Home Trump AWOL or AATW?



A gumshoe-dm adaption

Comment by DM

A Boxing Day gift: the bus driver asleep at the wheel (AATW) … for the last four years.

The terrifying scandal is that Biden was NEVER president. The full truth about the cover-up, Bad Doctor Jill and all the enemies within must be exposed.” Daily Mail (published on the 20th December 2024)

The mainstream media pretend they are suddenly shocked — shocked by the obvious. Clearly Biden has had a diminished capacity since 2020. And if Kamala had won, none of this would have surfaced. But this lying and deception is simply … business as usual in DC. Hopefully that will now change.

To continue with Maureen Callahan’s article:

“The knives have come out — and so has the truth. Having been lied to for years by the Democratic Party machine and most of the mainstream media — who insisted Joe Biden was not diminished by his age but energized by it — well, it turns out we skeptics were right all along…

“Will we ever know who these conspirators are? Two bombshell reports out this week, in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, depict a president thoroughly out to lunch for his entire term: Top cabinet members unable reach him. Staff regularly taking his place at official events. Biden refusing to hold morning meetings but clocking out at 4pm — even though he naps every day and, in July, announced that he’d no longer hold events after 8pm. …

How was the 25th amendment not invoked? Was the danger of a President Kamala Harris — who the liberal media also tried to sell as viable — truly that unthinkable? ‘Drain the swamp’ resonates for a reason.

And Week-End at Biden’s



    • Those with eyes and researched discernment need no voice print and they would have researched the evidence provided for a couple of years by Derek Johnson and others.
      Ever heard mention of Derek Johnson Madam M?
      10.56 AM

    • Rubbish.
      Videos 2 years apart.No links in the description.
      Comparing the facial features side by side both match.
      Hanging his hat on the lack of blinking in a person with parkinsonian facies is a real stretch.

  1. 💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🙀
    Sssssh, do not tell anyone; at the ABC, SBS, the fake press media, commercial ‘TELL-LIES-VISIONLESS’, all the intellectually DEFICIENT shock joke fantasisers AND A MUST, DO NOT TELL OUR PM or that DUTT-ON AND the ‘wronged’ FOREIGN MINISTER.
    And for the county’s sake, DO NOT TELL ANY POOR GREENS, TEALS, THORPIE OR THAT POOR, ‘Get your injections’ loudmouth tasmanian Senator.
    They are all as thick as a double brick fence wall stretched over a desert for as long as a piece of string.
    ‘ from here to there’.,, being, they know not where they are at, where they are going or being anywhere in between. They have no start or ending.
    Their ‘fence post turtle’ home is their natural environment that, they were created for and discover themselves STUCK for life.
    10.52 AM

  2. A reminder that he was never the full quid:

    But lest we forget, the ANZACs were the vanguard of puppet leadership by way of the instatement of Julia Gillard & Jacinta Adern

    • Anything interesting in there ?
      Here is a common bogan’s Christmas message

      Anyone with a sense of self-preservation please refer to the link:
      This is an absolutely painless task, the formatting is all done for you, just save it as a pdf and send it to the addresses supplied.

      This Joint Standing Committee on Treaties ( with the UN etc ) includes last time I looked a certain Andrew Charlton, holder of a NSW seat in the federal parliament Canberra. This guy is straight out of Klaus Swab’s college of Young Global Leaders and nobody should support anything he ever does as you have been told who he is working for and it’s not you.

      Basically they want to be able to forcibly inject you with mRNA or anything on the premise of their latest fake pandemic scam. These injections will quite likely result in lifetime mystery illnesses for whoever receives them. According to the document in the link our pathetic hostage government has already swung untold millions of dollars into this bunch of shonks in Switzerland.

        • BRIC$ can go to hell too
          “The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.”

          • Trump may well prove himself to be a silly bugger right there. BRICS is not a new currency, it is a new method of transacting that excludes the need for the dollar. It continues on without anyone noticing. The US can not even make diesel without Russian products. The US is dependent on the rest of the world, and would need to apply those tariffs universally and equally to every other country for any chance that they will work. Otherwise they allow back channels for selling into the US.
            Keep collecting those silver coins.

