Gumshoe adaption of the Milgram Experiment
Introduction by DM
Two videos today discussing how the majority of humanity just comply and why millions of people became agents to Authority. And how distraction and focus becomes a mechanism to control the human mind.
Patrick Bet-David and Chase Hughes delve into psychopathy, discussing traits, emotional detachment, and the Milgram experiment. This explains how millions of public servants, and nurses and doctors became the agents of control forcing mandates, lock-downs, masks and the vaxxine experiment on anyone and everyone.
Chase Hughes discusses Agentic Shift, where people become agents of Authority — where people give up their personal control.
In another video they discuss manipulation tactics like “fear, obligation, guilt.” They explore empathy’s role, personality profiling, and body language cues to distinguish genuine emotions from deceptive behavior. (More videos)
In a second video (published 10 months ago), Dr John Campbell interviews Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia about psychological manipulation. She had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy.
I was just going to post this on the previous page re my “exchange” with Ned, but it actually appears to fit better here:
“Some people believe Second Heaven is what we call outer-space. They say it is a physical realm that we can see. But I would have to disagree and I can prove it by the Bible. Below are several scriptures on the subject for your study. See if you come to the same conclusion that I have – which is that Second Heaven is an unseen spiritual realm just above the Earth where Satan and his fallen angels rule (Spiritual Wickedness in High Places Eph. 6:12).”
The sort of compliance discussed in the valuetainment vid is obviously carried out by those who’re called the “sons of disobedience” in Ephesians 2:1 – 2:
“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you used to walk when you conformed to the ways of this world and of the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience.”
Gus me a break Elspeth and go examine the SG report I will put up down a bit.
You did not answer the question concerning Mat and a year ago ignored my questions to you re Jonah and his three day transport,
Take the time to listen also to the psychologist discussion with Dr. Campbell as in the video in the article🤷♂️
5.55 PM
to thwart the Trump inauguration with violence. …
New readers would notice that they stick out as ……
Well, they again are on the record🤷♂️
3.36 PM
GPs are no authority to medical issues thinks a court:
“GP loses appeal after medical board bans him from criticising COVID-19 vaccines on social media
“The Medical Board of Australia stressed Dr Duncan Syme is free to share his views as long as doesn’t identify as a doctor. [WHAT!!!!!]
Meet Dr. Duncan Syme: Your Partner in Holistic Medicine – Starting Soon
Dr. Duncan Syme has over three decades of clinical expertise and a deep passion for holistic medicine.
Graduating from Monash University in 1987, Dr. Syme has dedicated 34 years to clinical practice, honing his skills across a broad spectrum of medical fields. His journey began at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne before moving to the UK for 5½ years. Upon returning to Australia, he earned his GP Fellowship in 1997. He also holds a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and a Diploma of Practical Dermatology, showcasing his versatility and commitment to comprehensive patient care.
For the past decade, Dr. Syme has worked as a consultant in a large public hospital. He led the southern hemisphere’s largest Hospital in the Home Program, providing innovative, patient-centered care outside traditional hospital settings.
Podcast on this site:
“Dr Duncan Syme: Channeling anger into a force for good
Dr Duncan Syme is a general practitioner and Vice President of The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS). With over 35 years of experience in the medical field, Dr Syme has dedicated his career to diverse areas such as drug and alcohol treatment, geriatric care, travel medicine, and research.
However, in February 2022, he was suspended under the emergency powers of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian medical board. This suspension was a result of an investigation into a complaint made against Dr Syme for writing an exemption/support letter for patients who were hesitant about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.
In this conversation, Dr Syme reflects on his experiences over the past three years. We discuss the core principles that guide his medical practice, upcoming amendments to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and international health law, cognitive dissonance arising from Australia’s response to COVID-19, challenges related to medical censorship, the need for improvements in healthcare systems and society, and his personal philosophy on life and commitment to self-improvement.”
I’m not a doctor so I’m not saying this has any connection to a gynecological endometriosis. I just don’t like the stench, sounds like a job for Ramsey Health.
“I just don’t like the stench”
Well just tell us what he’s saying that you find so offensive
Or let me guess – you haven’t even listened to a single word
True I only listened to Crowder ‘sting” operation but the good doctor has only just noticed that there is a smell to non holistic medicine. I would have thought after decades, he would have noticed things like IUD’s causing more than would be expected only to be reinvented(well name changed) and HRT. All the new procedures for conception and now 1.7 births per couple. The list is extensive on all the doctor disciplines.
