Editor’s Note: A few days ago, I was sent this video (published in 2010) of Brandy Vaughan talking about the vaccine industry.
Brandy was a speaker and activist best known for speaking out against the pharmaceutical industry. She was the founder of company Learn The Risk, formerly known as The Council for Vaccine Safety. This came after Brandy worked as a representative for pharmaceutical giant Merck between 2001-2004. After leaving her job at Merck, she lived in Europe for 8 years with her son.
Police say Brandy passed away from natural causes on 7 December of 2020.
Arlyn sent me the about link of Dr. Cotrell
The video below is titled ‘The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan’ (12 mins) :
My thanks to Berry for bringing this video of Brandy Vaughan above to my attention from a comment she posted a couple of weeks ago.
All I can say is, Strike me if the Po weren’t part of the attack team.
Bar being so smoothly spelled out, the clip would almost certainly have been deleted
remarkable that it’s still up after 5 ½ years
It takes approximately 5-7 years or even longer before any toxic and contaminated vaccine is “approved” for distribution. With this Warp speed fast track by Trump you will probably have a very minimal amount of health issues listed on the Vaccine Package Insert or maybe none as this illegal government entity has waived all insurance claims against all Vaccine Induced Damage-Injuries or death. That is the evil Barr system legals behind this as well
I remind people that Moderna boasts about designing their vaccine in 2 DAYS.
This is not funny.
biocentury via robin monotti says darpa has been preparing this for some time then partnered with moderna
It is also a criminal offence not to “fully inform” patients about the Vaccine Package Insert or any drug prescribed. It is medical negligence, inappropriate treatment, wrong diagnosis and lack of duty of care for starters. As we are in unchartered territory none of this may apply except through a Common Law criminal court case or a Common Law Grand Jury
Or a restraining order:
COVID 19,Warp speed vaccines,AGW,the obfuuscation of the Eddy GSM and Magnetic excursion/possible reversal,The Great Reset,Fraudulent 2020 US election,The Belt and Road Initiative(Israel,Iran,China and Russia),The Greater Israel project and the decimation of America.
Brendon O’Connell has been literally screaming about “the narrative” for years.
Brendon doesn’t always get it right (which one of us does ?).
But he does get a hell of a lot right.
Below is my all time favourite Brendon O’Connell video. It’s only 8 mins long – take the time to see it, especially if you mistakenly believe that the Apartheid Israeli state has some redeeming traits :
Please readers, I implore you to do what you can for the BDS movement – even if it’s just to spread the message.
The sooner we get a One-State solution in Occupied Palestine, the better the world will be – especially in the Middle East where the wars will suddenly evaporate.
They are evil brutal people that are deranged
With a Cease & Desist against this Covid vaccine for a number of reasons being false advertising and false claims which is a criminal offence. An independent bill needs to be passed but it would be buckleys with the seditious and treacherous freemason traitors
Bill for ‘independent’ FDA to screen vaccines pushed
Cease and desist order issued vs. unregistered Fabunan drug
MANILA – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a cease and desist order against the unregistered Fabunan antiviral injections which are considered as cure for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), an official of the Department of Health (DOH) said Sunday.
AG Ferguson sends cease and desist letter to Seattle business selling COVID-19 “vaccine”
Letter warns exaggerating or misrepresenting its health benefits violates the Consumer Protection Act
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson is warning a Seattle-based business to stop selling and administering a so-called COVID-19
“vaccine.” Ferguson warns that if the company, North Coast Biologics, or its owner, Johnny T. Stine, don’t stop making false or unsupported claims about the product, they could face a lawsuit from Ferguson under the state Consumer Protection Act.
Cease and Desist Letter Sent to Businesses for Selling Phony COVID-19 Protection Patch,9753,7-406-98158-522829–,00.html
Brandy’s death is discussed here:
Says she posted on facebook in 2019 a warning that she would never commit suicide.
Cease and Desist orders. Nothing has changed, has it?
“Unless your product is backed by Big Pharma, I will put you out of business, no matter how good your product may be and no matter how many lives it may save.”
“We, those in charge, are a protected species, financed and controlled by Big Pharma, there is nothing you can do to change the situation.”
No not at all and most unlikely unless there is a massive continuous uprising which also is most unlikely…
Flashback to Dee’s 2016 article on how the media fudged the death of Patrice Lumumba.
Who’s next?
I’ve tried to link some videos to this site, but I have had some problems. I can leave it to Gumshoers to do their own research. Some of you may remember the nurse from Tennessee (Tiffiany Dover) that took the Covid vaccine and fainted 17 minutes later. Well, she’s DEAD.
That’s right, about 9 hours later she died from ‘something’. The media has covered it up, you can’t get anything in the MSM, however, if you research the coroner’s reports in Tennessee you can find her name and relatives. There is a blackout regarding her death, so if you are trying to find any information you may find you have to jump through a few hoops.
