by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
In 1969, Dr Richard Day gave a speech at a medical dinner. One doctor in the audience, Lawrence Dunegan, MD, took notes and in 1988 he revealed them on Randy Engel’s Christian radio show. Later they were published at rense.com. Dr Day was an insider with the Rockefellers, and he was probably tasked with trying this material out to test the reaction. The reaction was apathy.
Part 1 of this series, at hand, will do not more than present Dr Day’s predictions – 52 of them that have clearly come true and another 11 that have been abandoned or are possibly waiting in the wings. Later parts of the series will try to make good use of this information in our current crisis – hence the title “Using Dr Day.”
Predictions That Came True
All of the 52 items below were surprising or even startling in 1969. Most of them are so ordinary now that a young reader won’t see them as engineered, but will assume that this is the regular way for people to live. I will use the future tense – e.g., “people will buy things on credit” as that is how Dr Day put it 52 years ago.
- The school nurse will give out contraceptives.
Automobile manufacturing will be moved out of the US to Japan.
New diseases will appear and will be hard to cure.
Old folks will be given free or discounted bus rides.
Sex will be more “out in the open.”
Music will get worse.
Banks will merge to fewer and fewer banks (eventually to one).
The scores from girls’ sports teams will appear in newspapers alongside boys’ teams.
Drug abuse will become more prevalent.
Many more people will be arrested for drunk driving.
The Christian religion will fall off in membership.
Some key words in the Bible will be subtly changed.
Guns will be harder to obtain; sportsmen may have to rent gun rather than own it.
Dining out will replace family mealtime.
Scientists will fudge their data.
Migration to the Sun Belt will be encouraged.
There will be an increasing number of psychiatrists.
Purchases will all be made on one credit card.
New bridges will be prone to collapse.
Hospital personnel will need to wear a lanyard with ID.
Books will be lost within libraries.
More convenience foods will be sold.
Bras will be softer, showing natural movement.
Little girls will not play dolls or tea party anymore.
Divorce will become common.
Homosexuality will become accepted.
Athletic costume such as running shoes will come into fashion.
There will be more car accidents and plane crashes.
Condoms will be sold on the shelf at pharmacies.
A cancer cure has been found but won’t be released as cancer keeps population down.
The age of puberty will be lower.
Blue laws to keep shops closed on Sunday will be repealed.
Government will get into gambling.
Bankruptcy laws will be changed
Anti-trust law will change or be interpreted differently.
There will be a new industry of residential security with alarms.
Most doctors won’t have solo practices; they will work for an employer.
Soccer will become a popular sport, and will help internationalism.
The cost of medical care will rise high, so all will need insurance.
Doctors and lawyers will start advertising their services.
Everyone would need an ID card; later the ID will be implanted under the skin.
We will be able to make rain and make drought.
Rains can be made heavy, so fields will be too muddy to bring in the harvest.
Computer record of all your purchases will be kept.
The ability to save will be greatly curtailed.
It is now possible to assassinate someone by a means that looks like heart attack.
There will be fast lanes on highways to make it difficult for elderly to drive.
Forms will be in pale ink so the elderly will need help filling them out.
Men’s jobs will send them to a distant city; they won’t be with family so much.
All the old movies will be brought back for a while.
Future movies will not have soft romance.
Some buildings will be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate.
Police in suburbs will be coordinated by the city.
Growing your own food will be outlawed.
As stated earlier, some of those things have become commonplace; they seem to be the natural way of things rather than to have been drawn up in a boardroom somewhere. But apparently they were drawn up in a boardroom. How was Dr Day to know that “bras would become softer”? They used to be stiff, but they did then become softer. How would he know that the churches would have diminished congregations? Or that the blue laws would be repealed – after all it would take all 50 state legislatures to do make that happen.
Predictions That Have Not Come True, As of 2021
Dr Day made the following 11 statements that fell by the wayside, or perhaps are still under consideration:
- Violence on the street and even dead bodies will be seen a lot.
