Home Australia Australia’s  Media Coverage of the War in Ukraine Leads One to Seriously...

Australia’s  Media Coverage of the War in Ukraine Leads One to Seriously Doubt Australia’s Future as an Independent State


By  James O’Neill*

It is often said that the first casualty of war is the truth. This was never more true than in the current conflict in Ukraine. The media in this country seem totally bereft of any knowledge of history. They seem to have forgotten, for example, of how the present Ukrainian government came to power eight years ago. At that time an American-backed coup (lead by then vice president Joe Biden), overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine and forced him into exile at risk of being killed if he had stayed.

That Coup was largely ignored by the western media who continued to treat Ukraine as if nothing had happened. The reaction to the coup was certainly not accepted in the two eastern states of the Donbass and in Crimea. The two Donbass states, Lugansk and Donetsk declared their independence. Crimea followed a similar route but held a referendum first, when the overwhelming majority of its people voted to re-join Russia from whom it had been “gifted” in 1954 by then Soviet President Khrushchev.

The Ukrainian government did not except either the decision in the Donbass or in Crimea. They have waged war on the people of Donbass ever since, killing an estimated 12,000 citizens, overwhelmingly civilians, enforcing more than 1 million into exile, mostly into Russia. The people of Donbass resisted re-incorporation into Ukraine. In 2015 the Western powers of Germany and France reached a settlement with the Ukraine government, the so-called Minsk agreement. That was never implemented by the Ukrainian government, although they had voluntarily been a party to the agreement. Instead, they waged war against people they said belonged to Ukraine. This was met with a stony silence by the West.

In February 2022 the Ukrainians were preparing for a major invasion of the Donbass. That proposed intervention to forcibly reclaim the two republics was foiled by a Russian intervention. Russia had without doubt been assisting the Donbass, both in aid and military assistance, but now the intervention became overt, leading to the present war. The Russian intervention has been dramatic in its effect. The Ukrainian forces in the Donbass are now totally surrounded. They have the choice of either surrendering or being killed.

There are reports that non-Nazi Ukrainian forces are willing to surrender but are being forcibly restrained from doing so by the fanatical Nazis in their midst. That situation cannot continue and it is only a matter of time before a surrender is enforced. Most independent observers give them a maximum of two weeks before capitulation.

The Russian forces have spread over a large part of eastern Ukraine, with the capitulation and capture of a number of cities. Kiev, the capital, is currently surrounded and the Russian squeeze on the city is progressively tightening. The fighting is a classic example of the aforementioned first casualty being truth, with extraordinary Ukrainian claims of Russian casualties, fighter jets shot down and tanks destroyed. There is scarcely a word of truth in any of these claims.

By contrast, the Ukrainian Air Force has been destroyed and there is no functioning military airbase lift. The bulk of their troops are trapped in the Donbass and their role in the fighting is effectively finished. The president of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is still making extraordinary claims of heroic victories. His exact whereabouts are unknown and he is not in any case in control of his country with the fascist groups effectively the ones giving the orders.

The Ukrainians are counting on a Western intervention to save the day. Many countries, including Australia, have sent aid in the form of weapons, ammunition and food. This action has been met with a complete silence by the Labor opposition who are similarly following a policy of “me too” to each and every act in foreign policy by the government. This includes supporting the government in its anti-Russian policies, and remaining largely silent on the blatantly anti-China policies being pursued.

The West, including Australia, is fond of claiming that it is a democracy, that’s attempting to distinguish itself from its “authoritarian” rivals in the non-Western world. These protestations have not prevented closing down the broadcast of the Russian television channel in Australia with no attempt to justify or explain the decision. We are apparently not to be trusted with exposure to a foreign news channel that might influence us. Or, perhaps more accurately, to news that does not follow the accepted propaganda line of the United States outlets, whose views dominate our daily coverage.

It all points to a steady decline in what we used to think of as Australian democracy. With the current standard of “news” coverage in radio, television and newspapers that is a proposition that one has to seriously question. In the likely event of a Labor victory in the polls in less than two months’ time, it is also a proposition that one has to seriously doubt being changed in any meaningful way.



  1. Putin is taking out the Globalist trash and their Evil criminal corruption, that includes human trafficking and many bio-weapons labs. Stand by for Taiwan, as the next target.

    Globalism and the cabal that controls it, is finished!