Well that was effective
Good old Brighteon delivers the goods
If you display any of my posts in here please display this one.
Tiffiany Dover is not dead, as you can read here, with a two minute search you would have found this out!
It’s an AP article. And hearsay “according to Lisa McCluskey”. Her insta — still untouched. And now there’s the death certificate, that was searched quite diligently.
That very ‘important’ link looks like a cut-and-paste from Snopes.
So in essence you are saying that genuine concerns for Tiffany’s welfare are ‘debunked’ because you have [think tank] ‘evidence’ that a third party says she isn’t dead.
I am still curious as to why ‘Tiffany’ decided to set up a SpewTube channel immediately after the collapse incident, then posted a series of videos that looked like they had been mirrored from her smartphone or perhaps another zombie media platform – specifically to demonstrate that she was alive and well … “look at me – I’m happily blogging old snapshots of me looking happy and alive 😊 ” and then suddenly decided to delete that channel after four days.
A little too obvious, don’t you think?
I bookmarked several of them – what a shame you can’t see the
proof of life‘evidence’ for yourself.
“I’m alright” – Tiffany Dover
“I’m fit and fine ignore those dark circles” – Tiffany Dover
I’m sure ‘Tiffany’ will explain on some other medium why she created that channel on the very day she collapsed and was feeling so bad she thought “I might just create a SpewTube channel to reassure everybody that I’m feeling
shitfine now”.Look forward to your next ‘important’ bulletin.
What a tragic story – and with ?two little children left without a mother as they dump her soul down the unmarked memory hole to preserve the COVID narrative.
I wonder if they will be putting on special exhibits at the local holohoax museums and having state governors pretend to sob like a like an infant that has just shat in their diaper – just like they did for George Floyd.
They even went to the trouble of setting up a fake spewtube channel with ridiculous snapshots of a few seconds each, that they had obviously managed to extract from her smartphone, to try and create a false narrative as if she was happily blogging. Funny how ‘she’ only thought to do this after she was dead.
Wouldn’t you know it – the façade was so blatant that they even took it down already. I watched several of the videos – “Oh look at me, I am pulling funny/happy faces – I must be alive” – of course none with actual date stamp or speaking.
Anyone wearing a mask, social distancing and submitting to this cult – you are urinating on Tiffany’s memory. Congratulate yourselves.
The consequences of choosing to disregard the truth could hardly be called “tragic”
The ubiquitous appeal of vaccination is akin to that of heroin use: compromising one’s entire existence for a “hit” of un-Godly control or euphoria is an act of freewill
Most people or sheeple have had 10-50 years to research and investigate the truth about the toxic and contaminated vaccines. Most are brainwashed and will never come back and the few in the minority have revealed and exposed their detriment to society all the while it being suppressed and censored by the corporate-government propaganda apparatus.
In the end we are still responsible for our own decisions and the decision of our children to vaccinate or not. It is through ignorance and being too lazy not to investigate such an important decision as it is a life or death decision for many. Ignorance then breeds FEAR then the criminals can easily control you and the collective which they have obviously been doing for centuries. then here is the punitive penalty of not receiving child support from the government which is morally wrong but criminal according to the Australian Constitution as well as Human Rights, the Nuremberg Code of Ethics etc
there is really no excuse whatsoever to not know the truth about vaccine in this day and age with a mountain of information has been available for decades. There was much less information and evidence 40 years ago when we made the decision not to vaccinate
How it can be appealing beggers imagination…
The real enemy is known by the fact that no drug peddler has ever been able to get a foot in the door without a populous market
Berry, I have mixed feelings about such things. I have taken so much sh!t over the years for being a ‘conspiracy theorist’ that I have lost much empathy for the fools. – However, so many good people, believing they are doing the right thing, have been sucked into the Matrix (as I once was) that I wish I could do more to extend a helping hand to educate them so that they will not make stupid decisions.
As a younger person, I did what I could, now, I continue at a much smaller pace to post a few small contributions to assist those that are on the path to understanding the Matrix.
Although we are circling the drain, I also recognize a greater awakening. Whether enough awakening will arrive before we disappear down the drain is the big question. I expect that I will be gone by the time that question is answered.
You are never never going to stop drugs as its a multi-billion dollar market and i used to be much smaller except you have a vast amount of money to be distributed to the CIA who is a world-wide distributor and controls the cartels, Customs, the AFP, the police for payoffs to keep the line open for the criminals airline baggage and the ways and means these days is endless. The country’s corruption just continues to grow with no end in sight as they are rewards with huge profits prostitution and pedophilia and then blackmail, threats and intimidation.
I had a great friend now passed away who was a detective in the South Australian police in the drug and vice squad. He quit as he said there is so much corruption and he was the one who arrested Roger Rogerson a long time ago. He always said to me for years that the AFP were the worst for drugs and distribution as they have the connections.
