By Malcolm R. Hughes
Thank you to Stefan Homburg for bringing to light the proof that the world was and still is under the spell of a non-existing Covid-19 virus, scam.
See video at https://gumshoenews.com/germans-get-truth-boosters/
This video provides the information of proof that many already knew about but could not get the public to absorb. With this now released information, I now call on the Lawyers and Barristers to jump into action and initiate proceedings against all those in Australia who took part in the criminal actions against the Australian population.
Retired barrister, Julian Gillespie is already at the coalface in this regard. (“Jules On The Beach” <julesonthebeach@substack.com>) . We must now insist that the Judiciary become aware of the evidence provided and they must take the appropriate action against the felons. The ridiculous legal jargon “you have no standing”, to make out a person has “no right” to bring this court action needs to be put to bed forever. In this particular matter every Australian was affected by the criminal actions of the few, so have a very definite right to sue these miscreants.
In my opinion these creatures did knowingly put we the Australian people in a false situation where the politicians and medical industry held the public at ransom and must now be held to account. Those in the front line of this criminal action are the two Australian Prime Ministers, all State Premiers and Chief Ministers of Territories since 2019. Also the leaders of each of the political parties of the Commonwealth of Australia and each State, who had to have been involved, to allow or force each politician into their illegal actions. Others in the front line were the Health Ministers, both Commonwealth and State and the Chief Health Officers. Of course the main stream media (msm) must also be taken to account for their continous stream of lies and false narratives.
As I discovered very early ( April 2020) the official information being dished out was completely false. By early July 2020 Governments’ own statistics proved that there were no extra death over 2019 figures even though the msm had stated that deaths in Victoria were nothing like ever seen before. This was an outright lie. The Australian death statistics were actually a little over 8,000 less in 2020 “the year of the pandemic” than in 2019. If there was truly a pandemic in 2020 how could this be, unless cancer and heart attacks went on “holidays” for 12 months? Or another possible explanation, could be that because there were no surgeries carried out and many treatments were suspended many “normal” deaths did not happen. The extra death numbers did not start to show themselves until after the “vaccines” were released in late February 2021.
Providing evidence to both msm and politicians did nothing to change their disgusting tactics. However the Senate Standing Committees into Covid-19 has opened a window of opportunity for we the public to record our absolute disgust into the actions of the criminals and showing that politicians had been provided with the true information, from virtually the outset of the scam and did nothing to adjust their criminal activity. I, for one have provided the above committee with a copy of ALL my correspondence and video evidence, ( videos supplied by doctors and other medical experts from around the world), sent to those responsible for the tragedy.
Even the criminals must believe their actions were inappropriate and illegal as every Government position held at beginning of the Covid scam has now been vacated to be filled by another criminal. Why do you think the Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia and ALL of the State Premiers and Special Ministers of the Territories that were in position at beginning of the scam have all resigned without losing an election? Never been anything like that situation in history previously.
This criminal exercise just goes to prove a University education is not required to be more intelligent than others. Some people like myself with a High School education or lower, were able to figure out that Covid-19 was a scam by May 2020 or sooner. However even today there are others with so-called better education, rabbiting on about the Covid (Covid-19) deaths.
Some highly respected doctors are still trying to scam the public into buying expensive treatments to save yourself from the “dreaded Covid” without telling the public that the “dreaded Covid” is only a cold or at worst a flu. Notice that these professionals used the term Covid-19 up until more of the public awakened, then the term became Covid, which is still in use today, as though it is something different from the afore mentioned. If you are diagnosed as having Covid it is probably caused by you being injected with the “flu vaccine”. Or the other explanation is that you have had a totally corrupt “Covid test”.
Now let the LAW start up the criminal proceedings against not only the pharmaceutical industry but also the politicians and medical fraternity who were knowingly “in on the exercise”.
A Different Topic:
An associate was showing me the app. on her phone to use as a compass. The big problem is that the needle would not point in direction of north no matter how mobile phone was moved around. She sat down a metre or so away and her husband came around to mobile and the pointer moved to north. I made remark that I had nothing metallic on me but didn’t know if his wife had anything metal. She said nothing and was straight faced (maybe she already knew the reason). It took me a few minutes to realise I had said “nothing on”, not “nothing in” me. The penny dropped but I said nothing at the time. I knew that the wife was “vaccinated” but hubbie was not. So if anybody wants to check if somebody is telling truth about vaccination status, providing you have this app. on mobile phone you can know the truth of situation. I mentioned this story to another person more recently and she showed me on her mobile, most people in the cafe came up as an internet registration number.
Like it says in the Book of Job, Mal, “Naked came I.”
That’s fascinating about the new diagnostic use of compasses. (I’ll bet some of the In-Denials will refuse to test it.)
Problem –> Solution
Famous database hacking episodes in Australia
Optus 2022
Medibank 2022
Latitude 2023
Medisecure 2024
But now we have the solution, just position your face in the frame:
Hang on, this sounds like the hackers will scoop up even more data ?
I guess what we really need is to be indelibly chipped from birth and log in for everything.
Lookie, Mal, you’ve got hundreds of compadres — I mean folks who have sent an Amazon review of Rand Paul’s book on Fauci. This one is from “Linda”:
“All I want to know is, Dr. Paul, when are these people, especially the arrogant Fauci himself, going to JAIL, and WHY does Fauci have taxpayer funded bodyguards and why are all these people still being paid? [Hell, I didn’t know about that!] On behalf of all the people who died or lost loved ones…put them all in jail …. They KNEW, down to the last person, what they were doing … “
I disagree Mary, these beings were involved in TREASON, hang them all.
