Home Corona Vaccine Data BOMBSHELL — Pfizer Caught Hiding

Vaccine Data BOMBSHELL — Pfizer Caught Hiding


Editor’s note: This video is a few months old (March 2022), but it remains important. The release of this data still does not get airtime in the mainstream media. 

Key Government contacts (Australia):

National helpline:   1800 020 080

COVID-19 enquiries: enquiries@health.gov.au

General Vaccine enquiries: covidvaccineenquiries@health.gov.au

Adverse Event Reporting: Adverse event reporting (tga.gov.au)



  1. Fascinating talk on processed foods.

    In this presentation by Dr. Chris Knobbe, he postulates that ancestral diets may be the key to health.

    • I would like to send those video links to people I know, however, I also know they are part of that 30% of the population that Professor Desmet calls the ‘lost’, brain-washed, hypnotized, trance induced part of humanity that no objective evidence will dissuade them from what they believe to be true. They are the victims of ‘mass psychosis’ and it is impossible to reach them.

      • As Harrii predicts we have to entertain the useless eaters with video games..
        The sheeple will be nothing more.
        ‘You will own nothing and be happy.
        ( Klaus Schwab)
        Look up World Economic forum fascisrts students from 1992. Hello Jacinta⛓⛓

  2. Lately I have noticed that when I buy bakery products from the chain supermarkets in US, the last ingredient listed on the label is “contains a bioengineered food product” — whatever that means.

    I have now found this on standard candy bars, too. Would you pls look at a candy bar wrapper in Australia and tell me if you see it there, too?


  3. I would have thought that Pfizer redacting any information from their research after the judge demanded that the research was to be released to the public would be a crime. Mary may be able to answer me.

  4. Some good has come out of the annoying plandemic anyway, now people are filled up with vitamin D and zinc, and know not to blow germs on each other, and to stay home from work if they’re contagious, so it’s much harder to catch a cold in 2022.
    Also of course we are all wiser to BigPharma et al, but the end times are far from over !!!
    Link from Kevin Woodman the other day before I lose track of it
    Barry Smith End Times (84 min)

    Looks like bitchite is getting censored again, take out the XXXX

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