Home Fam-Court When Will The Government Stop Prosecuting the Protectors of Children?

When Will The Government Stop Prosecuting the Protectors of Children?


Introduction by Dee McLachlan

Let me introduce probably one of the most important campaigns in Australia. It goes to the very core of our society. Readers know that in one case in South Australia I have written to, or spoken with almost every single person in authority to assist a child that suffered the most serious child sexual abuse. Every single person that could have done something has washed their hands of the matter and turned a blind eye. They all acted counter to the obligations of their duties and against the Rights of the Child.

In the Operation Noetic case, the government and the courts not only failed to protect a number of children — but thereafter hunted down those attempting to protect children.

The CDPP in Queensland has been prosecuting this case for a number of years now — spending tens of millions of dollars but has refused to investigate why this all began. They have ignored the 40 or more reports of egregious sexual abuse and turned a blind eye when a police officer concealed the interview. Go figure!

What will it take for the Australian state and federal government to start being honest and accountable?

This is the campaign presented by Pastor Paul Robert Burton.

Protecting Children & Grandchildren
Exposing Operation Noetics

What do you do when children disclose horrific sexual abuse: cover it up or protect them?

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) Operation Noetic started as a result of a number of people assisting children who had made multiple disclosures of sexual abuse.

According to the AFP, it is the biggest criminal case in Australian legal history.

[But who are the criminals?]

A number of parents and grandparents were claimed to have fled with those children to protect them from being returned by the Family Court of Australia to their alleged abusers.

Two Rhodesian friends, William Russell Massingham Pridgeon and Patrick Finbar McGarry O’Dea along with a number of parents and grandparents of the children were arrested and publicly defamed in the media and portrayed as being part of an international child trafficking syndicate.


Those children were then removed from their parents and grandparents by the Police and returned with the full consent of The Family Court of Australia to the very people they claimed had abused them. And all this happened because a number of people involved had deliberately concealed the disclosures of the children.

As a result of these child protectors allegedly breaching court orders to protect these children they were charged by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) with “Conspiracy to Defeat Justice” and several other charges. Unfortunately they are not the only people in Australia to be charged for this offence, despite their intent being to protect children who had disclosed sexual abuse.

This case has now been on foot for around five years, Dr Pridgeon, a Family Doctor lost his medical practice for years; Patrick O’Dea has been unable to work because of draconian bail conditions and without the support of his family would be homeless, and another kind loving grandmother living in Townsville has also had her life decimated. All this has happened to these people because they have been persecuted for trying to protect children who had all disclosed sexual abuse.

So far, thanks to their strength and courage to self-represent, and thanks also to the tireless work of a very small dedicated team of individuals, 21 charges have been dropped.

Despite this and the clear disclosures of sexual abuse by the children, plus the evidence of police misfeasance, the CDPP  is still attempting to “corral” these good people into a trial in what we believe, and can show, is one of the greatest abuses of process in Australian criminal history.

On February the 8th 2023 in The Brisbane District Court the CDPP are trying to get a trial date set, which will result in a 4 to 6 month trial. The accused are challenging the validity of the indictment and numerous other very important questions of law. A trial will mean the good doctor will lose his new medical practice and two of the accused may be homeless for months possibly living on the street whilst trying to defend themselves without any legal representation. Meanwhile the CDPP continues to use millions of tax-payer dollars to prosecute their claims and conceal the child abuse disclosures.  At this time they clearly plan to spend millions more in an attempt to further decimate these people who were doing nothing more than attempting to protect children who had disclosed sexual abuse.

Politicians, police, prosecution and the media ignored the criminality of the police and others involved, and turned a blind eye to the allegations of the children. The Family Court then returned the children to the sole custody of the very people they accused of abusing them.

As a general rule we do not fundraise to provide money to a system we believe is fast failing so many of our children and grandchildren, however, in this instance we believe it will make a significant difference.  We wish to hire a good legal professional who will follow our instructions and submissions for one single day to assist these good people who have been absolutely decimated whilst being subjected to years of onerous bail, and the removal of many of their fundamental freedoms, all as a consequence of this disgraceful situation.

We wish to fundraise to hire a barrister and possibly a solicitor for a one day hearing on February the 8th 2023 in Brisbane District Court in an attempt to quash this matter and to publicly expose the corruption that so many know is occurring and yet so few are actually changing.  We also invite you all to attend both outside court and in the gallery to let the courts and the government know how we feel about them prosecuting and persecuting people who were and still are trying to protect children who have disclosed sexual abuse.

