J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
At time of writing the current news cycle was dominated by a kissing incident in Spanish football, but this was finally displaced by more flooding and earthquake disasters. The latter are inevitable due to engineering miscalculations, but nonetheless play into the official Climate Change narratives. The former plays into the gender-neutralising narratives which require breakdown of families via individualisation, where the all-powerful state is the guardian of the individual.
British PM Thatcher made her clarion call in the 1980’s, saying we are all individuals.
“Ideologically, Thatcherism has been described by Nigel Lawson, Thatcher’s Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1983 to 1989, as a political platform emphasising free markets with restrained government spending and tax cuts that gets coupled with British nationalism both at home and abroad.”
Tax cuts generally benefit mainly the rich and super rich who are not affected by the lower-end bracket creep. For the average earner therefore it’s just a long awaited catch-up. The plentiful rich nowadays, are so far up in the top bracket that the range of “average income” is meaningless to them.
Never forget an ultimate Globalist objective is to get every world citizen on $2 per hour parity. To this end asset prices rise while consumer novelties such as electrical appliances fall in price. The appliances are mostly old tech, produced by factories which are always expendable, ready to be wiped out by competitors in some jurisdiction with better government support, producing the latest industrial-designed plastic box with a little electric motor in it. Buying these creates an illusion of wealth in the mind of the consumer. The same goes for cars, fashion clothes, flat-pack furniture etc. The input costs keep shrinking, but unbelievably these baubles still constitute status symbols, even while their price and value is steadily diminishing.
Conversely, actual assets can only be purchased using debt, because the average worker cannot keep up with the price inflation in order to save. But even assets, such as real estate, have been manipulated and morphed into manufactures, via extreme hi-rise apartments. Not only does an investor in these get a miniscule share of the land, their apartment is expensive to service and potentially so badly flawed, sometimes from the original geotechnical certification up, that the investor may end up with significantly more debt, bearing rectification costs. This outcome is notorious in Australia’s highest-energy property market, inner Sydney, but is also well known in China. These risks appear better understood by the Chinese citizens who are staying away in droves. Perhaps the recent memories of being locked up in “their” apartment, in some cases welded in, patrolled by police in HazMat suits outside.
Unsurprisingly, events have led to another Chinese apartment glut.
CCP policies have encouraged rapid growth based on state bank investments based on government debt. The communist party controls everything. It’s like balancing a pyramid on its point. Who can guess how much its leveraged.
Chinese local government debt (“infrastructure”) is now allegedly over $8 trillion.
Admittedly, not very much in Zimbabwe dollars but the USD is holding up better.
“Some local authorities are starting to openly appeal for help with their struggles. The southwestern city of Guiyang — with an interest-to-capacity ratio of 41% last year, according to Rhodium — said in May that it has “basically exhausted” the measures it can take. Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, has said its capacity to reduce its debt is steadily shrinking”.
“Bad debts on bank books have been rising steadily as borrowers struggle to repay their loans. Officially, non-performing loans at China’s commercial banks total around 1.5 trillion yuan. But some analysts say the bad debt is as much as 14 times higher because lenders use various methods to conceal the true figure”.
The Chinese Central Bank cut rates by a measly 0.1%, while Australians got no such signal from their grasping and servile central bank, the RBA.
Argentinian inflation has reached a 30-year high, their mint is unable to print enough so, incredibly, they are importing fresh printed cash.
Argentinian prices have doubled in the last year, obviously no reliable statistics are available.
They have soup kitchens and mass protests demanding – more cash. The name Argentina roughly translates to Silverado. What happened to all the silver?
But Argentina isn’t alone in its diabolical financial stresses, the BRICS owe plenty:
Russia, which owes about $350 billion, has been paying it down since the war started, from $500 billion.
China has also been paying down since Covid lockdowns, now about $2.5 trillion, down from around $2.7 trillion (excludes Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau). Their debt is vastly bigger than Russia’s. If they were planning a supposed all-out war of conquest, there would be little reason to pay it down. No, they are sticking with the Central Banking system.
India now owes over $600 billion; the biggest increase was during the Covid experience, this is relatively modest compared to their ambitions.
Brazil is also up around $600 billion and presumably rising since the recent disputed election, supposedly won by the Workers’ Party (communists).
South Africa owes around $160 billion, much of it to China. China owes the United States, and if the US can get money cheaper than China, they can make a profit by loaning it out. If the whole house of cards falls down, the banks involved take a loss, but this is usually a small fraction of the profits they take.
It looks like a casino, but standing back, a casino looks like an octopus.