    2022 is the year of the Great Awakening for those who choose to wake up.

    • “Globalism and the cabal that controls it, is finished”

      Spruiking such infantile nonsense isn’t going to help anyone overcome anything, in fact it does the very reverse

  2. Well James,
    Seems that your report is on the money. We often disagree.
    The only criticism I can conjure up is your omitting the Russian submission to the UN Security Council last week.
    Russia presented the evidence of all the bio labs (13+?) in the Ukraine financed by the US deep state.
    I do not now watch msm, but Understand it was ignored……. Not a mention by any fake pollies in Australia.
    I recommend that more will be found on the matter, if for once, you listen to the at least to the latest X22Report.com.
    Fake propaganda MSM: you reading?
    You lot better consider your present financial and social fraudulent situations…….. I see the family court lawyers being very busy when your spouses realise their financial plight.

  3. Deplorable Stan Grant (ABCTV muppet) resurfaced on a thing called “China Today” or similar. It looks like the communists are having a major purge in HongKong, they just get their enemies a test of some sort then shove them into hospital for termination, nobody is dying from Covid-19™ anymore except in HongKong, the coffins are stacked up to the horizon. Stan Grant’s job is not to think but simply to conform and comply. The treacherous ABC / MSM provides support and encouragement to the CCP in this latest great communist purge, this time enhanced with facial recognition, GPS tracking and “hospitalisation”. China is of course ahead of us by a few years in all these matters. Vote for Elbow and we will get there quicker. Vote for Scotty and who knows the timetable but the destination is probably the same.

    • “Deplorable Stan Grant”

      his performance the other day when he kicked out an audience member on the Q&A prorgram for daring to ask a question…

      absolutely deplorable

      • Fair Dinkum, agree with your sentiments exactly regards Stan Grant. I never trusted him entirely, preferring to give him enough rope to prove where he’s coming from. Guess that little event proved it beyond a shadow of doubt. Take note Grant, your creditability is shot to shit, no one with half a brain even, will ever take anything coming from your mouth, again.

  4. Control of the Black Sea is essential for the ongoing threats to Syria and Iran, controlling Ukraina is essential for the bio-labs, but how about the other states which split off from the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan was probably invaded by Rockerfellas since they would have found out about all the oil there. And now they have built an oversized architectural masonic temple themed civic installation to entertain everyone who adheres to the “Kazaks run the world” story, and there seems to be A LOT of adherents. Would the “hidden hand” proclaim themselves so flagrantly, I don’t think so. So will Putin storm in there next and cut off Rockerfellas from their income stream ? Why should he stop having come this far, it’s there for the taking and it deprives competitors. Maybe all that masonic temple stuff will be getting blown up by Christmas. God knows where the MSM will be by then, and Australian government tugging the forelock. Imagine Elbow as PM,,,,,,, no I can’t.

    • No, be a game if they did.” Shanghai Cooperation Organisation” , then this “Collective Security Treaty Organization” with “The Commonwealth of Independent States” and to tie us and 3/4 of the worlds population “United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific” or belt and road.
      They stitched us up with 2030vision and what we see daily agenda2030. Poor, no energy, no industry, minimum water food, indoctrination, forced chemical health.
      Putin is likely a freemason,.He has anti quaxxes there so thats cool.
      I don’t waste my time voting or bother with them hardly at all. Minimum money for them, always looking to reduce gst, take nothing(pox blanket). My pet project for 10years or so. Rates I can’t get away and they are always hunting more. Looks like the financial crash will be within a couple of years, but they are going to wind up the price of the basic needed stuff, seems baked in.
      I focus on the puppet head, know the next, will be the same. Morrison is a piece of work, his old man cop/mayor dodge. Morrison has been handled for 20 odd years to be PM. Empty vassal pretending he heads. No empathy, so he will keep on attacking us, like all leaders are doing. All planned, don’t think to much about out there, just counter here as you can.
      Galling the way they talk but you know to invert that. The coming election will have them with full security, they know what we think.(at least)

      • I think Scotty is the “soft cop” and the difference between the Australian communists (ALP) and the real estate agents (LNP) is the ALP is communist control top-down and the LNP is more controlled by individual infiltration, Andrew ROBb showed they are cheap.