We have a real chance at justice if we can hire a barrister for one day to argue some very important technical questions of law on February the 8th 2023 to stop this matter in its tracks.

We are humbly requesting both some financial help and/or your support in person on the day.

From 9am Wednesday 8th February 2023 Brisbane District Court 415 George St Brisbane QLD 4000 (meet in the park outside the coffee club main entrance)

If we do not stand now not only will this matter continue but other parents will also continue to be prosecuted across this country and many children will continue to be returned by The Family Court of Australia to the very people they claim to have abused them.


If you are able please help us Kindest Regards & God Bless.

Pastor Paul




    • I strongly urge anyone who seeks to challenge the establishment “filth” to look into the resources provided by this mob:

      They have researched the “lawful vs legal” matter and come up with fairly unassailable reasons and methods to defy many, most, all, the “legal” con-jobs imposed on people to create and maintain the ideological secretocracy. For a very long time I have noted that it’s practically useless to employ “legal counsel” to “oppose” the very crooked institutions that they are sworn members of… most notably, the ideologically and nationally foreign institution known as the “Bar Association”. Even if you can find a “good guy” lawyer they will be going to “court” with one hand tied behind their back and a spongy kid glove on the other. If such a lawyer should show up to be a slightly serious threat to the “establishment” they’d be sure of getting the Serene Tefaha treatment or being detained in a maximum security psychological facility… and you’d be drained of all your emotional and physical resources as well.

      This bod, Mike Palmer, is irritating to me for his theatrics but he gives a regular summary on what they’re doing here:

      I am not willing to share my pension and odd job supplements with fat cat lawyers and corrupt courts but I will consider denying my alcohol and tobacco habits to support good people opposing the corrupt “establishment” at a common Man level.

      • I agree that justice is never going to be rolled out via “fat cat lawyers and corrupt courts”
        But the power of both is derived from the “rights”-based ethos and both links you provided are centred on “looking after no. 1” like so

          • Each and every one of the court cases with which I’m personally acquainted have been likewise hallmarked by abuse of process and jurisdictional stuff-ups; you don’t really have to look any further to know when something has 0 legal standing

          • “The New Templars” is a new one on me. Some of their “theological” assumptions are more than a bit suspicious… such as the idea that all this perversion is “the will of God” even though His Will is to allow the free will of Man to defy the Good Order He ordained until the cup of wrath is filled. It’s a bit reminiscent of a kind of Sabbatean Frankism, Gnosticism and some elements of Christianity… even a bit like some Islamic sects and some sects of Judaism.

            Anyhow, the implication that we must defend our dependents for the love of God above all else and to love our neighbour as self as generalised in the 4th Commandment to honour father and mother is laudable. Orrite, so the Enemy owns the “civil authorities” that come and go but its all happened before and it is the antidote to lukewarmness and indifference and self deification.

            I can’t go by without a swipe at a collective self-deification known as “democracy”. Do you still suppose that the malicious, “chosen narcissistic”, megalomaniacs would be pushing “democracy” all over the World if it didn’t suit their diabolic purpose?

          • The templar thing also strikes me as being a bit sus
            And the idea that a lawyer is worth more than a plumber or an electrician kinda sums up what “democratic” societies are all about

            But what’s got me intrigued is Grahame Bell’s run-down of the jurisdictional & procedural issues that have underpinned the Prigeon case from the get-go

            When the case hit the headlines just over 4 years ago I asked “why the need for an inter-State extradition re a Federal matter? “
            No answer came the stern reply

            I spent 7 years battling a civil jurisdictional stuff-up at the end of which I was ordered to pay the offending party’s purported $100,000 “costs”
            I fired off an “over-my-dead-body” letter to the State Attorney General who duly fired off a standard reply
            But the demand then vaporised

            Same thing happened to my oldest son TWICE re two unrelated matters
            Just abracadabra – gone
            Go figure

          • So it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the entire fiasco of the past 4+ years is just abandoned in mid-air together with a “just-pretend-it-never-happened” press release and no one bar a handful of conspiracy theorists ventures to say so much as “wait a minute”

            PS: the above referenced “offending party” was a law firm

  1. I remember in the news some time ago somebody got “pedo” sprayed all over their house, but there is no real need to damage property in an information campaign

