Home World Politics BREAKING — Former PM Imran Khan Arrested and Charged

BREAKING — Former PM Imran Khan Arrested and Charged


By G5

From International Intel Community network, within an hour of the event.

Imran Khan; former PM, and commander of the populist confidence in Pakistan; as Trump in The US; was arrested and charged under some terrorist concoction earlier this morning. 

The story is now beginning to leak through mainstream. But as would be expected.

US Intel has interest in opposition puppets to Khan.

So US expertism decided to flex its cheeks in the sub-continent. They have been maintaining the divide since the Savilite-fool Mountbatten decided to go with his wife’s endorsement of her then bed-mate Jinnah, with the formation of Pakistan in August 1947. 75 years ago to the month.

Reminiscent of another imperialist fool Churchill, concerning The Cairo Conference of 1921. Which has been responsible for the divides in The Middle East, to the day.

I won’t even bother resurfacing the fixation with The Sea of Mamara, through two world wars. Nor the Jewish, Armenian, and Ukrainian Genocides; nor how they originated and how they were actually conducted. Another chapter, with insurmountable evidence.

What is currently floating on the fraudulent arrest supra: has been adjusted and walked back through Americanist controlled media.

Khan being previously driven from office, by US intel operations. Recall: Australia, New Zealand, US, Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, Vietnam, Greece, The Philippines, Papua New Guinea, The Balkans, and every nation state from Mexico to Patagonia and more.

In a meeting some three hours ago with a colleague from The Pakistan Service, I was advised that: media of the event is blocked in Pakistan, and adjusted in Americanist media, in order to determine how the current US insane intervention; attempting yet one more regime change; can be worked to avoid a civil war.

The fixation with The US is the fact that Pakistan is also in The Russian Orbit, as is India. The US is having problems maintaining their invented fiction of incessant territorial wars. As  The US has maintained throughout The Middle East.

The formation of Israel has a regional engagement history that can be paralleled with The Suez Crisis, The USS Liberty False Flag, and The Panama Crisis.

Throughout Central America: I recall the repetitive graffiti: ‘YANQUI GO HOME’.





    • Breaking news – the FBI has found an overdue library book in his locker, his social credit score has now gone to hell, cancel MAGA and all that stuff

  1. The interference never ends, recall how the lying filth fake news a few years ago started decrying “populism” which we were told was bad, for unclear reasons.
    Crazy Nancy is selling “democracy” but clearly populism is unrelated !!!
    Democracy means Soros rigs the Secretary of State positions, controls the elections in marginal states and swings the vote whichever way they want.
    Rockerfellas favourite state Arkansaw ( because it’s the cheapest ) parallels with Pakistan, cheap but pivotal and presumably easy to split the vote since it has several major regions or tribes forming the country: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan

  2. Imran fails the test, today people like him are not allowed to participate.
    Most leaders selected are adrenochrome injecting pedophiles who participate in satanic ritual sacrifice. The hidden hand use these fools as tools to push abominations on all fronts.
    Bio-weapons, promoted as vaccines, are made in bsl4 labs to cleanse undesirables.
    De-population 2030 agenda, is only good for a handful of greedy satanic plutocrats and investors, in places like Oz where truth is now forbidden.

    • Since the lizard people Icke is maybe a bit relevance deprived, this is probably just contrarian click-bait but things such as “exploring” freemasonry doesn’t automatically make irredeemably someone evil, it just makes them a bit unusual, depending how far they get into it, then they become weird. David Bowie is a great example of someone who got in, learned a lot, and “did no evil” despite that, unless you include bizarre costumes and cocaine abuse. He spent some time in a sort of 1984 -Soylent Green period before moving to Berlin and modelling himself as a sort of gay SS guy and general throwback. Costumes galore. How far did Trump and even George Washington get into it, before they went their own way ? Nobody is telling so we have to look and guess.