I would have some sympathy for those who took the ‘vax’ if they hadn’t acted like such assholes and tried to demean me for telling them the truth. Like Mal, I was aware it was a scam in early 2020. Trying to inform people only led to abuse by fools.
We all make mistakes in life, this getting ‘vaxzed’ mistake was a BIGGIE. – OK, deal with it. Quit the denial, Crikey, I even had a person be aggressive to me because I DIDN’T TRY HARD ENOUGH TO CONVINCE THEM.
The old ‘Shoot the messenger’ reaction. Gawd damn people wake up, I didn’t inject you I tried to warn you, I was trying to save you. – If you want to get pay-back, then do it. Become a self-actualized individual that conducts themselves with honor, integrity and courage, not some whinny little shit that tries to deflect the outcomes of their bad decisions on to others.
Terry – those who rail against anyone who was awake enough to realize the trickery, bullshittery, blatant propaganda and obvious evil intent of being forced to take ‘their’ poison, will soon shut up when you ask them, ‘How come you didn’t know?’
Sorry Mal, it was the entire system that let us down as to the Truth of the ‘plandemic’.
The ‘system’ has become so corrupted that we can no longer have any faith whatsoever, that justice will be served ever again, unless the entire system is brought down, and we begin all over again to rebuild a more accountable system, only this time, we employ a Constitution with teeth, such as the American Constitution, and we gain a Bill of Rights – that John Howard said we didn’t need – to bolster said Constitution.
The ‘system’ has been riding roughshod over us all since the Whitlam years.
During later 2021, there were several lawyers who challenged the system, based mostly on individual rights. At the time of the challenges, there was already substantive evidence that there was no C19 bug flying around – my question is: Why the hell did those lawyers not employ that knowledge in their challenge?
What could have brought all the bullshit to a screaming halt was a question never asked of any state or territory health minister. That question: Are you able to show the Court the verifiable evidence for the existence of Covid19 via isolation?
In over four years of bullshit about a bug – no one has ever isolated C19 outside of the lab it was supposedly created in! Are you aware that C19 is a patented bug? Do you realize the legal and moral implications of that?
After living through the lies and actions of a system so corrupt, that many have lost their lives, their livelihood, members of their family, injured personally by the poison, attacked physically by police forces, etc, etc, and to then rely on the same system to now uphold the justice required to even begin to set right what needs to be done, is quite simply, a fools errand.
All Ten protocols of the Nuremberg Code were deliberately breached by a system that cared little for Human Law or life, put in place to protect individuals from those employed by the system, and who chose to engage in actions detrimental against a psychologically programmed and mostly unarmed population.
There is only one way we can expect real justice for what they have done to us all.
Employing the military is the only way to bring it all down while maintaining order. And Nuremberg 2 the only way that swift justice can be delivered to those still on the wanted listed for crimes against Humanity.
Off topic-Just found
Time, space and consciousness, are all fluid and connected.
Bacterial Pneumonia caused most deaths in 1918 influenza pandemic. Possibly kick started at Fort Riley, Kansas where it was carted off to the Western Front by US soldiers and spread by the fleas that infested the rats. So on and so on. Like Trump and his phony blood, take it or leave it.
And the wearing of masks became mandatory, which increased the severity of the effects of the bug, and the subsequent numbers of deaths, incurred.
14.43 on 25/7 at
AS FOR HONESY AND INTEGRITY IN PRESENTING ‘THE BIDEN’s’ (hello! —Joseph💁) televised speech.
A typical example of the FAKE idiot class also trying to sell us Butler and injected murder.
13.24. 25/7.
74% of autopsy reports found to be deaths from the injections.
Just look at about the dozen or so who endorse the finding.
7.37 – reports on affects amingst INJECTED CHILDREN.
Scottish police note hike in SUDDEN DEATHS IN 2920
Where is my 6.26 reply?
Comment did not appear.
Anyway get ready to defend against being pecked by a rooster with approved emergency injection.
Well, it is not my job to get the staffers that we pay for to just scroll down some headlines to be able to brief our politicians who have been keeping us safe. NOT!
There are a few more, but I am not paid to do their job and try and let our fake journalists and shock lying jokes know that WE KNOW they are just a barn full iof chicken poop.
if course what has been demonstrated just on the subject topic here at gunshoenews.com /
F our readers and commentators bother to note other topical headlines, it would be realised that the ABC AND OUR CONTROLLED GLOBALIST MEDIA ARE LIARS, traitors and aid and abet murder.
Do any of them think that the Biden presented by the man is genuine, if so, they are complicit in wholesale serial deceit and they charge us to be deceived. Talk about a con job!!!!
Sell the ABC and shun all globalist corporate media advertisers.
Btw, I could not give a stuff about the typos, my time is money that I do not get.
Just checked the compass app against some powerful magnets, still functions correctly so l would assume the app is related to gps and map data in combination to the orientation of the phone.
As for C19 prosecutions I am waiting in hope that someone with deep pockets can bring about a civil case in the way of a Tort claim or a Contract breach. IMO and unfortunately a lot of doctors who did not engage in due diligence would fall in those categories.
Those “doctors” who are simply marketing agents for BigPharma will not be missed