Old people will be celebrated and then given a demise pill.
Nuclear weapons may have to be used on people who don’t accept the new system.
Not everyone will be free to travel without a good reason.
World government may come about via the UN or by some other means.
New hospitals will be made to be convertible into jails. (Possibly that has happened.)
Students will have to make the choice early in life as to field of study.
Schools will run all summer.
All activities for kids will be at the school — school-based.
People will need permission to have a baby.
Not all persons will be given access to books.
Homeownership will become of thing of the past.
For purposes of this Part One of the series on “Using Dr Day,” it is enough to present what he predicted. He did more than that, however. In his 1969 speech he described in many instances how the change would be brought about. In several cases he also offered a justification.
No one in the audience threw a tomato at him. I am guessing that it was a prestigious, dress-up meeting with plenty of wine. Perhaps his tone of voice was that of a man confiding in trusted colleagues. Also, as I recollect 1969, it was a time when everything seemed to be improving, and it was not uncommon for someone to predict great increases in luxury – such as home air-conditioning.
Part Two will discuss the way in which the changes actually were engineered.
*5. World government may come about via the UN or by some other means.
Isn’t this true to some extent?
*2. Old people will be celebrated and then given a demise pill.
Almost there…
Dee, the reason I lobbed that one (#5) into the NOT-DONE-YET basket is that it’s not enuf for a small minority to realize that we have world govt. OK I see your point, maybe it belongs with the 52 DONE items.
As for demise pill, I am sure we don’t have that, as I would like to get my hands on one that I could keep in my top drawer for when I wish to leave,
If anybody knows where these are obtainable, pray tell. In Canada you can do assisted suicide, and maybe in Netherlands…. but that requires red tape.
Mary, what about this “vaccine”? Isn’t a way of doing away those aged and unwell?
No 2, Old people will be celebrated. L.O.L. Yeah ? Well from my perspective that has not yet come about. But I HAVE noticed, the older I get, the more INVISIBLE I become, no celebration there.And pill to send us on our way ? Yeah, that’d be nice to have in reserve. Too bad the religious freaks refuse to pass such legislation.
No 7, Items to come. Quote, “Students will have to make the choice early in life as to field of study.” Unquote. Already here,when my daughter started high school, (1983) she brought home a book thicker than the current WHITE pages at the time.This tome contained all the information required, (allegedly) for students and their parents, to pick a qualification/trade to target for and tailor make their studies to target said option. I thought the whole bloody thing was the most stupidest thing I had ever heard.Students could pick their choice and then undertake the studies required, BUT there was no guarantee, such a job would be available when they came to leave school. In that case, they would then be unemployable, and have wasted their whole years of schooling aiming for the unattainable. I brought my concerns to the attention of the school and the education system, who couldn’t care less, this was the curriculum and accept it or go elsewhere, meaning a Private school if you can afford it. Might I also add, as far as I can recall, I was the ONLY parent making a song and dance about this issue, not one other parent ever stuck their heads up to complain about it.
No 8, It is possible to enroll your kids in school for summer these days, however a cost will be incurred. The cost of which is nearly the same as child care costs for working parents.
At my local primary school, kids are ticked off as they enter the gate to school. Access to school is monitored by a Teacher, and when the bell rings, the gate is locked shut. Kids and/or parents are unable to enter the school grounds. The claims made for this incarceration is the safety of the kids, but it also trains the kids to be malable and accept their incarceration without objection.
“The older I get, the more INVISIBLE I become “
Which,as far as I’m concerned, is the best place that anyone can be.
And it’s certainly where I eventually wound up for the purposes of the Education Department when I drew attention to the violation of certain legal boundaries re my (then) underage kids. It would appear that most government officials operate on the basis that “if it’s going to be too much of a headache just pretend it’s not there”
Old David.
You awake yet?
If not then wake the f up.
Ned, I would rather the commenters do not attempt to knock one another. That does not advance our cause at all.
