Home Corona What is Wrong With Mankind?

What is Wrong With Mankind?


                              Taken at Nuremberg After World War II

By Malcolm R. Hughes.

We, as a group, are easily led by the nose by someone that is seen to be smarter than ourselves, or has placed himself or herself in a position of authority.

The main driver of this intuition is religion — mostly instilled in us by our parents and the education authority during our years at school (this being called an education). If an idea or a spirit-being cannot be seen to be, or not to be, then it must exist. As in a God or extraterrestrial being. This seems to be true especially if some written material or quotation can be shown — even though when the stories were supposedly produced, man had neither paper nor the ability to write.

These religious stories whether supplied by “modern man” or “aboriginal” were handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. We should know by now that this is a very unreliable process. Just tell somebody a story of a recent event then listen to the “same” story after being passed along by four others.

Despite religious stories such as Noah’s Ark (loading two of every animal species on board a wooden ark or boat) is a complete impossibility many millions around the world believe it. Others might say it is a fable to impart a message. If that is the case why is any religious story to be believed?

In today’s society where we have controllers deliberately giving out false information — using newspapers and the electronic media — it is very easy to confuse people into believing almost anything. We are regularly lied to by politicians, financial institutions, religious leaders, the pharmaceutical industries, the main stream media, and of course the war machine.

In recent times politicians and the pharmacuetical industries along with their collective public protection agencies (FDA, CDC and TGA) and the mainstream media deliberately lied to the public to create a false panic situation in regard to a pandemic that never existed. Mandates were enforced by the political actors and police forces to supposedly create a protective environment for the public. But these mandates had nothing to do with better health outcomes. They were to create a scare mechanism and control of the public. Then, once the public had taken the bait, the real danger was released into the community in the form of the Covid-19 “vaccine”.

The technology used in the Covid-19 “vaccine” is a novel idea and is of course patented. How is it that several pharmaceutical companies were able to use that technology in the manufacture of this recent Covid-19 “vaccine” in the same time frame? Are they all involved in a deadly conspiracy? The answer to that appears to be a resounding yes.

With today’s electronic devices it was not easy for the (brain-washed) public to detect the false information being given out by these criminal elements. Unfortunately most of the public are too lazy or bamboozled to do their own investigations. There were videos galore by doctors, laboratory workers and other scientists on the internet providing information and explanation denying the scenario of a pandemic and the causes of supposedly contagious diseases.

I provided copies of 37 such videos in July 2020 to the then Health Minister of W.A. Roger Cook and other video addresses since then. I had previously supplied video addresses but www.youtube.com deleted these videos.

There was also Dr David Martin (not a medical doctor) who has been studying patents and the legal side of patents for some years. He was informing any who would listen that the so-called virus Covid-19 was not a natural disease but was patented by DARPA. He also told of other diseases invented by universities and laboratories that have been patented over many years. A natural phenomenon such as a virus or germ cannot be patented. The only way for any of these “diseases” to enter the body is through vaccinations direct into the blood stream.

Mr John O’Looney a british undertaker had shown shocking visual videos of corpses’ arteries and blood vessel full of blood clots, large and small. Also a white spaghetti-like material was filling arteries. This was shown publicly before September 2021.

These problems were apparently not investigated by Big Pharma nor police or Government agencies. The great massacre was allowed to continue to this day.

The public were in panic mode or were threatened with dismissal from employment if they didn’t have the “vaccine”. So many made the decision to be injected and had their child injected with a deadly toxin to maintain an income that they may never get to need.

I also tried to inform that the deadly pandemic did not exist as the deaths in 2020, “the year of the pandemic” were less than the year previous. These figures came from Government statistics. However very few wished to listen to somebody not in authority. “How would I know?”

Kary Mullis the inventor of the PRC told the public in several videos that his process could not diagnose disease. His invention and the other so-called detection process, RATS test for testing Covid-19 were advertised over the internet from 2017. This was at least two years before the discovery (?) of the Covid-19 virus.

Is it a coincidence that Kary Mullis died in 2019 shortly before the announcement of this viral outbreak. After the initial scare was over and Government had millions of the RATS test to get rid of, already paid for by the taxpayer. I saw people gathering armfuls of these useless tests at a shopping centre one Saturday morning. I have no idea what they were going to do with them. Maybe they had ideas of on-selling at the local markets.