  5. Why are our global leaders, on both sides of the divide, surrounded by chabad lubavitcher advisers, and why are they connected to the hip pocket of freemasonry? In our suburban dystopia, masonic halls are ubiquitous as banks and churches. We know what they’re about, but as far as the masons are concerned we don’t have a clue, yet this institute of deception and perversions has been the establishment since the arrival of the first fleet.
    Forgotten Australians have lost their lives, fighting in overseas wars of occupation, at the whims of these scumbags, that perform their poo bah in secrecy.
    Why the need for secrecy? In an open and true society there is no room for deception and lies. Scott Morrison is a freemason, as are all leaders in other states and nations. That’s why he makes a cool 10 million $ a year in orfice, probably not as high ranking as Igor, in Ukraina, who only makes 10 million $ per month.
    Facts are these occultists and their goon squads, traffic in all vices and abominations, deceitfully smiling and laughing at all of us, outside their connected loop, regardless. A great place to start the pushback, will be in closing BSL4 labs and masonic halls.

    How do we lay the foundations, for a Anti-globalist Alliance here? Suggestions from Gumshoe legal see eagles will be helpful and faithfully inspirational.

    • Look up President Kennedy’s speech on secret societies that do not belong in transparent democracies.
      He was shot within a month or so of that speech.

  6. 56,
    We start by blackballing:
    Products and services of globalist totalitarian corporations. Like Nestle’, food outlets etc.
    Support our local independent workers.
    Buy Australian grown and manufactured.
    Shun anything to do with our alleged political representatives.
    Blackball msm advertisers.
    Holiday within Australia.
    Stay out of banker’s wars. ( look up at whatreallyhappened.com : ‘all wars are bankers wars’ and listen to Major General Smedley Butler fron 1933 ‘Wars are a Racket’
    Bring back the old Commonwealth bank and chuck out the Rothschild bankers)
    Print our own money.
    SELL THE ABC AND SBS so Josh can add a billion per year of our money, with interest, to invest in Australian manufacturing and development.
    Get out of the unelected totalitarian dictating globalist UN and scrub the ‘Lima Declaration’ entered into by the Un-Australian ‘FOREIGN INTERESTS’ MINISTER SENATOR ‘WILLY SEE’ in 1975.
    Well, it is a start💁💁💁💁
    Oh, and can our own smoke oysters and mussels.🤡

      • To chuck out the Globalist banksters we will need Mach 17 nuclear ICBMs like Putin, lots of bio-labs, a patriotic and active CIA, probably satellites, and the list goes on. However, if it becomes widely recognised the ruling crowd is living in Geneva, Zurich and nearby locations, they can be dealt with on an individual basis. The way to get this awareness is to TAKE DOWN THE FAKE NEWS. Everyone should be doing everything they can in every way to TAKE DOWN THE FAKE NEWS.

        • Start by taking down the fake news “Climate Change”, the climate has always changed but now they are terrorising kids that the world will end. Somehow they have managed to persuade kids that they will burn or starve to death, even though it has been getting cooler over the last few years, since 2016 to be exact, when the sun went dormant (one minute video – notice dates 2010-2020 in lower left corner). This video needs to be seen by EVERYONE who ever got a dose of FAKE NEWS

        • If money (mon-eye/Horus) is wealth, then that wealth flows as currency between two banks as an interest bearing debt which if not paid a poverty causing drought ensues.

  7. The fake news finally found a story they were allowed to follow, this was the “funeral insurance” which has gone broke. Two years ago I remember they were saying they only paid out 25% of the revenue, or should I say they kept 75% as profit – what a business model !!!! Basically printing money. Then on April Fool’s Day 2020 they shut it down to new subscribers, obviously scared of a death wave (which never came). Now the business model has fallen apart, what does that mean ? It means it was a Ponzi !!! Even running at 75% profit they have apparently squandered the rest on their advertising, shop fitting, fat bonuses and so forth. What a joke insurance is, like BigPharma, just another fraud of this culture, most of which is as stupid as cargo cult, voodoo rites or any other nonsense dreamed up elsewhere. Where is the insurance industry now in the flood places, nowhere to be found because living on a flood plain and next to a river is uninsurable. Do we have an “Insurance Council of Australia” ??? I think so, what have these wise heads been saying ? Here is what they say: “it’s our purpose to be the voice for a resilient Australia.” It must be a very small voice, more like a tiny squeak, perhaps so high pitched it’s inaudible to the human ear.