Since Old David called you a name yesterday (pisswit, I believe), he will have to remove himself from the comments. Every house has a policy and Gumshoe’s policy is no ad hominems.
A bit oversensitve from someone who was recently called a “minotaur”
#6 Music will get worse.- ah huh
Bone-head (of “U2”) is to music as Lucian Freud (or Picasso) is to “art”
I knew we were in trouble when Leonard Cohen came along with ‘Suzanne’ and then Robert Allen Zimmerman invented ‘rap’ and changed his name (understandably)
All seemed lost – and then along came Il Divo
But at least we can still remember some worthwhile compositions before the decline …
Oops – first video should have been …
Which brings me to
• Timothy Leary’s Dead – Moody Blues (1968)
• Flower Power Sowed Seeds for 50 Years of Weaponized Degeneracy
Band Disturbed The Sickness Germany Kevin Woodman
I don’t have any problems with these “prophesies”, I wouldn’t split any off, they are all underway or happened in one way or another. I am not very surprised to see that “Athletic costume such as running shoes will come into fashion” came directly from the top. All that Adidas Nike Kappa and such flooded the market around 1990, I couldn’t believe it, something to do with sinking self esteem requiring empowerment fantasies ? ? ?
On the shortlist #3 is underway [Nuclear weapons may have to be used on people who don’t accept the new system] if you suspect or accept the Beirut attack was indeed a new era mini-nuke and #10 [People will need permission to have a baby] is a work in progress.
It may be that in the relatively near future there will be large numbers of people wishing to escape from totalitarian globalist states and go back to older values, hopefully this movement could start in China, as the economy is undermined and starts to fall apart.
Sports gear was already synonymous with fashion by the early 60s:
point being that an accurate overview is prerequisite to getting a handle on anything
“All of the 52 items below were surprising or even startling in 1969.”
Actually all of them had either already taken place or were so close they could hardly have been called predictions
As evidenced by the Who’s 1965 chart topper:
A ditty that became even more popularized at a Monterey Do a couple of years later,
an event during which Janis Joplin made her mark:
It’s also common knowledge that Jimi Hendrix deliberately broke and ignited a guitar on the same stage
Berry, you have no understanding of what any of that was about. The reference to generation referred to a global generational rejection of the grey conformity and hypocrisy of the pre- 1943 generation.
The burning guitar was a metaphor for this revolution using rock music as a banner and a marching beat.
Millions understood this, especially those born during WWII.
“The reference to generation referred to a global generational rejection of the grey conformity and hypocrisy of the pre- 1943 generation”
Actually that’s exactly what I thought when I was 16
And I was almost 30 before I managed to break free from said delusion
…….. before I finally managed to come to terms with the fact that, sooner or later, one form of slavery just gives way to another and that there’s only ONE WAY of breaking the cycle
Band Disturbed The Sickness Germany. Kevin Woodman
The reference to books caught my eye. In 2005 I checked public libraries for well-known books on democracies in history. All had disappeared. I finally discovered that all had been removed and burned. No dumping or give-aways were permitted. The order was specific: burning in an incinerator.
To cover the loss, I wrote a book about democracies. Impossible to market.
I think that explains the reference to access to books. No doubt other texts also were removed.
Three year olds have access to abominations at the touch of fingertips. The first generation incapable of writing their names with a pencil. The written languages along with thoughts erased.
Crown covid is the new world religion, its ritual of vaccinations, the ‘new sacrament’ initiation to enter the utterly dismal ‘great reset’. We are enslaved by satanic beings hellbent, destroying everything and everyone following the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s all these events are. There may be as many theories as there are people, but really it is always the Almighty Creator living in the hearts of all believers.
Tragically, the rulers are all fallen demonic beings, WHO want to murder by injections the mass majority. None of this would have been possible without the ‘technological advancements’ brought forward by the light bearers of the masonic illuminati. This is the trancehuman agenda, resist with all hearts minds and souls. All the proof is realising that these bloodsuckers drink andrenochrome.