In the USA, the world champion in state-based counterfeited money, it’s not much different. The universal drive towards $2 per hour parity continues while CEO wages have increased a hundredfold in the last few decades.
In Australia, the government is rolling out increased rent assistance (free money) to solve the present so-called housing crisis. The RBA is valiantly “fighting inflation” by raising interest rates however this is the result they have achieved. Meanwhile the price of petrol, the trigger for inflation, has gone up another 10%. It’s a bad joke and fighting inflation is just the first punchline, they don’t even work up a sweat.
Always front of mind, Global communism is the end game. Communism is totalitarianism is fascism is feudalism is plutocracy, and so is rigged democracy.
Different names are required to fracture and divert attention from centralised power gangs who rule by one type of coup or another. Gangs and corruption are all pervasive.
Why do you think so many African “migrants” aim for Italy? A treaty painted a target on it. The politicians talk apologetically about the hated “people smugglers”, who are actually their friends in the mafia, who donate to their re-election campaigns.
The spokeswoman for the EU, aristocrat Ursula Von Der Leyen, proudly repeats Australian former PM John Howard’s declaration, “We will decide who comes here …”
What is the answer to all the problems of the world?
Is communism the answer?
The communist bloc BRICS’s new allies are theocratic Iran, Saud Kingdom, Arab Emirates, former colonies Argentina and Algeria, and lastly Ethiopia, but why Ethiopia?
Iran is very strategically located, especially in relation to Russian requirements. The Saud Kingdom is one of the richest countries in the world, UAE also rich, they are both in the middle of the action. (Nearby Qatar is basically a huge US military base). Algeria is the biggest country in Africa with the biggest defence budget and directly across the Mediterranean from France. Argentina is hugely strategic in terms of Antarctica, some may recall the Russians recently demonstrated a hypersonic ICBM launched from the White Sea, across China, past Western Australia and crashed on or near Antarctica.
Whatever may be going on there, is within reach.
Ethiopia, like Argentina, is an embryonic prospect, strategically in the middle of non-aligned or contested territories, such as Sudan (could be called Upper Egypt), South Sudan (the Christian enclave), Somalia (the entire horn of Africa) and a short hop over Eritrea or Djibouti to the narrow mouth of the Red Sea, the Strait of Bab al Mandab, only about 20km wide, to Yemen. Ethiopia is basically surrounded by instability and wars, which in the nature of wars could go either way. All these strategic assets have been included in Russia’s expanded BRICS. In western Africa, Niger and surrounding states are being fomented. It looks like nearly the entire Atlantic is being bailed in to the manoeuvre, along with Arabia.
Egypt and Israel have a way of avoiding most of the conflict surrounding them, in Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen etc. It’s no secret that Israel is armed to the teeth.
Is Egypt protected simply by virtue of the Suez Canal or is there more?
The strongest pervading Globalist hidden hand theme usually refers back to Egypt, ostensibly because of the pyramids, the largest and oldest monuments on the planet. Slaves were whipped and worked for free to produce these testimonies to their dynasties’ power. Throughout history, pyramids have been a beloved symbol of the ultimate ruler, whose power has risen above military leadership and plutocracy, to semi-divinity, nobody above them, only the sky. Egyptian themes appear in the masonic temples, the suggestion is a simple homage to the square and compass.
In the US state of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia was the national capital before Washington DC was created, at that time Washington meant George Washington, famous as a freemason along with many others. Hence the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia is the most famous and serves the biggest population of freemasons. The biggest temple by size is however in Detroit, Michigan. Incidentally, both states were highly disputed in the 2020 federal election. The following documentary is visually impressive but also noteworthy for the amount of information it clearly doesn’t disclose:
Curators repeatedly deny any secrecy or malfeasance. Masonic degrees from 4th to 33rd are omitted. (The 33rd degree swears loyalty to the Order of the Garter. Britain is the traditional home of Freemasonry and George VI, grandfather of Charles III, was Grand Master of the lodge in Scotland). The connection to Knights of Malta, Knights Templars, Crusaders, real stonemasons, Egypt etc., all glossed over or omitted. The Egyptian decor is claimed to be stylistic only, as if history started from nothing.
The connection to Alexandria never seems to come up anywhere, but some essential germinations on Alexander Helios may be found here:
Pyramids never go out of style, and exist on every continent:


The Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland is the HQ of all Central Banks.
Central banks are holding vast sums in bonds, these are basically mortgages over the governments which created them. At some time when the interest on these bonds becomes unaffordable, institutions like the IMF are called in to regulate. But eventually – soon – the entire financial system will be fully expanded by runaway inflation, like a giant bubble, stretched to the maximum limit of the useless eaters’ ability to fund their imaginary debt, through fake statistics and loans funding loans funding loans ad infinitum.