  8. Yuan deposits replace dollar and euro in Russian banks.

    With Russia now officially cut off from both the US dollar and the euro, the state-owned VTB Bank has offered its clientele the opportunity to open Chinese yuan savings accounts that yield a maximum interest rate of 8%. The country’s second-biggest bank has been hit by the Western sanctions aimed at the total financial isolation of Russia over its war in Ukraine.

    “In light of the rising dollar and euro exchange rates, many clients are showing interest in investing in other currencies, and the yuan is one of the most affordable and promising options for investing funds,” the bank said in a statement………………………..


    • Hmm, so many Ponzis to choose from, better to just give up on work and saving and wait for Universal Basic Income from Switzerland, comes with free injections too.

      • “China has spent years preparing for the possibility that it might one day be cut off from large parts of the global economy.

        It now has its own payment systems, a blossoming technology sector, advanced manufacturing capability, and is diversifying its fossil fuel sources away from the West towards its own mines and economic partners in Africa and South America. On Monday, it announced it would produce more domestic coal this year than its entire imports combined.

        The trend towards self-reliance is clear and prudent for a superpower facing a rapidly deteriorating international environment and with its own plans to take over Taiwan in the coming decades. President Xi Jinping’s “internal circulation” model will in theory allow China’s economy to continue functioning on the strength of its domestic market and the 1.4 billion who populate it.

        But it is not ready yet. Chinese consumers are not wealthy enough to support it, businesses rely heavily on critical imported technology such as semi-conductors and Chinese banks remain intertwined in global financial markets. Unfortunately for Xi, Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine has just accelerated the calculations being made in Beijing by a decade.”

  9. 6th attempt

    This went into the ether twice, it seems the Russkis are getting banned from the internet, I will have to use some cute switches such as “u.Ptin” and “t.r.com” to get past the censor:

    Searching for “u.Ptin student ukraine schools T.R” to see what his broadcast said.

    half results did not contain u.Ptin, only one result contained T.R but wrong context (… T.R-PCR report…)
    about twice as many incidences of both terms as startpage but again actual links to t.r.com banned
    One direct link to t.r.com (right at the end) but did not contain u.Ptin

    two actual entries from tr.com but perhaps T.R will be fully banned from duckduckgo soon.
    slightly better performance than duckduckgo
    about the same as duckduckgo and freespoke

    Checked on T.R yesterday and trying to search the site shut it down.
    Today “DD-oS Guard” tried to block me or else reported my search to the authorities, but got through to T.R search and found NOTHING.

    Was u.Ptin’s broadcast to schools MORE FAKE NEWS ?
    Just a figment dreamed up by the CIA-Bezos-WashingtonPost ???

    Right, for my next activity I am going to try to find some “silver bromide”, the antiseptic that is so good that the Globalist “Chemist Warehouse” chainstore does not carry it.

  10. Well I think the Akismet is allergic to R……..T in a big way, no doubt the whole internet will follow, much as the CCP controls the internet there.

    • There is a earlier report on this fellow in the Daily Mail.
      In the second last paragraph of that report he is finishing a telephone report to media and stated that he has to hang up as the Russians might track him.
      Later he is shot🙏🙏🙏💁 they report somewhere that it was after 20 minutes in a location.
      Reminds me of the old Johnie Cash song: ‘Don’t take your guns to town son’.
      It should be updated to: ‘Don’t take your phone to war son’.
      The Cash character was Billy. Well: ‘SILLY BILLY’
      Terry, perhaps you might remind us of Johnie Cash’s song, per favour?

      Indeed someone should send the song to our federal politicians with the message ‘STAY AT HOME SON, REMEMBER IRAQ’…… and Afghanistan, Vietnam ……….

  11. Point of order James. This ‘neo-nazi’ reference has to be the biggest smoke screen/subterfuge since the word was invented.

    I was looking for the name of the Israeli woman who just happened to get all those scoops on the ISIS ‘beheadings’ and Mike King came to my aid – yes now I recall, it was Rita Katz. She miraculously managed to get all that material when the Israeli/US funded, armed and led ISIS proxies were running rampant in Iraq and the trying to destroy Syria. Rita Katz operates the ’SITE’ website.

