Introduction by DM
I was copied into this email the other day. It is a letter written by a grandmother and sent to the judge. I have received many similar efforts by aggrieved parents — how the “system” completely abandons the well-being of the child.
Dear Judge
(Associate please make sure this is passed on as you have failed to pass information in the court room in the past.)
I’m writing to Farewell the corrupt Family Courts.
These courts have now destroyed another child’s life.
A beautiful child is now on drugs — according to subpoenas. Where do you think he got those drugs from when his father has had a very long history of drugs? Hmmm! You didn’t even care that K was not at school, and now this young man is a mess — solely caused by what the Family Courts have indirectly ordered.
Maybe Judges should read subpoenas instead on sitting on the their thrones believing their cherry picked (manipulated) crap and listening to psychotic delusional rubbish from someone that has had a long history of mental illness and violence. I cannot believe that you are that unintelligent, so it leaves one wondering what your motive is?
The child is going on 15 — barely a child anymore and it won’t be long before he will leave on his own accord. But let’s face it, these courts will deny him that freedom. I was working at his age 14, left home at 15, brought a house at 19 and did it myself because I was the way I raised. YES he’s barely a child. Something most people in the legal system would not understand.
These courts didn’t care about K’s welfare and it appears to be a money chain for the system (right from childhood). I was the one forced to leave to protect him when these courts wouldn’t.
There was no intentions of another “wishes report” in my view but that’s OK because as I said it won’t be long before this young man does what he wants as another Judge said. Personally I can’t even believe that I originally believed that someone would come along and save K in this system. But the system works exactly the way it was designed to. I have learnt that nobody is going to save K and will just imprison him into the system. (It appears he is not even a human being to the people in this system.)
You abandoned him. You did not care that his brother couldn’t have a relationship with him and asks for him all the time; or that his great grandmother who had a strong bond with K pleaded with us to see him one last time on her death bed.
You deprived K and I a relationship — even though the courts were aware that K had been trying to contact me until his father smashed his electronic devices so he could not contact me. What did you fear K was going to say to me? The main abuse of K came from police, this court and it’s accomplices.
You could not even have the decency to tell me if K was dead or alive to give me any peace of mind. You said you were concerned but didn’t do anything to have his father bring him in immediately after he breached the orders for the wishes report to view him.
The father breached order after order after order and had one criminal charge one after another. He admitted, in subpoena materials, to methamphetamine — all which you just turned a blind eye to, as Judges before you have done.
That’s OK because I live in in a town where everyone knows everyone and everything. It wasn’t hard to find that K was actually alive — it was useless waiting for these courts to confirm this.
Don’t worry my intention was not to take K as you already know. I could have done that after my release if that was the case . I was entrapped once by these courts and dodgy cops that gave these courts misleading information to deliberately defeat the Course of Justice. It’s now in the hands of God.
I will just sit back and pray that K remains alive and that he is safe (safe yeah right!), but you know between the police and courts that if anything happens to K you will be complicit. The malfeasance, misfeasence and nonfeasance has been ongoing since the beginning. Pure corruption.
Orchestrated proceedings and set ups are common place in these courts. You can ask anyone who has been in a family court, Maybe this will come out in another court at some later time if K is not kept safe — but you already know this as do many solicitors that are not game to speak up to the public. Solicitors have told me this first hand more than once.
That good ol’ swearing an oath to serve the crown. Everything from closing half heard adjourned application files to the Registry, emails to the AFP and so much in between. Yes, and thanks to the CDPP for the copies. Much appreciated.
Anyway as I said K will be out of the “prison” that the system put him in soon enough “whether you like it or not.” Though I would not be surprised if K is not the next to be set up by a corrupt system by like minded people.
It’s the people in this system that have put the administration of Justice into disrepute and continue to do so. And because of this the masses are awakening and the people no longer look up to the courts or their accomplices. They look down upon them.
I wish I could say thank you for your services as a public servant, but I can’t do that. I can’t thank people for destroying so many innocent children’s lives.
So many people now believe the family courts are nothing more than a demonic cult. (Just search the social media comments and you will find this view). And after my experiences, I have to strongly agree.
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“It’s the people in this system that have put the administration of Justice into disrepute” – Yep.
It’s an easy calculation, if what they are doing doesn’t make sense to anyone, it makes sense to them because they are on the take. Trafficking is a serious business and you can be sure the deeds and rewards are kept secret to the maximum possible extent.
These days some of them are probably laying awake at night wishing they had got into some other corrupt industry. All the more reason to defeat the crooked ALP’s “MaD” bill including any anything that follows it. The crooked Attorneys General are at the top of the tree in all this, and they like to keep as quiet as possible. From Doofus and all the way down, they are all accountable and they are about as super-human as rats.
So right