  2. .
    firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
    “relations have to be built on trust”
    freedom from suspicion/doubt

    acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.
    "I used only primary sources, taking nothing on trust"
    the state of being responsible for someone or something.
    "a man in a position of trust"


    a person or duty for which one has responsibility.
    plural noun: trusts
    "rulership is a trust from God"

    an arrangement whereby a person (a trustee) holds property as its nominal owner for the good of one or more beneficiaries.
    “a trust was set up”
    safe keeping

    a body of trustees.
    an organization or company managed by trustees.
    "a charitable trust"
    a large company that has or attempts to gain monopolistic control of a market.
    archaic•West Indian
    commercial credit.
    "my master lived on trust at an alehouse"
    a hope or expectation.
    "all the great trusts of womanhood"

    verb: trust; 3rd person present: trusts; past tense: trusted; past participle: trusted; gerund or present participle: trusting

    believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of.
    "I should never have trusted her"
    have faith in

    put/place one’s trust in
    have (every) confidence in
    believe in
    pin one’s hopes/faith on
    rely on
    depend on
    bank on
    count on
    be sure of
    be convinced by
    swear by
    confide in

    allow someone to have, use, or look after (someone or something of importance or value) with confidence.
    "I'd trust you with my life"

    put in the hands of
    allow to look after/use
    commit someone or something to the safekeeping of.
    “they don’t like to trust their money to anyone outside the family”
    hand over
    turn over
    have confidence; hope (used as a polite formula in conversation).
    “I trust that you have enjoyed this book”
    think likely
    dare say
    take it

    have faith or confidence.
    "she trusted in the powers of justice"
    place reliance on (luck, fate, or chance).
    "I hurtled down the path, trusting to luck that I wouldn't put a foot wrong"
    allow credit to (a customer).
    "all persons are forbid to trust sailors"

    not trust someone as far as one can throw them
    not trust or hardly trust a particular person at all.
    trust someone to —
    it is characteristic or predictable for someone to act in the specified way. “trust Sam to have all the inside information”
    Middle English: from Old Norse traust, from traustr ‘strong’; the verb from Old Norse treysta, assimilated to the noun.

    Trust me wink sorry the data could not be concatenated

      • But as for those links I’ve no doubt whatsoever that Draper&Christie were patent liars and that false memory syndrome is also a classic form of demonic possession, the powers of darkness being many and various

  3. At face value it might seem nonsensical to say it’s all about face-saving but I’m convinced that’s the case.
    The whole thrust of the justice system is to maintain a veneer of a functional society
    Which of course automatically rules out any acknowledgment of just how commonplace the abuse in question actually is.
    As has been played out in plain sight re the covid vax, it’s easy enough to fool most of the people most of the time because that’s what they actually want

  4. Simon —
    Three judges walk into a bar (Tom, Dick, and Harry).
    Bartender: What would you like?
    Tom: We’d like you to hold off on calling cops until we say so.
    Bartender: No problem, Judge.
    Then Tom pulls Dick’s hands behind his back, while Harry strangles him to death. Harry drops dead on the floor.
    Tom: Looks like a heart attack, don’t you think?
    Bartender: Definitely, Judge. Shall I dial 911 now?
    Tom: No problem, and just give us a schooner.
    Cops arrive. “Must have been a heart attack.”

  5. Dee, the Tim Veater post about Hamstead children gave me a Eureka. It said that several families living in the same street (as the kids) are in a cult, and that the cult has infitrated the schools, the police, etc.

    You and I have spoken about the odd, odd, way that lawyers act happy when they have defeated a sad mum in court (even female lawyers). And I have marvelled at the way the judge, putting the whole ugly think in motion, never gets nervous, never flubs his lines. Maybe they are all in a cult.

    This recalls Wendy Hoffman’s book A Brain of My Own. Even after recovering from a lifetime of mind control, she was able to fall prey, in her 70s, to a new recruitment from 2 culters.

    Dee, your years of work on this are not going unwasted, believe me. Same for Pastor Paul.

    I have only just learned that Wilfred Wong in UK was sentenced in Oct 2021 for 35 years (apparently in the style of Dr Pridgeon for rescuing a child). I think he pleaded guilty to holding a knife to the throat of the foster Dad while the kid escaped.

    Sure we don’t want knife-threats, but as you show above in the Queensland case, the law won’t step in to protect the kids. So, how can the rest of society just stand there and do nothing?

    Oh, sales time. If anyone wants my book which contains the Pridgeon case and others (Reunion: Judging the Family Court) please contact me forthwith at MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. I have to sell before Dec 30 “for certain reasons.”

