by Marci Hamilton, Professor of Practice at University of Pennsylvania
[Editor’s Note: This appeared at the website Justia, on April 25, 2019 with the title, “Insurance Carriers Hold a Key to Prevent Child Sex Abuse.” The author is the founder, CEO, and Academic Director of the nonprofit think tank to prevent child abuse and neglect, CHILD USA.]
There is a pandemic of child sex abuse across the globe. From religious institutions to universities to boarding schools and, of course, families, we now know that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused by age 18. That knowledge is spurring a legal reformation for the protection of children, and insurance carriers should be a part of this noble movement.
Many were shocked to learn that Catholic dioceses and orders have been carrying insurance coverage for the negligent prevention of child sex abuse. But that became clear when the victims straggled and then ran into the public square in 2002 when the Boston Globe’s Spotlight series unveiled the wretched cover up.
In states where victims could sue, because the statute of limitations was lifted, justice ensued. Insurance companies have been major contributors to settlements, because youth-serving organizations had collected premiums for decades for negligent failure to prevent child sex abuse. Indeed, the most significant litigation in the Penn State Jerry Sandusky scandal involved two insurance companies.
To date, the insurance industry has taken the shortsighted view of the child sex abuse cases, ramping up furious lobbying against the victims’ access to justice in state after state. They routinely lobby quietly but effectively against the victims.
The result is that in states like Pennsylvania and scores of others, victims cannot safely name their perpetrators and the cost of abuse rests on the suffering victims and the state. The insurance lobby keeps the institutions and families safe from public disclosure, thereby creating a yellow brick road for child perpetrators. That is the opposite of risk-reduction, is it not?
Some insurers also reacted to the scandals by removing negligent child sex abuse from coverage. This is pretty galling when you consider that they were content to reap premiums when victims were silent but cut off the coverage once the child sex abuse movement and then the #MeToo movement empowered victims to name their perpetrators and enabling institutions.
Instead of retreating from the field, they can become warriors for the children and, at the same time, reduce their risk under such coverage.
We wear seatbelts and babies are in appropriate car seats because of the insurance industry. Now it’s time for this influential and powerful industry to move away from its policies that are hiding child predators and failing to deter institutions from bad practices. They can be a major player in preventing child sex abuse, thereby reducing society’s risk and their own.
Two straightforward reforms are needed to make the insurance industry a positive force instead of a barrier to child sex abuse prevention.
First, states should mandate that insurance carriers cover negligent failure to prevent child sex abuse in youth-serving organizations. This is the prod that is needed for all organizations affecting children to have the best policies.
The institutional instinct is routinely to cover up this sort of wrongdoing from the outside world because it besmirches reputation and threatens income. We can counteract that instinct.
Second, states should require insurance carriers to conduct an annual state-of-the-art “child protection audit” each year. If the organization fails the audit, insurance carriers should deny coverage until the organization has cured it.
Insurance companies already do financial audits and building safety audits as prerequisites to coverage. They are in the best possible position to be able to perform and enforce a child protection audit.
This insurance safety net for children is necessary because the criminal justice system simply does not deter or capture enough perpetrators when the victims are children. Prosecutors refuse to pursue cases where the evidence does not prove the crime “beyond a reasonable doubt.” When the victim is four years old and the perpetrator is an adult, that burden of proof can be extremely difficult, which means the vast majority of child sex assault falls through the cracks of the criminal justice system.
On average, according to the best science, child sex abuse victims disclose when they are age 52. That means a perpetrator who sexually assaults a 6-year-old has about 46 more years to abuse more children until the first victim is able to surmount the effects of the trauma, shame, and humiliation to come forward. With perpetrators abusing approximately 150 children over their lifetimes, that is a lot of sexual abuse that needs to be prevented through other means.
A state-of-the-art child sex abuse prevention program would mandatorily educate employees on the best rules around children. For example, there needs to be a principle where adults may not spend time with children alone in closed spaces. A vast amount of abuse occurs because it can in cars, closed rooms or offices, the confessional, and examination rooms.
Employers need to require open-door policies, and a “2-deep” rule where there is always a second adult in the vicinity. Pediatricians need a nurse or parent in the room. Coaches may not drive children home alone. Tutors may not come to the child’s house alone. Administrators, employees, volunteers and parents need to be trained on the signs of child sex abuse both from the perspective of how pedophiles operate and how children act when they have been victimized.
There is a bright future for child protection if everyone plays a role. It’s time for the insurance carriers to become part of the solution to child sex abuse.
Marci A. Hamilton’s email address is marcih@sas.upenn.edu.
All of the insurance companies need to be named and also name who is behind these companies.
That it should take the Insurance industry(of all industries) to have a critical and significant role in the prevention of child sexual abuse is, in my opinion, an indictment on the sorry state of affairs in our world. That “making them pay” is the only way to motivate people to do what is bleeding obvious is the epitome of pathetic.
