliance
- Keep disrupting the air space, causing prolonged global atmospheric problems through geo-engineering and other methods (e.g., H)
- Progress the propaganda that CO2 is destroying the planet. More CO2 would enhance food production — so everything must be done to limit food production
- Ongoing dissension and disruption of society is required. Do not let humanity understand that they can get along and would flourish under new governance
- Keep the energy-saving and life-saving patents secret
Homo sapiens has always been consciousness (they call souls) entrapped in Alien slave technology, but the design was a true miracle and the species progressed with traits that defy logic and our understanding. (This has enraged the Entities.) Without dark influence, their bodies and minds display extraordinary abilities to heal, to demonstrate empathy, and have a great capacity for love. (We have had numerous sub-committees investigating aspects of the human experience.)
However, the time for their metamorphosis is near complete as new battery beings are to be connected into the matrix. Once this is achieved, the full control of their minds will be complete, and the slave system finalized. As billions of individuals transform into transmitters and receivers — i.e., into hominum altilium — the Intra-committee remains concerned the extinction of the species may not be possible. Despite the species having essentially been enslaved (mentally) for the last few thousand years, homo sapiens have an extraordinary ability to resist transformation and expand.
Therefore, the main objective in this war against humanity is the continued disruption of anything that assists human life to flourish. Anything that is human, that provides joy and health must be eradicated by the governing puppets entrusted to destroy humanity. A few families that have facilitated the new world will find a place in the darkness amongst us.
There is a concern that light forces are using elevated galactical frequencies to remove the Entities from the planet. And that the global political mafia are beings systematically being exposed. The war for the world has been elevated to the next level.
Deceptio signing off.
…End of report.
Benjamin Fulford: All Hell Is About to Break Loose – White Hats Go Into Full Defense via Super Massive Geo-Political Update
OK, there is a bit more information, it is not Jacinda it is JACK Ardern.
Otherwise known as the ” the Wide-mouth frog in NZ”. What is it about all these WEF people being sexually confused? Macron in France apparently likes black dick, Turdeau in Canada is ‘something’ without any testosterone, Harri is a homosexual, the ‘Coalition for gun control’ was a nest of homosexuals as were the ‘protesters’ all dressed in black – they keep popping up, WHY? What is going on? Is it the Satin character having both sexes, for example, the Bafomet (sp) statue with breasts.
Does all this have a relationship to the woke craziness of the grooming phenomena (Drag Queens. etc.) in schools? – Such people are just a small proportion of the population, EXCEPT when it comes to the Globalist crowd.
New meaning for “woodwork”
Can you be a man and pregnant too? I can’t believe my eyes.
You can buy a ‘baby bump’ –
What about a brain?
A brain?
Politician’s and msm shock joke’s brains are the most expensive,
Never been used.🤡
The Jacinda endorsement of transgender sport is an unmistakable foul
The other stuff is just more crappy Alex-Jones-style entertainment
The inability to differentiate unfortunately speaks volumes
For God’s sake! Have you never heard of PANTY PADS?
Obviously this mob haven’t either
Plausible. Very plausible.
Winston Smith is so 1948.
On the intentional destruction of health, the English ( like many other races ) used to eat a lot of watercress which was replaced with white bread after ww2.
London had a dedicated train line because vast amounts of fresh watercress had to be brought in daily, this was sold in wax paper cones I believe, and munched on much as small low-nutrient iceberg lettuce salads are today sold in plastic containers with a huge price markup.
Watercress goes extremely well with fish & chips which was another popular street food, according to legend invented by jews.
These days in Australia the main consumers of watercress are the Vietnamese who are typically in good health thanks to their traditional diet of fresh leafy herbs and vegetables, while many white Australians have been turned into huge balls of lard by their conversion to a diet of packaged supermarket “food” and other convenience “food”.
On Pavlovian Lemmings, many Australians think 9-11 was an inside job, it was quite obvious from the start looking at the unconvincing Pentagon explosion, the closeups of the 2nd building’s windows blowing out prior to pancaking, and finally news of Building 7 came out, it became clear the entire thing was a media stunt organised by the DeepState, in fact it was more than a stunt, it was a full-scale engineering project with chains of command throughout DeepState apparatus such as US Defense and the crooked TV networks.
Many people if not most people are wise to this and the lying M$M which continues the lame and broken cover-up to this day, yet they still went out and got well publicised mRNA (!!!) injections as they were told by the same lying political class and media, which they well knew were lying, now some have learned the medical class was lying to them too, and the hierarchy of the lies, they are in a state of confusion and denial.
What trusted source will lie to them next, is there one left ?
We see the banks and finance companies are now going rogue.
In Australia, the next or final hierarchy to be turned against stupid sheeple will be the army.
It seems that up until that day, stupid sheeple will be in denial and saying, “Please leave me alone, I can’t handle it, please shut up”
Tests have shown domesticated dogs get dumber and dumber compared to wild dogs, the more they are domesticated to become couch potatoes or front-yard barking machines. I even saw a video of a guy being seriously assaulted while his big sized dog just looked on stupified.
The avante-garde performance artist Frank Zappa used to go on tirades against things like the TV and he was deleted aged around 50, probably by polonium or some such treatment. I looked up the lyrics to his song “I’m the slime” which was about TV networks and found they had been substituted on the internet with some fake lyrics about feminism.
No virus – just a toxic jab! Dissimilar metals create an electric current which is why you should not let your dentist fill your teeth with such.
Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
August 16, 2022
“………………..Poornima Waugh [01:11:29] And first they said, you think they made this in the lab? I said, No, this is not a bioweapon. I think this was made on the computer. This is an in-silico genome. And two of them said, ‘you know what? That’s what we thought.’ —That they just made this up, probably by cobbling a bunch of sequences together. And they just made it up and put it up on BLAST.