        • Mr Trump
          Mr Trump
          Mr Trump

          Somewhat telling that the author can’t bring herself to say “President” or “President-elect”

  3. Do not miss this.
    Ricardo Bosi intelligence drop T etc at
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com ppnews.
    At least go from 1.11💁🤷‍♂️🤪🤪
    Make sure you get to the salamander and a few studies and scientific experiments with other cuties. Then for the Treckies.
    I am up to the Ai stuff, it makes so much common sense. Basically; if you do not use it you lose it. Basically if you are dumb🙀💁, think of what the lotto winners usually have left after 12 months💁🥂🥂🥂🥂🤷‍♂️
    Will you pass the test?
    I must have missed the original video date, but it is after the Butler assassination attempt,
    9.26 PM

    • Just to add to; if you do not use it, you lose it, it simply follows, if you never use it, you will never get it.💁think Harari’s future for our humanity with A-I R A Dumbo. (We are half way there for the last hundred years….) Some Are obviously much further advanced 🙀 e,g. 911 and ignoring Derek Johnson, et.al. … in your face!🙀
      2.22 AM

      • I should have warned, so I do now.
        Most will not be able to handle parts of the first hour, but you will have to in due course.
        Parts so horrific🙀😭😭😭
        3.38 AM

  4. My comment about that photo of sleepy Joe:

    Remember when he was shown tripping his way up some airplane steps?

    How is it that a photographer was right behind him?

    Bet the whole comedy series of Biden stupidity was scripted to make US look bad and to contribute to the idea that we need economic leaders, not political ones.

    Bet the tripper was not actually Pres Biden.

      • What’s noteworthy is that, ever since the advent of the current Iranian regime, all dissidents have been automatically accused of being “under orders from masters in Western intelligence agencies, the United States and the child-killing Zionist regime”

        And that practicing Christianity has been routinely met by the same accusation as recorded from 20:52 on this interview:

        “They brought me to the court, and they said “You are blamed as a spy for Israel……………. in Iran we don’t have Christian punishment. It’s like they put you in the category of political punishment.”

        Ever since the onset of said regime everything deemed to pose a threat to the Iranian power base has been automatically branded as being Israeli-derived

  5. Don’t open this vid if you think the satirists are going too far. (THEY ARE.)

    Surely the purpose of such crudeness is to take away all sense of the dignity of leaders. I can’t stand any of our last eleven US presidents, but I still want to respect the office.

    (Note: I’ve heard that the voicings are done by ‘AI voice”. They might use my voice?
    I will sue.)

    • Mary Maxwell.
      INDEED: A Mad Mad World!
      1.10 PM

  6. ‘It is a mad mad world’
    but funnier than that film from the 60’s.
    Try the x22report.com for the 26th, episode 3532B
    At least realise what evil Fauci carried out from about 22 mins, then feel better thereafter with Milley’s assessment of the sane and the with it, the Biden.
    Going to be a great 25 opening period.
    No matter what the ignorant claim here it really is madness and there is nothing you can do, but stay just wondering.
    Anyway, even better was an expose’ report from ……. No you will have to wait, if it is published. EVEN MORE FUN especially re the sane one.
    X22 forecasts a great new Hollywood ‘shock master’ with De Niro. (Never realised till this comment that his name rhymes with a disaster of a Roman Emperor💁🤪)
    12.47 PM

  7. 🔴 Insider Sources Preparing for BIG Events Happening SOON (here’s what they’re saying
    Gold backed vs CBDCs-America-no gold no choice.One ponzi scheme for another.

  8. 009: Global Governance, Technocracy, Multipolarity, & the Great Reset
    009 of WorldNotEnough.com gives his take on the Great Reset project for world government, our drone-swarmed technocratic future, what’s behind BRICS and multipolarity, American Empire, myopia in alternative media, viable solutions, why he’s relatively optimistic, his research methods, and more