I honestly don’t think there’s any saving a sinking ship; it’s a matter of bailing before it’s too late.
And knowing that the victim culture of the Age is more ruinous, more destructive than any vaccine that’s ever been concocted is pivotal to that process.
Just look at BLM: Attributing the feel-good folly of said mob to George Soros just imparts undue credit. Damned if I’m ever going to let him or his kind squeeze so much as a penny out of me.
This AA adage is a beauty:
“Poor me, poor me – pour me a drink”
I say what is it going to take for Australians to rise up that is the question. Otherwise its useless to complain about this situation and the next as there is going to be a lot more and there already is havoc and death from their hostile Technocratic takeover which is unprecedented…
No action from Australians =More action by the evil sadistic criminals
Schulze, I am surprised at your uncharacteristic vagueness, bar any citations of websites or similar locations proving the alleged death.
Admitttedly she could indeed give a sign of life eg. on Brandnewtube or Bitchute if alive. That has not occurred.
However CDC has stated 3150 negative health incidents ie a rate of 2.97% for the Pfizer jab as of about 21.12, (see video by Vernon Coleman on Brandnewtube), which should,have been covered up too, but was not.
The mark of beast is manufactured in BSL4 franchises globally. Why is it difficult for people to realise that man made viruses and vaccines are concocted in the same labs.
I lost the plot, half a century ago, when opening encyclopaedia and seeing picture of chaplain blessing bombs before being loaded for mass murder of innocents. Satan via crown freemasonry has controlled the agenda for over a century. This is the end times script, where they gather souls in eternal damnation. Pure evol, they have the guns to take out the whole solar system.
It is a miracle, we are hanging on by wing and prayer, have faith in His story good friends.
We are drowning in bs, day by day, resist the reset with all hearts minds and souls. The Baby born in a stable, gave us two laws for good living, everything else is trickery by deceivers.
Brilliantly put 56,
If you think about the Globalists like the Cuckoo, a parasitic bird among his own kind. Just as this bird seeks out and lays its egg secretly in its targets nest and then leaves its unsuspecting host to rear its chick COUNTING UPON the host birds mothering instincts to work against itself, to rear her Cuckoo chic ignorantly and unknowingly.
So the Globalists lay their plans and organisational strategy for control secretly and parasitically among us, in unsuspecting organisations hierarchy wherefrom, hidden behind their hosts acceptable social image they, with total Machiavellian intent, use acceptable names and images to describe their (overt philanthropic and religious) works and aims, while all the time being totally unscrupulous liars with a completely different agenda having no qualms whatever about lying, deception, thuggery, graft, theft or murder.
The Globalists just like the Vatican, Jesuits, Illuminiti, Crown Temple (who control the Legal ‘BAR’ Scam) etc. etc. are parasites not only of the first order but the first through ninth orders who COUNT UPON ‘we the sheeple’ seeing nothing of their plant amongst us so we rear their plan for control of us also, ignorantly and unknowingly as we are currently doing.
They can’t arise as they are SHEEPLE. They are pretending its all going to go away…
We are/were ALL sheeple Arlyn until one day we began to awaken. This is why we must do all that we can in our own lives to awaken, to introduce our family, friends and acquaintances to these REAL and (to them) new truths.
Each of us here on Gumshoe, for example was once ignorant.
I am constantly surprised at how once ignorant people, given truthful information GROW, CHANGE as they discover REAL truth..
Again I exhort:.
Yes I was but that was 40 years ago Peter. 🙂 I am an avid reader and I have an inquisitive mind
Satan controls the Vatican and freemasonry is a front for the Jesuits. You have to understand the correct protocol, hierarchy or order of thins as it is a military-political organisation masquerading as a church which is the great whore or the great harlot so well described in the book of Revelation.
People so often get confused with the “mark of the bast or 666” and it ends up being not what it is and that throws people off track so they end up confused or confounded. It is a great tactic by the Jesuits to throw people off the scent which reveals the Papacy is the one that is clearly identified and no one else or no other organisation like the perpetual hierarchy of the Papacy. The “mark of the beast” is not what people think it is and they attach all sorts of theories that are false
Freemasons and the Vatican
Jesuits & Freemasonry: What You Need To Know from reliable sources
Mark of the Beast | Antichrist | Papal Authority – Amazing Discoveries
3 Jun 2009 … What does Revelation mean when it discusses the mark of the Beast? What kind of mark? And what is the Beast?
