Not a Warhol, just a random Arab sheikh with his essential product.
J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
In a bizarre inversion of conventional logic, PM Albanese repeatedly claims his βcost of livingβ bonuses will actually reduce inflation. The reality is, nothing can stop the devaluation of their currency when they print it so feverishly, aided by the banksβ money creation and even marginally by multiple counterfeiting operations in Asia.
For our tragic and deplorable federal government, black is white and up is down.
They claim they will reduce inflation to 2.75% by spending on βnon-inflationaryβ measures. The Reserve Bank which controls the interest rate makes no such claim, in fact the Australian interest rate lags the US interest rate by around 2% from its normal bias (1% higher), an unheard of gap in these very unusual times. Is the Australian federal government holding on breathlessly to the hope that US rates will suddenly be lowered 2%, or are they hoping electric cars and solar panels will get us off our oil addiction? No, they are more like a drunk driver skidding off a road hoping to somehow survive the financial catastrophe by blaming Ukraine and Global Warming and making up numbers.
It seems that they may have been trying to remind the RBA that the government is still the boss, theoretically at least, and if the government wants to bend reality, a bit like starlight going around a black hole, then thatβs how it is going to be, at least until the election, around a year from now. Their remedy of high rates controlling inflation is a nonsense anyway. The inflation was baked in since years ago when the conservative coalition gave up on their usual self-defeating, election losing austerity policy (it seems they had no assets left to throw in the bonfire).
So in response, we the public are not going to work harder, we are not going to work smarter, we are not going to tolerate higher interest rates or declining wages well, the governments have put themselves between a rock and a hard place and something has to give. Luckily there is a reality check for all of this and its name is OPEC.
Oil vs. gold
On the graph (linked below) you can see that while the US$:gold price was fixed at $35/oz the oil price was stable, after 1971 when Nixon abandoned the gold standard, gold went up like a rocket, or more realistically, the USD plummeted like a lead balloon. However the graphs always favour the numerical dollar value and not the real commodity so we see the price of gold (blue line) going up, checked only by the rolling recessions of the late 70βs, with the oil price (orange line) sometimes following, sometimes leading gold through the economic cycles to the present, where apart from some volatility in the early Covid adjustment period, we can see the oil price has some catching up to do, suggesting inflation is now beyond government control and consequently the next oil shock could come at any time.
Top five budget expenses according to Treasurer Jim Chalmers, in no particular order include Defence, Health, NDIS, Aged Care & Bank Interest. How did a scam like bank interest get onto the top five? We hear the NDIS is subject to massive rorts too. Aged care might be renamed aged mismanagement as old people are thrown on the scrapheap after their social structures have been dismembered by governments and property developers. Workers are brought in from Asia to take up the slack, so we can keep paying the banks. And what is modern βhealthβ but a suppurating fraud wrapped in a hygienic bandage.
When the world is going so bi-polar maybe defence will actually mean defence instead of offence as it is usually taken to mean. In any case it has a long way to go before it becomes optimally cost-effective.
So the top five budget expenses all result in little or no actual, usable production, no marketable product, no saleable item, just an albatross around the neck with no hope of ever paying its way in the world of free trade and commerce. Presumably this means more borrowings will have to be made.
Figure 1 Gross debt as a percentage of GDP and net debt as a percentage of GDP

This government published chart is horrific. It shows the conservative government, which usually pays off the debt, was running it up all through their tenure, from after the βGFCβ to mid-Covid era. It shows the invoiced cost of running the mostly automated financial system is costing nearly β of Gross Domestic Product, and growing faster than our GDP which is being savaged by government.
For the current budget, the treasury had previously jiggered around the numbers concerning resources prices to give itself a pre-election βsurplusβ which now apparently turns into a delayed deficit for the political term following. These things are just meaningless budget year surpluses, accounting speak, with little relation to the actual, mounting debt.
If you had a credit card which cost you β of your income in fees, would you keep it? Would you keep using it? You would go looking for cheaper alternatives.
Australia doesnβt have a financial empire like the US, France or Japan, where banks loan out borrowings at a profit. Most likely New Zealand has or had a pitifully small one, controlling certain financial aspects of multiple tiny Pacific islands, but we donβt hear much about it.
The latest industry the Albanese government has given away to competitors, just this week, is the live animal export trade. Paradoxically the animals are probably better treated under Australian regulations than they would be by the competitors.
There is no way our government could be so incompetent by accident. This must be intentional.
Major budget bonuses to individuals deliver indirectly to Big Pharma and the banks, shoring up the high prices of their patent medicine and debt products. Regardless of this blimp sized bag of mostly nothing, during the budget speech, the parliamentary gallery was packed with clappers who gave the treasurer a standing ovation for his efforts. The double-speak the Treasurer uses relating to spending being good for inflation is that he is talking only about inflation in the current budget period – ie the election runup. If he can tell lies for weeks on end about fighting inflation by spending, he wonβt last long in the job. He will probably be promoted to Prime Minister.