But hell…whatever works.Hit “em in the pocket, hard. ((they)) love their money. Take it from them.
They have done the reversal with the toxic and contaminated vaccines. The government, with the help of the evil legals and the insurance companies have turned the onus of proof against the victims of vaccine induced injuries and deaths. They know full well of the dangerous consequences of the life long health side effects, adverse reactions and death. It is simply a racket and they should be charged with racketeering under the RICCO act which unfortunately Australia does not have any RICCO laws. These people are evil, they have no conscience for their fellow man and to promote profit at any expense to their benefit and against those who comply with an unscientific ‘procedure’ that is completely unnecessary.
Perhaps thing are changing for the better..
Absolutely not! That is just the pharmaceutical side of things not vaccines. It is used in the Agenda 21 /2030 of the “Silent Wars “of depopulation. There is no independent testing whatsoever! What does that tell you?
Highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant that caused Gulf War syndrome in military servicemen now being added to some civilian flu vaccines
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
If drug corporations are fined $millions of dollars but they make $Billions of dollars annually what are they going to continue to do? Its called Fascist Corporatism.
Marci; thank you for bringing this up.
I never knew about this aspect of things but as things tend to be, had I thought about it I might have been able to make the points you have here.
I will keep this article and use it for reference when i post on the subject of child abuse. thank you.
Slightly off-topic
I’d just like to say that the Protective parents who are fighting the good fight are doing it for the whole world. Goodonya, Mates.
When a insurance company is at financial risk in ANY field, the insured has to abide to/by the insurer’s business and conduct (and denial of any merits) of the defendant’s case notwithstanding a Insureds desires, due to the terms of the insurance document/contract.
Every lawyer knows this………….. one is rarely dealing with a defendant….. one is dealing with a insurance company.
How many times have we wanted to settle a case but the defendant’s lawyers in Sydney cannot get instructions to settle/negotiate because of the time difference between Sydney and a insurer in London??
Really. Only a V. How about a X?
‘Lucky Larry’ managed only two insurance payments for the 911 twin towers.
Then, what about our Lowy for Westfield in one of the towers? Lucky Lowy?
Over many years in the law it is clear that the insurance companies are often just a laundry for the privileged and the premiums are passed on to the peasants.
Oh what a feeling!!!
As with many politician’s alleged sham defamation suits against the msms, a arranged payoff (tax deductible) to the alleged defamed by the corporate (arranged) media approved by the ‘naïve’ courts, settled, without terms being disclosed. ?
Not taxable!!!
Now who runs/controls the corporate world media with their separate NWO agendas?
Same with many commercial contracts between Government and corporates. By arrangement, a government breaches a contract/Lease etc. and are paid off on a arranged breach of contract and we peasants pay out via taxes.
Now who was the master ex PM with loads of defamation cases against the msm?
THEY ARE ALL (some exceptions) IN ON IT.
By the way: How many of our pollies are appointed to be PM by the Governor for a few hours whilst the PM-ship is vacant. Certainly a boost to their increased status (as a flighting acting PM) stipend when retired as to super entitlements. .
MSM will not mention this deep trough because they are mere shallow suckling piglets.
Correction: the msms run our false democracy. They are the fat sowers.
Hey Ned, I never thought of the tax aspect. To me it always seems that when a newspaper “settles out of court’ for defamation, the main message is “Zip your lips, o ye newspapers — Gumshoe-types especially.”
If t’were a real case, the news outlet would win it fair and square in court.
Oops I forgot — do we still have fair and square courts?
Tell the truth , no one believes you .
Tell small lies , start getting places .
Tell big lies and the world becomes an oyster .
As shown by our emperors , crime does pay handsomely .
This town Sydney is a cesspit of mafia connections and they are not Italian .
This article has put the widest smile on my face today.
Psychopaths love their money and are reluctant to part with it.
What a wonderful way to re-instate the masses respect in insurance companies!
Autism, vaccines and Trump’s son. Check this out. Then notice the date:
Well done! That’s gold! A great find! 🙂
Despite the monolithic campaign in a non-stop propaganda campaign to falsely accuse President Trump of a number of negative comments about him he is no fool. He has outwitted with his inner circle time and time again.
This could be used as a “Precedent” for evidence and to reveal the whole story by investigations for a possible court judgement in favour of freedom of choice, due diligence, freedom of thought and action to act in the best interests of you child, freedom from coercion and penalty of monies lost if parents fail to vaccinate their children with the parents decisions not the state’s-corporations evil and detriment mandate of this insidious vaccine agenda.
Good people are waking up to these atrocities and spreading truth. Slow and arduous but moving in the right direction. Worth 10 mins of your time. Rachel Vaughn has testified to this tribunal. If it is bogus or compromised, she would know. What say you Rachel??