[PDF] The Mark of the Beast – Amazing Discoveries
To understand the mark of the Beast, we have to first understand who the Beast is and what the Bible tells us the issues are at the end of time. In previous articles …
Enforcing Rome’s Mark – Amazing Discoveries
10 Feb 2009 … The mark of the Beast will soon be enforced through legislation. How the TenCommandments will be changed and the Mark of the Beast will …
The First Plague | Revelation 16 | The Mark of the Beast – Amazing …
29 Jun 2009 … The first plague of Revelation 16 falls on those who have the mark of Beast.God’s people are present, but protected.
The Mark of the Beast | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts…/4997?t…mark-of-the-beast.
Identifies the mysterious “mark of the beast” from Revelation chapter 13…. … Amazingly, he has won the support of the vast majority of earth’s people in his …
8228 – Revelation 13 – The Mark Of The Beast And 666 – Amazing …
1 Oct 2014 … You can help Amazing Discoveries reduce costs by upgrading or replacing your … 8228 – Revelation 13 – The Mark of the Beast and 666 …
7814 – The Mark Of The Beast – Amazing Discoveries TV
9 Dec 2008 … This is one of the most fearful and misunderstood messages in the Bible but the Word is very clear as to who the beast is and his mark.
Arlyn Re:”what the Bible tells us the issues are at the end of time”.
Remember that our english bible is – translated- NOT transliterated.
Thus the KJV says “end of time” or “end of earth” while the Standard version says “end of age”
Worth considering that.
Yes I am well aware of that thanks! 🙂 I will give you something to consider
The Beginning of the End of Time
The Millennium of Peace!
The Final Confederacy of End-Time Babylon
Coronavirus, Noahide Laws, End Time – What’s Up Prof?
Matthew 24 and 25 | Preparation for the End Time | Amazing …
Thank-you Arlyn,
I liked them all particularly – Truth Matters by Professor Walter J. Veith,
who is ‘on the money’
Great! 🙂 You are most welcome Peter and yes he is! That’s why he is a professor! Lol
A microchip is not the Mark of the Beast It is the eventual Sunday law that will be enforced world-wide. It is about and has always been about how someone puts their faith in God or man. It is about following God’s day of rest compared to the Papacy or Vaticans’ declared edict day of rest.
Search Results
[PDF]The Mark of the Beast – Amazing Discoveries
To understand the mark of the Beast, we have to first understand who the Beast is and what the Bible tells us the issues are at the end of time. In previous articles …
Enforcing Rome’s Mark – Amazing Discoveries
Feb 10, 2009 – The mark of the Beast will soon be enforced through legislation. How the Ten Commandments will be changed and the Mark of the Beast will …
The Image of the Beast | Roman Catholic System – Amazing Discoveries
Feb 9, 2009 – The mark of the Beast will be enforced by the image of the Beast. An image is something that has the attributes of the original. The first beast …
Mark of the Beast | Understanding the Context – Amazing Discoveries
Jun 3, 2009 – What do we know about the mark of the Beast? What passages of Scripture can we apply to our understanding?
The Mark of the Beast | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts
Identifies the mysterious “mark of the beast” from Revelation chapter 13…. … Amazingly, he has won the support of the vast majority of earth’s people in his …
The Mark of the Beast – Amazing Discoveries – YouTube
Video for Amazing discoveries mark of the beast▶ 1:36:41
Jan 2, 2017 – Uploaded by Prophetic Signs דָּוִיד
Sorry about the audio I did not produce this video. Sermon by: Joel Kratke MIRRORED Amazing Discoveries …
7 Discoveries in Revelation: The Mark of the Beast – YouTube
Video for Amazing discoveries mark of the beast▶ 1:11:19
Aug 30, 2016 – Uploaded by HCBNtv
7 Discoveries in Revelation: The Mark of the Beast … Mark Finley – 01/21 -Amazing Discoveries in Lost …
Towards Global Sunday Law – Amazing Discoveries
Legislation that will force the world to worship and rest on Sunday would be the ideal solution. There are … Archived news from 2004-2012 about Sunday Law.
‘Sunday law’ benefits all people – Amazing Discoveries…
The North Dakota Catholic Conference has responded to criticism of a law restricting Sunday hours for businesses, saying the regulation benefits the whole of …
Why Sunday? – Amazing Discoveries
Apr 23, 2010 – Summary: Although it may not seem to matter on the surface, the Catholic change of the Sabbath from the seventh to first day of the week is in fact a blow against God’s authority. … Until the Catholic council that changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, early Christians all …
Catholic Church pushes for Sunday Laws – Amazing Discoveries
Sunday “is the identity of the Christian community and the center of his life and mission”, that “we cannot live without joining together on Sunday”, that only those …
7602 – Sunday Law / AD News – Grace Mackintosh – YouTube
Video for amazing discoveries sunday law▶ 1:14:16
Jun 26, 2013 – Uploaded by Amazing Discoveries
7602 – Sunday Law / AD News – Grace Mackintosh. Amazing Discoveries … What would it take for acceptance …
Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. Read verse in New King James Version
Mark of the beast 2018, Prophecy update, Prophecy in the news, Donald Trump, this is America, bible prophecy 2018 happening now, “end times” signs latest events, end times ministry, end times news, end times events 2018, antichrist 2018, Mark of the beast 2018, End times Prophecy,
The youth are seeing what many of us have known for decades and are picking it up and running with this truth. This is great sign! It is not the Jesuit or Fundamentalist false view or interpretation of a literal chip or a computer or barcode on oneself. It is about worship to whom you give your allegiance and praise to. It has always been about ‘worship’ all through biblical history. The Executive Order will allow churches to become more politically active thus breaking down the wall of separation of church and state. The Roman Catholics are behind this as they hate the separation of church and state and hate the US Constitution. They are steadily working to get back that sword of civil power once again by encroaching on this well fought principle of separation. It describes it well in the Bible in the books of Daniel and Revelation which is for our time.