Lee Merritt [01:11:50] But … there is a bioweapon, but this is not it —is what you’re saying.
Poornima Waugh [01:11:54] Yes.
Lee Merritt [01:11:54] It’s not a genetic bioweapon. It’s a toxin. And they’re distracting us. In other words, you’re saying, essentially: this is like the magician that’s doing this here and we’re not looking at what they’re really doing to us there. [ed: misdirection]………..”
“………………..Poornima Waugh [01:12:43] It’s the same platform. It’s a hydrogel, CpG adjuvant. Okay? It’s a sandwich. The lipid nanoparticle, in the case of Pfizer, is PEG. They use the pegylated lipid nanoparticle. Moderna is using SM-102, which is highly toxic. I don’t know what [the hell]… These people just put anything and everything —garbage— in there. And then there is reduced graphene oxide. So, synthetic lipid nanoparticle, hydrogel and reduced graphene oxide. There is no mRNA. There’s no spike protein coded into the mRNA, nothing. Zero. And massive amounts of heavy metal contamination: tungsten, osmium, silica, a lot of silver and gold particles. What else? They have nickel, some amount of lead. I mean, talk about heavy metal contamination! There’s massive amounts of aluminum in there. And all this stuff is very stable. You know, when you put that into the human body, it sits in adipose tissue and other places, and it causes problems. It causes irritation and inflammation. That’s what’s causing all these vascular problems that we’re seeing. The blood vessel problems. And the graphene oxide has an extremely weak positive piezoelectric charge. And everything in our body, and especially the heart and the brain, are negatively charged……………….”
What strikes me more than anything is the paucity of acknowledgment that the discomfort is actually being commandeered by the Creator Himself:
“The end-time prophetic events recorded in the book of Revelation that will occur before and at the time of Christ’s return to earth are outlined by:
Seven seals.
Seven trumpet plagues.
Seven last plagues.
The first four seals represent trends and plagues that have been continuing and intensifying through the years to our day.
All of the events from the fifth seal through the seven last plagues will occur in the final 3½ years before Christ’s return.
After all these plagues in Revelation, Jesus Christ will return to save humanity from self-destruction. Finally, the punishments will produce repentance, and people will turn to our Savior and King. Jesus Christ will bring peace, blessings and a perfect government.”
What happened to free will, we are all robots then
No not all of us, only those who refuse to acknowledge that the vaccine was a choice
A choice between:
cow-towing to a directive that, very obviously, had nothing to do with the fundamentals of law and order, i. e. selling your soul
maintaining a healthy distance.
Therein lies the everlasting damage factor; the immediate physical repercussions were merely peripheral
Kowtow is to prostrate oneself before eg the King of Thailand, it is not a farming practice.
If the future is accurately predicted then where does free will come in, we understand the kabbal finds amusement in using the ancient prophesies as a menu but that doesn’t alter the fact, if the outcome is already charted then free will is just a concept with no substance
The prophecy is in relation to the way in which certain heavenly forces are destined to manifest.
The choice as to where to go with it is completely up to you
I take it your mortgage is fully paid off !!!
The whole thrust of Revelation is to invoke eternity consciousness within the reader/hearer
Because there’s really no other way of moving into absolute freedom.
By the way I’ve never had a mortgage.
If I got kicked off the property where I’m living I’d just set myself up in the bush somewhere
I think it’s quite telling that that’s not more common
Is the judge suicidal, this will have to go to SCOTUS for 1st amendment if I’m not mistaken
So what has the Jones engendered “fake” credo ultimately achieved ?
How has it helped anyone to overcome anything ?
All “news” should, of course, be taken with a grain of salt
I never take anything on board unless it tees up with what I’ve witnessed personally
Otherwise it amounts to consulting a medium
And hopefully we all know what that means
AJ was blowing the whistle many years before all the rest, I can’t see the point in casting aspersions at him, as well he is a bible basher as I recall so a stablemate of yours
I am amazed at all the claptrap that religious zealots come up with. Yet these people usually rave on against the religions of the Red Indian, Australian Aboriginals and other races’ religions and beliefs.
For the record I don’t believe in there being a God nor Satan. Man is the creator of good and evil, depending on your up-bringing, intelligence and morals. Religions are used as an excuse for Man’s faults or good doings.
What’s the difference between fretting about “climate change” and fretting about “geo-engineering” ?
So far as I’m concerned they’re both an addictive distraction from the Requirement of the Hour
More attention needs to be given to the prayer that’s recited at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings:
“God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.”
The point is that dwelling on an impasse( anything that cannot be overcome via any direct means) is not only intrinsically soul-destroying, it renders one blind to the opportunities of the hour
Sandy Hook Parent Robbie Parker Weeps in Despair After Learning He Just Won $120 Million
Conspiracy theorists believe that Parker and other Sandy Hook parents are crisis actors paid by Alex Jones…
George Christensen latest:
It is controlled mass murder
AKA GENOCIDE☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Nice to read that multi millions are being spent expanding Gitmo.
Including facilities for geriatric facilities.
They are too kind with these people, they let them go until they are about 80 then it is just assisted dying. It’s the same with politician’s superannuation plans, remember Keating talking endlessly about level playing fields, but all the time their “independent remuneration committee” awarded them 5x more super than anyone else.
There is no system in place, to keep these people honest.
There is NO SYSTEM
What led Sri Lanka to go bankrupt? | Highlights from Talk It Out
6,717 views Jun 22, 2022
Until you realise the scum orchestrating it have 9+ kids per female per generation. They want us, free humanity gone, to be replaced with them, slave humanity.