by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Did the Framers of the US Constitution in 1787 genuinely wrack their brains to come up every possible power-constraining mechanism for citizens to use against an evil government? I don’t know. But, as I will argue below, any omissions on their part can be filled in by other mechanisms that are present in the Constitution. Don’t give up hope!
One huge omission at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 was the Founders’ failure to raise the question: What if some Americans become so wealthy that they can control government by bribes? Admittedly, they mentioned ‘bribery’ as a cause for impeaching presidents and other officers, but what if the potential impeachers (all members of Congress’ lower house) got bribed out of their minds?
As apparently they are today.
Another omission: What if one of the three branches of government grabbed for itself the right to be THE interpreter of parchmentese? The judicial branch did just that in Marbury v Madison in 1803. They declared parts of an Act of Congress (The Judiciary Act) unconstitutional, and this has bequeathed to these Justices, rightly or wrongly, the honor of being the interpreter. Such a role for the judiciary is not granted to them in Article III, which specifies all their powers.
After some recent behaviors of SCOTUS, I am no longer willing to let them have the last word on anything. They killed the Fifth Amendment by allowing a man to be strip-searched when arrested for a traffic violation (the Albert Florence case), they scrunched up the Fifth Amendment’s right to keep your castle (in Kelo v London), and they basically killed democracy with Citizens United, in 2010, by allowing SuperPACs to contribute limitless funds to candidates.
What Does Scotus (Supreme Court of the United States) Say about 9/11?
Owing to other travails that caught our attention here at GumshoeNews.com — not mentioning any names (vaccination, child trafficking by the Family Court, etc.) — I didn’t notice back in January 2023, that Scotus had outdone its previous treachery. (Yes, I said treachery). It told some 9/11 plaintiffs that they did not have the right to submit information about crime to a Grand Jury. How did this not make headlines?
Oh, never mind, we know why it did not make headlines.
Luckily for me, the Boston for 9/11 Truth group asked me to address them on September 21, 2023. (Which, I cannot fail to say, is the 12th anniversary of the execution by Scotus, of a good man, Troy Davis, at the tender age of 41. So sorry, Troy.)
Here’s the deal on the 9/11 case. You may recall Bobby McIlvaine, the father of a man who died in the lobby of the WTC. Dee McLachlan wrote about him here in 2014. He was trying to get the City of New York to do an investigation. Later, he became one of the plaintiffs in the federal case at hand.
All 9/11-related cases have been “required” to go to one US District Court, namely the famously corrupt SDNY, Sothern District of New York. ‘Our’ plaintiffs filed and were dismissed, as follows:
Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, et al. v. William P. Barr, Attorney General of the
United States, et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-8312-PGG, issued its Order dismissing Petitioners-Plaintiffs-Appellants’ claims on March 24, 2021. for lack of standing.
Don’t you love it? Then they filed an appeal. On August 5, 2022, the Second Circuit, Case No. 21-1338-cv. dismissed it also. The next attempt was to ask Scotus to adjudicate it.
Scotus gets thousands of “petitions for certiorari” every year, but it agrees to hear only hundreds. You may think that a 9/11 case coming before the Justices, twenty years after the event, was one of the hundreds they should take.
It contained a challenge to the NIST theory that fires had caused the Towers to fall. (NIST stands for National Institute of Standards and Testing.) The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 brought in the research done by scientists at University of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Having been dismissed at Appeals, the plaintiffs asked Scotus to answer four questions. But the Justices declined– they didn’t take the case. I’ll have to say this is really a shock. They dared to prevent citizens from approaching the Foreman of the sitting New York grand jury with the Alaskan data that upends the NIST finding, i.e., the party line. (Strictly speaking, the appeals judges had said that the US Attorney could not be forced to hand the stuff to the Foreman.)
I didn’t realize Scotus would have the chutzpah to refuse to grant certiorari. They answered the plaintiffs’ following four questions by saying “Hasta la vista, Sayonara, Toodles, and Would you mind dropping dead, thank you.”
