Home Conspiracy Visitors in Our Skies

Visitors in Our Skies


Comment by DM

Today’s ‘entertainment’ a Redacted video entitled, “We just saw 50 UFO’s emerge from the ocean and shoot up into the sky” NJ Congressman.Β 

And Clif High video “The Intel Drop Everyone Needs to Hear”



    • “20 million people in the US claim to have seen a UFO and 4 million claimed to have been abducted.There is something serious going on. Anybody who’s seen or experienced these things will tell you they are real.

      But how do you investigate something that appears and disappears? Despite the claims of their being crashed craft there are none, but they do leave marks. Lights can go off and strange magnetic forces appear: they’re looking at the evidence and they’re coming to a conclusion. It’s coming from another realm or dimension.

      But here’s the real kicker, Scott. There’s cases where these abductions have been halted by people calling on the name of Jesus Christ. “

        • About 2 hours from Perth there is a town called New Norcia with a monastery and the monk there held up a picture of Jesus or a cross and stopped the bushfire, 100 years ago, since then I think there were pedos or abuse of picaninnys and it got shut down

      • 10:45: “wherever we’ve got written records, the ancient Greeks – Alexander said he saw flying shields attacking his army. American Indians have stories of flying canoes with occupants on board. So we have records of these anomalous sightings throughout history. Are they interpreting something
        that is shiny and metallic as a flying canoe? Or are they literally seeing a flying canoe?We don’t know ’cause we’re not there. My personal view is it manifests towards the cultural understanding of the day.”

        • β€œthe cultural milieu of the day” sure was the template for my extremely unpleasant encounter, because Star Wars had become top of the cinematic pops in the previous 5 years. Not that I could ever be bothered to sit through such fare – a measure of the extent to which we unconsciously absorb culture
          But I had read Tolkein in adolescence and that had had a profound affect
          The objective proof that I was being confronted by a physical presence – as opposed to just having some sort of hallucinogenic experience – was my dog’s frantic barking

          • but backtrack to around a decade earlier when I happened to be at a gathering where I overheard a conversation re what had taken place at a Led Zeppelin concert where some guy had reacted to dropping a load of LSD or mescalin or some such by manifesting supernatural malevolent strength to the extent that 6 other blokes couldn’t restrain him.
            And I remember thinking “why would that be so surprising – are these people so out of touch they don’t know what they’re invoking?”

    • “Some observers have reported UFO phenomena that violate the laws of physics; on the other hand they leave evidence indicating that they are real phenomena”

  1. I studied electronics in college and was a computer engineer. I was quite good at my trade and would modify circuits when I wanted. I have just tried to grok Clif High’s article on ontological model of electricity. It requires a complete re-think on my part about electricity. I’m hemmed in by my years of experience in the ‘old tech’. I suspect that it will be the younger engineers that are introduced to the concepts at the start of their careers that will rapidly move Zero Point Energy into our society.


  2. Breaking History Ep. 75 – Syria, Trump Towers in Saudi Arabia, and the Middle East Crisis
    In this episode of Breaking History, hosted by Gordon and Patrick, we dive into the current turmoil in Syria, exploring the latest geopolitical shifts and the impact of Western interventions. We also discuss the opening of Trump Towers in Saudi Arabia, shedding light on the growing ties between the U.S. and the Kingdom. With deep insights into the proxy wars in Syria, the involvement of global powers like the U.S., Russia, and Israel, and the ongoing struggles for dominance in the Middle East, this episode provides an eye-opening look at the forces shaping our world today.

    First 15′-How the Syrian colour revolution was set up over a decade ago and Bashar al-Assad the “butcher” of Syria in a different light.

    • 1:12:02
      Saddam Hussein listening to his death sentence being handed down and his interjection.Nov 5 2006
      Osama Bin Laden transcript.Sept 28 2001
      The Kingdom of Jerusalem connection with Georgia.

  3. America , and Miami , Florida in.particular had a New Years day 2024 visit from some Aliens visit a local mall to apparently get out of the ship and stretch their legs a bit .

    They walked around and didn’t shop or go to the bathroom or grab any food or fuel or demand to see our leader or anything like that .

    They did walk thru walls and could go invisible in one spot and reappear in another spot seconds later .

    Police bullets also went straight on thru them without causing a scratch.. Beings of another dimension seems a more realistic appraisal than beings of another world .

    Best footage of them at the 16:16 mark .


  4. Cliff High,s method of prediction has worked many times, so I respect him. Ancient cults are a reality, but “Elohim”, (Allah in Arabic) is just another one of the many names for God. Jesus addressed Him in Aramaic on the cross: “Eli Eli lama sabacthani?” BTW why is everyone in such a hurry to assume that ufo technology does not come from earth and originate from humans? Have heard claims of sightings of aliens in the flesh. Are mad scientists not yet capable of producing those?

    • I have posted this video before and it exposes the level of technology that is being obfuscated.
      Follow Ashton Forbes.
      MH370 Mystery Solved! The Shocking Evidence That Changes Everything We Were Told | Redacted News

      • It gets more and more elaborate but the story I am sticking with is the fireball somewhere approaching the Gulf of Thailand and if there was a bunch of advanced computer employees on the plane going to China to pick up their bonuses there was a motive.
        China was so hungry for techie stuff I can mention even I was once approached by an agent about ten years ago, but I didn’t want to go.

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