    Now they are doing the same thing with the ‘Azov’ battalion. There probably are some ’nationalists’ who remember the genocide of Ukrainians by Stalin and the Bolsheviks, so their passion is understandable – just as there probably were some genuine Islamist fanatics caught up in the fervour of ‘ISIS’ in the Levant. It’s incredible that they are now shipping their proxies from Syria into Ukraine, including – wait for it – the ‘White Helmets’!

    Mike King explains it all here …


    Maybe they should be called the Jussie Smollett Battalion – or the Rita Katz Battalion

    • Putin started calling the Ukrainian leadership neo-Nazi and now they are trying to call him Nazi. But the story goes that the fleeing Nazis went to Brazil, Operation Paperclip and … Ukraina. Did I just hear Odessa is a “magnificent jewish intellectual city” ? ( National Press Club going in the background ). What a jumble, Slavs, Swedes, Cossacks, Ottomans, Khazar mafia, German infiltrators, it’s like the Western suburbs of Sydney.

    • ISIS beheadings –

      GeorgeBush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah

      NOAHIDE LAWS, Decapitation for Confessing “JESUS IS LORD”
      The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as a possible world order immediately preceding the universal reign of the Talmud………………..

      Source:  http://thewatcherfiles.com/noahide_laws.html

    • Julius, I fail to understand why this FACT of recycling the ISIS terrorists comes as a surprise to anyone. We all saw the American helicopters supplied free of charge to the ISIS terrorists when cornered in Syria and Iraq, being choppered out to safe havens, to live and fight another day, at the discretion of their Masters in Washington. We now see at first hand, the whole purpose of that action, thus proves beyond a shadow of doubt, everything that is unfolding today, was planned a long time back.

    • As the original Nazi party took root in reckless “left-leaning” decadence the source of the current Ukraine dynamic is dead obvious.

  12. For a report not from the msm on Ukraine, note the latest X22Report.com.
    As for a war, my war gold measuring instrument has gold down from about $A2730-40 high last week to now $2670.90…. About 60 down. Oh well, peace produces silver peasant losers.

    • Actually, gold was above A$2,800, then it dropped back down a bit. Same old back and forth, but the trend is up. I’ve got a few bits of gold I bought for A$550 an oz, I wish I had bought more gold Sovereigns way back when, they are in smaller coins and more easily to carry around and use.

      I agree with the interest in silver. A bag of old silver coins can go a long way to trade for stuff.

        • mine are in the Omaha branch of the Bank of America overseen by JP Morgan.
          What could possibly go wrong.
          Better 10% of something than 100% of nothing

          • Simon, I’m sure there are a bunch of Russians, Iranians, Venezuelans and maybe even Cubans, who all thought the same thing, until sanctions smacked them in the face, and froze all their loot. Only safe place today, is in Sunshine Milk tin under the bed. L.O.L.

          • Maybe, but if they are playing the protagonist they will get a lot more than 13 pieces .
            Keep a few silver coins on top of the milk tin, remember silver has properties like, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial , to be sure, to be sure.

  13. crisscross767 dropped these videos a few days back, got me thinking how they split us and how to get us, targets on the same page.


    We all need to refer to the killers with more accuracy. Like CCP is not China Public, Australian Government is not, the Australian Public and so on. Sure large swaths of Public might cheer them on, but through ignorance not realizing they are the target. As they take fire they will kick out that way too. Ignorance of the enemy gives some mitigation of the nasty mindset.

    The upper and apex echelon of the UN individual’s are the enemy and not the member states. Those hairs need splitting, Australian Government and shadow Government Cabinets are the enemy, maybe the members because of their voting pattern with rank n file somewhat mitigated.

    As above video, they call out the West, USA front and center(bit demonizing) but it separates the World Public’s. The big technology companies know this and can split their platforms in a geocentric way. In this context the cloud companies , Amazon, Oracle, and Microsoft getting huge contracts for track and trace in real time put operation Covid19 as part of the war on the Public’s. The technology companies are NOT private companies at all, the enemy. They are funded by the worlds reserve currency(US$) so we the World Public are all the stakeholders together.

    Suggest we(worlds public) all call the evil ones anti-publicist’s to unify us against the common foe.

  14. The mystery Canadian sniper who left his fiancée and baby son behind to take on the Russians in Ukraine – as he warns Putin he ‘won’t hesitate to squeeze the trigger when the time comes’


    “Wali hopes his young son will grow up understanding that his dad died fighting for something greater than a bloody battle for frozen territory on the eastern fringe of Europe.