The four questions, lightly abbreviated by moi, are:
- Did the … Second Circuit Act Contrary to the Constitution When It Held that 9/11 Victim Family Members, … Needed to Assert Additional Harm Beyond a Violation of a Constitutional Right to Have Article III Standing to Seek Judicial Remedies.
- Did [it] Act Contrary to the Constitution When It Held that Federal Grand Juries Were Not Entities of the Federal Government to which the First Amendment Right to Petition Applies? [Personally, I don’t think the Grand Juries are entities of the government!]
- Did the … Second Circuit Undermine the Constitutional Independence of the Grand Jury When It Refused to Enforce the Mandatory Duty Imposed Explicitly by Congress and Implicitly by the Constitution [5th Amendment] on United States Attorneys to Relay Citizen Reports of Federal Crimes to a Grand Jury, and Left to the Complete Discretion of the Department of Justice What a Grand Jury Is Allowed to See and Consider?
- Did [it] Create a Clear Split Among the Federal Circuits When It Decided To Not Adopt the Ninth Circuit’s Rule that Ministerial Records of a Federal Grand Jury May Be Made Available to the Public? [Personally, I don’t think SCOTUS is ever forced to take a case as a way of settling inter-circuit discrepancy.]
Note: I am not saying that Scotus “ruled” against the plaintiffs. They chose NOT to rule. Four out of the Big Nine have to say Yes to accept a case. (But in my heart of hearts I know they “ruled.”)
Hasta la Vista, Marbury V Madison
It’s time to undo Marbury v Madison (1803). As I said, Scotus has recently shredded the parchment in, say, Florence, Kelo, and Citizens United. It misinterpreted clauses that no one had ever dreamed of misinterpreting. Those were positive decisions, while the refusal to “grant Cert” in this 9/11 case is technically a non-ruling. But for Scotus to fail to stand up for the citizens’ right to direct a grand jury is far out, man. It’s far, far out.
This must stop. Indeed, if we don’t stop it, we are ‘conditioning’ ourselves for more of same.
So where to look for other mechanisms? I note that there is certainly no constitutional requirement that every 9/11 case go to just one US District Court. Theoretically, even at this late stage, plaintiffs could bring their plaint to another US District Court. How about the one in Alaska, since as mentioned, the University of Fairbanks has provided the challenge to NIST?
(The wording of the case can be altered, to make it not identical to the SDNY adventure.)
But an even better idea is to forget the feds. The 50 states all have their own courts and their own supreme court. On the day of 9/11, there were casualties of men and women from nearly every state. This makes the courts of those states a proper place to go.
And since the gist of the filing is that the NIST decision is wrong, one could argue that the US government was wrong to assign blame to the alleged hijackers, as the fuel-fires from planes are insufficiently hot to melt steel. The sequelae to the US government’s mistake include Congress’ being railroaded into passing the Patriot Act, on September 14, 2001.
Mind you, I don’t think Congresspersons were railroaded; they are big boys and girls with responsibilities to their constituents. But the point is for state sovereignty to assert itself, based on damage done to that state’s citizens, via all the Patriot Act garbage.
In New York state, a plaintiff would also be able to re-open everything about 9/11 merely by claiming that she suffered from the aftereffects of the fall of the towers. One aftereffect was respiratory disease, suffered by many First Responders. Such a claim would lead to the question: What was in the air? Was it exploded cement? Or did it contain stuff that suggests nuclear weapons or Directed Energy Weapons?
My recommendation for a choice of state court would be Massachusetts. I hear you say, “No No, they botched the Marathon Bombing case.” I reply “No, no, that was a federal court with Judge George A O’Toole, Jr in the driver’s seat. Just go to a local court in, say, Worcester, Mass. Remember when Bruce Henry told us about the march from Providence Rhode Island to Worcester? (An article that got great comments.)