Dr Michael Yeadon an ex-executive of Pfzier Pharmacuetical Company spilled the beans on the whole Covid-19 scam and “vaccine” designed to kill. His video evidence is at

My next question is, how many will take notice of this information?

It should create a ground-swell in the population to push for immediate lawful action against our politicians, the TGA, the pharmaceutical industry and the mainstream media.

Will this information now be taken up to prevent another such scam? I don’t think so. If there are no prosecutions of those at fault in this first such scam it will not protect us from the next criminal action. There is already a “bird flu” scare circulating.

Here is a mystery that needs to be solved.

All those mentioned here were in power during the implementation of this horrific scam and injection plan. Ex-Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, Ex-Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison and every State Premier and the two Special Ministers of Territories all resigned without any of them losing an election. Why would that be? Several, we are told, have supposedly taken lucrative positions in private enterprise. However are they all on the run from justice, or have they been put under arrest?

We, the public need to know.

The title of this piece is a double barrelled question.

Firstly, how is it that in a “civilised world” men and women have been able to conspire to deliberately murder and medically harm fellow humans?

Secondly, how is it that this crime has been in place for at least five years, with most of the culprits being known, a great amount of evidence is gathered, yet, to my knowledge, nobody has been arrested or charged for such heinous crimes?



  1. Interesting to be reminded by Sen Tom Cotton — he talked about lab leak in Feb 2020. Now with the new CIA director, the lab leak confirmed by CIA files.

  2. Just some unedited thoughts. To skip them go to the last few paragraphs.
    What is wrong with MAN-KIND?
    What and who is a nan, or woman in the former category. There are many and Jesus Christ was an example, thus followers were termed Christians.
    It is trite to be aware that the ‘unkind’ Category infiltrated many religions and man-ipulated some for their own purposes for power and control.
    They are what is wrong and as diverse and plentiful as flies in a cattle yard.
    Knowledge of such is basic. Ignorance and sloth allow the nonhumans to proliferate to the pyramids of power and material security usually because humans allow the to even exist.
    Then it follows that humans allow or consent to the world being wrong.
    Ok some will suggest that my suggestion that ‘Nothing’ is wrong with man-kind is silly.
    Well it rests on the definition of ‘wrong’ I suppose being conscious of being wrong.
    Then we get back to KNOWLEDGE
    Well let’s start with fixing up knowledge being often just a result of being in denial.

    1- Some Mhave no knowledge of adrenochcrone, especially here, as I have often mentioned it without any follow up
    2- Some do not accept the vast worldwide evil of child trafficking but believe slavery trafficking existed🤷‍♂️ AND STILL DOES.
    3- Some question the miles of tunnels DESPITE THE REPORTS.
    4- Some think our mass media, ABC, GOVERNMENT et.al., are believable and despite references to proven lies support the nonhuman elements and comply on the GULLIBLE grounds that they must be run by humans…… exemplified by the example in a recent previous article here at GS on DAVIS AND THE WEFers.

    Back to knowledge: SOLVE IT BY GOING TO THE VIDEO:
    [at: http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news.]
    Have some tissues ready for when you get to the reported findings describing the skeletal state of many children and get to the about two year old desperate to just die.
    Why do you think I have submitted this reference💃🙀🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
    WELL, what are you going to do about? Continue to do nothing?
    2.30 PM

    • OK it is being ignored by those on record here.
      As you wish, for others go to Real Mary at WTPN SITUATION UPDATE AT BIN
      I made notes but too many for my lap, but note LA about 29 AND GENE DECODE FROM 43> Bosi knows! Decode is way out re aliens etc for a few mins and comes down to earth after that.
      So much more, but I am not your Mum with a spoon to continue to feed you.

  3. MAX Blumenthal : IDF Murders on October 7th.
    October 7 probably was not just let to happen.
    Netanyahu post prostate surgery.
    Qatar’s position .
    New president of the ICJ a Christian Zionist.

  4. The Climate Scam Revealed – Gorilla Science with Martin Durkin and Tom Nelson – Unplug Yourself
    Director/Producers of Climate the Movie and the Great Global Warming Swindle(2007)
    Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunis
    Peter Ridd
    Recently the pushback from TPTB has reduced.
    New channel-Gorilla Science

  5. We feel the wind but can not see it.
    We experience love and hate friendship and anger but have no idea what they are or where they come from.
    Our thoughts are a battleground, and we recognize both good and evil in them, but know not how or why.
    In the past we may have been told that all these thoughts come from messenger angels, and beings more powerful than us.
    The speculations of a village Idiot?
    Good bye and good riddance to all that stupid “credibility”. I decided to hitchhike around Australia rather than finish my undergraduate degree, and stand by that decision to this day.
    No wonder we are in the first few generations who consider that we are not in the presence of superior beings.

