By Dee McLachlan
On 27 April 2021 I wrote the following:
Closing Meat-processing Factories During COVID
There was a strange co-incidence during the first outbreak; high rates of infections in meat workers and resulted in the closing of meat-processing plants all across the globe…
“ … [The Blaze] “Several meat processing plants around the United States have temporarily shuttered their doors following hundreds of workers testing positive for coronavirus… [Financial Times] “Now [Ireland] it is battling coronavirus outbreaks in six meat processing plants… ” [The Guardian] “…the largest pork-processing company in Ireland” [News.com.au] “Coronavirus Melbourne: Cedar Meats named as site of COVID-19 cluster… ” [86% of new cases in the State of Victoria, Australia, were from one meat plant.]
Advertising Fake Meat During COVID
During Lockdown I noticed a number of articles on promoting fake meat…. Beef Central, February 17, 2021 reported that Mr Gates has invested in range of ‘synthetic meat’ startups including Impossible Foods [$50 million], Beyond Meat, Memphis Meats and Hampton Creek Foods, whilst promoting his new book ‘How to Avoid a Climate Disaster’.”
Planning To Eliminate Ranching
On April 22 2021, Biden spoke at the Virtual Leaders Summit on Climate. Following his speech, The Daily Mail published a story that says, in theoretical terms, achieving this goal “could” require Americans to reduce their meat consumption by 90 percent.
… Ice Age Farmer in his article “OREGON BILL TO BAN LIVESTOCK – Stunning War on Farming/Ranching”, explains the proposed Oregon Bill IP13. It would criminalize raising food animals in the state, and reclassify animal husbandry practices as “sexual assault.” … Oregon’s 12,000 beef producers raising about 1.3 million head of cattle are slated for elimination…
What’s Happening TODAY:
Isn’t it strange — that all of a sudden — that we have the bee virus and foot and mouth “appearing” across Australia. Is this the psyop to prepare us for attacks on food supplies? Last month it was reported (News.com.au):
“A bee-crippling virus has been detected in biosecurity surveillance hives at the Port of Newcastle, threatening the honeybee industry as authorities scramble to contain the parasite. Varroa mite has devastated bee populations overseas, with previous detections on Australian shores – in Queensland and Victoria – eradicated before it could take flight.”
And then a few weeks later a foot and mouth “buzz” in Victoria.
“Agriculture Victoria is ensuring staff are ready to respond to any biosecurity threats after fragments of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and African Swine Fever (ASF) were detected in pork products at a Melbourne retail outlet yesterday. While the fragments are not transmissible, the detection shows how easily diseases and pests could enter Australia…”
What is happening TODAY in 2022?
Farmers are on notice! A snap lockdown on the nation’s livestock. Sounds like a good idea. But we know the real plan is to eventually eliminate livestock.
The above was yesterday’s paper. In today’s Sunday Age (24 July 2022) it’s about foot and mouth in the UK. The article fires a preparatory warning … remember the horror of the 2001 UK outbreak — quoting vet officer Bill Sykes.
And what about the fires in food processing factories across the US?
Preparing the mind?
Crop Yield Losses
Are these reports of bee viruses, foot and mouth, and crop yield losses are signal for us to accept the potential future food shortages?
David Dubyne in his report “What Happens From Now to Sept 2022 : Brace Yourselves” covers much ground on future plans.
Agent 77 has an eye for it.
Every time.
Dubyne’s video should be a wake-up call for Americans.. Food availability in America is going to hit a WALL this fall. Here in Australia it doesn’t look as bleak, but clearly there have been events that are moving Australia in the same direction.
My greenhouse is now in and I’m working on plumbing and electrical issues. I should have everything up and running by next winter, With 50 square meters of space I should have plenty of room to grow virtually anything I want.
People need to be pro-active when it comes to producing food. The last thing you want is to be reactive to a food crisis. then it is too late.
I hate gardening but I made an aquaponics rig in the corner for growing watercress, which has more vitamins than anything else. I got a clean ICB (intermediate bulk container) which is aboiut 1000 litres, cost $50, then cut off the top and flip it over, fill it up with pea gravel or similar. Get a submersible pump about $100 and plumb it up to the corners of the top tray. Get some fish in the bottom and you’re ready, just throw in the watercress and it grows like buggery. You need a lot of roots becvause that works as a filter. Not only do I hate gardening I can’t stand fish but somehow I can put up with it because I want the watercress.