    ‘I would like him to be proud of me and to grow up believing in the same values that I’m fighting for,’ he tells DailyMail.com.

    Our interview is likely one of the last calls Wali will make before switching off his cell phone to avoid giving his position away to the advancing Russians.


    • I would like to look into Ben Norton a little more – he laid it on a bit thick at times with some definite known historical inaccuracies and omissions on Ukraine. I will check out his bio and who else he writes for.

    • I’m not sure if he is upset and biting or something else
      Doesn’t matter he brings up good points too.

      The Royal Commission into Defense and Veteran Suicide(Veterans, seems older but also young) . Amorphous ubiquitous Morrison of course precipitates this,PR persona strategy just take it all like a jello. Load the sin, he’s a bottom-less pit.
      Been working on the reason that stuff happens in the ADF plus the officers. I don’t have Letters Patent so I’ll drill like a trooper have a result before their 2023. Systemic the Commission implies by its formation. Not only my reasoning, will predict theirs – 18 months away.

      He is stuck in the narrative. He can’t see the public for the anti-publicist’s
      Price of fuel going up, that’s the point, price of food going up that’s the point. Peeps being moved, the point. On the one hand, then…. The anti-publicist’s see all the energy as theirs and will doll it out strategically and for gouge price. Kissinger opened his stupid trap on food.
      If he could separate the UN WEF elite from the public he would be on the way. He would see we are all attacked. chemicals, radiation, weather wars now qazzine just subtle in the “west”. Agreed unbelievable amounts of money of ours to arm oppressors, generation loans to have nothing for it, happy for a hot tea.
      Not USA, so close its the anti-publicist’s using protagonist theory. Just cause Trump got out of one trade deal, plenty more, and they profit from the counter moves because….. they know the move in advance.
      Biden Putin Jinping Trudeau oligarchs. Different degrees of implication down the operational line, but far and a away, its the vast world public that are rolled for greed and sick reasons.

      • oops this belongs below with the video clip , so many things, the agenda up here
        Lol , think my Mayor just resigned and complained to a anti-publicist.

    • Great discussion. I left one comment as a point of order. Those who control the ‘Western’ media are not, and do not speak for, ‘Westerners’ – they are bent on destroying the ‘West’ and European civilisation as a whole (they call it Amalek). Mike King summarises some key points in his book ‘Killing America: A 100 Year Murder’. He labels the events as ‘wounds (in particular, note who controls the media, including Hollywood)’:
      • #1: 1896 – Adolph Ochs buys the New York Times
      • #6: 1913 – The Federal Reserve Act
      • #9: 1926 – David Sarnoff Establishes NBC
      • #10: 1928 – William Paley (Paloff) Buys CBS
      • #11: 1933 – Eugene Meyer Buys The Washington Post
      • #16: 1940-1960 – Marxists Consolidate Control Over Hollywood
      • #18: 1947 – The CIA is Established
      • #20: 1953 – Leonard Goldenson Takes Over ABC
      • #32: 1979 – The Department of Education is Established
      • #34: 1985 – Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein) Buys MTV
      and so on …

    • Guess we should talk about Bashar al-Assad, rich version of Yasser Arafat. Saddam has as good odds as Epstein to be alive.

      We has our Morrison too. Part of this that the end game needs collapse of faith in Governments but sequentially like the central banks followed crisis with a whimper, a David strike unsupported can not see the elephant in the house.

  15. Your house was already incorporated (MKpedia)

    Unlike many other countries, Australia has only one level of local government immediately beneath state and territorial governments. A local government area (LGA) often contains several towns and even entire cities. Thus, aside from very sparsely populated areas and a few other special cases, almost all of Australia is part of an LGA. Unincorporated areas are often in remote locations, cover vast areas, or have very small populations.

    Postal addresses in unincorporated areas, as in other parts of Australia, normally use the suburb or locality names gazetted by the relevant state or territorial government. Thus, any ambiguity regarding addresses rarely exists in unincorporated areas.

    Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia are entirely partitioned into LGAs and have no unincorporated areas.

