Home Awakening “We Are Listed Individuals”

“We Are Listed Individuals”


Today, a video from Homo Interruptis, with Len Ber MD.

NOTE: Dee is away for a week, so comment that requires moderation might not be published for a little time.



  1. “Islamic civil rights advocacy group, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Files Lawsuit to End Islamophobic No Fly List. Khairullah v Garland, filed in US Fed District Court of Massachusetts demands a jury trial in ending terrorism watchlist that almost exclusively targets Muslims when they travel


    A group of 12 Muslim Americans are challenging the constitutionality of the US government’s terrorism watchlist, which they claim is discriminatory and violates their constitutional rights. The list, which contains 350,000 entries, was created by former President George W. Bush in 2003 and has never been approved by Congress. The plaintiffs argue that the list is Islamophobic and that 98.3% of those on it are Muslim. They also claim that individuals are placed on the list without due process and that being on the list can lead to harassment, surveillance, and discrimination.”

    I’d have thought that anything that “was created by former President George W. Bush in 2003” rests with said office.
    So who is Garland?

  2. “A morning press conference was held on September 18 at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamic civil rights advocacy group, to announce the filing of a lawsuit, Khairullah v Garland, today in U.S. Federal District Court of Massachusetts demanding a jury trial in ending the terrorism watchlist. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 12 Muslim plaintiffs against 29 federal agencies …………………….the federal terrorism watch list had been created as an executive order by then President George W. Bush in 2003 and has never been approved by Congress.”

    So how could “an executive order by then President George W. Bush”be revoked via a lawsuit “against 29 federal agencies” ?

    And who’s Garland ?

  3. Joe,
    Cliff says some good stuff, though some bits a little woo hoo for me. Sure the spiritual is inter galactical, cracking physical stellar travel in spaceships, well that’s a limitation set by the Almighty with time.

      • Jesus is church of the open sky, playing it by ear from the heart. No scrolls necessary, simple truth within, if we genuinely love Him and neighbours.
        Easy to say, soo hard to do, we all sinners some more, some less.
        Given free will, we choose for better or worse.

  4. To get back on track, the real reason Islam poses a threat to the “free west” is that Christianity has been replaced by secularism, which is really just newspeak for the-law-of-the-jungle, and there’s an incoming tide of dissatisfaction with said system.

    What’s astonishing to me is the paucity of understanding as to how the situation is bound to pan out

      • This is ridiculous, Islam wasn’t invented until after year 600 AD, before that they were Zoroastrians, this guy is full of __it. Tell me I’m wrong.
        Meanwhile the Roman Numerals were well known when St John was on Patmos and the Revelations attributed to that time around year 100 AD.
        The Dickypedia proudly states:
        “The pope wears upon his pontifical crown in jeweled letters, this title: ‘Vicarius Filii Dei’, ‘Viceregent of the Son of God’; the numerical value of which title is just six hundred and sixty-six.
        for he who has wisdom ( ie. can count ) add it up VICIV ILII DI = 666
        So all St John had to do was look at this vision long enough to add it up, or describe it in some other way, which could have been anything.

        • The muslims are giving you good advice when they say “US is the great satan” but it’s too bad they don’t acknowledge the US and Zionists are both puppet states of the empire, as are we. The bloodlines always like to blame everyone else while showing us how beautiful and wonderful they are.
          Take out the XXXX

          • “This is ridiculous,Islam wasn’t invented until after year 600 AD”

            And Jesus wasn’t crucified until 33 A.D.
            So how come this passage was set in stone by His forbear circa 993 BC ?

            “Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet. All my bones are on display; people stare and gloat over me.
            They divide my clothes among them
            and cast lots for my garment.”

          • What’s ridiculous is claiming to be an authority on something when you’ve barely glanced at the last few pages of the corresponding paperwork

            And your refusal to counter in the fact that the power of Roman Catholicism peaked centuries ago

            NB: As the crucifixion is central to knowing the real Messiah from an Impostor it can hardly be dismissed as “some other thing”

          • Your boy starts out ridiculing gematria with a passion which is ok but the popes hat is not gematria, he is a red herring man placed to lead us up the garden path, he is playing the muslim card again, jews, muslims, russians, men, women, young, old, black, white, all to be turned against one another

        • “Islam wasn’t invented until after year 600 AD”

          And a prophetic revelation was imparted to St.John around 90 A.D.

          And at this point in time Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, whereas the hey day of Roman Catholicism took place centuries ago and the number of conversions is still on the decline:

          • All creeds and izms, controlled by banksters,
            wars their harvest, gorging on the profits and blood of sacrificial lambs. Selling guns to all sides, Hamas Hooti (and blowfish) working for krown masonic, as Oz ‘defence’ without question bombs Yemen cities to nothingness.
            Keep sayin’, banksters have finished with 6eyes, using displaced refugees from lands of occupation, for the bounty that is oil with other natural resources.

            New kid on the block is CCP with p plates, buying the lot.
            After our masters shut industry down here and took it to the 2$ shop, now we have pure Bunnings one store komunizm.
            As we’re told to be happy, owning nothing, with the woke screaming at us to shut the f.up.

            What a beautiful place this was pre-911.

            Good Jews set up again by Zionists leading them deserting them, changing sides showing true colours of chabad krown now backing global AI digital CBDC komunizm.
            “You can put lipstick on a communist pig, but essentially it’s still a pig.”
            Here we are sitting Bejing ducks, banksters still in control since 1913.