The NDIS, which was originally created by the ALP Gillard government, has already become notorious for rorts, and is reportedly like winning the lottery for the lucky few. Misconceived and mismanaged in equal measure, it is one of our governmentsβ desperate attempts to socialise everything, to get everyone regulated and firmly on the teat of their hideously tax engorged fiat money debt empire.
The government is so intent on extracting funds from the citizenry that it sabotages every industry which is not under its direct patronage. Just look at restaurants for example. In Asia eating out is a normal event, every night a range of healthy food is easily available at a cheap price, say around $3. In Australia, operators can hardly survive with the cost of rent, taxes, compliance etc., so the food quality is sacrificed and if youβre lucky $10 buys you a box of soggy noodles or an insipid white bread sandwich of some sort. We are seeing the steady destruction of the entire non-government economy, and our governments switching to a debt-funded model.
At a glance, this would appear to be more perilous than World War II.
The legacy and controlled media also collaborates with the governmentβs relentless chanting of their climate crisis policy driving narrative and the public snoozes through it all, dulled by the mindless repetition. However anyone still awake will have noticed the solar activity is so intense just at the moment that we have been seeing the southern lights or Aurora Australis from as far north as mainland Australia, with photos showing it blindingly bright in the night skies and at the same time we are experiencing a magnificent Indian Summer with excellent warm autumn weather as we head into the scheduled winter months. Nobody in the legacy or controlled media is allowed to make the connection between solar activity and warm weather. This creates a totally bizarre, otherworldly tone in the reportage. Itβs hard to imagine a more open secret than the obvious connection between the sun and the climate but thatβs what they are still trying to maintain. It would appear that for some reason their news reading careers depend on delivering the totally absurd with a straight face.
NASA | Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun
A massive, volcanic type of eruption is taking place on the surface of the sun now, about 1000 times the size of the earth and has been aimed toward us. Fortunately the solar rotation period is 24.5 days so any direct energy from sunspots is relatively short-lived, a few days or a week. If more major sunspots like this one appear, we will have one of the warmest winters on record, and if they run for several months there will be a death-wave in Europe as old people with no air-conditioning die off in droves. The approximately 11-year solar cycle is already coming up to the maximum and in Switzerland, the UNβs World Meteorological Organisation is surely well aware of all this; and powered by paychecks, will be keeping its Climate Change assault on common sense going to the maximum extent possible for the duration.
Just how detached from reality can our governments and legacy media get? The answer is: there is no upper limit because we are looking down the barrel of βThe Great Resetβ, where, as you already know, you will own nothing.
“For our tragic and deplorable federal government, black is white and up is down.”
“The latest industry the Albanese government has given away to competitors, just this week, is the live animal export trade. Paradoxically the animals are probably better treated under Australian regulations than they would be by the competitors. ”
The politicians were interviewed on BEEF TV at the beef summit this week…
“We are seeing the steady destruction of the entire non-government economy, and our governments switching to a debt-funded model.”
ALL BY DESIGN… keep the fools working longer hours to pay for goods and services and a roof.
“The legacy and controlled media also collaborates with the governmentβs relentless chanting of their climate crisis policy driving narrative and the public snoozes through it all, dulled by the mindless repetition.”
1 month ago (edited)
Intelligence has limitations but stupidity has no boundaries.
I was going to write an article on stupidity, but there was so much on display I figured it was redundant…
Protect yourself, nobody else will.
Here’s a good article on stupidity. I really ‘resonated’ with the article as I was gifted with an above average IQ.
All the media goes on about DEMOCRACY, fuck that, I prefer MERITOCRACY, but that ain’t gonna happen.
No surprises re the disclaimer on the U tube/U. N link, quote:
βClimate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. β
Said mantra is, of course, just a natural progression of Big Bang theology:
Genuine science starts here:
The bottom line is, if you’re in flat denial about where you’ve come from, you’re hardly going to have any clear understanding as to where you’re going
Everyone has been warned for years hear at GS NEWS but few have listened.
Time is up for final calls, the financial βs-trainβ is βALL ABOARDβ. Happy holiday! With Mary at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news βsituation updateβ
From 12 mins for ten and plenty of other βstuff you ALLβ.
What are they who are not game to face the real parts of Maryβs report?
I faced the reports from the WH at the time in jan 21.
Mary now has a face – and what a gorgeous face it is! Three days to go – get ready before all the fun begins!
I note, that a couple famous music people, one, a very famous musician whom many long thought dead, will be making their comeback into our reality and very soon.
And if anyone wishes to visit the Sydney Opera House to marvel at an engineering masterpiece, do it now because it will not be there for much longer.