Finally, here is an interesting interview with Larry Silverstein:
POSTSCRIPT: If Congress is feeling its oats, it can show its displeasure by impeaching all the Nine Justices. Or just 6, if 3 actually nodded to a granting of cert. Generally, that information is not public, unless a justice writes a dissent to the refusal.
I’m going to flip this on its head, and collect all the insurance from the “city”
To James Madison
Thank ye for fathering/providing properly/property the most awesome doco in the last 300 odd years.
God is in the detail, not the aprons
Note: have people on the ground in Boston choosing not to NY, they are raving about how beautiful it is there
I’m like go here, if you have the constitution for it,
lucky you mare, bit chilly at times for me.(reports are from Seattle and San Fran are really crazy town)
Simon, commenters who refer to the author as the old grey mare will get six months.
Signed, Judge Ad Hoc
Folks, maybe this is a time to promote MM’s latest book…
So get off your arse and download and read her new book
Part One: Correcting Some False History of Australia
1. The Bourke St Rampage, 2017
2. The Palm Island Resistance, 2004
3. Hostages in the Lindt Cafe, Sydney, 2014
4. Bushfires and Ticks, 2009
5. Port Arthur and Martin Bryant, 1996
6. Going to DPP School, 2023
7. Child Kidnap — O’Dea and Pridgeon, 2018
8. Fiona Barnett and Bathurst City Hall, 1985
9. Juukan Hoax for the ‘Voice to Parliament’, 2023
10. The Amirah Droudis Trial, 2016
11. A Recap of the Interruptions
Part Two: Doing the Law in ‘Oldspeak’
12. Who Is Liable for Crimes of Part One?
13. Blackstonian Crimes Are Real Crimes
14. Take Heart; They Are All Indictable
15. Always Look on the Maxim Side of Life
Part Three: Facing the Absolute Worst
16. Options: Revolution, Coup, New Enlightenment
17. How Many Globalists Are Having Regrets?
18. A Starter’s Kit for Activists
My understanding of the tabling of that U. S. constitution is that, in order to establish their own empire, the rebel Brits had to woo the support of the genuinely egalitarian communities
Which of course means it had an inbuilt use-by date.
Hence the falling away of the last century
And the fact that maintaining a youthful appearance has become central to Yankee culture perhaps ?
Zelensky Asks Marina Abramovic To Be Ambassador for Ukraine
This should tell you all you need to know
Maybe Lowy Institute can write the book how they didn’t do 911and get Doherty Institute to fact check it, with a few toasts of andro juice securing the deal.
A club for members only, as we here slaves in their system.
Way past time to stand up and save the children. If not us WHO definitely won’t.
Yes, members only – Murdoch retires
A power greater than government?
” … the freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses. And it’s true.”
http://balder.org/judea/Mind-Bending-Power-Of-The-Masters-Of-The-Media-Nick-Griffin.php (Link obsolete)
The mind-bending power of the masters of the media
The media-power in Great Britain and elsewhere
By Nick Griffin
“…………..News Group International
NGI’s assets include the lion’s share of BSkyB, Twentieth Century Fox and major British newspapers such as The Sun, News of the World, The Times, the Sunday Times and the Times Literary and Educational Supplements. Its Chief Executive, Rupert Murdoch, is usually regarded as a Gentile, although he has been described as a ‘mamzer Jew.’ His father, Keith, although only a low-paid reporter, made a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, Elisabeth Joy Greene. The family fortune enabled Murdoch Senior to buy himself a knighthood, a radio station and two Adelaide newspapers, as well as to educate his son at the fashionable Geelong private school and then to send him to Oxford.
While at Oxford, the young Murdoch concluded that “there is no ideological difference between communism and capitalism, except that the latter should be more controlled and centralised. The two are complimentary.” When his father died he returned to Australia to take over the two newspapers and became known to locals as “Red Rupert.” So strong was his reputation that when, in 1965, he paid over a quarter of a million pounds for a Sunday newspaper in Perth, it was suggested that the Soviet Union was channelling funds into his business operation. Over the next three years, however, as Murdoch plonked down millions to buy newspapers and radio and TV stations all over Australia, it became clear that that he had more generous backers than the habitually parsimonious Soviets. By 1968 Murdoch’s media empire was worth £46 million. His buying spree continued throughout the 1970s, as he set up in Britain and then the United States. With his move into satellite TV and film studios, the last few years have seen Murdoch establish his influence on a truly global scale, with assets of £14.3 billion.