Sabbath Keeping Denominations — Sabbath Churches
For those who would like to criticise and say its just the SDA churches that keep the Sabbath here is list of 563 churches world-wide that do. They are not sects like the Latin Roman Church-State of Catholicism which is a sectarian Mithraism sun-god religion as the pope is the pagan priest.
Revelation The Mark of the Beast 666
1 of 4 3 – Amazing Discoveries: The Beast of Bible Prophecy
The Abomination Of Desolation
Daniels 70 Week Prophecy
Sabbath Day Change
Number Beast 666 mark of the beast and the seal of God
666: The Number of a Man
The Truth About 666 and the Story of the Great Apostasy
The Great Whore or Harlot is the Roman Catholic Church-State that has done abominable things all throughout history and is well described in the Bible
I have posted presentations by George Webb who has a medical background and became a Citizen Journalist who has been researching this for 4 years before all of this Communist Trans-Global Medical Marshall Law Lock-down Hoax occurred. We know it is a vast Conspiracy as 176 countries signed up to the Agenda 21 agenda and ‘some’ have not realised the ‘wording and definitions’ according to the Communist ideology. Many others are complicit in this criminal and corrupt process of the aiding and abetting of this world-wide vast conspiracy that has taken place and is taking place by the evil Freemasons, the prostitute MSM
One thing is certain is that the man-made weaponised bio-weapons aerosols did not originate from China according to George Webb and other honest reputable investigative researchers. The evil Deep State and the technocratic globalists have tried for years to have Russian blamed from everything from the downing of MH17 to covertly and overtly trying to overthrow a duly elected President. That has failed on so many fronts now they are trying to blame China which is nothing more than smokescreen. The so-called ‘Novel’ Coronavirus originated in the US not China and they are trying to manufacturing consent with heavy propaganda by blaming China. We must not fall into that trap of falsely accusing with no evidence.. as that is part of the Narrative among other false scenarios.
We have to overturn their illicit NARRATIVE of misinformation, disinformation, suppression of facts of evidence, heavy censorship, with outlandish lies with this medical megalomaniacal ‘directives’ that are wrong, unhealthy, unsound and unscientific with this social isolation, the OTT OCB behaviour of washing hands, the wearing of masks, coercive threats, intimidation and fines to curtail demonstrations and protests by a tyranical illegal corporate-government entity aka foreign de-facto government. The toxic and contaminated vaccines are the only ‘authorised method’ presented to the masses and all other sound, scientific, healthy alternatives and required nutrients are not given the same airtime for fair and balanced view. We have anything but fair and balanced with a daily barrage of propaganda!
Death by killing old people, not COVID—the basic deception
[BREAKING—UPDATE: The New York Times (June 27) is reporting that 43 percent of all US COVID deaths are occurring in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for the elderly. In at least 24 states, more than 50 percent of all COVID deaths are occurring in these facilities. The Times fails to mention deaths of the elderly at hospitals or, at home, cut off from family and friends. The situation is far worse than the Times makes it out to be.]
Murder by lockdown: details from a dozen countries ABSTRACT click on link for full article
The reference here is a stunning May 23 article by John Pospichal, “Questions for lockdown apologists,” posted at
(This is part-4 in the series, “Killing Old People”. For part-3, click here.)
Pospichal examined overall mortality numbers for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England and Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ecuador, and New York City.
Supported by charts, here are excerpts from his article:
“We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.”
“Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.”
Situation Update Dec. 25th – Americans prepare for January WAR
Here are the highlights from the report. The full podcast is embedded below:
We are all going to get through this together, no matter how bad it gets.
Brandon Tatum reveals, “People are willing to take up arms” to protect the republic and defeat tyranny.
VP Pence, a traitor, is planning on accepting the Joe Biden electors on January 6th and fleeing the country as the civil war begins.
Rudy Giuliani reveals, “You’re going to find it out all at once – it’s going to be very shocking to the country.”