          • I don’t know what your comic book is about, what I’m saying is it’s on the pope’s hat and that doesn’t require any SOURCES or OPINIONS, it’s there on the hat

          • You don’t need a degree in eschatology to see that Rev: 13:16 – 18 is about paying homage to a specific individual by wearing a head or arm band that displays his insignia, that It has nothing to do with what said bod himself happens to don:

            “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
            And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
            Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “
            REVELATION 13:16 – 18

            But even if it did, how many popes have sported the ‘Viceregent of the Son of God’ hat ?
            Which I don’t happen to agree with, bur claiming to be the Messiah’s seasonal no.1 representative is NOT the same as claiming to BE him and compelling everyone to pay obeisance accordingly

          • “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. “
            Exactly what I’m saying, it’s on his hat. Doesn’t matter 100 years ago if it’s on his hat now. That was the vision, most likely, other things may be possible I don’t know what.

          • As I said,even if that isn’t the mistranslation that Walid Shoebat calls out, wearing apparel that merely displays a man-made title/office that’s been occupied by a long line of MORTALS is NOT the same as sporting the personal name of ONE particular bod who claims to be IMMORTAL per this prophecy:

            “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters,
            not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
            He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to BE God.”
            2 THESSALONIANS 2:1 – 4

          • “The empire of the Antichrist is very near, and it will be Turkey.

            Before we examine the issue of Turkey, we must first examine the monumental problems in much of what circulates the prophecy arena in the West.

            Perhaps the major problem with modern Bible Prophecy Analysts in the U.S. is that they are mostly ahistorical who also invest in a crowd that is also ahistorical.

            Another problem is that the Bible is mostly focused on the Middle East and most Western Prophecy writers have a scant understanding of the Middle East demography, sectarian rifts and religious aspirations in the region. It is not only the Prophecy analysts that always fall into this weakness, but also political and government analysts who are always screwing up more than they resolve matters.

            If in doubt, just look at the results of U.S. policies in the region; Syria, Iraq, Libya and Egypt as a result of U.S. policies are all in a big mess and there is no end in the horizon for the U.S. to be able to repair the damage. While many blame Obama, I can also give several examples in which Carter messed up during the Iranian Revolution, Regan messed up in Afghanistan (he gave stingers to the Mujahideen who later became the Taliban), and good old Bush messed up Iraq. America is a young lion with short history and a very short memory span.

            Then they suspected the European Union and when that didn’t fit, they later named the G7/G8 as the seven heads of revelation 17. Last week, the unlucky candidate was Putin as Gog and his invasion of Crimea set off some prophetic alarms by so many unlearned alarmists.

            The prudent in the western Church will begin to realize that the Antichrist system will not be the European Union, G7/G8, Illuminates, the Bilderbergs, as modern prophecy buffs have stated for years, but an Islamic Union led by Turkey.”

  5. Yes we listed, every iPhone a snooping device convenient yet lethal with abominations and radiation. Similar to the two opposing forces in all, since the beginning. Generation after generation, throwing a hero up the charts, the sacrificial lambs usually vegetarian or fish eaters 🎤 ing “Don’t kill.”

    So they kill ‘em and call ‘em freaks.
    No terrorists under places of worship, just innocent suffering victims. Heaven crying on all creeds and hues.

  6. The Real Asbestos Story

    Media Was Suckered

    Types of Asbestos

    True Risk Of Asbestos

    In a little-noticed article in the Washington Monthly in March 1984, Jim Sibbison, a former press officer for the Environmental Protection Agency, boasted about how easy it was to use gullible reporters to spread scare messages. A former Associated Press reporter, Sibbison joined EPA in 1970, under Administrator William Ruckelshaus, and stayed there through 1981.

    “One of the first things I learned in the job is that reporters take too much on faith what the government tells them,” Sibbison wrote. “In those days, the idea was to get the media to help turn the EPA into an enforcer that struck fear into the heart of polluters… Few handouts, however, can be completely honest, and ours were no exception.”

    Read on –


    • They are getting ready for fire resistant hemp building products, a byproduct of therapeutic “pot”, we are all going to be given licence to stoopidify ourselves, Trust The Plan, 13/14 are to be culled by the bloodlines.
      For those in search of a trumpet, there is one, slightly off the mark because they are still oblivious to Swissy and the bloodlines but still interesting. If you don’t understand the bloodlines you won’t understand anything, you only need to be able to jump out of the egg-box they put you in, if you remain sitting in your egg box as an unhatched egg you will never understand what’s going on outside.

  7. A great video censorship in action, contrast with the Australian Senate which typically just decides to get up and go to dinner, never to return

    • Sound is cut from 3:30 to 7:30
      The controlled fake news will characterise Marjorie Taylor Green as slightly deranged, just as the Australian Greens described the old lady in their team who they got rid of prior to going full fascist WEF Greens, and just as the fake news characterised former Senator Heffernan as he tried to get the word out about pedos child trafficking and so forth. Some of the ABC-TV journalists openly mocked Heffernen, these are truly vile and disgusting creatures, “just doing their job”.

      • Aawww Joseph the worm turner?
        Just so happens I managed to face Bosi from about 35 mins to the end at beforeitsnews.com people powered news
        Better be quick …. Some surprises🙀🙈
        And even some sickening stuff near the end.
        Go see what you turn up.

        U2 Ant et ors.

  8. An exhaustive exposition on why Islam is not a “peace-loving religion” that can co-exist with any other worldview:

    What interests me is that, generally speaking, Christians with Muslim roots run rings around their brethren who’re steeped in Euro/Yank culture

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