VP of AMPS, so I guess he talks to other doctors a lot about cognitive dissonance but not the obvious cause of things like exploding autism rates and childhood cancer.
How do I know without a puff piece to guide me, well the fact that he is still practicing whilst hanging a shingle on his door.
Every five years I get stitches and the last two times at the same practice. The last time I was bleeding on the receptions floor explaining how they were my doctor so I didn’t think I should wait for a new patient place to become available. All well and good to do these things yourself, but some places are hard to reach. Have insurance and paid my levies but doctor knows best
If you can’t afford to go to Asia for your “elective” surgery a couple of boxes of panadols might fix it permanently but the bot advises:
“Acute liver failure can be a painful and distressing condition. Initially, symptoms may include fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and discomfort in the upper right abdomen. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience more severe abdominal pain, confusion, and jaundice, which is the yellowing of the skin and eyes. The accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream due to liver dysfunction can lead to a general feeling of malaise and discomfort.The pain associated with liver failure often stems from the swelling and inflammation of the liver, which can cause significant discomfort. Patients may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting, further contributing to their overall distress.”
“the fact that he is still practicing.”
A claim that’s belied by both the podcast and this interview:
From 12:00 minutes:
“they are effectively de-registering us by using suspension powers. They’re acting like policemen
who believe they’ve apprehended a criminal, taken them into jail and thrown away the keys, not ever taking them to the appropriate adjudicator to see if they’ve actually got enough evidence to show their “reasonable belief” was correct. Due process is being tossed out.”
Cutting Corners aka The Lawlessness of the Age
But don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of company
“the fact that he is still practicing.”
A claim that’s also belied by this discussion:
At 8 min on Rumble vid a reminder that, having commandeered blanket censorship re all covid-related issues, said Commandeers tried to cover their law-breaking arses by legalising themselves in arrears(misinformation bill);
a mimicry of the 1999 “Referendum” in every respect
“A second brilliant 2 hour illustrated lecture by Brian Shaw explaining that so many “laws” are in fact not legal”
What I’d like to know is why, 2 weeks into 2025, the Nov ’22 cancellation of Duncan Syme’s doctorate has been upheld
Whilst the self-same APHRA rationale underlying the 2023 cancellation imposed on William Bay was revoked 3 and a half months ago:
Unfortunately it appears that any intelligent input on these pages is unlikely
Off topic, sorry, but Dee’s article is important so please do follow the reference TO FILE RE ‘OPERATION HOUR GLASS’
Analysed by SG anon in his URGENT UPDATE OF 14/1/25 at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news from 40 mins on… I am blocked from about the 53 min mark and will desperately try to proceed further to assess, as something seriously urgent. Dan Scavino is behind the disclosure of THE PRESENT ‘operation hour glass’.
Bottom line is that they are ready for it. (learnt from 911? ….. get the idea from a few mins before timeline 40.
Now go listen to Dr Campbell and our Blue Mountains’ PSYCHOLOGIST WITH SO MUCH COMMON SENSE TO EXPLAIN NORMIES AND REKATE IT TO YOUR PERSPECTIVE AS TO EVERYTHING THEy HAVE MANIPULATED INTO THE BACK OF YOUR SKULL WITH to use and thus to cancel out that part above your blind eyes…. The reflective common sense part. That’s why Polar Bears buy bar fridges🤷♂️
6.16 PM
I referred above to the SGAnon report and have now managed to hear the rest of SGanon from the 53 min to the end and it followed as suspected….. per Scavino hints, they are getting ready for another ‘911 type event’
So see the vide, note it, and FILE IT.
Exposure may prevent what may be planned.
Unfortunately, there are many desperately in fear of what Trump is going to expose and they are desperate mad dogs who know that they are facing historic exposures and indeed,….. a military firing squad?
So just file SGanon …… not likely to happen if It is exposed.
Well 911 happened and those in the know made huge profits.
As an after thought, recall that Clif High assessed an event far greater than the affect of 911…. Was it by 13 times as to response? January comes to mind?
6.52 AM
Hear some old tapes and interview with grandson of one in the discussion. AFTER ALEX JONES HAS HIS SPEIL.
Ref: rumormillnews.com – reading room on 15/1/25 at timeline. 00:20:23.