This remorseless rise owes something to Murdoch’s undoubted knack of identifying and pandering to the lowest tastes of the public, but far more important has been the backing of four multi-national mega-money moguls. Murdoch first started to move in these circles when his father asked Lord Beaverbrook to train young Rupert in the newspaper business. Beaverbrook introduced Murdoch to Harry Oppenheimer, head of the massive Anglo-American Corporation and the deBeers diamond and gold cartel, and Edgar Bronfman. Impressed by the young Murdoch and his committment to Marxist capitalism, they told him to call on them if he ever needed help.
Within a few years Murdoch was acting as the front-man for media buy-ups financed by Oppenheimer and Bronfman, as well as being helped by the con-man Armand Hammer and the Rothschild empire. This almost limitless financial backing is the real force behind Murdoch’s mercurial rise to control, among his other media interests, a yearly newspaper circulation of 3.5 billion copies.
Nor is Murdoch shy of using this enormous power to further his, and his backers’ own political agenda. As far back as 1972, after Australian Labour Party leader Whitlam had agreed to pursue a 100 per-cent pro-Israeli policy and to protect Murdoch’s media monopoly, the power of that monopoly was used to run a block-busting campaign which steamrollered Whitlam into power. When Whitlam promptly reneged on the deal, making overtures to the Arabs and refusing to grant mining leases to Oppenheimer, Murdoch’s media turned on him as part of the successful campaign to have Whitlam removed from office and replaced by the fervently pro-Zionist Bob Hawke……..”
NB: the women in the “plastic wives” vid I posted are, Alana Sands, Veronica Matlock,Jillian Weisberg and Frances Marques – the commonality being that they are all married to plastic surgeons
Perhaps you’d care to explain why you posted a lengthy spiel about Marina Abramovic by way of response
Sorry, not Jillian Weisberg, Danya Devon
But I should say thanks for demonstrating, once more, how irrational Jew-haters actually are.
Thanks ditto to ant56
The Australian national anthem is obsolete – we need someone to compose a requiem.
You said it, Crisscross. I agree. Denn alles -Fleisch (sp?) es ist wie Gras. I agree with Berry on the use-by date too.
Brahms wrote this for his Mum’s funeral, I think
Hope I haven’t given the impression that I don’t want courts to declare void a law that violates the Con. Of course I want everybody to do that. See the section “Denounce Nullables” in my book Prosecution for Treason.
But the legal fraternity has taken Marbury v Madison, smack dab, as the reigning truth that the US Con rests finally in the hands of the Nine (or the 35 if we go in for packing.)
How awful. Yet how typical of the human Brian to go in the direction of responding, in toto, to a small signal or symbol. I hereby declare Sept 21, 2023 as the day that the Marbury case stopped being the Sole Repository.
Why Sept 21? Because I am aggrandizing myself for having given the little speech on that day, about the 9/11 cert-denial. Also, as I said, Troy Davis. And just for titillation’s sake I now mention that Sept 21 is on the Occult calendar.
Hey you jerks out there who believe in the occult, get a grip, would you?
Further to the matter of nullability. Most Murkins are still not clear on their right, as jurors, to use nullification to put paid to a bad law.
And which state governor has nullified a congressional law since 1798 when Virginia and Kentucky did so in no uncertain terms? Hmm. Seems a long time ago. But Sheriff Mack, on nearly the bicentennial of that show of idealistic force, won his case — UNANIMOUSLY — at Scotus. I am referring to Prinz v US (1997).
It says state police can’t be mandated to carry out federal chores.