Bill Gates farm-buying spree
Putting meat on city slickers tables has obviously never been sustainable
Unless you’re prepared to do this:
Or trade something or other with someone who’s not too squeamish to do so
You obviously shouldn’t be relying on such food
But you can bet your bottom dollar that “this” was censored by some squeamish bod who has just such a reliance
But as we all know there’s nothing more erratic than censorship:
Traditional method, my arse. That is pure European methodology.
These guys are conning gullible tourists.
It’s high time that the amount of bush-meat that goes to waste in Australia is given a bit more acknowledgement:
Neat videos, I could almost smell the bush and feel the dry heat. I’ve cooked up heaps of roo, pigs and goats out in the bush. I’ve never done an underground oven, but used mostly a camp oven over a trench fire.
I’d like to get back out in the bush. A lot of city folk don’t see how much is there, but it is easy to get a feed out back.
Before 1770, did anyone notice in Australia a starving indigenous person with family?
Oh well about . 60,000 years produced some ‘know how’.
All done without a banker’s debt card. Fancy that!
Your turn Mr Ryan.
Bourke and Wills, perhaps should have had a wider vision.
I haven’t researched Bourke and Wills, but they ended up at a Billabong. Plenty of game come into such a spot for water out bush. So, what happened? Didn’t they have a rifle? I remember them eating some local weed that didn’t provide any nutrition, but it did help to stop their hunger pangs. – The aborigines did just fine out there, I don’t get it…
From memory, B and W arrived to meet, but the day before the support team had left and had left supplies.
There was a tree at the site. Carved on it was a sign: “DIG”.
No doubt, our political masters in Canberra have no clue of our history and our kids are denied simple history lessons.
My bet; there is not; a stupid media shock joke idiot, a politician or a school teacher that has a clue about Australia.
All planned by the globalist FOREIGN BANKER freaks, to make our kids STUPID.
Sell; the ABC, the teachers federation, mass media fakes and our politicians to a meatworks facility to a fast food outlet to be of some useful value.
Ned, if you insist…
I just spent the past 14 days living exclusively on bush tucker while I prepared a grave for a slab and headstone in a homeland in North East Arnhem Land.
The conversations around me were in Djambarrpuyngu and Waramirri languages and most of what we were doing was traditional, other than, obviously, the slab and headstone. I even had to seek, debark, trim, paint, and attach flags to the clan flag poles that surround the grave during the ceremony.
The traditional way to prepare both the emu and roo is to lay these on the fire and burn the fur/feathers off, then to brush the burned fuzz off with hands. The animal is then heated over the fire to cause the internal steam to baloon the belly making cutting the skin easy. After ten minutes, the carcase is cut into sections and these are placed separately on the hot coals to cook, with more coals or hot rocks or termite hill added for extra heat. As this is the method used from the Centre to the Top End, I would guess this was the practice everywhere in Australia.
I’ve been cooking this way for more than fifty years.
I would prefer some camel meat to Nicole Kidman’s cricket and worms pushed by the WEF political prostitutes and their globalist commie control freaks infiltrating Australia and our media.
Ban Nicole and sell the ABC.
So many camels, goats, pigs, buffalos, rabbits etc to eat before Nicole’s worms.
Wild horses, dogs, cats, foxes, rats etc to go in the Bunnings sausages.
Crocodile for the tourist, kangaroos and whales are in surplus too.
In old times they used to eat swans, in Italy ww2 they ate all the starlings.
Whats the betting that the rat in Bunnings sausages is imported from China?
Always good to be reminded as to how out of touch with the real world Nicole and co actually are
When things get bad in the cities the New York Times has the solution – cannibalism.
I loved one commentator’s meme, “When the food runs out, we always have each other”
Canadians have to learn to eat worms and bugs
Klaus Swab’s latest idea, no car for you !!! Pesky commoners.
[…] published this article in July 2022. “Brace Yourselves” — Crop Yield Losses, Fertilizer Shortages, Animal Diseases and […]
[…] published this article in July 2022. “Brace Yourselves” — Crop Yield Losses, Fertilizer Shortages, Animal Diseases and […]