For amusement what of the 911 files🙀🙀💁💁🙀🙀🙀?
Now who has a MOTIVE TO MUDER T?
Need I paint a picture mass media:?
Are you: panicking worried lying fake lot concerned that all of you might be in the corner of it🔥🤷♂️🤪🤪🤪🤪
Then it’s ……… for your whole business’s
See, You have been lying not only about covid, haven’t you🤷♂️
Remember ‘Q’ quipped that the day will come when they will not be able to walk down the street.
Nah, do not worry, you have told us that there is no ‘Q’ and others know there is no PLAN⚖️🤪
11.40 AM
Michael Yeadon-Pre-eminent COVID whistleblower
In December 2020, Drs Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg wrote to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to petition for a stay of action, concerning the clinical trials for the drugs which were referred to as ‘Covid vaccines’. The EMA disregarded it, and Mike Yeadon believes that the subsequent rollout of these injections is directly related to widespread illness, death, and infertility.
Mike goes on to explain why the design and sales of such drugs is entirely reliant upon the premise of contagious illness. His examination of the subject has led him to refute, entirely, the hypothesis offered by germ theory. Since speaking out in 2020, he has been censored and besmirched by the Establishment and mainstream media alike. His many interviews with alternative and independent media channels are best summarised in his Silver Bullet video.
A great video to be sent around to everyone. Of course, there will be the deniers, which my cynical streak says “good riddance”.
He also calls it a WAR, which it is. – What do you do in a war? You defend yourself against the aggressors. There was a reason for psy-ops like Port Arthur, they wanted to disarm you so you would be less able to defend yourself.
If you are a weak person you will try to compromise with the enemy. As for me, I may be an old dog, but I can still bite – don’t fuck with me.
Tavistock’s 2030 Agenda
“Smart cities – which I call AI controlled concentration camps – that will monitor every move and the inhabitants biometrics. What looks like a scifi movie scene is all about the 2030 Agenda and total world control. Note AI tech monitors health inside – what if AI decides a person is not socially acceptable and should be eleminated? How easy is it to make any smart device into a weapon? Will AI monitor brain waves for thought police? Connect with the self assembly nanotechnology in the blood stream and alter the individual?
Humans will be the living lab rats. Read for yourself.
Here is the article – please see the link above for videos:
PEOPLE will move into a top secret robotic utopia “living laboratory” later this year filled with futuristic tech.
Toyota has been building its Woven City since 2021 which will serve as a test ground for driverless cars, smart homes and robotics.”
The Human as an Observer
Understanding Future Shock And After Shock – The Technocratic Prediction That Common Man Will No Longer Understand Reality Due To The Exponential Pace Of Technological Advances
JUN 17, 2024
For some🔥🙀⚖️💀
First half about state sponsored terrorism, mostly old stuff 9-11 bombings (10 min)
Second half about traphiqing mafia, minor slave auctions etc (10 min)
ex FBI guy
Apropos of nothing specific
I am still laughing about G5 term “self relevance” which I seem to find extremely amusing
1000+ Sleepers
re: Trump tower attack Vegas & New Orleans truck attack
You serious?
Then look at the material researched by me for days-months.
That is ignored by most. Doh?
No your format of extended presentations on a dicky webpage (bin) does not suit. I am aware of the material but I have posted a concise version
For reliable fair dinkum information with no ‘dickiness’ I trust you follow one or more of the following.
Our ABC.
Our SBS.
‘The Australian’ press.
The SMH.
A assortment of opinionated radio shock. Jokes.
A few of our globalist controlled tv stations,
Oh, and the Daily Telegraph in Sydney would be your favourite to determine your days with the star sign astrology predictions.
Then again if you applied your discernment you could have heard Lt. Col Ricardo Bosi, four two hours that I did till about 6AM this morning. I love coincidences arising from your dicky outlook that has just been exposed…. Again.
Pity you missed out on Bosi, as you would never have heard of him via any of a selection of our media, that you may select.
Now why would our media ignore Bosi?
Because if Australians listened to him they would realise that he has a common sense plans to make Australia great and sovereign in the world.
Oh well what ever you do, just avoid dicky common sense, there are enough Australians with a brain to actually appreciate what is wrong and consider great COMMON SENSE IDEAS on how to fix it.
BTW: whilst I have mentioned the subject covered by Bosi before, he again covers PDSD. For the last half hour or so.