    • Mary you ask “So, how can the rest of society just stand there and do nothing?”

      from crikey today

      ACT police officers allegedly waged “a very clear campaign to pressure” the director of public prosecutions (DPP) Shane Drumgold not to prosecute the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins, according to a letter Drumgold sent to the territory’s top cop. Drumgold wrote to the chief police officer to complain about “inappropriate interference”, Guardian Australia reports, and called for a public inquiry into the police. The police union is fuming about the allegation, dubbing it “desperate attempts to smear AFP and ACT policing” by Drumgold. The Australian Federal Police Association also questioned why the letter was given to Guardian Australia when it had personal details of cops in it — the union continued it would complain to the office of the Australian information commission and the ACT ombudsman “regarding the possibility of FOI breaches”.

      And Deanna “Violet” Coco’s 15-month imprisonment for her 28-minute peaceful protest has hit the international headlines. The BBC reports the UN’s special rapporteur on peaceful assembly, Clément Voule, said he was “alarmed” by Coco’s sentence. Her lawyer will be appealing the jail term, which has an eight-month non-parole period, calling it “extraordinarily harsh” and “baseless”. To another peaceful activist now and Sydney icon Danny Lim, 78, who was left with serious injuries after an encounter with NSW cops, cannot walk unaided any more. Lim is often spotted wearing wry poster boards with political or non-political messages on them — last week, footage showed two officers try to detain him after Sky News says he failed to move on. He was then taken to St Vincent’s in critical condition. “Danny Lim needs two walking sticks to get around,” his lawyer wrote on Twitter.

      “Maybe they are all in a cult.” yes the Geelong Ballarat Tavistock’s Node post ww2 resulted in the Cult of the Family and all that means. MKULTRA in Australia the take over of The Great South Land for the OWG OWR.

    • didn’t Martin Bryant’s legal defense a trusted member from just up the street(Martin sold him rabbits). Think he not only showed the “guilty” but most likely penned that. Later struck off, exit stage left breaking a direct weakness.

      ur funny too

  6. Bill Gates Revealed, the Real COVID-19 Agenda


    Bill Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic means, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.

    Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance


    We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic of our lives according to the Media, the Government and the United Nations. We are witnessing an unprecedented global lockdown in response to the Coronavirus outbreak known as COVID19.

    The global population living in western countries have been taught for more than a generation to live in a constant state of fear ever since 9/11. We have been encouraged to sacrifice our liberty for a false sense of security, being conditioned more and more each day to rely on the state for protection and now many of us find ourselves relying on the state to pay our bills.

    Despite the government’s budget and deficit continuing to grow exponentially everyday… Some are beginning to see that there may be more to the official story than what we are led to believe. The very few may have seen this coming and are waiting for the next phase of what very well could be another step closer to global governance. The very men and women, the exact same individuals and government agencies, in addition to global institutions who stand to benefit the most, are the ones calling the shots…

    Welcome to COVID-1984 and the official rollout of the New World Order…

    Show Notes / Links

  7. Notwithstanding the fact that Draper&Christie were patent liars and false memory syndrome is also a classic form of demonic possession, the powers of darkness being many and various

  8. I found Alison’s podcasts on
    Archives of truth

    Alison explains her efforts to understand what has been happening in the lucky country a different perspective from a younger social media audience who are stuck in The Freedom Movement entrapment. I know/share the work, testimonies, and extensive research of Angela Power Disney Elisa E Gabbi Choong but Alison is new to me and her approach is different.

    “a private facebook research group established that we needed to go international in exposing satanic ritual abuse, to prevent whistle blowers being targeted and silenced country by country”

    Monstrous: Introduction to a Podcast about a Podcast

    MONSTROUS: Conversations with Arthur Kaoutal

    Also from Gabbi Choong
    “Elisa is a survivor of MK ultra and ritual abuse. Programmed as an asset to be used by powerful people, Elisa experienced MK ultra being utilised within the military, religious organisations, government, corporations and intelligence operations.

    Elisa details her experience of how advanced technology is meshed with the dark occult. As she describes, “They are riding the technology into us.” We discuss how AI in the astral is being used for programming and how entities are used to reinforce mind control, riding on frequency and technology that has been weaponised against consciousness.

    Elisa’s new book combining her original Books 1 & 2, ‘Our Life Beyond MK Ultra, Then and Now,’
    is an incredible resource for all survivors and anyone seeking to rediscover sovereignty and free thought. Elisa shares her experiences and how she was able to heal, reintegrate and come back into wholeness and balance.”

    A must watch in mho— and yes it is on topic

  9. Have you ever wondered why politicians come and go, make wonderful promises but things only get worse? As we struggle to survive in this artificial insanity and life becomes meaner and more oppressive day by day.