    Australian Capital Territory
    The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has no municipalities. The territorial government is directly responsible for matters normally carried out by a local government. In some countries, this arrangement would be referred to as a unitary authority, but the Australian Bureau of Statistics refers to the whole of the ACT as an unincorporated area.[1]

    New South Wales
    The far west and north of New South Wales constitutes the Unincorporated Far West Region, which is sparsely populated and barely warrants an elected council. A civil servant in the state capital manages such matters as are necessary. The second unincorporated area of this state is Lord Howe Island.

    Northern Territory
    In the Northern Territory, 1.45% of the total area and 4.0% of the population are in unincorporated areas, including the Unincorporated Top End Region (the largest), areas covered by the Northern Territory Rates Act, Nhulunbuy, the community of Alyangula on Groote Eylandt in the northern region, and Yulara in the southern region.[2]

    South Australia
    In South Australia, 60% of the area is unincorporated and communities located within can receive municipal services provided by a state agency, the Outback Communities Authority.[3]

    Victoria has 10 small unincorporated areas, which are either small islands directly administered by the state or ski resorts administered by state-appointed management boards.[2]

  16. Mines are common and Charles Sturt expeditions.There is a Mt Wood in NW NSW, Central place of trade for First Nations. Has the hardest, sharpest stone for spearhead and knife.HotHotHot 56c
    Sturt may have got a deal, he was looking for the fabled inland sea
    I did hear that Lord Howe was the Administration precinct area for Admiralty law’s rule of Australia
    Flinders Island Victoria might be something if unincorporated area, there. Palm Island group Qld has a single post code from memory.

    • You would imagine it would be easier to set up shop without local government, it might be worth unincorporating some places.
      A local council in Perth struck a deal with en e-scooters company and there were “app” accessible e-scooters going up and down the beach bike-path, then people started dinking each other because the cost was too much, then an old guy got hit and broke some ribs, the local councils are WAY over-funded and they don’t take responsibility for their haphazard governance, they love the anonymous dobber shutting any private initiative down, basically the rule is, “we are nanny state and we will decide how you live”, it’s the revenge of the rubbish collectors.

  17. ********* bio alert******* using the “current standard of “news” “.

    Associate Professor Lara Herrero

    “It’s probably too early to make a blanket statement of whether or not the whole population should be vaccinated,” Dr Herrero said

    Immortal STEM – “Stem cell technology is a rapidly developing field that combines the efforts of cell biologists, geneticists”. “therapeutics”

    Lara says we are on a” knife’s edge” with Coid109so “Mask wearing is critical — irrespective of the environment — to preventing transmission”
    Behavioural psychologist Alex Haslam – “If there are people who need a bit of persuasion, need a bit of help, think what you can do for them.” – I do Alex.

    Associate Professor Lara Herrero and expert – Glycobiologist

    Why is Glycobiology important? Glycans play a role in communication between cells and their external environment.

    What is a – Hydrogellolgist – Don’t know, I just made that up.

    Examples of polymeric synthetic materials which can be used to form hydrogels are poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF) [33]

    mmm, seen those ingredient’s recently. Can’t remember but they are known to be highly toxic so couldn’t be a therapeutic.
    Can anyone do the math, not that great at math myself. Could be a job for Griffith University.

  18. An off the cuff remark:

    I just read the statement “It would be madness to give Iran the nuclear bomb.”

    I am wondering if absolutely all news about Nukes has been fluff from Day One. I distinctly heard Sir Mark Oliphant say there is no such thing as nuclear secrets.

    That is, as soon as the physics wherewithal became known, anyone could use it.

    Mark was a Uni Adelaide Class of ’21 grad who was like a son to Ernst Rutherford (a kiwi) at the Cavendish lab in the 1920s. I would trust him completely. The guy had no wiles about him. Lived 1901-2000.

  19. Undertakers overwhelmed in HongKong, government claims “Covid-19™”, lots of coffins laid out.

    Joshua Wong – last appearance over a year ago,

    “On 6 January 2021, Wong was among 53 members of the pro-democratic camp who were arrested under the national security law, specifically its provision regarding alleged subversion. The group stood accused of the organisation of and participation in the primaries of July 2020. He was arrested from prison, and his home was reportedly searched. On 28 February 2021, he was formally charged, along with 46 others for subversion.”