The American people should use this holiday time to shore up preparedness plans against the events that are likely to occur in January.
Blue cities — which are the “terror hubs” of America — may find themselves under siege. Expect outages and disruptions affecting power, food, water, communications and transportation.
Patriots may begin to stage citizens’ arrests of corrupt, criminal traitors in government, which may include governors, mayors, elections officials and similar criminals.
If patriots begin to “go kinetic” in their actions, expect the left-wing media to demand Trump invoke the Insurrection Act, which the President could use to go after deep state traitors (while patriots would back off).
If Trump wins on January 6th, which does not seem likely at the moment, the radical Left launches its kinetic attack on America, and Trump will need to invoke the Insurrection Act anyway.
New “legal memo” claims Texas lawsuit could be re-filed with SCOTUS by the United States of America, and SCOTUS would be forced to hear it.
ATF pauses proposed new regulations on arm braces. Here’s a strategy to avoid being criminalized by the ATF, even if you own arm brace pistols.
The Wisconsin Voters Alliance files suit against Pence, Congress and the Electoral College to force state legislatures to approve electoral votes.
De Blasio turns NYC into a medical police state for UK travelers.
Rush Limbaugh, a great American hero, is still subject to the laws of cause and effect. Chemotherapy is suicide.
Christmas blessings from Adams.
On October 26, Senior Constable Alex Cooney sent an open letter to NSW Police Commissioner raising concerns about how the police force were being used during the State of Emergency powers and questioning the proportionality of the response to the threat of COVID-19. In it he challenged the current mainstream narrative, using well-researched references and called for an investigation.
Alex called out to other members of the police to show their solidarity, and join him in his quest and in under a month, more than 52,000 downloaded and circulated his letter, over 6500 signed his form to show their support, which included hundreds of police and military officers.
After giving the commissioner a month to respond, Snr Constable Kevin Dawson has accepted the challenge and issued his own open letter, declaring his support of Alex’ request for a thorough investigation.
This “Cops for Covid Truth” movement’, and two very powerful open letters, provide an insight into the growing concern with the government’s measures for handling the pandemic, and the use of police to enforce them. At Advocate Me, we have thrown all our resources into supporting these brave officers, and are openly inviting more, across the entire country to join this movement.
If Australia is a truly democratic society, why use the police force to silence any dissenting voices? The real question is: Will the NSW Police remain silent and complicit on this matter, or will they remember the oath of office and statement of values, and open a meaningful probe into a critical matter of public interest and a return to good judgement in policing?
In the words of Kevin Dawson, “if there is truly no conspiracy here, why aren’t we having the conversation?”
Serene Teffaha and the team
Advocate Me
Gaol all lockdown politicians, or they will inject 25 million Australians & starve half the population who dont want it.
Well we know that is not going to happen even though that is were they belong. The Collective must educate themselves and rise up or the consequences to humanity will be worse than the Roman Catholic Inquisition. They are not educating themselves their are just complaining so they ramp up the pressure. A time is going to come where people are going to have to put their lives on the line for their country which is no longer theirs. It has been taken decades ago by the seditious, treacherous traitors of freemasons, the Jesuits and the Papacy along with the vaccine cabal corporations and the usurping of Australia.
Arlyn, you forgot to mention the main players – the Jews!.
As far as the Bible is concerned they are a part and parcel. Read the link that I posted for Peter. The jews have been a satanic influence from the times of Christ. God has mentioned this vast confederacy that He will destroy at the Second Coming of Christ. He specifically mentions the pope and the papacy as the man of sin or the son of perdition in various parts of the Bible and in Revelation
The Final Confederacy of End-Time Babylon
for fear of the jews
The synagogue of satan or adversary of Christ
I have signed it and I got in pouch with them from the very beginning. This is not a time to be meek and subservient
Here is my reason but I could have given a dozen pages
It’s blatantly obvious that this is a Technocratic Hostile Takeover by Corporations by this illegal- unlawful corporate-government entity to be used as a mechanism for Control Containment and Complicity in the future for their sinister Agenda21/2030, cashless society, more banking surveillance with 5G and 5G is also a military grade weapon. The sinister agenda to coerce the populous to take toxic and contaminated vaccines with the mask wearing and social distancing which is unwarranted, unscientific, unsound, unhealthy, unreasonable, illogical and irrational. The evil Freemason politicians are behind this which is a front for the Jesuits and the Vatican who are also involved with the evil vaccine cabal corporations. I have been involved in two Royal commissions and I know how to research, collect and present facts of evidence. Australians desperately need to get behind these police albeit late yet it is still courageous to speak up publicly. Arise as now is the time or forever hold your peace.
Order out of Chaos –
Ordo ab Chao in Freemasonry | Freemason Information
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end” – Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)
Freemasonry is based on Judaism. What is left of the Freemasonic rituals, when eliminating Judaism doctrines? – The Jewish Tribune. New York, 29. okt. 1925.