  9. Here is some fun at:
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com people etc.
    The real Mary cites Ben Fulford’s weekly report in her situation update for 26/12.
    That refers to the Ottoman Empire coming back……… surrounding Israel.
    Oh well the neocons with their. PRE 911 PLAN TO TAKE SEVEN countries in five years, including ‘then Iran’ IS NOT ‘BEEN GOOD FOR ISRAEL’. ( ref: NUTTYWHO’s comment on 911)
    I keep thinking of Confederate Masonic grandmaster PIKE. He liked his/their plan to get Russia (1917), have WW1 rid the Russian royals, have WW11 to get Germany and then have WE111 to clean out the Jews and Muslims and then deal with the Christians, then follow Marx, I presume and we will all be happy and own nothing per uncle Klaus.
    All fun, but HARARI and co want me dead.
    There appears to be overlap with the plans exposed by Dr. Day in 1969 as recorded by Dr. Dunegan ( rense.com NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER) then at 75 years we take the ‘demise pill’.
    Project Blue Beam planned as well.
    Then there is Mr Degal with the genocide agenda to clean out huge percentages of Western countries. Appears rascist to me to select and draft out a lot of the white sheep.
    But I suppose the white sheep are just too fat, gullible and useless as demonstrated by willingly being injected.
    Oh well Elspeth Berry has a plan to save us at least, follow the Noahide laws ( the Torah?) and we goyim will diligently serve.
    Wonder what Commander Thor and his light beings think of all that?
    At least we may have Kamala to be crowned and put it up one of the Trumps with a good WW111 scenario.
    Anyone have a spare STH Pacific atoll for sale? Take bitcoin?
    8.03 PM

  10. What’s that, sheeple e-tags, oh not yet.
    Farmers to invest in big freezers.

    Mandatory sheep e-tags
    All sheep and goats born in Australia from January 1, 2025 must be fitted with electronic identification tags before leaving their property of birth.
    The national framework, approved by commonwealth, state and territory agriculture ministers, is aimed at enhancing biosecurity and livestock traceability in the case of disease outbreak.
    Victoria first implemented mandatory eID at the start of 2017, but the other states — including NSW, the biggest sheep state in the country — are only now following suit.
    From January 1, 2027, the mandatory tags must be fitted to all sheep, regardless of age.
    The NSW government announced a discount program in May 2024 making $1 eID tags available to sheep and goat farmers in the state.

    • Yes, I heard decade back that some monk recommend looking at dead bodies but did not care to study their pastimes.
      I suppose iit reinforces one thought; ‘remember man, thou art but dust and to dust thy shall return’ or something like that and some ash is rubbed on the forehead as it is exclaimed.
      Bodies are not wasted per one documentary I noted that
      there are many practices in various societies
      Some from ‘HOLLYWEIRD’ have been interred in their motorcar sealed in concrete which would be cheaper than a pharaoh’s pyramid.
      A kindly practice to feed vultures is practiced in some place with no wood and frozen earth to difficult and too remote to disturb so the dead are cut up by a professional funeral fellow and bits thrown to the vultures. At least the vultures have a manner of surviving .
      I suppose that a gathering of vultures up there would be termed; ‘A BANK OF VULTURES’? Well. they too will TURN TO DUST and be sprinkled on a scale!⚖️🙀
      9.50 AM

  11. https://rumble.com/v2zkld4-fiona-barnett-itnj-testimony.html
    Acknowledging remembering Fiona Barnett’s Work–our No1 whistleblower. Focus on Australia.

    Whistleblowers unite 2025

    “The Criminal Conspiracy to Silence Genocide Truthers in Canada: A Summary of the Case and Verdict of the West Coast Common Law Court that tried and convicted top Church-State officials: Court of Justice, International Common Law, Annett, Kevin: 9798304354356: Amazon.com: Books
    You’ve heard of the Theory of the Common Law: Now here’s the Practice!
    The Criminal Conspiracy to Silence Genocide Truthers in Canada:
    A Summary of the Case and Verdict of the West Coast Common Law Court that tried and convicted top Church-State officials … and is triggering their arrest during 2025!
    From the author of the world-acclaimed “Common Law Training Manual”, Kevin Annett, and the Court
    Throughout the summer and fall of 2023, an historic investigation and trial took place in Vancouver, Canada.
    Convened under indigenous and international law, the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice publicly indicted and tried forty-one top officials of Church and State, including King Charles and Pope Francis, for Crimes against Humanity, including complicity in the pre-meditated murder of six Canadian citizens.
    This book is a detailed account of the Indictments and prosecution of the case, its final verdict, and how that sentence is now being enforced by indigenous and international sheriffs from nine countries.
    This fascinating and gripping work is filled with never before revealed evidence of atrocities and ongoing crimes against humanity in Canada.”

    “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure it will kill you, too. But there will be no special hurry.” ― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

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