Pity you missed out on that; it is going to be more common as the aware people become affected by loss of a moral code by our leaders that they thought existed, together as they realise how stupid the public is because they have been lied to and lose trust in our county’s leaders etc, including military Generals white-anting our defence system🤪🤪🤪🤪YOU WOULD HAVE, I PRESUME💁🤷♂️LOVED ONE OF AUSTRALIAN GENIUS GENERALS WRITING A PAPER SUGGESTING THAT OUR MILITARY SHOULD PROVIDE ‘COMFORT’ persons whilst fighting overseas. That should be encouraging for families waiting at home…. Their spouses can be assured of a good root provided by you as a tax payer.
Sorry that your perceptions and lack of confidence in discernment is overtaken by your nature. But just relax and rely on others to do the research and get a grip on comforts for your families AND AUSTRALIA!
9.41 PM
Your website is dicky in the technical sense, I have not specified particular content.
Please cease and desist with feisty invitations to debate or combat on flimsy or deliberately wrong premises.
Your preferred website is not the unique and only source of Alternative information and disinformation available, there is a wide variety of others.
There is no point in me getting into LockStep with you, but if you want to attempt to explain why the comments section needs to be a chorus line for BIN, then go ahead.
It’s your thing, it’s troublesome, and as of now I’m not going to indulge anyone by looking at it again. If you post direct links on rumble it would probably be more effective than going through BIN website.
Good luck with your venture.
Well if you care, put up the rumble link for Bosii.
Then you with and for others convenience can express a view on the General’s idea of taxpayer’s comfort whores.
Even think of Bosi’s MIDDLE EAST POLICY ….. which is just plain common sense. IMHO!
So many ideas raised🤪
253 PM
Joe Up a bit you state that you are aware of the material and have posted a ‘concise version’.
Where is it?
Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd – They’ve created a monster!!!
“I fear for Australia,NZ is gone”
Fearing should not be surrender, it invites fight… from the subject psychologists article
It needs application of the frontal lobes..
It also needs people like RICARDO BOSI FROM AUSTRALIA in the link added by Dee above to my reply to Joe.
Please invest the 2 hours and note who is ‘censoring’ or trying to ignore him so that those traitors to humanity in the CONTROLLED ‘SECRET’ societies can continue their EVIL MANIPULATION FOR GLOBALIST CONTROL.
Basically the sucked in idiots are controlled through various levels down from a few entities at the top of the pyramid.
When their grunts have done their job, the grunts will be dispensed with, level after level. they have demonstrated that ultimately they might turn on their masters….. because by nature they have shown their nature dealing with each ‘peasant’ level beneath them. They have demonstrated propensity and efficiency in cruelty that may be turned to topple the pyramid.
12.18 PM
And at each level, they are panicking and becoming S…T scared that we are awakening and because we are 99% and they may as well be eunuchs.
Some of their lowest level grunts operate in the media and at this level, thinking of rewards…… they are ‘dreamin’.
Martin Durkin Discusses California Wildfires
How secure will parents now be knowing that through their stupidity they believed and followed the instructions of politicians and the msm, to now may be any day their child or children could drop dead.
One of the things Mal, is that not only by stupidity but a raft of self demeaning reactions. The extreme coercion was still to date unprecedented in our lifetime, and its really shocking that they went after the kids.
Something about the old slaynews story just seemed odd or “leading” didactic way. I don’t know or the number of Oz kids affected or dead in the last few years, but its enough that I’m still shocked they really did this and its still playing out.
Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel Introduce Message Vault
Tech break through by the inventor of social networking and scalability (Leader Technology) stolen by the Zucker beast.
Quantum computers don’t exist.
Oh no.
What will white hats and Dicky BIN have to say about this.
Bloody white hats with their big bucket of white wash and people actually paying for the pleasure of applying white wash to the public fence.
just a bit more depth on the IBM game. Some say Blackrocks Aladdin. Doctor Watson from AG Bells telephone call was stolen tech too, complete with backdoor. If you look at the foundational members.
This is the data Tavistock wanted, and think all the major telco’s eavesdropping, and all were corrupted from the get go
A most important video that vindicates all of us “anti-vaccine” dumb-dumbs.