    • Also, thanks to some archeologists who decided to stay home and not follow me around Australia, I am convinced that writing has been around for a very long time.

  6. Awesome article Malcolm, and as I think Ned above suggests, there is nothing wrong with us. Well if you still hold true the image. I’ll tiptoe around the dogma but we know whats true in day to day rudimentary life(gotta eat drink shelter with enough left over to think on).
    We are lied to by our “leaders”, now true day by day(look back with neuro divergent tavistock and you can flip that). Our leaders knownly and their legally, LIE to us daily, even hourly judging by mockingbird, or they are autistic.

    If you deep dive on history, well you will do your head in unless you can separate fact, fiction and likely-hood. Seems there was a flood, like a big one that we were “foundered” on. The facts of archaeology drive the likelyhood of a great flood and the destruction of these facts mixed together shows a system of lies protecting itself.
    Noah does not make good fiction even in ye olde candle light, but could there be fact. Well seems you could collect DNA from “bi-gendered” mammals and other family members, by todays yardstick Then put them in a ark(archive)to continue Gods plan. I risk getting out there with the dogma, but free will to be us or just a lying scumbag to be agin us still rages.

    • The stars still continue to declare the glory of God in every language. Things that we can “know” are great, but at what point can we admit that any of this is amazing or even miraculous? To acknowledge it will not do your head in or negatively impact your discernment. If mankind really had spiritual discernment our “leaders” would lose the ability to persuade us of their lies.

    • 0:00 Formative Nazi and Swiss years
      4:00 Kissinger balance of power theory ( the Hegelian duopoly here supporting Orwellian permanent MIC funding ) and continued meteoric rise of Swab
      12:00 Anarchists, communists, nazis, Swab turns up security
      23:00 Klaus Swab declines background check for Swiss citizenship
      25:58 Embedded NVidia ad ends
      30:00 Russian oligarchs hosted by Swab
      43:00 Debutante Gates & GAVI
      48:00 Larry Fink & ClimateChange

  7. Another safe and effective medical intervention that few are aware of.
    The Forgotten Dangers of Ultrasound
    One of the core beliefs medical students are taught from the very start is that vaccines are “safe and effective.” As such, they become unable to see the obvious dangers of vaccines (e.g., the century of evidence linking vaccines to “unexplained” sudden infant deaths — which coincidentally occur at the same time the early childhood vaccines are given).

    A similar situation with ultrasound exists, as all doctors are taught that, unlike other imaging modalities, ultrasound is completely harmless. Rather, ultrasound’s only downside is that the image quality is operator dependent — even though many medical devices use high-powered ultrasound to destroy human tissues.

    • Dr Joseph Mercola
      In my eyes, one of the greatest upsides to the tragedy of COVID-19 is that it’s made it possible to expose the abhorrent tactics the medical industry has used for decades to exploit us for profit. As such, the public is beginning to question many of the longstanding medical practices they’ve reflexively trusted, and similarly, leaders like RFK Jr. have begun proposing removing the AMA’s ability to set the exorbitant reimbursement rates for medical procedures.

  8. SG anon 30/1 – interview from 28/1 2025 at http:/:www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    ‘Bombshell report ( what else💁) ……. Ten days of darkness etc.’

    Now ABC, SBS, global globalist ‘dumb as’! interviewers, YOU wannabes, JUST DO NOT RATE.
    Take up break dancing for the next
    8.04 PM’ .

  9. More from PAKistan

    The name Pakistan was coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali, a Pakistan Movement activist, who in January 1933 first published it (originally as “Pakstan”) in a pamphlet Now or Never, using it as an acronym. Rahmat Ali explained: “It is composed of letters taken from the names of all our homelands, Indian and Asian, Panjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan.” He added, “Pakistan is both a Persian and Urdu word… It means the land of the Paks, the spiritually pure and clean.” Etymologists note that پاک pāk, is ‘pure’ in Persian and Pashto and the Persian suffix ـستان -stan means ‘land’ or ‘place of’

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