The Noahide World Order
Yes hence my post here
The Final Confederacy of End-Time Babylon
Coronavirus, Noahide Laws, End Time – What’s Up Prof?
Published March 13 Dr. Marc Siegel on coronavirus: ‘I think it is a whopping amount of cases undiagnosed’
“There’s many thousands of cases that have not been diagnosed, possibly because they’re mild, but it’s not too late to test because we don’t have another system we can work with,” Siegel said.
(Who is telling the doctors?)
“Doctors are being told you don’t see these patients. Well, we don’t know what to do with them then. And the only thing we have is a test, except you can’t actually do the test because the lab, and I just found out this today… they’re not going to do the tests,” Siegel said. “Tucker, even if they have the equipment, they don’t want to put their lab technicians, in my opinion, in the line of fire and be subjected to possible coronavirus.”
Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order
Medical Doctors Declare That The Pandemic Was Planned
A brilliant link with all the history there for anyone.
A juicy morsel for the Veggie: “In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation.” Also dirt on Tedros (WHO) and Rockerfellas manifestos.
Yes a war criminal. Here was the link from George Webb before Youtube took them down. Four years of work down in an hour. If anyone can find it hat would be great!
NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare
We should never forget that with all of this happening there is a Roman Catholic Inquisition going on as well. George Webb briefly mentions the RC. They have been behind every war. He mentions Templar swords given out at 2:30m He mention they have a Holy War ideology meaning “It’s ok to kill people because upline told me its ok”…He mentions the Jesuits at 5:13m so he is aware. I have studied this for decades and for sure they are definitely behind this CV19 crisis. At 5:29 he mentions a Knight of Malta passport. The spy school is in Malta and that is where hey are coming from because of their passports. Its NATO’s bioweapon as he said . At 15:40m again stanch Catholic and Knights of Malta and wen to a Jesuit school
CoronaVirus Epidemic of Corruption – Starting With A War Criminal At WHO Is A Bad Start Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
“George Webb Coronavirus Reports”
#07 – NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare
I will download and look at some of them later
Well done I am indebted to you! 🙂 Thank you
Indebted … You … Me?
You’ve given me 35 years worth of homework … thanks for that … 🙂
Lol Im very appreciative. Thanks.
PS … I use Yandex and will usually append “pdf archive” at the end of the title I am looking for
Speaking of Unholy alliances … “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”
The Dangerous Alliance of Rothschild and the Vatican of Francis – F. William Engdahl (NEO)
Thanks never heard of it so I’ve learned something new today. A win win 🙂
TWO THIRDS of coronavirus cases in Britain are undiagnosed because government
refuses to recognise symptoms like loss of taste or smell, leading epidemiologist claims
Mounting evidence suggests coronavirus is airborne but health advice has not caught up
Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19
What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon File Application for Suspension of All SARS CoV-2 Vaccine Studies and Call for Co-signing the Petition
Warning: Covid Vaccines! Huge Risks, Huge Injuries – Huge Compensations?
Worthless PCR Tests for COVID. “Almost all” PCR Tests Produce False Positives
Selected Articles: Staff at Hospitals in DC, Texas Turn Down COVID-19 Vaccine
The “Killer Virus” is Not “Killing Christmas”. Corrupt Politicians Are “Killing Christmas”
Confirmed Coronavirus Cases Is an ‘Almost Meaningless’ Metric
WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives
Kit Knightly
Comment: it’s all so blatantly cynical and in your face.
So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality?
The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore.
Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+.
Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works.
After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again.
…as long as we all do as we’re told. Any signs of dissent – masses of people refusing the vaccine, for example – and the CT value can start to climb again, and they bring back their magical disease.
WHO warning: No evidence that antibody tests can show coronavirus immunity
They should say after a shot your blood sugar needs raising and hand out a candy
More Than 4.2 Million Shots, Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker
The U.S. has administered 1.94 million doses according to the CDC
NY health network faces criminal investigation over COVID-19 vaccine
Informed Consent: Vaccines Are The Main Reason Our Children Are So Ill
Review: “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!”
in Book Review — by Dr Gideon Polya — December 27, 2020
Famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone opined “Governments lie” and those 2 words summarize the message of “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!” This iconoclastic 766-page book contains a total of 78 essays contributed by 7 prominent Alternative writers who variously take a sledgehammer to the monolithic lies of Big Government that are uncritically forced on citizens of the US Alliance by mendacious Mainstream presstitutes.