    There are those who love God and those who hate Him. It’s a war between “the seed of the woman” and “the seed of the serpent”.
    We are genocided in a mongrelised world of complicit slaves, serving the master race, loving the beasts on all bases loaded.
    It’s a stage for the satanic rituals of freemasonry, as we commons are relegated to economic slavery for life.

    Jesus informed us, “know them by their fruits.”

    Always the same script, usury and taxation, unfair and unjust business protocols, criminal activities, promotion of immorality and the ritual sacrifice of children. Their agenda is to wipe out His story and replace it with satanism, as our children are deemed property of the state!

    This is a spiritual war, in which they don’t play by any rules other than to lie cheat steal create chaos divide conquer and kill.
    There is no political solution because the enemy controls all puppets.

  10. This -copy of a couple of slides–from my extensive MKULTRA files “gifted” from Paperclip Matchbox descendants–relevant to above-“black tech”-nb translation into English a little “stilted” at times but quite clear also nb last sentence of this copied slide “Only the United States was ahead of the curve when it came to research of MK-Ultra , Mind Control.” disagree strongly–but that’s another story, part of the Aishe Spark 100 years of Tavistock and her research of the NETWORK and the multiverse.

    copied from 2 slides
    Title:Sweden using MK-Ultra, Monarch Mind Control methods against their citizen

    “The classic Variant of MK-Ultra (or Mind Control) means a brain implant, where object (person) has a chip. Authorities can then check the thoughts, feelings and behaviour in different ways. It’s like a high-tech form of hypnotisering. Usually, when the State by sending waves (radioactive) or through an agent that the object meets who might say a word that will remind the item about past events, get the desired response from the object. Perhaps the object becomes sad or angry. The point is that the object is not free, then it no longer mastered their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

    After World War II, many countries began to invest in this kind of technology.
    Sweden began in the 1940s. Early took children away from Swedish mothers immediately after birth. The children could be sent off to various laboratories in Stockholm and Uppsala. But the main basis for the MK-Ultra project in Sweden was then and is still today the Karolinska Institute. (There will be PDF files available, I have taken note of them before.
    At the end of the 1950s the research in MK-Ultra in Sweden among the premier. Sweden low before countries such as Canada, England, Soviet and DDR as everyone had done similar experiments on their own citizens. Only the United States was ahead of the curve when it came to research of MK-Ultra , Mind Control.”

    Thanks gumshoe-ers super sleuths–specially Simon Mary and 56 on this occasion.

  11. To build the British Empire slave labour and child labour was famously used in half-sized mine-shafts and in textile mills and other “workhouse” situations, the so-called working classes also made up the famous English / British Navy, they were reportedly contracted by dropping a shilling into a beer mug, in a little tweak of law reminiscent of so many other tweaks we are learning about.
    Nowadays, as we wait for the transition to fully automated manufacturing, we use offshore labour such as Bangladeshi, by exploiting the exchange rate, so people offshore continue in working poverty while we become ever lazier and stupidified, in preparation for the food and drug industry cull which is upon us now.
    People don’t really care so much about other people’s kids, only their own, if the kids are that lucky. With all the news going on in the world these days I notice the lying filth M$M has more time available for propaganda and cricket-ball-tampering than anything else. The issues with the kids are just part of the greater self-destruction.

    Senator Hanson-Young, who likes to repudiate anti-va666 debate in the senate:
    Senator Hanson Young marries adviser during Feast of Moloch ( 17 April 2022 )
    Her previous offspring was named “Kora” which according to internet equates to Persephone, a Greek mythological figure, looking this name up we find:
    “Origin:Greek. Meaning:Bringer of Death.
    Known from Greek mythology, Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter.”
    Looking up Demeter, which is also an organic foods company of some sort, we find:
    “In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Demeter is: Earth-lover.”

  12. Jews declare themselves to be anti-White

    Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
    Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)

    … Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”

    • Quite a number of NZ Maories consider themselves to be black and are very racist about Chinese and other Asian races, not realising that Maories themselves came from Taiwan, maybe about 1000 years ago, stopping somewhere in Polynesia for a few hundred years before moving on to Aotokoroa which is their Japanese sounding place name for North Island.

    The following extracts from the respective write-up need clarification:

    1) “On February the 8th 2023 in The Brisbane District Court the CDPP are trying to get a trial date set, which will result in a 4 to 6 month trial.”

    2) “ A trial will mean the good doctor will lose his new medical practice and two of the accused may be homeless for months possibly living on the street whilst trying to defend themselves without any legal representation.”

    3) “Meanwhile the CDPP continues to use millions of tax-payer dollars to prosecute their claims”

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