      • Just to register an impression that gets little oxygen… David Icke was easily the best geopolitical researcher on the planet, warning people about satanic cults, eugenics projects, human sacrifice, intra-global corruption, and globalism, until around 2000 when he suddenly began seeing reptilian shapeshifter aliens who had been secretly running the planet for milennia.

        My theory, entirely unsubstantiated, is that the CIA got him, drugged him crazy, then let him go; confident that his credibility was forever destroyed.

        I asked the executive of his Brisbane office and he thought the theory had merit. He said they had asked David to please drop the reptilian alein shit but to no avail.

        • Same with Jones and Sandy Hook, same with Trump and HCQ.
          They get the goat head in the bed and that’s all it takes.
          Stanley Kubrick told us 3 days before he died. We hear he was arguing very strongly to keep his movie intact.

        • Agree Icke pointed to so many things like satanic cults, eugenics projects, human sacrifice, intra-global corruption, and globalism BEFORE nearly all other commentators. He then met people who had experienced shape shifting if I recall. Maybe these were plants. (I’m still waiting to meet someone). But I did listen to quite a credible interview from someone in south africa about meeting a kind of shape shifter. One of Icke’s theories (this from memory) is that our politicians have “attachments” (of entities). Now, having investigated the gov-state child trafficking biz, along with lockstep Covid, this is making more sense every day.

        • “warning people about satanic cults” – whilst mocking the Sole Overcomer: oldest captivating tool in the book..

  3. All is lockstep, business as usual. Churchill whilst a repulsive being complete with the look, was no fool. Even gone he’s still holding the veil down. Its divide and rule or classic Mason.
    The Liberty was a signals ship and when the people let her down she was unable to fulfill her commission. This lead to signal fail on that 911.
    When we stop and drop these head child abusing celebrity filth we could come back to help the “defense forces”.

    One minute of your time

    Look at the face, is it Bill or Melinda Gates.
    I don’t think I will be getting a standing ovation from the members at Lords, I already lost that bet.

  4. I had given up on American education, what with CRT, gender studies, yadda, yadda. All I could see was American creativity going down the drain while the rest of the world was working to educate the next generation. – Then along comes this story out of Florida (you know, where Woke goes to die).

    • A place like Regeneron (sponsor) won’t miss $75k !!!
      “REGEN-COV—or Ronapreve outside the United States—is priced at $2,100 per dose in the U.S., $2,000 per dose in Germany and $820 per dose in India.”

    • does everyone get a blue ribbon(maybe in the Forts). Can’t comment properly just on this clip, but the claim of unsustainable rare earths is interesting(don’t claim that extraction is not toxic but highly recyclable if not just blown up in cruise missiles etc.
      Reluctance motor sounds electrically wasteful and heavy, need to see a schematic diagram really. Not a problem with free all you can eat energy of course, but we are not doing that.

    • Henry Ford arranges Lend Lease with “Russia”, never paid. We paid for ours, then we were ordered just to destroy it. Henry Ford arranges with Hitler the mega-funds needed for that grinder.

      I don’t need a conversation with a crazy diamond like Mary(check in often we worry-thankyou)

      Pink Floyd are very(MK-Ultra, trust me). Ickhe has a dad in the ww2, same style. Maybe my wasted years could become worthwhile yet.

    • Taiwanese RoC do not want to be part of China (likewise Tibet & Uigurs)
      Crimea & Donbass Russians do not want to be part of Ukraina
      Belfast & Derry natives do not want to be part of the UK
      Karen & Shan state do not want to be part of Myanmar (Burma)
      Probably lots more examples of small countries being bullied but Taiwan is a most unusual one since the US claims they won ww2 they should therefore be entitled to the spoils however the claim is challenged !!! CCP view is that they won Taiwan from the Japanese empire. But this was done under RoC rule, not CCP rule. Therefore to complete Mao’s communist revolution, Taiwan will need to be taken by force !!!
      How about the Taiwanese natives, nobody is asking them, they are NOT part of China, in fact they are re-discovering their ancient connection with their colony, “New Zealand”.
      Ancient Songlines (4 min)