NCSWIC – nothing can stop what is coming.
It would make a nice harbour side park for our GCβs lessons π€ͺ
Maryβs presentation reflects her sppearanceβ¦. as I have suspected.
12 min
The M$M is only allowed to talk about the electricity discount which amounts to about 20% off your bill for the cold months.
Meanwhile most people are aware, even if only dimly, that the banks create the money FROM NOTHING which we then pay the “interest” on using real labour hours.
Today there was reported a graffiti incident on Channel 7 and ABC so this must have been in Sydney, the “offenders” were captured by police after expressing their opinion about banksters, Gaza, dead women or whatever, we don’t know.
In Melbourne we see they now have a rapid response graffiti unit. It is essential that the commoners not be allowed to express any opinions in any way. Our thinking will be done for us and expressed on the official channels. I see on the internet of phones that the “Gumshoe News” has been deemed an unsafe site and prospective visitors are greeted with a G666gle “Back to Safety” button.
Officially at least, thinking is banned. It took 40 years but 1984 is starting to become reality in 2024
So the msm and ABC is FAKE and FβD!
Turns out it was in Melbourne, I guess in Sydney they are too busy trying to pay the rent to dissent very much
Todayβs X22report.com is worth a serious listen, especially the Q drops for 2018 appearing towards the end.
For a change, Dave controls his βdrama queenβ screaming.
The ‘Movie’ is just about done. What we are now watching is the epilogue of a very sophisticated and well planned military sting operation, involving many nation’s military’s, the scope of which this world has never been witness to. D-Day, June 6, 1944, pales in comparison with what has been occurring in the world wide, Operation Odin,
Those who have yet to catch up to what has been going on all around them for the past eight years, will have the opportunity to enlighten themselves come the next enforced lock down, where the only show in town will be the television, as three eight hour episodes of true history per day, and over a ten day period, will play out to those who are still willing to learn about how this world has been controlled for thousands of years. It is this time that we will all find out where most of us will be heading to in a future that will benefit all of humanity, but only for those who are willing to embrace their role in the new Earth.
Prior to the lock down, there may be a three day power shutdown – so prepare for such an event by having at least three days of water on hand.
Lots of learning ahead for all of us – good luck and God speed.
‘The Truth will not be for everyone – Q’
Olsen reveals the real budget… a “credit card”-like scam. How can we her russ of the credit card holders in Canberra????
Sorry auto text took over… how can we get rid of…
Dee – Who is the current American Ambassador in Australia – would it be Caroline Kennedy? Who was a frequent visitor to the American Embassy over the past two years – would that have been the GG – David Hurley?
Why all the visits, and why did Trump appoint a Kennedy as American Ambassador to Australia?
Who is now Trump’s VP? Would it be JFK junior?
Has Australia come under American administration since January 17, 2024?
What is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet, and why January 17?
Why is Federal Parliament (both houses) almost empty of members whenever any politician presents a ‘question’, or speech? – where are all the other MP’s?
Do you truly believe that if what we are now becoming aware of was not controlled by White Hats, that this blog would still be operating?
It’s nearly over – just be patient.
No one escapes this time!
Elbow’s bullshit explosion is wearing thin with the public already
Now we are back to the Gaza Holocaust-Clearout and Ukraina Holocaust-Clearout
So Anthony Blinken would like us to lighten up a bit !!!
Conscription age raised to 60 so Blinken is safe (age 62)
Of course the US could have disputed Putin’s Donbass separatist election and made an issue of it instead of just leaving it to the M$M Harpies but everyone seems to have agreed in advance the entire population of Ukraina has to go
The most disturbing highlight in the essay is not the economic data nor the Bernays inspired global warming theory nonsense but the, standing ovation. That really does confirm the Non Player Character meme.
Strawmen/women without a brain or heart but with tin ears skipping along their imagined yellow brick road of success. Of course, without any intention of looking behind the curtain when they reach the wizard- that would take the courage, absent in the cowardly lion, required to question their beliefs which have been fully installed by their education and the media.
There is no pleasure in quoting a British Peer but in this case the words of Arthur Wellesley the First Duck of Wellington is appropriate when he said: ‘wise people learn when the can; fools learn when they must’.
The only edit the quote needs is replacing ‘when’ with ‘what’ in the fool’s section.
With a brain and a heart, as well as eyes to see and ears to hear provided by self education, the NPCs may just come to life and discover they do have the courage to look behind the curtain… only to see a lonely old galoot keeping himself occupied by pushing their buttons.
Attempted assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico
The dirty crooked ABC-TV had me fooled saying he was sold out to Putin, I forgot some place around there was anti-va666. This is a real crime by the crooked ABC-TV misleading people with their government powered lies, this is just about AS LOW AS THEY HAVE EVER GONE but not for the first time.