    ( penalty was mooted to be one year in the slammer )

    “They buried us, they didn’t know we were seeds”

  20. I received the following emails within 5 minutes of each other this morning. They all refer to the earth’s and body’s electro-magnetic field–the same knowledge that informed the science behind the frequency programming that I and millions of others have been subjected to as part of the 100 years of Tavistock Grand Plan for Total Control. Psychological Warfare Cyber Warfare.

    Firstly earthquakes in Japan.

    The Key to unlocking the Matrix

    Followed by
    The First Astronomers by Duane Hamacher including input from Ghillar and TSI Elders:— watch from about 24 minutes—Ghillar worth listening to-a man of “high degree.”

    My friend Ellie Gilbert recorded the book launch at Melbourne University.

    This last one very revealing, you see I know about Universities and Vice Chancellors, their projects, experiments and research. Intellectual Property Theft rewriting of history the Education Industry. Tavistock Agenda–genocide, experiments on children, MKULTRA in Australia

    This video brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart tinged with sorrow and an inexplicable longing to return to my place of origin. good to be able to share I drift in and out of realities

    • Goosebumps, bit jealous of those Uni kids on that course, i shiver when I think of all the other stuff goes on there. I had work(think) a long time before I got a snippet.
      Its not for me to say but the lady who wanted to moderate set up frameworks worried to protect IP.
      I don’t think that it works like that, its natural and clearly the custodians want to share. The PHD IP retards it, so goes out of sync. Its not the credit wanted(deserved because they added) just that the outcome of the sharing is aligned with the source/spirit.
      The knowledge should come easy too, stressing we all know blocks “channels”, that’s the hard part’
      I can see the difficult choice here.
      wow awesome, drift in anytime.

      • Simon great to see your response and wise words… a fellow traveller who can connect dots and follow the threads across diverse topics -good to be seen heard -understood—we cannot unseen what we know

        re video Lei Lines –at around 6 minutes the Vril society gets a mention which is of interest to me –re current breeding programs and AI here in Australia. All linked to the Tavistock Kaiser Wilheim Institutes–The Thule and Vril Societies and the Nazi Party experiments since 1920.

        Also the correlation of highly charged electro magnetic sites where several song lines /star lines cross are used for ritual sacrifices and the production of andrenochrome, the youth drug, the elixir of life.

        I have posted several times about The Cross on the Hill—in the Central Desert.
        I understand there is to be an official event led by our evangelical politicians and global one world religion advocates–over Easter. The scene is set for a political “miracle” and a lucrative religious tourist venture to be launched. Alice Springs is said to be central to child trafficking, child abduction and experiments linked to pinegap facility and the Supreme Court.

        The “Vision” for this particular real time happening began in 1996. Ken Duncan a landscape photographer was the purveyor of this vision which was supported by political leaders and celebrities like Mel Gibson. Although “weaponised anthropologists” and Montagu Normans protégée Nugget Combs unbeknown to most was travelling through central desert country in the 60’s selecting the families who would have the influence to assist the government in their corrupt plans using divide and conquer strategies. The Top end model was well established. Selected families some bred for purpose were woven into the matrix of the Tavistock masterplan.

        The scene is set–the timing of the not guilty verdict, turning families against each other, now the new norm–the mocking of the Lore men and women–the new boundaries– borders–nations–cults.— aarrgghh

        Maybe lightening will strike them down and The Wrath of Mindy will arc through the sky the storm bosses will not be happy.

  21. wow , the architecture, of the great buildings, I been chasing for a while. Free energy transferred to water for transport, health water just one application.I posted a Notre Dame just yesterday, didn’t mention as I’m considered mad enough.
    Was just looking at Joan of Arc, I might be somehow be connected but before that the Stargate Project, holograms, remote viewing .

    Was a bit worried a supercomputer feeding me, thought the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Was trying to work out good/evil with the nexus between Albert Stubblebine and Harry Edward Soyster, the ideals of First Earth Battalion.
    Always been of the opinion that its how you apply the information. Last few days been looking at MK and the ADF, MK is an ancient practice. Because we all engage in persuasion brings the good/evil aspect. I need to tread carefully but the pressure of time now…
    I resonate with this place we call Australia, had an experience of the history of Burleigh Heads(the giants), always strong but that sealed it for me.
    Just seen the first video, wow, lots of people going through this. Drying out up my way, need some non computer, electrical time in a few days. You know connect that way, for balance, been down enough garden paths.

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