The falling away from the constitution is reflected by the falling away from this:
A phenomena that’s not exactly confined to the U.S:
“the visible church community, within which true saints exist, will become so apostate that it will be dominantly filled with people who profess to be Christian but really are not. The church will continue to profess to be Christian but most in it will actually not be true believers.”
Yes elspeth we are in the end times – their end time.
At 15 min:
“emnity is actually a MUTUAL exchange of bitter rancour.”
Which naturally means that engaging like so renders one party to an unregenerate course
As opposed to heeding the Romans 5 alert:
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope”
ROMANS 5: 1 – 4
Spring Waltz (Mariage d’Amour) Chopin – Tuscany 4K
Chopin had an amazingly fertile mind but this one must have been commissioned
Geez. I had forgotten that beautiful landscapes even exist.
Thank you, Criss Cross.
Doctrinely sound (J. Robert Oppenheimer end-times vid) – other than the pre-trib-rapture “misapprehension”.
Which naturally renders him WAY too bouncy & bland
C.J. Dennis The Glugs of Gosh
Sir Stodge is sir George Reid. Gosh is Australia
An excerpt –
“……The stern Sir Stodge and all his Swanks–
Proud Glugs of divers grades and ranks,
With learning and attainments great–
Had never learned to conquer hate.
And, failing in their A. B. C.,
Were whipt by Master Destiny.
‘Twas thus that Gosh’s famous schools
Turned out great hordes of learned fools:
Turned out the ship without a sail,
Turned out the kite with leaden tail,
Turned out the mind that could not soar
Because of foolish weights it bore.
Because there’d been no father Joi
To guide the quick mind of a boy
Away from thoughts of hate and blame,
Wisdom in these was but a name.
But ‘mid the Glugs they count him wise
Who walks with cunning in his eyes………”
Until the Human spirit can ascent into the Fifth Dimension anything that Humanity will bring about is easily corrupted, so until that time, there is only one way that the United States can be saved:
The military will be the only way – Q
How the US Conquered Hawaii & Made it 91% Empty
How Central Banks have Seized Power over our Societies
Go Aussies. Be the first to get on top of it.
Fact is, you can do it.
But you have to try. Just try it. Go on. Undo what Rupe did. Why not?
Jeremy Lee. The Plan, how we got here. N W O Australia
Page 77, or search on Hawke, back in the day before he was allowing travesty in his own family AKA Robert Hawke is infiltrated by Klaus’s WEF
we have turned these stones before but they are pertinent
Everybody, please make a copy of this video. It is fantastic. If you are pressed for time, you could start at 17 minutes when he pulls out a book by Lenin that plans the whole thing. (Lenin as in L E N I N.)
My awakening was just getting into its stride when Mr Lee began to alert anyone who would listen.
Looking back over 32 years of what has passed before us all – I can now see just how naive to the permeation of society by an insidious evil, we once were.
“1991, wow! Way ahead of his time “
As disproven by the content of a certain 1980 publication:
Chapter 4: The New World Monetary System
• Galloping Inflation
• Reasons for Inflation
• What Will Happen?
• Cash Cancelled
• The Computer World
• What Do We Do Now?
Chapter 5: The Mystery of Iniquity
• The Five “I Wills” of Satan
• The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
• The Illuminati
• The Seal of the Illuminati – On The US Dollar
• U.S.A. – Council on Foreign Relations
• The Bilderbergers Conference
• Trilateral Commission
• The Club of Rome
• The Russian Revolution and the Zionist State of Israel
Much of which was plagiarised from a book that hit the best-seller list a decade earlier:
“The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the “no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade.” For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding — all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey’s insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you’re a church-going believer or someone who wouldn’t darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that’s unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.”
So far as I’m concerned the author,Hal Lindsey, was much more on track.