And it plays into the expanding Iron Curtain narrative, well who knows probably both things are true at the same time, making it even easier for the ABC-TV to spin their web of lies.
I get Slovenlia and Souvlakia mixed up.
Slovenlia is next to Venice where Melania comes from.
Souvlakia is part of former Czechresouvlakia.
But this is an interesting flashback anyway.
Why don’t we burn our covid clinics like the Europeans do ???
“There is no way our government could be so incompetent by accident. This must be intentional”
Says it all, and becoming more and more obvious even for those not yet fully awake.
Yep, boring old βcultistβ me again!
Situation update via Mary at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
If you can manage the mandatory 7 mins from 5, give it a try and proceed on if you can.
If you cannot face it go to the fake ABC, SBS and the failed globalist media for your enlightenment.
BTW, Jim Willie is also fun todayβ¦. Two year estimate on SILVER and gold comes up toward the end.
According to a story a week ago Glorious Dictator Xi From Heaven told everyone in China to buy silver, but here there is a big spread between the buy and sell price and nobody seems to want to sell bags of sixpences and shillings so I don’t quite see it as much more than a commodity myself
Your choice.
Look at this
1/2 kilo silver Cast Bar
sell: $792.30 buy: $688.70
It’s bullshit
I want a bag of thrippences for that price
About from 46 mins for ten to the END FOR MR ROBERTS , BRING IN BIG MIKE???
Love itπ€ͺπ
Episode 3354 at X22report.com
Who watches the ABC, SBS, globalist tv and media shock jokes these days?
GEORGE CHRISTENSEN (former member for McKay Qld) unedited
The Albanese Government’s budget does little for hardworking Australian families.
While they tout a tax cut, the reality is starkly different.
At the high end, some families will even lose about $9,000 due to the reduction in the size of the tax cuts initially planned by the Liberal National Coalition and, at the low to middle income end, the removal of the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset, will nullify any benefits from the tax cuts.
Inflation is also going to chew up any benefits from the tax cuts. Right now, essential costs like electricity (up 14.9%), bread (up 7.3%), rent (up 7.7%), fuel (up 8.1%), and insurance (up 8.2%) are hurting Australian families, and it seems the Federal Budget is going to make things worse.
Don’t take it from me. Commenting on the budget, respected economist Chris Richardson said: “My big ask of the Budget was that it didnβt poke the inflationary bear. I donβt think it passed that test.”
How did it poke the inflationary bear exactly?
As Senator Matt Canavan has pointed out, government spending is set to balloon by $24 billion this year, further exacerbating the inflation crisis.
Canavan.pngSo here’s where Treasurer Jim Chalmers has decided some of your hard-earned money is going this year:
Digital ID: $11 million over the next four years, even though it hasnβt passed Parliament yet. An additional $5.6 million is allocated to ensure this invasive system doesnβt breach your privacy, which is its default function.
Plant-Based Food Labelling: $1.5 million wasted on promoting a woke dietary agenda.
Abortion Funding: $51 million dedicated to increasing abortion access, misleadingly framed as “holistic, tailored health care.”
Abortionbudget.pngFrom the 2024/25 Federal Budget Documentation
Foreign Aid: Increased by about 4%, pushing our annual spend to nearly $5 billion. This includes $20.7 million for the ‘Australia – France Roadmap’.
Climate Change Talkfests: An additional $76.2 million on endless climate discussions with dubious results.
Mainstream Media Subsidies: A whopping $12 million for the Australian Associated Press to stay afloat.
Foreign Investment Subsidies: A $746,600 tax break for foreigners to invest in ‘build to rent’ homes.
In summary, this budget offers little for Australian families but plenty in the way of inflationary pressure, woke agendas, and foreign interests.
Budget reply: Ole Chromedome is making a very strong pitch for WA resources.
They say winning WA is critical in the upcoming election(s)
Our dodgy grafted on former Health Minister WA Premier Rog. Crook will be hoping to save us all during next year’s airborne Ebola scamdemic (SEERS 2025)
Expect WA to be closed for a couple of years as super sausage Rog. Crook saves us all in a desperate attempt to emulate his predecessor McGollum.
Yes Crook will be returned this time next year on the numbers, I don’t know which election comes first, WA or Federal. Either way Chromedome is hungry and everyone reading Gumshoes should plan to move here, the house shortage is bullshit there are a few houses here and there, just the homeless everywhere can’t afford rent in a location to their taste. The East is dead and everyone has given up on it, the politicians have killed it. Go and live near the airport and get a FIFO job do’;t worry if you don’t know what you’re doing, nobody else does. Just learn the local language.
ie. Yeah nah, too easy mate. (formal)
ie. Good one mate no worries. (informal)
Note that it is essential that all replies be constructed in the affirmative.