“The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!” was compiled and contributed to by Soren Roest Korsgaard, writer, editor of “Crime & Power” and head of Korsgaard Publishing (Germany). The 7 Alternative contributors are Soren Roest Korsgaard (Danish writer, editor, publisher and book author), Jerry Day (Emmy-winning Californian writer and powerful orator on YouTube), Dr Paul Craig Roberts (eminent American economist, writer, editor, commentator and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration), James Corbett (American lecturer, investigative journalist and producer of the Corbett Report), Dr Gideon Polya ( me, a forthright Australian scientist, academic, Humanist, artist and humanitarian and environmental activist), John Remington Graham (lawyer, public defender, public prosecutor, law professor and author) and Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German consumer protection and trial lawyer in California and Germany).
Read on –
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Those of us that can still think and have common sense know that it is not an ‘emergency’ and it never has been an emergency. Medical tyranny has been with us for decades and this hostile commercial medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine fraud has killed many people, businesses have gone out of their respective businesses, suidicdes have reached high proportions never seen before even higher than the coronavirus in a number of cities, and provinces.
It is and has been racketeering with false claims, false advertising and false cures by the toxic and contaminated vaccines. They have criminalised certain substances with no mention of natural therapies or natural vitamins, minerals, enzymes or probiotics. They have killed many people with the ventilators by giving these patient opioids sending them into a semi-uncouncious state all the while the Covid has developed inside their lungs.
There is just so much that has been exposed and the prostitute MSM controlled and monopolised by the corporate-government propaganda apparatus has been aiding and abetting these criminal and immoral acts upon the population globally.
Australian Medical doctors and the ‘chief medical officers’ as they are called have been lying or have not been forth-coming to expose the blatant lies of this medical lockdown hoax that is not scientific and have been using pseudo-science to control the population in agreement with this illegal corporate-government entity that has been in sedition and treason for decades acting with impunity with the Australians none the wiser.
The sinister agenda of using people against people by suspicion of the unscientific, unwarranted, irrational, illogical, and unhealthy ‘social distancing’ and cloth masks is medical negligence and lack of duty of care with their advice and eventually mandatory process. Masks do not work and it cuts down the oxygen supply substantially creating more problems and the masks are toxic with PTFE polytetraflouroethylened which is synthetic fluoride found in teflon which obviously causes health issues in people
This illegal criminal ruling entity called ‘government’ has severely breached its contract with us We the People, breached our Human Rights, breached the Nuremberg Code of Ethics, disregarded and once again blatantly ignored the lawful legislation of the Biosecurity Act 2015 which is Commonwealth Criminal offence.
This whole world-wide conspiracy is about Control-Containment-Complicity for more of their planned agendas of Agenda 21/2030 already in operation, a cashless society accompanied by 5G for banking surveillance of every item purchased to be tracked, 5G is also a military grade weapon to be used on the populous along with the Communist social credit system.
5G will probably give you a headache if they install it outside your apartment window but I don’t know they could turn it up enough to murder a street full of people. Definitely they want total surveillance and control. If you fail to follow every conceivable ordinance, say by walking across the road within x metres of a designated crossing, they will automatically pull x dollars out of your account. You can see it happening already, they are working on ways to confiscate everyone’s money faster, and make them totally dependent on the goodwill of the state, in other words, a soup-kitchen economy, basically unfolding Soylent Green, depending on where you live, should be in full swing within a decade or 3.
The FBI has plenty of bandwidth to work the case, because they are derelict in their duty to protect our voting rights. They are ignoring overwhelming evidence of coordinated voter fraud across the nation, instead echoing the democrat party lies that there is no evidence.
We have become the Dystopian States of Amerika, a cesspool of political corruption only a democrat could be proud of, because this is their goal.
It will be quicker than you think and they have been working behind the scenes for ages. with no resistance they will complete their task faster than expected.
The world-wide installation of 5G is paramount so whatever or how long that will take is one of the keys to their “Full Spectrum Dominance” over the world and its population. Research that and you will uncover their plans
Don’t worry I can believe it without the research – they are warming up with the contact tracing, testing their software, tying everyone down with a massive web of governance, etc.
Soon you might need a permit to go out your front door, oh hang on, that’s already here.
The Indissoluble Federal Commonwealth
I recommend that people print out numbers of these and email them as well as hard copy to the businesses that are in hardcore mode. I can think of a few in South Australia
That are forcing their employees to wear masks as well as the public to wear masks to come into their premises to buy and Nepressco will not take cash. Give them to the managers of each store signed and dated by yourself and bring a witness with you. People have to start coming out with tactics to confront this nonsense and change the narrative as we are all in a very precarious situation if not changed.
I would also send it to the Business Council of Australia who will be behind this. Coles, Woolwoths and Bunnings are leading the charge in all of this
National pharmacies
Warning you are being placed on Notice
Fines and gaol time for coercing someone to install COVIDSafe app – Commonwealth of Australia
Mandatory face mask rule in Victoria a legal nonsense
3..Coronavirus lockdown, what are your rights?
Legal aspects of consent to medication and treatment