At 1.04mins, Steele says “We have people in the United States who are bred to be sold.”
Come to think of it, I suppose that is why male African slaves in America were allowed to have wives.
Around 2.50 mins he says Unicef and Oxfam did not start out as organizations to harm children, but they attract pedophiles.
Woo-ee. ‘At 3.20 he says “An organization that starts out helping children ends up HUNTING CHILDREN.”
You are outed. And now you need to be OUSTED.
(Thank you Phil). Is there a way to download a transcript of this talk?
Child sex trafficking is the biggest industry after illegal drugs in Oz .
Says a lot about our elite . The peasants certainly can’t afford the caviar .
….. and then the full moon worship and child sacrifice !
Before voting , pause and think that many of our politicians conceal and protect these sick bastards because their jobs depend upon it .
As all of this is going on , we watch reality tv and send young women for combat duty in overseas wars of occupation .
CIA mind control morphed into psychiatry? (Abstract click on link for full article)
The famous CIA mind-control program, MKULTRA, always used psychiatrists; often these professionals headed up projects; they carried out the bulk of the research. But what I’m talking about here is the “evolution” of MKULTRA into mainstream psychiatry that affects the lives of millions of people every day.
I’ve demonstrated, on a number of occasions, that not one of the 300 so-called official mental disorders has a lab test to back up the diagnosis. No defining lab test. No blood test, no saliva test, no brain scan, no genetic assay. All 300 “disorders” are described and defined by committees of psychiatrists—and their non-scientific decisions are published in the DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association.
Unfortunately, the treatments for every one of these arbitrary diagnoses are toxic drugs; drugs that addle the brain; drugs that reduce people to a state of abject dependence; drugs that make people think they’re insane; drugs that cause violent behavior; drugs that create life-threatening problems when patients try to withdraw from them quickly; drugs whose effects mimic the very descriptions of mental illness.
In other words, modern psychiatry, backed by drug makers, has an ideal formula for disabling populations.
The CIA wanted to find substances which would “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness.” Serious consideration should be given to the idea that psychiatric medications would eventually satisfy that requirement.
The CIA wanted to find chemicals that “would produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way.” This suggests many possibilities—among them the use of drugs to fabricate diseases and thereby give the false impression of germ-caused epidemics.
The CIA wanted to find drugs that would “produce amnesia.” Ideal for discrediting whistleblowers, dissidents, certain political candidates, and other investigators. (Scopolamine is such a drug.)
The CIA wanted to discover drugs which would produce “paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.” A way to make people decline in health as if from diseases.
The CIA wanted to develop drugs that would “alter personality structure” and thus induce a person’s dependence on another person. How about dependence in general? For instance, dependence on institutions, governments?
The CIA wanted to discover chemicals that would “lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men.” Sounds like a general description of the devolution of society.
Dr. Colin Ross | MK ULTRA: Mind Control
Psychiatry & The CIA (Abstract click on link for full article)
Conspiracy, Mystery, And Comedy. Boom. Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host, Greg Carlwood, talks MK ULTRA: Mind Control, Psychiatry, & The CIA with guest, Colin Ross. As many of us who are familiar with the crimes of the deep state know, there are few projects that have managed to the earn the reputation synonymous with the litany of mind control experiments conducted by the CIA during the 60s. Better known as MK ULTRA, these sadistic experiments have haunted government agencies for decades, while a slow drip of heavily redacted documents finds it’s way into the public arena, bringing with it more question than answer. Fortunately, today’s guest, Dr.Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. Authoring 29 books and over 200 professional papers, Colin is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma and he joins The Higherside to help shed some insight into the deep states mind control campaign. 3:00 Ross begins by discussing his background as an academic psychiatrist in Canada, his residency in Texas that became the gateway to his involvement in the study of Satanic cults, and the first- hand accounts from patients detailing their victimization through military intelligence testing programs. After an influx of patients reporting similar experiences, Colin began researching declassified documents in the public domain, and unearthing details about government black ops programs such as Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke, MK Search and Project MKOFTEN. 13:00 Ross details the evidence he’s found in documents from Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke that point to effective results originating from these experiments. He also elaborates on the notable differences he acknowledged in culture’s role on the psyche, and the glimpses of totalitarianism he experienced during his time in Shanghai. 25:00 Colin describes his previous interactions with none other than, Sydney Gottlieb. Notoriously accredited with spearheading the CIA’s efforts to control the human mind, Gottlieb took part in numerous military intelligence experiments, from using LSD on unsuspecting Americans, to leading the charge on MK ULTRA.
It is reprehensible to send women of prime child rearing age on the front lines. After a war you need women to replace the people lost in war. A man can fertilise many women but cannot give birth to a single one.