And here he is a mere two weeks ago aged 93:
but better to start here:
In today’s article I talked about two men who walked 200 miles (or tried to) to chat with folks on the street about 9-11. Here is Mark’s contribution:
beware who you walk with(no slant on Mark)
I have a new empty bookshelf, where should I start
Folks, maybe this is a time to promote MM’s latest book…
So get off your arse and download and read her new book
Part One: Correcting Some False History of Australia
1. The Bourke St Rampage, 2017
2. The Palm Island Resistance, 2004
3. Hostages in the Lindt Cafe, Sydney, 2014
4. Bushfires and Ticks, 2009
5. Port Arthur and Martin Bryant, 1996
6. Going to DPP School, 2023
7. Child Kidnap — O’Dea and Pridgeon, 2018
8. Fiona Barnett and Bathurst City Hall, 1985
9. Juukan Hoax for the ‘Voice to Parliament’, 2023
10. The Amirah Droudis Trial, 2016
11. A Recap of the Interruptions
Part Two: Doing the Law in ‘Oldspeak’
12. Who Is Liable for Crimes of Part One?
13. Blackstonian Crimes Are Real Crimes
14. Take Heart; They Are All Indictable
15. Always Look on the Maxim Side of Life
Part Three: Facing the Absolute Worst
16. Options: Revolution, Coup, New Enlightenment
17. How Many Globalists Are Having Regrets?
18. A Starter’s Kit for Activists
You are amazing Mary. You are too quick for my old brain. By the time I cross reference and add my personal knowledge relevant to your work another book appears and my voice and I disappear.
A common problem with DID etc non-existence.
But the chapters are helpful and I will respond to several
You say
“I am sick and tired of everybody arsing about, acting like the New World Order is some sort of fait accomplis, and all that remains is for us to bow down and worship.” It is actually Rawlings Rees’s Tavistock Agenda -Psychological warfare dept agenda that is fait accompli –now cyber warfare and One world order one world Government one world satanic Religion is the not fait accompli.
You say
“Here is a book you can read in a day. It calls on some sleuthing that I was lucky enough to do over the years whilst being a journo for GumshoeNews.com in Melbourne.”
I set another challenge Dee–
I ask you Mary and as many have the time and the will power to watch Gabbi Choon’s interviews with Nellie. There are 10 interviews -more to come- 2 hours each No 10 is in five minutes
✅ https://youtu.be/ohn-wMkZYWU?si=asVi-yGliXiXh7cB
Nellie joins us for interview 10 to discuss the technology and training she witnessed in Antarctica, the powerful use of humiliation in programming mind control and how children are groomed for trafficking
Nellie is an courageous survivor who is speaking out today to expose the tools that the cults use to program a mind control slave. She shares her own experiences to assist other survivors to heal and with our communities to raise awareness and allow people to know the signs so we are all able to watch over our children
Diane, I want to follow your suggestions. I feel I have only a hairsbreadth of time left to live so there’s no way I can watch ten intervirews with 2 hrs each. I clicked on the one you said is short but it is not short. Has Nellie ever made a short video with the main points? Until now i have never heard of a Antarctic connection.
By the by, I’d like to kill anyone who uses humiliation as a tool of control. And speaking of that, do you know who, in your Tavistock collection, may have been the inventor of that technique?
I realize it also comes natural to some people. There was a lady in Adelaide (now deceased) who tried to do that, among other tricks of control. I was amazed at the alacrity with which she could recognize any opportunity to push a person’s buttons, publicly. Almost instantaneous, brilliant.
Sorry Mary there is no dot pointing this story.
I meant the No 10 video started in 5 minutes
Yes Nellie made a short 10 minute video in June 2021 at he Freedom Rally Brisbane -Same one Dee was at in Melbourne -Rachel Adelaide.
I have posted it several times on gumshoe–might not be available now but it was the start of her amazing healing and recovery
Thank you for your tireless work it has helped me join the dots
Mercury + Aluminium
Here is the reaction when you mix mercury with aluminium. Most people don’t know that all vaccines contain it! old dental “fillings”, too! (Called: “methylmercury” in vaccines)
[…] Mary Maxwell, LL.B., Ph.D. […]