    • That was classic … 3:26 – “we’re just liberators and we’re gonna force democracy down your throat while we don’t adhere to it at home”

      Yes, let’s indeed keep unpacking Word War II

      “Dishonesty sets in the minute these democracies claim to represent government by the people and decry authoritarian states as dictatorships. […] What in other countries goes by the name of democracy is in most cases little other than the apt manipulation of public opinion by means of money and the press, and the equally apt manipulation of the results hereby achieved. How easily, however, are these supposed democracies stripped bare of their pretenses when one takes a close look at their stance in matters of foreign policy which constantly change to suit the purpose of the moment.”

      AH – closing speech at the NSDAP congress in Nuremberg – September 12, 1938

  5. ‘Hired Gun’ No More: Pakistani PM Refuses to Fight US’ War

    RT:: The heads of the US and Pakistan exchanged accusations on Twitter last month, following Donald Trump’s criticism of Islamabad and its policies. He claimed that Pakistan had received billions of dollars, but has done little in helping the US fight terrorism.

    In an interview with the Washington Post, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has slammed the previous Pakistani administration’s decision to join the American war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, saying it has cost the country “human lives, devastation of tribal areas, and dignity”.

    He added that he would like to have proper relations with the US, but stressed that he will not allow Pakistan to be a “hired gun [which is] given money to fight someone else’s war”.

    Read on –


    • This clip is I suppose the most central to the main article debate, now Western Australia has an arms race on its doorstep, the Northern Territory is getting heavily into rockets and the eastern states are injecting everyone as fast as they can, I tend to agree with Max Igan (Crowhouse) that holing up in the US southern states is the best answer. Internet celebrity Max Keiser has gone further, to El Salvador.
      Politics in Pakistan probably going to get more complicated with Zionist infiltration and paranoia increasing as the years go by.
      “The serial killer is losing his mind”

      • It’s an interesting contrast with the plodding rhythm (top video) squeezed right into the background you can actually hear what it’s about. The melody is not much more than scales but I think this music should be well suited to people with badly frayed nerves, which we should all be getting as our rulers’ prison planet “beast system” is implemented.

        • Here’s another contrast, Mike Garson with a fully ad libbed solo done in one take, producer David Bowie on his famous first (?) excursion to the USA

          We used to be mad about this stuff when we were teenage, we learned all about 1984 big brother mutants and all that stuff before most of the movies came out. It all keeps evolving

          • With hindsight David Bowie was almost certainly privy to a lot of freemason secrets and trickled many of them out to us kids, too bad he didn’t live past 2016, his commentary nowadays would be interesting. Anyway a lot of people found out stuff and he spawned a large part of the “new wave” fashion of the 1980’s at which time he moved on to a new audience – the next generation !!! Movies for kids and so forth to get people looking at his back catalog.

      • x22 is now saying the CCP was infiltrated and is now calling the “rightful” government PRC, I don’t give it a huge amount of attention so we’ll see what he comes up with.
        I just endured the 4corners replay of Myanmar army vs civilians and seems to have almost given me a headache, it’s fairly awful, all these IndoChinese places seem doomed to repeat their history indefinitely. Did some of the Afghan weapons get sold to Myanmar ? Probably. Others previously bought from Russia I guess, cheaper. Airforce strafing random huts etc.
        Of course the ABC TV takes the perspective of the students vs the military, the students don’t understand it is all part of one-belt-road expansions and “democracy” is a sham to hide money deals, they are fighting for freedom and democracy, and being tortured and killed, their leader Suu Kyi signed off on the Rohingas, the other minorities should understand they are next, if either i) they get out of line or ii) the government wants their land.
        Ultimately the one-belt-road expansions provide the energy that drives this.

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