The solution will be as already explained, “We Need A Great Reset”.
PM Albanese, is this article full of deemed misinformation by your government ministry of truth department, that you want to censor?
Bloody hell Albo, better censor the comments as well, too many have strange ideas and presenting too much MIS-information to discuss that is not found on the ABC, SBS OR FROM THE USUAL MSM SHOCK JOKES.
Best arrange your communications minister for TRUTH, Ms Rowland MP, to get your censoring police on the job now, too many are waking up and you must shut up the revolting ‘deplorables’ (apols’ Hilary) VOICE NOW.
Very nice, Olsen. Some of it is over mah ha-id.
“It looks like a casino, but standing back, a casino looks like an octopus.”
All good material, some of it greatest hits, start at 24:00 for “ww3 will be launched from Antarctica”
My one’s blacked out, I’ll try again
Well it might come back later but just in case:
Robert Sepehr Antarctica and the Odin Departure
Sean Hross and Robert Sepehr are as good as it gets
Yes Joe – both men are stand outs in the comprehension of why we are where we are. Both have allowed me to join a few more dots together.
Chinese central bank cuts reserve ratio, Communist Party’s flagship newspaper decries Sino-US competition
China’s top economic and financial headlines as of 15 September, 2023.
China Banking News
15 Sept 2023
A round-up of the top economic and financial headlines in the Chinese press as of 15 September, 2023.
Central bank announces 25 basis point reserve ratio cut (PBOC) …………..
J.G. Olsen certainly has his finger on the pulse when it comes to the collapsing of the old Central Banking control system but, omits any reference at all as to why and to how, such a collapse is actually occurring.
For instance: The current flooding crisis is in many countries all at the same time, not to mention, the so called ‘wild fires’ all across the Northern Hemisphere and in Hawaii. By any historical measure, these are not normal or natural events, and that he seems to discount the unnaturalness of such occurrences
Maybe if he scratched the surface a little deeper he might actually begin to understand what is in realty, happening worldwide?
He also has no grasp of what the BRICS economic and trade system is all about, and keeps repeating that we are all headed into the ‘great reset’. He also cannot seem to grasp that the old economic slavery system has to be cleaned out before the benefits that BRICS will bring to every participating country, can be ushered in.
There will be no, ‘Great Reset’, they’re done, as the BRICS system takes over the world as it merges into the QFS..
Yes or No, the Jewish Banking system will remain as Australias owners and controllers. I can imagine them sitting back laughing at the ruckus they have caused.
I believe this unlawful ‘referendum’ is more about how many are still willing to believe that their vote actually counts.
I will not be voting because I will no longer comply and give legitimacy via their criminal voting system, to what is a fascist corporate cartel now running this country.
Chinese reacts to critical books on China (Xi, 1989, communism, Sino-US, mao, one-child policy, etc)
The interesting thing about the above quote is that it was made by a Norman – an anagram of roman.
It is written, on websites well away from search engines, that the Normans were a band of French mobsters/aristocrats led by a guy known as, William the Bastard, or as official history prefers, William the Conqueror.
Bill conquered all England, supposedly, except for the City of London which he left out of his stock take/little earner known as the Domesday book and allowed it to keep its Roman privileges. What luck.
Privileges soon enjoyed by another band of French aristocrats who crossed the channel: the Knights Templar – the mob who gave the world the Letter of Credit, and found(ed) some pretty spectacular looking cathoderals. Many of which could well be older than Egypt’s pyramids. Information not readily available on Dogpile.
The script writers must have felt another conquering would be a bit suspicious for the newly educated so Bill the Orange when he crossed the channel from Holland with his central bank he was just given the country. Nothing suspicious about that, at all.
That’s an interesting quote, resembling the one attributed to Rotschilds, but reading the comments they say the banksters would never indulge in such hubris, while the “chief source”, the Idaho Times, ceased publication 4 years before allegedly publishing it. Money is the new religion, we must face the Point Of Sale terminal five times a day, kowtow and submit, and like any religion the dignity of the leaders must be preserved.
ADS heat ray, Agenda 2030, ALP, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Anthony Albanese, General
New Qld police cars to emit low frequency sound waves through subwoofers, like the sonic blasters used in Canberra rally
12. Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract thought and proved by nothing. The word means no more than: Give me what I want in order that thereby I may have a proof that I am stronger than you.
13. Where does right begin? Where does it end?
14. In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right – to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.
15. Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.