I get bored instantly with experts who say Mein Trumpf made “mistakes” in his first term, hiring nut-jobs like John Bolton et al, now Trump is pretending he didn’t know what he was doing but look at him hiring this time, “RFK can do whatever the hell he wants” and so forth. Who needs to “watch the water”, what water, I’m watching Mein Trumpf, who is about to “release the sausages”, hmm.
Mel and Sylvester will make a formidable propaganda unit but Jon Voight ? His daughter used to drink blood with Billy Bob Thornton, well at least she doesn’t appear to be some type of drug abuser
Not Mel too, noooo, please let him be a wild oat.
Is life imitating art. The captions on that vid are somewhat amusing if you listen in 3×3
107 opinion on the ‘SUM OF ALL FEARS’ in Washington on 20/1 and over the next week.
A reasonable assessment of the DEWS playbook and no time to play.
16/1 at Dickey BIN for the first 9 minutes.
4.54 PM
107 opinion on the’SUMOF ALL FEARS’ in Washington on 20/1 and over the next week.
A reasonable assessment of the DEWS playbook and no time to play.
16/1 at Dickey Bin for the first nine minutes.
5.07 PM
DMSO Transforms the Treatment of Infectious Diseases
Just putting up with that bloody Dickey Bin crowd, just past 37 mins when I heard a interview with Andrew Bridgen ( Ex MP UK Parliament, you know, the anti-injector pollie frauded out of his seat in the last election)
Well this is so strange, he claims that he has information of hundreds of paedophiles and people using young kids for stuff, then selling their organs.
Well blow me down. That Dickie Bin must be bloody tricky to direct human beings not to look at some reports by making it boring to cope with and then selecting reports they put up.
Oh well, for those who will never look at Difficult Dickie Bin, they can go elsewhere to a site report SOMEWHERE ( try the ABC for example) and handle the Ex member’s recorded report on what he knows, as reported to him.
Just for the official record for those who can cope, go to the Real Mary WTPN SITUATION REPORT FOR TODAY AT THE DICKIE MASTERS FOR SOME TRICKERY at
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Heaps of other stuff, not found on our ABC et.al.
Excuse my boring of some normie grunts, but they can search elsewhere not so Dickey if they can spare the time.
Fancy dinner is cold: 717. ( no That was not deliberate, it happens🙀🤷♂️
perhaps you can manage and cope with a few minutes with Andrew Bigden.
Indeed, maybe give him a ring and arrange with Dee something for GS and our dear betwixt commentators🤪
Still cold. 7.27
Did Trump Just BREAK from Netanyahu?
Harley Schlanger
Very worthy listen. For the poor normies especially, because they have no clue.
If you have been following Mike king at http://www.beforeitsnews.com you would examine Trump’s tactics in regard to Israel as analysed by King.
Refer: “”THE SUM OF ALL FEARS” film and how King interprets it and T’s modus.
I have referred to all this re King.
It is a game, T has had to also keep 30 million sucked in US crazy duped Christian Zionists on board being part of the game. (See any around here🤪?)
When the dumb section of Christian’s realise in due course ………..
11.24 AN
Add today at Beautiful BIN the short Ben Fulford report and Q and A on 17/1 under the headline ‘they were ALL executed,,,,,,’. Sometimes I think the msm fraudsters sold their headline marketing ploy to poor BIN scratching for a living.
Anyway, Ben has some good stuff.
911 awakening ,the Rotters blackmailing Japan,The fires and some truth re an executed one and fun for Catholics on a fake pope and Vigano to the possible rescue.
If anyone wants those subjects somewhere searching through heaps of the msm garbage chucked out, let us know each link for Ben’s topics…… Joe will be on the job to assist you so that you can avoid Dickey BIN.
From the new stuff I see at Dickey BIN it could be a busy day selecting and discerning the real stuff from the bullshit. It is a messy job but amazing how many ‘stuck-up’s’ walk right over it ….. too smelly-A-Bin for ‘em.
1.17 PM
Insightful discussion-the anglo-american connection,cabinet picks,the Trump Gaza ceasefire, the Jeffrey Sachs post.
The Brzezinski Islamic card and British Geopolitics.
al Julani(Zelensky with a beard.)-“our man in Syria”
Hussein,Gadafi and Assad-national patriots.
Putin’s restraint.
The JFK turning point.
Californian fires,RFK assassinated and the NAWAPA Bill(to bring water from Alaska) was never instituted.
The emergence of the Global South.
What just happened in Gaza
Comment @ 11:27am refers to this video