The blame-game has now started in Melbourne, they can’t move their quaxxine stockpiles fast enough onto 50+ age group so they are marketing to 20-somethings, who demographically never suffer from flu. The marketing is basically “you are killing grandma” and I have also heard “free beer”. Who is really killing grandma I wonder, traditionally the cake and biscuit factory does quite a good job there.
I had this link on my phone and now I go back to access it and I find google android has censored it. It now redirects me to safechat.com mainpage, but the link still exists at safechat.com, it just self-cancels on the (google) android phone software. Remember Google motto “Do No Evil”, hard to believe that was two decades ago
Listen to Alex Jones’ message even if you do not like him……………. he is on our case!
sometimes one has to use a spade to wake people up……….. Alex knows how to swing one to do so.
The evidence is there if you wish to look 😉👍
We should comprehend from our existence in this colonial microcosm of what’s going on and what they’re doing, i.e. the big picture.
What was once the ‘Commonwealth’ has now become a corporation aggregate or corporatocracy.
We are headed for a corporatised dictatorship & at worst a global monopoly.
While the events that have evolved around us may seem that it’s a health issue, technically they’re a corporate issue, where the foundations were laid a while back under IP (Intellectual Property), patents and trademarks.
This video is of paramount importance if you wish to comprehend what is going on today. 1.5hrs & 550MB to own.
– At 5m45s, he (David) talks about the patent by the CDC in Apr. 2003 of the genome of coronavirus isolated from humans…
– From 2003 – 2019, there have been 5,111 patents issued on this topic.
– In 2016, researchers state that there is a Wuhan institute of virology pathogen poised for human emergence.
See page 8 of this document:
See interview:
I keep hoping you are right, Ned. Maybe I am just lacking in confidence … or impatient.
Just imagine when all this fake house of cards, this bubble of antihuman reality comes crumbling down – also from BIN:
I forgot to add Number 12: Home ownership will become a thing of the past.
As “Home ownership” is nothing more than Newspeak for house/land ownership(an abstract concept can’t be physically possessed by anyone) maybe that’s a good thing.
The real deal was, of course, also unobtainable by the masses within feudal GB & Europe. There really isn’t anything new under the sun:
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
sorry some of this stuff so called predictions are simply trend based modeling not really a conspiracy more the PTB is manipulating trends going forward.
but your list is pretty faulty and based on assumptions heres a few.
2.Automobile manufacturing will be moved out of the US to Japan. that is clearly a matter of preception how many automobiles do they sell now compared to 1966
3.New diseases will appear and will be hard to cure. How do you know there are any new diseases diagnosis has changed a lot since 1966 like Solamon said there is nothin Knew under the sun.
6. Music will get worse. Really music is purely about choice and mood. Also we have far more choice in regards to music than we did in 1966.
7.Banks will merge to fewer and fewer banks (eventually to one). a big maybe right now the PTB are doing a real good job of destroying long term confidence in the financial system, good luck with any new system?.
9.Drug abuse will become more prevalent. This trend was already under way by the early fifties and has a lot to do with the profits from selling drugs.
15.Scientists will fudge their data. LOL LOL for the most part this group like any have always had conman in there ranks.
19.New bridges will be prone to collapse. Really that would change what.
im sorry a lot of this list is just trends and speculations and garbage i could keep going and more about each of the above points, i think this whole thing is misdirection i do not believe for one minute it matters one iota to the outcomes that really matter.
Just like Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Keith Moon, Solomon was an individual of immense vision and talent until You-Know-Who got the better of him
Seems like there’s nothing more toxic than wealth & fame
Darling readers, as it says in Paragraph 2 of this article:
“Later parts of the series will try to make good use of this information in our current crisis – hence the title ‘Using Dr Day’.”
Very few people are aware of the 1969 speech, so I had to lay it out first…
Violence on the street and even dead bodies will be seen a lot
Is it starting now?
Portland “de-funds” the police, suffers 1,900% increase in murders