16. Out of the temporary evil we are now compelled to commit will emerge the good of an unshakable rule, which will restore the regular course of the machinery of the national life, brought to naught by liberalism. The result justifies the means. Let us, however, in our plans, direct our attention not so much to what is good and moral as to what is necessary and useful.
17. Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labor of many centuries brought to naught.
Stop reading Jewish propaganda
The Protocols
But, what are the facts?
“We rejoice to learn that on May 14, 1935, the Cantonal Court of Berne, Switzerland, openly denounced the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ as forgeries, obvious plagiarism, immoral, and manifestly prepared for the purpose of inciting popular passion against the Jews”. Thus said the “New York Evening Post”, May 14, 1935.
This has been repeated endlessly ever since.
BUT when the Swiss Court of Appeals on Nov. 1, 1937 not only acquitted the principal defendant, Sylvio Schnell, and assessed the entire cost of the trial, 30,000 francs, against the state and reversed the verdict, Jewry kept SILENCE! The decision cited the fact that the Marxist-Judge Meyer had heard not one witness for the defense; had kept no Court record of the proceedings; and detailed other irregularities of the trial.
The defendants had been arrested on complaint of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland on the charge that they had violated Article 14 of the Swiss law against distributing obscene literature, at a public meeting – the Protocols. The Appeals Court ruled that the “experts” for the Jews, C. A. Loosi and Prof. A. Baumgarten, appointed by Judge Meyer, not only were biased on the Jewish question, but, moreover, the authenticity of the Protocols had no bearing on the case since they are of a political nature and do not belong in the category of obscene literature.
The Appeals Court also denounced “the prejudice and gross irregularities” which had been committed in the trial. Not a single one of the 40 witnesses for the defense had been permitted to testify, while all sixteen of the witnesses for the Jewish Community which brought the suit had been heard. . .”
“The proceedings were accordingly carried on solely upon the testimony of the Jewish plaintiffs. And further, although Swiss law demands that in the case of every law suit, shorthand minutes of the proceedings be taken by an official of the court, the Judge did not adhere to this condition, but permitted the Jewish plaintiffs to appoint two private stenographers to keep the register of the official proceedings during the hearing of their own witnesses. As, therefore, no legal record of the proceedings was kept, it follows that the whole procedure, and the verdict itself, are both null and void”.
One is tempted to say the same for the pompous “Report of the Senate Committee (Benny Mandel’s) concerning the Protocols”. [END]
Validity of “The Protocols”
A Huge Compendium of Arguments
by Willie Martin
Henry Ford
It comes from the Priory of Sion, a Templars’ thing
Ordo ab Chao in Freemasonry | Freemason Information
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end” – Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)
Freemasonry is based on Judaism. What is left of the Freemasonic rituals, when eliminating Judaism doctrines? – The Jewish Tribune. New York, 29. okt. 1925.
The Noahide World Order
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMkFfF0_KLY
Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Jewish Noahide Laws
…………………..Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide BEHEADING Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.
h ttp://www.jifga.org/government-leaders-and-the-seven-noahide-laws.html
Zionism Exposed – THE KNIGHT TEMPLARS [4] – THE KHAZAR …
[Search domain facebook.com] h ttps://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=593777763977285&id=471273202894409
THE KNIGHT TEMPLARS – THE KHAZAR JEWISH KINGDOM OF SEPTIMANIA The Order of Zion was the invisible head organization and the Knights Templar its military and administrative branch. Up to 1188, these two orders had the same grand master. The Knights Templar saluted each other with: “Hail, Zion!”
The Priory of Sion was actually a Roman Catholic cult:
No doubt every bit as messed up as the “jew-plot-to-take-over-the-world” fakery but otherwise no relationship whatsoever
The 21st century counterpart would have to be Jerusalem syndrome:
Probably Bali is the world capital for tourists going nuts
It’s also noteworthy that the chapter of Matthew you tried to marry to some Euro fandango on the previous page actually demolishes any notion of world domination by unsaved Jews:
“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
MATTHEW 24: 15 – 22
back in the day I used to enjoy telling highway patrol that they were sitting in a low yield microwave oven, because of the electrical fields that they were literally bathing in. Sometimes all you can do is give fair warning.
Even the cops hate the highway patrol, but I refrained from deploying jammers because I could see this as an assault on human function(theirs) and I just had to wait(@ >10%+3km’s)
They also deployed this
Hey remember when x ray staff used to bolt behind a lead shield
(@ >10%+3km’s) maybe I worked at Oracle to long, but typo’s were the go on “marked” external distribution doc’s
(@ <10%+3km’s)
Dolphin brains, ClimateChange, Mexican dancing ceremony etc.
The land goes up and down and people have to relocate.
In the M$M we see the CO2 skeptics are now being co-opted into the CO2 doomsayers in order to have a pro- vs. anti- nucular power debate, or a nucular vs. solar debate, but neither side of the argument is required to acknowledge that CO2 is barely relevant compared to solar cycles. All of mainstream energies seems to be directed into nonsense things, in order to keep us hypnotised.
The red Elbow government has set up the “Net Zero” authority to “focus like a laser” on dismantling coal power and add wind power and whatever they can hook into their existing power lines, no doubt they will be pushing their mentally insane “Carbon Capture and Storage” which won’t work and after spending billions probably force them ( oh please don’t throw me into the briar patch ) to nucular power, under the blue government of course.
Albo has never explained how 4 parts per million of CO2 gas in the atmosphere causes the Earth to boil.
wink I even saw fairy penguins at “old St.Kilda beach pier” in the mid 90’s
I may have even spotted Dee “iceberging”(own word’s not literal)
I did not even watch this, but triangles always catch my eye(just trying to give you the thumbnail of what eye currently see
I don’t blame him, sorry never-mind, I just know people are mostly graphical driven..
Namatjira School, derivative from Tasmanian Glover actually a POM
sure and you can tell by style(and the palette knife)
as I often joke in satire, I have a art’s history degree. and boy can I bang on(actually a phd/master in BS).
I have got some lovely First originals and a “Nolan”, no BS, they just decided to reside with me( gifts and graft on the Nolan no monetary deal)
The Secret Covenant – Internet Archive
The Secret Covenant – Audio Book (Full Version) Complete Text
Do you ever get bored with yourself, here’s a nice jewish girl to cheer you up
By law there is no such thing as a deposit.
By law all money placed with a Bank is a loan to the Bank.
When Banks close their doors the governments should pay pensioners with cash.
Mass mind control from Rotschilds “Economist” magazine
Special one for commenter nemesis
Cell phone electric field (2 min)
Turbo cncer for va666ed (2 min)
Antarctic sea-ice climate fraud (3 min)
Guru with Aunty Glenda Grandma Mulara and Lisa Vote No
Grandma Mulara says that Linda Burney is Albo’s sister in law!
Gran nails the disgusting nature of whats going on here.
Lien- Law
noun: lien; plural noun: liens
a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
"they shall be entitled to a lien on any lot sold"
mid 16th century: from French, via Old French loien from Latin ligamen ‘bond’, from ligare ‘to bind’.
Hey eurotrash, we do not need nor want your coin.
TURPENTINE, Thyroid, Parasites, Candida and More…
Taking Back Control of And Be Self Responsible for Your Own Health
A VOICE in all Capital letters (Majuscule) signifies a corporation
The U.S. Government Style Manual, Chapter 3 requires only the names of corporate and other fictional entities, or those serving in corporate capacities to be in all capitalized letters.
Maxim of Law: The Law of Like kind = Disparata non debent jungi = Unequal things ought not be joined.
… but we go ahead and attach ourselves to legal fictions regardless.
Definition: Majuscule
From 18th Century English as legal term meaning “a capital letter”. More commonly known as UPPER CASE. From Latin magnus = “large, great, important” and vulgar Latin culus = “anus, arse”. The meaning of the word literally translates as “great arse” indicating a general contempt by the authors of early LAW DICTIONARIES to those who do not recognise UPPER CASE legal fictions as having superiority over lower case names under ROMAN LAW.
Corporations can only deal with corporations. As all governments and their departments are corporations then it follows that The Voice would also have to be a corporation.
Please give no gravitas to a “style manual.”
Elbow’s scamdemic response enquiry – how can we force-inject people better ?
Includes link to UN world is boiling sequel “Humanity is opening the Gates to Hell”
Today’s story petrol price to go up to $2.80 per litre sometime next year coincides with a subsidy being dropped from electric cars.
UK backflips on climate targets “We risk losing the consent of the British people” and “backlash”, lucky they are locking up Russell Brand as Assange 2.0 that should fix it
You just can’t win with our slippery politicians, they more they find out we hate them, the more they lie and cheat and spend on credit, running up a bigger and bigger bill for “the future”, where your kids will own nothing and be herded around like sheep.
Angry Anderson ( celeb Australian pop star ) on communists’ “The Voice”
Now looks like an old guy (2 min)
By controlling the money supply they’re able to buy anything and anyone – anyone who serves the MONEY god that is. Said control abets the Jewish financiers to steer the US Government which in turn steers the world.
The Fed note already states that their NWO (Novis Ordo Seclorum) has been crowned with success….since the formation of the FED itself